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Dian Septianty

X7b Literature Assignment
08128781600 (Old & Middle English)

In connection with both great histories given, it

makes me understand more about history of English
literature so that I can able to appreciate more for all
English literature works, especially poem. The first
period called as The term Anglo-Saxon taught me a
lot about how English language developed from the
earliest written records to the present day.
Furthermore, The Middle English period sees a huge
transition in the language, culture, and lifestylen of
England and results in what we can organize today as
a form of “modern” English. From the materials that
you gave in a couple of weeks ago, I try to make
highlight of importance points from them by creating
table of differences among them. Several of
differences will shown in table below:

The Differences
Description Old English Middle English
Definition The earliest The transition period
form of English from old to modern
language and English.
it was spoken
and written by
Period 450 - 1066 1066 - 1485
The  The  The Norman
importance Romance conquest
events Empire
The  King  William ( Duke of
important Aethelbert Normandy)
figures I  Layamon
 The  Geoffrey Chaucer
missionarie  John Gower
s  John Skelton
 Aelfric
 Bede
Kinds of the  The poem  Poem
literature Beowulf  Drama
that they  Bible  Anonymous text
used transaltion
Some of  Hymn  The Owl and the
works ( song Nightingale
praise) (Layamon,13th
 The Dream century)
of the Rood  The Canterbury
( Cynewulf’ Tales(Chaucer,
s poetry) 1387-1400)
 The  Pearl and Sir
Wanderer Gawaian and The
and The Green night(William
Seafafer Langland’s works)
 Beowulf ( a  Mendelville’s
story about Travel(Wyclif,1324-
a brave 1384)
young man  Confessio
from Amantis(John
Southern Gower’s work)
Sweden)  Drama of the
mysterious and
miraculous of the
Bible and the saints’
lives(played by
businessmen in the
Themes  Germanic  Heroes
that the myth  Myths,imagination
authors or  History  Faith and religion
figures used  Religion  Values as applied to
in their ( The everyday life
works Christian)
 Heroic
Vocabulary  Latin and  French
that they Germanic
used language

“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but

should finish in the reader’s.”
-Stephen King-

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