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Inl.J. elect. Engng Educ, Vol. 5, pp. 199-201. Pergamon Press Ltd. 1967.

Printed in Great Britain

Single Analytical Formula for the Entire B-H Curve

3850 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, N. Y., U.S.A.

Figure 1 shows the hysteresis loop as it appears in introductory textbooks on electrical

The terms magnetizing force, magnetic flux, residual magnetism, and null curve are defined in
the textbooks.
The symbols used are:
H magnetizing force for null curve.
H u magnetizing force for curve -:"(A""""")-~-. ,. ( - -;C~)
HI magnetizing force for curve (A) ~ ( + C)
B magnetic flux corresponding to H
B s magnetic flux at saturation
H s magnetizing force at Bs
R residual magnetism at 11= 0
h +B


Fig. 1. Hysteresis loop

As a start, we develop a formula for the null curve.

We introduce new symbols x = (BIBs) andy = (HIHs), and consider x as the independent
Figure 2 shows the initial part of the transformed null curve with the ordinate scale much
enlarged to show the reversal of curvature that occurs. Figure 3 shows the entire transformed
null curve with both co-ordinate scales equal.
We now introduce the mathematical function exp - (II IPt(x) I) wherein JPt(x) I is the absolute
value of a polynominal in ascending powers of x,
We select PI (x) to remain very nearly zero in the range OP and to.become numerically very
large at point Q, with resulting values for exp- (II IP1(X) I) very nearly zero in the range OP
and very nearly unity at point Q; Likewise, P2(X) is selected to be very nearly zero in the range
OT and to become very large numerically at point S.

Examination of the transformed null curve shows a straight line beyond point S, and very
nearly straight lines for the ranges OP and QT, with slopes y, a, and f1 respectively.

CD '"
~ 0·5

o 0·01
y= (H/Hsl
Fig. 2. Transformed nullcurve initialpart. Ordinate scale enlarged 100 X

Saturation I
__L __
1·0 ----------
ai I
0'5 I
x I.
a I
0 0'5 1·0

y = (H/H.)
Fig. 3. Transformed nullcurve extended beyond saturation

We now state (a hypothesis justified by Weierstrass' theorem on polynomial approximations),

that the differential equation for the slopes (good for the entire curve) of the transformed null
curve is

dy/dx = a - (a - (1). exp-(1/IP1(X) 1) + (y - (1). exp-(1/I P2(x) I)

and consequently the (primitive) equation for the null curve is

x x
y = ax - (n - P)S exp-(lIlPl(x) I) . dx
+ (y - P)S exp-(1IlP2(x) I) . dx

and so H = H s •Y is the expression for the required magnetizing force.

Returning to the hysteresis loop (Fig. 1), we introduce an independent variable z = X/(Xm - x),
where Xm is the arbitrary point on the transformed null curve corresponding to point A on the
hysteresis loop (A is a point of singularity for z).
For the partial loop A -+ (+ R) -+ ( - C)

H u = Hs'y - h· exp-IPs(z) I

and for the partial loop A ~ C

These last two expressions are valid for the hysteresis loop above the H axis. The portion below
the H axis is of course obtainable by a 180 deg rotation of the upper portion.

Fig. I, the hysteresis loop: any textbook on electrical, engineering, e.g. p. 182, Principles ofElectrical
Engineering by T. F. Wall, Chemical Pub!. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. (1947)
Figs. 2 & 3, the transformed null curve: based on B-H data appearing in the International Critical Tables
under the subject ofmagnetism

The function exp - (I/lPi(x)I): introduced by the author of this article, p. 679, Biometrics (Dec. 1963)

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