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Yoga for peace and harmony

Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word yuj meaning to unite. Yoga is something so pure which
connects our body and mind so deeply and effectively that it creates a strong bond with our
inner selves and the nature. I have been practicing yoga since my school days and a little less
then we knew that it was not just about our breathing, the way our arms and legs flexed or
anything else but how we focus on things , our perspective about something and not only this
but also physically, by performing yoga asanas. I find yoga such a practice in which we fully
devote ourselves for the time we’re doing it and the change we bring in ourselves for good,
while we’re done doing it. Everyone would agree to the fact that we’re so busy doing other
things that we forget to give ourselves time and if we do we spend it on technology, our worst
enemy ; only when one doesn’t know how to make good use of it. If it’s important to look fit and
stay fit physically it’s also important to stay fit mentally too. For a body to function properly the
mind should be healthy. And if we are fit inside out , eventually we will be happy , we will love
ourselves , we will love the work that we’ll do because better focus, better efforts will lead to
good results. Yoga heals us from inside, leaves down a spark of positive attitude in us which
results a good change in our behaviour with ourselves and of course others. And Who doesn’t
want to be around people who are happy? Of course good vibes attracts the tribe! I’m lucky
that our schools, colleges provide us such environment and opportunities to perform yoga as a
hobby, as a talent , as a competition, or what so ever. Even during this online session NCC
manages to keep us up to date by giving us the chance to perform in different activities. For
example on the occasion of Yoga day we already have shot a video of us doing yoga which has
been forwarded in our NCC group. What better way could we find to keep our body and mind fit
and showcase our skills at the same time. At the end I would just want to conclude by saying
that whatever you do devote yourself completely into it be happy, spread happiness all around,
love yourselves and live life to the fullest.
Cadet Divyanshi
Reg no. : CH20SWA325626

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