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LESSON PLAN in: English 4

GRADE/SECTION: Grade 4 – Perseverance TEACHER: Mikaela Jusay

4th Quarter Week 4 Date: March 14 & 16, 2022

Unit/Chapter: Unit 2: Giving Conclusions to Realistic Fiction

Learning Competencies (Objectives):
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. process/review the questions and their answers in the third long test;
b. Give conclusions to realistic fiction listened to; and
c. Provide textual evidence to explain and support conclusion;
Giving Conclusions to Realistic Fiction: Genyo, Zoom, PowerPoint, English for Smart Learners 4
Integrated LMSOL Core Values: Excellence, Competency, Service, Courtesy



✔ The students will a have a quick zoom with their teacher to recall the “Elements of a story”.
✔The students will read the story Mission Lost Cat and will identify the elements of the story.


A. Engage
The students together with the teacher will check the activities they had last meeting.

B. Explore
The students with their teacher will process the story Mission Lost cat with their teacher.
The students will tell the story’s:
 Setting
 Characters
 Plot
 Problem
 Solution

Having the ability to identify the elements of the story you are reading will help you draw a great conclusion
about it.
Also, the story that you read is an example of a realistic fiction story.

C. Explain

Realistic means that something is real.

Fiction means stories that are not real.

Realistic Fiction is a genre that seems real but it is not.

D. Extend
Let’s Practice 1
Directions: Read and answer.

1. Where is Shruti?
2. Give evidences to support your conclusion.

E. Evaluate

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