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Alexander: hello girls, as you know we are about to finish our school year and we will have 2
months off what do you think if we go to an unforgettable event?

Cielo: Hello, I would like something quiet, like visiting the Northern Lights event in the north of
Norway. Compared to Canada, Norway has a better event.

Majo: oh yes, I have heard of Norway and Canada and I know that the differences are

Majo: I had planned to hold a musical event, as you know music brings out our best emotions
and in this concert called Tomorrowland, it is the ideal to experience something unforgettable.

Alexander: Very good, I’ve heard about that event and from what they tell me it’s something
magnificent, several electronic music DJs get together and make everyone dance with

Majo: that’s right Jesus, it’s a great event. Should we go

Majo: what event did you have planned?

Alexander: I had planned to visit the Grand Canyon in Canada, it is an event where you
experience a lot of adrenaline, compared to other adrenaline events, this event is never

Alexander: But I also really like the idea of majo, the Tomorrowland event is something

Cielo: I think the idea is good, although I’m not a big fan of electronic music, I like to live
moments of many emotions

Majo: and I assure you that it will be so, this place is the one

Alexander: Perfect, then count me on my side.

Cielo: from me too

Majo: ok, I will investigate flight and hotel prices

Cielo: I recommend going on the Tomorrowland plane, I don’t know if you know but
Tomorrowland has its own plane and that way we save taxis to get there, it would literally take
us directly to the event

Alexander: It’s an amazing idea, so we didn’t spend as much time researching to get there.

Majo: Guys, the price is $500 on the plane to Tomorrowland, second class. And it also has food

Cielo: wow, this is a great opportunity and we should definitely take advantage of it.

Alexander: yes of course, can you save 3 plane tickets for next weekend?

Majo: yes of course, in a moment I will make the appointment of the tickets
Majo: Do you also want me to look up hotel prices?

Alexander: yes, it would be of great help

Cielo: I am very nervous about the experience to live, the event is a great monument.

Majo: That’s right, it seems to me that the event structure is 70 meters long and 40 meters

Majo: I already researched hotel prices and it’s 300 dollars for 4 nights, which are the days we
would be in Belgium.

Alexander: Perfect, so the trip starts by taking the free bus to Mexico City, and from Mexico
City we take the Tomorrowlan plane.

Cielo: ok, we would leave approximately at 4 in the morning right?

Majo: Yes, that is correct.

3 days later
Majo: See you in 20 minutes at the free park to take the bus to Mexico.

Cielo: yes of course, I’ll be there

Alexander: luckily I’m 2 minutes away I’ll see you here.

Majo: don’t worry about the clothes friends, as you know, the Tomorrowlan event has its own
clothing line and we can buy it, to make a good combo.

Alexander: excellent, it seems to me that the activities are also included in the event, right?

Majo: If so, the event has many activities in which everyone has the quality of having the most

Cielo: I am very nervous about living this great experience. Never in my life have I experienced
anything like this.

Majo: the dj that we will be seeing is Hardwell, his music is electro house and also combines
electronic music.

Alexander: That DJ is a master of electronic music.

Cielo: what a coincidence, now that I remember I like 2 of his songs that he has released.

Majo: the price of the bus to Mexico is 1500 pesos, for the 3 of us.

Alex: let’s do it

Cielo: but I have one last question, what type of clothing is used in the event?

Majo: thin and short clothes are worn, because in Belgium it is very hot and we cannot wear
clothes that produce heat.

Cielo: Thanks for saying, I’ll wear sunscreen. Thin clothes make you sunburn a lot
Majo: That’s right, and we can go with the DJ’s clothes, his name comes in the center of his

Alexander: Well I have a question about the event, what time is the Hardwell event?

Majo: It will be at 8 at night, I chose the night time so that the experience feels much more

Majo: I could also choose the time of day, but I feel like it’s not very nice.

Alexander: ok, you made a great choice.

Majo: the exact location of the event is, berlgica, next to the football museum. The name of
the street is dimitri vegas street & mike

Majo: One thing I forgot to mention is that in Tomorrowlan, unlike EDC Mexico City, people
from all over the world travel. For which we will find very attractive people.

Alexander: Excellent, we are going to have a great time.

Cielo: I’m ready to dance to the fullest.

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