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Going into this performance, I didn’t feel as prepared as I could have, but I was in a

comfortable place to perform with the music knowing it was a casual, judgment free setting. In

my rehearsal, I utilized the piano track/learning track you played for me to get used to the piano

line so that I could perform without having as much support under me. As far as solo singing

goes, this was the first jazz piece I have sung. I have experience singing choral jazz works from

high school in my Jazz Choir, but I sang alto back then. Singing a soprano/mezzo piece solo was

a new perspective on jazz music.

When it comes to the performance itself, I am very dissatisfied with how it went. That

morning was an especially anxious one and I really let it, and my performance anxiety, get to me.

I felt like I could hardly breath or even move I was shaking so much. Everything was very tense

because I was very tense. About halfway through I felt like I had regained some of my

composure and could get more sound out, but it didn’t change what had already started. If I

could redo the performance, I would go back and make sure that I had the right head space and

would rehearse more so that I could be more confident.

Going forward, I would like to explore jazz repertoire a little more to give myself a

second chance at trying out the techniques. I had planned to try speech like and slide techniques,

both of which went perfectly fine in my rehearsals but were entirely absent in the performance.

That being said, it may not have been my best performance, but it also wasn’t my worst. I am at

least proud of myself for trying.

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