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This lesson was our second-to-last rehearsal before the concert in Concert Choir.

I had some issues with

energy levels over the past few days, so I wanted to start the rehearsal with an energizing warmup. I
chose to start with “one-woo!” which was a full body-energizing warmup. This was great and I could tell
it helped with engagement, but I would like to also find a vocally-energizing warmup to enegize their
voices instead of just their bodies.

I led the second round of solo auditions for “Take a Chance on Me.” I was nervous about deciding on
solos and announcing it to the group because I wasn’t able to predict the reactions of individuals who
auditions. Luckily, everyone took it well and I think the result was great. We practiced having the soloists
walk down and back up and I practiced cueing their entrances. I asked the choir I could help them in any
way with my conducting, and some of them asked me to mouth words, which I am now doing.

I noticed that students started to get tired of standing and began to sit down on their own during
rehearsal. My CT asked them to stand back up while I was chatting with them. I think giving them an
intentional break between pieces may have prevented disengagement.

I’m smiling much more here! I think I was trying to make up for low energy and disengaged expressions.
One assistant in the classroom commented that the students looked confident when they knew the
words and were much quieter when they didn’t, so we worked some words. I liked my slowdown at the
end and I liked that I let students sit at the end of rehearsal while we gave feedback. This was a great

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