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Da I colori della musica, Carlo Delfrati


pag 189

I canti degli schiavi: gli spiritual. [da fare] pag 189

Dai campi alle città. [da fare] pag 189

Il jazz arte d'improvvisazione. Pag 190

Il jazz è improvvisazione: diversamente dalla musica classica, dove in genere tutte le note sono pensate e scritte dal compositore, nel jazz
ogni esecuzione è anche invenzione. Non esistono due versioni uguali dello stesso brano, anche se suonato dallo stesso musicista.

VIDEO: vedi mp3

MP3: some of these days Sant Andreu Jazz Band

some of these days del CD-DVD "JAZZING" live at Casa Fuster, Barcelona. Enregistrat el dia 21 de juny del any 2009 al Jazz Club del Cafè Vienès
de l'Hotel Casa Fuster
saxo sopra-15 anys, saxo sopra-14 anys, clarinet-14 anys, trompeta-14 anys, trombo-22 anys, bateria-18 anys, banjo-12 anys, trompeta, tuba, piano,
Joan Chamorro-direcció musical

The SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND is a dream come true. It is the result of sharing my passion for jazz with its members (most of whom are
between 10 and 16 years old), of believing that they can do as well or better than me, of feeling like the most advanced student rather than the
teacher, and of not putting limits on their abilities.
The band was formed 3 years ago in the heart of the Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu. Since then, it has gradually developed into what it
is today: a large, open musical group that is constantly evolving.
Last year, the band performed various concerts in prestigious Catalan jazz festivals and clubs, and received very good reviews from the audiences.
Consequently, I thought we needed some kind of record of the band. The best way to do this was to make a CD-DVD, in which the girls and boys
would share the stage with excellent jazz musicians.
The 21 July event (the Day of Music) at the Cafè Vienès Jazz Club in the Hotel Casa Fuster was unforgettable. There were magical and unrepeatable
moments. It was the result of the great effort made by the participating musicians and by all those people (teachers, families, technicians, etc.) who,
through their work, involvement and enthusiasm made this project possible.
Risale al 1917 il primo documento sonoro della storia del jazz: un disco inciso dalla Original Dixieland Jazz Band, una formazione
composta da musicisti bianchi.

Original Dixieland Jass Band (ODJB) was founded in New Orleans in 1916. Their first jazz recording is dated 1917. In late 1917 it
changed the name's spelling to "Jazz."
L'ODJB first members were: Larry Shields (clarinet), Eddie Edwards (trombone), Henry Ragas (piano), Tony Sbarbaro (drums) e
Nick LaRocca (cornet). [YouTube]

Proprio in quest'ultima emersero i primi solisti del jazz: i trombettisti King Oliver e Louis Armstrong e il clarinettista Johnny Dodds.
Con Louis Armstrong e il clarinettista e sassofonista Sidney Bechet il jazz passò dall'improvvisazione collettiva, caratteristica delle band (i
complessini jazz), a quella solistica: a ogni strumentista venivano riservate alcune battute per la sua personale improvvisazione, i solisti si
alternavano secondo schemi prestabiliti, in un gioco sempre più fitto e stringente di botta e risposta.

Il charleston è la musica da ballo indiavolata che le band diffusero negli ani Venti in tutto il mondo.

MP3 - Jazz Ensemble Charleston.

1920s music compilation 4 (1920s jazz and charleston)


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