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Assignment #1: Popular Music Review


Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was i​ s the comeback album of the decade.

Bright Eyes released their first album in nine years and proved they are still instrumental and

lyrical legends.

By Camille Renner

#indiemusic #singersongwriter #brighteyes #newmusic #comebackalbum

Indie rock trio Bright Eyes welcomed their loyal fanbase to ​Down in the Weeds, Where the

World Once Was, t​ heir first album released in over nine years, with their tried and true sound

collage opening and an intimate conversation between two women, assumedly members of the

audience in a fictional performance of the album. Listeners hear a door hinging open followed

by footsteps approaching as a woman invites the crowd, in spanish, down memory lane and

introduces “Your Most Vivid Nightmares” to the stage before a jazz tune begins. Bright Eyes,

consisting of lead vocalist and guitarist Conor Oberst, main composer and instrumentalist Nate

Walcott and producer and instrumentalist Mike Mogis, have always, during their two decade

career, released music giving listeners a glimpse into their own most vivid nightmares and this

most recent album is no exception. ​Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was (​ referred

to as just “Down in the Weeds” by the band)​ l​ istens like an eclectic letter to the world, imploring

listeners to stay hopeful during uncertain times in the folky, string instrument forward track titled

Dance and Sing​ while also demonstrating the hopelessness of a relationship (possibly with the

world) in the melancholic and drum-heavy song ​Persona Non Grata.​ As illustrated by the stark

contrast between the messages of two songs coexisting on the same record, ​Down in the

Weeds​ is an emotional rollercoaster to listeners' ears and hearts. Bright Eyes boast an
impressive catalog of sounds in their music including piano, banjo, trumpet, guitar, among a

multitude of percussion and computer engineered sounds. This accomplished list, shared by all

three musicians, gives the band versatility not often seen by small music groups, and allows

Bright Eyes to dip their toes in many different genres. While ​Down in the Weeds​ is indisputably

an indie rock album, there are aspects of jazz, folk, punk, blues, and 80s electronic music heard

throughout the album. ​Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was ​is a triumphant

reemergence of Bright Eyes, and listeners will be entertained and inspired by the end of the

fifty-five minute record.

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