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Children’s Literature Evaluation Form

Your Name: Daisy Azpeitia

Book Title: What if we Are all the Same
Author: C.M. Harris
Genre: Picture Book, Fiction
Illustrator: Eric Everett
Publisher/Year: November 5, 2019
Evaluate the Book for the following elements
Style and Language: Using examples for the book, explain the following: Word
choices, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Share unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from this story. (5 points)
In the book “What if we Are All the Same” there is big vocabulary words being used
words like differences, feathers, unique.
The book What If we Are All the Same is a rhyming book for example in the book it
says “Animals aren’t all the same, giving them each a quite a unique name. Some are
big, and some are small, and some have feathers, or no fur at all.”
In this book something that readers learn from reading this book is the differences
that we all have as a person and that every single one of us is unique and we are all
different and that there is nothing wrong with us being different. For example, in the
book it says “People come in all different shapes and sizes, that’s what makes us full
of many surprises. We can have short hair, long hair, or no hair at all. Some could be
really short while others are very tall.”

Character: With examples from the book, provide the following- (5 points)
Who is the main character?
How can the reader relate to the character?
Who are the supporting characters?
The main character of this book is the narrator because in the narrator is telling the
story of what is happening in the story like the differences of the children and the
differences of the animals and cars. The supporting characters in the book I think are
the children because the story talks about the differences of all people. I think that
the reader can relate to the characters by getting engaged into the story and the
reader can relate to the characters by empathizing the character situation and by
understanding the differences and similarities of the characters for example,
““People come in all different shapes and sizes, that’s what makes us full of many
surprises. We can have short hair, long hair, or no hair at all. Some could be really
short while others are very tall.” The reader can relate to that because they
understand the character and understand what the situation is.

Plot: Summarize the major events of the story (6 points)

Some of the major events of the story is that there it talks about the differences there
are in all living things like in the book they talk about the animals’ fur and how
different they all look, the differences there are in people like the children’s hair,
height, and colored skin. Another major event in the story is that there are children
who want to be just like everyone else. It also talks about the different qualities of
each child that is illustrated in the book

Setting: Explain the place and time of this book. (2 points)

I think that the setting of the book is found in all different places. In the book some
of the illustrations are at night in a small neighborhood with houses and cars, some of
the illustrations in the book show a store with illustrations of a shopping cart, fridge
filled with meat and shelves with food cans. The book also takes place at a
playground with children playing on the playground outside and some of the children
are playing with jump ropes. The book also takes place in a small lake where there is
animals swimming and there is even grass in the illustration where there is a big log
found on the grass and animals are laying and standing at the top of the grass.

Theme: What is the main message of this book? (2 points)

The main message of the book What If We are All the Same is about diversity in
abilities and appearances encouraging kindness and understanding. It is a children’s
book that embraces the beautiful differences we all have in relation to height, hair
types, abilities and much more. It is a book about ethnic diversity.
Illustration: Analyze the book you selected with the following categories
Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)? (2
Based on the book I think that the illustration in the book What if We are All the
Same uses the style realism. I think that it is realism because the picture in the book
looks realistic because some of the illustrations look very detailed and filled with
color. I think that the book also uses the style cartoon art because some of the
illustrations like the children that are drawn in the book are drawn as cartoon

Media Choice (paints, oils watercolors, pencils, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
(2 points)
The illustration in the book uses paint and watercolors for the illustrations that are
found in the book. There is also pen and ink being used in the book.

Give examples of describe how the following visual elements are used in the
illustrations: (3)
Line: In the book there are different illustrations, in some of the illustrations there are
curvy and straight lines being used. There are also vertical and horizontal lines being
used. For example, the fence that is drawn behind the houses used vertical and
horizontal lines to draw the fence making a square in the middle of the lines. There
are also curvy lines used to draw clouds in the book. In the book there is also animals
like turtles, lizards, and other animals. The turtles shell used curvy lines and the
lizards tell also uses curvy lines to make the tail look wavy. There are also straight
lines being used in the houses and the animal’s mouth is drawn with straight lines.
Shapes: In the book there is circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles being used for
example in the book the some of the children in the book are using circles as their
heads. The school bus that is found in the book uses squares as the windows for the
school bus. In the book there is also houses and the illustrator uses triangles as the
roof of the house, the doors of the houses in the illustration uses rectangles for the
door and for the windows of the house. There are illustrations of cars in the book and
the illustrator uses circles to draw the tires of the car, the light of the car also is
drawn as circles. The moon in the illustrations is a big circle.
Color: The illustration in the book uses a lot of bright colors like warm and cool colors.
There is also neutral colors and value being used in the illustrations of the book. For
example, the some of the illustrations have a background and, in the background,
there is dark colors being used like to make the illustration look like is night there
they use black as the sky in the background and dark blue is being used to. In the
book there is also illustrations that have a bright background like the sky is very bright
with baby blue color is used to make the sky look clear and white color is used for the
clouds in the sky.
Texture: The illustrations in the book are thickly painted like some use a lot of color
to fill up the page and it looks like there is also colors being layered. Also, the
illustrations that are found in the book are very smooth like the colors look like they
are painted very smoothly in the book. Some of the illustrations look like they are
Page design (placement of the illustrations, use of borders, white and dark space and
all pages the same or different). (3)
The illustrations in the book are all very colorful, it uses bright colors like red, blue,
yellow, green and it also uses dark colors as well like brown and black. The
illustrations in the book are all different in the pages for example, some of the
illustrations are filled with color like it has color in the background and all over the
page, some of the illustrations in the other pages are very small and don’t have color
in the background. The page is completely white and there is only color on the small
illustration. There are some illustrations that have white and dark spaces like some of
the pages the background is completely white and some of the illustrations there is
dark space in the illustration like to make the setting of the book look like is night in
the picture the illustrator uses dark colors to make the sky look like is night.
The placement of the illustrations in the book are all different some of the
illustrations fill up the whole page with color, the other illustrations are found at the
bottom left of the page and at the top right of the page. Some of the illustrations can
also be found in the middle of the page.

Child Development Theory: Choose either Piaget, Erickson or Social Emotional to

describe the connection to the book Chose 1 only (5 points)
Name the stage ___Preoperational__________________ and the age __2-7 years
Explain the cognitive development from this stage and provide an example from the
book to support your choice:
The book demonstrates the preoperational stage ages 2-7 years because in the book it
talks about understanding the differences there are in all people and it also talks
about understanding the world through language for example, the book talks about
“People come in all different shapes and sizes, that’s what makes us full of many
surprises. We can have short hair, long hair, or no hair at all. Some could be really
short while others are very tall.” This is an example of how children at this age can
understand the world through language. Also, this book contains big vocabulary words
like differences, everyone, everything.

Name the stage_____________________ and the age_______________________
Explain the cognitive development from this stage and provide an example from the
book to support your choice:

Emotional Development:
Identify the age: _________________________
Explain the social development for this age and how the book relates
to the emotional level you chose:

1 would not recommend 2 average 3 highly recommended

Your rating of the book: ____2______

Why? I would recommend this book for teachers to read to their students because the
book talks about ethnic diversity and the differences in all people. This book teaches
children that there is nothing wrong with being different, that we are all unique and
different. This book will help children to understand that we are all different and that
we can all get along with each other no matter our differences.

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