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Divine interests

AN: Please leave a review if you want this story to continue, it gives me immense motivation to

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even my soul, sold it for a Klondike bar.


“You... you want me to add a smoking class to the school curriculum...?” I stared wide eyed at the
dwarf in front of me, as I repeated his proposition. I was literally speechless, all I could do was to
look pleadingly to Prospera and Oberon, begging them with my eyes to give me time to compose

My savior came in the form of my favorite lizard “Are you out of your bloody mind, Falstaff?! A
class dedicated to teaching younglings how to smoke, that has to be the dumbest thing ever to come
out of your greedy excuse for a mouth! How can you even think of something so vile?” That was
enough for me to get my head straight again, but also brought an annoying thought with it;
'Dammit, Prospera lost her cool, I owe Scarlet five silvers.'

My backup savior came in the form of my second favorite counselor “I completely agree with
Prospera, Commander. Falstaff's proposal is insane!” Oberon howled. 'Oberon growing a pair...
that's five more silvers for you, Scarlet. Goddammit.'

I, as always, tuned out Yorrick as he started to ramble about the seven “Falstaff... I said no to both
your idea about adding more addictive substances to cigarettes and making cigarettes more
accessible, so why the in the seven hells did you think I would agree to this... this child abuse?!” I
cut him off as he was about to respond “Wait, I don't want to hear this. This meeting is adjourned,
you're all dismissed. I need a bloody drink...” I muttered the last part.

I quickly left the throne room to go to the nearest elevator, both so that I didn't have to listen to
Falstaff's idiotic response and to get absolutely smashed at the bar.

The last thing I heard before I got into the elevator was Prospera screaming about 'stupid bloody
dwarfs and their rotten, Commander insulting brains'. I smiled a that as the doors closed 'Prospera,
I think I need to buy you some flowers for that last one... or a palace'.


“Scarlet! Come with, drink, talk, very annoyed!” As soon as I left the elevator I headed straight for
were Scarlet was standing, hoisting her onto my shoulder, and then turning to head towards my
favorite table in the back.

“C-Commander, what the hell are you doing?!” Scarlet shrieked from my her place on my shoulder.

“I told you, very annoyed, need company I can stand,” I grabbed two big bottles of ale from Henry's
table as we passed it, giving him a Draconic glare when rose from his chair to protest “I also need
alcohol in large quantities.”

Grabbing the nearest chair, I promptly sat Scarlet down in it and then sat down in the chair across
from her. Biting of the cap of my ale with my teeth, spitting it out, I took a large swig from the
bottle and after four big gulps of ale, slammed it down on the table almost shattering the bottle.
Looking up at Scarlet I could see the gobsmacked expression on her face. “What?”

“... You had another meeting with the council today, didn't you?”

“Yup,” I sighed “and it was every bit as annoying as you could think.”

“... You wanna talk 'bout it?” Scarlet responded after a moment of silence.

Sighing again, I took another big swig from my bottle. “No, Scarlet, not today. All I want to do right
now is exterminate the dwarven population, at least the ones thinking as Falstaff.” Smacking my
head down on the table in a very un-royal like manner, I let out a long groan.

I could feel Scarlet getting up from the table and walking to stand right beside me, putting a
comforting hand on my shoulder. “Was what he brought up really that horrible?” She asked.

It felt redundant to sigh again, so I just shook my head, which was really hard with my nose
scrunched up against the table. “I'm sorry Scarlet, I really don't want to talk about it. All I can tell
you right now is that Falstaff was lucky Prospera was there, I couldn't risk her getting caught in a
blast of fire...” I trailed off.

Scarlet, feeling the shift in my mood from anger to melancholy, shifted her hand from my shoulder.
She then brought her arms around me and pulled me into a soft hug. I closed my eyes and lifted my
head from the table. Bringing my own arms around her, I returned the embrace. I was very thankful
for Scarlet at that moment, she really felt like the kindhearted sister I always wanted.

I let my chin rest on her shoulder, whispering a soft 'thank you' into her ear. Letting go of her, she
doing the same, I looked at her face and gave her my first real smile in while. She returned it, and I
was really glad for that moment...

“Just go and get a room already, this melodramatic shit is getting annoying!”

...Which was then absolutely annihilated by Henry's comment.

Scarlet's face went as red as her name, and I couldn't help but laugh.

It felt really good.


The wind felt amazing against my scales as I flew from the newly conquered battlefield. I never got
tired of the feeling flying, the rush that came with the knowledge that I was doing something no
other human, elf, lizard, imp or dwarf could without the aid of machines. I would never hold it
above anyone, but I couldn't help but feel more powerful than anyone in Rivellon when traversed
the skies.

Seeing the Raven in the distance, I put on a burst of speed, roaring as I broke through the sound
barrier. After slowing down I really didn't feel the need to land just yet, so I started doing laps
around the Raven and the ships in the fleet. Passing by the bridge of the Raven, I saw Prospera
standing there with Edmund at her side. With the enhanced sight my Draconic eyes gave me I could
see that Prospera was following my movements and, feeling cocky, I flew right up to the window.
Bringing my talons up in a choppy wave, I bared my fangs when I saw her chuckle. Turning around
I put on another burst of speed and started flying in complex patterns within sight of the bridge. I
released another roar when I spotted Scarlet taking a place beside Prospera.

An idea popped into my head and before I startled thinking to hard about the safety risks, I began
breathing out large amounts of fire as I changed my flight pattern. I knew I'd have to be quick and
very precise if I wanted my absolutely crazy idea to work. Speeding up yet again, I increased the
amount of fire I was spewing out into the sky. I flew straight, then quickly turned and started flying
more curved, closing my mouth and the opening it again to resume the fire flow, and with a final
complicated twist in midair I landed on a metal platform a little ways below the bridge.

In the sky, giant flaming letters spelled out the words Impressed yet?

Hearing the applause coming from the bridge, I let out a final roar as the flames started to disappear.
Jumping into the air one last time I uncoiled my wings and glided the last few meters to my
personal landing pad.

Scarlet and Prospera were both there when I landed, Prospera was smiling and giving me the 'look'.
Scarlet wasn't as subtle; she ran straight up to me threw her arms around my snout, laughing like a
child. I let out a low rumble from my throat at her behavior, the closest I could get to a laugh in my
Dragon form. Turning my eyes to Prospera, I felt confused. The 'look' was still there, but there was
something warmer in her gaze. I didn't know what it meant, but I really liked it.

'Being a Dragon is the greatest, ever.'

AN: This chapter felt really good to write, it might be that I'm in a really good mood, but I wrote
this in one sitting. I really feel most comfortable writing character interactions if it wasn't obvious
already, so don't expect much action from me.

I will repeat myself: If you enjoy my writing or have critiques, please leave a review, I will be
infinitely grateful.

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