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Journal 7: My 5 Classroom Rules

Audrey Wood

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 201

Professor Susan Bridges

April 20, 2022

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As an elementary school teacher, I would have 5 simply rules. Ensuring that there is a

limited amount of classroom rules for all students makes it easier to remember for the students

and easier to keep the students accountable. My first rule would be, “students remain in their

seats unless given permission to leave”. This rule not only keeps students from wandering

around to talk to their friends or not do their work, but it also keeps them safe. As I teacher I

need to know where all my students are and what they are doing to ensure their safety. I would

not want a student to get up and leave the classroom without my permission because it could

potentially put them in harm’s way.

My second rule would be, “no yelling out”. As a teacher, it is important for us to teach

students not to yell out of turn and to be respectful. This would tie hand and hand with raising

your hand and waiting to be called on before speaking. If I am speaking, I would not want to be

interrupted during a lesson. If another student is speaking, they would not want to be interrupted

either. This rule also helps students learn to be respectful no matter who they are talking to. This

rule does not only apply in a classroom, but in any real-life situation. No one wants to have a

conversion with you if you continue to speak out of turn and do not let someone else get their

thought out.

After “no yelling out”, then next rule would be “follow directions the first time, quickly

and exactly”. This rule overall is very self-explanatory. As a teacher, I do not want to have to

repeat myself ten times before my students follow directions. This rule sets the standard of

following the directions that were given to them quickly and the exact way they were given. It

also teaches them to listen to directions carefully so they do it correctly the first time.

The fourth rule would be, “no side conversations”. This rule ties in perfectly with rules

two and three. Not only should students learn to not yell out, but they should also learn to not
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have side conversations during a lesson. I want my students to receive the best education

possible. Talking to your friends during a lesson or when you should be doing something else

makes it much more difficult for them to focus.

My last rule would be “use kind words only”. Students at a young age may use words that

are not always very kind. It is important to set a standard of only saying nice things to each other.

This rule allows for the other students and me to keep everyone accountable. We want to create a

positive and happy place for students to come and learn. This means we need to ensure that the

only things being passed around are kind and thoughtful words to each other, not anything that

may make students not like each other, or school in general.

These five rules allow for me to have a positive and functional classroom. All rules are

direct and easy to remember, making it easier for me to hold them accountable, but also for the

students to hold themselves accountable.

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