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Based on ISO 19011:2018

Result/ Score: _______________________________

[To be filled by the trainer and examiner]

APRIL 15, 2022

Written Examination

This training assessment enables you to review your learning, so you can determine
your knowledge and understanding of ISO Management System Audit Techniques and
Best Practices.

1. TRUE OR FALSE: When conducting questioning in an audit, you

should use unprofessional body language, never make eye
contact, look and sound uninterested and interrupt the person
being questioned.

Ans: ____________

2. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: _____ Non-conformance, is the total

absence of a requirement of a standard.

Ans: ____________

3. Arrange the basic steps of an audit, into their correct sequence

(first to last):
1. Developing auditing findings
2. Opening Meeting
3. Closing Meeting
4. Collecting Audit Evidence

Ans: _____________

4. Arrange the audit documents (top to bottom), in order of

1. Logs
2. Manuals
3. Policy
4. Procedures
5. Work Instructions
6. Records


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5. TRUE OR FALSE: Audit Findings are the results of the verification
and evaluation of collected evidence, as set against the audit

6. TRUE OR FALSE: A correction is an immediate measure, taken to

address an issue of non-conformity in a system.

Ans.: ___________

7. TRUE OR FALSE: An auditor does not need to verify whether

previous non-conformities have been addressed.

Ans.: ___________

8. TRUE OR FALSE: All employees do not require awareness of a

company's policy. It is fine if they are ignorant of the
consequences of their own tasks and of the objectives of the
management system.
Ans.: ____________

9. TRUE OR FALSE: Audit evidence is defined as records,

statements of fact and any other useful information, relevant to the
audit, that can be verified.

Ans.: ____________

10. TRUE OR FALSE: A "second party audit", is conducted by a

customer or a third party, on behalf of a customer.

Ans.: ____________

11. TRUE OR FALSE: Conformity is simply explained as a

fulfillment of a requirement.
Ans.: _____________

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12. TRUE OR FALSE: The audit methodology, involves the
preparation of the audit team and the determination of the
involvement between the auditor and the auditee.

Ans.: ______________

13. TRUE OR FALSE: The audit team is selected on the basis of

its personal assets, property, influence and social power.

Ans.: ______________

14. TRUE OR FALSE: For an audit to be successful, it is not

important that an auditee cooperates with an auditor.
Ans.: _______________

15. TRUE OR FALSE: In external audits, the effectiveness of

internal audits is checked.

Ans.: _______________

16. TRUE OR FALSE: The lead auditor is an observer in the

audit team.
Ans.: _______________

17. An auditor needs to verify that an organization has

established measures to address the following issues (select
1. Top management go on regular hours abroad
2. Legal compliance
3. The tracking of performance
4. The monitoring of key areas of performance
5. Human resources grievances
Ans.: ________________

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18. TRUE OR FALSE: Audit reports should be written using clear
and simple language; they should be to-the-point; use reported
speech and do not use abbreviations.
Ans.: ______________

19. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: An ___________ is the

acknowledgement of a potential nonconformity, or an opinion
regarding an issue that is not covered by a standard.

Ans.: ______________

20. TRUE OR FALSE: The audit plan, involves the procurement

of raw materials that will be audited.
Ans.: ______________

21. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: In the case of a _______________, it

is important to identify the personnel who are responsible to make
corrections and to take corrective actions. In a management
system audit, the auditee - or the person(s) delegated by the
auditee - are responsible for implementing this.
Ans.: _______________

22. TRUE OR FALSE: Audit is defined as a systematic,

independent, documented process, established to obtain
evidence, to determine the extent to which certain audit criteria
are fulfilled and to evaluate this objectively.
Ans.: _______________

23. TRUE OR FALSE: Non-conformance, is non-fulfillment of a


Ans.: ________________

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24. TRUE OR FALSE: Policy is a top level document. Policy tells
about an organization’s culture, commitment and focus areas of
improvement. Policy is checked for false claims, continuing
applicability, practicability and links to other polices.
Ans.: ________________

25. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: Audit _________ is the most important

part of an audit. It is the evidence that shows that the management
system has been assessed, with findings and conclusions, based
on a standard of audit criteria.

Ans.: _______________

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