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Gaige Wood

Prof. Reinard



1. Did Anthony’s explanation about how he wasn’t really using the n-word make his

actions less of a problem? Is there any circumstance in which it would be fine for

somebody to use the n-word or any variation of it in a classroom or school? If so,

what would that circumstance be?

I do not believe that Anthony’s explanation made his actions any less of a problem. It

doesn’t matter if there is an “a” at the end of the n-word or not, it’s a disrespectful word that

shouldn’t be directed towards anyone, in this case it was directed towards Reggie by

Anthony. The n-word has always been thought of as a racist insulting word that has hurt

many people throughout generations, so why should a person feel as though if they just

simply change the way they say that word it means something totally different, in this

scenario Anthony states it was just a term of endearment and acted like Reggie didn’t have a

problem with it, because he was laughing. Although, it never stated in this case how he really

felt about that word being directed towards him, it did state that he became uncomfortable

when another student interjected saying it was a racist remark, as well as when the teacher

directed the attention to him at the moment, as they were discussing the issue. That is why

the word should not be directed towards anyone at any given time, because it is offensive to

others and you don’t know if the reason that Reggie laughed was because he was shocked
that Anthony said the word at that moment and didn’t know how to react or if he felt bullied

by him and didn’t want to say anything to him. Therefore, the n-word or any variation of it

just simply should not be used in a classroom or school, even when teaching a lesson on

racism or part of a history lesson, it should simply be referred to as the n-word and nothing


2. When Keisha voiced her displeasure about Anthony’s language Ms. Lawson,

worried that the tension would escalate, chastised her and ordered her to sit down.

How could she have addressed Keisha’s comments more effectively?

I think Ms. Lawson addressed the situation with Keisha in the best way possible at the

time in order to prevent an argument to escalate into a violent situation. However, Ms.

Lawson could have used Keisha’s opinion about the situation as a lesson to stress the

importance of why the n-word shouldn’t be directed towards anyone, and what affect that has

on a person whether or not you meant it in that way, or you pronounce it in a different way, it

all comes back to the fact that for many years it has been a hateful and insulting word that is

offensive to others.

3. Ms. Lawson put Reggie on the spot by asking him how he felt about the situation in

front of his friends, in front of Keisha, and in front of whomever else was in earshot

as students filled into the room. What are some other ways Ms. Lawson might have

checked in with Reggie in order to avoid shining the spotlight on him in that way?

Ms. Lawson should have waited until after class to speak with him off to the side instead

of asking him in the middle of class in front of his peers. All that did was make Reggie timid

and he didn’t want to speak on his own behalf. Whereas, if Ms. Lawson pulled him off to the
side after class or before class began and asked him confidentially, he probably would have

given her an open and honest answer about how he felt regarding Anthony’s use of the n-


4. Ms. Lawson knew she needed to address the use of the n-word with her entire class,

as she couldn’t be sure how many students overheard the conversation. How might

you approach such a task?

I would have started the class as Ms. Lawson did by stating that the term should not be used

at all even if you believe that it is a term of endearment, as that word is disrespectful and was

derived from a disrespectful manner. We should always treat others with respect and be

thoughtful of how are actions and words affect others. I would then use this as a teaching

moment, to elaborate on the history behind the word and how much turmoil it has caused in

the world as well as how hurtful it is when used towards others.

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