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Portfolio Assessment Task 1

(Week 2 Portfolio Task Activity)

COMM 5081

Prepared by-
Friendships are an important part of people's lives, providing happiness and value throughout
their lives (Goldman et al. 1981). For people of all ages, the amount and quality of interpersonal
interactions have been recognised as possibly the most reliable measures of pleasure and life
satisfaction (Diener & Seligman 2002).

Friendships in the work promote productivity, engagement, and morale. A pleasant co-worker
will ensure that you arrive at work with a cheerful face and mind. Friendships at work satisfy our
psychological needs, which are frequently necessary for us to perform at our best.

On the other hand, like every other friendship, workplace friendships do have their downsides. A
study (Pillemer & Rothbard 2018) finds that having friends at work may have a negative side,
especially if what's best for the friendship competes with what's best for the company.

On the other hand, friend in workplace have their drawbacks. According to a recent study, having
friends at work might have a negative impact, especially when friendship competes with what's
best for the company.

For example, my closest friend and I were both up for a promotion, and whomever got the
promotion would be in charge of the other. We were both ecstatic about the prospect but yet felt
uneasy. Our friendship was always supportive rather than competitive; we both had compelling
reasons for wanting this promotion.

My friend was unhappy when I was chosen for the promotion after a difficult round of
interviews. While he was happy for me, but his self-image had hurt. His best friend had now
become his boss, which created a new level of discomfort between us, outside of team meetings,
my friend has not spoken to me, that harmed our ability to collaborate.

What I understand, he must control emotional imbalance and shift his perspective, which is
crucial. In a beautiful day, in a coffee shop I wanted to tell him that this is only the first of
many promotions he will receive throughout his career. It's simpler to concentrate on a tree
than it is to concentrate on the forest. We often lose sight of the big picture, especially when we're
in the middle of an emotional issue.

Research on Brain-imaging (Jung et al. 2014) demonstrations that, reason and rationality are
badly harmed when you are worried or nervous. Taking a step back, gaining perspective, and
viewing things from different perspectives may all be beneficial. Then again, how much greater is
it to work for a supervisor who understands, enjoys, and loves you than a someone who might

According to study (Hendrick 2008), our relationship with our employer has a significant impact
on our heart health. A supervisor who values and knows about you is more likely to encourage
your profession.
Perspective can also assist my friend in seeing that your relationship is likely more valuable than
the position. Despite the benefits of getting supervisor as friend, some people opt to avoid it.
Some people don't feel at ease having actual friend at work.

Diener, E & Seligman, ME 2002, 'Very happy people', Psychological science, vol. 13, no. 1,
pp. 81-84.

Goldman, JA, Cooper, PE, Ahern, K & Corsini, DA 1981, 'Continuities and discontinuities in
the friendship descriptions of women at six stages in the life cycle', Genetic Psychology

Hendrick, B 2008, Having a Bad Boss Is Bad for the Heart, WebMD, viewed 31 March 2022,

Jung, N, Wranke, C, Hamburger, K & Knauff, M 2014, 'How emotions affect logical reasoning:
evidence from experiments with mood-manipulated participants, spider phobics, and
people with exam anxiety', Frontiers in psychology, vol. 5, pp. 570-570.

Pillemer, J & Rothbard, N 2018, 'Friends Without Benefits: Understanding the Dark Sides of
Workplace Friendship', Academy of Management Review, vol. 43, 02/15, p. amr.2016.0309.

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