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Bratanof Delia, 6th grade

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Author: J. K. Rowling

Publishing House: Egmont

Type of novel: Fantasy

Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledor,
Severus Snape, Hagrid, Draco Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Quirinus Quirrel


Harry Potter is an orphan boy, brought up by his aunt and uncle in an unfriendly environment.
When he turns 11, strange things begin to happen to him until one day when he receives the
visit of a half-giant man called Hagrid who informs him that he is one of the most powerful
wizards and that his parents (also wizards) were killed by Lord Voldemort an evil wizard. He also
finds out that he was supposed to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so a new
life begins for Harry. At school he makes two friends Hermione and Ron and one enemy, Draco.
He is introduced in the secrets of magic and the game of Quidditch – a very popular sport for
wizards. He manages to master the game techniques, as his father did when he was his age.

The three friends go through a series of adventures but the real adventure begins when they
find out about the Philosopher’s Stone - a valuable object which could give the possessor
immortality. When they notice that one of the professors – Severus Snape is acting as if he
wanted to steal the stone, Harry takes action.

Ron and Hermione help Harry get through the challenges set forth to stop the thief (fighting a
three – headed dog that guarded the stone room, finding the room key and winning a wizard
game of chess). But Harry must go on alone to battle the professor. When he finally gets to the
last room, however, he’s surprised to find someone else entirely - Quirinus Quirrel (the black
magic professor). Harry is forced to fight with the wizard that killed his parents and also tried to
kill him so many years before, Lord Voldemort. He’s able to save the Philosopher’s Stone,
although he’s almost killed. The school headmaster, Dumbledore, arrives just in time to save

The school year ends spectacularly. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are honored for their service to
the school.
Interview with Harry Potter:

R (reporter): Harry, how did you feel when you found out that you are a wizard?

Harry: Well, I was surprised of course, but to tell you the truth, sometimes I felt there was
something special about me. To give you an example, I was once looking at a snake in the zoo
with my cousin Dudley who never missed the chance to piss me off. I got so annoyed that the
glass of the cage disappeared and the snake got out and also thanked me.

R: Wow! That’s incredible! Let’s talk about school. Do you have a favorite subject?

Harry: Ummm, it’s hard to choose because in every class you learn something different like:
how to work with the magic stick, to prepare potions, to protect yourself, to fly on a broom.
What I can say for sure is that I love Quidditch.

R: Yes, I heard you are the youngest in your team. How did you feel at your first game?

Harry: I was nervous, of course, especially because I wasn’t a specialist at controlling the
broom, but I closed my eyes and thought about how proud my dad would be if I won and that
gave me power.

R: Let’s talk a little about your friends.

Harry: They are really good and helpful friends who are always beside me whenever I need
them. Ron is an active and stubborn kid. Hermione is really clever and ambitious but also bossy.
Anyway I am lucky to have them. They are just like my second family.

R: One last question. What can you tell me about the fight with Lord Voldemort?

Harry: It was the most incredible thing that happened to me, but I was scared because I had a
really difficult task – protecting the school, my friends, my family and to make my parents
proud of me. In fact, thinking about my dear parents gave me the necessary power. I somehow
felt they were there with me.

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