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Jessie Goodwin – Benefits of Being on a Team :

2:09 - Good morning everyone! My name is Jessie and on today's podcast I will be explaining
the benefits of being on a team ; whether it's apart of a sports team, a team at your workspace,
etc. So let's dive right in!

2:19 - Growing up I played a variety of sports; these included volleyball, basketball, tennis,
softball, swimming, gymnastics, soccer, flag football, and a few others. With this being said, I've
been fortunate enough to be apart of some amazing teams.

2:33 - One thing that I notice when I reflect on the teams that I've been on is the differences in
the teams. For example, I would have some teams where there was no chemistry. When a team
has no chemistry, or even just a minimal amount, the likelihood of that team performing well is
slim. Without teamwork, you lose opportunity for collaboration, you lose opportunity for
building good communication skills and you lose overall possibility of forming good friendships.

2:57 - On the other hand.. when you are part of a team with good teamwork, that all changes. I
cannot explain how good it feels when you feel like your team is a family. For example, my club
basketball team here at Kennesaw State University. Although we all only met last semester, our
chemistry has improved tremendously throughout the season.

3:12 - Our very first game of the season, when we still barely knew anyone names, was a little
rough. We still won, but you could tell that we weren't playing as a team. With more and more
practices, more fun team bonding activities, etc., we were able to develop great chemistry,
great friendships, great teamwork on and off the court, and we were able to win the South
Atlantic regionals because of it.

3:32 - If we had continued playing with lack of teamwork, we wouldn't have gotten this far.
Team sports also develops an appreciation for diversity. They draw people together from all
religions, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. As a team, you're all working towards a
common goal and this unifies the group where they're able to look past the differences and
build great friendships.

3:51 - Being a part of a team also helps to build character. With being part of a team, you can't
always be the winner. With this being said, kids are able to learn how to lose gracefully, build
good sportsmanship and learn how to be empathetic when their teammates make mistakes.
This brings me to the disadvantages of individual sports.

4:10 - Individual sports are more challenging; both emotionally and mentally. When solo
athletes fail to reach their goals, it can have a very negative effect. Without the support of a
team, these solo athletes can develop an unhealthy relationship with losing. On the other hand,
there are many advantages of being a part of a team sport.
4:28 - The biggest advantage of all is learning to work with others to achieve a common goal. As
each player learns their role and the abilities of those around them, they become less focused
on themselves and more focused on what the team as a whole can achieve. They celebrate
wins together and share the burden of a loss together. Additionally, team sports can help
students to value each teammates ability, and understand how each person contributes to the
overall goal.

4:54 - This helps students become more supportive, understanding, patient and overall kind
people. Additionally, teamwork improves productivity. Teams that work together are more
productive and motivated toward company goals. Highly engaged teams show a 21% increase
in profitability. So, this ties into how teamwork not only with sports but is a great thing for
workspaces as well.

5:20 - In a workspace where employees are open-minded and are always sharing their ideas,
suggestions, and concerns, this can make for better brainstorming - which will also increase
innovation. This typically allows for greater dialogue on new ideas and different perspectives,
which is great in a workspace.

5:39 - I'm now going to interview a few people and get their take on why they think teamwork
benefits them :

5:46 - Okay Brett, how has being a part of a team benefited you? Communication – not only in
football and sports, but work and relationships as well. It’s a really important aspect of life!

6:06 - Okay Logan, how has being a part of a team benefited you? When you're working with
others it's like easy for there to be like conflicts and stuff like that so I think it's good for when
there is that conflict to for both people to take ownership over what they did wrong and how
they could be better.

6:37 - Okay Jackson, how has being part of a team benefited you? I’d say being a part of a team
is vital for just growing up as a kid and just being on a team you learn a lot about just being with
other people and the value of friendship and just interacting with others is vital for human
growth and you learn a lot of things that you wouldn’t if you were just by yourself all the time.
So just creating relationships and learning new things has really helped me.
7:14 - Okay Terry, so what would you say the benefits of being a part of a team are? I would say
one benefit would be if I had a problem I could use anyone from my team to help me solve that
problem. I would also say that it’s helped me make friends and I was able to use those friends
to solve different problems.

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