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Cultural relativism, according to the video clip I viewed, is the concept that all beliefs, practices,

and ethics are relative to the person within their social environment. To put it another way,
society determines what is good and bad. In one civilization, what is deemed moral may be
judged immoral in another. No one has the authority to evaluate the practices of another
community since there is no universal standard of morality. In modern anthropology, cultural
relativism is largely acknowledged. Cultural relativists think that all civilizations are valuable and
worthy in their own right. Cultures' diversity, even those with differing moral ideas, should not
be seen in terms of right and wrong, good and terrible. All civilizations, according to today's
anthropologists, are equally genuine representations of human life that should be examined
objectively. Ethical relativism, which views truth to be flexible rather than absolute, is closely
connected to cultural relativism. Individuals or societies alone define what is right and wrong.
Because truth isn't objective, there can't be a universal norm that applies to all cultures, and no
one can judge if someone else is right or wrong. It's a question of personal taste, and no
community has the authority to pronounce judgment on another. According to cultural
relativism, there is nothing fundamentally bad or good about any cultural manifestation. I
learnt about cultural differences as well as basic knowledge about other practices by viewing
the video clip. For starters, Mayan customs like self-mutilation and human sacrifice are neither
good nor harmful. It's just a matter of cultural differences. On July 4th, as is customary in the
United States, fireworks are fired. Human sacrifice and fireworks are both results of different
socialization. In January 2002, President Bush referred to terrorist nations as an axis of evil.
Cultural relativists were outraged because any civilization accusing another of being bad is
anathema to them. Relativism is gaining popularity, as seen by the present attempt to
understand radical Islam rather than oppose it. Terrorists should not be forced to accept
Western ideas, according to cultural relativists. Suicide bombs against people, for example, are
considered wicked. In Islamic civilisation, any conviction in the necessity of jihad is equally as
valid as any belief in Western civilization. Relativists believe that America is just as much to
blame as the terrorists for the 9/11 attacks. Cultural relativists are often hostile to missionary
activities. When the gospel affects people's hearts and lives, cultural changes are inevitable. In
1962, Don and Carole Richardson evangelized the Sawi tribe of Netherlands New Guinea, and
the Sawi were forever altered. They notably abandoned cannibalism and the immolation of
widows on their husbands' burial pyres, which had been a long-held ritual. The Richardsons
may be accused of cultural imperialism by cultural relativists, but the majority of the world
agrees that ending cannibalism is a good thing.

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