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A Generalized Epstein Test Method for the

Computation of Core Losses in Induction Motors

AndrC G. TBrres Braz J. Cardoso Filho
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universitlade Federal de Minas Gerais
CPDEE Depto. Engenharia Eletrica
AV. Antonio Carlos, 662'7 AV. Antonio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-010 - Brazil Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-010

Atvtrnct- Modeling and deflnition of procedure:; leading the iron losses [4], [Si,[6]. Metallurgical issues such as ma-
t o good estimation of core losses in induction motors from terial anisotropy (varying magnetic proprieties with respect
material test data is still a challenge. Complex geometry of
the laminations, concentration of current in discrete num-
to the magnetization) and cutting stress (structural defor-
ber of dots and PWM inverter supply further inerease the mation in the cutting region) also need to be included [7] in
complexity of induction motor core losses model. In this the losses computation. The latter one further increase the
paper, it is proposed an alternative for the modeling and complexity of the problem at hand, since the magnetic ma-
computation of the stator core losses in induetior! motors
based on lab tests of samples of the magnetic terial will present different properties in different regions of
simple geometry. The proposed method accounts for effects the motor core. There is an additional phenomenon which
such as flux space harmonics, P W M inverter SUPPIY, mate- further the discrepancy between the operating condition in
rial anisotropy and cutting stress during the manufacturing
Models, methods and results from a the core of power transformers and induction motors: mag-
z hp, 220 v, 4 poie, high threephase induction netic flux of circular polarization [SI. Although the flux in
motor, employing E-170 steel, are presented and discussed the teeth and in the " voke mesent
. linear Dolarization [radial
in detail. and tangencial directions, respectively), it is noted that at
Keywords- iron loss; induction motor; induction motor the teeth roots a flux of circular polarization results from
design; variable speed drives.
the interaction of the former ones. Such differences point
out that alternatives t o the classic Epstein test suitable for
I. INTRODUCTION induction motors are needed.
The Epstein test [l],is widely used whenever the quantifi- Most of the work that has been done in this field can be
cation of the losses per material volume of magnetic mate- classified in two groups: experimental characterization and
rials is required. Iron losses in any material can be grouped electromagnetic modeling. In the first group, core losses are

in three categories [2]:
1. Histeresys Losses (af): The energy spend in the move-
characterized based on a large number of measurements,
performed under several operating conditions. Although

ment of magnetic domain walls in the core magnetization,
2. Anomalous Losses ( a f ' , 5 ) :These loss are caused by
parasitic microcurrents with high frequency that circulate
not suitable for the characterization of the magnetic mate-
rial in the steel plant, this approach includes the impact of
all issues pointed out earlier. The second approach is based
around of the wall domain in the move of material magne- on searching detailed models of electric and magnetic pro-

3. Eddy Losses (af*): These losses are due to the current
circulation in the core induced by flux variation.
prieties of the electric steel, implying the formulation and
solution of complex theorerical and computational prob-
lems. These two methodologies, in their present stage of
The Epstein test is based on establishing an alternating development, do not satisfy the industry demands which
magnetic flux (line,ar polarization) in samples, with sim-
ple geometry, from the material under investigatio:n. Since .
include, but are not restricted to:
1. tests that reproduce the flux condition found induc-
these magnetic flux conditions correspond t o those found in
powcr transformers, good correspondence between calcula- .
tion motor,
2. characterization of losses based on low volume of ma-
tions and measurements is obtained. However, such corre-
spondence is not observed for induction motors, where the
error from Epstein test results can be larger than 50% [3].
terial samples with simple geometry,
3. set of curves allowing a close approximation of the
conditions found in the induction motor, including lamina-
The flux distribution in induction motors is significantly tion geomet,ry issues.
more complex than that in power transformers. The cur- This paper summarizes the results from a new approach
rent concentration in the stator slots distributed aiong the for characterization of the core losses in induction motors,
stator periphery and PWM inverter supplies give rise to aimed at the main demands of the electric steel and motor
space and time harmonic distortion in the magnetomotive industries. The proposed approach is based on a general-
force (MMF). As result, harmonic flux distortion in all ization of the standard Epstein test. The flux conditions
magnetic path in the motor core, leading to an increase in observed in induction motors are reproduced using several

0-7803-7474-61021$17.00 02002 IEEE I150


Power EPste'

Fig. 1. Implemented Measurement System

samples with simple geometry and non-sinusoidal excita- Fig. 2. Flux Density in the 2H.P. Motor (WEG)
tion. In this study, spatial harmonic, non-sinusoidal stator
voltage (PWM inverter), cutting stress and anisotropy ef-
fects are included in the characterization of the material TABLE I
performance. Models, measurement methods and results HARMONIC
obtained in the study of induction motor regions subjected
to magnetic flux of linear polarization are presented and
discussed in detail. Practical results were obtained from
E-170 steel samples and a three-phase, 2 HP / 22OV, high
180 Hz 19.26
performance induction motor, built with the same electri-
cal steel.

The standard Epstein test [l]does not include the effect
of the flux harmonics that exist in induction motors, since
sinusoidal excitation at the fundamental frequency is spec-
ified. To perform core loss measurements in electrical steel
samples under non-sinusoidal excitation, it was built an ap-
paratus based on the Epstein square in which the excitation
MMF is synthesized using a microcomputer and an low dis- same relative amplitude between the harmonics and funda-
tortion audio power amplifier, depicted in fig. 1. Voltage mental is assumed for the teeth and yoke mmf. Although
and current data were acquired using a TDS3054 oscillo- the air-gap MMF profile can he shown to be a good approx-
scope (9-bit vertical resolution). The loss measurements imation for the MMF drop in the stator teeth, the same is
obtained from this apparatus are within a +l%range for not necessary true for the stator yoke. Air-gap MMF profile
flux densities in the range from 0 , 3 T to 1,5T, as compared is used here as a fist order approximation of the MMF drop
t o the results obtained from the BrockHaus test system ou the yoke. Figure 3 shows the results for E-170 silicon
(ACESITA Research Center). steel sample (from ACESITA), including space harmonics
effects. An increase in the losses in the magnetic material
111. M M F SPACEHARMONICS of about 19% is observed at l . 0 T (average fundamental
The main magnetic flux path runs through various stator component flux density).
core regions with widely variable geometry. Large discrep- Most of the losses in the motor core is due to histheresys.
ancies in flux density and core losses result from motor Histheresys cycles arc exhibited in fig. 4 for E-170 silicon
geometry and space flux distribution, as shown in fig. 2. steel with fundamental flux density amplitude (average)of
In fig. 2, the motor stator winding is distributed in 36 1.OT (60Hz), with and without the addition ofMMF space
slots. This discrete current distribution gives rise to MMF harmonics effects.
space harmonics. Table I list the space harmonics ampli-
tudes of the stator MMF assuming sinusoidal stator cur-

rents [4]. The inverter output voltage harmonic content gives rise
The effects of the MMF space harmonics are reproduced t,o stator current and MMF dist,ortion. In this case, how-
in the generalized test setup t,hrough an equivalent MMF ever, such MMF distortion is due to time harmonics in the
synthesized from non-sinuidal currents wit,h suitable har- stator current waveform.
monic content. The air-gap MMF frequency spectrum for The spectral energy in the inverter output voltage is con-
the motor analyzed in this paper is shown in table I. The centrated a t the fundamental frcquency and at the switch-

Fig. 3. Iron Losses with Harmonics in FMM Fig. 5. Influence of the Frequency Inverter in the Iron Losses E-170

Fig. 6. Drawing of Stator Blade 2 H.P. Motor, Plus (WEG)

Fig. 4. Histheresys Cycle Iron Losses With Harmonics in FMM standard Epstein test samples are needed in this case. The
standard samples are cut down their length in stripes with
tooth and yoke width. For characterization of the yoke
ing frequency and its harmonics. One could expect a sig- region, each of the standard Epstein samples (3.0cm width
nificant increase in the core losses in this case, considering x 30.5cm length) were cut in three l.Ocm width x 30.5cm
the high frequency of the MMF harmonics, in the several length samples. The total material volume is the same one
kHz range. used in the standard test.
The effects of the PWM inverter supply on the core losses Fig. 7, shows an increase in the losses in the samples
were studied by providing the excitation of the Epstein reduced to the dimensions of the stator yoke. Figure 8,
square through an industrial P W M inverter. It is impor- exhibits histheresys cycles for 1.0T (fundamental compo-
tant to point out here the need of a variable dc bus volt- nent). It can be verified a significant reduction in the ma-
age to allow independent variation of the modulation index terial permeability as a result of the cutting process, and
and the amplitude of the fundamental component of the significantly higher excitation currents are required to ob-
inverter output voltage. Fig. 5 shows an increase in the tain the required flux density.
losses of E-170 steel samples with the PWM used The cutting stress effect on the tooth region was evalu-
as the Epstein square excitation source. The inver1,er used ated by cutting each of the standard Epstein test samples
in this study is a CFWO9, Vectrue Technology, from WEG, into eight 3,75 mm x 3O,5 cm samples, also keeping constant
madified for variable dc bus voltage operation. the total volume of material. The core losses increase fur-
ther in this case, since the ratio of the area of the cutting
CUTTING STRESS region to the volume of the material is increased (fig. 9).
The stator lamination of the induction motor has a com- As a result, losses in the core teeth are higher than the
plex geometry which includes teeth, yoke and possibly ta- losses in the core yoke even if both regions work with the
pered slots. The cutting process introduces stressea in the same flux density.
material that deteriorate its magnetic properties.
The quantification of the effects of the cutting stress over
a portion of the core material is made possible through the The electric steel has different properties for different
generalized Epstein test. Non-conventional prepared from directions of magnetization with respect to the rolling di-

Fig. 10. Anisothropy Influence Iron Losses of E-170
Fig 7. Influence of the Cutting Stress in the Iron Losses of Core
E-170: Strips 3 x (1,Ocm x 30,5cm)


of constant, flux density. Gives PLoss=23;24 W. Recogniz-

ing different flux densities in the core, the computed core
loss is 19,85 W. In these two cases, the calculated loss is
significantly lower than the figure obtained from the stan-
dard induction motor test procedure: Ploss=68,1 W. It is
important to point out that in the standard test procedure
[ll] [12], the losses in the rotor bars due harmonics in the
air gap flux are not segregated from the core losses. As a
result, the figure for the core loss obtained from the stan-
dard test procedure is expected to be larger than the real
one. Table I1 summarizes the results for the core losses
following the classical approaches described above and the
procedure present in this paper.

The investigation of the core loss in induction motors
considering the conditions found in the regions subjected
to linear polarization flux, show clearly that the traditional
material characteristics from the standard Epstein test are
insufficient for a proper design of an induction motor.
The use of PWM inverter supply adds even more com-
plexity to the problem. The approach present in this can
be characterized as an extension of the standard Epstein
test t o include the particular characteristics of the induc-
tion motor magnetic circuit. It is important to note that
a suitable set of plots, allowing a closer approximation of
the operating conditions paper of induction motors can be
obtained from material samples of simple geometry.
Further study is still required for proper definition of
the core loss computation methodology. Continuing efforts
include the characterization of the MMF drop or teeth and
yoke, definition of the suitable set of curves for induction
motor analysis and design, methodology to account for the
effects of flux with circular polarization, among others.
Fig. 12. Anisothropy Influence in the Histheresys Cycles of E-170: The authors are to Dr' da
Stator Matrix Blade Cunha, from ACESITA, for the E-170 silicon steel s a -
ples and technical and financial support from ACESITA;
to Mr Sebastiio Nau, from WEG Motores, for the induc-
tion motor and motor parts and t o Mr. Norton Petry, from

1 I54
WEG Automa@o, for the frequency inverter used in this
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Parameters of 2 c.v., Plus, (WEG) in table I11


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