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Emily Werner

Dr. Dabback

MUED 373


First Practicum

My first school practicum was at a local high school with Isaac and Paige. We observed a

jazz band rehearsal which happened during their block 6. My understanding is that their classes

meet every other day so if we go back on the same time on another Wednesday, we may be able

to observe a different class.

The full schedule was written on a SmartBoard at the front of the classroom and the

students clearly knew the expectations in terms of getting set up and what to expect during the

class. They began without discussion warming up on F (then Bb and Eb) scales to the drumset.

They warmed up with straight and swung scales. I thought this was a very effective way for a

jazz band to warm-up because it encouraged them to listen to the rhythm section as well as

practicing different styles that they would use throughout the repertoire. After going through

what seemed to be their standard scales, the director led the winds through a round in Bb without

the drumset. They seemed to be a little bit lost during this section and definitely seemed more

confident when there was a drumbeat.

After they warmed up they began working through the songs. I was surprised by the

number of pieces that were written on the board and did not expect them to play everyone, but

they did. They played 7 songs in a 50 minute class that began with a warm-up and ended a little

bit early so that the director could speak with us. Many of the songs were only run-through one

time unless they fully fell apart. The director would then mention one or two things that the band
should work on and then move to the next piece without rehearsing the feedback. I think it would

have been more productive to play fewer pieces, but really rehearse them well.

Another thing I was surprised by was the rep. Most of the songs were pop or rock songs

like Rolling in the Deep, Welcome to the Jungle, and Freebird. Sir Duke was the closest thing to

a jazz standard that they played, and even that is more R&B. I think jazz band can be a fun place

to play popular songs, but there is also so much incredible jazz music that is not as well known

and should be introduced to students in this ensemble.

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