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DATE : 27 OKTOBER 2021

Latihan 1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini menjadi kalimat simple future tense.
1. We will see you tomorrow.
2. You will get a letter today.
3. Karen will go to bed early.
4. Dennis probably will stay at home today.
5. They will get here around seven.
Latihan 2. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini menjadi kalimat negative simple future tense.
Gunakan bentuk singkatan dari ‘will not’ pada 3 kalimat.
1. Wendy won’t share his food.
2. They won’t interrupt our presentation.
3. The shop won’t open before 9 o’clock.
4. He won’t operate the machine this afternoon.
5. Many candidates won’t succeed easily with the test.
6. Susan won’t blame anyone for her failure.

Latihan 3. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ke dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Apakah dia (lk) akan marah?
Will he be angry?
2. Apakah Ifa akan di sini malam ini?
Will Ifa get here this night?
3. Apakah mereka akan jadi pembimbing kita?
Will they be our guide?
4. Apakah kamu akan marah?
Will you be angry?
5. Akankah perusahaan mereka menjadi pelanggan Anda?
Will their company be your customer?
6. Apakah Dian akan disamping kiri saya?
Will Dian be next to my left?
Latihan 4. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1. Kota ini akan dingin.
This city will be cold
2. Nama kamu akan ada di ingatan saya.
Your name will be there in my mind
3. Lokasi ini akan jadi pusat perbelanjaan
This location will be center of shopping
4. Melani akan terlambat.

Melani will be late

Latihan 5. Buat percakapan singkat antara dua orang menggunakan WILL. Lihat
contoh pada materi yang telah dijelaskan.

Dede : When will you go to Konoha?

Dihy : I will go there on December

Dede : How long will you there

Diky : I will stay there for theree months

Dede : What will you do there?

Diky : I will study in Academy Ninja

Dede : Wow ninja??, What kind of lesson will you learn?

Diky : Based on information, I will learn about how to use jutsu for fighting

Dede : Ouhh like that!!, so whaat will you do after finishing your study in Academy?

Diky : I think I will try to join Cunin Exam, because my dream is to be a Hokage

Dede : Ohh wow, I’m interested in that, I think I will follow you

Diky : Okeyy, let’s go together

Dede : Okey, but I don’t want to be Hokage, I just want to be Madara Uciha “OPEN WAR”

Diky ; I will kill you later!!!

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