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- 8th century BC, the Celtic arrived the Britons (Celtic is not a official name)
- they call themselves – Gael
- the stone Circle: Many theories (a watch, a temple,..)
- The Roman period: 1st-5th AD
+) they build the first city: Londonear
+) took the rose to the island
+) built the Hadrian Wall
- Germanic invasion: (401-1066)
+) Early 5th the Roman retired
+) The Anglo- Saxsons (German) invaded England (Briton)
7 kingdoms:
1. Northumbria
2. Mercia
3. East Anglia
4. Essex
5. Kent
6. Sussex
7. Wessex

+) 793: Viking Attacked

+) 867: Held Northumia and invaded Est Angilia
+)871: Defeated by Alfred the Great Ashdown
+) 1066: Willian the Conqueror: Invaded Engalnd
+) Wales, A large part of Ireland were controlled by the Anglo-Norman
-1266: the tittle The Prince of Wales
- 1286: Edward is invavision to Wales
-1536: Wales and England were offficial united
-1603: Queen Elizabeth I died, James VII, Scottish King succeeded England Throne, The
two kingdom were merge.
-1801: The UK off Great Britian and Ireland was formed
-6/12/1922: the Civil war end. The start of Ireland and North Ireland.
- 1937: The Free state came to an end
 The UK off Great Britian and Northen Ireland.
1. Ethnic idenity
- English, Scottish, Welsh and Northen Irish
- Distintive features
(*) The Scottish
(*) The wales:
+) Never independent
+) Keep the Welsh Language
(*) Northen Irish: A Polarized society with two communities
(*) English: confusion between “English” and “Brish”
 Not clear at all
- >100 ethnicties
Two bigest: Black Caribean and People from Indian
2. Family
Not common and rather weak
Family = the nuclear family
3. Geographical Idenity: (Don’t strengly)
4. Men and Women
5. Clubs and societies
6. Religion and politics
- are important part of a person’s social idenity in modern Britian  the two do not go
together in any significant way.
- it may form a very important part of their own idea of themselves as individuals
- Play little part in determing other aspects of their lives.
7. Being Bristh
- Not normally actively patriotic  do not feel like they are personally representing their
country becomes patriotic when British idenity is threatened from the outside
- Personal idenity: Asense of humour
- Attitudes:
+) stereotype and change “land of tradition” in public life
+) less inclined to follow tradition in their private everyday life
+) Anti Intellectualism British like to know things. A suspicion of education and
high culture.
- Conservatism:
+) They don’t like change
+) Not behave in traditional ways, but they like symbol traditon
+) have rather few living folk traditionas and are to invidualistics to have may off the
same everyday habbits as each other.
- A muticulteral society
- being different
+) Try to maintain sth belong to bristh
 Prove of being different
-Love nature
-Pulic spiritedness and aumautuism.

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