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Classroom Bheavior


Justice Circles
Estel Roig
Hi there again!
I'm Estel, a School Psych intern at Bend-la Pine.

I have been at WVMS this semester under Alix's


Requirement: PD for teachers

Introduce Restorative
Agenda Practices to manage behavior
What are these?
Why should you care?

Restorative Circles
What are these?
How can these be used in your classrooms to set
things right when there is conflict?

Classroom Behavior Management
Where does it come from?

Punishment-based approaches: Most common ways to manage behaviors in school

Criminal justice system: Guided by the idea that punishment = best response to crime
School system mimics criminal justice system
Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are processes that proactively build healthy

relationships and a sense of community to prevent and address conflict
and wrongdoing.

1. Improve relationships
2. Allow those who have caused harm to take responsibility for their
behavior by addressing individuals affected by the behavior

Peer Mediation
Justice Peer Juries

Informal restorative practices

Confereincing Circle Process
A tale of Two Schools
Carlos had a heated argument with his parents before leaving for school, so he's
running late. Let's see the difference that restorative

policies and practices can make.

Jamboard Activity

1. If I have a conflict with one of my students,
how do I respond? 1. What is the process for resolving conflict or disagreement in the
2. If I see a conflict arising between students in classroom?
the classroom, how do I respond? 2. How are students made aware of the process?
3. Did the students help develop the process?
4. What type of input do students have in finding ways to address
1. What am I doing to make sure students feel Plan
2. How are students engaging with each other? 1. How is the classroom prevention and conflict resolution
3. How does the classroom design impact how strategy linked to the school’s plan for developing
students communicate with each other and positive solutions or resolutions when a disagreement
with me? arises?
2. If it isn’t, how can it be better linked to influence the
climate of the classroom?
Restorative The way each individual (teacher, principal,
counselor, support staff) interacts with others in
Practice in Person the school community and how that interaction
has an impact on relationships

The environmental conditions and factors that
Place affect how individuals interact with one another

Clasroom Level - Opportunities for educators to prevent conflict,

The 4 P's Practice resolve challenges, and create chances for

relationship growth

How is the classroom prevention and conflict

resolution strategy linked to the school’s plan for
Plan developing positive solutions or resolutions when
a disagreement arises? If it isn’t, how can it be
better linked to influence the climate of the
Restorative Circles
An ideal format for restorative justice

Why Kinds video

Build community Basic Circle

Popcorn circle
Respond to harms through dialogue Fishbowl circle

Spiral Circle
Goal - to bring truly meaningful Etc.
justice for all involved

Basic Elements of Circle

Talking Piece
Circle Guidelines Agreements
Small, Soft Toy
1. Speak from the heart
Special Stick or Stone DIfferent in each classroom, negotiated
2. Listen from the heart
Rattle or Gourd by the class about how to participate in
3. No need to rehearse
Other objects the circle.
4. Without feeling rushed, just say

Shape of circle
Center Piece Prompting
Questions Everyone should see everyone else's faces
Decorative fabric - floor or low table
without having to lean forward.
Flowers or Beautiful objects Addressed in following slide

Talking Piece (until used)

Most importantly = no barriers between
Prompting Questions

What happened?
What were you thinking at the time of the incident?
What have you thought about since?
Who has been affected by what
happened and how?
What about this has been hardest for you?
What do you think needs to be done to make things as right as possible?
Kinds of Circles

Basic PopCorn FishBowl

Facing center with no Popcorn sequence (no particular Active participants & Witness
obstructions order) roles
Talking piece to pass around in No talking piece (or optional) witness circle = silent until asked
sequence Useful when it is not so important to make observations about the
All students participate (can that every student speaks circle
pass) can rotate people from one to

another circle

Spiral Circle etc.

similar to fishbowl but with empty Feedback circle
seat wheelhouse circle
invited in to speak, then rotate small groups
good for large groups student leaders
Sequence of events in a Circle
Consistency = students know what to expect. Create a Circle Pattern

Another tool in your Toolbox

Jamboard activity -
To reflect on how each of the 4 P's currently current support restorative practices in your classroom.

Canva Presentation -

PDF with detailed lesson plans -

Teaching Restorative Practices through Classroom Circles'

Book -
'Classroom Circles: A Toolkit for Building Relationships and Strengthening School Communities' by Whalen, Holliday-Jones & Curtis

Many Resources -
International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Graduate School

Another YouTube video with explanation of Restorative Circles:
Presentation Evaluation

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