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Level CAE 1 1st Partial Exam - Yolotzin Amairani Hernández Leonardo Total: 37
PART I Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits
each gap. Type the chosen letter on the Use of English Answer Sheet. There is an
example (0) at the beginning. (@ 1 Pt. , tot 12 pts)
(0) A) primary B) dominant C) leading D) principal
Dinosaur Discoveries
In the late 1930s, a group of (0)___ American Scientists seeking dinosaur fossils
made some notorious finds. Although one of their expeditions discovered no
fossils, it nevertheless (1)____ to be important in terms of the information about
dinosaurs it provided. During that historic expedition, which took place along the
(2)____of the Paluxy river in Texas, something extraordinary was revealed: a
dinosaur track clearly (3)____ in the rock. These dinosaur footprints (4)____ their
preservation to the salts and mud that covered them and then hardened into rock,
before (5)____ to light 100 million years later. Tracks like these are (6)____ to
experts. There have been great gaps in scientists’ understanding of dinosaurs’
(7)____ and such footprints are useful since they provide direct (8)____ of how
dinosaurs actually moved. Scientists have used these and other footprints to
determine how quickly different species walked, concluding that many kinds of
dinosaurs must have travelled in (9)____ .
(10)____ , the tracks of four-legged dinosaurs seem to (11)____ that, in spite of
being reptiles, these creatures must have moved in a very similar way to living
mammals such as elephants—a pattern of movement (12)____ from that of most
contemporary reptiles such as crocodiles. This leads to an interesting question.
Might existing mammals have more to teach us about the extinct reptiles that
once walked the earth?
(1) A) turned B) arose C) proved D) occurred
(2) A) verges B) borders C) coasts D) banks
(3) A) blatant B) substantial C) distinguishable D) ostensible
(4) A) owe B) derive C) result D) thank
(5) A) coming B) bringing C) appearing D) surfacing
(6) A) unique B) invaluable C) costly D) rare
(7) A) action B) manners C) behaviour D) customs
(8) A) basis B) support C) source D) evidence
(9) A) sets B) herds C) masses D) bunches
(10) A) Appropriately B) Characteristically C) Interestingly D) Alternatively
(11) A) point B) specify C) express D) indicate
(12) A) separate B) unconnected C) detached D) distinct
PART II For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the ONE word
which best fits each gap. Type the missing word on the Use of English Answer
Sheet. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (@ 1 Pt. , tot 15 pts)
“Wanted (0)_ran_ a small ad in The Times. “Assistant for the famous cookery
writer. Three month contract €400.” The ad (13)____ answered by a young
woman, recently widowed and with a small baby, desperate for work of any kind.
The hours were long and €400 (14)____ very little for three months’ employment.
But she was absolutely desperate and she (15) ____ the job. It proved harder than
she (16)____ anticipated, as the famous writer proved tyrannical, ungrateful and a
slave driver. The first week of helping him was almost more than she (17)____
stand. Only the thought of the bread she was (18)____ in her baby’s mouth
prevented her leaving the job. At the end of the first week, she was (19)____ a lift
home by the cookery writer’s secretary. On the way she confided how desperately
she (20)____ needed the job and admitted just how welcome even the miserable
€400 mentioned in the advertisement would be. The secretary (21)____ her such
an odd look that the young woman asked what the matter (22)____ . “I don’t
think you (23)____ ,” answered the secretary. “It’s you who has to pay him €400.”
At first the young woman (24)____ silence. She was temporarily lost for words,
but then she began to laugh, and she (25) ____ until the tears poured (26)____
her cheeks. She then realised how naïve she had (27)___ .

PART III For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given
in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Type your answer
in CAPITAL LETTERS on the Use of English Answer Sheet. There is an example (0)
at the beginning. (@ 1 Pt. , tot 10 pts)
Blogging and the Media
The growing number of weblogs, or blogs as they are (0)_____ AFFECTION
known, on the Internet has become a cause for concern among
mainstream media organizations. Within a few years, blogs have
developed from personal musings on (28)_____ events to full- DAY
blown critical commentaries which are often well-informed and
(29)____ expressed. With an estimated fifty-two million bloggers ELOQUENCE
writing on almost every (30)____ subject each day, corporate CONCEIVE
media can no longer ignore them or treat them with (31)____ . RESPECT
The ubiquity of blogs means that they are increasingly (32)____ , INFLUENCE
which can be seen in the number of news stories that have been
(33)____ or called into question by bloggers in recent years. CREDIT
Bloggers are given a freedom unavailable to mainstream journalists.
They bypass both editor and publisher, who by their very presence
(34) ____ distort stories by “tailoring” them to suit their own ends. INEVITABLE
The material on blogs is raw, (35) ____ by editors, and often harsh MODIFY
and direct in its criticism of the way news is reported by media. The
advantages of this for the reading public are obvious. Bloggers act
as a kind of media watchdog, able to check facts, verify or (36)____ PROOF
information in a way that journalists are often unable to, and this
is shaking mainstream media out of its (37)____ . COMPLACENT

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