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V. M. Der Kaloustian A. K.


Genetic Diseases
of the Skin
With a Foreword by F. Clarke Fraser

With 441 Figures

Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979
VAZKEN M. DER KALOUSTIAN, M. D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics,
American University of Beirut and American University Hospital, Beirut,

AMAL K. KURBAN, M. D., Professor and Head, Division of Dermatology,

American University of Beirut and American University Hospital, Beirut,

ISBN-13: 978-3-642-67154-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-67152-4

DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-67152-4

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. Der Kaloustian, Vazken, M., 1937. Genetic Diseases of
the Skin. Bibliography: P. Includes index.!. Skin - Diseases - Genetic aspects. I. Kurban, Amal, K., 1928,
joint author. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Skin diseases - Familial and genetic] RL 72.D46 616.5'042 78·25740

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To Lebanon, our country, land of
bountiful giving, torn and devastated
during the writing of this book

The two organs of the body most accessible to examination are the eye and
the skin and its appendages. That is why, it is said, ophthalmological
genetics is in such flourishing good health. Dermatological genetics does
not seem to have benefited so much from the skin being on the outside, and
there are but few dermatological counterparts to the volumes of Sorsby,
Waardenburg, Franceschetti and Franr,;ois, among others. But thanks to the
growing interest in medical genetics, and the modern sophisticated tech-
niques of molecular, biochemical, and ultrastructural examination, der-
matology is beginning to catch up, as the appearance of this volume
Because of the growing body of knowledge and the heightened awareness of
genetics by both patients and physicians, dermatologists not only will be
asked more often about the inheritance of skin conditions they diagnose but
increasingly will have the opportunity to diagnose a variety of inborn errors
and syndromes by their dermatologic manifestations. On the other hand,
syndromologists, clinical geneticists, and physicians are continually seeing
patients with diagnostic clues in the skin that they must be able to appreciate.
For both groups this book will be a new and valuable source of help.

Spring 1979 F. CLARKE FRASER, Ph.D., M.D.

Molson Professor of Human Genetics
Departments of Biology and Paediatrics
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The past two decades have witnessed dramatic and fundamental progress in
the biologic sciences in general and human genetics in particular. The
rapidly developing field of molecular biology has shed light on our
understanding of such basic concepts as the nature of the gene, the structure
of the DNA molecule, and the mechanisms of protein synthesis. Methods
have been devised for the study and mapping of human chromosomes. The
knowledge of enzymatic deficiencies and lysosomal pathology has elu-
cidated the pathogenesis of many inherited diseases and helped our under-
standing of normal biologic mechanisms. The new methods of fibroblast
culture have enabled human geneticists to avoid the drawback of the long
generation time of the species. The techniques of heterozygote detection and
amniocentesis have opened new horizons in medical genetics and particular-
ly genetic counseling. Finally, certain therapeutic measures for genetic
diseases have been attempted and have already given rewarding results.

Within this general context, the genetic aspects of dermatologic diseases

have also received significant attention. The two fields of genetics and
dermatology have been complementary in their accomplishments in basic
biologic research. Certain dermatologic diseases have helped in elucidating
genetic facts and mechanisms (e.g., Anderson-Fabry disease and X-linkage
of a-galactosidase with "lyonization" of its locus). Similarly, genetics has
helped us in our understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of
certain dermatologic diseases (e.g., defective DNA repair replication in
xeroderma pigmentosum). The easy accessibility of the skin makes it, among
the human tissues, the system par excellence for observation, study, and
experimentation. Even minor skin lesions may be important in detecting
various biologic processes and in initiating the understanding of basic

Cockayne's Inherited Abnormalities of the Skin, published in 1933 [1], was

the first attempt to bring together in one volume information on inherited
disorders of the skin scattered throughout the world literature. Since then,
three other books have become milestones in this endeavor: L'Heredite en
Medecine by A. Touraine, published in 1955 [2], Clinical Genodermatology
by Butterworth and Strean, published in 1962 [3], and Vererbung von Haut-
krankheiten by Gottron and Schnyder (Handbuch der Haut- und Ge-
schlechtskrankheiten. J. Jadassohn, Vol. 7), published in 1966 [4]. Finally,
Volume VII, Part XII of The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, published
in 1971 [5], deals with diseases of the skin, hair, and nails and has been a
welcome addition, with its up-to-date information and excellent pho-

Our present effort is a continuation of the work of these predecessors. We

have attempted to present, in a concise, extensively illustrated manner,
current information on disorders that are of definite or probable hereditary
or genetic origin affecting the skin and its appendages. This book is not
x Preface

intended to be an exhaustive review of each entity or to include all the

controversial theories and postulates in which today's literature abounds.
We try to give factual information on diseases and traits with cutaneous
manifestations, underlining their systemic associations and pathophysio-
logic mechanisms.

The book is aimed at serving not only dermatologists and medical geneticists,
but also pediatricians, internists, and all those interested in birth defects
and developmental anomalies. Our general plan for each disease includes
information on clinical presentation, pathology and pathophysiology,
inheritance, and treatment. However, for various reasons this format was
not always suitable, In the case of certain well-known diseases such as
psoriasis, stress was put on the hereditary aspects rather than on a detailed
description of the clinical manifestations. Likewise, groups of diseases (e.g.,
the immune deficiency disorders) have been presented in table form for easy
comparison and assimilation of information. In addition, we were forced,
because of space limitation, to omit material that might otherwise have
been included. For this and other omissions, we beg the reader's indulgence.
However, we have covered, in relative detail, recent advances in some very
rare diseases such as xeroderma pigmentosum and progeria that provide
basic information relating to fundamental biologic and medical problems
like aging and cancer.

The classification of the diseases presented some difficulties. Since the basic
pathogenetic mechanism and pathophysiology are not known in the
majority of the disorders, we had tb classify them according to the
presenting signs. As a syndrome may have several presenting signs, it
may be discussed under different headings. We have tried to avoid this by
presenting the disorder according to its most striking sign and using cross-
references. Where the pathogenetic mechanisms are known (e.g. metabolic
disorders, immune deficiency diseases, chromosomopathies), the disorders
are classified accordingly. The investigators' na·mes have been mentioned in
the text when they were the first to report a certain disease; the others
are referred to by reference number only. Whenever eponyms are used,
the possessive form is avoided (e.g., Down syndrome, Gaucher disease).

To facilitate the use of the book we have included the following features: a
detailed table of contents preceding each chapter, an appendix listing for the
various disorders their differential diagnoses based on dermatologic signs, a
short list of references following each entry, a glossary, and a subject index.
An introduction to human genetics is presented for a basic understanding of
concepts and terminology. Unfortunately, we could not discuss principles
of population genetics because oflack of space. For these, and other informa-
tion on genetics, the reader is referred to Principles of Human Genetics by
Stern [6], Genetics in Medicine by Thompson and Thompson [7], and
Medical Genetics: Principles and Practice by Nora and Fraser [8].

We are indebted to McKusick's fourth edition of Mendelian Inheritance in

Man, published in 1975 [9], as a guide to the various disorders considered to
be inherited. We have added a few conditions that have appeared sub-
sequently in the 1978 edition [10]. Other main references that we have used
are Lysosomes and Storage Diseases edited by Hers and Van Hoof [11],
Mental Retardation by Holmes and colleagues [12], Recognizable Patterns
of Human Malformation by Smith [13], The Metabolic Basis of Inherited
Disease, edited by Stanbury, Wyngaarden, and Fredrickson [14], and Human
Cytogenetics by Hamerton [15], as well as various medical journals and
Preface XI

Although we have tried hard to make this book as useful and as accurate as
possible, we are certain that errors and deficiencies have escaped our
attention. We would greatly appreciate suggestions or criticism from our
readers aimed at the improvement of our presentation.

Beirut, Lebanon V. M. DER KALOUSTIAN

Spring 1979 A. K. KURBAN

1. Cockayne, E. A.: Inherited abnormalities of the skin and its appendages. London: Oxford
University Press 1933
2. Touraine, A.: L'heredite en medecine. Paris: Masson 1955
3. Butterworth, T., Strean, L.P.: Clinical genodermatology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins
Co. 1962
4. Gottron, H. A., Schnyder, U. W.: Vererbung von Hautkrankheiten. In: Handbuch der
Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. 1. ladassohn. Erg.-Werk, Bd.7. Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York: Springer 1966
5. Bergsma, D. (ed.): The clinical delineation of birth defects. Part XII: Skin, hair and nails.
Vol. VII, No.8. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
6. Stern, C: Principles of human genetics, 3rd ed. San Francisco: Freeman 1973
7. Thompson, 1.S., Thompson, M.W.: Genetics in medicine, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders,
W.B. Co. 1973
8. Nora, 1.1., Fraser, F.C: Medical genetics: principles and practice. Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger 1974
9. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 4th ed. Baltimore: lohns Hopkins
University Press 1975
10. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inhertiance in man. 5th ed. Baltimore: lohns Hopkins
University Press 1978
11. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F. (eds.): Lysosomes and storage diseases. New York: Academic
Press 1973
12. Holmes, L.B., Moser, H.W., Halldorsson, S., Mack, C, Pant, S.S., Matzilevich, B.: Mental
retardation. New York: Macmillan Co. 1972
13. Smith, D.W.: Recognizable patterns of human malformation, 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
Saunders, W. B. Co. 1976
14. Stanbury, 1. B., Wyngaarden, 1. B., Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.): The metabolic basis of inherited
disease, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
15. Hamerton, J.L.: Human cytogenetics. Vols. I and II. New York: Academic Press 1971
Special Acknowledgments

We are indebted to many whose help made this book possible. In particular,
we wish to express our thanks to Mrs. Phyllis Bergman and Mrs. Helena
Kurban for competent and patient editorial assistance; Drs. Ronald
Bergman and Adel Afifi for encouragement and advice; Drs. John Malak,
Khalil A. Feisal, Samir Deeb, and Shukrallah Zaynoun for reading parts
of the manuscript; Dr. Marilyn Preus for her help in the chapters on
chromosomal anomalies and dermatoglyphics; Dr. E. Reece for her advice
on the chapter on immunologic disorders; Miss Mona Barakat for assistance
in accumulating the clinical material; Mrs. Margaret Abbott for sorting out
valuable photographs; Mrs. C. Suer and Miss Ani Kehkejian for typing the
whole manuscript under difficult circumstances and sometimes even under
heavy shelling during the Lebanese civil war; Mrs. M. Forster for additional
secretarial assistance; and Mr. Antranig Chelebian for the diagrams. We
wish to thank also the staff members of the Saab Memorial Medical Library
(American University of Beirut) for their help.
The kind support of Drs. Victor A. McKusick and F. Clarke Fraser is
greatly appreciated.
We are grateful to the many colleagues from all over the world who
contributed pictures of their patients.
Part of this work was supported by a grant from the Lebanese National
Council for Scientific Research.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge the patient cooperation of the staff of

Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Genetics 1

Molecular Genetics 1
Biochemical Genetics 3
Inheritance in Man 4
The Human Chromosomes 8
Genetic Heterogeneity 12
Prevention and Treatment of Genetic Diseases 13
Chapter 2 Abnormalities of Keratinization 17
Acrokeratoses 18
Erythrokeratodermias 18
Follicular Keratoses 22
Ichthyosiform Dermatoses 26
Palmoplantar Keratodermias 40
Parokeratoses 48
Other Abnormalities of Keratinization 50
Chapter 3 Abnormalities of Pigmentation 58
Hypo- and Amelanosis 58
H ypermelanosis 69
Chapter 4 Bullous Eruptions 79
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica 79
Epidermolysis Bullosa 80
Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus 87
Chapter 5 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies 90
Dermal Hypoplasias and Dysplasias 90
Ear Malformations 98
Syndactylies . . . . . . . . . 104
Ectodermal Dysplasias . . . . . 109
Syndromes with Premature Aging 116
Poikilodermas 122
Cutis Verticis Gyrata 125
Other Disorders . . . 126

Chapter 6 Disorders with Photosensitivity 140

Bloom Syndrome . . . . . . 140
Hartnup Disease . . . . . . 142
Hereditary Polymorphic Light Eruption 142
Porphyrias . . . . . . 143
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 151
XIV Contents

Chapter 7 Inherited Disorders with Immune Deficiency 154

Antibody Deficiency Diseases . . . . . . . 154
Immunodeficiencies with Thymic Hypoplasia or
Dysplasia. . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Other Cellular Immunodeficiencies. 156
Disorders of the Phagocytic System. 158
Metabolic and Other Disorders . . 160
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (Aldrich Syndrome). 161

Chapter 8 Connective Tissue Disorders 162

Cutis Laxa . . . . . . . 162
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome . 164
Pseudoxanthoma Ehisticum 166
Marfan Syndrome 168
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 168
Puretic Syndrome . . . 170
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa 170
Familial Reactive Collagenosis 170
Mucopolysaccharidoses 171
Heredity and Autoimmune Diseases 176

Chapter 9 Disorders of Hair . 178

Hereditary Hirsutism 179
Hereditary Alopecias 181
Other Conditions 192
Disorders of Eyelashes and Eyebrows 194

Chapter 10 Disorders of Nails 196

Chapter 11 Oral Mucosal Lesions 202
Syndromes with Cleft Lip 202
Lip Pits or Fistulas 204
Gingival Fibromatosis . 205
Benign Intraepithelial Dyskeratosis 205
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome 206
Mucosal Neuromas with Endocrine Tumors 206
Tongue Abnormalities 208
White Sponge Nevus 209
Chapter 12 Proliferative Disorders 210
Collagenoma and Connective Tissue Nevus 210
Epidermal Proliferative Disorders 212
Fibrous Proliferative Disorders 222
Hemangiomas 224
Lipomatoses 227
Leiomyomas 228
Mast Cell Disease 229
Histiocytic Proliferative Disorders 231
Malignant Lymphomas . . . . 233
Melanocytic Proliferative Disorders 235
Contents XV

Chapter 13 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders 236

Anemias and Thrombocytopenias 236
Telangiectasias 242
Lymphedemas 247
Raynaud Disease 249
Cold Hypersensitivity 250
Palmar Erythema 250
Other Disorders . . . 250

Chapter 14 Neurocutaneous Syndromes 252

Familial Dysautonomia. 252
Tuberous Sclerosis 253
Neurofibromatosis 255
Angiomatoses 257

Chapter 15 Metabolic Disorders 259

Aminoacidemias and Aminoacidurias 259
Endocrinopathies . . . . 266
Storage Diseases . . . . 267
Other Metabolic Disorders 286

Chapter 16 Chromosomal Anomalies 290

Down Syndrome 290
Turner Syndrome . . . 291
Other Syndromes with Chromosomal Anomalies 293

Chapter 17 Dermatoglyphics 299

Embryology 299
Ridge Patterns 299
Dermatoglyphics in Chromosomal Aberration
Syndromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Dermatoglyphic Anomalies in Nonchromosomal
Disorders . . . . . . 302

Chapter 18 Cancer, Genetics, and the Skin 305

Disorders with Autosomal Dominant Inheritance. 305
Disorders with Autosomal Recessive Inheritance . 306
Disorders with X-linked Recessive Inheritance . . 306
Disorders with Possible Genetic Etiology-Mode of
Inheritance Unknown . . . . 306

Chapter 19 Miscellaneous 309

Appendix: Differential Diagnoses of Disorders Based on

Dermatologic Signs . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Glossary 327
SUbject Index . 329
Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Genetics

Contents Molecular Genetics

Molecular Genetics 1
Structure of DNA 1
DNA Repair 1
Molecular genetics has made giant strides during
RN A and Protein Synthesis 2 the past three decades. DNA (deoxyribonucleic
Mutation . . . . 3 acid) was synthesized in vitro, its intimate structure
Biochemical Genetics . . . . 3 was elucidated, the genetic control of enzyme and
Protein Variants . . . . . 3 virus synthesis was discovered, and the genetic code
Inherited Metabolic Disorders 4 was deciphered.
Lysosomal Diseases 4
Inheritance in Man 4
Single Gene Inheritance 4
Polygenic Inheritance 7 Structure of DNA
Inheritance through Anomalous Chromosomes 7
Twins in Medical Genetics 7 Genetic information is coded in DNA. DNA is a
The Human Chromosomes 8 macromolecule with three types of components: a
Classification and Techniques 8 sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate, and a base. There
The Sex Chromatin Body 9 are four types of bases in DNA. Two are purines
The Lyon Hypothesis 9
Mitosis and Meiosis . . . 10
[adenine (A) and guanine (G)J and two are pyri-
Chromosomal Aberrations 11 midines [thymine (1) and cytosine (e)J. The struc-
Assignment of Genes to Human Chromosomes 11 ture of the DNA molecule represents a "double
Linkage ..... 12 helix" (Fig. 1.1). The backbones of the helices are
Genetic Heterogeneity 12 formed by the alternating ribose and phosphate
Genetic Methods 12 molecules from which the bases project. The bases
Mode of Inheritance 12 of the helices pair by hydrogen bonds: A pairs with
Nonallelism of Recessives in Pedigree Studies 12
Linkage Relationships 12 T, and G with C. DNA serves two main functions:
Analysis of Phenotype 12 self-replication and coding for proteins.
Biochemical Analysis . . 12
Physiologic Studies 12
Studies of Cells in Culture 12
Coculturing of Cells 12 DNA Repair
Cell Hybridization Studies 12
Prevention and Treatment of Genetic Diseases 13 With the help of the enzyme DN A polymerase, self-
Prevention . . . . . . . 13 replication occurs with great accuracy. Although
Genetic Counseling 13 the DNA molecule is subject to injurious environ-
Artificial Insemination 13 mental factors such as radiation, it has very effective
Prenatal Diagnosis . . 13
Treatment ...... . 14 processes of repair. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation
Controlling the External Environment 14 produces bonds between neighboring thymines on
Dietary Treatment . . . . . . . 14 the same DNA strand and creates dimers. The
Pharmacologic Approach . . . . 14 formation of the dimers is considered an "injury"
Administration of Gene Products 14
and an abnormal situation. The repair of the da-
mage involves four steps [lJ, each requiring the
action of a specific enzyme (Fig. 1.2): an endonuc-
lease, an exonuclease, a polymerase, and a ligase.
Certain dermatologic diseases have a deficiency in
one of the enzymes involved in DNA repair. For
example, in xeroderma pigmentosum the cells are
unable to perform adequately the first step in repair
2 Introduction to Human Genetics

Under the effect of

ultraviolet light a thymine
di mer is formed.

2. An endonuclease breaks
the helix near the dimer.

The region of the thymine

dimer is excised by an

4. Synthesis of a new strand

occurs with the help of DN.

The two ends of the
strand are joined by the
S : sugar C: cytosine G: guanine
polynucleotide ligase.
p : phosphate T : thymine A: adenine

Fig. 1.1. The double helix. (For description, see text) Fig. 1.2. DNA repair. For description, see text. (Adapted
from Watson, J.D.: Molecular biology of the gene, 2nd
ed., p. 294. New York: Benjamin, W.A. Inc. 1970, with

of damage to DNA (see also p. 151). In certain other RN A is a nucleic acid similar in its structure to
dermatologic diseases deficiency in repair mecha- DNA but different in two respects: (a) the sugar is
nisms is also implicated. These deficiencies may ribose instead of deoxyribose and (b) the fourth
elucidate degenerative processes or shed light on base is uracil instead of thymine. There are three
the pathophysiology of malignant transformation. main types of RNA: messenger (mRN A), transfer
(tRNA), and ribosomal (rRNA). mRNA is a nucleic
acid molecule transcribed by the enzyme RN A
polymerase using one of the DNA strands as a
RNA and Protein Synthesis template; mRN A carries the genetic message from
the nucleus to the cytoplasm where protein syn-
Expression of genetic information into proteins thesis occurs.
involves the transcription (nucleic acid --+nucleic In the cytoplasm, mRN A binds to the ribosomes
acid) of the genetic message from DNA to RNA which are structures composed of ribosomal RNA
and the translation (nucleic acid -+protein) from (rRNA) and proteins. Subsequently, amino acids are
RN A to protein (Fig. 1.3). transferred to the site of protein synthesis by means
On a single DNA helix each sequence of three bases of a special type of RNA, called transfer RNA
(triplet) codes for a specific amino acid, although (tRNA). Each amino acid is transferred by its own
the amino acid in question may be coded by specific tRNA (covalently linked by a specific en-
different triplets. The sequence of triplets on the zyme). The various tRNA-amino acid molecules are
DNA helix determines the sequence of amino acids bound to triplet codons on mRN A. The binding is
in a polypeptide chain. A gene represents a segment guided by virtue of the complementary base se-
of DNA molecule coding for a single polypeptide. quence between the mRN A codons and anticodons
Mutation 3

Fig. 1.3. An interpretation of pro-

tein biosynthesis. For description,
see text. (Adapted from Thomp- DNA
son and Thompson: Genetics in TRANSCRIPTION
medicine, 2nd ed., p. 43. Phila- (nucleus)
delphia: Saunders, w.B. Co. 1973,
with permission) RNA
m-RNA polymerase
u \)


C .
GPo.] Incoming

Synthesis of
6 aminoacyl

polypeptide chain

on tRN A molecules (Fig. 1.3). At anyone time only This results in a "frame-shift" and the synthesis of a
two aminoacyl-tRNAs bind to the ribosome- new amino acid sequence beyond the mutation,
mRN A complex. Peptide bond formation occurs producing a nonfunctional protein.
between two amino acids linked to the two adjacent
tRN As on the ribosome. Thus, the sequences of
bases in DNA dictate the sequences of amino acids
in polypeptides. These, in turn, determine the
Biochemical Genetics
phenotype of the individual and the characteristics
of the species. Protein Variants

The significance of protein variants was recognized

Mutation and appreciated by Sir Archibald Garrod at the
turn of the century [3]. They characterize the
The term mutation is generally used for changes individuality of each being and also introduce into
either in the chromosomal structure detectable cy- populations the polymorphisms which may be im-
tologically or in the DN A at the level of a base pair. portant in the processes of adaptation and evolu-
The latter type of change is called a point mutation tion of the species [4]. On the other hand, particular
and is responsible for specific alterations in protein variants, or combinations of variants, may be
molecules [2]. pathologic or represent different degrees of suscep-
Mutations may be due to chemical mutagens, tibility or resistance to certain diseases. For exam-
physical agents (e.g., X-rays, UV light), or viruses. ple, hemoglobin S (HbS) differs from hemoglobin A
They may also be associated with advanced pater- (HbA) in a mutation in the chain of the globin
nal age as, for example, in achondroplasia, Apert molecule. This mutation results in the change of one
syndrome, and fibrodysplasia ossificans. Point mu- amino acid (glutamic acid to valine). The change is
tations change a base in the triplet, thus coding for a due to a single base substitution (thymine to ade-
different amino acid. This changes the structure of nine) in DNA. Even though the mutation leading to
the polypeptide chain, producing a variant protein. HbS is pathogenic, there are more than 400 dif-
Protein variants (structural proteins or enzymes) ferent types of hemoglobin, most of them due to
that arise from mutations may still function nor- point mutations, which do not necessarily lead to
mally or produce an abnormality in the physiology pathology [5].
of the organism. Point mutations may also involve The heterogeneity of proteins is expressed qualita-
the insertion or loss of a single base in the DNA. tively and quantitatively. The variants are identified
4 Introduction to Human Genetics

by electrophoresis, immunologic and enzymatic Inheritance in Man

methods, heat stability, and response to inhibitors.

In man, inheritance of traits may be monogenic,

Inherited Metabolic Disorders multigenic, or may be the result of the transmission
of an abnormal chromosome (e.g., a deletion or a
Certain mutations may produce changes in struc- translocation).
tural proteins and result in disorders such as
Marfan syndrome or Clouston type of ectodermal
dysplasia (see p. 113). Others produce disturbances
Single Gene Inheritance
in circulating transport proteins such as hemoglobin,
lipoproteins, and other plasma proteins. A number
Single gene inheritance can be autosomal do-
of diseases are due to defects in membrane transport,
minant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, or
involving carrier substances that behave in a way
X-linked recessive. The pattern of inheritance of a
similar to enzymes. Finally, mutations produce
certain trait may be apparent from pedigree studies.
changes in enzymes resulting in important meta-
These are very important, since they represent one
bolic derangements. From his observations on al-
of the first steps in the thorough study of inherited
kaptonuria, albinism, cystinuria, and pentosuria,
diseases. They should be included in all case his-
Sir Archibald Garrod had already developed in
tories in which a familial disease is suspected. They
1908 the concept that certain diseases are due to a
are a must in all pediatric records. The symbols
defect in the activity of specific enzymes [6,7]. By
commonly used are standard and generally accept-
1978, 160 inherited enzymatic deficiencies had been
ed (Fig. 1.4).
discovered [8]. These may be harmless (e.g., pento-
The distinction between "dominant" and "re-
suria with a deficiency of xylitol dehydrogenase) or
cessive" genes is not absolute. By definition, a
result in clinical disorders. The clinical manifes-
"recessive" gene has no -detectable expression in a
tations of the enzymatic deficiency may be due to
heterozygote under the conditions of study and
accumulation of a precursor prior to the enzymatic
analysis. Diseases involving enzymes with de-
block (phenylketonuria, lysosomal storage diseases)
creased activity behave as recessives because in the
or deficiency of the reaction product (albinism).
heterozygous situation the amount of normal en-
zyme produced by the allele allows a normal meta-
bolic function. In heterozygotes in which the abnor-
Lysosomal Diseases mal gene codes for a structural protein, the mutant
allele acts as a dominant, since all cells that have the
An important group of enzymatic deficiencies com- mutant produce the structurally abnormal protein.
prises the lysosomal diseases. Many of these have As a result of changes in the physical properties of
been clinically known since the turn of the cen- the protein, heterozygotes may show phenotypic
tury (Gaucher, Tay-Sachs, Fabry, Niemann-Pick, abnormalities even though only about half of the
Hunter, and Hurler diseases). However, their pa- protein is of the mutant type. Thus, amino acid
thophysiology has been elucidated only recently. substitutions are expected in the collagen or elastic
The biochemical concept of lysosomes as mem- fiber proteins of the dominantly inherited forms of
brane-bound particles containing acid hydrolases the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and in the keratin in
emerged around 1955 [9, 10]. About 10 years the case of a dominant abnormality of the hair such
later, the lysosomal localization of the enzyme as monilethrix. In the Clouston variety of ectoder-
deficiency in Pompe disease established the concept mal dysplasia the gene involved is the structural
of "inborn lysosomal disease" [11,12]. This concept gene for a matrix polypeptide [14]. Similarly, since
focused attention on two easily detectable charac- the trait of the Marfan syndrome behaves as a
teristics, one morphologic and the other biochemi- dominant, most probably the pathogenesis of the
cal: (a) abnormal deposits within the lysosomes and syndrome is not due to an enzymatic deficiency.
(b) severe deficiency in a single enzyme which On the other hand, in over 160 of the 521 certain
normally digests the stored substance [13]. The recessives an enzyme deficiency has been demon-
lysosomal diseases that interest the dermatologist strated [8].
are mainly fucosidosis, Fabry disease, Gaucher Single gene defects are transmitted according to
disease, Niemann-Pick disease, aspartylglycosami- Mendel's laws [15]. The following are the charac-
nuria, Farber disease, and the mucopoly- teristics of autosomal dominant inheritance
saccharidoses. (Fig. 1.5):
Single Gene Inheritance 5

Fig. 1.4. Symbols commonly

o 00
used in recording pedigrees Male Dizygotic twins

o Female 6::0 Monozygotic twins·

0--0 Mat',ng Propositus

•• Affected

Heterozygotes tor

2 3 4
Sibs in chronological
IJ () autosomal recessive

Female carrier of X-linked

Number of normal 0 recessive gene
children of sex
1 Abortion or stillbirth
(sex unspecified)

o Sex unspecified
JZf Death


II ~ 2 /3 4
Generations are numbered with
roman numerals and range from
the earliest at the top of the pedigree
to the most recent at the bottom

1. The trait appears in every generation. There is no 2. On the average one-fourth of the children of
"skipping" except when the "penetrance" is reduced heterozygous parents are affected.
(see below). 3. Males and females have an equal risk of being
2. An affected person heterozygous for the trait affected.
transmits it to half of his or her children. By 1978, 521 "proved" recessive traits had been
3. At least one of the parents of an affected person identified [8J; 160 of these have dermatologic ma-
is also affected except when the penetrance is nifestations. Acrodermatitis enteropathica, epider-
reduced (see below). molysis bullosa dystrophica, Hartnup disease, and
4. Males and females can have and transmit the Letterer-Siwe disease are examples of recessive
trait equally. inheritance.
By 1978, 736 "proved" dominant traits had been In the case of consanguineous marriages, the risk of
identified [8J; 182 of these have dermatologic ma- a carrier of a rare recessive trait marrying another
nifestations. Acanthosis nigricans, keratosis folli- carrier is much higher. Thus, children of con-
cularis, and erythrokeratodermia variabilis are ex- sanguineous marriages run an increased risk of
amples of dominant inheritance. suffering from autosomal recessively inherited di-
Two traits are said to be codominant when their seases. This risk may be increased by lOO-fold, but
genes are allelic and are both expressed in a hetero- in absolute terms it is still small, being of the order
zygote. For example, in blood group AB both the of 1 % [16]. This is the biologic basis of the prohibi-
gene for A and that for B are expressed. tion of cousin marriage in many societies.
The following are the characteristics of autosomal X -linked recessive inheritance (Fig. 1.7) has the fol-
recessive inheritance (Fig. 1.6): lowing characteristics:
1. When the parents are heterozygous and pheno- 1. The trait is much more common in males than
typically normal the trait appears only in the females. All males carrying the X-linked gene ex-
children homozygous for the mutant gene. press the trait. Females are affected when they are
6 Introduction to Human Genetics



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 1.5. Stereotype pedigree of autosomal dominant Fig. 1.6. Stereotype pedigree of autosomal recessive
inheritance inheritance


2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 1.7. Stereotype pedigree of X-linked recessive Fig. 1.8. Stereotype pedigree of X-linked dominant
inheritance inheritance

homozygous and in certain heterozygous cases (see identified [8], 29 of which have dermatologic
The Lyon Hypothesis, p. 9). manifestations.
2. An affected man passes his X-linked gene to half Y-linked genes occur only in males. They are trans-
of his daughters who become carriers. He does not mitted to all the sons and none of the daughters.
transmit it to any of his sons. The only genes definitely known to be on the Y
3. A carrier woman passes her X-linked gene to half chromosomes are those coding for testis-deter-
of her sons who manifest the trait and to half of her mining factors. They are located on the short arm
daughters who become carriers. of the chromosome [8]. It has been suggested
Fabry disease (diffuse angiokeratoma) and dyske- that one or more genes concerned with stature are
ratosis congenita are examples of X-linked recessive on the Y chromosome [8]. Although Y-linkage may
traits. not be completely excluded, "hairy ears" seem more
X-linked dominant inheritance (Fig. 1.8) has the likely to be inherited as autosomal dominant with
following characteristics: a strong male influence [8].
1. Affected men transmit the trait to all their Typical pedigree patterns can be altered by certain
daughters and to none of their sons. mechanisms such as reduced penetrance, variable
2. Heterozygous women are affected. They trans- expressivity, pleiotropism, genetic heterogeneity,
mit the trait to half of their sons and half of their variability of the age of onset, sex limitation, in-
daughters. teraction of two or more gene pairs, and en-
Keratosis follicularis spinulosa cum ophiasi is an vironmental factors.
example of X-linked dominant inheritance. Certain Certain traits may be modified by other genes and
diseases can also be inherited as X-linked domi- by environmental influences to such an extent that
nant with lethality in the hemizygous male. they may not be recognizable even though the gene
Dermatologic diseases with the latter form of in- causing the trait is present. In these cases this gene
heritance are focal dermal hypoplasia (FDH) and, or trait is said to be nonpenetrant. Thus, certain
probably, type I oro facio digital (OFD) syndrome. autosomal dominant traits with reduced penetrance
By 1978, 107 "proved" X-linked traits had been may "skip" a generation (see above).
Polygenic Inheritance 7

Expressivity is the variation of degree of expression I Threshold l i ne

that a trait may have. In clinical medicine, a certain : tor c l in i cal

gene with variable expressivity may produce mild, III
: manifestation
moderate, or severe disease. A forme fruste is an -'
extremely mild and clinically insignificant ex- o
pression of an abnormality. Variable expressivity :;:
and formes frustes are noted especially in auto- z
somal dominant inheritance. LJ..
Pleiotropism is the production of multiple pheno- a:
typic effects by a mutant gene or gene pair. For UJ
example, the primary defect in phenylketonuria is :;[
the specific enzyme deficiency. Secondary effects are Z

severe mental retardation, excretion of phenyl-

ketones in the urine, and dilution of pigmentation.
Pleiotropism is especially important to derma-
tology because many systemic genetic disorders SUSCEPTIBILITY
have cutaneous features [17]. Thus, keeping in mind
the possibility of pleiotropism,. one should avoid the Fig. 1.9. Quasi-continuous variation III polygenic in-
mistake of considering two aspects of the same heritance. For description, see text
genetic disease as two different closely linked di-
seases that segregate together.
Genetic heterogeneity of a disease may also give trait follows a normal distribution curve. However,
confusing pedigrees. Thus, inherited congenital even though the distribution is continuous, a
deafness may be the result of two autosomal reces- threshold effect for certain phenotypic manifesta-
sive traits at two different gene loci. Two deaf in- tions may make it appear discontinuous [20]. Thus,
dividuals, each homozygous for a recessive trait at a diseases with a polygenic inheritance represent the
different locus, will have normal children, because area beyond a specific threshold in the normal
their offspring will be heterozygous for each of the continuous phenotypic curve resulting from the
loci (see below, p. 12). effect of multiple genes (Fig. 1.9).
Other situations that may give confusing pedigrees
are sex-limited traits (e.g., male-limited autosomal
dominant precocious puberty, X-linked testicular Inheritance through Anomalous Chromosomes
feminization syndrome) and sex-influenced traits
(e.g., autosomal dominant hemochromatosis, which A phenotype that is due to an abnormality of
is more common in males). chromosome structure (deletion, translocation, or
Genetic diseases that are not congenital and have a inversion) or number follows a pattern of inherit-
relatively late age of onset may also be confusing in ance similar to that of autosomal dominant genes.
pedigrees (e.g., intermittent porphyria, in which the However, some minute familial chromosomal re-
onset is not until early adulthood). arrangements are beyond our present means of
Isoalleles are multiple wild-type alleles that appear detection [21].
to have identical phenotypic effects, except when
observed in heterozygous combinations with a mu-
tant allele. Such a mutant allele is responsible for Twins in Medical Genetics
the nail-patella syndrome (see p. 197). In this auto-
somal dominant disorder, the grade of severity Twins have a special place in medical genetics
shows a much higher correlation between affected because they help to determine whether a disease is
sibs than between offspring and affected parent [18]. the result of genetic or environmental factors. Thus,
diseases caused wholly or partly by genetic factors
have a higher concordance rate in monozygotic
Polygenic Inheritance (identical) than in dizygotic (fraternal) twins [22].

Polygenic inheritance (also called quantitative) is

difficult to analyze genetically. Representative ex-
amples in man are the total fingerprint ridge count
(TRC), stature, and skin color [19]. In this type of
inheritance the variability with respect to a given
8 Introduction to Human Genetics

The Human Chromosomes Table 1.1. Symbols used for the designation of karyotypes

Classification and Techniques p Short arm of chromosome

q Long arm of chromosome
Studies on the human chromosome complement Ring chromosome
began with Flemming's work in 1882 [23]. I Isochromosome
However, it was not until 1956 that the correct j Diagonal line indicating mosa-
normal human chromosomal number of 46 was ICism
established by Tjio and Levan [24]. Later, the rapid + Extra chromosome or part of
increase in our knowledge of human chromosomes chromosome
Missing chromosome or part of
necessitated the establishment of a standard in- chromosome
ternational system of nomenclature ("The Denver 45, X XO Turner karyotype
Classification") [25]. 47, XX, 21+ Karyotype of female with
Of the 46 chromosomes in human cells, 44 are trisomy Down syndrome
45, Xj46, XXj47, XXX Triple cell line mosaic
autosomes and 2 are sex chromosomes. The auto- 46, XY, 5p- Karyotype of male with Cri du
somes constitute 22 homologous pairs. The sex Chat syndrome
chromosomes are two Xs in normal females and an 46, XY, t(4p -; 15q +) Karyotype of male with bal-
X and a Y in normal males (Fig. 1.10). Each pair of anced translocation between
short arm of chromosome 4
autosomes is serially numbered from 1 to 22 in and long arm of chromo-
descending order of length and grouped according some 15
to the position of the centromere. The chromo- 46, XX qi Karyotype of female with iso-
somes are described as metacentric, submetacentric, chromosome of the long arm
or acrocentric, depending on whether the cen- of an X chromosome
tromere is at the center of the chromosome, near the
center, or near the end, respectively. The acrocentric
chromosomes (except the Y) possess small terminal
projections known as satellite bodies. The auto-
somes are divided into seven recognizable groups, By 1971, when a standardization conference was
identified by the letters A through G, each group held in Paris, the development of the banding
consisting of chromosomes of similar morphology techniques made it necessary to enlarge the stan-
and distinct from the other groups. dard system of nomenclature. The detailed system
In 1966 [26], a set of symbols designating certain of nomenclature recommended by the Paris con-
normal or unusual chromosome features was pro- ference is still not frequently used in the general
posed and generally accepted (see Table 1.1). From medical literature, and thus is not described here.
1970 on, to facilitate a more accurate examination Human chromosome analysis can be performed by
of human chromosomes, several "banding" tech- direct techniques or culture techniques. Direct tech-
niques were developed: Q banding, quinacrine niques involve the bone marrow, gonadal tissue (for
fluorescence [27] ; C banding, centromeric banding meiotic studies), or other material such as per-
[28]; R banding, reverse banding [29]; and G itoneal and pleural effusions, cerebrospinal fluid
banding, Giemsa banding [30]. Q and G banding (CSF), and cells from various solid tumors. Culture
patterns are essentially the same. R banding pat- techniques involve mainly the bone marrow, per-
terns are the reverse of those of G banding. C ipheral blood, and skin, and less so the testis, ovary,
banding demonstrates mainly the centromeric and most fetal tissues [31].
area. The peripheral blood is easily accessible and thus
These techniques allow identification of each hu- represents the most convenient tool for human
man chromosome individually, since each chromo- chromosomal analysis. Lymphocytes grow and di-
some has a particular and specific banding pattern. vide rapidly in culture but such cultures are short-
The Giemsa or G banding technique is the one lived. Since the technique is relatively easy and
generally adopted because it is inexpensive, pro- reliable, it is used for routine karyotyping [32]. Skin
vides accurate information to distinguish individual cultures, which are also easily accessible, provide
chromosomes and particular areas of each chromo- long-term multiplication of fibroblasts for many
some, and facilitates the identification of specific generations. Fibroblast cultures are used for chro-
chromosomal aberrations. All four banding me- mosome analysis and for different biochemical
thods (Q, C, R, and G) are helpful under different and histochemical studies [33,34]. Freezing of fib-
circumstances and complementary in the infor- roblasts in liquid nitrogen in repositories allows
mation they provide (Fig. 1.10). their culture and analysis at a later date [32].
The Sex Chromatin Body 9

)J 2
II 4
'- .. •

it Je II I It ,: I
6 1 8 9 10 11 12 X


13 14

0 E

... 'f:t.
II ,.

Fig. 1.10. Metaphase chromosomes from a normal male - Giemsa banding, (Courtesy of Dr. D. Kalousek)

The Sex Chromatin Body finding is very important in detecting abnormalities

of X chromosome number by the easy method of
During interphase the chromosomes are elongated buccal smear examination.
and cannot be distinguished individually. The nu- With quinacrine fluorescence techniques, the distal
clear material appears granular. In 1949, Barr and part of the long arm of the Y chromosome fluo-
Bertram [35] noted that a previously detected mass resces intensively at metaphase. The Y chromosome
of chromatin in the nuclei of some nerve cells was can also be identified as a fluorescent body at the
frequently present in cells from females but not periphery of the nucleus in cells at interphase
males. This body, known as the "sex chromatin" or (Fig. 1.12). This technique allows the recognition of
"Barr body" (Fig. 1.11), can be identified in nerve one or more Y chromosomes and is useful as a.
cells, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts, although buc- diagnostic or investigative technique [38--40].
cal smears are routinely used [32]. Identification of the Barr body and a fluorescent Y
Sex chromatin is present if there are two or more X . at interphase is used for sex determination and can
chromosomes in the cell. The detection of a Barr be performed on the same specimen.
body depends on the stage of the cell in the cell
cycle and the orientation of the nucleus on the slide.
Thus, even normal females reveal Barr bodies in The Lyon Hypothesis
only 50 % of their epithelial cells at one time.
The sex chromatin is formed, in a normal female, by Males with one X form as much of the product of
the condensation of one X chromosome during X-linked structural genes as females with two X
interphase. This explanation is supported by cyto- chromosomes. For many years, the mechanism of
logic, auto radiographic [36], and clinical obser- this "dosage compensation" was unknown. The
vations [37]. The number of sex chromatin bodies Lyon hypothesis, formulated in 1961 [41,42], ex-
is one less than the number of X chromosomes. This plains dosage compensation in terms of a single
10 Introduction to Human Genetics

Fig. 1.11. The sex chromatin or Barr body. Note faint Fig. 1.12. Fluorescent Y chromosome in interphase nuc-
contour of cell and dark chromatin body at the nuclear leus. (Courtesy of Dr. G. Khudr)
membrane. (Courtesy of Dr. D. Kalousek)

active X chromosome following the inactivation of nase (PGK) [51] ; and the locus for the dihydrotes-
the second X chromosome in normal females. It is tosterone receptor [52]. Evidence for inactivation is
assumed that the inactive X chromosome forms the equivocal for the Xg blood group locus [53-55].
sex chromatin body of the interphase nuclei [37]. Since "lyonization" is random, females hetero-
The Lyon hypothesis further states that the in- zygous for X-linked genes have varying proportions
activation occurs early in embryonic life, that the of cells in which a particular allele is active and thus
original decision is random, so that in some cells the show a considerable phenotype variability [42, 56].
paternal and in others the maternal X will be
inactive, and that once the decision is made, the
descendants of each X chromosome (active or
inactive) will behave like the parent X in clones of Mitosis and Meiosis
cells. Thus, inactivation would be random but fixed.
The mechanism of X inactivation is not clear. Mitosis and meiosis are the two mechanisms of cell
Reports on localized derepression of the human division in man. They consist of several stages:
inactive X chromosome in mouse-human cell hy- prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
brids may help in the future understanding of this In mitotic prophase the chromosomes become dis-
mechanism of X inactivation [43]. tinct, condensed, and divide into two identical
Females heterozygous for the A and B electropho- chromatids, joined together by the centromere or
retic variants of glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- kinetochore. At metaphase they are lined up in the
genase (G6PD) have two populations of cells in skin middle of the cell at the metaphyseal plate. The
fibroblast cultures: one with the A type and the human karyotypes are analyzed after cell division
other with the B [44]. This is evidence for "lyoniz- has been stopped at this stage with colchicine.
ation." It also reveals that normal women hetero- Mechanisms leading to anomalies of chromosomal
zygous for X-linked genes are "mosaics." Several number (nondisjunction or anaphase lag) occur
other loci reveallyonization: the Hunter syndrome during anaphase. In mitosis, each one of the
(mucopolysaccharidosis type II) [45] ; the X-linked daughter cells is identical with the parent cell and
locus for chronic granulomatous disease [46]; has the same diploid number of chromosomes.
hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase Meiosis is a division specific to gametogenesis and
(HGPRT, the deficiency of which causes the Lesch- has two important characteristics: a stage for exten-
Nyhan syndrome) [47]; a-galactosidase (the de- sive genetic recombination between homologous
ficiency of which causes Fabry disease) [48]; chromosomes followed. by a reductional division
X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia [49]; whereby the daughter cells have 23 chromosomes
phosphorylase kinase [50]; phosphoglycerate ki- each (22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome).
Chromosomal Aberrations 11

During meiosis one member of each homologous A deletion is the loss of a portion of a chromosome
pair of chromosomes is distributed independently either terminally or interstitially. Inversions involve
and randomly with regard to the single member of two breaks on the same chromosomal arm with
each of the other pairs. This means that there are 223 inversion of the segment upon reunion. A per-
or 8,388,608 different possible combinations of icentric inversion includes the centromere whereas a
chromosomes in a gamete derived from a single paracentric inversion does not. Translocation in-
mother cell. Moreover, portions of the paternal and volves exchange of chromosome segments between
maternal chromosomes are exchanged during syn- two nonhomologous chromosomes. Robertsonian
apsis through "crossing over." It is important to translocations (centric fusion) are a special type in
note here that although the X and Y chromosomes which the breaks occur at" the centromeres and
pair end to end at meiotic metaphase, recom- whole chromosome arms are exchanged. An iso-
bination does not occur and there is no evidence of chromosome is an abnormal chromosome with two
exchange of genetic material between the X and Y. arms of equal length and bearing the same loci in
reverse sequence. It is formed by a transverse
division of the centromere rather than by the usual
longitudinal division. A dicentric chromosome and
Chromosomal Aberrations an acentric fragment may be formed by a single
crossover in a para centric inversion. However, they
The association of a numerical chromosomal aber- can also arise in other ways. A ring chromosome
ration with a syndrome was described for the first results from a terminal deletion of both arms with
time in 1959 [57]. It was demonstrated that child- rejoining of the ends carrying the centromere.
ren with "mongolism" (Down syndrome) have 47 Chromosomal aberrations are responsible for the
chromosomes in each somatic cell instead of the production of many dysmorphogenetic syndromes
normal 46. and conditions associated with mental retardation
The most important mechanism leading to a [61]. They are also present in a high percentage of
numerical aberration is "nondisjunction." This repre- human abortions [62J and are associated with
sents failure of paired chromosomes or sister chro- many neoplasias.
matids to disjoin at anaphase either in mitotic Although we know little about the genetic and
division or in the first or second meiotic division. In environmental factors that predispose to chromo-
the case of the Down syndrome the nondisjunction somal aberrations, it is suspected that late maternal
involves chromosome 21, the resulting zygote with age [63J, genes which increase chromosomal in-
47 chromosomes having 3 chromosome 21s (tri- stability in somatic cells [64J, radiation [65J,
somy 21). Among other syndromes resulting from chemicals [65J, and certain chromosomal abnor-
nondisjunction are the Turner syndrome (XO), the malities themselves [66J may be involved in their
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), the XXX syndrome, pathogenesis.
and trisomy 18. When nondisjunction occurs more The prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities in
than once in gametogenesis, the zygote may be live-born infants is about 1 per 200; this may be as
XXX~ XXX~ XXY~ XXXX~ or XXXXY. frequent as 4 % if all fetuses are considered. About
Although XO is relatively common, YO is lethal. half of the live-born affected patients have auto-
Moreover, autosomal monosomy is generally con- somal anomalies and half have sex chromosomal
sidered as lethal except for some rare cases abnormalities [67].
If nondisjunction occurs during an early cleavage
division of the zygote, the offspring would have two
or more lines of cells with different chromosomal Assignment of Genes to Human Chromosomes
numbers. Such individuals are called "mixoploids"
or "mosaics." The assignment of a locus to the X or Y chromo-
Anaphase lag is another mechanism leading to some is relatively simple and can be achieved by
numerical aberration of chromosomes. It occurs studying pedigrees which reveal a specific pattern of
when one member of a chromosomal pair fails to inheritance. The assignment of loci to autosomes
synapse, does not move correctly on the spindle, and their mapping [68J is more complicated and
and is not included in the respective daughter cell involves the study of traits and linkage groups in
[60]. families [69J, deletion mapping and gene dosage
The different aberrations of chromosome structure effects [70--72J, deductions from the amino acid
are deletions, inversions, translocations, isochromo- sequence of proteins [68J, in situ DNA-RNA
somes, dicentrics, acentrics, and rings. annealing ("hybridization") [73,74J, and study of
12 Introduction to Human Genetics

traits and chromosomes in somatic cell hybrids Linkage Relationships. For example, the fact that
[75-86]. one form of elliptocytosis is linked to the Rh blood
group locus, but at least one other form is not,
indicates that genes at more than one locus are
Linkage responsible for this disease.

Linkage is the occurrence of two loci on the same

chromosome sufficiently close to prevent com- Analysis of Phenotype
pletely independent assortment. If two loci are on
separate nonhomologous chromosomes or on the Two conditions may be phenotypically very similar,
same chromosome but sufficiently far apart, inde- but a characteristic clinical finding may distinguish
pendent assortment will occur. The distance be- one from the other. For example, the Hurler and the
tween two loci determines the amount of crossing Hunter diseases (mucopolysaccharidoses I and II)
over that goes on between them. The measure of are distinguishable by the presence of corneal
crossing over is determined by the proportion of clouding in the Hurler syndrome.
recombinant individuals among the offspring. If
10 % of offspring are of the recombinant type, the
two loci are said to be 10 map units apart. The Biochemical Analysis
presence of 50 % of offspring of the recombinant
type is very suggestive of independent assortment The Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases are clinically
[69]. similar. Genetically, however, they are hetero-
Examples of linkage groups are ABO blood groups geneous since patients with Tay-Sachs syndrome
with the nail-patella syndrome [87,88] or ABO lack the electrophoretic variant A of hexosami-
blood groups with xeroderma pigmentosum [89]. nidase, whereas patients with Sandhoff syndrome
lack both the A and B variants.

Genetic Heterogeneity Physiologic Studies

Genetic heterogeneity [4] refers to the situation in The X-linked hemophilias can be distinguished by
which identical or very similar phenotypes are the the mutual cross-correction of the clotting defect.
result of different genetic defects. A few dermato- This means that they are due to defects which are
logic conditions in which heterogeneity has been results of different mutant genes. Also, there are at
recognized include albinism, the Ehlers-Danlos syn- least two types of homocystinuria: one responds to
drome, hyperkeratosis palmaris et plantaris, ich- vitamin B6 therapy and one does not.
thyosis, intestinal polyposis, and xeroderma
Genetic heterogeneity of human diseases may be Studies of Cells in Culture
demonstrated by genetic methods, analysis of
phenotype, biochemical analysis, physiologic stud- Coculturing of Cells. A mixed culture of two cell
ies, and co culturing experiments [8]. strains with a biochemical anomaly may correct the
anomaly and thus reveal heterogeneity. Fibroblasts
cultured from the skin of patients with the Hurler
Genetic Methods and Hunter syndromes reveal accumulation of mu-
co polysaccharides [45]. It has been shown [90]
Mode of Inheritance. A disease that may follow that the biochemical defect in fibroblasts can be
either one of three modes of inheritance is geneti- corrected by co culturing cells from patients with
cally heterogeneous. Examples are spastic para- these two diseases. In this instance, the correction is
plegia, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth peroneal mus- mediated through enzymes released into the cul-
cular atrophy, and the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. ture medium.

Nonallelism of Recessives in Pedigree Studies. For Cell Hybridization Studies. Somatic cell hybridi-
example, parents who are homozygous for two zation may be produced between two animal cell
recessive genes causing congenital deafness produce lines, between an animal and a human cell line, and
children with normal hearing. between two human cell lines. It probably occurs as
Prevention of Genetic Diseases 13

an infrequent spontaneous event in culture. But it tern of inheritance of diseases determined by a

can be enhanced by the addition of certain UV- single gene. Some genetic diseases are hetero-
irradiated viruses to the mixed culture of two geneous and may have more than one pattern of
different cell lines [75]. Under such conditions the inheritance (e.g., the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).
cells clump together, the cytoplasms of neighboring Thus, it is very important to know the exact variety
cells coalesce, and cells containing varying num- in question for proper counseling. In the case of
bers of nuclei are formed. These polykaryon hybrids multigenic conditions, a statistical knowledge of
are able to synthesize proteins, RNA, and DNA. incidence or recurrence rate of the disease is
Nuclei of polykaryon hybrids entering mitosis to- necessary.
gether usually fuse and form a single large nucleus. Ideally, genetic counseling should be provided by a
The prototype for studies of this kind are experi- team comprising physicians trained in genetics, ba-
ments performed on cells obtained from patients sic scientists, social workers, psychologists, and
with the usual type of xeroderma pigmentosum and administrators [92,93]. This team should be lo-
patients with xeroderma pigmentosum associat- cated in a university hospital or medical center.
ed with severe mental retardation (de Sanctis- However, it is practically impossible to have this
Cacchione syndrome). Both of these cell lines are type of facility available wherever and whenever
defective in repair of UV -damaged DN A. In hetero- genetic counseling is needed. Thus, if the specialist
karyotic hybrids of the two cell lines, however, the in a certain field (e.g., dermatology) is reasonably
defect in DNA repair disappears due to com- well-versed in the principles of genetics and up to
plementation [40]. Other complementation studies date in his own field of specialty, he may act as
revealing genetic heterogeneity have also been re- counselor even away from a major medical center.
ported during the past few years [91]. Yet, considering the complexity of some genetic
problems, he should not hesitate to consult the
team of specialists whenever possible.
Prevention and Treatment
Artificial Insemination. If both parents are hetero-
of Genetic Diseases
zygous for an autosomal recessive gene, artificial
insemination can be resorted to using the sperm of a
Prevention person known not to be heterozygous for the
specific gene.
The conception or birth of a child with a genetic
disease can be prevented in one of the following Prenatal Diagnosis. This is possible mainly with the
ways. relatively new methods of amniocentesis and fetos-
copy [94,95]. Amniocentesis consists of aspirating
Genetic Counseling. Genetic counseling is the infor- a few milliliters of amniotic fluid around the 16th
mation provided to patients and especially their week of pregnancy and performing on its cells and
parents about a specific genetic disease. This infor- fluid cytogenetic and biochemical tests for the
mation may also be provided to couples who plan detection of chromosomal anomalies or hereditary
to get married and who have a family history of a metabolic disorders. Fetoscopy involves the in-
genetic disease. The information is sought generally troduction of a special fine fiberoptic tube into the
to prevent the birth of an affected child. The amniotic sac to visualize the fetus and detect
questions may be centered on specific problems dysmorphic anomalies. It is just at its beginning and
such as late maternal age, parental consanguinity, may prove to be a useful procedure in the near
and multiple abortions. future, especially for the diagnosis of the more gross
Important prerequisites for proper genetic counsel- congenital malformations. In the hands of an ade-
ing include accurate diagnosis and proper know- quately trained obstetrician, amniocentesis is a
ledge of the disease. An accurate diagnosis is a reasonably safe procedure for both mother and
must, since certain phenotypes may be due to baby. However, the testing of the amniotic fluid and
environmental causes, but may mimic specific ge- cells for chromosomal anomalies, and especially for
netic diseases. These are the "phenocopies." For metabolic disorders, needs a highly trained and
example, toxoplasmosis may mimic a recessive syn- experienced group of cytologists and biochemists.
drome of microcephaly and chorioretinopathy [8]. Such testing should necessarily be performed in a
Similarly, in the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the dis- well-equipped medical center. An induced abortion
tinction between genetic disease and slow virus can be resorted to if an affected baby is diagnosed.
infection is not always clear-cut [8]. Counseling This, of course, may have many psychological,
necessitates also a thorough knowledge of the pat- religious, ethical, and legal implications, which
14 Introduction to Human Genetics

should be carefully assessed before undertaking the been used in certain instances. Although the pre-
procedure of amniocentesis. liminary attempts have not been completely suc-
cessful, the future seems promising.

Patients with genetic diseases require a lot of under-
1. Watson, J.D.: Molecular biology of the gene, 2nd ed., pp.
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Chapter 2 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Contents Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflexa. . . . . . . . . . 34

Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Acrokeratoses 18 Refsum Disease (Heredopathia Atactica Polyneuriti-
Acrokeratosis Verruciformis 18 formis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Van den Bosch Syndrome 18 Chondrodysplasia Punctata . . . . . . . . . . 37
Erythrokeratodermias 18 Conradi-Hiinerman Type (Autosomal Dominant) 37
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis (Mendes da Costa Syn- Severe Rhizomelic Type (Autosomal Recessive). 38
drome, Keratosis Rubra Figurata, Erythrokeratodermia Netherton Syndrome (Trichorrhexis Invaginata) 40
Figurata Variabilis) . . . . . . . . . . 18 Palmoplantar Keratodermias (Palmoplantar Hyper-
Genodermatose en Cocardes ..... . 20
keratoses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Symmetric Progressive Erythrokeratodermia 20 Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratodermia (Tylosis, Keratosis
Erythrokeratodermia with Ataxia 20 Palmaris et Plantaris, Thost-Unna Syndrome) 42
Erythrokeratodermia with Deafness, Physical Retarda- Palmoplantar Keratodermia with Cancer of the
tion, and Neuropathy ........ . 20 Esophagus 42
Follicular Keratoses . . . . . . . . . 22 Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris Striata (Striate
Keratosis Follicularis (Darier-White Disease) 22 Keratodermia) . . . . . 42
Keratosis Pilaris . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Keratosis Punctata Palmaris et Plantaris (Punctate
Ulerythema Ophryogenes (Taenzer) (Keratosis Pilaris Keratodermia, Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris Papulosa) 42
Atrophicans Faciei, Keratosis Pilaris Brocq) . . . . 24 Keratoma Hereditaria Mutilans (Mutilating Kenito-
Atrophoderma Vermiculata (Acne Vermoulante, Fol- dermia. Vohwinkel Syndrome, Congenital Deafness with
liculitis Ulerythema to sa Reticulata, Honeycomb Atro- Keratopachydermia and Constrictions of Fingers and
phy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Toes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Keratosis Pilaris Decalvans (Ichthyosis Follicularis) 24 Disseminate Palmoplantar Keratodermia with Corneal
Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans cum Ophiasi 26 Dystrophy (Richner-Hanhart Syndrome). . . . . . . 44
Ichthyosiform Dermatoses ....... 26 Progressive Palmoplantar Keratodermia (Greither
Normokinetic Ichthyosis . . . . . . . 26 S~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M
Ichthyosis Vulgaris (Ichthyosis Simplex) 26 Mal de Meleda (Keratodermia Palmoplantaris Trans-
X-Linked Ichthyosis . . . . . . . . 28 grediens) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Hyperkinetic Ichthyosis ....... 28 Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome (Palmoplantar Keratodermia
Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis (Bullous Ichthyosiform with Periodontosis) 44
Erythrodermia) . . . . . . . 28 Other Keratodermias . 46
Lamellar Ichthyosis . . . . . 28 Porokeratoses . . . . 48
Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia 28 Porokeratosis (Mibelli) 48
Harlequin Fetus (Ichthyosis Fetalis, Keratome Linear Porokeratosis . 48
Malignum, Ichthyosis Congenital 32 Plantar, Palmar, and Disseminate Porokeratosis 48
Lamellar Ichthyosis of the Newborn 32 Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis 48
Collodion Baby . . . . . . . . . 32
Associated with Other Defects . . . . . 32 Other Abnormalities of Keratinization. . . . . 50
Unilateral Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia with Ipsi- Hyperkeratosis Lenticularis Perstans (Flegel Disease) 50
lateral Malformations. . . . . . . . . . 32 Kyrle Disease (Hyperkeratosis Follicularis et Parafolli-
Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia and Deafness. 32 cularis in Cutem Penetrans) . . . . . 50
Ichthyosis and Cataract . . . . . . . . . 32 Acrokeratoelastoidosis (Collagenous Plaques of the
Ichthyosis with Biliary Atresia . . . . . . 32 Hands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Ichthyosis with Neutrophil Chemotactic Defect. 32 Familial Continual Skin Peeling (Keratolysis Exfoliativa
Ichthyosis and Male Hypogonadism. . . . . . 33 Congenita, Deciduous Skin) 52
Ichthyosis, Mental Retardation, Dwarfism, and Renal Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris . . . . . 52
Impairment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Psoriasis . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Ichthyosiform Dermatosis with Systemic Lipidosis. . 33 Familial Dyskeratotic Comedones 57
18 Abnormalities of Keratinization

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Derm. 106, 81-83 (1972)
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Clinical Presentation. The eruption appears at birth,
in infancy, or in childhood. The lesions consist of
skin-colored verrucous or lichenoid papules, typi-
cally affecting the dorsa of the hands and fingers.
The dorsa of the feet, the palms and soles, and flexors Erythrokeratodermias
of the fingers, wrists, and forearms may be involved.
Occasionally, other sites may be affected. The pal-
mar and plantar lesions appear as translucent pun-
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis
ctae. The nails may be white and thickened (Figs. (Mendes da Costa Syndrome,
2.1-2.4). Keratosis Rubra Figurata,
Erythrokeratodermia Figurata Variabilis)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is hyper-
keratosis, hypergranulosis, and acanthosis. There is
also papillomatosis, which is frequently associated Since 1925, when Mendes da Costa [1] described
with circumscribed elevations of the epidermis re- this rare disorder, many reports have appeared
sembling church spires [2]. The latter feature is attesting to its two distinctive components, ery-
quite typical of this condition. There is no vacuoliz- thema and hyperkeratosis [2, 3].
ation of epidermal cells. The dermis is unremark-
able. The association of acrokeratosis verruciformis Clinical Presentation. The disease starts in infancy.
and keratosis follicularis is so frequent that the There are hyperkeratotic plaques, which are usually
former may be considered a forme fruste of the persistent, involving the extremities, buttocks, and
latter [3]. However, the occurrence of acrokeratosis face. These plaques have sharp margins and may be
verruciformis in families with Darier disease [4] circinate, polycyclic, or have other configurations.
may point to a coincidental association. The erythrodermic patches are also sharply de-
marcated, confluent, and varying in size, location,
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [4]. and duration. The appearance of these patches may
be associated with environmental and emotional
Treatment. If the lesions are few, superficial de- influences. The erythemas are transient and may
struction with electrodesiccation or liquid nitrogen last for hours or days. Occasionally, fixed hyper-
may be attempted. Otherwise there is no specific keratotic patches are superimposed on the erythe-
treatment. matous areas.
There are no associated changes in the hair, nails, or
internal organs.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The involved skin

Van den Bosch Syndrome shows orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, moderate to
marked acanthosis and papillomatosis, and a nor-
Van den Bosch described this syndrome in 1959 [5]. mal granular cell layer. The epidermis has a saw-
It comprises acrokeratosis verruciformis, anhidro- toothed appearance. The vessels in the papillary
sis, skeletal deformity, mental deficiency, and cho- dermis are straight, prominent, and surrounded by
roideremia. This syndrome is inherited as X-linked a modest inflammatory infiltrate [4, 5]. There is an
recessive. increase in the amounts of hydrolytic enzymes in
the epidermis [4, 5]. Ultrastructurally, there are
increased numbers of unmyelinated nerves in the
References papillary dermis and a pronounced reduction of
1. Hopf, G.: Uber eine bisher nicht beschriebene disseminierte keratinosomes in the epidermis [5]. Autoradio-
Keratose (acrokeratosis verruciformis). Derm. Z. 60, 227-250 graphic studies show normal mitotic indices [6].
(1931) All of these findings confirm that erythrokerato-
Acrokeratosis Verruciformis 19

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Figs. 2.1-2.4. Acrokeratosis verruciformis Fig. 2.2. Few papules on dorsum of hand. Note thick,
whitish nails. (From McKusick, V.A.: In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII,
No.8, pt. XII, p. 255. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co.
Fig. 2.1. Skin-colored papules on dorsa of feet. (From 1971)
McKusick, V.A.: In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, p. 255. Fig. 2.3. Numerous papules on the hands
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971) Fig. 2.4. Papules on the neck
20 Abnormalities of Keratinization

dermia variabilis is a disease sui generis and un- years, the patients develop neurologic symptoms
related to ichthyosiform erythrodermia. characterized by abnormal gait, diminution of os-
teotendinous reflexes with spasticity, occasional
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with variable ex- muscular pains, and later nystagmus, dysarthria,
pressivity [2]. and severe ataxia [11]. The inheritance is auto-
somal dominant.
Treatment. Topical steroids may be helpful.

Genodermatose en Cocardes Erythrokeratodermia with Deafness,

Physical Retardation, and Neuropathy
First described in 1947 by Degos and co-workers
[7], this disorder is characterized by asymptomatic, In this possibly definite entity, there is a com-
large, circular, erythematous areas with central bination of features: skin lesions very suggestive of
hyperkeratosis giving the appearance of targets (en erythrokeratodermia variabilis, retarded physical
cocarde). The lesions disappear spontaneously in a growth, bilateral profound perceptive deafness,
few weeks but recur. Hyperkeratotic lesions on the and bilateral talipes deformity due to a neuropathy.
knees and legs are more persistent. Like erythroke- The electromyogram show's no spontaneous ac-
ratodermia variabilis, the lesions of genodermatose tivity and the nerve conduction is less than normal.
en cocardes (GEC) involve the extremities and Electron microscopy of the muscle is essentially
buttocks and are influenced by heat and cold. The normal. The inheritance is believed to be autosomal
distinctive feature of this disorder is the erythe- dominant [12].
matous rings with central scales [3]. The inheritance
follows the autosomal dominant pattern (7). Treat- References
ment is symptomatic. 1. Mendes da Costa, S.: Erythrodermia and keratodermia
variabilis in mother and daughter. Acta derm.-venereol.
(Stockh.) 6. 255~261 (1925)
2. Brown, J., Kierland, R. R.: Erythrokeratoderinia variabilis.
Symmetric Progressive Report of three cases and review of the liter!lture. Arch.
Erythrokeratodermia Derm. 93, 194-201 (1966)
3. Cram, D. L.: Erythrokeratoderma variabilis and variable
circinate erythrokeratodermas. Arch. Derm. 101, 68~73
The onset is usually in infancy and is characterized (1970)
by sharply demarcated, erythematous, hyperkera- 4. Schellander, F. G., Fritsch, P.O.: Variable erythrokeratod-
erma. An unusual case. Arch. Derm. 100,744-748 (1969)
totic plaques. The sites of involvement are the 5. Vandersteen, P. R., Muller, S. A: Erythrokeratodermia va-
feet, shins, hands, and fingers (Figs. 2.5 and 2.6). riabilis. An enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural study.
The lesions continue to progress until puberty Arch. Derm. 103, 362~370 (1971)
and may regress later on. Histologically, there is 6. Schellander, F. G., Fritsch, P. 0.: Variable Erythrokerato-
dermien. Enzymhistochemische und autoradiographische
hyperkeratosis, patchy parakeratosis, and marked
Untersuchungen an 2 Fallen. Arch. klin. expo Derm. 235,
acanthosis [8,9]. In the involved skin, the rate of 241~251 (1969)
cell proliferation is inarkedly increased because of 7. Degos, R., Delzant, 0., Morival, H.: Erytheme desquamatif
shortening ofthe interphase [10]. The inheritance is en plaques, congenital et familial (genodermatose nouvelle?).
of the autosomal dominant type. Treatment is Bull. Soc. fran~. Derm. Syph. 54, 442 (1947)
8. Orbaneja, J.G., Diez, L.I.: Erythrokeratodermie en plaques,
symptomatic. symetrique progressive, de croissance excentrique, avec des
phases de regression et recidivante par poussees. Ann. Derm.
Syph. (Paris) 99, 21~28 (1972)
Erythrokeratodermia with Ataxia 9. Touraine, A: Genodermatoses ichthyosiformes. Proc. 11th
Intern. Congr. Dermatol. Acta derm.-venereol. (Stockh.) 3,
653~658 (1957)
10. Hopsu-Havu, V. K:, Tuohimaa, P.: Erythrokeratodermia
in this newly described syndrome, affected indi-
congenitalis progressiva symmetrica (Gottron). II. An anal-
viduals develop papulosquamous plaques soon af- ysis of kinetics of epidermal cell proliferation. Dermatologica
ter birth. The usually affected sites are dorsa of (Basel) 142, 137~144 (1971)
hands and feet, wrists, ankles, knees (Figs. 2.7-2.9), 11. Giroux, J. M., Barbeau, A: Erythrokeratodermia with ata-
and external ears. The plaques have mild variations xia. Arch. Derm.106, 183~188 (1972)
12. Beare, 1.M., Nevin, N.C., Frogatt, P., Kernohan, D.C., Allen,
in intensity and tend to subside in the summer I. V.: Atypical erythrokeratoderma with deafness, physical
months. After the age of 25 years, the eruption retardation and peripheral neuropathy. Brit. 1. Derm. 87,
progressively disappears. After the age of 40-45 308~314 (1972)
Erythrokeratodermia 21

2.5 2.7

2.8 2.9

Figs. 2.5 and 2.6. Symmetric progressive erythrokeratoder- Figs. 2.7-2.9. Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia. Eruption
mia involving hands, knees, and feet. (Courtesy of Dr. on the knee with detail of papulosquamous lesions. (From
V. K. Hopsu-Havu) Giroux, J. M., Barbeau, A.: Arch. Derm. 106, 183-188, 1972) .
22 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Follicular Keratoses Pathology and Pathophysiology. The lesions exhibit

characteristic changes. There is hyperkeratosis,
acanthosis, and papillomatosis. Suprabasal clefts or
lacunae are formed by acantholysis. Papillae (villi),
Keratosis Follicularis lined by a single layer of basal cells, project into
(Darier-White Disease) these lacunae. In addition, a peculiar form of dyske-
ratosis results in the formation of corps ronds and
grains. The corps ronds, which consist of large,
Darier [1] and White [2] independently described round basophilic masses surrounded by a clear
this uncommon disorder of keratinization in 1889. halo, are found in the upper prickle layer and
granular layer. The grains have an elongated, dark-
ly staining nucleus and are found in the keratin
Clinical Presentation. The usual age of onset is layer or as acantholytic cells in the lacunae. In the
between 8 and 16 years. The characteristic lesions dermis there is a mild, nonspecific inflammatory
are initially firm, skin-colored papules which later infiltrate.
become greasy, crusted, and yellow or brown. The Ultrastructurally, the lacunae and dyskeratoses
crusts cover a concavity on the top of the papules. seem to result from structural defects in the to-
The areas affected are the face, chest, trunk, sacral nofilaments and desmosomes [14] or stretching of
area, and extremities (Figs. 2.10-2.14). The scalp the tonofilaments a"nd desmosomes leading to split-
and flexures, especially the anogenital region, are ting of the latter [15].
also frequently involved. Most papules are initially
follicular but interfollicular papules are seen as the Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [7].
disease progresses. The papules may remain dis-
crete or coalesce, especially in the flexures, to form Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
fungating, warty, and papillomatous masses which Vitamin A (100,000-500,000 units daily) may be
are malodorous and secondarily infected. Over the helpful but the danger of hypervitaminosis A must
dorsa of the hands, the papules remain discrete and be remembered. The combination of vitamins A
resemble acrokeratosis verruciformis. On the palms (200,000 units) and E (1,200 units) by mouth may
and soles, minute papules or pits may appear. also be helpful [16]. Topical 5-fluorouracil (2 %)
Hemorrhagic macules on the hands and feet may be [17] and tretinoin (0.1 %) [18] have been found
seen [3]. Occasionally, the lesions are confined to symptomatically useful.
one part of the body in a linear or zosteriform
distribution [4,5], but in such patients there is no
family history.
The nails show longitudinal, subungual red or white 1. Darier, J.: Psorospermose folliculaire vegetante. Ann. Derm.
Syph. (Paris) 10, 597 (1889)
streaks associated with distal wedge-shaped sub- 2. White, J.e.: A case of keratosis (ichthyosis) follicularis. J.
ungual keratoses [6]. Mucous membrane lesions cutan. genito-urin. Dis. 7,201-209 (1889)
are uncommon but may be found in many members 3. Jones, W.N., Nix, T.E.,Jr., Clark, W.H.,Jr.: Hemorrhagic
of some families [7]. The oral lesions appear as Darier's disease. Arch. Derm. 89, 523-527 (1964)
4. Kellum, R. E., Haserick, 1. R.: Localized linear keratosis
pinpointed [7,8] or flattened papules coalescing to
follicularis. Response to intralesional vitamin A and simul-
give a pebbly cobblestone appearance [9]. Any part taneous occurrence of warty dyskeratoma. Arch. Derm. 86,
of the oral mucosa can be involved although the lips 450-454 (1962)
are usually free. A similar involvement can occur in 5. Lubritz, R. R., Marascalco, 1.: Unilateral Darier's disease.
the hypopharynx and larynx [10], as well as the Cutis 9, 819-821 (1972)
6. Zaias, N., Ackerman, A B. : The nail in Darier-White disease.
vulva, esophagus, or rectum [11]. Arch. Derm. 107, 193-199 (1973)
The eruption in Darier disease is aggravated by 7. Getzler, N. A., Flint, A. : Keratosis follicularis. A study of one
exposure to sunlight, especially wavelengths of family. Arch. Derm. 93, 545-549 (1966)
250-300nm [12]. Other forms of trauma may also 8. Gorlin, R.1., Chaudhry, AP.: The oral manifestations of
keratosis follicularis. Oral Surg. 12, 1468-1470 (1959)
evoke exacerbations. The course of the disease is
9. Weathers, D. R., Olansky, S., Sharpe, L.O.: Darier's disease
chronic. Affected individuals are usually of small with mucous membrane involvement. A case report. Arch.
stature and low intelligence. Derm. 100, 50-53 (1969)
A kindred has been recently described in which 10. Dellon, AL., Peck, G.L., Chretien, P.B.: Hypopharyngeal
generalized keratosis follicularis is associated with and laryngeal involvement with Darier's disease. Arch.
Derm. 111, 744-746 (1975)
dwarfism and cerebral atrophy [13]. The inherit- 11. Klein, A, Burns, L., Leyden, J. 1.: Rectal mucosa involve-
ance in this kindred is consistent with X-linked ment in keratosis follicularis. Arch. Derm. 109, 560-561
recessive pattern. (1974)
Keratosis Follicularis 23

2.10 2.11

2.12 2.13

Figs. 2.10-2.14. Keratosis follicularis

Fig. 2.10. Few greasy papules in the presternal area

Fig. 2.11. Mild facial involvement

Fig. 2.12. Extensive involvement of the back

Fig. 2.13. Involvement of the chest and arm

2.14 Fig. 2.14. Severe involvement of the leg

24 Abnormalities of Keratinization

12. Heyl, T.: Sunlight and Darier's disease. Brit. J. Derm. 85, plugging. Fibrotic changes appear around th~ fol-
Supp!. 7, 57-59 (1971) licles [1].
13. Cantu, l-M., Hernandez, A., Larracilla, J., Trejo, A.,
Macotela-Ruiz, E.: A new X-linked recessive disorder with Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
dwarfism, cerebral atrophy and generalized keratosis folli-
cularis. J. Pediat. 84, 564-570 (1974) Treatment. None is available.
14. Caulfield, J.B., Wilgram, G.F.: An electron microscope
study of dyskeratosis and acantholysis in Darier's disease. 1.
invest. Derm. 41, 57-65 (1963)
15. Mann, P. R., Haye, K. R.: An electron microscope study on Atrophoderma Vermiculata (Acne Vermoulante,
the acantholytic and dyskeratotic processes in Darier's Folliculitis Ulerythematosa Reticulata,
disease. Brit. 1. Derm. 82, 561-566 (1970)
Honeycomb Atrophy)
16. Ayres, S., Jr., Mihan, R.: Keratosis follicularis (Darier's
disease). Response to simultaneous administration of vit-
amins A and E. Arch. Derm. 106,909-910 (1972) Clinical Presentation. The onset is usually between
17. Bamshad, J., Hilton, P. E.: Darier's disease: treatment with the ages of 5 and 12 years. There is a symmetric
topical 5-FD. Cutis 8, 555-556 (1971) eruption over the cheeks or preauricular areas. The
18. Goette, D.K.: Zosteriform keratosis follicularis cleared with
topically applied vitamin A acid. Arch. Derm. 107, 113-114 eruption is of pinhead follicular plugs and ery-
(1973) thema, leading to reticulate atrophy with pitlike
depressions 1 mm deep. The affected cheeks appear
waxy (Figs. 2.17 and 2.18). Telangiectasia may be
present. Other areas that may be similarly affected
Keratosis Pilaris are the forehead, upper lip, chin, and ears [2].

Keratosis pilaris, in general, is a disorder of kerati- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The changes are
nization of the hair follicles. The follicular orifices similar to those of ulerythema ophryogenes.
are filled with horny material. The clinical manifes-
Inheritance. Not definite. X-linked recessive IS
tations are follicular papules, which are seen es-
possible in certain families.
pecially over the thighs and arms but may involve
other parts of the body (Figs. 2.15 and 2.16). The Treatment. None is available.
disorder is present in a large proportion of the
normal population but may also be seen in several
ichthyotic conditions. Keratosis PHaris Decalvans
There are, however, several rare disorders that (Ichthyosis F ollicularis)
share the presence of lesions of keratosis pilaris but
develop in addition early inflammation and later Clinical Presentation. Onset is in infancy with the
atrophy or scarring. The nomenclature of these appearance of keratosis pilarislike lesions over the
disorders is very confusing. One may postulate that face, scalp, and any or all other hairy areas [3J (Fig.
the various syndromes represent stages in a single 2.19).
process. It may be worthwhile to recognize three
types that differ as to location, presence of papules, Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is hyper-
and prominence of atrophy. keratosis of the follicular openings and the interven-
ing skin. The epidermis is flattened. The hair fol-
licles are atrophic and sebaceous glands absent.
Ulerythema Opbryogenes (Taenzer)
Sweat glands are normal [3].
(Keratosis PHaris Atrophicans Faciei,
Keratosis PHaris Brocq) Inheritance. Not definite. X-linked recessive is
possible in certain families.
Clinical Presentation. From birth or early infancy,
erythema with or without follicular papules is pre- Treatment. None is available.
sent symmetrically on the outer parts of the eye-
brows. The lesions extend medially very slowly, References
resulting in gradual thinning of the eyebrows. 1. Davenport, D.D.: Ulerythema ophryogenes. Review and
The remaining hairs may become atrophic. report of a case. Discussion of relationship to certain other
Occasionally, similar lesions may appear on the skin disorders and association with internal abnormalities.
cheeks and forehead [1]. Arch. Derm. 89, 74-80 (1964)
2. MacKee, G.M., Parounagian, M.B.: Folliculitis ulerythe-
matosa reticulata. J. cut. Dis. 36, 337 (1918)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is hyper- 3. Zeligman, I., Fleisher, T. L.: Ichthyosis follicularis. Arch.
keratosis, atrophy of the epidermis, and follicular Derm. 80,413-420 (1959)
Keratosis Pilaris 25

2.15 2.16

2.17 2.18

Fig. 2.15. Keratosis pilaris. Involvement of the


Fig. 2.16. Keratosis pilaris. Close view show-

ing the follicular papules

Figs. 2.17 and 2.18. Atrophoderma vermicu-

lata. Reticulate atrophy and depressions on
the cheeks

Fig. 2.19. Keratosis pilaris decal vans of the

2.19 scalp
26 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans Normokinetic Ichthyosis

cum Ophiasi Ichthyosis Vulgaris (Ichthyosis Simplex)

This is an extremely rare condition inherited Clinical Presentation. This is the mildest and com-
as an X-linked dominant [1,2]. Affected indi- monest form of ichthyosiform dermatoses. The dis-
viduals have an ophiasic pattern of alopecia in one order becomes manifest in childhood between the
or more winding streaks on the scalp and sparse ages of 1 and 4 years. The scales are fine and flaky
facial hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. The skin of the but may be larger over the legs. The extensors of the
neck, ears, eyelids, palms, and soles is thickened. arms and legs are more severely involved while the
Ectropion, photophobia, epiphora, and corneal de- flexures are usually free (Figs. 2.20-2.22). Follicular
generation (cloudiness and pannus) develop [1]. hyperkeratosis, especially of the arms and thighs,
Affected females show an aborted form of the may be prominent. The face may be involved in
disease without hair loss or eye changes. childhood but clears later. There is accentuation of
the palmar and plantar markings. Manifestations of
References atopy may be present. The eruption is worse in cold
1. Jonkers, G.H.: Hyperkeratosis follicularis and corneal de- weather and improves in the warmer months. With
generation. Ophthalmologica (Basel) 120, 365-367 (1950) puberty there is usually improvement.
2. McKusick. V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., p. 776.
A bullous variety (ichthyosis, bullous type) has been
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
described in one family [4]. Histologically, it is
similar to ichthyosis vulgaris and is probably in-
herited as autosomal dominant. It is regarded as a
Ichthyosiform Dermatoses separate entity [5].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. Characteristically,

there is moderate hyperkeratosis with an attenuated
Ichthyosiform dermatoses are inherited disorders of
or absent granular cell layer. Occasionally, there
keratinization in which the skin is dry and covered
may be follicular plugging [6]. Sebaceous glands are
by an accumulation of scales. Cellular kinetic stu-
small or absent. The dermis shows a sparse lym-
dies and ultrastructural studies of the epidermis in
phohistiocytic perivascular and periappendageal in-
these conditions have helped to formulate a logical
filtrate [7]. Kinetic studies reveal normal mitotic
and simplified classification of this group of
activity and transit time. Ultrastructurally, the. epi-
dermatoses [1-3].
dermis may be normal or show minimal changes:
lack of orientation of the tonofilaments, reduced or
Normokinetic ichthyosis
Ichthyosis vulgaris (autosomal dominant) abnormal keratohyalin granule synthesis, and in-
X-linked ichthyosis (X-linked recessive) creased ribosomal activity. The defect does not
Hyperkinetic ichthyosis seem to be that of overproduction of keratin but
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (autosomal dominant) rather a possible increased adhesiveness of the scales.
Lamellar ichthyosis (autosomal recessive)
Ichthyosiform erythrodermia Transepidermal water loss is significantly increased
Harleq uin fetus [8]. In ichthyosis vulgaris the skin surface pH is
Lamellar ichthyosis of the newborn higher and the alkali resistance is lower than in
Collodion baby healthy skin [9].
Associated with other defects
Unilateral Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia with Ipsilateral Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia and Deafness
Ichthyosis and Cataract Treatment. The time-honored modalities of treat-
Ichthyosis with Biliary Atresia ment are removal of scales (with keratolytic agents
Ichthyosis with Neutrophil Chemotactic Defect and mechanically) and the use of emollients, es-
Ichthyosis, mental retardation, dwarfism, and renal im- pecially after the skin is moistened. Salicylic acid
Ichthyosiform dermatosis with systemic lipidosis
(6 % in propylene glycol, ethanol, and water) was
Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa (see p. 34) found effective [10]. Similarly, a cream containing
Sjogren-Larsson syndrome (see p. 34) 10 % urea in an emulsified base controlled the
Refsum disease (see p. 37) scaliness [11]. More recently, topically applied (1.-
Chondrodysplasia punctata (see p. 37) hydroxy acids (lactic and malic acids) were shown to
Conradi-Hiinerman type (autosomal dominant)
(see p. 37) influence the process of keratinization. Such acids, in
Severe rhizomelic type (autosomal recessive) (see p. 38) a 5 % concentration in hydrophilic ointment, are
Netherton syndrome (see p. 40) effective in ichthyosis vulgaris [12].
Ichthyosis Vulgaris 27

Figs. 2.20 and 2.21. Ichthyosis vulgaris.

Note fine, flaky scales



Fig. 2.22. Ichthyosis vulgaris. Note involve-

ment of the extensor surfaces and sparing of
the flexors
28 Abnormalities of Keratinization

X-Linked Ichthyosis widespread lesions (porcupine man-Lambert fa-

mily). Associated defects are unusual and life expec-
In essence, the clinical appearance resembles that of tancy is normaL'
ichthyosis vulgaris.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Characteristically,
Clinical Presentation. Only males are affected and there is marked compact hyperkeratosis overlying a
the onset is in early infancy. The involvement is granular degeneration in the epidermis. In the
generalized but is most prominent over the trunk granular and upper prickle cell layers there are clear
(especially the back), neck, face, and extremities. The spaces around the nuclei, indistinct cellular boun-
flexural surfaces may occasionally be affected, but daries, and a thick granular zone with increased,
the palms and soles are free. The scales are brown, irregular-shaped, basophilic keratohyalin like and
thick, and large. In heterozygote females there may eosinophilic trichohyalinlike bodies [2, 16]. In-
be scaliness of the legs (Figs. 2.23-2.25). creased mitotic activity and a rapid cell transit rate
have been noted [1]. Ultrastructural studies reveal
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is compact large areas of perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum
hyperkeratosis with a nearly normal granular cell filled with ribosomes, mitochondria, and keratino-
layer. There is no follicular plugging [6]. The somes. The tonofilaments are clumped and their
adnexal structures are within normal limits [7]. The association with desmosomes is disturbed. This
dermis may show a minimal inflammatory infiltrate. leads to acantholysis and thus blister formation
Kinetic and ultrastructural studies are similar to [17]. However, some investigators believe that these
those of ichthyosis vulgaris. represent a manifestation of staphylococcal im-
petigo [1]. This may also explain the malodor
Inheritance. X-linked recessive. frequently associated with this condition.

Treatment. For general measures see also ichthyosis

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
vulgaris above. Salicylic acid (6 % in a mixture of
propylene glycol, ethanol, and water [10]) is quite
helpful. The topical use of (X-hydroxy acids in a Treatment. Other than the general use of emollients
hydrophilic base [12] may also be effective. Oral and keratolytic agents,' the use of antibiotics and
retinoic acid is also helpful [13]. chemotherapeutic agents to combat the frequent
bacterial colonization of the skin is indicated. The
use of (X-hydroxy acids (especially pyruvic acid) in a
hydrophilic ointment is helpful [12]. Topical treti-
noin (vitamin A acid) in a concentration of
Hyperkinetic Ichthyosis 0.05-0.1 % in either alcohol-polyethylene glycol or
Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis cream base is effective for symptoll?-atic clearance of
(Bullous Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia) the skin [18].

Clinical Presentation. Within the first few weeks of

life generalized erythema and scaliness appear.
Lamellar Ichthyosis
There is shedding of extensive areas of the superficial
epidermis leaving moist, raw areas. The erythema
This is a spectrum of disorders varying in severity
gradually subsides. The desquamation, which in-
but sharing the same mode of inheritance as well as
itially is of fine scales, becomes thick and brown. In
histologic and ultrastructural features.
the flexures and intertriginous areas the scales
assume a verrucous, streaky appearance. From the
onset tiny vesicles and larger flaccid bullae appear. I chth yosiform Erythrodermia
The bullae gradually decrease and may cease to
appear. However, in about 20 % of cases they persist This disorder appears at birth, usually with a mild
into adult life (Figs. 2.26-2.29). generalized erythema. The skin appears thick and
In some cases, there is a bandlike verrucous lesion later becomes scaly. The scales are coarse, centrally
(epidermal or linear nevus) that has a histologic attached, and more prominent in the flexures (Figs.
picture identical with that of generalized epider- 2.30 and 2.31). The condition usually lasts through-
molytic hyperkeratosis [14, 15]. This condition out life. There is moderate palmoplantar hyper-
may be considered as a forme fruste of the general- keratosis. Ectropion is a common finding [19] (Fig.
ized form. Occasionally the epidermal nevus has 2.32).
X-Linked Ichthyosis 29

2.23 2.24

Figs. 2.23-2.25. X-linked ichthyosis. (Courtesy of

Dr. V. A. McKusick. Fig. 25 from Scott, c.r. In : The
clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 243-244. Baltimore:
2.25 Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)
30 Abnormalities of Keratinization




Figs. 2.26 and 2.27. Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Generalized

erythema and scaliness with raw areas in axillae and groin

Figs. 2.28 and 2.29. Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Thick brown

2.27 scales. Note bulla on left thigh
Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia 31

2.30 2.31


Figs. 2.30 and 2.31. Ichthyosiform erythrodermia.

Note centrally attached coarse scales

Fig. 2.32. Ichthyosiform erythrodermia. Ectropion

Fig. 2.33. Congenital lamellar ichthyosis. (Courtesy

of Dr. F.e. Fraser) 2.33
32 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Harlequin Fetus (Ichthyosis Fetalis, 6 % salicylic acid in propylene glycol under occlusion
Keratome Malignum, Ichthyosis Congenita) [10]. On the other hand, topical tretinoin (vitamin A
acid) [22J and a-hydroxy acids (citric and lactic
This probably represents a more severe form of acids) [12J have been effective in clearing the skin.
ichthyosiform erythrodermia. The fetus is usually Orally administered 13-cis retinoic acid has been
born prematurely, encased in a thick, horny skin helpful [13].
which appears white initially but within hours
becomes grayish yellow. The thick armorlike skin
splits by deep fissures into polygonal plates. Blood-
stained discharge oozes from the fissures. Vital
respiratory movements are restricted. Secondary Associated with Other Defects
infection and septicemia are frequent complications.
Death is usual in the first few days of life.
Unilateral Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia
with Ipsilateral Malformations
Lamellar Ichthyosis of the Newborn
There is a strikingly unilateral distribution of an
erythematous dermatosis associated with hypo-
This is the mildest form. The baby is born with a plasia or aplasia of bony structures on the same
constricting, parchmentlike collodion membrane side. The brain is similarly affected [23]. On the
due to the thick stratum corneum (Fig. 2.33). The basis of histologic and kinetic studies it has been
membrane usually undergoes peeling within 24 h suggested that the dermatosis may be psoriatic
and large keratinous sheets are cast off. Recovery is rather than ichthyotic [24]. Inheritance in this
complete [20]. syndrome is autosomal recessive.

Collodion Baby
Ichthyosiform Erythrodermia and Deafness
Clinical Presentation. This is not a disease entity but
In three sibs, ichthyosiform erythrodermia (non-
a condition seen in several ichthyosiform disorders:
bullous) associated with deafness has been reported
epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, ichthyosiform eryth-
[25]. Hepatomegaly is present in affected individ-
rodermia, and X-linked ichthyosis [20]. The infant is
uals. Inheritance is probably autosomal recessive.
completely enveloped in a thin, dry, shining, brown-
ish yellow layer, perforated with hairs. Shortly after
birth it fissures and peels off leaving a normal-
appearing skin. The skin may persist as normal or Ichthyosis and Cataract
may continue to scale depending on the underlying
Cortical cataracts have been described in association
ichthyotic disorder.
with congenital ichthyosis (lamellar ichthyosis) [26].
Inheritance in this syndrome is autosomal recessive.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. In lamellar ich-
thyosis there is marked hyperkeratosis with a nor-
mal or thickened granular cell layer. There may be
acanthosis, follicular plugging, and prominent rete Ichthyosis with Biliary Atresia
ridges. The upper dermal vessels are surrounded by
minimal mononuclear infiltrate. Two sibs have been described with this combina-
Mitotic activity in the epidermis is increased and cell tion [27].
transit time is reduced [3]. Ultrastructurally, there is
early development and increased numbers of ke-
ratinosomes, and persistence of mitochondria and Ichthyosis with Neutrophil Chemotactic Defect
nucleated cells high in the granular cell layer [21].
The desmosomes and tonofilaments are normal [1]. In two kindreds affected with "congenital ichthyosis
vulgaris," chemotaxis of leukocytes from the pa-
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. tients (who also had recurrent Trichophyton rubrum
infections) and their fathers was defective [28]. This
Treatment. In general, emollients and keratolytic syndrome is probably inherited as autosomal do-
agents are helpful. There is a moderate response to minant (see also p. 158).
Ichthyosis and Other Defects 33

Ichthyosis and Male Hypogonadism 14. Zeligman~ I., Pomeranz, 1.: Variations of congenital ich-
thyosiform erythroderma. Report of cases of ichthyosis
hystrix and neVus unius lateris. Arch. Derm. 91, 120-125
In one kindred, five males in three generations had (1965)
congenital ichthyosis and secondary hypogonadism 15. Kurban, A K., Petzoldt, D.: Systematisierter naevus ver-
[29]. This syndrome may represent close linkage rucosus mit granuloser Degeneration. Derm. Wschr. 153,
between hypogonadism and X-linked ichthyosis or 1129-1132 (1967)
16. Ackerman, A.B.: Histopathologic concept of epidermolytic
more probably a separate mutation that is X-
hyperkeratosis. Arch. Derm. 102, 253-259 (1970)
linked recessive [30]. 17. Anton-Lamprecht, I., Schnyder, U.W.: Ultrastructure of
inborn errors of keratinization. VI. Inherited ichthyoses - a
model system for heterogeneities in keratinization distur-
Ichthyosis, Mental Retardation, Dwarfism, bances. Arch. Derm. Forsch. 250(3), 207-227 (1974)
18. Schorr, W. F., Papa, C. M.: Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
and Renal Impairment Effect of tretinoin therapy on the clinical course and the basic
defects in the stratum corneum. Arch. Derm. 107, 556-562
Three siblings of unrelated parents exhibited these (1973)
abnormalities [31]. An autosomal recessive pattern 19. Sever, R.l., Frost, P., Weinstein, G.: Eye changes in ich-
thyosis. 1. Amer. med. Ass. 206, 2283-2286 (1968)
of inheritance is suspected. 20. Reed, W. B., Herwick, R. P., Harville, D., Porter, P. S., Conant,
M.: Lamellar ichthyosis of the newborn. A distinct clinical
entity: its comparison to the other ichthyosiform erythro-
Ichthyosiform Dermatosis with Systemic Lipidosis dermas. Arch. Derm. 105, 394-399 (1972)
21. Vandersteen, P.R., Muller, S.A: Lamellar ichthyosis. An
enzyme histochemical, light, and electron microscopic study.
The skin changes are associated with lipid va- Arch. Derm. 106, 694-701 (1972)
cuolation in peripheral blood granulocytes and 22. Mirrer, E., McGuire, 1.: Lamellar ichthyosis - response to
granulocyte precursors in the marrow and liver retinoic acid (tretinoin). Arch. Derm. 102, 548-551 (1970)
[32]. Autosomal recessive inheritance is suggested. 23. Cullen, S. I., Harris, D. E., Carter, C. H., Reed, W. B. :
Congenital unilateral ichthyosiform erythroderma. Arch.
Derm. 99,724-729 (1969)
References 24. Shear, C. S., Nyhan, W. L., Frost, P., Weinstein, G. D.:
1. Frost, P., Van Scott, E.l: Ichthyosiform dermatoses. Syndrome of unilateral ectromelia, psoriasis, and central
Classification based on anatomic and biometric observations. nervous system anomalies. In: The clinical delineation of
Arch. Derm. 94, 113-126 (1966) birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp.
2. Wilgram, G. E., Caulfield, l B.: An electron microscopic 197-293. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
study of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Arch. Derm. 94, 127- 25. Desmons, F., Bar, J., Chevillard, Y.: Erythrodermie ich-
143 (1966) thyosiforme congenitale seche, surdi-mutite, hepatomegalie,
3. Frost,P., Weinstein, G.D., Van Scott, E.l: The ichthyosiform de transmission recessive autosomique. Etude d'une famille.
dermatoses. II. Autoradiographic studies of epidermal pro- Bull. Soc. fran<;. Derm. Syph. 78, 585-591 (1971)
liferation. l invest. Derm. 47, 561-567 (1966) 26. Pinkerton, O. D.: Cataract associated with congenital ich-
4. Siemens, H.W.: Dichtung und Wahrheit tiber die Ichthyosis thyosis. Arch. Ophtha!. 60, 393-396 (1958)
bullosa mit Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Epidermolysen. 27. Gould, A. A.: Ichthyosis in an infant: hemorrhage from
Arch. Derm. Syph. (Ber!.) 175, 590-608 (1937) umbelicus: death. Amer. l med. Sci. 27, 356 (1854)
5. Schnyder, U. W.: Inherited ichthyoses. Arch. Derm. 102,240- 28. Miller, M.E., Norman, M.E., Koblenzer, P.l., Schonauer, T.:
252 (1970) A new defect of neutrophil movement. 1. lab. c1in. Med. 82,
6. Wells, R.S., Kerr, c.B.: The histology of ichthyosis. J. invest. 1-8 (1973)
Derm. 46, 530-535 (1966) 29. Lynch, H. T., Ozer, F., McNutt, C. W., Johnson, J. E.,
7. Feinstein, A, Ackerman, A B., Ziprkowski, L.: Histology of lampolsky, N, A: Secondary male hypogonadism and conge-
autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris and X-linked ich- nital ichthyosis. Association of two rare genetic diseases.
thyosis. Arch. Derm. 101, 524-527 (1970) Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 12,440-447 (1960)
8. Frost, P., Weinstein, G. D., Bothwell, l W., Wildnauer, R.: 30. McKusick, V.A: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., p.
Ichthyosiform dermatoses. III. Studies of transepidermal 773. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
water loss. Arch. Derm. 98, 230-233 (1968) 31. Passwell, lH., Goodman, R.M., Ziprkowski, M., Cohen,
9. Tippelt, H.: Zur Hautoberflachen-pH-Messung und Alkali- B. E.: Congenital ichthyosis, mental retardation, dwarfism
resistenzprobe bei Hautgesunden und Ichthyosis vulgaris- and renal impairment: new syndrome. Clin. Genet. 8, 59-65
Kranken. Dermatologica (Basel) 139, 201-210 (1969) (1975)
10. Baden, H. P., Alper,J. C. : A keratolytic gel containing salicylic 32. Dorfman, M.L., Hershko, c., Eisenberg, S., Sagher, F.:
acid in propylene glycol. l invest. Derm. 61, 330-333 (1973) Ichthyosiform dermatosis with systemic lipidosis. Arch.
11. Pope, F.M., Rees, J.K., Wells, R.S., Lewis, K.G.S.: Out- Derm. 110,261-266 (1974)
patient treatment of ichthyosis: a double-blind trial of oint-
ments. Brit. 1. Derm. 86,291-296 (1972)
12. Van Scott, E.l, Yu, R.l.: Control of keratinization with
a-hydroxy acids and related compounds. I. Topical treatment
of ichthyotic disorders. Arch. Derm. 110, 586-590 (1974)
13. Peck, G.L., Yoder, F.W.: Treatment of lamellar ichthyosis
and other keratinizing dermatoses with an oral synthetic
retinoid. Lancet 197611. 1172-1174
34 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflex a Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome

Comel was the first to designate this rare disorder in Even though Pardo-Castello and Faz [1] described
1949 [1]. the association of mental deficiency, ichthyosis,and
Little disease in 1932, it was Sjogren and Larsson [2]
Clinical Presentation. Onset is at birth or during the
who, in 1957, delineated this heritable disorder now
first few months oflife [2]. There is initially a diffuse
known by their names.
erythema and scaliness. Gradually, the characteristic
eruption evolves over the trunk and proximal
Clinical Presentation. The skin changes are those of
extremities as polycyclic, migratory, serpiginous
ichthyosiform erythrodermia (lamellar ichthyosis)
erythematous plaques [2,3]. The periphery shows a
(Figs. 2.37 and 2.38). These changes are associated
distinctive double-edged scale. The face, and oc-
with marked mental deficiency and cerebral spastic
casionally the scalp, may remain erythematous and
diplegia (of Little disease type). The spasticity. is
scaly. There is lichenification of the antecubital and
more marked in the lower extremities with partial
popliteal fossae (Figs. 2.34-2.36).
contractures (scissor gait). Other features that may
Hair abnormalities are frequently associated with
be present are dental and osseous dysplasia [3,4],
this disorder. Of 15 patients with trichorrhexis
epilepsy [2,5], retinal macular degeneration
invaginata, 12 had ichthyosis linearis circumflexa
[2,5,6], aminoaciduria [3], dysarthria and dys-
[3]. Other reported hair abnormalities are tri-
phonia [2,4], hypertelorism [4], dermatoglyphic
chorrhexis nodosa, pili torti, and fragile hair. Hy-
abnormalities [4], and exudative enteropathy [7].
perhidrosis is an inconstant finding [2]. Atopy
and aminoaciduria may be present [3].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The only docum-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is parake- ented studies are those of the skin. The changes are
ratosis and acanthosis [2,3]. The granular cell layer characteristic of congenital ichthyosiform erythro-
may be accentuated [2]. In the dermis there is a mild dermia.
perivascular inflammatory infiltrate.
The relationship between ichthyosis linearis circum- Inheritance; Autosomal receSSIve. Formes frustes
flexa and Netherton syndrome (see p. 40) is still exist in relatives of patients. In such cases, the only
controversial. It has been proposed that these two manifestation may be mental retardation with or
entities be considered as one, manifesting as a without spasticity [4].
peculiar defect in keratinization affecting the skin
and hair [4]. However, an analysis of findings in Treatment. Topical treatment for the skin changes is
patients with structural abnormalities of the hair as described under Lamellar Ichthyosis (see p. 32).
and ichthyotic skin changes has shown that a variety
of combinations exists [3]. It is thus suggested that References
the two entities remain separate until there is a better
1. Pardo-Castello, V., Faz, H.: Ichthyosis-Little's disease. Arch.
understanding of the relationship between ich- Derm. Syph. 26,915 (1932)
thyosis linearis circumflexa and other ichthyoses 2. Sjogren, T., Larsson, T.: Oligophrenia in combination with
[3]. congenital ichthyosis and spastic disorders; a clinical and
genetic study. Acta psychiat. scand. 32, Supp!. 113, 1-112
Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive. (1957)
3. Williams, R. D. B., Tang, 1. 1.: Mental defect, quadriplegia and
Treatment. Lubrication of the skin and oral vitamin
ichthyosis. Report of two cases in one family and a review of
A (150,000 units daily) result in gradual improve- the literature. Amer. 1 Dis. Child. 100, 924-929 (1960)
ment [2]. 4. Selmanowitz, V.l, Porter, M.l: Sjogren-Larsson syndrome.
Amer. 1 Med. 42, 412-422 (1967)
5. Heijer, A., Reed, W. B.: Sjogren-Larsson syndrome. Congenital
References ichthyosis, spastic paralysis, and oligophrenia. Arch. Derm.
1. Cornel, M.: Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa. Dermatologica 92,545-552 (1965)
(Basel) 98, 133-136 (1949) 6. Gilbert, W. R., Jr., Smith, lL., Nyhan, W. L.: The Sjogren-
2. Vineyard, W.R., Lumpkin, L.R., Lawler, J.C.: Ichthyosis Larsson syndrome. Arch. Ophtha!. 80, 308-316 (1968)
linearis circumflexa. A variant of congenital ichthyosiform 7. Hooft, c., Kriekemans, l, van Aker, K., Devos, E., Traen, S.,
erythroderma. Arch. Derm. 83, 630-635 (1961) Verdonk, G.: Sjogren-Larsson syndrome with exudative en-
3. Hurwitz, S., Kirsch, N., McGuire, l: Reevaluation of ich- teropathy. Influence of medium-chain triglycerides on the
thyosis and hair shaft abnormalities. Arch. Derm. 103,266-271 symptomatology. Helv. paediat. Acta 22, 447-458 (1967)
4. Altman, J., Stroud, J.: Netherton's syndrome and ichthyosis
linearis circumflexa. Psoriasiform ichthyosis. Arch. Derm. 100,
550-558 (1969)
Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflexa 35



Figs. 2.34--2.36. Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa

Fig. 2.34. Polycyclic, migratory, serpiginous erythe-

matous eruption. (Courtesy of Dr. W. R. Vineyard)

Fig. 2.35. Note the double-edged scale at the periphery.

(From Altman, 1., Stroud, 1.: Arch. Derm. 100, 550-558,

Fig. 2.36. Extensive eruption over the lower extremities.

(From Altman, 1., Stroud, 1. : Arch. Derm. 100,550-558,
2.36 1969)
36 Abnormalities of Keratinization

2.37 2.38

Figs. 2.37 and 2.38. Sjogren-Larsson syndrome. Extensive skin involvement. (Courtesy of Dr. A. Sinno)
Refsum Disease 37

Refsum Disease References

(Heredopathia Atactica Polyneuritiformis) 1. Refsum, S., Salomon sen, L., Skatvedt, M.: Heredopathia
atactica polyneuritiformis in children. l Pediat. 35, 335-343
2. Herndon, lH.,Jr., Steinberg, D., Uhlendorf, W., Fales, H.M.:
In 1945 and 1946 Refsum described in a Norwegian
Refsum's disease: characterization of the enzyme defect in cell
community [1] the association of ichthyotic skin culture. 1. clin. Invest. 48, 1017-1032 (1969)
changes with retinitis pigment os a, cerebellar ataxia, 3. Steinberg, D., Mize, C.E., Herndon, lH.,Jr., Fales, H.M.,
and a polyneuritislike condition. Engel, W.K., Vroom, F.Q.: Phytanic acid in patients with
Refsum's syndrome and response to dietary treatment. Arch.
intern. Med. 125,75-87 (1970)
Clinical Presentation. The onset is between the ages
of 4 and 7 years and is manifested by anorexia, an
unsteady gait, ichthyosis, and progressive neuro-
genic hearing loss. Funduscopy reveals pigmentary
changes in the retina. The patients have night Chondrodysplasia Punctata
blindness and concentric limitation of the field of
vision [1]. There are other cerebellar manifestations Conradi-Hiinerman Type (Autosomal Dominant)
as well as a polyneuritislike condition with loss of the
deep reflexes, progressive paresis of the limbs dis- This rare multisystem disease was first described by
tally, and ataxia. There is no mental deficiency. In all Conradi in 1914 [1].
patients there is, characteristically, a marked in-
crease in cerebrospinal protein without pleocytosis Clinical Presentation. The disorder affects the skele-
[1]. Electrocardiographic abnormalities noted in ton, brain, eyes, and skin. The onset is within the
these patients include prolongation of QT and PQ first few months of life. The skin changes are found
in tervals [1]. in a high proportion (28 %) of affected individuals.
The skin is shiny red with rough, dry, whitish ad-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The inherited de- herent scales arranged in a whorl pattern [2]. In
fect is that of storage of the branched-chain fatty most reports the changes are described as resem-
acid, phytanicacid(3, 7,11, 15-tetramethyl-hexadeca- bling ichthyosiform erythrodermia, although oc-
noic acid), in the blood and tissues. The defect casionally they may resemble pityriasis rubra pilaris
leading to the storage is in the oxidative pathway [3]. Thickening of the palms and soles may be
for degradation of exogenous phytanic acid and present. The skin changes, in general, tend to clear
has been characterized as a deficiency in a single spontaneously leaving follicular atrophoderma, es-
enzyme involved in the a-hydroxylation of phyta- pecially over the extremities (Fig. 2.39), and cic-
nate, while the enzymes in later steps are present at atricial alopecia (Figs. 2.40 and 2.41). The hair may
normal levels [2]. be coarse, lusterless, sparse, and of irregular
The relationship between phytanate accumulation diameter. Other skin manifestations are incon-
and the symptoms of Refsum disease is unclear. The tinentia pigmentilike pigmentation, seborrheic der-
displacement of normal structural fatty acids by matitis, and dyskeratosis [4].
excess phytanate or a crucial metabolic effect on The affected children are dwarfed, with short limbs,
nervous tissue due to the absence of a-hydroxylating swollen joints, saddle nose, and vertebral abnor-
enzyme are postulates to explain the different mani- malities (Figs. 2.41a and 2.41b). Characteristically,
festations. It could still be that the enzymatic there is stippling of the epiphyses of the bones which
biochemical abnormality is not directly responsible develop enchondral ossification. This stippling
for the clinical picture [2]. usually disappears by the age of 3 years. Other
The diagnosis can be established by detection, in skeletal abnormalities are congenital dislocation of
fibroblast culture, of the enzymatic deficiency in the hip, high-arched palate, frontal bossing, cranio-
phytanate metabolism [2]. synostosis, micro- or macrocephaly, hypertelorism,
micrognathia, syndactyly, and clubfoot [4]. Oligo-
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. phrenia is not infrequent. The ocular manifestations
are bilateral cataracts (in 17 % of cases) and primary
Treatment. The elimination of phytol from the diet optic a trophy [5]. Other less freq uent manifesta tions
leads to clinical improvement [3]. are cardiac and gastrointestinal abnormalities [5],
involvement of membranous bones [5], amino-
aciduria [4], and hypercholesterolemia [5].
38 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cutaneous References

lesions show dyskeratosis. In other tissues, there J. Conradi, E.: Vorzeitiges Auftreten von Knochen und eigen-
may be focal mucoid degeneration. In the epiphyseal artigen Verkalkungskernen bei Chondrodystrophia rotalis
hypoplastica: Histologische und Riintgenuntersuchungen.
region, there is disorganization of the cartilage cells
Jb. Kinderheilk. 80, 86-97(1914)
and of the process of calcification in areas of 2. Bodian, E. L.: Skin manifestations of Conradi's disease.
enchondral ossification. Chondrodystrophia congenita punctata. Arch. Derm. 94,
743-748 (1966)
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with variance in 3. Moynahan, E. 1.: Genetically determined diseases. In: Recent
advances in dermatology. Rook, A. (ed.), No.3, pp. 323-371.
expression [6]. Many cases present fresh gene London: Churchill Livingstone 1973
mutations. An X-linked dominant type which is 4. Comings, D. E., Papazian, c., Schoene, H. R.: Conradi's di-
lethal in males has also been described [7]. The sease. Chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita, congenital
features resemble those of the dominant type with stippled epiphyses. J. Pedial. 72,63-69 (1968)
5. Armaly, M. F.: Ocular involvement in chondrodystrophia
the addition of widespread atrophic and pigmented
calcificans congenita punctata. Arch. Ophtha!. 57, 491-502
dermal lesions. (1957)
6. Spranger, J.W., Opitz, 1.M., Bidder, U.: Heterogeneity of
Treatment. None is available. chondrodysplasia punctata. Humangenetik 20, 190-212 (1971)
7. Happle, R., Matthiass, H.H., Macher, E.: Sex-linked chondro-
dysplasia punctata? Clinical Genetics II, 73-76 (1977)
8. Fraser, F.C., Scriver, J.B.: A hereditary factor in chondro-
Severe Rhizomelic Type (Autosomal Recessive) dystrophia calcificans congenita. New Eng!. J. Med. 250,
272-277 (1954)
Clinical Presentation. This is a very rare disease. 9. Beighton, P.: Inherited disorders of the skeleton, pp. 18-21.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone 1978
Marked symmetrical shortening of the limbs (rhi-
10. Gilbert, E. F., Opitz, 1. M., Spranger, 1. W., Langer, L. 0.,
zomelia) is a significant feature. The changes Wolgson, J.J., Visekul, c.: Chondrodystrophia punctata-
involve mostly the humeri. Lenticular cataracts rhizomelic form. Pathologic and radiologic studies of three
are present in 72 % of cases. Skin changes (ichthyo- infants. Eur. J. Pedial. 123,89-109 (1976)
siform) occur in 27 % of cases. The digits are stubby. 11. Pauli, M.P., Madden, J.D., Kranzler, K.J., Culpepper, W.,
Port, R.: Warfarin therapy initiated during pregnancy and
There is limitation of movement at the joints with phenotypic chondrodysplasia punctata. 1. Pedial. 88,
flexion contractures, particularly of the hips, knees, 506-508 (1976)
and elbows. Tracheal stenosis may be present.
Death from respiratory complications usually takes
place during the first year of life [6,8,9].
As in the autosomal dominant form, the epiphyses
are stippled. However, in this recessive form the
spine is only mildly involved and there are areas of
calcification outside the margins of the epiphyses,
as well as fraying of the metaphyses and coronal
cleft in the vertebral bodies [10].
It is worth mentioning that punctate intra- and
extracartilaginous calcifications may be found in a
variety of hereditary (e.g., Zellweger syndrome)
and nonhereditary conditions [2]. A disorder
simulating chondrodysplasia punctata is produced
by maternal ingestion of anticoagulant (Dicumarol
or warfarin) in early pregnancy [11].
Chondrodysplasia Congenita 39



Figs. 2.39-2.42. Chondrodysplasia congenita (Conradi Fig. 2.41. Note sparse, lusterless hair and saddle nose.
disease) (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick, from Scott, C. 1.: In:
The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, p. 309. Baltimore : Williams &
Fig. 2.39. Follicular atrophoderma. (From Comings, D. E., Wilkins Co. 1971)
et al.: J. Pediat. 72, 63--69, 1968)
Fig. 2.42a/b. General view of patient. Note short stature,
Fig. 2.40. Cicatricial alopecia. (From Comings, D. E., et al.: short right femur, kyphoscoliosis, and saddle nose. (From
J. Pediat. 72,63--69,1968) Comings, D. E., et al.: J. Pediat. 72, 63--69, 1968)
40 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Netherton Syndrome References

(Trichorrhexis Invaginata) I. Netherton. E. W.: A unique case of trichorrhexis nodosa -

"bamboo hairs". Arch. Derm. 78, 483-487 (1958)
2. Wilkinson, R. D., Curtis, G. H., Hawk, W. A.: Netherton's
In 1958 Netherton [1 J described the first case ofthis disease. Trichorrhexis invaginata (bamboo hair), congenital
ichthyosiform erythroderma, and the atopic diathesis. A
syndrome which is characterized by bamboo hair histopathologic study. Arch. Derm. 89, 46-54 (1964)
(trichorrhexis invaginata), an ichthyotic skin con- 3. Stevanovic, D. V.: Multiple defects of the hair shaft in
dition, and, frequently, an atopic diathesis. Netherton's disease. Association with ichthyosis linearis cir-
cumflexa. Brit. J. Derm. 81, 851-857 (1969)
4. Price, V. H. : Office diagnosis of structural hair anomalies. Cutis
Clinical Presentation. The hair is short, dry, and 15,231-240 (1975)
lusterless (Fig. 2.43). The hair abnormality is the 5. Altman, 1., Stroud, 1.: Netherton's syndrome and ichthyosis
most distinctive feature and affects particularly the linearis circumflexa. Psoriasiform ichthyosis. Arch. Derm. 100,
scalp hair and eyebrows. The "bamboo" defect is 550-558 (1969)
6. Hurwitz, S., Kirsch, N., McGuire, 1.: Reevaluation of ich-
seen in all terminal scalp hair. The cup portion of the
thyosis and hair shaft abnormalities. Arch. Derm. 103, 266~271
defect is formed by the proximal portion of the hair (1971)
shaft and the ball portion by the distal end [2]. The 7. Gianotti, F.: La maladie de Netherton. Etude de deux cas et
defect is seen in all stages from the abrupt stricture to des rapports avec les genodermatoses erythematodesqua-
the fully developed nodes. In addition there may be matives circinees variables. Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 96,
147-156 (1969)
changes in caliber, as well as transverse linear 8. Degos, R., Larregue, M.: Maladie de Netherton avec ichtyose
alterations in the shaft [3]. Vellus hair shows similar vulgaire. Bull. Soc. franr;. Derm. Syph. 78,636-640 (1971)
but milder defects. The hair abnormality improves 9. Julius, C.E., Keeran, M.: Netherton's syndrome in a male.
with age. Arch. Derm. 104, 422-424 (1971)
In the majority of patients, the ichthyotic skin
changes are those of ichthyosis linearis circumflex a
[4J (see p. 34), which is considered a variant of
congenital ichthyosiform erythrodermia or lamellar
ichthyosis [2,3J (Figs. 2.44 and 2.45). However,
some investigators distinguish a peculiar form of
Palmoplantar Keratodermias
ichthyotic skin changes designated as "psoriasiform (Palmoplantar Hyperkeratoses)
ichthyosis" [5J, while others associate the distinc-
tive hair abnormalities with a variety of ichthyotic
changes [6-8]. There are several hereditary disorders of keratini-
Most patients with Netherton syndrome have an zation characterized by diffuse or focal involvement
atopic diathesis such as urticaria, angioedema, and of the palms and soles. These disorders differ in their
asthma. Aminoaciduria and hypogammaglobuli- mode of inheritance, clinical appearance, and other
nemia have been reported in a few patients [2]. associated abnormalities. Unfortunately the distinc-
tions are not always clear-cut because of overlapping
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The skin changes manifestations, interfamily variations, inadequate
are characterized by parakeratosis and acanthosis, understanding of etiologic and pathophysiologic
with elongated rete ridges and an increased granular factors, and the association of palmoplantar kera-
cell layer [5]. Plucked hairs may show the bamboo todermia with other syndromes. In this presentation
defect (Fig. 2.46), whereas biopsies of the scalp the following conditions will be discussed:
demonstrate the defect at all levels from the surface Diffuse keratodermia
to the zone of incipient keratinization [2]. It is Keratodermia associated with cancer of the
suggested that a defect in keratinization is re- esophagus
sponsible for the skin and hair abnormalities. Striate keratodermia
Punctate keratodermia
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive with greater pen- Mutilating keratodermia
etrance in females. Occasionally males may be Disseminate keratodermia with corneal dystrophy
affected [9]. Progressive keratodermia
Mal de Meleda
Treatment. The hair changes improve with age. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
Emollients may be helpful for the skin condition. Other keratodermias
Netherton Syndrome 41



2.45 2.46

Figs. 2.43-2.46. Netherton syndrome Figs. 2.44 and 2.45. Note the lesions of ichthyosis linearis
circumflexa on the trunk. (Courtesy of Dr. C. E. Julius. Fig.
45 from Julius, C. E., Keeran, M.: Arch. Derm. 104,422-424,

Fig. 2.43. Note sparse hair. (From Julius, C. E., Keeran, M. : Fig. 2.46. Bamboo hair. (From Julius, C. E., Keeran, M.:
Arch. Derm. 104, 422-424, 1971) Arch. Derm. 104, 422-424, 1971)
42 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Diffuse Palmoplantar Keratodermia cases, the carcinoma involves the lower third of the
(Tylosis, Keratosis Palmaris esophagus.
et Plantaris, Thost-Unna Syndrome)
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

This is the commonest form of palmoplantar

Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris Striata
Clinical Presentation. In early infancy there may be (Striate Keratodermia)
slight thickening of the palms and soles. However, by
the 6th to 12th month, the disorder is well-developed Clinical Presentation. Typically, the keratosis is
and persists throughout life. There is diffuse, sharply made up of linear confluent streaks. The palms are
demarcated hyperkeratosis, involving the palmar usually affected and the onset is around puberty.
and plantar surfaces with a narrow erythematous Papillomatous lesions of the buccal mucosa and
rim. Usually the involvement is bilateral and sym- dotlike opacities in the corneal epithelium have been
metric. Hyperhidrosis is marked and fissuring may reported [13].
ensue (Figs. 2.47-2.49). Secondary bacterial infec-
tion is not uncommon. The nails may be thickened, Inheritance. Autosomal dominant suspected.
opaque, or curved, but the hair and teeth are normal.
Other associations are rare but may include clino-
dactyly [1J, ainhumlike strictures [2J, and clubbed
fingers. Keratosis Punctata Palmaris et Plantaris
(Punctate Keratodermia, Keratosis
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Usually, the histo- Palmaris et Plantaris Papulosa)
logic picture is nonspecific and consists of marked
hyperkeratosis with hypergranulosis and acanthosis
[3]. There may be a mild inflammatory infiltrate in Clinical Presentation. The onset is usually in the
the dermis. However,in some families the histologic second or third decade. The lesions are numerous,
picture is that of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (see p. yellow-brown, discrete, hard, horny papules [14].
28) with typical granular degeneration (localized They may be removed, leaving a crater surrounded
epidermolytic hyperkeratosis) [4,5]. These findings by a horny wall. The only complaints are related
emphasize the possible heterogeneity of palmoplan- to pain from pressure on the lesions and social
tar keratodermia. embarrassment. Usually there are no associated
defects except nail dystrophies [15J manifested by
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. longitudinal fissures, onychomadesis, and onycho-
Treatment. Traumatic occupations should be avoid- A possible variant of this condition is "hereditary
ed. Keratolytic agents, particularly salicylic acid, papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma" [16J, in which
can be palliative. Recently, topically applied retinoic asymptomatic, non scaling, smooth, translucent pa-
acid (vitamin A acid), 0.1-0.3 % in petrolatum, has pules appear on the hands and feet (Fig. 2.50).
given good results [6,7]. Severe cases can be treated
surgically [8-10]. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic pic-
ture is characterized by marked hyperkeratosis,
sharply defined, with depression of the underlying
epidermis [14]. There is hypergranulosis. The der-
mis is unremarkable and free of any inflammatory
Palmoplantar Keratodermia
infiltrate. In some cases a cornoid lamella is seen
with Cancer of the Esophagus [17].

Clinical Presentation. Two families have been re- Inheritance. Autosomal dominant suspected.
ported with this condition [11,12]. The clinical
picture is similar to that of diffuse palmoplantar Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
keratodermia except for a delayed onset (between
the ages of 5 and 15 years). In such families 70 % of
the patients with keratodermia develop carcinoma
of the esophagus later in life. In the majority of these
Palmoplantar Keratodermias 43

Fig. 2.47. Diffuse palmoplantar kerato-

dermia. Note the involvement of the
mother's palms and the sharp demarca-
tion of the soles of the child

Fig. 2.48. Diffuse palmoplantar kerato-

dermia. Involvement of the palms

Fig. 2.49. Diffuse palmoplantar kerato-

44 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Keratoma Hereditaria Mutilans Mal de Meleda (Keratodermia

(Mutilating Keratodermia, Vohwinkel Palmoplantaris Transgrediens)
Syndrome, Congenital Deafness
with Keratopachydermia This rare syndrome gets its name from the
and Constrictions of Fingers and Toes) Dalmatian island of Meleda (Mljet) where there has
been a lot of inbreeding.
Clinical Presentation. This rare disorder appears in
Clinical Presentation. During infancy there is pal-
infancy as diffuse hyperkeratosis of the palms and moplantar erythema followed by hyperkeratosis
soles, with a honeycombed surface (Fig. 2.51).
and thickening. Usually the erythema persists.
Starfish keratoses appear on the dorsa of the hands
Gradually, the thickening of the skin extends to the
and feet, linear keratoses on the elbows and knees,
dorsal surfaces of the hands and feet, with the
and constricting fibrous bands around digits in
appearance of circumscribed areas on the wrists,
ainhum fashion. Rare findings are cicatricial alop-
forearms, knees, and other sites (Fig. 2.52). Hyper-
ecia and high-frequency hearing loss [18].
hidrosis, malodor, and eczematization are frequent.
Brownish yellow lichenoid plaques may overlie the
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
joints of the hands. Nail abnormalities (koilonychia,
subungual keratosis), shortening of the fingers, and
persistent perioral erythematous plaques may be
found. There are no associated abnormalities of
Disseminate Palmoplantar Keratodermia hair, teeth, or eyes, and the intelligence is normal
with Corneal Dystrophy (Richner-Hanhart [21].
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.

Clinical Presentation. This is a very rare disorder

characterized by keratodermia of the palms and
soles and corneal dystrophy [19]. The keratodermia, Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome (Palmoplantar
which appears between the ages of 12 and 15 years, Keratodermia with Periodontosis)
may have several morphologic appearances: small
punctate lesions, slightly elevated circumscribed
This rare syndrome is characterized by palmoplan-
areas, or coalescence of these areas to form partly
tar keratodermia, premature periodontoclasia, and
diffuse, partly striated keratoses. The eye lesions are
calci(ication of the dura [22].
superficial corneal opacities in the form of commas
and dendritic formations without eyeball irritation.
Clinical Presentation. The onset is usually between
This syndrome is due to a deficiency of hepatic
the 1st and 5th year when erythema and keratoder-
tyrosine aminotransferase. (See Tyrosinemia II,
p.262.) mia appear on the palms and soles and extend to the
sides of the hands and feet. There is also extension to
the Achilles tendons, external malleoli, tibial tubero-
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. sities, dorsa of finger and toe joints, and other sites
[22]. Hyperhidrosis and malodor are frequent. The
hair may be normal or sparse and some nails may be
Progressive Palmoplantar Keratodermia The deciduous teeth erupt normally but the gingivae
become red, swollen, and boggy. This leads to
(Greither Syndrome)
destruction of the alveolar bone and loss of the
deciduous teeth by the age of 4 or 5 years. The
Clinical Presentation. The onset of keratodermia is process is repeated with the permanent teeth. With
in infancy. There is progressive thickening of the loss of all permanent teeth, the gingivae assume their
palms and soles over many years, extending fre- normal appearance. Calcific deposits in the attach-
quently to the sides of the hands and feet. ment ofthe tentorium and choroid are frequent [22].
Occasionally, the arms and legs may be involved Arachnodactyly and osteolysis of terminal phal-
[20]. anges have been noted in some families [23].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.

Keratodermias 45


2.51 2.52

Fig. 2.50. Papulotranslucent acrokeratodermia. Note the Fig. 2.52. Mal de Meleda. The well-delineated kerato-
smooth, translucent papules. (From Onwukwe, M.F., dermia involves the palms and soles and extends to the
et al.: Arch. Derm. 108, 108-110, 1973) dorsal aspects of the hands and feet

Fig. 2.51. Keratoma hereditaria mutilans

46 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Other Keratodermias 9. Dencer, D.: Tylosis. Brit. J. plast. Surg. 6, 130-140

.10. Landazuri, H. F.: Keratosis palmaris et plantaris and its new
There are many hereditary palmoplantar keratoder- surgical treatment. Acta Chir. plast. (Praha) 5, 289-292 (1963)
11. Howell-Evans, W., McConnell, R. B., Clarke, e A., Sheppard,
mias that show variations in age of onset, severity, P.M.: Carcinoma of the oesophagus with keratosis palmaris
and associated abnormalities. Many of these fit in et plantaris (tylosis). Quart. J. Med. 27, 413-429 (1958)
well-characterized syndromes already discussed. 12. Shine, I., Allison, P. R.: Carcinoma of the oesophagus with
Others seem to be distinctive but the reports are too tylosis (keratosis palmaris et plantaris). Lancet 19661,
few to delineate the disorders into specific syn-
13. Grayson, M. : Corneal manifestations of keratosis plantaris
dromes. Some of these will be mentioned briefly. and palmaris. Amer. J. Ophtha!. 59, 483-486 (1965)
Two sisters were reported with palmoplantar kera- 14. Buchanan, R.N.,Jr.: Keratosis punctata palmaris et plan-
tosis, hypodontia, hypotrichosis, and cysts of the taris. Arch. Derm. 88, 644-650 (1963)
eyelids [24] (Figs. 2.53-2.56). The milk teeth were 15. Stone, O.J., Mullins, J. F.: Nail changes in keratosis punctata.
Arch. Derm. 92, 557-558 (1965)
lost early and the permanent dentition was greatly 16. Onwukwe, M.F., Mihm, M.e,Jr., Toda, K.: Hereditary
reduced. The alopecia was universal. These patients papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma: a new variant of fa-
also developed onychodystrophy [24]. milial punctate keratoderma? Arch. Derm. 108, 108-110
Several pedigrees have been reported in which the (1973)
palmoplantar keratodermia varies considerably 17. Brown, F.e: Punctate keratoderma. Arch. Derm. 104,
682-683 (1971)
within a family; it may be striate, diffuse, or disse- 18. Gibbs, R. e, Frank, S. B.: Keratoma hereditaria mutilans
minate [25]. The inheritance is of the autosomal (Vohwinkel). Differentiating features of conditions with con-
dominant type. striction of digits. Arch. Derm. 94, 619-625 (1966)
Another rare form of keratodermia, referred to as 19. Zmegac, Z.J., Sarajlic, M. V.: A rare form of an inheritable
palmar and plantar keratosis. Dermatologica (Basel) 130,
"circumscribed palmoplantar keratodermia," is 40-52 (1964)
characterized by tender callosities at pressure points 20. Greither, A. : Keratosis extremitatum hereditaria progrediens
on the soles (Fig. 2.57), fingertips, and hypothenar mit dominantem Erbgang. Hautarzt 3, 198-203 (1952)
eminences, associated with mental deficiency, 21. Schnyder, U. W., Franceschetti, A. T., Ceszarovic, B., Segedin,
leukoplakia of the buccal mucosa, corneal dys- J.: La maladie de Meleda autochtone. Ann. Derm. Syph.
(Paris) 96, 517-530 (1969)
trophies, and occasional nail dystrophies. 22. Godin, R.J., Sedano, H., Anderson, V. E.: The syndrome of
A pedigree, with probable autosomal dominant palmar-plantar hyperkeratosis and premature periodontal
mode of inheritance, has been described in which destruction of the teeth. A 'clinical and genetic analysis of the
palmoplantar keratodermia is associated with Papillon-Lefevre syndrome. J. Pediat. 65, 895-908 (1964)
23. Haim, S., Munk, J.: Keratosis palmo-plantaris congenita,
congenital alopecia and fingernail dystrophy [26]. with periodontosis, arachnodactyly and a peculiar deformity
(See also Sclero-atrophic and Keratotic Dermatosis of the terminal phalanges. Brit. J. Derm. 77,42-54 (1965)
of the Limbs, p. 128.) 24. Schopf, E., Schulz, H.-J., Passarge, E.: Syndrome of cystic
eyelids, palmo-plantar keratosis, hypodontia and hypo-
trichosis as a possible autosomal recessive trait. In: The
clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.). Vo!.
References VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 219-221. Baltimore: Williams &
1. Klintworth, G.K., Anderson, I.F..: Tylosis palmaris et plan- Wilkins Co. 1971
taris familiaris associated with clinodactyly. S. Afr. med. J. 35, 25. Baes, H., de Beukelaar, L., Wachters, D.: Keratodermie
170-175 (1960) palmo-plantaire variante. Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 96, 45-50
2. Wigley, J.E.M.: A case of hyperkeratosis palmaris et plan- (1969)
taris associated with ainhum-like constriction of the fingers. 26. Stevanovic, D. V.: Alopecia congenita. The incomplete do-
Brit. J. Derm. 41, 188-191 (1929) minant form of inheritance with varying expressivity. Acta
3. Salamon, T., Bogdanovic, B., Lazovic-Tepavac, 0.: Die Genet. Statist. med. 9, 127-132 (1959)
Krankheit von Mljet. Dermatologica (Basel) 138, 433-443
4. Klaus, S., Weinstein, G. D., Frost, P.: Localized epidermolytic
hyperkeratosis. A form of keratoderma of the palms and
soles. Arch. Derm. 101, 272-275 (1970)
5. Orbaneja, 1.G., Lozano de Sosa, 1. L. S., Huarte, P.S.: Hiper-
queratosis palmoplantar difusa y circunscrita (tipo Thost-
Unna) con degeneraci6n reticular del cuerpo mucoso. Int. J.
Derm. 11, 96-105 (1972)
6. Heiss, H. B., Gross, P. R.: Keratosis palmaris et plantaris
treatment with topically applied vitamin A acid. Arch. Derm.
101, tOO-t03 (1970)
7. GUnther, S.H.: Vitamin A acid in the treatment of palmo-
plantar keratoderma. Arch. Derm. 106, 854-857 (1972)
8. Wynn-Williams, D.: Plantar keratodermia treated by split-
skin grafts. Brit. J. plast. Surg. 6, 123-129 (1953-1954)
Keratodermias 47




2.55 2.57
Figs. 2.53-2.56. Palmoplantar keratosis, hypodontia, hypotrichosis, Fig. 2.57. Circumscribed palmoplantar kerato-
and cysts of eyelids. (Courtesy of Dr. E. Schopf) dermia
48 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Porokeratoses Initially, the disease was considered to be essentially

a disorder of the sweat pore [1]. However, even
though the cornoid lamella may involve a sweat pore
Even though it is generally believed that this disor- or a pilosebaceous follicle, recent evidence supports
der was independently described by Mibelli [1] and the concept that porokeratosis is a mutant clonal
Resphigi [2] in 1893, it seems that Mibelli was disease of the epidermis [3].
actually the first to describe it in 1889 [3].
Porokeratosis may assume several clinical forms in Inheritance. Autosomal dominant, probably with
which the lesions may be scanty or numerous, faint some reduction in penetrance in females [7].
or prominent, small or extensive [4].
Treatment. F or localized, nonextensive lesions, surgi-
cal excision or destruction by electrodesiccation or
cryosurgery can be attempted. Topical application
of 5 % 5-fluorouracil ointment has been found help-
Porokeratosis (Mibelli)
ful [8]. Surgical excision of the carcinomas is
Clinical Presentation. Onset is usually during early
childhood. The primary lesion is a 1-mm, keratotic,
crateriform papule. The papule slowly and gradually
extends peripherally to form an annular or circinate Linear Porokeratosis
plaque, several millimeters or centimeters in diame-
ter (Fig. 2.58). The elevated firm ridge which forms This is a variant of the classic plaque type of
the border of this plaque may be white, gray, brown, porokeratosis of Mibelli. The eruption, which usual-
or skin-colored. Frequently this ridge has a longitu- ly appears in early childhood, assumes a linear
dinal furrow from which protrude horny plugs (Fig. distribution. Often it simulates a linear verrucous
2.59). The center of the plaque is depressed and epidermal nevus [9] (Fig. 2.60).
atrophic but occasionally may be hypertrophic. The
eruption may be composed of one or several such
lesions. The sites of predilection are the extremities,
especially the hands and feet, as well as the face, neck, Plantar, Palmar,
and genitalia. Other areas may also be involved and Disseminate Porokeratosis
including the mucous membranes. The mucosal
lesions may appear as small, slightly depressed
opalescent rings with hyperemic borders [4]. The This is another variant characterized by onset in the
nails are occasionally involved and show splitting, late teens or early twenties, with early appearance of
ridging, and partial destruction. palmoplantar lesions. Subsequently there is sym-
Squamous cell carcinoma may arise at sites oflesions metric involvement of other areas. The lesions are
of porokeratosis. more superficial than in the classic type [10].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The distinctive

histologic feature of porokeratosis is the cornoid Disseminated Superficial Actinic
lamella. This corresponds to the central furrow of
the raised ridge and appears as a keratin-filled
invagination of the epidermis. In the center of this
invagination there is a column of parakeratosis, the Clinical Presentation. The eruption is characterized
base of which is made up of degenerating cells with by numerous superficial lesions affecting the sun-
pyknotic nuclei [5, 6]. The granular layer is absent exposed areas of the skin [11]. The distinctive
where the cornoid lamella rises. Dyskeratotic cells, feature of the lesions is the slight elevation of the
singly or in clusters, may appear in the prickle cell ridges which also lack furrows. The sites of involve-
layer beneath the lamella [3]. The epidermis overly- ment are usually the extensor surfaces of the extre-
ing the central portion of the lesion may be atrophic mities and no lesions appear in areas not exposed to
or acanthotic, accompanied by liquefaction de- sunlight. The center of the plaque is skin-colored.
generation of the basal cells [3]. A mild inflam- Keratotic papules with delling may be seen and
matory dermal infiltrate is seen. Ultrastructurally, it simulate lichen sclerosus et atrophicus [11]. Most
has been demonstrated that the cornoid lamella is lesions are small and superficial, and are accentuated
made up of degenerate cells with pyknotic nuclei [6]. during summer.
Porokeratosis 49

Fig. 2.58. Porokeratosis (Mibelli). Typical

annular plaque

Fig. 2.59. Porokeratosis (MibeUi). Close

view showing the longitudinal furrow at
the peripheral ridge

Fig. 2.60. Linear porokeratosis

50 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic fea- thighs, buttocks, arms, dorsa of hands, and trunk
tures are essentially those of porokeratosis of Mibelli [2]. The lesions are discrete, 1-5 mm, irregular,
but of a milder degree. slightly infiltrated scaly papules, yellow-brown or
reddish brown in color [2] (Figs. 2.61 and 2.62). The
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Penetrance be- palms and soles may show punctate keratoses.
comes almost complete by 30 or 40 years of age [7]. In one of the reported families, there was a high
incidence of skin tumors, mainly squamous cell
Treatment. Superficial cryotherapy, mild kerato- carcinomas [3]. These tumors did not necessarily
lytics, and intralesional corticosteroids give sympto- arise at sites of lesions of hyperkeratosis lenticularis
matic relief. Topical sunscreens are also perstans. Furthermore, there was a high incidence of
recommended. lung cancer in the affected family [3].

References Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is hyper- and

1. Mibelli, v.: Contributo allo studio della ipercheratosi dei
parakeratosis, and acanthosis or atrophy. In the
canali sudoriferi (porokeratosis). O. ital. Mal. vener. 28, 313- dermis, the superficial vessels are dilated and sur-
355 (1893) rounded by an inflammatory infiltrate [2, 3]. In well-
2. Resphigi, E.: Di una ipercheratosi non ancora descritta. developed lesions, however, the findings are charac-
O. ital. Mal. vener. 28, 356-386 (1893)
teristic. There is marked parakeratotic hyperke-
3. Reed, R.1., Leone, P.: Porokeratosis - a mutant clonal
keratosis of the epidermis. I. Histogenesis. Arch. Derm. 101, ratosis; absent granular cell layer; atrophy of the
340--347 (1970) prickle cell layer; a well-circumscribed, bandlike,
4. Mikhail, O. R., Wertheimer, F. W.: Clinical variants of poro- lymphohistiocytic upper dermal infiltrate hugging
keratosis (Mibelli). Arch. Derm. 98, 124-131 (1968) the epidermis; and thickened capillary walls [4].
5. Braun-Falco, 0., Balsa, R. E. : Zur Histochemie der cornoiden
Lamelle. Ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Porokeratosis
Mibelli. Hautarzt 20, 543-550 (1969) Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [3,5].
6. Mann, P.R., Cort, D.F., Airburn, E.A, Abdel-Aziz, A:
Ultrastructural studies on two cases of porokeratosis of Treatment. There is no available treatment. Patients
Mibelli. Brit. 1. Derm. 90, 607-617 (1974)
should be observed to detect any development of
7. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed.,
pp. 326-327. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press neoplasms.
8. Oonc;alves, 1. C. A: Fluorouracil ointment treatment of poro- References
keratosis of Mibelli. Arch. Derm. 108, 131-132 (1973)
9. Rahbari, H., Cordero, A A, Mehregan, A H. : Linear poroke- 1. Flegel, H.: Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans. Hautarzt 9,
ratosis. A distinctive clinical variant of porokeratosis of 362-364 (1958)
Mibelli. Arch. Derm. 109, 526-528 (1974) 2. Bean, S. F.: Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans. A clinical,
10. Ouss, S.B., Osbourn, R.A, Lutzner, M.A.: Porokeratosis histopathologic, and genetic study. Arch. Derm. 99, 705-709
plantaris, palmaris et disseminata. A third type of poroke- (1969)
ratosis. Arch. Derm. 104, 366-373 (1971) 3. Beveridge, O. W., Langlands, A.O.: Familial hyperkeratosis
11. Chernosky, M. E., Freeman, R. 0.: Disseminated superficial lenticularis perstans associated with tumours ofthe skin. Brit. J.
actinic porokeratosis (DSAP). Arch. Derm. 96, 611-624 Derm. 88, 453-458 (1973)
(1967) 4. Kocsard, E., Bear, C. L., Constance, T.J. : Hyperkeratosis lenti-
cularis perstans (Flegel). Dermatologica (Basel) 136, 35-42
5. Bean, S. F.: The genetics of hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans.
Arch. Derm. 106, 72 (1972)
Other Abnormalities
of Keratinization
Kyrle Disease (Hyperkeratosis Follicularis
Hyperkeratosis Lenticularis Perstans et Parafollicularis in Cutem Penetrans)
(Flegel Disease)
This uncommon disease was first described by Kyrle
Flegel was the first to describe this disorder in 1958 in 1916 [1].
[1]; Bean documented its genetic basis in 1969 [2].
Clinical Presentation. The age of onset ranges from
Clinical Presentation. The onset is between the 20-63 years and both sexes are affected [2]. The
fourth and seventh decades, with initial lesions on lesions are symmetrically distributed, especially on
the dorsa of the feet. Involvement of the lower legs is the legs and arms, less so on the trunk, head, and
most common, but other affected areas are the neck. Palms, soles, and mucous membranes are not
Hyperkeratosis Lenticularis Perstans 51

Fig. 2.61. Hyperkeratosis lenticularis per-

stans. Discrete scaly papules on the foot.
(Courtesy of Dr. S. F . Bean)

Fig. 2.62. Hyperkeratosis lenticularis per-

stans. Close-up view of papules on the
foot. (Courtesy of Dr. S. F. Bean)

involved. The eruption is made up of papules, Pathology and Pathophysiology. The diagnostic histo-
1- 8 mm in diameter, with a central hyperkeratotic logic features are a hyperkeratotic and parakeratotic
plug [2] (Figs. 2.63 and 2.64). These papules may plug filling an epithelial invagination; basophilic
be follicular or para follicular. In some areas, a cellular debris, not of elastic tissue, within the plug;
Kobner-like picture is seen, unrelated to trauma, in and parakeratotic keratinization in at least one
which lesions form a circinate or linear arrangement region deep in the plug where epidermal disruption
[2] (Fig. 2.65). Other lesions may coalesce into occurs. Such a disruption allows keratinized cells to
plaques or verrucous streaks. Such streaks are reach the dermis where a granulomatous reaction
usually seen in flexural regions of the ankle, pop- sets in. Neutrophils and lymphocytes also parti-
liteal, and antecubital surfaces [2]. The lesions are cipate in this reaction [4]. Around the plug, the
asymptomatic and of chronic duration. epidermis may be acanthotic or atrophic. In the
Associated disorders include diabetes mellitus, and upper dermis there is a mild perivascular infiltrate
possibly renal insufficiency and heart failure [2]. [4].
Ocular findings include multiple, minute, yellow-
brown anterior stromal corneal opacities and pos- Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [3].
sibly posterior subcapsular cataracts [3]. However, no male-to-male transmission is described.
52 Abnormalities of Keratinization

Treatment. The oral administration of vitamin A Familial Continual Skin Peeling

(100,00 units daily) for at least 1 month has been (Keratolysis Exfoliativa Congenita,
of help [2]. Keratolytics are palliative.
Deciduous Skin)

Clinical Presentation. This rare disorder is charac-
1. Kyrle, J.: Hyperkeratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in terized by peeling of the skin which starts in infancy
cutem penetrans. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Berl.) 123, 466--493
and continues throughout life [1-3]. The exfoliation
2. Carter, YH., Constantine, V.S.: Kyrle's disease. 1. Clinical is generalized but spares the palms and soles. It is
findings in five cases and review of literature. Arch. Derm. 97, constant and not accompanied by erythema. Sheets
624-632 (1968) of keratin, of various sizes, are shed simulating
3. Tessler, H.H., Apple, D.J., Goldberg, M.F.: Ocular findings in
postsunburn peeling. There are no other associated
a kindred with Kyrle disease. Hyperkeratosis follicularis et
parafollicularis in cutem penetrans. Arch. Ophtha!. 90, 278-280 symptoms or signs [1-3].
4. Constantine, V.S., Carter, V.H.: Kyrle's disease. II. Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is loose hy-
Histopathologic findings in five cases and review of the perkeratosis overlying an otherwise normal epider-
literature. Arch. Derm. 97, 633-639 (1968)
mis. Autoradiographic, histochemical, and electron
microscopic studies point to a rapid proliferation of
the epidermis [3].
(Collagenous Plaques of the Hands) Inherita!,ce. Probably autosomal recessive [3].

Treatment. The use of keratolytics and emollients

Costa was the first to draw attention to this disorder may be of symptomatic help.
in 1953 [1]. Confusion has arisen as to the relation
of this entity to degenerative elastotic collagenous
plaques of the hands and feet [2]. References
1. Fox, H.: Skin shedding (keratolysis exfoliativa congenital.
Clinical Presentation. The eruption affects elderly Report of case. Arch. Derm. Syph. 3, 202 (1921)
2. Bechet, P. E.: Deciduous skin. Arch. Derm. Syph. 37. 267-271
individuals. The palms and soles are primarily (1938)
involved and secondarily the dorsa of the hands and 3. Kurban, A. K., Azar, H. A.: Familial continual skin peeling.
feet [3]. The skin appears thickened with yellowish Brit. J. Derm. 81, 191-195 (1969)
or grayish, oval or polygonal papules arranged in
lines along the sides of the hands and feet, as well as
the dorsal aspects of the feet and the anterior
surfaces of the lower legs [4]. The eruption is
asymptomatic. Pityriasis Rubra PHaris

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main histologic This chronic, mildly inflammatory exfoliative disor-
changes are hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, ectasia of der was first described by Tarral in 1828 [1].
the upper dermal capillaries, and elastotic changes in
the dermis [4]. Clinical Presentation. According to the age of onset,
there seem to be two distinct groups of patients with
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP): a childhood group (up
to the age of 20 years) and an adult group (26 years
Treatment. No treatment is available. and older) [2]. The familial type ofPRP has its onset
usually in childhood, whereas the acquired type is
References found in adults. The relationship, if any, between the
familial and acquired types is not clear.
1. Costa, O.G.: Acrokerato-elastoidosis (a hitherto undescribed
skin disease). Dermatologica (Basel) 107, 164-168 (1953) Even in the hereditary type, the disease does not
2. Burks, J. W., Wise, L.J., Jr., Clark, W.H., Jr.: Degenerative appear at birth [3] but usually in early childhood.
collagenous plaques of the hands. Arch. Derm. 82, 362-366 The characteristic lesions are fine, firm acuminate
(1960) papules that appear at the follicular openings. The
3. Jung, E. G., Beil, F. u.: Acrokeratoelastoides mimicking
palmo-plantar xanthomata. Nutr. Metab. 15, 124-127 (1973) papules are pierced by a hair. Together with these
4. Costa, O.G.: Acrokerato-elastoidosis. Arch. Derm. Syph. 70, papules there may be well-defined erythematous
228-231 (1954) plaques with, characteristically, islands of normal
Kyrle Disease 53


2.64 2.65

Figs. 2.63-2.65. Kyrle disease Fig. 2.64. Papules with central keratotic plugs. Close-up
view. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)

Fig. 2.63. Papules with central keratotic plugs on buttocks. Fig. 2.65. Kobner-like phenomenon at popliteal area.
(Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman) (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)
54 Abnormalities of Keratinization

skin (Figs. 2.66 and 2.67). Palmoplantar keratoder- References

mia with a yellow horny cast (keratodermic sandal) 1. Tarral, c.: Communication in Rayer, P.: A theoretical and
appears frequently. Fissuring and secondary in- practical treatise on the diseases of the skin, 2nd ed., p. 648.
fection may ensue. The sites of involvement are London: Bailliere, J. B. 1835
2. Davidson, C. L., Jr., Winkelmann, R. K., Kierland, R. R.: Pity-
usually the palms and soles, arms, and dorsa of riasis rubra pilaris. A follow-up study of 57 patients. Arch.
hands [4] (Figs. 2.68 and 2.69). Other sites are the Derm. 100, 175-178 (1969)
scalp (with diffuse scaliness), face (with scaliness and 3. Beamer, J.E., Newman, S.B., Reed, W.B., Cram, D.: Pityriasis
erythema), and the trunk. Ectropion of the eyelids rubra pilaris. Cutis 10, 419-423 (1972)
4. Gross, D. A., Landau, J. W., Newcomer, V. D.: Pityriasis rubra
may result. When present, the papular lesions over pilaris. Report of a case and analysis of the literature. Arch.
the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanges of the Derm. 99, 710--716 (1969)
fingers are quite characteristic [3,5]. The scales vary 5. Lamar, L. M., Gaethe, G. : Pityriasis rubra pilaris. Arch. Derm.
in size and thickness. The eruption may progress to 89, 515-522 (1964)
generalized exfoliative erythrodermia. Pruritus is 6. Porter, D., Shuster, S. : Epidermal renewal and amino acids in
psoriasis and pityriasis rubra pilaris. Arch. Derm. 98, 339-343
uncommon. (1968)
The hair and teeth show no abnormalities. The nails 7. Knowles, W. R., Chernosky, M. E.: Pityriasis rubra pilaris.
may be dystrophic with subungual accumulation of Prolonged treatment with methotrexate. Arcb. Derm. 102,
keratinous material, simulating psoriasis. Oral mu- 603-612 (1970)
cosallesions are variable and infrequent. Similarly,
systemic associations seem to be fortuitous, pending
confirmation. In some patients the disease seems to Psoriasis
be exacerbated by exposure to sunlight [3].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic fea- In 1808 Wilan presented what seems to be the first
tures in PRP are fairly characteristic when fully accurate clinical description of psoriasis [1]. Since
developed. Hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis, this is a common disorder that is adequately covered
especially around the follicular openings, and folli- in most textbooks of dermatology, only a very brief
cular plugging are present. Irregular acanthosis and clinical discussion will be given here.
liquefaction degeneration of the basal cell layer are The primary lesion of psoriasis is an erythematous,
seen. In the dermis there is a mild chronic in- scaly papule. These papules coalesce to form plaques
flammatory infiltrate [5]. There is a rapid epidermal that may vary in configuration and distribution;
turnover [6]. however, the elbows and knees are probably
The resemblance between PRP and the follicular involved with greater frequency than any other area.
eruption of hypovitaminosis A (phrynoderma) has Characteristically, the erythema is a rich red color
stirred conjecture as to their possible relationship. and the scales are silvery (Figs. 2.70-2.72).
However, the variable and inconstant findings from Discrete punctate pits in the nail surface are part of
the measurement of serum vitamin A levels, vitamin the psoriatic picture. Arthritis associated with pso-
A tolerance test, and dark-adaptation threshold test riasis is variable in incidence and severity. In ad-
negate any definite relationship [5]. dition to the usual sites of involvement, psoriatic
skin lesions also appear at sites of trauma (physical
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [3]. injuryty, overexposure to UV, allergic damage) - the
Kobner reaction.
Treatment. Oral vitamin A (100,000-200,000 units The disease is classified into two main types: pso-
daily) is beneficial to most patients. The use of riasis vulgaris and pustular psoriasis.
topical vitamin A (250,000-500,000 units per ounce
of lotion base) under occlusive dressing has also Pathology and Pathophysiology. The essential histo-
given good results [5]. Corticosteroids are especially pathologic features are the following: parakeratotic
helpful in the erythrodermic phase. Methotrexate is hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, Monroe microabscesses
efficacious, especially when administered orally for a elongation of dermal papillae, thinning of the supra~
long, period [7]. papillary epidermal plates, and engorgement of the
dermal capillaries. There is increased mitotic activity
and a more rapid turnover of the epidermis, an
absent or diminished stratum granulosum, and an
inflammatory infiltrate within the subpapillary
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris 55

_ ......W.I 2.67


2.68 2.69

Figs. 2.66-2.69. Pityriasis rubra pilaris Fig. 2.68. Typical lesions on the proximal phalanges ofthe
fingers. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)
Fig. 2.66. Diffuse scali ness and erythema of the face and
scalp. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Frain-Bell) Fig. 2.69. Plantar keratodermia. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Frain-
Fig. 2.67. Disseminate fine papules
56 Abnormalities of Keratinization

2.70 2.71

2.72 -..olIOIiI._--."'-____ Figs. 2.70--2.72. Psoriasis. Classic lesions and distribution

Familial Dyskeratotic Comedones 57

Highly significant increases in HL-A13 and HL-A17 Familial Dyskeratotic Comedones

are found in psoriasis vulgaris: about half of the
patients carry either of these antigens as compared
to about 12 % of the controls. The effect of HL-A13 Rodin et al. described familial comedones in 1967
and HL-A17 is almost exclusively confined to pso- [1]. In 1972 Carneiro et al. described another family
riasis with onset before the age of 35 years. with this disorder [2].
According to some recent investigations, psoriasis
vulgaris and pustular psoriasis are probably dif- Clinical Presentation. The eruption appears around
ferent etiologic entities, since none of the above puberty in the form of papules topped by hard,
antigens is increased in pustular psoriasis [2]. It is blackish keratotic plugs resembling true comedones
thought that psoriasis vulgaris is a polygenic thresh- [2]. The lesions involve the face, trunk, and extre-
old disease and HL-A13 and HL-A17 decrease the mities but not the palms, soles, and scalp. The central
threshold, making the expression of psoriasis more plug can be extracted but re-forms. There are no
likely in individuals carrying these determinants. In associated inflammatory changes.
psoriatic arthritis the frequencies of HL-A13 and
HL-A17 are not significantly increased; however, Pathology and Pathophysiology. The dilated folli-
HL-A27 may show an increase in frequency [2]. cular openings are filled with keratinous material.
Focal areas of dyskeratosis (cells with eosinophilic
Inheritance. Psoriasis has long been suspected of cytoplasm and pyknotic nuclei and others showing
having a genetic etiology but its precise mode of individual cell keratinization) are evident [2].
inheritance remains uncertain. It is possible that this
disease is genetically heterogeneous [3]. This is Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [2].
suggested by the apparently different modes of
inheritance (autosomal dominant with 60% penet- Treatment. No treatment has been reported. Vit-
rance or multi genic) seen in families in different amin A acid may be helpful.
studies [4, 5].
Treatment. Numerous modalities have been used
1. Rodin, H.H., Blankenship, M.L., Bernstein, G.: Diffuse fa-
and these include topical coal tar with UV irra- milial comedones. Arch. Derm. 95, 145-146 (1967)
diation, topical corticosteroids, 8-methoxypsoralen 2. Carneiro, S.J.c., Dickson, J.E., Knox, J.M.: Familial dyskera-
with UVA (long ultraviolet), and immunosup- totic comedones. Arch. Derm. 105,249-251 (1972)
pressants such as systemic methotrexate.

1. Shelley, W.B., Crissey, J. T.: Classics in clinical dermatology, p.
10. Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1970
2. Svejgaard, A., Nielsen, L., Svejgaard, E., Kissmeyer-Nielsen,
F., Hjortshoj, A., Zachariae, H.: HL-A in psoriasis vulgaris
and III pustular psoriasis - population and family studies. Brit.
J. Derm. 91,145-153 (1974)
3. Kimberling, W., Dobson, R. L. : The inheritance of psoriasis. J.
invest. Derm. 60, 538-540 (1973)
4. Abele, D.C., Dobson, R.L., Graham, J.B.: Heredity and
psoriasis. Study of a large family. Arch. Derm. 88, 38-47 (1963)
5. Watson, W., Cann, H. M., Farber, E. M., Nail, M. L.: The
genetics of psoriasis. Arch. Derm. 105, 197-207 (1972)
Chapter 3 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

Contents Hypo- and Amelanosis

Hypo- and Amelanosis 58
Vitiligo . . . . . . 58 Vitiligo
Albinism . . . . . 61
Oculocutaneous Albinism 61
Ocular Albinism . . . . 61 This is a rather common disorder affecting all races.
Piebaldism (White Spotting, White Forelock) 63
Fanconi Syndrome (see p. 237)
Phenylketonuria (see p. 264) Clinical Presentation. The age of onset varies from
Tuberous Sclerosis (see p. 253) infancy to late adulthood, but usually the disease is
Premature Canities (Early Graying of Hair) . . . . . 63 manifested by the second or third decade. Precipitat-
Cross-McKusick-Breen Syndrome (Oculocerebral Syn-
drome with Hypopigmentation) . . . . . . 63
ing factors may be sunburn and emotional stress.
Raindrop Hypopigmentation . . . . . . . 64 The sites most often involved early in the course of
Waardenburg Syndrome (Klein-Waardenburg the disease are the sun-exposed areas, the groin, and
Syndrome) . . . . . . . 64 axillae. In fully developed cases, the sites most often
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome . . . . . . . 65 affected are the dorsa of hands, the forearms, face,
Symmetric Acroleukopathy . . . . . . . 68
Red Skin Pigment Anomaly of New Guinea 68 and neck. The involved skin is white or hypopig-
men ted, but otherwise shows no abnormalities in
Hypermelanosis . . . . . . . . . . 69
Neurofibromatosis (see p. 255) texture (Figs. 3.1-3.4). Hairs growing in a vitiligi-
Xeroderma Pigmentosum (see p. 151) nous patch mayor may not be depigmented. The
Acanthosis Nigricans (see p. 126) borders of the vitiliginous macules are usually
Leukomelanoderma, Infantilism, Mental Retardation, convex, hyperpigmented, and may be slightly ery-
Hypodontia, and Hypotrichosis (Berlin Syndrome (see p.
111 ) thematous at the onset. Extension of already exist-
Niemann-Pick Disease (see p. 267) ing patches may be rapid or slow, while new
Gaucher Disease (see p. 267) patches may appear. Depending on the extent of
Mendes da Costa Syndrome (see p. 86) involvement of the skin, vitiligo may be classified as
Dyskeratosis Congenita (see p. 132) localized, generalized, or universal. Usually, the
Ephelides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Lentigines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 patches are symmetric. Sites of repeated trauma
Lentigines and Multiple Lentigines Syndrome (Leop- may also be involved, while segmental distribution
ard Syndrome, Lentiginosis Profusa Syndrome, Cardio- of the lesions can occur. In light-skinned individuals,
cutaneous Syndrome) . . 69 Wood's light may help in detecting the involved
Centrofacial Lentiginosis 69
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome 69
Neurocutaneous Melanosis 71 The vitiliginous macules are asymptomatic, but
Melanocytic Nevi (Pigmented Moles) 71 on exposure to sunlight become painful and erythe-
Universal Melanosis . . . . . . . 71 matous. One of the main problems in this disorder
Symmetric Dyschromatosis of the Extremities (Acropig-
is the emotional trauma due to the cosmetic disfigu-
mentation of Dohi) ........... 73
Dyschromatosis Universalis . . . . . . . . . . . 73 rement. Spontaneous repigmentation may occur,
Acropigmentation (Acromelanosis Progressiva) 73 but only rarely.
Incontinentia Pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome) 74 The association of vitiligo with organ-specific au-
Incontinentia Pigmenti Achromians (Ito) (Hypomelano- toimmune disorders like hyperthyroidism, adreno-
sis of Ito) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Franceschetti-Jadassohn Syndrome (Naegeli Type of In-
cortical insufficiency, pernicious anemia, diabetes
continentia Pigmenti, Melanophoric Nevus Syndrome) 76 [1-3J, and especially alopecia areata is frequent.
Hyperpigmentation of Eyelids . . . . . . . 76 Vitiligo may be associated with poliosis, uveitis,
Familial Progressive Hyperpigmentation 76 alopecia, meningeal irritation, and dysacousia in
Hyperpigmentation of Fuldauer and Kuijpers 76 the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome [4J (Fig.
3.5). A rare association of vitiligo with unilateral
impairment of vision due to a degenerative retinitis,
Vitiligo 59

3.1 3.2

Figs. 3.1-3.3. Vitiligo. Sharply

demarcated depigmented mac-
3.3 ules. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)

poliosis, and perceptive deafness is known as Alez- Many theories have been presented to explain
zandrini syndrome [5]. More frequently, vitiligo is vitiligo (e.g., autoimmunity, neurochemical factors),
associated with halos of leukodermas around diver- but to date no convincing proof is available.
se neuroectodermally derived tumors (halo nevus)
[6, 7] (Fig. 3.6). Inheritance. Autosomal dominant suspected [9].

Treatment. The best available treatment is the use of

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The early lesions 8-methoxypsoralen (or other psoralen derivatives)
may show an inflammatory reaction in the epider- and sunlight or long UV light (UV A). A daily oral
mis and dermis. Gradually the melanocytes in the dose of 40-80 mg psoralen, followed 2 h later by
basal cell layer become scanty, abnormal, or may be gradual exposure to light, is helpful when continued
completely absent [8]. for several weeks. Repigmentation usually starts
60 Abnormalities of Pigmentation


3.5 3.6

Fig. 3.4. Vitiligo. Close-up view of a depigmented macule Fig. 3.5. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
in a black
Fig. 3.6. Halo nevus
Albinism 61

around the hair follicles and gradually spreads. and, ultrastructurally, a virtual absence of platelet-
After treatment is stopped loss of this pigmentation dense bodies [12].
may occur. When vitiligo is extensive one may Oculocutaneous albinism with giant peroxidase-
consider depigmenting what remains of the pig- positive lysosomal granules in leukocytes and a
mented skin by topical application of mono benzyl marked susceptibility to infection is better known
ether of hydroquinone. . as the Chediak-Higashi syndrome (see p.65).
The association of albinism and congenital percep-
tive deafness has also been reported [14, 15].
The reports of deaf-mutism with dominant albinism
Albinism [16] and with X-linked albinism [17, 18] probably
represent the association of deaf-mutism with gene-
ralized piebaldism, since there is no ocular involve-
Albinism is found throughout the animal kingdom
and affects all races. In certain isolated communi-
ties, like the Cuna Indians of the San Bias Islands
off Panama, the incidence is quite high [10]. The
following classification is proposed [11]. Ocular Albinism
1. Oculocutaneous albinism
Tyrosinase-negative Clinical Presentation. The skin and hair are normal-
Tyrosinase-positive ly pigmented; however, the ocular findings are
2. Ocular albinism similar to those of oculocutaneous albinism. The
fundus is depigmented and there is nystagmus,
head-nodding, and impaired vision. Inheritance
Oculocutaneous Albinism follows the X-linked recessive pattern. In carrier
females the fundus shows a mosaic of pigmentation
Clinical Presentation. The affected individuals have ("lyonization," see p. 9) (Nettleship variety).
white skin and hair in the tyrosinase-negative type Another form of ocular albinism, the Forsius-
and-dilution of the normal skin color in the tyrosin- Eriksson type (Aland Island disease), is character-
ase-positive type [11, 12]. In the eyes, the iris is ized by hypoplasia of the fovea, vision impairment,
light gray and translucent, the pupils red, and the nystagmus, protanomalous color blindness, myo-
retina not pigmented (Figs. 3.7-3.9). In the tyrosin- pia, and astigmatism, in addition to the depigmen-
ase-negative variety, the skin and hair color as well tation of the fundus. The inheritance is also X-linked
as the eye changes persist throughout life. In the recessive. However, female carriers lack the charac-
tyrosinase-positive variety, on the other hand, there teristic fundus mosaic pigmentary pattern [19, 20].
is a tendency for pigmentation of the skin, hair, and A third rare form of ocular albinism, observed in
eyes to increase with age [11, 12]. Freckles and four kindreds, is inherited as an autosomal recessive
pigmented nevi may develop. In a third variant, trait [11].
affected individuals resemble tyrosinase-negative
albinos at birth. By 6 months to 1 year of age they Pathology and Pathophysiology. In albinos, melano-
develop yellow-red hair, a moderate red reflex, cytes are present in normal numbers. In the
nystagmus, photophobia, and defect in visual tyrosinase-positive type, the presence of tyrosinase
acuity. Such individuals are designated as yellow is indicated by the darkening of the hair bulbs
mutant (ym) [12]. when incubated in tyrosine solution. In the tyrosin-
In all albinos, but less so in those of the tyrosinase- ase-negative type, the hair bulbs fail to darken [11].
positive type, there is photophobia, nystagmus, In the yellow mutants, the hair bulbs do not darken
decreased visual acuity, and iris translucency (Fig. in L-tyrosine solution, but in L-tyrosine plus cysteine
3.9). The severity of these features bears an inverse there is intensification of yellow or red pheomelanin
relationship to the amount of pigment produced [12].
[12]. Similarly there are chronic effects of solar Ultrastructurally, premelanosome·s are seen in all
radiation on the skin such as thickening and devel- cases of albinism, but progression of these to mature
opment of keratoses and squamous cell carcino- melanosomes is not seen in the tyrosinase-negative
mas (Fig. 3.10). type. In this latter type the defect is the deficiency of
Albinism with a hemorrhagic diathesis has been tyrosinase. In the tyrosinase-positive type, it is
described [13] (Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome). The postulated that the failure of melanogenesis results
bleeding seems to be due to a decreased amount of from a restriction in the amount of tyrosine in the
nonmetabolic adenine nucleotide in the platelet melanosomes [11].
Fig. 3.7. Albinism in an infant. (Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)

Fig. 3.8. Albinism in a black. Note pigmented nevi and freckles

Fig. 3.9. Albinism. Note translucent iris

Fig. 3.10. Actinic keratoses in an albino. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A.

McKusick, from Ward, W.Q., Hambrick, G.W., Jr.: In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII,
pp. 224-226. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971

Fig. 3.11. Albinoidism. Note mild pigmentation of skin, hair, and

iris. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick, from Char, F.: In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII,
pp. 227- 228. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971


3.8 3.9

3.10 3.11
Piebaldism 63

In ocular albinism the mechanism is not completely keratinocytes [25]. Thus, the mechanism of hypo-
known. pigmentation seems to be similar to that of vitiligo.

Inheritance. All types of oculocutaneous albinism Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. The occipital
are inherited as autosomal recessive, but are nonal- white lock is probably transmitted as X-linked
lelic. There has been a recent report of a dominant recessive [23]. Some of the syndromes of piebald-
type of oculocutaneous albinism with moderate ism with deafness [17,18] are transmitted as X-
dilution of skin and hair color and iris translucency linked recessive [26].
[21]. With rare exceptions, patients do not have
associated nystagmus, photophobia, or markedly Treatment. There is no treatment.
decreased visual acuity. Hair bulbs from these
patients incubated in L-tyrosine form increased
pigment. The condition has also been called
oculocutaneous albinoidism [11] (Fig. 3.11). Two
Premature Canities (Early Graying of Hair)
types of ocular albinism are inherited as X-linked
recessive and one type as autosomal recessive (see This condition affects both sexes. In childhood
above). there may be a few scattered gray hairs, but during
the teens the number of gray hairs increases so that
Treatment. The only available treatment is the use of all the hair is white by 25-30 years. The eyebrows
sunscreens. Albinos should be screened regularly and eyelashes usually retain their color [27]. Pre-
for the development of keratoses and skin cancer mature canities is a feature of Book syndrome
and treated accordingly. (premolar aplasia, hyperhidrosis, premature cani-
ties - PHC syndrome) as well as Waardenburg syn-
drome. Inheritance is probably autosomal domi-
Piebaldism (White Spotting, White Fore-
Cross-McKusick-Breen Syndrome
Clinical Presentation. The disease is manifested at (Oculocerebral Syndrome with Hypopig-
birth with the appearance of patches of hypomela- mentation)
nosis, in a distinctive pattern, that persist through-
out life. Often these are associated with a white
This syndrome was described by Cross et al. in 1967
forelock, although occasionally the latter may occur
alone. The usually involved sites are the forehead,
chin, chest, abdomen, forearms, and lower extremi-
Clinical Presentation. Affected individuals are hypo-
ties. The hands, feet, and back are usually unin-
pigmented and have microphthalmia, small opaque
volved. Islands of normally pigmented skin may
cornea, coarse nystagmus, athetosis, severe oligoph-
be present within the hypomelanotic macules. A
renia, and gingival fibromatosis [28,29] (Fig. 3.12).
white lock of occipital hair may be a variety of
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Ultrastructurally,
A possible variant of piebaldism is Tietz syndrome.
melanocytes are present, but they have scanty
This is an autosomal dominantly inherited defect
melanosomes. In vitro, incubation in L-tyrosine or
characterized by lack of pigment in the skin and
L-dopa results in increased pigmentation [29].
hair, normal eyes, severe deafness, and hypoplasia
of the eyebrows [16]. The association of piebaldism
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
and deafness has been reported in several patients
[15-18]. Piebaldism may also be associated with
Treatment. There is no treatment.
neurologic defects (cerebellar ataxia, impaired mo-
tor coordination, mental retardation) [22].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the affected area,

electron microscopic studies show absence of mela-
nocytes and presence of Langerhans cells [23, 24]
or reduction in the number of melanocytes that
appear abnormal and are dissociated from flanking
64 Abnormalities of Pigmentation



Fig. 3.12. Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome. Note hypo- Fig. 3.13. Raindrop hypopigmentation. Note charac-
pigmentation and microphthalmia. (Courtesy of Dr. teristic appearance of depigmentation on the anterior
V. A. McKusick) chest, near the clavicle. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)

Raindrop Hypopigmentation VVaardenburg Syndrome

(Klein-VVaardenburg Syndrome)
Two Negro families have been described with a
distinctive bilateral and sharply localized hypo pig- In 1951 Waardenburg [32] described this syndrome
mentation of the upper chest [30, 31]. The hypopig- characterized by lateral displacement of the medial
men ted areas are about 0.5~ 1.0 em, just below the canthi, partial albinism, and deafness. A few years
inner third of the clavicles, and have the appearance prior to Waardenburg's report, Klein reported a
of raindrops (Fig. 3.13). No other abnormalities deaf-mute child with pronounced partial albinism
have been detected. Either X-linked or autosomal of the entire body [33]. More than 180 patients
dominant inheritance is possible. have been reported [15].
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome 65

Clinical Presentation. The different characteristic Laboratory findings include neutropenia with a
signs occur with the following percentages: (a) mild lymphocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytope-
dystopia canthorum, 99%; (b) broad and high nasal nia. Pancytopenia occurs in the terminal stages with
bridge, 78%; (c) synophrys, 45%; (d) heterochromia hypersplenism. There are large, eosinophilic, per-
iridis, 25%; (e) deafness, 20%; and (0 a white oxidase-positive cytoplasmic inclusions in the leu-
forelock, 17 % [34]. Areas of vitiligo may be present kocytes, promyeloblasts, and myeloblasts of the
on the skin and patches of white hair other than the bone marrow. Occasionally, hyperlipemia may be
forelock may be present on the scalp. The white present.
forelock may be present at birth and later disappear Most patients die in early childhood of recurrent
[35]. Premature graying of the hair is an effect of infections or a peculiar malignant lymphoma. Rare-
the gene. Congenital deafness, when present, is usu- ly, patients may survive to adulthood [42].
ally bilateral and severe. Occasionally, the follow-
ing abnormalities may be noted: hypoplastic iris,
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Light microscopic
hypopigmentation of the fundi [36], flattened alae examination of the skin shows an irregularly shaped
nasi, cleft palate with harelip, and defects of the epidermis with large melanin granules scattered
limbs (Figs. 3.14-3.16).
through its lower portion. Similar large, irregularly
shaped melanin granules are seen scattered through
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The pigmentary
the upper dermis within melanophages. The hairs
abnormalities are of the type seen in vitiligo, i.e.,
also contain large, clumped, and sparse melanin
absence of melanocytes with presence of Langer- granules [43].
hans cells. Electron microscopy reveals [44,45] that the cyto-
The deafness is due to abnormalities in the organ of
plasmic granules of the leukocytes are swollen
Corti, with atrophic changes in the spinal ganglion lysosomes. Giant melanosomes are also found in
and nerve.
the melanocytes. The hypo pigmentation is caused
by the fact that within keratinocytes the melanoso-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Many patients
mes, rather than being dispersed, lie within relative-
represent fresh mutations [34]. Skipped genera- ly few large phagolysosomes [43-45]. The presence
tions are documented, suggesting reduced penetran-
of swollen lysosomes and giant melanosomes sug-
ce [37].
gests an abnormality in the function of limiting
membranes [46].
Treatment. Corrective surgery is advised when indi-
Several possibilities by which the structural abnor-
cated; otherwise treatment is symptomatic. mality could lead to a decrease in pigmentation
have been suggested [41]: either the number of
melanosomes, the amount of tyrosinase, or the
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome ability of the melanosomes to be transferred to
keratinocytes could be affected, or the giant mela-
nosome may be more readily autolyzed by the
In 1943 Beguez Cesar [38] described this lethal melanocyte.
disorder characterized by partial albinism, neutro-
Moreover, glycolipid inclusions were described in
penia, and cytoplasmic inclusions. Later, Chediak
histiocytes, renal tubular epithelium, and neurons
[39] and Higashi [40] recognized the syndrome
[47]. Heterozygotes are iden tifia ble by the presence
which carries their eponym.
of a granular anomaly in the lymphocytes.
The polymorphonuclear leukocyte function is im-
Clinical Presentation. The disease is characterized
paired and leads to severe pyogenic infections. This
by oculocutaneous albinism with very light skin
impairment of the leukocyte function seems to be
and light-colored hair. The retinas are pale and the
related to abnormal microtubular assembly and,
irides translucent. There is associated photophobia
subsequently, to delayed delivery of lysosomal con-
and nystagmus (Figs. 3.17 and 3.18). Hepatospleno-
tents to phagosomes. These abnormalities may be
megaly and lymphadenopathy may be present. The
related to decreased cyclic guanosine monophos-
disease appears in infancy and is manifested by
phate levels. Such an abnormality may be corrected
infections which may resemble pyoderma gangre-
by cholinergic agonists or ascorbate [48].
nosum [41].
Occasionally, the following abnormalities may be
found: corneal opacity, buccal ulcerations, hyperhi- Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. Heterozygotes
drosis, peripheral neuropathy, seizures, and mental may have enlarged cytoplasmic inclusions in the
retardation. lymphocytes.
66 Abnormalities of Pigmentation



Figs. 3.14-3.16. Mother and children affected with the

Waardenburg syndrome. Note heterochromia of the
iris (in the mother), broad nasal bridge, dystopia
can tho rum, and synophrys. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A.
3.16 McKusick)
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome 67

Fig. 3.17. Chediak-Higashi syndrome.

Note light skin, hair color, and photo-
phobia. (Courtesy of Dr. O. C. Stegmaier)

Fig. 3.18. Chediak-Higashi syndrome.

Translucent iris. (Courtesy of Dr. O.c.
68 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

3.19 3.20

3.21 3.22

Figs. 3.19-3.22. Symmetric acroleukopathy. Depigmentation around the nails of mother and daughter. (From Sugai, T.,
et al.: Arch. Derm. 92,172-173,1965)

Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic. Administra- Red Skin Pigment Anomaly

tion of prednisone results in a significant increase in of New Guinea
circulating granulocytes, concomitantly with cor-
rection of manifest hypersplenism and reduction in
splenomegaly [49]. Several pedigrees have been described in which the
color of the skin is reddish brown rather than black
[51]. The patients are all from New Guinea. The
hair color is unremarkable and varies from the
Symmetric Acroleukopathy usual black to white. Nystagmus and photophobia
are present in some of the affected individuals.
A Japanese mother and daughter have been de- Histologically, melanin is present and its deposition
scribed with symmetric periungual depigmentation increases with age. The exact nature of the pigment
[50]. The depigmentation is noticed in infancy or that contributes to the "red" color is not known.
childhood, gradually progresses from the nail folds Inheritance is autosomal recessive.
to involve the interphalangeal joints, and remains
constant (Figs. 3.19-3.22). Histologically, the in-
volved skin is deficient in melanin, with dopa-
negative me1anocytes. Inheritance is probably auto-
somal dominant.
Ephelides and Lentigines 69

Hypermelanosis present. Less frequent associations are granular cell

schwannomas, interdigital webs of the hands, nail
dystrophies, and abnormal dermatoglyphics [55].
Ephelides A possible variant has been reported in a kindred in
which freckling of the face and iris was associated
with short stature, deafness (congenital perceptive),
Clinical Presentation. The onset is usually in child- congenital mitral regurgitation, and fusion of cervi-
hood. The lesions are light brown macules in the cal vertebrae and of carpal and tarsal bones [56].
sun-exposed areas that darken and increase in Inheritance is probably autosomal dominant.
number during the summer months and tend to
fade in the winter. Melanocytic nevi are more Pathology and Pathophysiology. The classic histo-
abundant in individuals with freckles. The lesions logic picture of lentigines is that of elongated,
are asymptomatic, but may be cosmetically dis- clubbed epidermal ridges with increased melano-
figuring. cytes and melanin in the basal cell layer. Packets of
melanosomes are frequently seen within the mela-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The melanocytes nocytes [57]. It is postulated that the basic defect in
in freckled areas are larger and more dendritic than this syndrome is of neuroectodermal origin with
in normal skin [52]. Freckle melanocytes produce secondary or pleiotropic changes in the organs
large numbers of fully melanized granules [53]. derived from the mesoderm [57].

Inheritance. Mode of inheritance is not definitely Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with varying ex-
established. pressivity.

Treatment. A good cosmetic result has been ob-

Treatment. For cosmetic reasons, sunscreens are
tained with facial dermabrasion [55].

Centrofacial Lentiginosis
Clinical Presentation. This rare syndrome is char-
Lentigines and Multiple Lentigines Syndrome acterized by a band of lentigines across the center of
(Leopard Syndrome, Lentiginosis Profusa the face, appearing during the first year of life.
Syndrome, Cardiocutaneous Syndrome) Associated defects include coalescence of eyebrows,
high-arched palate, absent upper median incisors,
Clinical Presentation. Lentigines, which are dark pectus carina tum, sacral hypertrichosis, spina bifi-
brown macules (1-3 mm), appear at birth or in da, cervicodorsal scoliosis, kyphosis, mental retar-
infancy and increase in number until puberty. These dation, epilepsy, emotional instability, disturbances
are more numerous over the trunk and neck, but of character and behavior, endocrine abnormalities,
involve all parts of the body including the palms and vegetative dysfunctions [58,59].
and soles. There is a tendency for lentigines to fade
slightly in color after puberty (Figs. 3.23 and 3.24). Inheritance. Most probably autosomal dominant
Lentigines as an isolated trait is probably inherited [59,60].
as autosomal dominant.
The main associated abnormalities are included in Treatment. No treatment is advocated except for
the mnemonic designation "leopard syndrome": cosmetic improvement of the facial eruption and
lentigens, electrocardiographic abnormalities, ocu- management of the associated defects.
lar hypertelorism, pulmonary stenosis, abnormali-
ties of genitalia, retardation of growth, and deafness
[54] (Figs. 3.25-3.27). The cardiac abnormalities
include cardiomyopathy, conduction defects, and
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
pulmonic and subaortic stenoses. Skeletal abnor-
malities include mandibular prognathism, chest and
vertebral anomalies, hypermotility of joints, and In 1921 Peutz [61] described three generations of a
winging of the scapulae [54]. Hypogonadism, small family in which there were seven proven and three
stature, and sensorineural deafness are frequently suspected cases of intestinal polyposis associated
70 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

3.23 3.24

3.25 3.26

Figs. 3.23 and 3.24. Lentigenes over the chest and the

Figs. 3.25-3.27. Leopard syndrome. Note numerous

lentigenes over the face and the feet. (Courtesy of Dr.
V.A. McKusick. Fig. 25 from Char, F.: In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII,
No. 8, pt. XII, pp. 234--235. Baltimore: Williams &
3.27 Wilkins Co. 1971
Melanocytic Nevi 71

with melanotic pigmentation of the lips and oral polyps and adenoma to us polyps of the small bowel
mucosa. In 1944 Jeghers [62] commented on two [68].
patients with the syndrome and in 1949 Jeghers et
al. [63] demonstrated that this "hereditary peculia- Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
rity" was carried as a mendelian dominant charac-
teristic. Treatment. The gastric and duodenal polyps re-
quire diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment to
avoid malignant transformation and metastasis.
Clinical Presentation. Melanotic pigmentary le-
sions described as "black freckles" may be present
at birth and persist throughout life. The lesions on
the lips are discrete macules, brown, black, or dark Neurocutaneous Melanosis
blue in color; rarely they coalesce to cover the
entire surface of the lips. Round, oval, or irregular
macules are found on the buccal mucosa (Figs. 3.28 This rare syndrome of cutaneous and meningeal
and 3.29). They occur less often on the gums and pigmentation is potentially highly malignant and
hard palate and only rarely on the tongue. Some- usually causes death in early childhood [69]. To
times the pigmentation may cover the circumoral date, there is no evidence of its familial occurrence.
area, the cheeks, and the nose in a "butterfly" The condition may be considered as a congenital
configuration, with much smaller individual lesions. dysplasia of the neural crest [69].
Infrequently, the palms, soles, and interdigital web
spaces may be affected. The cutaneous lesions may
not be present at birth, but appear during adoles-
Melanocytic Nevi (Pigmented Moles)
cence and may disappear with advancing age. The
mucosal lesions persist. The macules of Peutz-
Jeghers syndrome (PJS) do not change color on Common moles are usually present at birth, but
exposure to sunlight. The intestinal polyposis is may appear in childhood or early adulthood. They
rarely encountered in infants, but appears during vary in color from skin color to dark brown or
puberty. The polyps are generally found in the black. Morphologically, moles may have one of
jejunum, less frequently in the ileum, occasionally in eight forms: flat, slightly elevated with pigmented
the duodenum, and rarely in the stomach or colon. halos, verrucoid, polypoid, elevated, dome-shaped,
The common symptoms are diarrhea, borborygmi, sessile, and papillomatous [70]. Moles may be
bleeding due to ulceration, and frequent intussus- found anywhere on the body surface
ception. The lesions of the jejunum and ileum are (Figs. 3.30-3.32). Histologically, moles are due to
not malignant and there is no evidence of increased proliferation of melanocytes (nevus cells) and the
incidence of rectal cancer. The gastric or duodenal aggregates of these cells could be at the epidermo-
polyps may undergo malignant transformation and dermal junction Gunctional nevi), in the dermis
metastasis [64]. Moreover, individuals with this (dermal nevi), or at both sites (compound nevi).
syndrome appear to have a greater tendency to Inheritance is autosomal dominant.
develop colonic carcinoma than normal persons
[65]. Finally, PJS is associated with a distinctive
ovarian tumor [66] and sometimes ureteral polyps
[67]. Universal Melanosis

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The pigmented During the first year of life there is a gradual
macules show an increase in melanocytes and mela- darkening of the skin. This is later followed by the
nin in the basal layer. In some, there may be junc- appearance of white patches in the hyperpigmented
tional nervus cells. areas. The trunk shows most of the hyperpigmen-
The polyps range in size from micro adenomas too tation [71]. There may be brownish patches in the
small to be seen to lesions 5 cm or more in diameter. oral mucosa. The process is asymptomatic. Muscu-
They are most numerous in the jejunum. These lar weakness may be an associated finding.
hamartomatous polyps characteristically contain Histologically, there is increased pigment in the
all of the elements normally found at the level of the epidermis (basal and malpighian layers) and incon-
intestinal mucosa including columnar, goblet, Pa- tinence of pigment in the dermis [71]. The patho-
neth, and argentaffine cells. The presence of Paneth genesis of this pigmentation is not clear. Inheritance
cells is one differentiating feature between PJS is autosomal dominant.
72 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

Fig. 3.28. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Note pigmentation over

the lips and the perioral area. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Frain-Bell)

Fig. 3.29. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Pigmentation of the

lip and the buccal mucosa. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Frain-Bell)

Dyschromatosis 73

Figs. 3.30-3.32. Me1anocytic nevi on the

trunk, the dorsum of the foot, and the sole.
(Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)


3.31 3.32

Symmetric Dyschromatosis body, most prominent on the abdomen and sparing

of the Extremities the face. Depigmented macules give the affected
(Acropigmentation of Dohi) areas a mottled appearance. There are no associat-
ed defects [73]. Inheritance may be autosomal
dominant or autosomal recessive and only quasi-
During infancy mottled pigmentation and depig-
dominant in view of the high inbreeding in some
mentation appear on the dorsa of the hands and
feet and sometimes on the arms and legs. The
disorder is common among the Japanese. The mode
of inheritance is not definitely established [72].
(Acromelanosis Progressiva)
Dyschromatosis Universalis
There is diffuse hyperpigmentation of the dorsal
This syndrome occurs predominantly among the aspects of the fingers and toes, beginning in infancy
Japanese and is characterized by the appearance in and gradually increasing [74]. The mode of inheri-
early childhood of pigmented macules over the tance is not definitely established.
74 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

Incontinentia Pigmenti Inheritance. Although there is controversy as to the

(Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome) exact mode of inheritance [82J, the X-linked domi-
nant pattern is favored. Affected males die in utero.

This comparatively rare disorder was described by Treatment. Symptomatic treatment and control of
Bloch [75J and Sulzberger [76J in 1926 and 1927, secondary infections are recommended.
respectively. Since then, over 653 cases have been
reported, all but 16 of which are females [77].

Incontinentia Pigmenti Achromians (Ito)

Clinical Presentation. Onset is commonly soon af- (Hypomelanosis of Ito)
ter birth with an erythematous and vesiculobullous
eruption of a linear pattern which involves mainly
the extremities. The trunk and head may also be Since Ito described this condition in 1952 [83J over
affected. The lesions may be persistent or recurrent 20 cases have been reported [84].
over a period of several months, to be replaced by
verrucous growths (Fig. 3.33). In a few months these Clinical Presentation. The eruption appears at or
verrucous bands disappear, leaving either mild atro- shortly after birth as asymmetric, hypo pigmented,
phy or remnants of the papules. About this time a bizarre whorls and streaks which occur unilaterally
bizarre type of slate-colored macular pigmentation or bilaterally [84]. Any part of the body may be
in whorls and splashes appears (Figs. 3.34 and 3.35). involved except the scalp, palms, and soles. There is
Occasionally, the other skin changes are minimal or no preceding inflammation. The hypopigmentation
absent and the pigmentary lesions may be the only may regress.
abnormality. The pigmentary lesions do not follow The associated abnormalities that have been report-
the pattern, shape, or location of the bullous and ed to date include diminution of capillary resis-
verrucous lesions [78]. The pigmentation gradually tance, decreased sweating, diffuse alopecia, facial
fades after many years and tends to be minimal by hypertrichosis, verrucous epidermal nevus, dys-
the second or third decade. plastic teeth, strabismus and other ocular abnorma-
Associated findings include poorly formed and lities, various musculoskeletal defects, mental
missing dentition (Fig. 3.36), partial alopecia of the retardation, auditory conduction defect, and other
vertex, strabismus, microphthalmia, and retrolental neural defects [84].
fibroplasia [78]. Microcephaly, mental retardation,
spastic tetraplegia, and epilepsy may also be asso- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main histo-
ciated with incontinentia pigmenti [79]. pathologic feature is the decrease of melanin in the
basal cell layer in the involved areas without any
dermal inflammation or incontinence of pigment
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The vesicles seen [85-87]. The dopa reaction is weak in hypo-
in the first stage of the disease are intraepidermal pigmented areas [87]. In one study, dyskeratotic
and are associated with spongiosis. Numerous eosi- cells, similar to those of incontinentia pigmenti,
nophils are present within and around the vesicles. have been identified [85].
In between the vesicles the epidermis contains large It is generally accepted that incontinentia pigmenti
dyskeratotic cells. In the dermis, an infiltrate of and incontinentia pigmenti achromians are two
round cells and eosinophils is present [80]. In the separate entities [84,86J, despite the report of a
second stage, the epidermis is acanthotic and hyper- mother with incontinentia pigmenti achromians
keratotic. Intraepidermal keratinization is seen as and daughter with incontinentia pigmenti [88].
scattered dyskeratotic cells [80]. In the pigmentary
stage, the findings are essentially those of extensive Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [84,86].
deposits of melanin within macro phages and de-
creased melanin in the basal cell layer. Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
Ultrastructurally, all three stages show dyskerato-
sis, phagocytosis of dyskeratotic cells and melano-
somes by macrophages, and the presence of mel a-
nophages in the upper dermis [81]. These findings
point to the relationship among all three stages of
incontinentia pigmenti'and suggest that pigmentary
incontinence is a phagocytic phenomenon [81].
Incontinentia Pigmenti 75



Figs. 3.33--3.36. Incontinentia pigmenti

Fig. 3.33. Hyperkeratotic verrucous lesions over the knee

and the foot. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick, from
Penchaszadeh, V.B.: In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 229-
231. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971

Fig. 3.34. Note whorls and splashes of macular pigmenta-

tion. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)

Fig. 3.35. Whorls and splashes on the trunk and abdomen

Fig. 3.36. Missing and dysplastic teeth in a 4-year-old
child. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick, from Penchaszadeh,
V.B.: In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma,
D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 229-231. Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
76 Abnormalities of Pigmentation

Franceschetti-J adassohn Syndrome Histologically, there is an increase in number and

(N aegeli Type of Incontinentia Pigmenti, average size of melanin granules and seemingly
more premelanosomes in the hyperpigmented skin
Melanophoric Nevus Syndrome)
[94]. The syndrome is probably inherited as auto-
somal dominant.
This very rare disorder was first described by
Naegeli in 1927 [89] and was confused with incon-
tinentia pigmenti. Later, the two conditions were
separated [90].
Hyperpigmentation of Fuldauer
and Kuijpers
Clinical Presentation. Reticular pigmentation, start-
ing around the age of 2 years, is characteristic and A Dutch family has been described with a peculiar
is not preceded by any inflammatory signs. There pattern of hyperpigmentation which involves pre-
are no associated findings in the eyes or hair, dominantly the hands, wrists, and neck, and less
although the teeth may show yellow spotting. Hy- often the axillae [95]. Inheritance is probably auto-
po- or anhidrosis and palmoplantar thickening may somal dominant.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main finding References

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that this phenomenon is due to fragility of the Vitiligo, thyroid disease and autoimmunity. Brit. J. Derm. 80,
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2. Bor, S., Feiwel, M., Chanarin, I.: Vitiligo and its aetiological
discharged pigment in a network along the veins relationship to organ-specific autoimmune disease. Brit. J.
[91]. The relationship between this disorder and Derm. 81, 83-88 (1969)
incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger) is not 3. Dawber, R.P. R.: Integumentary associations of pernicious
clear. "Transitional" cases showing a mixture of anemia. Brit. J. Derm. 82, 221-223 (1970)
4. Johnson, W.C.: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. Arch.
symptoms of both diseases have been reported [92].
Derm. 88, 146-149 (1963)
5. Alezzandrini, A. A. : Manifestation unilaterale de degeneres-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. cence tapeto-retinienne de vitiligo, de poliose, de cheveaux
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7. Swanson, lL., Wayte, D.M., Helwig, E.B.: Ultrastructure of
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8. Birbeck, M.S., Breathnach, A.S., Everall, J.D.: An electron
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This unique syndrome is characterized by periorbi- cells (Langerhans cells) in vitiligo. J. invest. Derm. 37, 51-64
tal hyperpigmentation. The lower eyelids are first (1961)
involved and pigmentation progresses with age to 9. Lerner, A.B.: Vitiligo. l invest. Derm. 32, 285-310 (1959)
10. McFadden, A. W.: Skin disease in the Cuna Indians.
the upper eyelids [93]. The pigmentation starts in
Dermatology and geography of the San Bias Coast of
childhood and is asymptomatic. Histologically, Panama. Arch. Derm. 84, 1013-1023 (1961)
there is increased melanin pigment in the dermis 11. Witkop, e.J., Jr., Quevedo, W.e., Jr., Fitzpatrick, T.B.:
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One kindred (four individuals in two generations of
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appearance of patches of hyperpigmentation at studies. Blood 14, 162-169 (1959)
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with age, resulting in marked hyperpigmentation of 15. Reed, W. B., Stone, V. M., Boder, E., Ziprkowski, L.:
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[94]. ness. Arch. Derm. 95, 176-186 (1967)
Abnormalities of Pigmentation 77

16. Tietz, W.: A syndrome of deaf-mutism associated with 39. Chediak, M.: Nouvelle anomalie leucocytaire de caractere
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Chapter 4 Bullous Eruptions

Contents involves the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes

(Fig. 4.3). Paronychia and dystrophic changes of the
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica 79
nails are usual. The cutaneous and intestinal symp-
Epidermolysis Bullosa 80 toms follow simultaneous exacerbations and re-
Nonscarring EB . . . . . 80
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (Kobner) 80 missions. Candida albicans may be recovered from
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (Ogna) 83 the stools, oral cavity, skin, and nails. The general
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex of the Hands and Feet health of the patient is greatly affected. There is
(Weber-Cockayne) (Recurrent Bullous Eruption of the tissue wasting, growth retardation, listlessness,
Hands and Feet) . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
anorexia, apathy, and sometimes schizoid changes.
Epidermolysis Bullosa Letalis (Junctional Bullous
Epidermatosis, Herlitz Syndrome) 83 In most cases the disease is fatal [2].
Scarring EB .............. 83
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica (Cockayne-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Histologic exam-
Touraine) (Dermolytic Bullous Dermatosis ~ Domi-
nant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ination of a bullous lesion shows acanthosis with
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica Albopapuloidea large intraepidermal vesicles containing single and
(Pasini) (Dermolytic Bullous Dermatosis ~ Dystrophic) 86 clumped acantholytic cells [3], many neutrophils,
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica Polydysplastica and a few eosinophils. The dermis exhibits dilated
(Hallopeau-Siemens) (Dermolytic Bullous Dermatosis
~ Recessive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
blood vessels with a mild perivascular round cell
Other Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 infiltration in the middermis and a marked diffuse
Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey Dis-
infiltration in the pars papillaris and upper dermis.
ease) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 The quiescent plaques show acanthosis and hyper-
keratosis and there are signs of inflammation in the
Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain
the pathophysiology of the disease. Defects in the
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica metabolism of essential unsaturated fatty acids
found in cow's milk [4] or abnormalities in the
metabolism of essential amino acids have been
In 1942 Danbolt and Closs [1] described a rare suspected.
disease which manifests itself with erosive skin Successful treatment with the oral administration of
lesions of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, alo- zinc sulfate was reported in 1974 [4]. Since then,
pecia, and intractable diarrhea. other reports [5] have confirmed the excellent
results of zinc sulfate therapy. Thus, although the
basic pathophysiology of this disease is still unclear,
Clinical Presentation. The children appear normal there is sufficient evidence to suspect that the defect
at birth. The onset of the cutaneous and intestinal is somewhere in zinc metabolism or zinc absorption
symptoms coincides frequently with weaning from from the small intestine.
breast feeding. The cutaneous manifestations con-
sist of irregular plaques of vesicles and bullae on
erythematous bases. Satellite vesicles, bullae, and Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
pustules may occur on the skin around the plaques.
The lesions are characteristically localized at the 'Ireatment. The treatment with diiodohydroxy-
mucocutaneous orifices and on the peripheral parts quinoline (Diodoquin) or iodochlorhydroxyquin
of the extremities (mouth, eyelids, elbows, knees, (Entero-Vioform) gives inadequate results and is
nails, anogenital areas) (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). Reso- highly toxic, especially to the eyes. The standard,
lution of the skin lesions leaves no scarring or effective, simple, and innocuous treatment at pre-
atrophy. Hair loss occurs early in the disease and sent consists of the oral administration of zinc
80 Bullous Eruptions

sulfate, 50mg three times daily, in the form of to the mode of inheritance and the presence or
tablets or powder dissolved in fruit juice (Figs. 4.4 absence of scarring (Table 4.1).
and 4.5).

References Nonscarring EB
1. Danbolt, N., Closs, K.: Acrodermatitis enteropathica. Acta
derm.-venereol. (Stockh.) 23, 127-169 (1943)
2. Idriss, Z. H., Der Kaloustian, V. M.: Acrodermatitis entero- Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (Kobner)
pathica. Clin. Pediat. 12,393-395 (1972)
3. Juljulian, H.H., Kurban, A.K.: Acantholysis: a feature of Clinical Presentation. The severity of this condition
acrodermatitis enteropathica. Arch. Derm. 103, 105-106
varies considerably even though it is uniform in any
4. Moynahan, E.J.: Acrodermatitis enteropathica. A lethal in- one kindred. The general development and health
herited human zinc deficiency disorder. Lancet 1974II, 399 of affected individuals are normal. The disease
5. Der Kaloustian, V.M., Musallam, S.S., Sanjad, S.A., Murib, becomes manifest usually in early childhood, rarely
A., Hammad, W.D., Idriss, Z. H.: Treatment of acrodermatitis at birth or in early infancy. Occasionally, the
enteropathica with oral zinc sulfate. Amer. 1. Dis. Child.
130,421-424 (1976) trauma of parturition results in bullae and denuded
areas which are apparent at birth, especially involv-
ing the lower extremities. In this connection the
cases reported with congenital localized absence of
Epidermolysis Bullosa the skin [3] that may be considered as suffering
from EB will be discussed separately (see p. 127).
More often the bullae appear when the child starts
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of genetically to crawl or walk. The bullae, ranging in size from a
determined, chronic, noninflammatory disorders few millimeters to several centimeters, are tense and
characterized by blistering of the skin and certain clear, although occasionally they are hemorrhagic
mucosae. The blisters frequently result from minor (Figs. 4.6 and 4.7). They rupture easily and heal with-
mechanical trauma or may arise spontaneously. out scarring although there may be temporary hypo-
Since the blistering is not due to epidermal lysis in or hyperpigmentation. Secondary bacterial infec-
all types of EB, the term "epidermolysis" may be tion may ensue in the eroded areas. The most com-
inappropriate [1]. The term "mechanobullous di- monly affected areas are those exposed to trauma,
sease" has been suggested for this group of disor- like hands, feet, elbows, and knees, and sites of
ders [1]. However, we are retaining the old term pressure with clothing. The disease is worse in warm
because of its constant usage since it was first weather, especially if the patients have hyper-
introduced in 1886 [2]. hidrosis. Occasionally, the oral mucous membrane
The various syndromes that comprise EB are may be involved. The severity of the blistering tends
genetically distinct diseases with characteristic clini- to decrease after pUberty. The hair, nails, and teeth
cal manifestations. They can be classified according are normal.

Table 4.1. Classification of epidermolysis bullosa syndromes

Nonscarring EB
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Kobner) Autosomal dominant
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Ogna) Autosomal dominant
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex of the hands and feet (Weber-Cockayne) Autosomal dominant
(recurrent bullous eruption of the hands and feet)
Epidermolysis bullosa letalis (Herlitz) Autosomal recessive
Qunctional bullous epidermatosis)
Scarring EB
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica (Cockayne-Touraine) Autosomal dominant
(dermolytic bullous dermatosis-dominant)
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica albopapuloidea (Pasini) Autosomal dominant
(dermolytic bullous dermatosis-dystrophic)
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica polydysplastica (Hallopeau-Siemens) Autosomal recessive
(dermolytic bullous dermatosis-recessive)
Other variants
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica 81





Figs. 4.1-4.5. Acrodermatitis enteropathica

Fig. 4.1. General view of untreated child. Note distribution of

lesions at the perioral, antecubital, wrist, knee, ankle, and peri-
ungual areas

Fig. 4.2. Lesions at the perianal and inguinal regions

Fig. 4.3. Alopecia totalis and perioral lesions 4.5

Figs. 4.4 and 4.5. A 7-year-old child before and 1 month after oral
zinc sulfate treatment. (From Der Kaloustian, V. M., et al.: Am. 1.
Dis. Child. 130,421-424, 1976)
82 Bullous Eruptions

Figs. 4.6 and 4.7. Epidermolysis

bullosa simplex. Note tense



Fig. 4.8. Epidermolysis bul-

losa simplex of the hands and
feet. (Courtesy of Dr. 1.
Epidermolysis Bullosa 83

Pathology and Pathophysiology. Bullae are formed Epidermolysis Bullosa Letalis (Junctional
by vacuolation of the basal and suprabasal cells [4]. Bullous Epidermatosis, Herlitz Syndrome)
The PAS-positive basement membrane is intact and
remains on the dermal side. The elastic tissue is Clinical Presentation. The disease is usually manifest
normal [4]. Ultrastructurally, there is perinuclear at birth with erosions and bullae over the lower
edema, degenerative changes in the mitochondria, extremities, around the bases of the nails, and
and dissolution of tonofilaments followed by de- at other sites (Figs. 4.9-4.11). The palms and soles
struction of organelles and disintegration of the are rarely involved. The nails may be absent.
cytoplasm [5]. It is postulated that the defect in this Mucous membranes and the eyes [8] may be
disorder is "activation" of cytolytic enzymes within involved. The teeth may be small, deformed, discol-
the epidermal cells by mechanical trauma [1]. ored, or have early caries. The erosions tend to heal
slowly, but without scarring or milia. Fluid loss and
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. secondary infections may lead to early death be-
cause of the large areas involved. In mild cases, the
Treatment. General measures are important in the disease runs a chronic course with periods of ame-
management of EB and include protection from lioration and exacerbation.
trauma, avoidance of excessive heat, and the use of
antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents to control Pathology and Pathophysiology. The bullae are for-
secondary infections. med by a complete dermal-epidermal separation
with a PAS-positive basement membrane on the
dermal side [9]. Ultrastructurally, the separation is
shown to be between the basement and plasma
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (Ogna) membranes (intermembrane space) [1,9].

This is a variant of epidermolysis bullosa simplex Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.

(Kobner) that has been identified only in a
Norwegian kindred [6]. This syndrome differs from Treatment. In addition to the general measures
the Kobner type in its association with a congenital mentioned above, corticosteroid therapy should be
generalized bruising tendency. This latter feature instituted early. Infections should be combated and
may be related to red cell-soluble glutamate-pyru- fluid loss replaced.
vate transaminase [7].

Scarring EB
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex of the Hands
and Feet (Weber-Cockayne) (Recurrent Bullous Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica
Eruption of the Hands and Feet) (Cockayne-Touraine) (Dermolytic Bullous
Dermatosis - Dominant)
Clinical Presentation. The bullae may appear in
childhood or adult life, are worse in summer, and Clinical Presentation. The affected individuals are
affect predominantly the feet. Both the plantar and usually of normal stature and good health, with
dorsal surfaces of the feet are involved. The hand normal hair and teeth. Bulla formation usually
lesions are usually few and occasionally other sites appears at birth at sites of trauma. The most
are involved. Healing is without scarring (Fig. 4.8). affected sites are the limbs, especially at sites of
pressure, and occasionally the oral and anogenital
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The characteristic mucosa (Figs.4.12 and 4.13). Healing results in
finding is the cytolysis of the epidermal cells similar scars that often are atrophic, but occasionally
to that of epidermolysis bullosa simplex, but sparing hypertrophic and keloidal. Hyper- and hypo-
the basal cells. Cleavage is usually in the mid- pigmentation may be present at healed sites. Milia
squamous level. Dyskeratosis is also present [1]. are frequent.
Other associated findings are palmoplantar kera-
Inheritance .. Autosomal dominant. toses, hyperhidrosis, thick dystrophic nails, and
keratosis pilaris.
Treatment. The general management encompasses
protection of the patients from trauma. In partic-
ular, specially cushioned shoes should be used.
84 Bullous Eruptions

Figs. 4.9-4.11. Epidermolysis bullosa le-

talis. Bullae and denuded areas at sites of



Epidermolysis Bullosa 85

4.12 4.13


Figs. 4.12 and 4.13. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica.

Note dystrophy of the fingers and scarring over the

Figs. 4.14 and 4.15. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica

polydysplastica. Note the puckered face and the fusion
4.14 of the fingers in the scarred tissue
86 Bullous Eruptions

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The bullae are Mucosal involvement is usual and results in chronic
subepidermal with a normal overlying epidermis. erosions in the mouth, binding down of the tongue,
The PAS-positive basement membrane is poorly esophageal strictures, and mild conjunctival scar-
defined [1,4]. Ultrastructurally, the characteristic ring. These complications interfere with feeding and
findings are a sharp separation beneath the base- nutrition.
ment membrane, varying degrees of degeneration of Other associated findings are dry, atrophic, wrink-
the connective tissue, and absence of anchoring led skin, dystrophic nails, and malformed carious
fibers [1]. teeth. There is marked retardation of growth and
The pathogenetic role of increased collagenolytic development.
activity at the sites of the bullae is controversial It is well-established that the scar tissue in this type
[10,11]. of EB is prone to develop epidermal neoplasms. The
squamous cell carcinomas that develop are usually
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. of a low-grade malignancy, affecting the skin and
less commonly the mouth or esophagus. The onset
Treatment. Other than the general measures re- of the neoplasm is usually after the age of 30 years.
ferred to above, corticosteroids may be of limited It is postulated that abnormal collagen scarring
help. It has been claimed that vitamin E, in a daily predisposes the epidermis to the neoplastic change
dose of 1600IU, decreases blister formation effec- [18, 19].
tively [12-14]. A controlled study, however, has
shown no significant effect with vitamin E [15]. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The basic changes
Esophageal dilatation and plastic surgical repair of are similar to those of the dominant dystrophic EB.
deformities, especially of the hand, may be helpful.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.

Treatment. General management is outlined above.

Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica
For the neoplasms arising in the scar tissue, surgical
Alhopapuloidea (Pasini) (Dermolytic Bullous
treatment -is indicated despite its limitations [18].
Dermatosis - Dystrophic)

This is a variant of epidermolysis bullosa dys-

Other Variants
trophica (dominant) characterized by the develop-
ment of small, firm, white papules. These appear on
the trunk, especially the lower back, are often There are several reports in the literature of a
perifollicular, and enlarge slowly to reach a diameter number of variants of EB. In the majority of these,
of 1.5 cm [16,17]. A disturbance in the catabolism however, their nosologic identity and independent
of acid mucopolysaccharides in the lesions in this status are questionable. Such variants include:
1. Localized absence of the skin with blistering and
disorder is suggested [17]. In all other respects, the
findings are identical with those of the dominant nail dystrophy [3].
dystrophic form. 2. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica-macular type
of Mendes da Costa (X-linked recessive inheritance)
[20]. The main features are the appearance of
depigmented spots on the hands and feet and later
Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica the face, pigmented spots on the trunk, cyanosis, and
Polydysplastica (Hallopeau-Siemens) (Dermolytic bullae with scar formation, especially in summer.
Bullous Dermatosis - Recessive) The hands are short, the fingers tapered, the nails
short and smooth, and the skin hypotrichotic.
Clinical Presentation. Onset is usually at birth or in Death usually occurs before adulthood.
early infancy with bullae and erosions, especially on 3. Acantholytic bullous epidermatosis (dominant
the feet. The bullae are large, flaccid, occasionally inheritance) [1].
hemorrhagic, and occur on any part of the skin 4. Epidermolysis bullosa vegetans (dominant in-
surface. Nikolsky's sign is positive. Healing is rather heritance). There is persistent secondary infection,
slow and results in atrophic scars, although there ulceration, and exuberant granulation tissue, com-
may be repeated cycles of blistering and erosion. In plicated by anemia and amyloidosis.
the hands and feet this may result in fusion of the 5. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica neurotrophica
fingers and toes by pseudowebbing of scar tissue to (recessive inheritance). There is congenital, pro-
form a club like useless appendage. The face may gressive perceptive deafness in addition to the trau-
have a puckered appearance (Figs. 4.14 and 4.15). matic skin blistering.
Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus 87

6. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica associated 20. Mendes da Costa, S., van der Valk, J. W. : Typhus maculatus
with pyloric atresia (recessive inheritance) [21]. der bullosen hereditaren Dystrophie. Arch. Derm. Syph.
(Wien-Leipz.) 91, 3-8 (1908)
21. DeGroot, W.G., Postuma, R., Hunter, A.G.W.: Familial
References pyloric atresia associated with epidermolysis bullosa. J.
1. Pearson, R. W.: The mechanobullous diseases (epidermolysis Pediat. 92, 429-431 (1978)
bullosa). In: Dermatology in general medicine. Fitzpatrick,
T.B., Arndt, K.A., Clark, W.e., Jr., Eisen, A.Z., Van Scott,
E.J., Vaughan, J.H. (eds.), pp. 621-643. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1971
2. Kobner, H.: HerediUire Anlage zur Blasenbildung
(Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria). Dtsch. med. Wschr. 12,
Benign Familial Chronic Pemphigus
21-22 (1886) (Hailey-Hailey Disease)
3. Bart, B.J.: Epidermolysis bullosa and congenital localized
absence of skin. Arch. Derm. 101, 78-81 (1970)
4. Lowe, L. B., Jr.: Hereditary epidermolysis bullosa. Arch.
Derm. 95, 587-595 (1967) The disease was first described by the brothers
5. Pearson, R. W. : Some observations on epidermolysis bullosa Hailey in 1939 [1].
and experimental blisters. In: The epidermis. Montagna, W.,
Lobitz, W.e. (eds.), pp. 613-626. New York: Academic Press Clinical Presentation. The usual age of onset is the
6. Gedde-Dahl, T., Jr.: Epidermolysis bullosa. A clinical, ge-
second or third decade. The primary lesions are
netic and epidemiological study. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins grouped vesicles appearing in areas of friction,
University Press 1971 particularly the sides of the neck, axillae, and groin
7. Olaisen, B., Gedde-Dahl, T., Jr.: GPT-epidermolysis bullosa (Figs. 4.16 and 4.17). Other infrequently involved
simplex (EBS Ogna) linkage in man. Hum. Heredity 23,
sites are the periumbilical and perianal areas, cu-
189-196 (1973)
8. Aurora, A. L., Madhavan, M., Rao, S.: Ocular changes in bital and popliteal fossae, and scalp. The vesicles
epidermolysis bullosa leta lis. Am. l. Ophtha!. 79, 464-470 initially have clear fluid that soon becomes turbid.
(1975) They rupture producing erosions covered by
9. Pearson, R. W., Potter, B., Strauss, F.: Epidermolysis bullosa crusts. The plaques extend peripherally and have
hereditaria letalis. Clinical and histological manifestations
and course of the disease. Arch. Derm. 109, 349-355 (1974)
circinate active borders while the centers heal (Figs.
10. Eisen, A.Z.: Human skin collagenase: relationship to the 4.18 and 4.19). There are intervals of exacerbation
pathogenesis of epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica. J. invest. and remission. In a warm, humid environment the
Derm. 52, 449-453 (1969) lesions may show vegetations and have a fetid odor.
11. Lazarus, G. S.: Collagenase and connective tissue meta-
Itching and pain are common complaints.
bolism in epidermolysis bullosa. J. invest. Derm. 58, 242-248
(1972) Mucosal lesions are infrequently observed [2, 3].
12. Seghal, V.N., Vadiraj, S.N., Rege, V.L., Beohar, P.C.: Atypical cases have been reported with hyper-
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in a family. Response to keratotic verrucous lesions, papulovesicles and pa-
vitamin E (tocopherol). Dermatologica (Basel) 144, 27-34 pulopustules, and neurodermatitic features [4].
13. Smith, E.B., Michener, W.M.: Vitamin E treatment of
dermolytic bullous dermatosis. Arch. Derm. 108, 254-256 Pathology and Pathophysiology. The characteristic
(1973) histologic features are supra basal vesiculation with
14. Michaelson, J.D., Schmidt, J.D., Dresden, M.H., Duncan, protrusions into the vesicles by villi lined with a
W.e.: Vitamin E treatment of epidermolysis bullosa.
single layer of cells. Individual and groups of acan-
Changes in tissue collagenase levels. Arch. Derm. 109,67-69
(1974) tholytic cells are present, but there is incomplete loss
15. Adams, R. H., Main, R. A., Marsden, R. A.: A controlled of intercellular bridges allowing some loose adher-
study of vitamin E in epidermolysis bullosa. Brit. J. Derm. ence between the cells ("dilapidated brick wall").
93, Suppl. 11, 10 (1975) Corps ronds and grains, similar to those in Darier
16. Schnyder, U.W., lung, E.G., Salamon, T.: Zur Klassifizie-
rung, Histogenetik, Gerinnungsphysiologie und Therapie
disease (see p. 22), are seen.
der herediUiren Epidermolysen. Arch. klin. expo Derm. 220, Ultrastructurally, acantholysis and abnormal kera-
38-59 (1964) tinization occur together or independently. The co-
17. Sasai, Y., Saito, N., Seiji, M.: Epidermolysis bull os a dys- occurrence of the bizarre microvillar changes and
trophica et albo-papuloidea. Report of a case and his-
abnormal tonofilament configurations is said to be
tochemical study. Arch. Derm. 108, 554-557 (1973)
18. Wechsler, H.L., Krugh, F.J., Domonkos, A.N., Schneen, pathognomonic of this disease [5]. It is generally
S. R., Davidson, C. L., Jr.: Polydysplastic epidermolysis bul- believed that the genetically determined epider-
losa and development of epidermal neoplasms. Arch. Derm. mal defect may lead to acantholysis either spon-
102, 374-380 (1970) taneously or, more often, in response to external
19. Reed, W.B., College, J., Jr., Francis, M.J.O., Zachariae, H.,
Mohs, F., Sher, M. A., Sneddon, I. B.: Epidermolysis bullosa
physical stimuli (candidal or bacterial infection).
dystrophica with epidermal neoplasms. Arch. Derm. 110, The role of infection in the pathogenesis of this
894-902 (1974) disease seems to be important [6].
88 Bullous Eruptions

4.16 4.17

4.18 4.19

Figs. 4.16 and 4.17. Benign familial chronic pemphigus. Figs. 4.18 and 4.19. Benign familial chronic pemphigus.
Usual sites of involvement (axilla and neck) Circinate erosions over the back
Bullous Eruptions 89

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. 3. Kahn, D., Hutchinson, E.: Esophageal involvement in fam-
ilial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 109, 718-719
Treatment. Topical and systemic antibiotics are 4. Lyles, T.W., Knox, lM., Richardson, J.B.: Atypical features
effective in controlling the eruption. Bacteriologic in familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 78, 446-
examination determines the choice of antibiotic. 453 (1958)
Dapsone [7] and grenz-ray treatment [8] have 5. Gottlieb, S. K., Lutzner, M. A.: Hailey-Hailey disease - an
electron microscopic study. 1. invest. Derm. 54, 368-376
been reported to be helpful. In certain cases, ex-
cision of the affected area and grafting give good 6. Montes, L.F., Narkates, A.J., Hunt, D., Pittilo, R.F., Noojin,
results [9]. R.O., Sherer, R.l: Microbial flora in familial benign chronic
pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 101, 140-159 (1970)
7. Sire, D.l, Johnson, B.L.: Benign familial chronic pemphigus
treated with dapsone. Arch. Derm. 103, 262-265 (1971)
8. Sarkany, 1.: Grenz-ray treatment of familial benign chronic
1. Hailey, H., Hailey, H.: Familial benign chronic pemphigus. pemphigus. Brit. J. Derm. 71,247-252 (1959)
Arch. Derm. Syph. 39, 679--685 (1939) 9. Bitar, A., Giroux, l-M.: Treatment of benign familial pem-
2. Botvinick, 1.: Familial benign pemphigus with oral mucous phigus (Hailey-Hailey) by skin grafting. Brit. J. Derm. 83, 402-
membrane lesions. Cutis 12, 371-373 (1973) 404 (1970)
Chapter 5 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Contents Other Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Acanthosis Nigricans . . . . . . . . 126
Dermal Hypoplasias and Dysplasias . . . . . . . 90 Congenital Localized Absence of Skin 127
Aplasia Cutis Congenita (Congenital Skin Defect) 90 Acro-Osteolysis . . . . . . . . . . 128
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia (Goltz Syndrome) 91 Sclero-Atrophic and Keratotic Dermatosis of the Limbs
Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy (Parry-Romberg Syn- (Sclerotylosis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
drome) . . . . . . . 93 Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy (Berardinelli Syn-
Striae Distensae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 drome, Seip Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Flynn-Aird Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (Treacher Collins Syndrome,
Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome (Whistling Face-Windmill Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein Syndrome) ...... 130
Vane Hand Syndrome, Cranio-Carpo-Tarsal Dysplasia) 95 Dyskeratosis Congenita (Zinsser-Cole-Engman Syn-
Familial Transverse Nasal Groove 95 drome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Ainhum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Dyskeratosis Congenita (Scoggins Type) 134
Cryptophthalmos Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Bird-Headed Dwarfism (Montreal Type) . 134
Hallermann -S treiff Syndrome (Oculomandibulodysceph- Pterygium Syndrome . . . . . . . . . 134
aly with Hypotrichosis) . . 97 Congenital Absence of the Breasts and Nipples 136
Ear Malformations 98 Supernumerary Nipples ........ 136
Ear Pits (Auricular Fistulas) 98 Inverted Nipples . . . . . . . . 136
"Cup Ear" . . . . . 1()() Gardner Syndrome (Intestinal Polyposis III) 136
Branchial Cleft Anomalies, Cup-Shaped Ear, and Familial B1epharophimosis . . . . . . . 138
Deafness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1()() Blepharochalasis (Dermatolysis Palpebrarum) 138
Lacrimo-Auriculo-Dento-Digital Syndrome (LAD D) . . 101
Facioauriculovertebral Anomalad (Goldenhar Syndrome,
Oculoauriculovertebral Dysplasia) . 102
Auriculo-Osteodysplasia . 102
Syndactylies ...... . 104
Classification of Syndactylies. . 104
Acrocephalosyndactyly, Type I (Apert Syndrome) . 107
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, Type II (ACPS II, Carpenter
Syndrome). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Dermal Hypoplasias
Ectodermal Dysplasias 109 and Dysplasias
Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (Christ-Siemens
Syndrome) . . . . . . 109 Aplasia Cutis Congenita
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia . . . . . . . . 113
Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome . . ....... . 114 (Congenital Skin Defect)
Congenital Ectodermal Dysplasia of the Face (Focal-
Facial-Dermal Dysplasia and Facial Ectodermal
Dysplasia) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Campbell was the first to describe this rare con-
Syndromes with Premature Aging. . . . . 116 dition in 1826 [1]. To date, some 375 cases have
Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome) 116 been reported [2].
Acrogeria ......... . 118
Metageria ......... . 119
Werner Syndrome (Adult Progeria)
Clinical Presentation. The disorder is apparent from
Cockayne Syndrome . . . . . . 120 birth due to the presence of a sharply defined skin
Poikilodermas . . . . . . . . . . 122
defect. The most frequent site of involvement is the
Hereditary Sclerosing Poikiloderma 122 midline of the scalp, but the trunk and extremities
Hereditary Acrokeratotic Poikiloderma 122 may be affected as well. The defect is usually 1-2 cm,
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome (Poikiloderma Congen- oval or circular, with a glistening red base.
itale) . . . . . . . . 123
Occasionally, multiple defects are present [3].
Cutis Verticis Gyrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Healing occurs with atrophic or hypertrophic scar
Pachydermoperiostosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Acromegaloid Changes, Cutis Verticis Gyrata, and
formation (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2). In deep defects, sec-
Corneal Leukoma . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ondary bacterial infections and hemorrhage are
Cutis Verticis Gyrata with Mental Deficiency 125 troublesome and may lead to death.
Focal Dermal Hypoplasia 91

5.1 5.2

Figs. 5.1 and 5.2. Aplasia cutis congenita. Localized defects of the scalp

Associated abnormalities include peculiar facies Focal Dermal Hypoplasia

[3J, constricting rings, hydrocephalus, cleft palate (Goltz Syndrome)
[4J, focal dermal hypoplasia, tracheoesophageal
fistula, and patent ductus arteriosus [2].
Cases of this syndrome have been presented since
1921 as examples of several different disorders. In
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The epidermis and
1962 Goltz et al. were the first to recognize the
dermis may be absent and the defect may extend to
disorder as a distinct entity [1].
the subcutaneous tissues. With healing the scar is
devoid of appendages.
This condition should be differentiated from epi- Clinical Presentation. The disease has its onset in
dermolysis bullosa (see p. 80) and congenital local- childhood, is progressive, and encompasses cu-
ized absence of the skin (see p. 127). taneous, skeletal, ocular, dental, and other defects.
It affects predominantly females (45 :3) [2]. The
Inheritance. There seems to be more than one cutaneous lesions are characterized by reticular,
genotype. Both autosomal dominant [5J and auto- vermiform, cribriform, frequently linear areas of
somal recessive [4J forms exist. thin skin which are dark in color or erythematous
[1, 2J (Figs. 5.3 and 5.4). In a few cases, there may be
at "birth areas of total absence of skin. A rather
Treatment. Initially, nursing care and combating pathognomonic finding is the presence of soft,
secondary infections are recommended. Surgical yellow, baggy herniations of subcutaneous fat cov-
intervention is indicated for extensive lesions and ered by very thin skin [1]. In addition, there are
cosmetic defects. linear or reticular areas of hyper- or hypopigmen-
tation [2]. Papillomas frequently develop on the
lips, gums, base of tongue, circumoral area, anogen-
References ita I and inguinal regions (Fig. 5.5), axillae, and
1. Campbell, W.: Case of congenital ulcer on the cranium of a around the umbilicus [2]. Inconstant features are
foetus, terminating in fatal hemorrhage on the 18th day after an initial inflammatory, scaly, or blistering process
birth. Edinb. J. med. Sci. 5, 82-83 (1826) that subsides before the other characteristic lesions
2. Deeken, 1. H., Caplan, R. M.: Aplasia cutis congenita. Arch. appear [1]. The scalp hair may be sparse and brittle
Derm. 102, 386-389 (1970)
3. Rudolph, R. 1., Schwartz, W., Leyden, J.J.: Bitemporal aplasia [lJ or there may be small areas where hair is
cutis congenita. Occurrence with other cutaneous abnormal- lacking [1,2]. Absent, dystrophic, spooned, groov-
ities. Arch. Derm. 110.6[5-618 (1974) ed, or hypopigmented fingernails and toenails
4. Pers, M.: Congenital absence of the skin: pathogenesis and frequently occur [1, 2].
relation to ring constriction. Acta. chir. scand. 126, 388- 396
(1963) Skeletal defects include rounded skull, pointed chin,
5. Fisher, M., Schneider, R.: Aplasia cutis congenita in three and thin, deviated nasal septum [lJ; kyphosis,
successive generations. Arch. Derm. 108, 252-253 (1973) scoliosis, and vertebral anomalies [2J; asymmetric
5.3 5.4

5.5 5.6
Figs. 5.3-5.6. Focal dermal hypoplasia Fig. 5.4. Reticular hyperpigmentation over the leg with
baggy herniations of subcutaneous fat
Fig. 5.3. Reticular cribriform areas of depressed skin Fig. 5.5. Papillomas in the genital area
Fig. 5.6. Syndactyly
Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy 93

development of face, trunk, or extremItIes [2J; Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy

absence of part of an extremity [2J; anomalies of (Parry-Romberg Syndrome)
hands and feet (hypoplasia or absence of digits,
polydactyly, claw or split hand, fusion of phalanges
(Fig. 5.6) camptodactyly, clinodactyly, anomalies of This syndrome was described in 1825 by Parry and
the small bones of the hands and feet) [2J; and in 1846 by Romberg [1].
striate osteopathy [3].
Ocular defects include anophthalmia [4J, stra- Clinical Presentation. There is slow, progressive
bismus, [1, 2J, nystagmus [1, 2J, colobomas of iris [1, atrophy of the soft tissues of half of the face,
2J, and patchy hypo- or hyperpigmentation of the accompanied by Jacksonian epilepsy, trigeminal
retina [1, 2]. Oral and dental defects include dys- neuralgia, and changes in the eyes and hair [2, 3J
plasia of teeth [1, 2J, enamel defects with caries [1, (Figs. 5.7 and 5.8).
4J, and notching of incisors [2]. Other defects
include protrusion and asymmetry of ears [lJ, Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is thickening
thenar and hypothenar hypoplasia [lJ, and mental of collagenous bundles in the corium, lymphocytic
deficiency [4]. Dermatoglyphic patterns are ab- perivascular infiltration, absent skin appendages,
normal, notably localized areas of ridge dysplasia and marked thickening of the vessels [4].
or hypoplasia [2].
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant with
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main feature is reduced penetrance.
a defect in the dermis and the presence of accumu-
lations of normal fat cells in the dermis in some Treatment. No special treatment is available.
areas extending almost to, but separated by a thin
connective tissue band from, the epidermis [1]. References
The epidermis shows no abnormalities. Ultrastruc-
1. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., p.
turally, the collagen fibers are small, but normally 144. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
striated, and the fibroblasts appear normal [2]. The 2. Wartenberg, R.: Progressive facial hemiatrophy. Arch.
syndrome is considered to be a widespread dysplasia Neurol. Psychiat. 54, 75~96 (1945)
of mesodermal and ectodermal structures [2]. 3. Franceschetti, A., Koenig, H.: L'importance du facteur he-
redodegeneratif dans I'hemiatrophie faciale progressive
(Romberg). Etude des complications oculaires dans ce syn-
Inheritance. The possibilities of X-linked dominance drome. 1. Genet. hum. 1, 27~64 (1952)
with lethality in males, autosomal dominance with 4. Harper, P. S.: Hemifacial atrophy (the Romberg syndrome).
sex limitation [2J, or environmental factors affecting In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
development [5J have been considered. Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 293~294. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971

Treatment. Plastic surgery may have to be resorted

to for correction of some of the deformities.
Striae Distensae
1. Goltz, R.W., Peterson, w.e., Gorlin, R.J., Ravits, H.G.:
Transverse striae of the lumbar area have been
Focal dermal hypoplasia. Arch. Derm. 86. 708~717 (1962) observed in a father and two sons [1]. The lil-
2. Goltz, R. W., Hendersen, R. R., Hitch, 1. M., Ott, J. E.: Focal heritance is probably autosomal dominant.
dermal hypoplasia syndrome. A review of the literature and
report of two cases. Arch. Derm. 101, 1~11 (1970)
3. Larregue, M., Michel, Y., Maroteaux, 1., Degos, R., Stewart,
W.- M.: L'hypoplasie dermique en aires: considerations sur 1. McKusick, V. A.: Transverse striae distensae in the lumbar
I'osteopathie striee et sur Ie probleme genetique. Ann. Derm. area in father and two sons. In: The clinical delineation of
Syph. (Paris) 98, 491-499 (1971) birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp.
4. Gottlieb, S. K., Fisher, B. K., Violin, G. A.: Focal dermal 260-261. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
hypoplasia. A nine-year follow up study. Arch. Derm. 108,
551~553 (1973)
5. Ishibashi, A., Kurihara, Y.: Goltz's syndrome: focal dermal
dysplasia syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia). Report of a
case and on its etiology and pathogenesis. Dermatologica
(Basel) 144, 156-167 (1972)
94 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

5.7 5.8

Figs. 5.7 and 5.8. Progressive hemifacial atrophy. Note asymmetry of the face and atrophic
skin. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)

Flynn-Aird Syndrome In scleroderma. Skin ulceration is frequent.

Baldness is a late manifestation.
Eye defects include retinitis pigmentosa, bilateral
In 1965 Flynn and Aird [lJ reported a family in cataracts, severe myopia, and total blindness.
which 15 members in five generations were affected Life is not shortened, but the physical defects are
by a disorder characterized by nerve deafness, severely crippling.
ocular anomalies, cerebral deficits, and atrophy of
the skin.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Histologically,
Clinical Presentation. The initial symptoms usually there is evidence of skin atrophy and changes
develop in the second decade, although bilateral characteristic of peripheral neuritis. The brain was
nerve deafness, which is the earliest defect observed, atrophic in three patients, with changes typical of
may appear as early as 7 years of age. Myopia also ischemia. One case had diffuse and bilateral adrenal
has a relatively early onst;!t [1]. hypertrophy and pituitary basophilic hyperplasia.
Cerebral deficits include possible mental retar- Two cases had atrophic adrenals. Thyroid enlarge-
dation and atypical convulsive phenomena with ment was present in one case.
EEG dysrhythmias. Severe muscular wasting, ata-
xia, peripheral neuritic pain, and stiffness of the Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [1].
joints occur in the second decade. Kyphoscoliosis
follows the muscle wasting and peripheral neuritis. Treatment. The treatment is only symptomatic.
Cystic disease of bone is found in some patients.
Dental caries is severe and widespread. Diabetes
mellitus was found in two patients. Reference
Of the 15 patients studied, 13 had atrophy of the 1. Flynn, P., Aird, R. B.: A neuroectodermal syndrome of dom-
skin and subcutaneous tissue similar to that found inant inheritance. 1. neuro!. Sci. 2, 161- 182 (1965)
Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome 95

Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome (Whistling Familial Transverse Nasal Groove

Face-Windmill Vane Hand Syndrome,
Cranio-Carpo-Tarsal Dysplasia) The main feature of this disorder is a wide groove
(1-3 mm) across the nose just proximal to the alae
This disorder was described in two patients by nasi [1,2]. It is about 1 mm deep and is not effaced
Freeman and Sheldon in 1938 [1]. by stretching the skin. It appears in childhood and
may become minimally noticeable after the third or
Clinical Presentation. The most striking feature of fourth decade [2]. In young adults, acne lesions
the syndrome is the masklike facies with small may be clustered within the groove and, as the acne
mouth and pursed lips, giving a "whistling" ap- clears, scales and large follicles may persist for a
pearance. Associated findings include deep-sunken while [2]. In one family, hyperelasticity of the joints
eyes, hypertelorism or dystopia canthorum, a small was an associated finding, while in another family
nose, hypoplastic alae nasi, and a long philtrum. A there was early, severe dental caries [2]. Inheritance
fibrous band or elevation extends from the middle is autosomal dominant. No treatment is needed
of the lower lip to the chin. It is demarcated by two because of spontaneous improvement.
paramedian grooves, forming an H- or V-shaped
scarlike structure (Figs. 5.9-5.12). The hands have References
an ulnar deviation with thick skin over the flexor 1. Cornbleet, T.: Transverse nasal stripe at puberty (stria nasi
surfaces of the proximal phalanges. There may also transversa). Arch. Derm. 63, 70-72 (1951)
be an equinovarus deformity with contracted toes 2. Anderson, P.c.: Familial transverse nasal groove. Arch.
[2--4]. The striated muscles are generally flabby, Derm. 84, 316-317 (1961)
leading to a protuberant abdomen and hernias in
some patients.
Occasional associated abnormalities include bleph- Ainhum
arophimosis, ptosis, convergent strabismus, small
stature, scoliosis, and low weight.
The intelligence of all reported patients has been Ainhum is said to be common among Negroes.
normal. Familial occurrence has been reported in a few
instances [1--4]. The disease usually appears
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is marked around the age of 40 years, and affects the fifth toe,
atrophy of the buccinator muscle with sparse fibers unilaterally or bilaterally, and less so the other toes
and degenerated cells [3]. [5]. A constricting ring around the toe gradually
deepens to form a groove. This may progress to
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [5]. cause spontaneous amputation. The sites most fre-
quently affected by the groove are over the first or
Treatment. Treatment is surgical [3]. second interphalangeal joints. The distal part of the
phalanx becomes edematous with increased or de-
creased sensations. The constricting band is of
References fibrous tissue and produces atrophy, phalangeal
1. Freeman, E. A., Sheldon, 1. H.: Cranio-carpo-tarsal dys- bone rarefaction, and ultimately fragmentation and
trophy. An undescribed congenital malformation. Arch. Dis. absorption of the distal end. Inheritance is not
Child. 13, 277-283 (1938) clear, but is probably autosomal dominant [3].
2. Otto. F. M. G.: Die "Cranio-carpo-tarsal Dystrophie" (Free-
man and Sheldon). Ein kasuistischer Beitrag. Z. Kinderheilk.
737.240-250 (1953)
3. Burian. F.: The "whistling face" characteristic in a compound
cranio-facio-corporal syndrome. Brit. 1. plast. Surg. 16. 140- 1. DaSilva Lima,J.F.: On ainhum. Arch. Derm. Syph.6, 367-376
143 (1963) (1880)
4. Weinstein, S., Gorlin, R.J.: Cranio-carpo-tarsal dysplasia or 2. Simon, K.M.B.: Ainhum, a family disease. J. Amer. med. Ass.
the whistling face syndrome. I. Clinical considerations. Amer. 76, 590 (1921)
J. Dis. Child. 117, 427-433 (1969) 3. Maass, E.: Beobachtungen iiber Ainhum. Arch. Schiffs- u.
5. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., pp. Tropenhyg. 30, 32-34 (1926)
391-392. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978 4. Kean, B. H., Tucker, H. A. : Etiologic concepts and pathologic
aspects of ainhum. Arch. Path. 41, 639-644 (1946)
5. Horwitz, M. T., Tunick, 1.: Ainhum. Report of six cases in
New York. Arch. Derm. Syph. 36,1058-1063 (1937)
96 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

_ _- . . 0 5.10

5.11 5.12

Figs. 5.9-5.12. Freeman-Sheldon syndrome Fig. 5.10. Note small mouth with a whistling appearance.
(Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)
Fig. 5.9. Note sunken eyes, pursed lips, long philtrum,
fibrous band from lower lip to chin demarcated by two
grooves, and ulnar deviation of the hands. (Courtesy of Figs. 5.11 and 5.12. Note masklike facies. (From Cervenka,
Dr. F. e. Fraser) J., et al.: Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 117,434-435, 1969)
Cryptophthalmos Syndrome 97

5.13 5.14

Fig. 5.13. Cryptophthalmos. Note absence of palpebral Fig. 5.14. Cryptophthalmos. Note hairline extending down
fissure, eyelids, and eyelashes. (From Sugar, S.: Amer. 1. toward the orbit and the deformity of the nostrils. (From
Ophtha!. 66, 897- 899, 1968) Ide, C. H., Wollschlaeger, P.B.: Arch. Ophtha!. 81,638-644,

Cryptophthalmos Syndrome References

1. Zehender, W.: Eine MiJ3geburt mit hautiiberwachsenen
Augen oder Kryptophthalmus. Klin. Mb!. Augenheilk. 10,
The term cryptophthalmos - "hidden eye" - was 225- 249 (1872)
first used by Zehender [1] in 1872. 2. Fraser, G. R. : Our genetical "load". A review of some aspects
of genetical variation. Ann. hum. Genet. 25, 387-415 (1962)
3. Ide, C.H., Wollschlaeger, P.B.: Multiple congenital abnorma-
Clinical Presentation. The most striking character- lities associated with cryptophthalmia. Arch. Ophtha!. 81,
istic of this syndrome is the absence of the palpebral 638-644 (1969)
fissure which may be unilateral or bilateral. There
are no eyelids and no eyelashes. The lacrimal ducts
may be absent or malformed. Small eyeballs are
usually palpable beneath the skin covering and may Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome
enable the patient to perceive light and occasionally ( Oculomandibulodyscephaly
even colors [2,3] (Figs. 5.13 and 5.14).
with Hypotrichosis)
Deformities of the nose may be present, such as
lateral cleft of the nostril. The ears may have
abnormally shaped pinnae, atretic external auditory Hallermann [1] in 1948 and Streiff [2] in 1950
canals, and malformed middle ear ossicles. The independently described this syndrome consisting
hairline may extend from the temporal area toward of craniofacial anomalies, proportionate nanism,
the orbit; syndactyly may be present in about 40 % hypotrichosis, atrophy of the skin, and congenital
of cases (Figs. 5.15 and 5.16). Subnormal intelligence cataracts. More than 60 cases have been reported.
is relatively frequent [2, 3]. Cerebral defects, me-
ningomyeloceles, kidney malformations, bicornuate Clinical Presentation. The disease manifests itself
uterus, and malformed fallopian tubes have been early in life. The skull is characteristically brachyce-
reported. phalic with frontal and parietal bossing, a thin
calvarium, and delayed ossification of the sutures.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2,3]. There is malar hypoplasia, micrognathia, and tem-
poromandibular joint anomalies. The nose is thin,
Treatment. Reconstructive surgery of the middle small, and pointed, with hypoplasia of the cartilage,
ear may result in marked improvement in hearing. giving, in older patients, a parrotlike profile. The
There is no special treatment for the eyes. mouth is small and the palate is high and narrow-
98 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies


Fig. 5.15. Cryptophthalmos. Note hairline extending down toward

the orbit and deformity of the nostrils. (From Ide, C.H., Woll-
schlaeger, P. B.: Arch. Opthal. 81, 638-644, 1969)

Fig. 5.16. Cryptophthalmos. Syndactyly ofthe toes. (From Ide, C. H.,

L..lI_ _-"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _----' 5.16
Wollschlaeger, P.B.: Arch. Ophthal81, 638-644,1969) ~_~

arched. There is dental hypoplasia and malimplan- References

tation with partial anodontia. Some teeth may be 1. Hallermann, W.: Vogelgesicht und Cataracta congenita. Klin.
present at birth. Most patients present with micro- Mb!. Augenheilk. 113, 315- 318 (1948)
phthalmia and bilateral congenital cataracts [3] 2. Streiff, E.B.: Dysmorphie mandibulo-faciale (tete d'oiseau) et
alterations oculaires. Ophthalmologica (Basel) 120, 79- 83
(Figs. 5.17-5.20). (1950)
Atrophy of the skin is present, usually limited to the 3. Franc;:ois, 1. : A new syndrome. Dyscephalia with bird face and
head, where it is white, thin, dry, soft, and marked dental anomalies, nanism, hypotrichosis, cutaneous atrophy,
by prominent veins. The last finding is most striking microphthalmia and congenital cataract. Arch. Ophtha!. 60,
842-862 (1958)
over the anterior surface of the nose. Hypotrichosis
4. Falls, H.F., Schull, W.J. : Hallermann-Streiff syndrome. A
occurs in all cases and involves mainly the anterior dyscephaly with congenital cataracts and hypotrichosis. Arch.
part of the scalp. The eyebrows and eyelashes are Ophtha!. 63, 409-420 (1960)
scanty and frequently absent [4]. 5. Caspersen, 1., Warburg, M.: Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.
Osteoporosis, hypogenitalism, claw hands, syn- Acta ophtha!. (Kbh.) 46, 385-390 (1968)
6. Guyard, M., Perdriel, G., Ceruti, F.: Sur deux cas de syndrome
dactyly, malformations of the spine, glaucoma, and dyscephaJique a tete d'oiseau. Bull. Soc. Optha!. (Paris) 62,
slight mental retardation may be part of the 443- 447 (1962)
syndrome [5].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The majority of

the literature is concerned with the ocular anom-
Ear Malformations
alies and there are insufficient data on the natural
history of the growth defect and the development of
the abnormalities of the skin and hair.
Ear Pits (Auricular Fistulas)
Inheritance. The reported patients did not have
similarly affected family members. Only one report Ear pits are not an uncommon finding [1]. The pits
[6] mentions an affected father and daughter. It is may be uni- or bilateral and usually occur on the
possible that a single dominant gene is causing the margin of the helix just above the tragus, or else-
disease and most patients represent fresh mutations. where on the pinna [2]. The pit is circular or
elliptical, may be inconspicuous and asymptomatic,
Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic. Eye surgery or may intermittently discharge a milky fluid of cell
is unsuccessful. debris. Secondary infection and suppuration may
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome 99

5.17 5.18


Figs. 5.17-5.20. Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

Fig. 5.17. Note scanty hair over the anterior part of the
skull, absence of eyebrows, scanty eyelashes, dilated
veins over the nose, and cataract of the left eye

Fig. 5.18. Lateral view. Note parrotlike profile

Fig. 5.19. General view of the body

5.19 Fig. 5.20. Note partial anodontia

100 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

5.21 5.

Figs. 5.21 and 5.22. "Cup ear" before and after corrective surgery. (From Abu-Jamra, F.: Lebanese med. J. 23, 213~217,

be a complication. Association with branchial fis- "Cup Ear"

tulas or other developmental anomalies of the
branchial clefts may occur [2]. The inheritance of
Potter [lJ described this abnormality in 1937. It
ear pits is probably autosomal dominant.
consists of a congenital malformation of the pinna
Ear pits are associated with deafness in a distinct
which is curled up like a cup, concealing the
syndrome [2,3]. The deafness is of the hereditary
external auditory meatus (Figs. 5.21 and 5.22). The
perceptive type [2]. In some patients with ear pits
inheritance follows the autosomal dominant pat-
and deafness, branchial pits or fistulas are present
tern. Plastic surgery is very rewarding [2].
[2]. In one pedigree, cervical and preauricular
branchial fistulas are associated with congenital
deafness (conductive and sensorineural) [4]. In
three generations of another family, deformed ears 1. Potter, E. L.: A hereditary ear malformation transmitted
through five generations. J. Heredity 28, 255-258 (1937)
(flapped) and preauricular pits and appendages 2. Erich, J. B., Abu-Jamra, F. N.: Congenital cup-shaped deform-
occur [3]. Conductive deafness is an associated ity of the ears transmitted through four generations. Mayo
feature in 2 of the 14 affected members oftl).e family Clin. Proc. 40, 597-602 (1965)
[3]. Since the deafness in the various pedigrees is
not identical, it is possible that there may be more
than one type of this syndrome (ear pits and
deafness). Inheritance in the reported pedigrees is
autosomal dominant. Branchial Cleft Anomalies,
Cup-Shaped Ear, and Deafness
1. Ewing, M. R.: Congenital sinuses of the external ear. J. A mutation combining branchial cleft anomalies
Laryng. 61, 18-23 (1946) with "cup ear" and deafness has been observed in an
2. Fourman, P., Fourman, J.: Hereditary deafness in family with autosomal dominant pedigree pattern [1].
earpits (fistula auris congenital. Brit. med. J. 19551I,
3. Wildervanck, L. S.: Hereditary malformations of the ear in
three generations. Marginal pits, pre-auricular appendages, 1. Karmody, c., Feingold, M.: Autosomal dominant first and
malformations of the auricle, and conductive deafness. Acta second branchial arch syndrome. A new inherited syndrome?
otolaryng. (Stockh.) 54, 553-560 (1962) In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
4. Rowley, P. T.: Familial hearing loss associated with branchial Vol. X, No.1, pp. 31-40. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co.
fistulas. Pediatrics 44, 978-985 (1969) 1974
Lacrimo-Auriculo-Dento-Digital Syndrome 101

5.23 5.24

5.25 5.26

Figs. 5.23-5.26. LADD Fig. 5.24. Small and peg-shaped lateral maxillary incisors.
(From Hollister, D. w., et al.: 1. Pediat. 83, 438-444, 1973)

Fig. 5.23. Cup-shaped pinna. (From Hollister, D. w., et Figs. 5.25 and 5.26. Syndactyly. (From Hollister, D. w., et
al.: 1. Pediat. 83, 438-444, 1973) al.: 1. Pediat. 83, 438-444, 1973)

Lacrimo-Auriculo-Dento-Digital 5.26). Although each individual feature may be

Syndrome (LADD) inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, their
association in this distinct syndrome is quite
In 1967 Levy [1] described this syndrome for the
first time in a sporadic case. In 1973 Hollister et al. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The pathogenesis
[2] described the syndrome in a family. of this syndrome is not known.

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

Clinical Presentation. There is aplasia or hypoplasia
of the lacrimal puncta with obstruction of the Treatment. No special treatment is available.
nasolacrimal ducts. The pinnae are cup-shaped with
mixed hearing deficit (Fig. 5.23). The lateral maxil-
lary incisors are small and peg-shaped and have
mild ename.J dysplasia (Fig. 5.24). The digital fea- 1. Levy, W.1.: Mesoectodermal dysplasia. A new combination
of anomalies. Amer. 1. Ophtha!. 63, 978- 982 (1967)
tures are variable (fifth. finger clinodactyly, dupli- 2. Hollister, D. W., Klein, S.H., De Jager, H.1., Lachman, R.S.,
cation of the distal phalanx of the thumb,. tri- Rimoin, D. L. : The lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome.
phalangeal thumb, syndactyly) [1,2] (Figs. 5.25 and J. Pedia!. 83, 438-444 (1973)
102 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Facioauriculovertebral Anomalad Treatment. The preauricular skin tags and the large
(Goldenhar Syndrome, dermoids require surgical excision. In the case of
conductive deafness due to incompletely developed
Oculoauriculovertebral Dysplasia)
external auditory canals, hearing aids should be
utilized from early infancy. Occasionally, an exter-
The symptom complex was first noted in 1845 by nal canal can be created. Dental care for crowding
Von Arlt [1]. It was first established as a distinct of the teeth is necessary. After assessing the degree
entity in 1952 by Goldenhar [2], who reported of spontaneous improvement in early childhood,
three patients with epibulbar dermoids, auricular reconstructive surgery in the zygomatic area and
appendages, and mandibular anomalies. With the the mandible may be deemed necessary.
addition of the vertebral anomalies, the descriptive
term "oculoauriculovertebral" (OA V) dysplasia was
suggested in 1963 [3]. Later, because hemifacial
microsomia was found in many patients [4], the 1. Von Arlt, F.: Klinischer Darstellung der Krankheiten des
Auges, Vol. III, p. 376. Wien 1845; cited by Van Duyse, D.:
appellation of "facioauriculovertebral anomalad" Bride dermojde oculopalpebrale et colo borne partiel de la
was introduced. paupiere avec remarques sur la genese de ces anomalies. Ann.
Oculist. (Paris) (Ser. 12) 88, 101 (1882)
2. Goldenhar, M.: Associations malformatives de l'oeil et de
Clinical Presentation. The main features of this I'oreille, en particulier Ie syndrome dermojde epibulbaire-
association of defects include malar, maxillary, and appendices auriculaires-fistula auris congenita et ses relations
mandibular hypoplasia; unilateral macrostomia avec la dysostose mandibulo-faciale. 1. Genet. hum. 1, 243
(enlargement and lateral extension of one corner of 3. Gorlin, R.1., Jue, K.L., Jacobsen, U., Goldschmidt, E.: Oc-
the mouth); microtia with preauricular appendages uloauriculo-vertebral dysplasia. J. Pediat. 63, 991-999 (1963)
or pits which may be single or multiple and com- 4. Pashayan, H., Pinsky, L., Fraser, F.e.: Hemifacial micro-
monly located in a line from the tragus to the corner somia - oculoauriculo-vertebral dysplasia. A patient with
overlapping features. 1. med. Genet. 7, 185-188 (1970)
of the mouth; middle ear anomaly with variable 5. Smith, D. W. : Recognizable patterns of human malformation,
deafness; and hemivertebrae, hypoplastic or fused 2nd ed., p. 136. Philadelphia: Saunders, W.B. Co. 1976
vertebrae with occipitalization of the atlas (Figs. 6. Opitz, 1.M., Faith, G.C.: Visceral anomalies in an infant with
5.27 and 5.28). the Goldenhar syndrome. In: The clinical delineation of birth
The epibulbar dermoids or lipodermoids are quite defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. V, No.2, pt. II, pp. 104-105.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1969
common. They are usually located at the corneo- 7. Summitt, R. L. : Familial Goldenhar syndrome. In: The clinical
scleral junction of the lateral portion of the eye and delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. V, No.2,
are bilateral in two-thirds of the patients [3]. pt. II, pp. 106-109. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1969
Colobomas of the eyelid are also common and are 8. McKusick, y'A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., p.
621. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
unilateral (Fig. 5.27).
Occasional abnormalities include the following:
mental deficiency, frontal bossing, ocular hyper-
telorism, microphthalmos, hypoplasia or colobomas Auriculo-Osteodysplasia
of the iris, cataracts, a fibrous band from the corner
of the mouth to the tragus area of the auricle, a
In 1967 Beals [1] described a syndrome with
bifid tongue, cleft lip, umbilical hernia, and scoliosis
multiple osseous dysplasia, characteristic ear shape,
due to malformed vertebrae. In certain cases cardiac,
and short stature. In 1972 possible linkage of
pulmonary, intestinal, and renal anomalies may
auriculo-osteodysplasia to Rh and Duffy (i.e., to
also be found at autopsy [5,6].
chromosome No.1) was reported [2]. Inheritance
Affected individuals do not always exhibit anom-
is autosomal dominant.
alies in all the characteristic anatomic areas such as
the eyes, ears, and vertebrae. No single anomaly is a
sine qua non for making the diagnosis. The various References
combinations and gradations of many of these 1. Beals, R.K.: Auriculo-osteodysplasia. A syndrome of mul-
anomalies, both unilateral and bilateral, suggest tiple osseous dysplasia, ear anomaly, and short stature. J.Bone
Jt. Surg. 49, 1541-1550 (1967)
that a similar error in morphogenesis may be at the
2. Kimberling, W.: Computers and gene localization. In:
origin of a spectrum of presentations. Perspectives in cytology. Wright, S. W., Crandall, D. L, Boyer,
P.D. (eds.), p. 131. Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1972

Inheritance. The great majority of cases are spora-

dic. However, familial cases have also been de-
scribed [7, 8].
Facioauriculovertebral Anomalad 103

Fig. 5.27. Facioauriculovertebral anomalad. Note the Fig. 5.28. Facioauriculovertebral anomalad. Note the
epibulbar dermoid of the left eye, the coloboma of the right preauricular appendages and the abnormal pinna
eyelid, and the left hemifacial atrophy
104 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Table 5.1. Classification of syndactylies'

Name Inheritance Clinical Presentation Ref.

Syndactyly, type I Autosomal Webbing between 3rd and 4th fingers [2J
(zygodactyly) dominant (Fig. 5.29), occasionally with
fusion of the distal phalanges
In the feet, usually webbing between
2nd and 3rd toes, either complete
or partial; sometimes only the
hands are affected, sometimes only
the feet
Syndactyly, type II Autosomal Syndactyly of 3rd and 4th fingers of [3J
(synpolydactyly) dominant the hand with polydactyly of all
components or of part of 4th finger
In the feet, polydactyly of the 5th toe
in the web of syndactyly of the 4th
and 5th toes
Syndactyly, type III Autosomal Syndactyly of 4th and 5th fingers, [4J
(ring and little finger syndactyly) dominant usually complete and bilateral;
the 5th finger is short with absent
or rudimentary middle phalanx
The feet are not affected
Syndactyly, type IV Autosomal Complete syndactyly in both hands [5J
(Haas type) dominant with 6 metacarpals and 6 digits
(probable) Flexion of fingers (cup-shaped hands)
Syndactyly, type V Autosomal Most commonly fused metacarpals [6J
(metacarpal and metatarsal fusion) dominant and metatarsals are the 4th and
5th or the 3rd and 4th
Soft tissue syndactyly affects 3rd and
4th fingers and 2nd and 3rd toes
Synostoses Autosomal Multiple carpal and tarsal [7J
(tarsal, carpal, and digital) dominant synostoses, radial-head subluxation,
aplasia or hypoplasia of the middle
phalanges, metacarpophalangeal
Acrocephalosyndactyly, type I Autosomal Skull malformation (acrocephaly, [8J
(typical Apert syndrome) dominant brachysphenocephaly)
(see also p. 107) Syndactyly of hands and feet
(complete distal fusion)
Acrocephalosyndactyly, type II Autosomal Hand and foot malformations [9J
(Apert-Crouzon disease or dominant characteristic of Apert disease
Vogt cephalodactyly) (probable) Facial characteristics of Crouzon
disease due to an extremely
hypoplastic maxilla
Many doubt that this is a separate
entity; they view it as Apert
syndrome with unusually marked
facial features

• After McKusick [1].

References merkungen tiber Poly- und Syndaktylie beim Menschen.
Acta psychiat. neurol. 7, 275-296 (1932)
1. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed. 7. Pearlman, H.S., Edkin, R.E., Warren, R.F.: Familial tarsal
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978 and carpal synostosis with radial-head subluxation
2. Stern, c.: The problem of complete Y-linkage in man. Amer. (Nievergelt's syndrome). 1. BoneJt. Surg. 46, 585-592 (1964)
J. hum. Genet. 9, 147-166 (1957) 8. Blank, C. E.: Ap~rt's syndrome (a type of acrocephalosyn-
3. Cross, H. E., Lerberg, D. B., McKusick, V. A.: Type II syn- dactyly). Observations on a British series of thirty-nine cases.
dactyly. Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 20, 368-380 (1968) Ann. hum. Genet. 24, 151-164 (1960)
4. Johnston, 0., Kirby, V. V.: Syndactyly of the ring and little 9. Temtamy, S. A., McKusick, V. A.: The genetics of hand
finger. Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 7, 80-82 (1955) malformations. New York: National Foundation-March of
5. Haas, S. L.: Bilateral complete syndactylism of all fingers. Dimes 1975
Amer. J. Surg. 50, 363-366 (1940) 10. Bartsocas, C.S., Weber, A.L., Crawford, J.D.: Acrocephalo-
6. Kemp, T., Ravn, J.: Ober erbliche Hand- und FuBdeformi- syndactyly type III: Chotzen's syndrome. J. Pediat. 77,
taten in einem 140-kbpfigen Geschlecht, nebst einigen Be- 267-272 (1970)
Syndactylies 105

Table 5.1 (continued)

Name Inheritance Clinical Presentation Ref.

Acrocephalosyndactyly, type III Autosomal Acrocephaly and asymmetry of the [1 OJ

(Chotzen syndrome) dominant skull
Partial soft tissue syndactyly of the
2nd and 3rd fingers and 3rd and
4th toes
Acrocephalosyndactyly, type V Autosomal Broad, short thumbs and big toes [l1J
(Pfeiffer type) dominant Proximal phalanx of the thumb either
triangular or trapezoid, thumb
pointing outward
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, type I Autosomal Acrocephaly [12, 13J
(ACPS I, Noack syndrome) dominant Enlarged thumbs and great toes
(probable) Duplication of great toes (preaxial
Normal intelligence
Pfeiffer thinks that this disorder is the
same as acrocephalosyndactyly,
type V
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, type II Autosomal Acrocephaly, peculiar facies [14, 15J
(ACPS II, Carpenter syndrome) recessive Brachydactyly and syndactyly of hands
(see also p. 109) Preaxial polydactyly and syndactyly
of toes
Polysyndactylywith peculiar skull shape Autosomal Skull with high forehead and bregma; [16J
(Greig cephalopolysyndactyly dominant no evidence of precocious closure
syndrome) of cranial sutures
Syndactyly or polysyndactyly
Mohr syndrome Autosomal Syndactyly, polydactyly, [17J
(Orofaciodigital syndrome II, OFD II) recessive brachydactyly
Lobate tongue with papilliform
protuberances (Figs. 5.30 and 5.31).
High-arched palate and angular form
of alveolar processes of mandible
Episodic neuromuscular disturbance
Conductive hearing loss
Roberts syndrome Autosomal Tetraphocomelia, bilateral cleft lip [18J
(see also p. 203) recessive and palate, ectrodactyly,
syndactyly of the digits,
hypertelorism with exophthalmos,
congenital heart defect
Sclerosteosis Autosomal Cortical hyperostosis [19J
recessive with syndactyly
Orofaciodigital (OFD I) syndrome X-linked dominant Same as in OFD II (see above) [IJ
or autosomal dominant with prominent milia on pinnae
(lethal in male) and face

11. Martsolf, IT., Cracco, lB., Carpenter, G.G., O'Hara, A.E.; 15. Der Kaloustian, V.M., Sin no, A.A., Nassar, S.I.: Acro-
Pfeiffer syndrome. An unusual type of acrocephalosyndactyly cephalopolysyndactyly, type II (Carpenter syndrome). Amer.
with broad thumbs and great toes. Amer. 1 Dis. Child 121, 1 Dis. Child. 124, 716-718 (1972)
257-262 (1971) 16. Hootnick, D., Holmes, L.B.: Familial polysyndactyly and
12. Noack, M.: Ein Beitrag zum Krankheitsbild der Akro- craniofacial anomalies. Clin. Genet. 3, 128-134 (1972)
zephalosyndaktylie (Apert). Arch. Kinderheilk. 160, 168-171
17. Rimoin, D. L., Edgerton, M. T. : Genetic and clinical hetero-
geneity in the oral-facial-digital syndromes. 1 Pediat. 71,
13. Pfeiffer, R. A.: Associated deformities of the head and hands.
94-102 (1967)
In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vol. V, No.3, pI. III, pp. 18-34. Baltimore: Williams & 18. ZergoJlern, L., Hitrec, V.: Three siblings with Robert's
Wilkins Co. 1969 syndrome. Clin. G~net. 9, 433-436 (1976)
14. Temtamy, S. A.: Carpenter's syndrome: acrocephalopoly- 19. Truswell, A. S.: Osteopetrosis with syndactyly. A morpho-
syndactyly, an autosomal recessive syndrome. J. Pediat. 69, logic variant of Albers-Schonberg's disease. 1 Bone Jt. Surg.
111-120 (1966) (Brit.) 40, 208-218 (1958)
106 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

5.29 5.30

5.31a 5.31b

Fig. 5.29. Syndactyly I. (From Levy, E. P., et al.: Amer. 1. Fig. 5.31a. OFD I. Note milia on face and bilobate
Dis. Child. 128,531- 533,1974) tongue. (From Solomon, L. M., et al.: Arch. Derm. 102,
598-602, 1970)

Fig. 5.30. OFD II (Mohr syndrome). Bilobate tongue. Fig. 5.31b. OFDII. Note bilobate tongue. (Courtesy of Dr.
(Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser) L. Vis sian)
Acrocephalosyndactyly 107

Acrocephalosyndactyly, Type I of the mesenchymal blastema destined to become

(Apert Syndrome) bone. The organization of other tissues is also
The craniofacial malformation is attributed to pre-
Gorlin and Pinborg [1] noted descriptions of this mature fusion of the coronal complex of sutures
syndrome as early as 1842. However, eponymic alone or together with the sagittal suture. This
credit is given to Apert [2] for his presentation in results in distorted growth of the neurocranium,
1906. The syndrome is characterized by malfor- producing a tall brachycephalic skull.
mation of the skull and severe syndactyly of the Of 24 patients studied cytogenetically, the total
hands and feet. Apert proposed the descriptive term reported number of abnormal karyotypes in Apert
acrocephalosyndactyly which has been widely ac- syndrome is four. All of the anomalies involve
cepted. Since other types of acrocephalosyndactyly chromosomes from group A, but with different
(ACS) have also been described [3], Apert syn- structural rearrangements [8].
drome has been designated ACS type I.
Clinical Presentation. The acrocephaly is of the Inheritance. Most cases of Apert syndrome are
brachysphenocephalic type. The skull is towerlike sporadic. But several cases of parent-to-child trans-
because the growth is directed predominantly up- mission have been reported [9, 10]. The evidence
ward. The forehead is high and wide and the strongly suggests dominant inheritance, pre-
occiput is flat. The apex of the skull is at or near the sumably autosomal, in view of the equal sex ratio.
bregma. Paternal age effect is suspected. Low frequency of
The face is flat. The eyes are protuberant and widely consanguinity and failure to observe multiple affect-
placed (Fig. 5.32). The palpebral fissures have a ed sibs make recessive inheritance unlikely [3].
downward slant. The maxilla and the bridge of the
nose are underdeveloped. A cleft palate and bifid Treatment. It is recommended that the craniosynos-
uvula may be present. tosis be corrected in early infancy. Repair of the
Syndactyly of the hands and feet is of a special type, syndactyly should be performed in the first few
i.e., complete distal fusion with a tendency of the years, if possible [11].
bony structures to fuse also. The hand, when all
fingers are webbed, has been compared to a spoon References
or, when the thumb is free, to an obstetric hand. The 1. Godin, R.S., Pin borg, J.J.: Syndromes of the head and neck,
nails of the second to fifth fingers are often fused p. 9. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1964
(Figs. 5.33 and 5.34). 2. Apert, E. : De l'acrocephalosyndactylie. Bull. Soc. Med. Hop.
The patients are usually moderately to severely (paris) 23, 1310-1330 (1906)
3. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man. 5th. ed.,
mentally retarded [3, 4]. p. 7. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
All of those subjects who have passed puberty have 4. Blank, C. E.: Apert's syndrome (a type of acrocephalo-
moderate to severe acne vulgaris involving the face, syndactyly) - observations on a British series of thirty-nine
chest, and back (Figs. 5.35 and 5.36). Comedones cases. Ann. hum. Genet. 24, 151-164 (1960)
may be present on the upper and lower parts of the 5. Solomon, L.M., Fretzin, D., Pruzansky, S.: Pilosebaceous
abnormalities in Apert's syndrome. Arch. Derm. 102, 381-
forearms. The acneiform eruption may extend to 385 (1970)
the buttocks and thighs [5]. The hair displays 6. Moynahan, E. J.: Genetically determined diseases. In:
trichorrhexis nodosa [6]. Recent advances in dermatology. Rook, A. (ed.), No.3, pp.
In a review [4] of 54 patients, two clinical categories 323-371. London: Churchill Livingstone 1973
7. Holmes, L. B., Moser, H. W., Halld6rsson, S., Mack, c., Pant,
were distinguished: (a) "typical" acrocephalosyn- S. S., Matzilevich, B.: Mental retardation. pp. 222-225. New
dactyly, to which Apert's name is applied; and (b) York: Macmillan Co. 1972
other forms lumped together as "atypical" acro- 8. Dodson, W. E., Museles, M., Kennedy, J.L., Jr., Al-Aish, M.:
cephalosyndactyly. The feature distinguishing the Acrocephalosyndactylia associated with a chromosomal
two types is a middigital handmass with ;:t single nail translocation. 46, XX, t(2p- :Cq +). Amer. J. Dis. Child.
120, 360-362 (1970)
common to digits II through IV, found in Apert 9. Roberts, K. B., Hall, J. G.: Apert's acrocephalosyndactyly in
syndrome and lacking in the others. However, it is mother and daughter: cleft palate in the mother. In: The
generally thought that these two types are only clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol.
phenotypic variations of the same disorder [7]. The VII, No.7, pt. XI, pp. 262-264, Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971
incidence ofthis syndrome is said to be as low as 1 in 10. Weech, A. A. : Combined acrocephaly and syndactylism
160,000 live births [4]. occurring in mother and daughter. A case report. Bull.
Johns Hopk. Hosp. 40, 73-76 (1927)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The syndrome re- 11. Hoover, G.H., Flatt, A.E., Weiss, M.W.: The hand and
sults from irregular bridging between early islands Apert's syndrome. J. BoneJt. Surg. (Brit.) 52, 878-895 (1970)
108 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies




5.35 5.36

Figs. 5.32-5.36. Apert syndrome

Fig. 5.35. Adult with acneiform eruption. (Courtesy of Dr.
Fig. 5.32. Note flat face and protuberant eyes. (Courtesy L. M. Solomon)
of Dr. F.e. Fraser)
Fig. 5.36. Acneiform eruption on upper limb. (Courtesy of
Figs. 5.33 and 5.34. Hands and feet with severe syndactyly Dr. L. M. Solomon)
Ectodermal Dysplasias 109

Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, Type II toe must be surgically removed to allow the wearing

(ACPS II, Carpenter Syndrome) of regular shoes.

In 1901 Carpenter [1] described two sisters with References

acrocephaly, peculiar facies, brachydactyly and syn- 1. Carpenter, G.: Two sisters showing malformations of the
dactyly of the hands, and preaxial polydactyly and skull and other congenital abnormalities. Rep. Soc. Study Dis.
Child (Lond.) 1, 110-118 (1901)
syndactyly of the toes. In 1966 Temtamy [2] coined 2. Temtamy, S. A.: Carpenter's syndrome: acrocephalopoly-
the eponym "Carpenter's syndrome." At least 18 syndactyly. An autosomal recessive syndrome. J. Pedia!. 69,
cases of this disorder have been reported to date 111-120 (1966)
[3]. 3. Der Kaloustian, V. M., Sinno, A. A., Nassar, S.I.: Acro-
cephalopolysyndactyly type II (Carpenter syndrome). Amer.
J. Dis. Child. 124,716-718 (1972)
Clinical Presentation. Acrocephaly (Fig. 5.37), flat
facial profile, flat nasal bridge, laterally displaced
medial canthi, slight downward slant of the palpeb-
ral fissures, epicanthic folds, and micrognathia are
the main features of this disease. The ears are
usually low-set and malformed.
The most common hand anomalies are brachy-
Ectodermal Dysplasias
dactyly (brachymesophalangy) and partial syn- Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
dactyly of the third and fourth fingers. Most pa- ( Christ-Siemens Syndrome)
tients also have ulnar deviation of the last two
phalanges of the middle finger and radial deviation
of the last two phalanges of the ring finger. All Clinical Presentation. The characteristic features of
patients have polysyndactyly of the toes with me- this syndrome are absent or reduced skin appen-
dial deviation and duplication of either the first or dages and defective dentition. Affected individuals
second toe (Fig. 5.38). In older patients, obesity, have distinctive features: prominent frontal bosses,
mental subnormality, and hypogonadism have been depressed central face, prominent chin, thick lips,
noted. and sparse hair [1, 2].
Other less consistently observed features include The skin is soft, dry, and finely wrinkled, especially
congenital heart defects, duplication of the second around the eyes, giving the appearance of prema-
phalanx of the thumb, metatarsus varus, flat acet- ture aging. The eccrine sweat glands are absent or
abulum, flare of the pelvis, coxa valga, genu valgum, greatly reduced (hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
lateral displacement of patellae, pilonidal dimple, [3]), resulting in poor heat tolerance. The ears may
and abdominal hernias. Chromosome, amino acid, be small or large [1]. The nose is saddle-shaped
and mucopolysaccharide studies have been normal. with small conspicuous nostrils and recessed col-
umella [2]. The eyebrows are often absent and the
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Pathologic findings eyelashes delicate (Figs. 5.40 and 5.41). Periorbital
are inconsistent. They include congenital heart de- pigmentation is present [2]. Milialike papules may
fects (patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal appear on the face, due to hyperplastic sebaceous
defect, pulmonic stenosis, transposition of the great glands [4]. There may be injection of the con-
vessels), unilateral hydroureter, small phallus and junctiva. The scalp hair is characteristically sparse
testes, biliary atresia, hypergyri of the cerebral and fine. Occasionally there is total alopecia. Body
cortex, and an accessory spleen [2]. hair is likewise sparse. Atopic dermatitis may be
Patients with premature fusion of all sutures have a associated with this syndrome [2].
small head. Those with premature closure of only The temporary and permanent teeth may be absent
the coronal and lambdoid sutures have a wide, flat or greatly reduced. When present, the teeth are
brow and occiput and increased vertical diameter of defective: incisors, canines, and bicuspids are con-
the skull. ical and curved, and molars have hooked cusps [2].
Pseudorhagades or furrows are frequently found
[1]. The mouth and nose may be dry.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2]. Other associated findings are mental deficiency [1],
absent breasts [1], hypogonadism [1], and in-
Treatment. Early surgical correction of the fections of the pharynx and respiratory tract.
craniosynostosis and polysyndactyly is recommen- Relatives of affected individuals and female carriers
ded (Fig. 5.39). Special shoes must be made or one may show few of the features of the syndrome.
110 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies



Figs. 5.37-5.39. Carpenter syndrome

Fig. 5.37. General view. Note towering skull, laterally displaced

medial canthi, and downward slant of the palpebral fissures. (From
Der Kaloustian, V.M., et al.: Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 124, 716-718,

Fig. 5.38. Polysyndactyly of the toes. (From Der Kaloustian, V. M.,

et al.: Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 124, 716-718,1972)

Fig. 5.39. The same child at the age of 3 years. (Surgical correction
5.39 of craniosynostosis was performed at the age of 5 months)

Some may show defective sweating and abnormal and perineal pterygia are present. The mode of
dermatoglyphics, whereas others may only show a inheritance is autosomal recessive [7]. These fea-
few conical teeth [5]. tures are similar to those of the ectrodactyly-
A rare syndrome (Helweg-Larsen syndrome) [6J ectodermal dysplasia-cleft lip and palate (EEC)
combines anhidrosis with neurolabyrinthitis de- syndrome which is inherited as dominant [8, 9J
veloping in the fourth or fifth decade. There are no (Fig. 5.42).
associated abnormalities of the hair or teeth. This A kindred with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
syndrome is probably determined by a dominant and cleft lip and palate has been described with a
gene. probable autosomal dominant inheritance (Rapp-
A few families have been reported with anhidrosis, Hodgkin syndrome) [10].
hypotrichosis, microdontia, nail dysplasia, cleft lip Another variant is the Basan syndrome which is
and palate, syndactyly, malformation in the geni- characterized by ectodermal dysplasia, absent der-
tourinary system, and mental retardation. Popliteal matoglyphic pattern, nail changes, and simian
Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia 111

5.40 5.41

Figs. 5.40 and 5.41. Anhidrotic ecto-

dermal dysplasia. Note very sparse hair,
frontal bossing, and depressed central
part of the face

Fig. 5.42. Note defective nails in a

patient with the EEC syndrome.
(Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser) . 5.42

crease [11, 12]. The inheritance in this syndrome is Ian tar keratodermia. Inheritance is autosomal
by an autosomal dominant gene. receSSIve.
Anhidrosis without any other abnormality charac- A Brazilian family presents another syndrome with
teristic of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia has been hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia [15, 16]. In this
described in an Iranian sibship, with an autosomal family, a brother and sister and two deceased broth-
recessive mode of inheritance [13]. ers showed severe absence deformities of all four
One kindred of four sibs has been reported with limbs, hypotrichosis, abnormal teeth, hypoplastic
facies resembling that of anhidrotic ectodermal nipples and areolae, and deformed auricles. The
dysplasia and reduced sweating [14]. This syn- consistent features included hypoplastic nails, hy-
drome (Berlin) also includes infantilism, mental pogonadism, thyroid enlargement, incomplete cleft
retardation, hypodontia, and hypotrichosis. lip, mental retardation, and EKG and EEG abnor-
Characteristic features of this syndrome are genera- malities. Both living sibs showed an excess of
lized mottled pigmentation, dry skin, and palmop- tyrosine and/or tryptophane in the urine. The disor-
112 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

der is suspected to be inherited as an autosomal 7. Rosselli, D., Gulienetti, R.: Ectodermal dysplasia. Brit. J.
receSSIve. plast. Surg. 14, 190--204 (1961)
8. RUdiger, R.A., Haase, W., Passarge, E.: Association of
Hypoplastic enamel, onycholysis, and hypohidrosis ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and cleft lip-palate. The
were described in members of a three generation. EEC syndrome. Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 120, 160--163 (1970)
kindred. The inheritance of this condition is auto- 9. Bixler, D., Spivack, 1., Bennett, 1., Christian, 1. C: The
somal dominant [17]. ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting (EEC) syndrome.
Report of 2 cases and review of the literature. Clin. Genet. 3,
A newly described syndrome of ankyloblepharon,
43-51 (1972)
ectodermal defects, and cleft lip and palate (AEC 10. Rapp, R. S., Hodgkin, W. E.: Anhidrotic ectodermal dys-
syndrome) is probably inherited as autosomal dom- plasia: autosomal dominant inheritance with palate and lip
inant [18]. In this syndrome there is dry skin with anomalies. J. med. Genet. 5, 269-272 (1968)
reduced sweating, palmoplantar keratodermia, par- 11. Basan, M.: Ektodermale Dysplasie. Fehlendes Papillar-
muster, Nagelveranderungen und Vierfingerfurche. Arch.
tial to total alopecia, severe nail dystrophy, and klin. expo Derm. 222, 546-557 (1965)
hypodontia. Associated features include supernu- 12. Jorgenson, R.J.: Ectodermal dysplasia with hypotrichosis,
merary nipples, syndactyly, photophobia, lacrimal hypohidrosis, defective teeth, and unusual dermatoglyphics
duct atresia, and deformed ears [18]. (Basan syndrome ?). In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. X, No.4, pt. XVI, pp.
323-325. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1974
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The epidermis is 13. Mahloudji, M., Livingston, K. E.: Familial and congenital
usually atrophic and the eccrine sweat glands are simple anhidrosis. Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 113,477-479 (1967)
absent or few and poorly developed. Other appen- 14. Berlin, C: Congenital generalized melanoleucoderma as-
dages may be few or normal. sociated with hypodontia, hypotrichosis, stunted growth,
and mental retardation occurring in two brothers and two
In a group of patients with anhidrotic ectodermal sisters. Dermatologica (Basel) 123,227-243 (1961)
dysplasia and atopic dermatitis, there appears to be 15. Freire-Maia, N.: A newly recognized genetic syndrome of
some degree of cellular immune hypofunction. Such tetramelic deficiencies, ectodermal dysplasia, deformed ears,
an abnormality may contribute to recurrent viral and other abnormalities. Amer. J. hum. Genet. 22, 370--377
infections evidenced by bouts of fever [19].
16. Cat, I., Costa, 0., Freire-Maia, N.: Odontotrichomelic hy-
po hidrotic dysplasia. A clinical reappraisal. Hum. Heredity
I nheritance. Most pedigrees with only anhidrotic (Basel) 22, 91-95 (1972)
ectodermal dysplasia show an X-linked recessive 17. Witkop, CJ.,Jr., Brearley, L.1., Gentry, W.c.,Jr.: Hypo-
type of inheritance. In inbred people of eastern plastic enamel, onycholysis and hypohidrosis inherited as
autosomal dominant trait: review of ectodermal dysplasia
Kentucky [20], and occasionally in females [21], syndromes. Oral Surgery 39, 71-86 (1975)
an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance has 18. Hay, R.1., Wells, R.S.: The syndrome of ankyloblepharon,
been reported. The features in these pedigrees are ectodermal defects, and cleft lip and palate: an autosomal
phenotypically indistinguishable from those in dominant condition. Brit. J. Derm. 94, 277-289 (1976)
19. Davis, 1.R., Solomon, L.M.: Cellular immunodeficiency in
males with the X-linked form. A few suggest auto-
anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Acta derm.-venereol.
somal recessivity [4]. (Stockh.) 56, 115-120 (1976)
20. Pas sarge, E., Nuzum, CT., Schubert, W. K.: Anhidrotic
Treatment. Management mainly entails avoidance ectodermal dysplasia as autosomal recessive trait in an
of conditions that accentuate heat intolerance. inbred kindred. Humangenetik 3, 181-185 (1966)
21. Gorlin, R.l., Old, T., Anderson, V. E.: Hypohidrotic ectoder-
Dental care is also important. mal dysplasia in females. A critical analysis and argument
for genetic heterogeneity. Z. Kinderheilk. 108, 1-11 (1970)
1. Upshaw, B. Y., Montgomery, H.: Hereditary anhidrotic
ectodermal dysplasia. A clinical and pathological study.
Arch. Derm. Syph. 60, 1170-1183 (1949)
2. Reed, W. B., Lopez, D. A., Landing, B.: Clinical spectrum of
anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Arch. Derm. 102, 134-143
3. Katz, S. I., Penneys, N. S.: Sebaceous gland papules in anhid-
rotic ectodermal dysplasia. Arch. Derm. 103,507-509 (1971)
4. Crump, I.A., Danks, D.M.: Hypohidrotic ectodermal dys-
plasia. A study of sweat pores in the X-linked form and in a
family with probable autosomal recessive inheritance. 1.
Pediat. 78,466--473 (1971)
5. Verbov, J.: Hypohidrotic (or anhidrotic) ectodermal dys-
plasia - an appraisal of diagnostic methods. Brit. 1. Derm.
83, 341-348 (1970)
6. Helweg- Larsen, H. F., Ludwigsen, K.: Congenital familial
anhidrosis and neurolabyrinthitis. Acta derm.-venereol.
(Stockh.) 26, 489-505 (1946)
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia 113

Fig. 5.43. Hidrotic ectodermal dyspla-

sia. Dysplastic nails of child and parents.
(Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)

Figs. 5.44 and 5.45. Hidrotic ectodermal

dysplasia. Note sparse hair and absence
of eyebrows. (Courtesy of Dr. F.e.


5.44 5.45

Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia and the teeth are usually unaffected. Mental de-
ficiency is rare.

Ciouston, in 1929, was the first to draw attention Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the Clouston
to this abnormality [1]. variety of hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, the palms
and soles show orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis. A
Clinical Presentation. The main features are nail study of the physical properties and chemical com-
dystrophy, palmoplantar keratodermia, and defects position of the hair suggests that the structural gene
of the hair [1,2]. The nails are slow-growing and ofa matrix polypeptide is involved. Mutation of this
appear thick, striated, and discolored (Fig. 5.43). gene causes deletion of a low sulfur segment of the
Paronychial infections are frequent. The palms and polypeptide which results in the destabilization of
soles show diffuse thickening that may extend to the intermolecular disulfide bonds [3]. The recent de-
sides. The scalp hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are monstration of proteins of abnormally low mole-
sparse, thin, and fragile (Figs. 5.44 and 5.45). Body cular weight in ectodermal dysplastic matrix has
hair may be absent or sparse. Sweating is normal lent support to this hypothesis [4].
114 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Onychodystrophy and neural deafness have been anodontia, small teeth, neonatal teeth), a shallow
reported in a pedigree with probably recessive upper lip-gum groove, funnel chest, lumbar lor-
inheritance [5]. dosis, genu valgum, and polydactyly of fingers and
In another pedigree with hidrotic dysplasia, delayed occasionally of toes (Figs. 5.46-5.48). The majority
primary and secondary dentition, syndactylism, and of cases also show some form of congenital heart
polydactylism, severe sensorineural deafness was an disease from a mild to a severe one, m0st commonly
added feature. The inheritance in this pedigree is a septal defect [2-4].
probably autosomal dominant [6]. Occasionally the following abnormalities may oc-
Still another pedigree has been reported in which cur: mental retardation, scant or fine hair, cryptor-
there is hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, sensorineural chidism, epispadias, and talipes equinovarus. The
hearing loss (due probably to a defect of the cells of sweat mechanism is normal.
the organ of Corti), and contracture of the fifth Roentgenography reveals generalized thickness and
fingers [7]. The inheritance in this single pedigree is coarseness of bones ; marked acceleration of second-
autosomal recessive. ary centers of ossification in phalanges, metacar-
pals, head of femur, and humerus; and retardation
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [8]. of primary centers of ossification in metacarpals
and proximal and medial phalanges [5].
Treatment. No specific treatment is available. About half of the patients die in early infancy as a
consequence of cardiorespiratory problems.
The very high frequency of this disorder in the Old
Order Amish is considered a good illustration ofthe
1. Clouston, H. R.: Hereditary ectodermal dystrophy. Can. med. "founder effect" [4] (see Glossary).
Ass. 1. 21, 18-31 (1929)
2. Zlatkov, N. B., Konstantinova, B.: Genealogische und zyto-
genetische Untersuchungen bei der hidrotischen Form der Pathology and Pathophysiology. The basic patho-
erblichen ektodermalen Dysplasie. Dermatologictt (Bed.) 147, genesis of the syndrome is not known.
144-152 (1973)
3. Gold, R.J.M., Scriver, c.R.: Properties of hair keratin in an
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [4,6].
autosomal dominant form of ectodermal dysplasia. Amer. J.
hum. Genet. 24, 549-561 (1972)
4. Gold, R.J.M., Kachra, Z.: Molecular defect in hidrotic Treatment. There is no effective treatment.
ectodermal dysplasia. In: The first human hair symposium.
Brown, AC. (ed.), pp.250-276. New York: Medcom Press
5. Feinmesser, M., Zelig, S.: Congenital deafness with onycho- References
dystrophy. Arch. Otolaryng. 74, 507-508 (1961)
6. Robinson, G.c., Miller, 1.R., Bensiomon, J.R.: Familial 1. Ellis, R. W. B., van Creveld, S.: A syndrome characterized by
ectodermal dysplasia with sensori-neural deafness and other ectodermal dysplasia, polydactyly, chondrodysplasia, and
anomalies. Pediatrics 30, 797-802 (1962) congenital morbus cordis. Report of three cases. Arch. Dis.
7. Mikaelian, D.O., Der Kaloustian, V. M., Shahin, N. A, Child. 15, 65-84 (1940)
Barsoumian, V.M.: Congenital ectodermal dysplasia with 2. Douglas, W.F., Schonholtz, G.1., Geppert, L.1.: Chondro-
hearing loss. Arch. Otolaryng. 92, 85-89 (1970) ectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld syndrome). Amer. J.
8. Williams, M., Fraser, F. c.: Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia - Dis. Child. 97, 473-478 (1959)
Clouston's family revisited. Can. med. Ass. J. 96, 36-38 (1967) 3. McKusick, V. A, Egeland, 1. A, Eldridge, R., Krusen, D. E.:
Dwarfism in the Amish. 1. The Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome.
Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 115,306-336 (1964)
4. Blackburn, M.G., Belliveau, R.E.: Ellis-Van Creveld syn-
drome. A report of previously undescribed anomalies in two
siblings. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 122, 267-270 (1971)
Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome 5. Caffey, J.: Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-Van Creveld
disease). Amer. 1. Roentgenol. 68, 875-886 (1952)
6. Metrakos, J.D., Fraser, F.C.: Evidence for a hereditary factor
Ellis and van Creveld described this syndrome in in chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-Van Creveld syn-
1940 [1]. Since then, more than 100 patients have drome). Amer. J. hum. Genet. 6, 250-269 (1954)
been reported in the literature [2-4]. The largest
series is from an Amish kindred [3].

Clinical Presentation. The main manifestations of

the syndrome consist of chondrodysplasia, ecto-
dermal dysplasia, polydactyly, and congenital mor-
bus cordis. The patients are dwarfed; they have
short extremities, dystrophic nails and teeth (partial
Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome 115

5.46 5.47


Fig. 5.46. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Note dwarfism. Figs. 5.47 and 5.48. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Note
(Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick) dysplastic nails. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick)
116 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Congenital Ectodermal Dysplasia Clinical Presentation. The most striking feature is

of the Face the alopecia with its onset between birth and 18
months. The skin is thin, taut, dry, wrinkled, and
(Focal-Facial-Dermal Dysplasia
"sclerodermatous." Its surface is mottled and
and Facial Ectodermal Dysplasia) brownish orange in color. The superficial blood
vessels are prominent (Figs. 5.49-5.52). Sweating is
Two syndromes which share several features are decreased. The nails are hypoplastic, brittle, curved,
included under this title. Both syndromes are char- and yellowish. Right from infancy there is gradual
acterized by the appearance, at birth, of one to ten loss of subcutaneous fat, ultimately involving the
scarlike, symmetric, and usually hyperpigmented cheeks and pubic area. In most cases there is
defects in the temporal region similar to "forceps generalized hypotrichosis with absent eyebrows and
marks" [1-3]. In both syndromes, the lateral thirds eyelashes.
of the eyebrows are sparse. In focal-facial-dermal Deficient growth is evident between 6 and 18
dysplasia, vertical linear depressions are present on months of age. At the age of 1-2 years, periarticular
the forehead [3,4] as well as clefting of the chin [4]. fibrosis develops, resulting in stiff or partially flexed
Mental retardation and possibly abdominal cancer prominent joints.
may be associated findings [4]. In the second Skeletal hypoplasia is manifested by facial hy-
syndrome, other abnormalities are present: low poplasia (resulting in craniofacial disproportion),
hairline, flat nasal bridge, fleshy nose, prominent frontal bossing, micrognathia, slim tubular bones,
epicanthic fold, absent eyelashes on the lower lids small thoracic cage, and thin calvarium. Coxa valga
and distichiasis of the upper lid, arched eyebrows, and a tendency toward ovoid vertebral bodies are
and wrinkled chin [2,3]. evident. The teeth, both deciduous and permanent,
In focal-facial-dermal dysplasia, histologic studies have a delayed eruption and are crowded. The voice
show dermal atrophy with absence of connective is high-pitched. Mental development is normal.
and adipose tissues. Bundles of striated muscle are Patients usually die of coronary heart disease dur-
present in the dermis near the epidermis [4]. Focal- ing the first or second decade of life.
facial-dermal dysplasia is determined by an auto-
somal dominant gene [3,4] and facial ectodermal Pathology and Pathophysiology. Since patients with
dysplasia by a recessive gene [2]. classic progeria resemble aged individuals, an
understanding of the pathophysiology of this di-
sease may shed important light on the aging
References process.
1. Brauer, A.: HerediUirer symmetrischer systematisierter Nae- The skin histopathology varies depending on the
vus aplasticus bei 38 Personen. Derm. Wschr. 89, 1163-1168 biopsy site and the age of the patient, but in general
(1929) shows the following [3]: hyperkeratotic atrophic
2. Setleis, H., Kramer, B., Valcarcel, M., Einhorn, A. H. : epidermis with heavy pigmentation in the basal cell
Congenital ectodermal dysplasia of the face. Pediatrics 32,
layer; decreased numbers of sebaceous glands and
540-548 (1963)
3. Jensen, N. E.: Congenital ectodermal dysplasia of the face. hair follicles; normal to slightly decreased numbers
Brit. 1. Derm. 84, 410-416 (1971) of sweat glands; prominent arrectores pilorum
4. McGeoch, A.H., Reed, W.B.: Familial focal facial dermal muscles; decreased subcutaneous fat; disorganiza-
dysplasia. Arch. Derm. 107, 591-595 (1973) tion, thickening, and "hyalinization" of collagen;
normal or decreased elastic tissue; and normal to
decreased numbers of blood vessels, frequently
with thickened walls, but without obliteration of
Syndromes with Premature Aging lumina.
Scanning electron microscopy of scalp hairs reveals
abnormal longitudinal depressions with minor
Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome)
cuticular defects manifested by loose scales. Similar
surface defects, however, may be seen in normal
In 1886 Hutchinson [1] described this condition as hairs following physical trauma [4].
"congenital absence of hair and mammary glands In the cardiovascular system, varying degrees of
with atrophic condition of the skin and its appen- generalized atherosclerosis, involving chiefly the
dages in a boy whose mother had been almost bald larger arteries, are found. The development of
from alopecia areata from the age of six." Later, atherosclerosis in these patients, however, is not
Gilford [2] termed the condition "progeria," mean- accompanied by an obvious abnormality of lipid
ing premature aging. metabolism. Coronary occlusions with myocardial
Progeria 117



Figs. 5.49-5.52. Progeria Fig. 5.50. Face. Note loss of hair and aged appearance.
(From Nora, 1.1., Fraser, F.e.: Medical genetics, p. 177.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger 1974)
Fig. 5.49. General appearance. Note striking loss of
subcutaneous fat and hypotrichosis. The patient is 15 Figs. 5.51 and 5.52. Note thin, taut skin and prominent
years old. (Courtesy of Dr. F. e. Fraser) blood vessels
118 Hyperpiasias, Apiasias, Dyspiasias, and Atrophies

infarctions are encountered more frequently than References

cerebral vascular lesions. In certain cases, however, 1. Hutchinson. 1.: Congenital absence of hair and mammary
the cardiac pathology consists of patchy and focal glands with atrophic condition of the skin and its append-
myocardial fibrosis and necrosis rather than typical ages in a boy whose mother had been almost bald from
alopecia areata from the age of six. Medico-Chirurgical
myocardial infarction [5]. There may also be an Trans. roy. Med. Chir. Soc. Lond. 69, 473-477 (1886)
accumulation of lipofuscin pigment in the myocar- 2. Gilford, H.: Progeria: a form of senilism. Practitioner 73,
dium [6]. 188-217 (1904)
Metabolic studies [7] suggest that progeria repre- 3. DeBusk, F.L.: The Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
Report of 4 cases and review of the literature. l Pediat. 80,
sents a form of mesenchymal dysplasia in which 697-724 (1972)
connective tissue cells are unresponsive to growth 4. Fleischmajer, R., Nedwich, A.: Progeria (Hutchinson-Gil-
hormone influences. It is hypothesized that this ford). Arch. Derm. 107,253-258 (1973)
failure to grow may account for the "older" collagen 5. Gabr, M., Hashem, N., Hashem, M., Fahmi, A., Safouh, M. :
which may in turn produce structural abnormalities Progeria, a pathologic study. J. Pediat. 57, 70-77 (1960)
6. Reichel, W., Garcia-Bunuel, R.: Pathologic findings in pro-
in vessel walls predisposing to atherosclerosis. geria: myocardial fibrosis and lipofuscin pigment. Amer. l
Skin fibroblast cultures have given conflicting re- clin. Path. 53, 243-253 (1970)
sults, either failure to grow [3] or a marked dimi- 7. Villee, D.B., Nichols, G., Jr., Talbot, N.B.: Metabolic studies
nution in survival [8]. Other studies, however, have in two boys with classical progeria. Pediatrics 43, 207-216
shown that cultured progeria fibroblasts have a life- 8. Goldstein, S.: Lifespan of cultured cells in progeria. Lancet
span within normal limits [9], but with a reduction 1969 1,424
in mitotic activity, DNA synthesis, and cloning 9. Martin, G. M., Sprague, C. A., Epstein, C.J.: Replicative
efficiency [10]. lifespan of cultivated human cells. Effects of donor's age,
An immune process may account for the extensive tissue and genotype. Lab. Invest. 23, 86-92 (1970)
10. Danes, B.S.: Progeria: a cell culture study on aging. l clin.
changes characteristic of progeria [11]. This obser- Invest. 50, 2000-2003 (1971)
vation is based on the presence of HL-A antigens 11. Singal, D.P., Goldstein, S.: Absence of detectable HL-A
on lymphocytes, but not on fibroblasts. Absorption antigens on cultured fibroblasts in progeria. l clin. Invest.
studies on fibroblasts with two HL-A2 antisera 52, 2259-2263 (1973)
12. Goldstein, S., Moermann, E.: Heat-labile enzymes in skin
reveal that HL-A antigens are either absent or have
fibroblasts from subjects with progeria. New. Eng!. l Med.
a drastically reduced expression on progeric 292, 1305-1309 (1975)
fibroblasts. 13. Epstein, l, Williams, J.R., Little, lB.: Deficient DNA repair
In addition, it was shown [12] that at each passage in human progeroid cells. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 70,
progeria cells clearly contained a higher mean 977-981 (1973)
14. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed.,
percentage of heat-labile G6PD and HGPRT than p.645. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
control strains. The most likely cause appears to be 15. Ayres, S., Jr., Mihan, R.: Progeria: a possible therapeutic
an aberration in protein synthesis or degradation, approach. J. Amer. med. Ass. 227, 1381-1382 (1974)
or both, although multiple somatic mutations can-
not be ruled out.
Deficient DNA repair in human progeroid cells has
also been reported [13]. Acrogeria

Inheritance. The occurrence of the disease in sib- In 1940 Gottron described two siblings with prema-
lings is suggestive of a genetic etiology; however, ture aging of the skin confined to the extremities
the pattern of inheritance is not definite. Cultures and present from birth [1].
of cells from the parents of patients showed a
somewhat reduced mitotic activity and DNA syn- Clinical Presentation. These patients have atrophy
thesis [10]. Although this favors the autosomal of the skin with telangiectasia and mottled hyper-
recessive pattern of inheritance, controversy still pigmentation on the extremities, especially the
exists [14]. backs of the hands and feet. The nails are dystro-
phic or thickened. There are no leg ulcers. Micro-
Treatment. No specific treatment is available except gnathia may be present. However, stature, scalp
for protection against trauma. Short-term growth hair, and eyes are normal [2].
hormone therapy may decrease the discomfort in
the joints [7]. Atherosclerosis develops in spite of a
special dietary regimen. Assuming that a defect in
vitamin E metabolism may be at the root of pro-
geria, vitamin E has been recommended for its
antioxidant effect [15].
Werner Syndrome 119

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The subcutaneous Werner Syndrome (Adult Progeria)

fat is reduced and may be almost absent in the most
severely affected region. The dermis is atrophic with
sparse, thin collagen bundles, but abundant elastic In 1904 Werner [1] first reported four sibs affected
fibers which appear clumped. with this disorder. It was accepted as a separate
syndrome after the paper by Oppenheimer and
Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive [2].
Kugel in 1934 [2] and the comprehensive study by
Thannhauser in 1945 [3]. More than 200 cases of
Treatment. No special treatment is available.
Werner syndrome have been reported.

Clinical Presentation. The principal characteristics

References of Werner syndrome are shortness of stature with a
1. Gottron, H. : FamiJiiire Akrogeria. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Bed.) characteristic habitus, canities, premature baldness,
181, 571-583 (1940) scleropoikiloderma, trophic ulcers of the legs, ju-
2. Gilkes, 1.J.H., Shavrill, D.E., Wells, R.S.: The premature
ageing syndromes. Report of eight cases and description of a
venile cataracts, hypogonadism, tendency to dia-
new entity named metage ria. Brit. 1. Derm. 91, 243-262 (1974) betes, osteoporosis, metastatic calcifications, a high-
pitched voice, and calcification of the blood vessels
with coronary heart disease and infarction [3].
Atrophy of the skin results in shiny, smooth, taut
Metageria skin. The principal areas of involvement are the face
and distal extremities, especially the feet. There is
In 1974 Gilkes et al. [1] described two patients who also atrophy of the underlying connective tissue,
gave the appearance of premature aging. They muscle, and fat. The nose is thin and "pinched."
called this new syndrome metageria. There may be loss of circumorbital tissue and
a troph y of the skin of the ears [4].
Clinical Presentation. The patients have a tall, thin An early and prominent feature of the skin affection
stature; birdlike, pinched face; and beaked nose. is hyperkeratosis over the bony prominences and
The skin is atrophied, especially on the limbs. There the soles. The hyperkeratoses may be dislodged to
is mottled hyperpigmentation with telangiectasia. form ulcers, especially over the heels, toes, malleoli,
The scalp hair is fine and thin. The eyes are prom- and Achilles tendons. Severe pain may ensue with
inent, but there is no true exophthalmos. The nails difficulty in walking [4]. The nails are dystrophic.
are normal. The limbs have a generalized loss of Patients with Werner syndrome have a high in-
subcutaneous fat. Ischemic leg ulcers may occur. cidence of malignancy. The two principal causes of
Pubic hair is normal, but sparse. death, which occurs between 30 and 60 years of age,
There may be early onset of diabetes mellitus. The are malignancies and vascular accidents (myocar-
libido is normal. The genitalia are of normal size. dial, cerebrovascular) [4].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. Early athero- Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is atrophy of
sclerosis is present. There are no vascular calcifi- subcutaneous fat, skin appendages, and epidermis.
cations. The skin is atrophic over the hands; there is The epidermis may be reduced to a thickness of two
hyperkeratosis over the plantar aspect of the heels or three cell layers and the rete pegs are rarely
and the balls of the feet. conspicuous. There is frequently mild or diffuse
hyperkeratosis. The basal layer of the epidermis is
Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive. generally focally hypermelanotic. Dermal fibrosis is
variable and ranges from mild subepidermal hy-
Treatment. No special treatment is available. alinization to a striking sclerodermalike picture
All patients reveal atherosclerosis of a severity not
regularly encountered in this age group. The most
1. Gilkes, J. 1. H., Sharvill, D.E., Wells, R.S.: The premature
striking of the cardiovascular lesions is the severe
ageing syndromes. Report of eight cases and description of a
new entity named metageria. Brit. 1. Derm. 91, 243-262 (1974) calcification of the aortic or mitral valve leaflets and
rings. Male patients have testicular atrophy with
hyalinized seminiferous tubules devoid of sperma-
togenic activity. Pathologic findings are noted also
in the ovaries, kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, para-
thyroid, pituitary, liver, and brain.
120 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Cultures of subcutaneous tissue grow more rapid- atrophy, and progressive nel1"rologic deterioration.
ly than those from the epidermis and dermis. After The disease is very rare; about 20 cases have been
the rapid initial period of growth, mitotic activity described [3-8].
ceases abruptly and mitotic figures can rarely be
found after 6 weeks. Cultures can be passaged at Clinical Presentation. The appearance is normal at
most five times before entering the "degenerative" birth. Growth and development proceed at a nor-
phase [4]. This may explain the short stature and mal rate in early infancy. The syndrome becomes
the "progeria." evident around the age of 2-4 years. The main
Chromosome karyotypes from leukocyte cultures manifestations are microcephaly, mental deficiency
reveal a significant number of aneuploid cells, but (IQ < 50), growth retardation, peripheral neu~o­
do not demonstrate any consistent chromosomal pathy, characteristic facial features (loss of faCIal
anomaly [4]. adipose tissue with slender nose, moderately sunken
Many consider Werner syndrome as a form of eyes, prominent maxilla), ophthalmologic abnor-
premature aging or senescence (see also Progeria, malities [3] (pigmentary retinal degeneration, optic
p. 116, and Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, p. 123). atrophy, cataracts, loss of macular reflex, nys-
Relevant information derived from the study of tagmus), deafness, endocrinologic deficiencies, and
Werner syndrome is valuable because of the im- skeletal abnormalities (disproportionately long
portance of the aging process and the pathologic limbs and large hands, restricted motion at the hip,
events associated with it [4]. However, certain knee, and ankle joints, relatively short trunk with
features associated with aging occur to a much biconvex flattening of the vertebrae, dorsal ky-
lesser degree. These include senile keratoses and phosis) (Figs. 5.53-5.55). The endocrinologic de-
other malignant lesions of the skin (basal and ficiencies are manifested by poor breast develop-
squamous cell carcinomas), senile elastosis (bas- ment in females and cryptorchidism with a feminine
ophilic degeneration of dermal collagen), hyalin- pattern of pubic hair in males [2].
ization of pancreatic islets, deposition of lipofuscin The skin reveals photosensitivity with a scaly
pigment (in hepatic cells, myocardial fibers, neu- erythematous dermatitis that develops over ex-
rons), and the presence of corpora amylasea in the posed areas such as the face, ears, hands, and legs.
brain and spinal cord. The dermatitis of the face may have a "butterfly"
distribution. Older patients may have a thickened,
I nheritance. Autosomal recessive [4]. wrinkled, freckled skin. Loss of subcutaneous fat
gradually develops during childhood. The hair is
Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic. sparse and may become prematurely gray.
By the age of 20 years, because of the neurologic
References involvement and the mental deficiency, these pa-
I. Werner, 0.: Uber Katarakt in Verbindung mit Sklerodermie. tients are unable to care for themselves and die in
Doctoral dissertation, Kiel University 1904 early adulthood from inanition and respiratory
2. Oppenheimer, B.S., Kugel, V.H.: Werner's syndrome - a infections. Laboratory investigations may reveal
heredofamilial disorder with scleroderma, bilateral juvenile increased CSF protein, diminished glomerular func-
cataracts, precocious graying of the hair and endocrine
stigmatization. Trans. Ass. Amer. Ph yens. 49, 358-370 (1934)
tion, and hyperinsulinemia. Radiologically, there
3. Thannhauser, S.l.: Werner's syndrome (progeria of the adult) may be intracranial calcifications, especially in the
and Rothmund's syndrome: two types of closely related region of the basal ganglia, a thickened calvarium,
heredofamilial atrophic dermatosis with juvenile cataracts and anterior notching of the thoracic vertebrae.
and endocrine features; a critical study with five new cases.
Ann. intern. Med. 23, 559-626 (1945)
4. Epstein, C.]., Martin, G.M., Schultz, A.L., Motulsky, A.G.: Pathology and Pathophysiology. The skin changes
Werner's syndrome. Review of its symptomatology, natural are those of photosensitivity with premature aging.
history, pathologic features, genetics and relationship to
Atrophy of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum;
natural aging process. Med. (Baltimore) 45, 177-221 (1966)
marked symmetric calcification in the cortex, basal
ganglia, and cerebellum [4]; and segmental de-
myelination in the peripheral nerves have been
observed [5]. The kidneys may show glomerular
Cockayne Syndrome and tubular abnormalities [9]. Cultured fibroblasts
from patients have less than 30 % of normal activity
In 1936 and again in 1946 Cockayne [1,2] de- of the enzyme metabolizing phytanic acid, [10].
scribed siblings with dwarfism, microcephaly, men-
tal retardation, photosensitivity of the skin, retinal Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
Cockayne Syndrome 121

5.53 5.54

Figs. 5.53-5.55. Cockayne syndrome

Fig. 5.53. General appearance of affected child. Note

long limbs. (From Windmiller, J., et al.: Amer. J. Dis.
Child. 105, 204-208, 1963)

Fig. 5.54. Photosensitive eruption of face and hands.

(Courtesy of Dr. J. Windmiller)

Fig. 5.55. Face of affected adult. Note loss of adipose

tissue, sunken eyes, and prominent maxilla. (From
Coles, W.H.: Amer. J. Ophtha!. 67, 762-764,1969) 5.55
122 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic and includes addition to irregular distribution of melanin pig-
protection from sunlight and the use of sunscreens. ment [1]. The keratotic bands show focal hyper-
Diet therapy may be tried, avoiding all foods keratosis.
containing chlorophyll, phytol, phytanic acid, or
their precursors [10]. Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant.

Treatment. No definitive treatment is available.

1. Cockayne, E. A.: Dwarfism with retinal atrophy and deaf-
ness. Arch. Dis. Child. 11, 1-8 (1936) Reference
2. Cockayne, E. A.: Case reports. Dwarfism with retinal at- 1. Weary, P.E., Hsu, Y.T., Richardson, D.R., Caravati, C.M.,
rophy and deafness. Arch. Dis. Child. 21, 52-54 (1946) Wood, B. T.: Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma. Report of
3. Coles, W.H.: Ocular manifestations of Cockayne's syn- two families with an unusual and distinctive genodermatosis.
drome. Amer. 1. Ophtha!. 67, 762-764 (1969) Arch. Derm. 100,413-422 (1969)
4. Moossy, 1.: The neuropathology of Cockayne's syndrome. J.
Neuropath. expo Neuro!. 26, 654-660 (1967)
5. Moosa, A., Dubowitz, Y.: Peripheral neuropathy in Cock-
ayne's syndrome. Arch. Dis. Child. 45, 674-677 (1970)
Hereditary Acrokeratotic Poikiloderma
6. Fujimoto, W. Y., Greene, M.L., Seegmiller, J.E.: Cockayne's
syndrome: report of a case with hyperiipoproteinemia,
hyperinsulinemia, renal disease, and normal growth hor-
mone. J. Pedial. 75, 881-884 (1969)
Weary et aI., in 1971, described ten members of a
7. Cotton, R. B., Keats, T. E., McKoy, E. E.: Abnormal blood family affected with this disorder [1].
glucose regulation in Cockayne's syndrome. Pediatrics 46,
54--60 (1970) Clinical Presentation. The usual age of onset is
8. Lanning, M., SimiHi, S.: Cockayne's syndrome. Report of a between 5 weeks and 6 months. The initial lesions
case with normal intelligence. Z. Kinderheilk. 109, 70-75
are vesicles and/or vesicopustules over the hands
9. Ohno, T., Hirooka, M.: Renal lesions in Cockayne's syn- and feet [1] and occasionally the trunk [2]. The
drome. Tohoku J. expo Med. 89, 151-166 (1966) lesions usually resolve in late childhood. In ad-
10. Lasser, A.E.: Cockayne's syndrome. Cutis 10, 143-148 dition, there is a transient, widespread, eczematous
dermatitis in flexural areas that resolves by the age
of 5 years. Predominant in the flexural areas, but
involving other areas with the exception of the face,
scalp, and ears, is a gradually increasing diffuse
poikiloderma with striate and reticulate atrophy.
Poikilodermas There is also development of keratotic lesions over
the distal extremities, including the palms, soles,
Hereditary Sclerosing Poikiloderma
elbows, and knees. These lesions are firm lichenoid
papules that persist throughout life.
Weary et aI. called attention to this syndrome in
1969 [1]. Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the epidermis
there is focal spongiosis and micro vesicles with
Clinical Presentation. There is extensive, mottled areas of hydropic degeneration. of the basal cell
pigmentation appearing before the age of 4 years layer. There are focal subepidermal, periappen-
and gradually increasing in severity. The upper dageal, and perivascular inflammatory infiltrates.
chest, face, and scalp are usually not involved. This The histologic features of the nonvesicular lesions
mottled appearance is associated with skin atrophy show epidermal atrophy, irregular pigmentation of
and telangiectasia, especially over the knees, el- the basal cell layer, incontinence of pigment, and
bows, and interphalangeal joints. In the flexural mild perivascular inflammation. The acrokeratotic
regions of the axillae, antecubital fossae, and to a lesions show localized hyperkeratosis and irregular
lesser extent the popliteal fossae, the mottling is acanthosis [1].
associated with reticulated and linear hyperkera- There is a consistent elevation of IgG levels in
totic and sclerotic bands. The palmar and plantar affected individuals, and in some there is a positive
skin is sclerotic with irregular surfaces. Clubbing of test for rheumatoid factor. The significance of these
the fingers and late-onset soft tissue calcification abnormalities is not clear [1]. .
are other findings [1].
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [1, 2].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is homogeni-
zation of the collagen and decreased elastic tissue in Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome 123

References osis, microcephaly, and mental retardation [3,4].

1. Weary, P.E., Manley, W.F., Jr., Graham, G.F.: Hereditary Hypogonadism with cryptorchidism may also be
acrokeratotic poikiloderma. Arch. Derm. 103,409-422 (1971) present in male patients. Females often suffer from
2. Aguade, J.P., Herrero, C, Castello, CA., Grimait, F., Rueda
amenorrhea [4].
Plata, L. A.: Congenital poikiloderma with vesiculobullous
lesions: problems in classification of hereditary poikilo-
dermas. Med. Cutanea 6, 417-435 (1972) Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the early stages,
there is mild atrophy of the epidermis and hydropic
degeneration of the basal cell layer with pigmentary
incontinence. In the upper dermis, the capillaries
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome are dilated and there is an infiltrate of chronic
inflammatory cells and melanophages. Later, there
(Poikiloderma Congenitale) is compact hyperkeratosis overlying an atrophic
epidermis. The rete ridges are effaced. The dermal
In 1868 Rothmund [1] described several children capillaries are dilated. Melanophages persist, but
with cataracts and a peculiar degeneration of the there is no inflammatory infiltrate. Elastic fibers are
skin. In 1923 Thomson [2] described sisters who fragmented. Bowenoid dyskeratosis of the epider-
had poikiloderma congenitale, but no cataracts. mis heralds carcinomatous changes [8, 9].
Since the skin biopsy showed a type of hyper-
keratosis similar to that described by Rothmund, Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [4].
the eponym of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome was
coined. By 1966 more than 50 patients affected with Treatment. Visual impairment due to the cataracts
this syndrome had been described [3]. or degenerative changes of the cornea may be
successfully treated surgically. Protection against
Clinical Presentation. The most characteristic fea- sunlight and the use of sunscreens are essential.
tures are the abnormalities of the skin and eyes. Surgical excision of carcinomas is indicated.
The skin lesions may be present at birth, but usually
appear during the first 6 months of life. They start
on the face, then spread to the ears, buttocks, and References
extremities, and finally to the whole body. The skin 1. Rothmund, A.: Uber Katarakt in Verbindung mit einer
changes start with an erythema of the cheeks which eigentiimlichen Hautdegeneration. Albrecht v. Graefes Arch.
Ophthal. 14, 159-182 (1868)
later assumes a marmoreal appearance. The follow- 2. Thomson, M.S.: An hitherto undescribed familial disease.
ing lesions may be seen, sometimes in the same Brit. J. Derm. 35, 455-462 (1923)
area: linear telangiectases, brown pigmentation, 3. Silver, H.K.: Rothmund-Thomson syndrome: an oculocu-
depigmentation, and punctate atrophy. Bullae may taneous disorder. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 111, 182-190 (1966)
develop on exposure to sunlight [3, 4]. Occasional- 4. Taylor, W. B.: Rothmund's syndrome-Thomson's syndrome.
Congenital poikiloderma with or without juvenile cataracts: a
ly, hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles may be review of the literature, report of a case, and discussion of the
present with verrucous lesions [5]. The skin lesions relationship of the two syndromes. Arch. Derm. 75,236-244
are progressive in the first years of life, but later (1957)
remain stationary. In adults, carcinomatous changes 5. Kanitakis, C, Ktenides, M. A.: Lesions keratosiques et ver-
ruqueuses au cours du syndrome de Thomson. Ann. Derm.
of the skin may occur. The hair is sparse and
Syph. (Paris) 99, 269-276 (1972)
prematurely gray. Some patients have total alopecia. 6. Fran<;ois, J.: Syndromes with congenital cataract. Trans.
In about one-fourth of the patients, the nails may Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 64, 433-471 (1960)
be small, rough, ridged, and atrophic [4] (Figs. 7. Wahl, J.W., Ellis, P.P.: Rothmund-Thomson syndrome.
5.56-5.60). Amer. J. Ophthal. 60, 722-726 (1965)
8. Rook, A., Davis, R., Stevanovic, D.: Poikiloderma con-
Zonular cataracts are the most frequent ophthalmic genitale; Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. Acta derm.-
lesions [6]. They develop in half of the patients and venereol. (Stockh.) 39, 392-420 (1959)
are usually bilateral. Although these may appear as 9. Tritsch, H., Lischka, G.: Zur Histopathologie der kongeni-
early as 4 months of age, they are usually noted by talen Poikilodermie Thomson. Z. Haut- u. Geschl.-Kr. 43
(Suppl.), 155-166 (1968)
the age of 6 years. Degenerative, dystrophic changes
of the cornea have also been described [4, 7] (Fig.
Frequently, these patients have microdontia or
malformations of the teeth with failure to erupt.
They may also present with short stature, abnormal-
ities of the limbs (asymmetry, syndactyly, ectro-
dactyly), cystic or sclerotic skeletal changes, scoli-
124 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies





Figs. 5.56-5.60. Rothmund-Thomson syndrome

Fig. 5.56. Face. Note cataracts and erythema of the

cheeks with cutis marmorata. (From Silver, H. K. :
Amer. J. Dis. Child. 111, 182-190, 1966)

Fig. 5.57. Poikilodermatous changes over the fore- 5.6C

arms and buttocks. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick,
from Nissim, 1. E.: In: The clinical delineation of Figs. 5.58-5.60. Note atrophic nails and the skin changes
birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, comprising hyper- and hypopigmentation with punctate
pt. XII, pp. 294-295. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins atrophy. (From Silver, H. K.: Amer. J. Dis. Child. 111,
Co., 1971) 182- 190,1966)
Cutis Verticis Gyrata 125

Cutis Verticis Gyrata The folds of the scalp in this syndrome character-
istically have a longitudinal rather than transverse
orientation [4]. The contiguous skin of the neck is
Cutis verticis gyrata is a descriptive term for hyper- not involved. Dermatoglyphic studies show split-
plasia and folding of the scalp. Such a morphologic ting of many of the epidermal ridges in the midline
picture is part of several inherited syndromes. of the ridges [4]. Inheritance is autosomal

Cutis Verticis Gyrata
An inherited and an acquired form are known. The with Mental Deficiency
former manifests in the teens, the latter in later
adulthood. The extent of skin changes in cutis verticis gyrata
varies from severe, in which 15 or more ridges are
Clinical Presentation. The skin changes begin in the present, to mild, in which the folds are barely
teens and consist of cutis verticis gyrata (with noticeable. In a Swedish study, these changes are
folding and furrowing of the forehead and cheeks as reported to be associated with mental deficiency (IQ
well), increased oiliness of the facial skin [1, 2], below 30~35) [5]. Other abnormalities are epilepsy,
thickened skin over the hands and feet [1, 2], and cerebral palsy, eye defects (strabismus, cataract,
palmoplantar hyperhidrosis [1] (Figs. 5.61 ~ 5.64). nystagmus, keratoconus), microcephaly, and short
Other findings are columnar, thick extremities, stature [5]. The chromosomal pattern is normal
clubbing of the fingers and toes, and arthropathy [6]. Inheritance is probably autosomal recessive.
[2]. Periosteal thickening is demonstrable ra- In another Swedish study, five males in three sib-
diologically, but there is no increase in sellar size ships have thyroid aplasia as a common feature of
nor in endochondral bone growth [3]. cutis verticis gyrata and mental deficiency [7]. The
The skin and skeletal changes progress until the inheritance seems to be X-linked [7].
third decade when they usually become stationary.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main features References

are hyperplasia of sebaceous and eccrine glands,
1. Rimoin, D.L.: Pachydermoperiostosis (idiopathic clubbing
thickening of the dermis, and, at the sites of the and periostosis). Genetic and physiologic considerations. New
folds, a dense collection of fibrocytes with increased Eng!. 1. Med. 272, 923-931 (1965)
formation of collagen and acid mucopolysaccha- 2. Hambrick, G. W., Jr., Carter, D.M.: Pachydermoperiostosis.
rides [2]. Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome. Arch. Derm. 94, 594-608
3. Harbison, lB., Nice, C.M., Jr.: Familial pachydermo-
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [1]. periostosis presenting as an acromegaly-like syndrome.
Amer. J. Roentgeno!. 112, 532-536 (1971)
4. Rosenthal, l W., Kloepfer, H. W.: An acromegaloid, cutis
Treatment. Plastic surgery may be helpful for cos- verticis gyrata, corneal leukoma syndrome. A new medical
metic purposes. entity. Arch. Ophtha!. 68, 722-726 (1962)
5. Akesson, H.O.: Cutis verticis gyrata and mental deficiency in
Sweden. I. Epidemiologic and clinical aspects. Acta med.
scand. 175, 115-127 (1964)
6. Akesson, H.O.: Cutis verticis gyrata and mental deficiency in
Sweden. II. Genetic aspects. Acta med. scand. 177, 459--464
Acromegaloid Changes, (1965)
Cutis Verticis Gyrata, 7. Akesson, H.O.: Cutis verticis gyrata, thyroaplasia and mental
and Corneal Leukoma deficiency. Acta Genet. med. (Roma) 14, 200-204 (1965)

The syndrome consists of three components: cor-

neal leukomas, acromegaloid features, and cutis
verticis gyrata [4]. The cornealleukomas begin in
childhood and may be un i- or bilateral. The entire
cornea becomes involved, leading to blindness.
The acromegalic features include large hands and
feet, tall stature, and prominent frontal bones.
126 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

5.61 5.62

Other Disorders
Acanthosis Nigricans

Curth [1, 2] has delineated the various types of

acanthosis nigricans: the genetically determined
"benign" type; benign acanthosis nigricans as-
sociated with a variety of syndromes; pseudoacan-
tho sis nigricans associated with obesity or gigan-
tism; and the malignant type which is constantly
associated with malignant disease. This discussion
is restricted to the inherited variety.

Clinical Presentation. The hallmark of the disease is

a darkened, thickened skin with accentuated mark-
ings and a velvety feel. The usual sites of involve-
ment are the neck, face, axillae, and groin (Figs.
5.65-5.68). Other intertriginous surfaces may also
5.63 be involved. Soft papillomatous and verrucous pa-
pules and nodules may appear in the involved
Figs. 5.61-5.63. Cutis verticis gyrata. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. areas. Occasionally the mucous membranes, espe-
cially the buccal mucosa, may be affected (Fig. 5.68).
Alopecia, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, and stri-
ated brittle nails have been observed in some
Congenital Localized Absence of Skin 127

Fig. 5.64. Hyperkeratotic lesions on the palms in

pachydermoperiostosis. Cutis verticis gyrata may
be an associated finding. See text, p. 125. (Courtesy
of Dr. 1. Zeligman)


patients with acanthosis nigricans. Ocular involve- References

ment is manifested by loss of luster of the con- 1. Curth, H.O. : The necessity of distinguishing four types of
juctiva, which is hypertrophied and hyperpigmen- acanthosis nigricans. Proceedings of the XlIIth international
congress of dermatology. Jadassohn, W., Schirren, C. G. (eds.),
ted [3].
Vol. 1, pp. 557-558. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer
The disorder usually becomes apparent during 1968
childhood and increases in severity until puberty. 2. Curth, H.O., Aschner, B.M.: Genetic studies on acanthosis
After puberty it may be stationary or show a nigricans. Arch. Derm. 79, 55- 56 (1959)
gradual diminution. 3. Lamba, P. A., Lal, S.: Ocular changes in benign acanthosis
nigricans. Dermatologica (Basel) 140, 356-361 (1970)
Acanthosis nigricans may be a part of a number of
inherited syndromes: Bloom syndrome (p. 140),
Crouzon syndrome, Seip syndrome (p. 130), de-
generative disorder of the pyramidal tracts, and Congenital Localized Absence of Skin
phenylketonuria (p. 264) [1].
Bart et al. first described this entity in 1966' in a
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The epidermis is kindred of 103 direct descendants of one affected
hyperkeratotic and papillomatous with irregular person [1].
acanthosis and atrophy.
Clinical Presentation. The affected individual is
born with a defect of the skin of the lower extrem-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. ities, particularly the feet and medial surfaces of
the lower legs and ankles [1, 2]. The affected areas
are slightly depressed with a glistening moist base
Treatment. There is no treatment. Keratolytics may (Fig. 5.69). There is gradual healing by regrowth of
give some cosmetic improvement. epidermis from the border, leaving a fine scar [1, 2].
128 Hyperplasias, Apiasias, Dyspiasias, and Atrophies

Blistering of the skin and mucous membranes ap- Reference

pears in infancy and usually follows trauma [1, 2]. 1. Lamy, M., Maroteaux, P.: Acro-osteolyse dominante. Arch.
Bullae occur predominantly on the hands and feet. franc;. Pediat. 18,693-702 (1961)
Healing is without scar formation. Many of the
affected individuals have absent nails, lose their
nails later on, or develop deformities in the form of
"heaped up," yellowish gray discolorations or Sclero-Atrophic and Keratotic Dermatosis
onychogryphosis [1, 2]. of the Limbs (Sclerotylosis)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. In one patient with
epidermolysis bullosa and congenital localized ab- In 1967 Mennecier [1 J described this degenerative
sence of the skin, the bulla was due to cleavage sclero-atrophic and keratodermic genodermatosis
within the basal cell layer while the basement of the extremities. Later, Huriez et al. [2J presented
membrane was intact on the dermal side [3]. two families with 42 affected members out of a
total of 132.
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [2].
Clinical Presentation. The skin lesions are sym-
Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
metric and exclusively localized on the hands and
feet. The entity consists of a triad [2J: (a) diffuse
sclero-atrophy of the hands, varying from simple
1. Bart, B.J., Godin, R.J., Anderson, V.E., Lynch, F.W.: atrophic erythrocyanotic areas to frank sclero-
Congenital localized absence of skin and associated abnorma-
lities resembling epidermolysis bullosa. A new syndrome.
dactyly; (b) hypoplastic nail dystrophy, varying
Arch. Derm. 93, 296-304 (1966) from koilonychia to plationychia to total aplasia;
2. Bart, B. J. : Congenital localized absence of skin, blistering and and (c) mild lamellar keratodermia, more accen-
nail abnormalities, a new syndrome. In: The clinical de- tuated in the palms than the soles and very well-
lineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. circumscribed, sparing the wrist and the Achilles
XII, pp. 118-120. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
3. Bart, B.J.: Epidermolysis bullosa and congenital localized tendon.
absence of skin. Arch. Derm. 101,78-81 (1970) There are no mucosal lesions or radiologic signs.
The disease is identifiable at birth and remains
stationary throughout adulthood. Squamous cell
carcinoma is a serious complication and bowel
Aero-Osteolysis cancer is a frequent cause of death [2].
The disease should be distinguished from sclero-
In 1961 Lamy and Maroteaux [lJ described a derma and palmoplantar keratodermia of the
dominant form of this disease in a mother and son. Thost-Unna type.

Clinical Presentation. Onset is around 6 years of Pathology and Pathophysiology. The lesions are
age. Slowly progressive osteolysis of the phalanges nonspecific with orthokeratosis, numerous conges-
in the hands and feet is associated with recurrent ted capillaries, and sparse lymphocytic infiltrates.
ulcers of the fingers and soles, elimination of bone The degeneration is always of the spinocellular
sequestra, and healing with loss of toes or fingers. type, but greatly polymorphic.
There is no basilar impression or other change in
the skull or long bones to suggest the Cheney Inheritance. Autosomal dominant, with complete
syndrome. penetrance. Linkage with the MNS blood group
locus has been established [1,2J, the two genes
probably being located on chromosome No.2 [3].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The pathophysi-
ology of the condition is not clear. There may be
Treatment. The treatment is symptomatic, almlllg
hypervascularization at the place where the osseous
more specifically at the malignancies.
tissue has disappeared. This suggests a vascular
origin for the disease. However, these vascular
anomalies are considered to be secondary and
other observations support a neurologic origin.
1. Mennecier, M.: Individualisation d'une nouvelle entite: ia
genodermatose scJero-atrophiante et keratodermique des ex-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [1]. tremites, frequemment degenerative. Etude cJinique et ge-
netique (possibilite de linkage avec Ie systeme MNS). These de
Treatment. No specific treatment is available. doctorat, Universite de Lille 1967
Acanthosis Nigricans 129

5.65 5.66

5.67 5.68
Figs. 5.65-5.68. Acanthosis nigricans. Axilla, neck, and sides of the mouth

Fig. 5.69. Congenital localized absence

of skin. Depressed, well-defined, glis-
tening area on the right leg
130 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

2. Huriez, c., Deminati, M., Agache, P., Delmas-Marsalet, Y., lower extremities. There is no evidence of a genetic
Mennecier, M.: Genodermatose sclero-atrophiante et kera- etiology for either the acquired generalized or the
todermique des extremites. Ann. Derm. Syph. (paris) 96,
135-146 (1969)
partial type [9].
3. Lambert, D., Nivelon-Chevallier, A., Chapuis, J.-L.: Geno-
dermatose sclero-atrophiante et keratodermique des extre- Pathology and Pathophysiology, The pathogenesis
mites. J. Genet. Hum. 26, 25-31 (1978) of congenital generalized lipodystrophy remains un-
known. Rather than a primary abnormality of the
adipose tissue, a diencephalic disturbance is sugges-
ted in most cases. [10].
Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy
(Berardinelli Syndrome, Seip Syndrome) Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3].

In 1946 Lawrence [1] reported a patient with total Treatment. Management of the hyperglycemia and
absence of subcutaneous fat. In 1954 Berardinelli [2] hyperlipemia is recommended. Both conditions im-
reported two additional cases of the syndrome. By prove with age.
1975 about 50 patients affected with this syndrome
had been reported [3]. References
1. Lawrence, R. D.: Lipodystrophy and hepatomegaly with
Clinical Presentation. The most characteristic clini- diabetes, lipaemia, and other metabolic disturbances. A case
cal findings are the following: paucity of sub- throwing new light on the action of insulin. Lancet 19461,
cutaneous fat noted early in infancy, hypertrichosis 724-731
2. Berardinelli, W.: An undiagnosed endocrinometabolic syn-
with curly scalp hair, general increase in pigmen- drome: report of 2 cases. J. clin. Endocr. 14, 193-204 (1954)
tation, acanthosis nigricans, prominent muscles, 3. Najjar, S. S., Salem, G. M., Idriss, Z. H.: Congenital genera-
relatively large hands and feet, hepatomegaly, en- lized lipodystrophy. Acta paediat. scand. 64, 273-279 (1975)
largement of penis or clitoris, and mental retar- 4. Brunzell, 1. D., Shankle, S. W., Bethune, 1. E.: Congenital
generalized lipodystrophy accompanied by cystic angio-
dation (Figs. 5.70-5.73). Systemic cystic angioma- matosis. Ann. intern. Med. 69,501-516 (1968)
tosis may accompany the syndrome [4]. 5. Wesenberg, R.L., Gwinn, J.L., Barnes, G. R., Jr.: The roent-
X-rays reveal advanced skeletal maturation, epi- genographic findings in total lipodystrophy. Amer. 1.
physeal hypertrophy, thickening of diaphyseal cor- Roentgenol. 103, 154-164 (1968)
tices, and mild metaphyseal sclerosis of the long 6. Seip, M., Trygstad, 0.: Generalized lipodystrophy. Arch. Dis.
Child. 38, 447-453 (1963)
bones [5]. Serum growth hormone, insulin, tri- 7. Senior, B., Gellis, S. S. : The syndromes of total lipodystrophy
glyceride, and free fatty acid levels are usually and of partial lipodystrophy. Pediatrics 33, 593-612 (1964)
increased. Hyperglycemia is present in all affected 8. Senior, B., Loridan, L.: Fat cell function and insulin in a
adults, but occurs rarely in children [6-8]. patient with generalized lipodystrophy. 1. Pediat. 74,972-975
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a pro-
9. Salem, G.M., Najjar, S.S., Zeynoun, S.T., Farah, F.S.:
gressive disease. Insulin resistance, glucose intoler- Lipodystrophy. Lebanese med. 1. .26, 259-267 (1973)
ance, elevation of plasma immunoreactive insulin, 10. Seip, M.: Generalized lipodystrophy. Ergebn. inn. Med.
and abnormal human growth hormone homeos- Kinderheilk. 31, 59-95 (1971)
tasis are absent in infancy but appear with age.
Although the accelerated growth and bony matu-
ration, the muscle hypertrophy, and the enlarge-
ment of the phallus are suggestive of androgen
effect, the androgens and gonadotropins are not Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
elevated. Fatty infiltration ofthe liver also increases (Treacher Collins Syndrome,
with age. Cirrhosis with esophageal varices may be
Franceschetti-Z wahlen-Klein Syndrome)
the cause of death.
There are two other types of lipodystrophy: the
acquired generalized type and the partial or cephal- In 1889 Berry [1] described two patients, a mother
othoracic type. The acquired generalized lipo- and daughter, with notched eyelids and a down-
dystrophy differs from the congenital generalized ward palpebral slant. In 1900 Treacher Collins [2]
type in the early onset of its manifestations, its reported two patients with a similar appearance
greater severity, and its association with a more and emphasized the underdevelopment of the malar
rapid, progressive insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus bones. In 1914 Franceschetti and Zwahlen [3] and
and cirrhosis. The partial lipodystrophy presents in 1949 Franceschetti and Klein [4] described
with loss of fat involving mainly the face and the additional cases of the syndrome, with severe facial
trunk but sparing the hips, the buttocks, and the anomalies. Although the descriptive term of "man-
Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy 131

5.70 5.71

5.72 5.73

Figs. 5.70-5.73. Congenital generalized lipodystrophy

Fig. 5.70. General view. Note hepatosplenomegaly. Fig. 5.72. Note hirsutism and curly hair. (From Najjar,
(From Najjar, S.S., et al.: Acta paediat. scand. 64, S. S., et al. : Acta paediat. scand. 64, 273-279, 1975)
273-279, 1975)
Fig. 5.73. Note sunken cheeks and acanthosis nigricans of
Fig. 5.71. Facial features of several unrelated patients. the neck. (From Najjar, S.S., et al.: Acta paediat. scand.
Note striking similarities and curly hair in most of them. 64, 273-279, 1975)
(From Najjar, S.S., et al.: Acta paediat. scand. 64,
273- 279, 1975)
132 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

dibulofacial dysostosis" was introduced, several 5. Rogers, B.O.: Berry-Treacher Collins syndrome: a review
eponyms are still used. The most common of these of 200 cases (mandibulo-facial dysotosis: Franceschetti-
Zwahlen-Klein syndrome). Brit. J. plast. Surg. 17, 109~137
is Treacher Collins syndrome. More than 200 cases (1964)
of the syndrome have been described [5, 6]. 6. Fernandez, AO., Ronis, M.L.: The Treacher-Collins syn-
drome. Arch. Otolaryng. 80, 505~520 (1964)
7. Fazen, L.E., Elmore, 1., Nadler, H.L.: Mandibulo-facial
Clinical Presentation. The most characteristic dysostosis (Treacher-Collins syndrome). Amer. 1. Dis. Child.
anomalies involve the face, in general, and the eyes, 113,405-410 (1967)
in particular.
The most common abnormalities of the eyes are a
downward palpebral slant, eyelid and iris col-
obomas, and microphthalmia.
The general facial anomalies are hypoplasia of the Dyskeratosis Congenita
malar and zygoma areas and a small, retracted chin. (Zinsser-Cole-Engman Syndrome)
About half of the patients have abnormalities of the
external ear and atresia of the external auditory
meatus. The patients with external ear anomalies Although widely distributed, this is a rare disorder.
may also have middle and inner ear defects (Figs. It was first reported by Zinsser in 1906 [1J and
5.74-5.77). affects predominantly males.
Consequent to the malar hypoplasia, the palate is
narrow and high, and the teeth are crowded and Clinical Presentation. The main manifestations are
malaligned. There may be abnormal hair patterns. hyperpigmentation of the skin, nail dystrophy, and
The terminal hair may extend to the cheeks in a oral leukokeratosis. These appear around puberty
tongue-shaped process; in a few cases, circumscribed and are well-developed during the second decade.
cicatricial alopecia may be present. The skin is gray-brown with a reticulate lacy pat-
Most patients have a normal intelligence. tern simulating poikiloderma, involving usually the
X-rays show poor development of the maxilla, face, neck, and trunk, but occasionally becoming
malar bones, zygoma, mandible, middle ear ossicles, more widespread. There may be generalized hyper-
and paranasal sinuses. pigmentation; deforming atrophic changes of the
hands, elbows, knees, and feet with traumatic for-
mation of bullae; and dystrophic nails, with longi-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The hereditary de-
tudinal grooves or complete atrophy. There is
fect involves structures derived from the first bran- palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and hyperhidrosis.
chial area. The hair may be sparse.
The leukokeratosis of the oral mucosa, especially
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [7]. the buccal and lingual areas, appears as glazed
white patches. Erosions and bullae may also ap-
Treatment. Since the intelligence is normal, the pear. Similar mucosal involvement may be found in
deafness should be recognized early and corrected the anogenital areas and possibly the gastrointes-
with hearing aids or surgery to ensure normal tinal tract. Other manifestations include epiphora
development. After childhood, cosmetic surgery for due to obliteration of the lacrimal puncta; ec-
the facial appearance can be attempted, sometimes tropion of the lower eyelids with loss of cilia;
with striking improvement. bullous conjunctivitis; transparent tympanic mem-
branes; dysphagia; dental dystrophies (poorly alig-
ned teeth, pyorrhea, gingivitis, caries); urogenital
anomalies (hyperpigmentation of the penis, urethral
References. bleeding, partial atresia of the meatus, small testes,
1. Berry, G. A: Note on a congenital defect (?coloboma) of the atrophic bands on penis); frail skeletal structure;
lower lid. R. Lond. Ophthalmic Hosp. Rep. 12, 255~257 (1889) mental retardation; malnourished appearance;
2. Treacher Collins, E.: Case with symmetrical congenital not-
small sella turcica; heart block; enlargement of the
ches in the outer part of each lower lid and defective
development of the malar bones. Trans. ophthal. Soc. UK. 20, left atrium; low blood pressure; splenomegaly; and
190-192 (1900) premature graying of hair [2, 3]. Furthermore, there
3. Franceschetti, A, Zwahlen, P.: Un syndrome nouveau: la may be anemia and pancytopenia. Some patients
dysostose mandibulo-faciale. Bull. schweiz. Akad. med. Wiss. develop Fanconi anemia.
1,60-66 (1944)
4. Franceschetti, A, Klein, D. : The mandibulo-facial dysostosis.
Affected individuals have a poor prognosis because
A new hereditary syndrome. Acta ophthal. (Kbh.) 27, 143~224 of the development of either a blood dyscrasia or
(1949) carcinoma in the areas of leukoplakia.
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis 133

5.74 5.75

5.76 5.77

Figs. 5.74 and 5.75. Mandibulofacial dysostosis. Affected Figs. 5.76 and 5.77. Mandibulofacial dysostosis. Milder
father and child. Note downward palpebral slant, striking forms of the syndrome. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C Fraser, from
hypoplasia of the malar and zygoma areas, and abnormal Nora, 1.1., Fraser, F.C: Medical genetics, p. 123. Phila-
pinnae. The father has a hearing aid on the left side. delphia: Lea & Febiger 1974)
(Courtesy of Dr. F.C. Fraser)

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic ap- ratosis, marked focal acanthosis, and normally
pearance of the skin is not diagnostic. The changes oriented epithelial cells [3].
include atrophy of the epidermis, hydropic de-
Inheritance. X-linked recessive.
generation of the basal cells, some homogenization
of the collagen, and dilated capillaries in the upper Treatment.There is no specific treatment. The pa-
dermis [3]. In the upper dermis there may be non- tients should be kept under observation for early
iron-bearing cells that are strongly dopa-positive detection of malignant changes and institution of
[2]. The mucosal lesions exhibit slight parake- the appropriate treatment.
134 Hyperpiasias, Apiasias, Dyspiasias, and Atrophies

Dyskeratosis Congenita Pathology and Pathophysiology. Light microscopy

(Scoggins Type) of the skin reveals slight irregular atrophy of the
epidermis with shortening of the rete pegs and
thinning of the malpighian layers. The stratum
One kindred has been described in which the main corneum has a basket weave appearance. The basal
features of dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser-Cole- layer shows focal vacuolization of the cells and
Engman syndrome), skin hyperpigmentation, nail disorganization of the cell layers. The epidermo-
dystrophy, and oral leukokeratosis, are associated dermal junction is somewhat blurred in some areas.
with hematologic, immunologic, and chromosomal Elastotic degeneration of the collagen is noted in
changes very similar to those of Fanconi anemia the dermis [1].
(see p. 237) [4]. Other features encountered in this
family are absent fingerprints, scanty hair, poor Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive [2].
dentition, absent lacrimal puncta, and palmar hy-
perkeratosis. Inheritance in this syndrome is proba- Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
bly autosomal dominant.
References 1. Fitch, N., Pinsky, L., Lachance, R.C.: A form of bird-headed
1. Zinsser, F.: Atrophia cutis reticularis cum pigmentatione, dwarfism with features of premature senility. Amer. l Dis.
dystrophia unguium et leukoplakia oris. Ikonogr. Derm. 219 Child. 120,260--264 (1970)
(1906) 2. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., p.
2. Costello, M.l, Buncke, C.M.: Dyskeratosis congenita. Arch. 436. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
Derm. 73, 123-132 (1956)
3. Sorrow, lM., Jr., Hitch, J.M.: Dyskeratosis congenita. First
report of its occurrence in a female and a review of the
literature Arch. Derm. 88, 340--347 (1963) Pterygium Syndrome
4. Scoggins, RB., Prescott, K.l, Asher, G.H., Blaylock, W.K.,
Bright, R W.: Dyskeratosis congenita with Fanconi-type
anemia: investigations of immunologic and other defects.
Clinical Presentation. This syndrome comprises
Clin. Res. 19,409 (1971)
webbing of the neck and the antecubital and pop-
liteal fossae, along with dystopia canthorum, sternal
deformity, and male hypogonadism. Cutaneous de-
pressions may be present on the back of the elbows
Bird-Headed Dwarfism and front of the knees [1, 2].
(Montreal Type)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Unknown.

In 1970 Fitch et al. [1] described a form of bird- Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. X-linked domi-
headed dwarfism clearly distinct from the Seckel nant inheritance is suggested in the report of a
type. family [3].

Clinical Presentation. The following features are Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
characteristic of this syndrome: proportionate
dwarfism, premature senility with premature gray-
ing and loss of scalp hair; increased number of References
minor palmar creases with redundant and wrinkled 1. Norum, R.A., James, V.L., Mabry, C.C.: Pterygium syn-
skin of the palms (Fig. 5.78); deficiency of sub- drome in three children in a recessive pedigree pattern. In:
The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
cutaneous tissue and profuse sweating; prominent Vol. V, No.2, pt. II, pp. 233-235. Baltimore: Williams &
beaked nose and micrognathia (birdlike face); low- Wilkins Co. 1969
set ears with abnormal pinnae; low posterior hair- 2. Srivastana, R N.: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. Case
line; blepharoptosis; and cryptorchidism [1] (Fig. report of two siblings. Clin. Pediat. (philadelphia) 7, 691-694
5.79). 3. Carnevale, A., Hernandez, A. L., De los Cobos, L.: Sindrome
Radiograms reveal osteoporotic bones and coarse de pterygium familiar con probable transmission dominante
trabeculae. The epiphyses are closed and C-6 and C- ligada al cromosoma X. Rev. Invest. Clin. 25, 237-244 (1973)
7 vertebrae are fused. The vertebrae also have
diminished anteroposterior diameter and accen-
tuated height. The spine has a slight scoliosis. The
karyotype is normal.
Bird-Headed Dwarfism 135


Fig. 5.78. Bird-headed dwarfism. Wrinkled palmar skin

with increased creases. (From Fitch, N., et al.: Amer. 1. Dis.
Child.f20, 260-264,1970)

Fig. 5.79. Bird-headed dwarfism. Note prominent beaked

nose, micrognathia, low-set ears with abnormal pinnae, low
posterior hairline, and some loss of scalp hair. (From
Fitch, N., et al.: Amer. J. Dis. Child. f20, 260-264, 1970) 5.79
136 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Congenital Absence of the Breasts Supernumerary Nipples

and Nipples
Polymastia (supernumerary breasts) and supernu-
Clinical Presentation. In 1965 Trier [1] reviewed the merary nipples follow a pattern suggestive of auto-
literature dealing with the absence of breasts and somal dominant inheritance [1]. In females, the
nipples. He collected 43 cases and divided them into extra breasts enlarge in pregnancy and lactation.
3 groups: (a) absence of breasts with ectodermal
defects involving the skin, sweat glands, hair, and Reference
teeth; (b) unilateral absence of the corresponding 1. Klinkerfuss. G.H.: Four generations of polymastia. 1. Amer.
pectoral muscles; and (c) bilateral absence of the med. Ass. 82,1247-1248 (1924)
breasts (Figs. 5.80 and 5.81) associated with congen-
ital anomalies (atrophy of the pectoral muscles,
anomalies of the limbs, sparse axillary and pubic
Inverted Nipples
hair, short stature, hypertelorism, high-arched or
cleft palate). Even with pubertal changes, as eviden-
ced by the cytology of the vaginal mucosa and the Inverted nipples (mammilla invert ita) follow the
presence of follicle-stimulating hormone in the autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance [1].
urine of female patients, breast tissue does not
develop [2].
1. Romanus, T.: A pedigree showing the incidence of malfor-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Absence of breast mation of the nipples. Acta Genet. Statist. Med. 1, 168-173
tissue results from failure of the pectoral portions of (1948)
the mammary ridges to develop [1].

Inheritance. Absence of breasts associated with an-

hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia follows the X-linked
Gardner Syndrome
recessive pattern of inheritance. The inheritance of (Intestinal Polyposis III)
the other types is not clear. Pedigrees consistent
with either dominant [3,4] or recessive [5] inheri- In 1953 Gardner and Richards [1] reported in one
tance have been reported. family the association of multiple polyposis of the
colon with cystic lesions of the skin, fibrous tissue
Treatment. Treatment is surgical. When absence of tumors, and osteomatosis. Although this was not
breast tissue is not associated with other grossly the first report of such an association, it is
deforming features, early reconstruction is desir- Gardner's thorough evaluation and further reports
able. Construction of nipples should be performed that established this syndrome as a definite genetic
preferably before acute consciousness of the deform- entity [2].
ity causes distress for both child (boy or girl) and
parents. For girls in the adolescent period, Silastic Clinical Presentation. The most important feature
gel-filled breast prostheses may be implanted III of Gardner syndrome is multiple polyposis of the
cases of total absence of breast tissue [1]. colon and rectum. Usually the polyps are relatively
asymptomatic until malignancy develops, although
melena, anemia, diarrhea, or vague abdominal
pains may occur [3].
References The disfiguring cutaneous lesions are either se-
1. Trier, W.C.: Complete breast absence. Case report and review baceous or epidermal inclusion cysts and may be
of the literature. Plast. reconstr. Surg. 36,430-439 (1965) present from infancy (Fig. 5.82). In the majority of
2. Tawil, H. M., Najjar, S. S. : Congenital absence of the breasts.
cases they arise on the scalp and face. In many they
J. Pediat. 73,751-753 (1968)
3. Fraser, F. c.: Dominant inheritance of absent nipples and are observed on the trunk, scrotum, and extremities.
breasts. In: Novant' anni delle leggi mendeliane, pp. 360--362. The number and size of the cysts may increase
Rome: Instituto Gregorio Mendel 1956 slowly with time but then appear to level off. One of
4. Goldenring, H., Cedin, E. S.: Mother and daughter with the most important features of the cystic lesions is
bilateral congenital amastia. Yale 1. BioI. Med. 33, 466-467
their tendency to appear well in advance of the
5. Kowlessar, M., Orti, E.: Complete breast absence in siblings. polyposis and thus suggest the presence of the
Amer. J. Dis. Child. 115,91-92 (1968) disorder before malignancies develop [3].
Gardner Syndrome 137

5.80 5.81

Figs. 5.80 and 5.81. Congenital absence of breasts. Note normal pinnae. (From Tawil, H.M., Najjar, S.S.: J. Pediat.
absence of nipples and associated low-set ears with ab- 73, 751~753, 1968)

Bony abnormalities, primarily osteomas, occur in colectomy with ileostomy are possible modes of
slightly over 50 % of cases. There is no report of treatment [6].
their malignant alteration. Globoid osteomas of the
mandible with overlying fibromas are characteristic
[3]. Fibrous tissue tumors are reported in 45 % of
cases. The fibrous tissue abnormalities include fib- 1. Gardner, E.J., Richards, R.C.: Multiple cutaneous and sub-
cutaneous lesions occurring simultaneously with hereditary
romas, desmoid tumors, and fibrosarcomas [3]. polyposis and osteomatosis. Amer. J. hum. Genet. 5, 139-147
Dental anomalies, such as cystic odontomas, super- (1953)
numerary teeth, unerupted teeth, and follicular 2. Gardner, E.J.: Follow-up study of a family group exhibiting
odontomas, may occur. Other miscellaneous le- dominant inheritance for a syndrome including intestinal
polyps, osteomas, fibromas and epidermal cysts. Amer. J.
sions, such as leiomyomas, lipomas, trichoepithe-
hum. Genet. 14, 376-390 (1962)
liomas, and neurofibromas, may also occur [3]. 3. Weary, P.E., Linthicum, A., Cawley, E.P., Coleman, e.e., Jr.,
A condition with perifollicular fibromatosis cutis Graham, G. F.: Gardner's syndrome. A family group study
and polyps of the colon was recently described [4]. and review. Arch. Derm. 90, 20-30 (1964)
This seems to be a distinct entity. 4. Hornstein, O.P., Knickenberg, M.: Perifollicular fibromatosis
cutis with polyps of the colon: a cutaneointestinal syndrome
Sui Generis. Arch. Derm. Res. 253, 161-175 (1975)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cystic lesions 5. Danes, B. S. : The Gardner syndrome: increased tetra ploidy in
of the skin are more commonly epidermal inclusion cultured skin fibroblasts. J. med. Genet. 13,52-56 (1976)
6. MacDonald, J.M., Davis, W.e., Crago, H.R., Berk, A.D.:
cysts than sebaceous cysts. No case of malignancy Gardner's syndrome and periampullary malignancy. Amer. 1.
arising in a cystic lesion has been noted [3]. Surg. 113, 425~30 (1967)
Tetraploidy may be increased in ski~ fibroblast
cultures from patients with Gardner syndrome [5].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [2].

Treatment. The treatment is aimed at the polyposis.

A subtotal colectomy with ileoproctostomy or total
138 Hyperplasias, Aplasias, Dysplasias, and Atrophies

Fig. 5.82. Gardner syndrome.

Epidermal inclusion cysts in
the scalp. (Courtesy of Dr.
W. Frain-Bell)

Familial Blepharophimosis Treatment. The treatment is surgical [4, 5]. For

psychological reasons, it is preferable that surgery
be performed before the patient goes to school. The
In 1889 Vignes [1] described this rare entity charac- epicanthus is first corrected, then the ptosis.
terized predominantly by dysplasia of the eyelids.
Recently, Sacrez et al. [2] made additions to the
original report. References
1. Vignes, N. 1.: Epicanthus hereditaire. Rev. gen. Ophta!. (Paris)
Clinical Presentation. The major manifestations in- 8, 438 (1889)
volve the orbital structures and include bilateral 2. Sacrez, R., Francfort, 1., Juif, 1.G., de Grouchy, J.: Le
blepharophimosis complique familia!' Etude des membres de
blepharophimosis, blepharoptosis, and epicanthus la famille Ble. Ann. Pediat. (Paris) 10, 493-501 (1963)
inversus with telecanthus (Figs. 5.83 and 5.84). 3. Garden, 1.W.: Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus,
Deficiency of upper and lower eyelid tissue, eleva- and lacrimal stenosis. Amer. J. Ophtha!. 67, 153-154 (1969)
tion of the eyebrows, and absence of supraorbital 4. Lewis, S.R., Arons, M.S., Lynch, J.B., Blocker, T.G., Jr.: The
congenital eyelid syndrome. Plast. reconstr. Surg. 39, 271-277
rims and the ansoglabellar angle are also noted. (1967)
Nystagmus and strabismus are occasionally found. 5. Johnson, c.e.: Surgical repair of the syndrome of epicanthus
Other findings include muscular hypotonia, hyper- inversus, blepharophimosis and ptosis. Arch. Ophtha\. 71,
extensible joints, short stature, poor dentition, and 510-516 (1964)
high-arched palate. Occasionally, there are reports
of skeletal findings, such as spina bifida and, rarely,
congenital cardiomyopathy. The intelligence is usu-
ally normal. Blepharochalasis
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Almost invariably (Dermatolysis Palpebrarum)
there is association with dystopia of the .lower
lacrimal puncta and frequently elongation of the
Several varieties of this disorder are recognized, one
lacrimal canaliculi, hypoplasia of the caruncle as
of which is hereditary [1].
plica semilunaris, and absence or poor development
of the levator and superior. rectus muscles cau~ing
Clinical Presentation. The disease is insidious in
limitation of the upward gaze. Other anomalies
onset with progressive relaxation of the skin of the
include slight lower-lid ectropion, doubling of the
upper lids [2, 3]. By adulthood, the skin of the
puncta, and stenosis of the lacrimal duct [3].
upper lids is discolored, erythematous, and hangs
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with high penet- loosely over the eyes. Blepharochalasis may be
rance. There is a slight predominance of affected associated with progressive enlargement of the up-
males. per lip (Ascher syndrome) [4]. The enlargement of
Blepharophimosis 139

5.83 5.84

Figs. 5.83 and 5.84. Father and child with familial blepharophimosis syndrome

the lip starts in infancy or childhood, leading to a

"double" lip (Fig. 5.85).

Pathology and Pathophysiology. There are tel-

angiectases and a possible defect of elastic tissue of
the eyelids [1]. The disorder may be considered as
cutis laxa limited to the eyelids [5]. In Ascher
syndrome, there is hypertrophy, inflammation, and
fibrosis of the labial salivary glands [4].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [3].

Treatment. Plastic surgery may be of cosmetic help.

1. Klauder, J. V.: The interrelation of some cutaneous and
ocular diseases. Particular discussion of blepharochalasis,
sarcoid, erythema muItiforme, ocular pemphigus, lupus
erythematosus, melanosis of conjunctiva, length of cilia. Arch.
Derm. 80, 515-528 (1959)
2. Cockayne, E. A.: Inherited abnormalities of the skin and its
appendages, p. 321. London: Oxford University Press 1933
3. Panneton, P.: La blepharo-chalazis. A propos de 51 cas dans
une meme famille. Arch. Ophtal. (Paris) 53, 729-755 (1936)
4. Findlay, G.H.: Idiopathic enlargements of the lips: cheilitis
granulomatosa, Ascher's syndrome and double lip. Brit. J.
Derm.66, 129-138 (1954)
5. McKusick, V. A.: Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th Fig. 5.85. Blepharochalasis. Note the ptotic and discolored
ed., p. 378. Saint Louis: Mosby, C.V. Co. 1972 upper lids
Chapter 6 Disorders with Photosensitivity

Contents featured face, and dolichocephalic head [2]. Other

defects associated with the syndrome are lichen
Aspartylglycosaminuria (see p. 262)
Bloom Syndrome . . . . . . 140
pilaris, cafe-au-Iait spots, ichthyotic skin, acanthosis
Cockayne Syndrome (see p. 120) nigricans, hypertrichosis, pilonidal cyst, fovea coc-
Hartnup Disease . . . . . . . . 142 cygea, syndactyly, polydactyly, clinodactyly, hypo-
Hereditary Polymorphic Light Eruption 142 spadias, and cryptorchidism [2].
Porphyrias . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Leukemia or cancer occurs in many of these pa-
Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (GUnther Disease) 143
Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria . . . . . . . . . . 146 tients and may be responsible for their death.
Hepatic Porphyrias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Moreover, many patients clearly have an increased
Hepatic Porphyrias Inherited as Autosomal Dominant 148 susceptibility to infections. Serum immunoglobulin
Acute Intermittent Porphyria . 148 concentrations are abnormal with particularly low
Variegate Porphyria . . . . . . . . . . 148
Hereditary Coproporphyria . . . . . " . 149
levels of IgA and IgM [3]. More than 50 % of the
Symptomatic Cutaneous Hepatic Porphyria patients are of Jewish ancestry of Eastern European
(Porphyria Cutanea Tarda) . . . . . . . . 149 origin [2].
Cutaneous Porphyria Due to Hepatic Tumors 150
Xeroderma Pigmentosum . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Pathology and Pathophysiology. The epidermis is
flattened with a variety of cellular changes. There is
dilatation of the capillaries in the upper dermis.
This maybe associated with a mild perivascular
infiltrate. Chromosomal anomalies in cultures of
lymphocytes from venous blood [4] and skin fi-
Bloom Syndrome broblasts [5] consist ofisochromatid breaks, acentric
fragments, transverse breakage at the centromere
resulting in telocentric chromosomes, quadriradial
In 1954 Bloom [1] described this very rare syn- configurations, triradials, and dicentrics.
drome with "three cardinal features" [2]: conge- As in ataxia telangiectasia and Fanconi anemia (see
nital facial telangiectatic erythema, sensitivity to p. 237), the association of chromosomal changes
sunlight, and stunted growth. and malignancy in Bloom syndrome suggests that
the chromosomal anomalies, regardless of the
Clinical Presentation. The facial erythema may be underlying causes, may be of fundamental impor-
present at birth or appear between the ages of 2 tance in the pathogenesis of neoplasia [5,6].
weeks and 3 years. The involved areas of the face The small size of the full-term newborn affected
are the cheeks and nose (the butterfly region), lips, with Bloom syndrome is due to a smaller number of
forehead, ears, and margins of the eyelids. The cells. This abnormally small number of cells in the
dorsa of the hands and forearms may also be term fetus is probably due to the high mortality, or
involved. The lesions consist of "erythematous tel- inability to divide, of genetically unbalanced daugh-
angiectatic spots," plaques, patches, or scattered, ters of cells with chromosomal aberrations. This
macular, slightly scaly areas (Figs. 6.1-6.3). In most may also playa role in growth retardation after
cases the erythema is exacerbated upon first expo- birth [6].
sure to sunlight in the spring or summer. Thus, Using DNA fiber autoradiography, an estimation
bullae may form on the lips, with bleeding, crusting, was made of the rate of DNA chain growth, one of
and exfoliation [2]. the components of ongoing DNA replication. The
The birth weight is low for the gestational age and rate in Bloom syndrome dermal fibroblasts in tissue
growth is slow. Sexual development is normal and culture was found to be significantly slower than
the mental state is average. The dwarfism is of a that in normal control cells. Two possible expla-
special type with a slender build, narrow, fine- nations for the retarded chain growth may be
Bloom Syndrome 141

6.1 6.2

Figs. 6.1-6.3. Bloom syndrome

Fig. 6.1. Characteristic facial appearance with erythema and telangiec-

tasias in areas of exposure to sunlight. (Courtesy of Dr. S. Harik)

Fig. 6.2. Note short stature of patient photographed with a child of the
same age (6 years). (Courtesy of Dr. S. Harik)

Fig. 6.3. General view of the body showing telangiectasia on the face,
dorsa of the hands, and lower extremities. (Courtesy of Dr. P. Dugois)

suggested. An enzyme (e.g., DNA polymerase) con-

cerned directly with semiconservative DNA re-
plication may be defective. Alternatively, an abnor-
mal enzyme may affect replication indirectly by
altering cellular metabolism [7].
Lymphocyte responses to pokeweed mitogen are
reduced in Bloom syndrome [8].

Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2].

Treatment. No satisfactory treatment for either the

telangiectasia or the growth retardation has been
found. 6.3
142 Disorders with Photosensitivity

References Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is a specific

1. Bloom, D.: Congenital telangiectatic erythema resembling disturbance in the renal tubular reabsorption of the
lupus erythematosus in dwarfs. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 88, amino acids of the monoamino-monocarboxylic
754-758 (1954)
group, known to share a common system for renal
2. Bloom, D.: The syndrome of congenital telangiectatic ery-
thema and stunted growth. J. Pediat. 68, 103-113 (1966) membrane transport. All other tests of tubular
3. Bloom, D., German, J. : The syndrome of congenital telangiec- function and renal clearance are normal. The same
tatic erythema and stunted growth. Arch. Derm. 103,545-546 defect of amino acid absorption is most probably
(1971) present in the small intestines as well. The cause of
4. German, J., Archibald, R., Bloom, D.: Chromosomal break-
age in a rare and probably genetically determined syndrome
the symptomatology in Hartnup disease is primarily
of milD. Science 148, 506--507 (1965) the absorption defect in the intestine. This defect
5. German, 1., Crippa, L.P.: Chromosomal breakage in diploid allows the formation of decomposition products
cell lines from Bloom's syndrome and Fanconi's anemia. Ann. toxic to the central nervous system and diminishes
Genet. 9, 143-154 (1966)
the amount of nicotinamide synthesized from tryp-
6. German, 1.: Bloom's syndrome. 1. Genetical and clinical
observations in the first twenty-seven patients. Amer. J. hum. tophan, causing the "pellagra-like" condition [2].
Genet. 21, 196--227 (1969) The underlying enzymatic defect in this disease or
7. Hand, R., German, 1.: A retarded rate of DNA chain growth the lesion at the molecular level is still unknown.
in Bloom's syndrome. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72,
758-762 (1975)
8. Hiitteroth, T.H., Litwin, S.D., German, 1.: Abnormal immune
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
responses of Bloom's syndrome lymphocytes in vitro. J. clin.
Invest. 56, 1-7 (1975) Treatment. The response to prolonged oral adminis-
tration of nicotinamide is quite satisfactory [3].
Marked improvement in the dermatitis and neuro-
logic picture usually follows.
Hartnup Disease

In 1956 Baron et al. [1] described this entity 1. Baron, D. N., Dent, C. E., Harris, H., Hart, E. W., Jepson, 1. B.:
Hereditary pellagra-like skin rash with temporary cerebellar
characterized by "hereditary pellagra-like skin rash ataxia, constant renal amino-aciduria, and other bizarre
with temporary cerebellar ataxia, constant renal biochemical features. Lancet 19561I,421--428
amino-aciduria, and other bizarre biochemical fea- 2. Jepson, 1. B.: Hartnup disease. In: The metabolic basis of
tures." The eponymic appellation for this disease, inherited disease. Stanbury, J.B., Wynngaarden, J.B.,
first found in the Hartnup family, is now generally Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1563-1577. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
accepted. The total number of patients described to 3. Wong, P.W.K., Lambert, A.M., Pillai, P.M., Jones, P.M.:
date is less than 60 [2]. Observations on nicotinic acid therapy in Hartnup disease.
Arch. Dis. Child. 42, 642-646 (1967)
Clinical Presentation. The main clinical findings
concern the skin and nervous system.
The onset is usually in childhood and occasionally
in infancy. Commonly, the cutaneous eruption pre-
cedes the neurologic manifestations. The sites of
skin involvement are those areas exposed to the
Hereditary Polymorphic
sun, particularly the face, back of neck, and dorsa of Light Eruption
hands. The eruption is variable from erythema and
scaliness to vesiculation and exudation and is ag-
gravated by exposure to sunlight. It resembles the
rash seen in dietary pellagra [2]. Clinical Presentation. The condition seems to affect
A severe but fully reversible cerebellar ataxia may predominantly individuals of American Indian de-
develop. This appears at times when the skin rash is scent. Both sexes are affected although females have
most severe. Sometimes, instead of the ataxia, the a higher incidence [1]. The age of onset is below 5
patients may develop "collapsing" or fainting at- years in 35 % of cases and below 10 years in 70 %
tacks. Nystagmus and double vision are also found. [1].
Psychiatric features range from mild emotional In young children, the eruption appears on the face
instability to complete delirium. Mental retardation as diffuse erythema, with small papules, exudation,
may be present. The diagnosis can easily be made and crusting. The involved areas are those exposed
by two-dimensional paper or thin layer chromatog- to sunlight. Often there is an acute exudative and
raphy. Age brings a general improvement [2]. crusted cheilitis, especially of the lower lip, which at
Porphyrias 143

times may be the only manifestation [1]. On the Since then, many forms have been reported. The
exposed areas of the upper extremities and legs, modern classification of porphyrias, based on the
prurigolike papules, usually with small crusts, ap- site of origin of the porphyrins, is as follows [1].
pear [1,2]. No vesiculo-bullae appear and there is
Erythropoietic - congenital erythropoietic por-
no scarring (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).
phyria (Gunther disease)
The lesions become less marked as the children
Erythrohepatic - erythrohepatic pro to porphyria
approach puberty and this pattern continues into
Hepatic porphyrias
adulthood. Rarely, adults may have thickened
Hepatic porphyrias inherited as autosomal dom-
erythematous plaques on the exposed parts of the
face [1,2] (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7). All of these lesions are
Acute intermittent porphyria
pruritic but there is no burning sensation.
Variegate porphyria
The lesions appear in the spring and tend to recur
Hereditary coproporphyria
every year. Few lesions persist throughout the
Symptomatic cutaneous hepatic porphyria (por-
phyria cutanea tarda)
Cutaneous porphyria due to hepatic tumors
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main histologic
features are areas of hyperkeratosis alternating with
parakeratosis, follicular plugging, acanthosis, sub-
epidermal edema, and perivascular infiltrate [2]. In Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria
addition, the eczematous lesions show extrava- (Giinther Disease)
sation of erythrocytes and epidermal edema [2].
There is no evidence of an abnormal porphyrin Congenital erythropoietic porphyria (Gunther dis-
metabolism [1]. ease) is very rare. Less than 100 cases have been
reported to date.
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [1].
Clinical Presentation. The first sign is usually the
Treatment. Trisoralen (5-10mg daily), if started in excretion of red urine noted at birth or during
February and continued throughout summer, gives infancy. The red color may show considerable daily
substantial improvement [1]. or seasonal fluctuation, increasing during periods of
active photodermatitis and varying from a faint pink
to a Burgundy red or a reddish brown color [4].
Photosensitivity becomes apparent during the first
1. Birt, A. R.• Davis, R. A.: Hereditary polymorphic light erup- years of life with increased exposure to sunlight. It
tion of American Indians. Int. 1. Derm. 14. 105-111 (1975)
2. Everett, M.A., Crockett, W., Lamb, 1.H., Minor, D.: Light-
produces a severe "burning" sensation. A vesicular
sensitive eruptions in American Indians. Arch. Derm. 83, eruption appears on the exposed parts of the body,
243-248 (1961) particularly the face and the back of the hands. The
serous fluid of the vesicles reveals a red fluorescence.
The lesions become crusted, often impetiginized,
heal slowly, and leave depressed pigmented scars
Porphyrias (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9). Repeated attacks over the years
may lead to severe contractions of the face and
mutilation of the digits and the ears. Hypertrichosis
The porphyrias are disorders of the biosynthesis of is frequently present, with blond lanugolike hair
protoheme, the ferrous iron complex of protopor- covering the face and the extremities [4]. There may
phyrin IX. They are characterized by specific pat- be patchy baldness due to scarring of the scalp, as
terns of porphyrin and porphyrin precursor over- well as damage to terminal phalanges and nails. The
production, accumulation, and excretion [1]. nasal and aural cartilages are usually eroded.
The two main clinical features of porphyria are the The teeth, both deciduous and permanent, may
sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and neurologic show a red or brownish discoloration (erythrodon-
lesions which characteristically cause severe abdo- tia) and a red fluorescence under UV light (Wood's)
minal pain, peripheral neuropathy, and often men- (Fig. 6.10). Splenomegaly and a hemolytic anemia
tal disturbance, frequently precipitated by drugs are present in almost all patients. Uroporphyrin
[1]. and coproporphyrin in the urine are increased and
The first case of porphyria recorded in the literature reveal the characteristic red fluorescence under UV
was reported by Schultz [2] and Baumstark [3] in light. The feces contain large amounts of copropor-
1874 under the diagnosis of "pemphigus leprosus." phyrin [4, 5].
144 Disorders with Photosensitivity

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

Figs. 6.4-6.7. Hereditary polymorphic light eruption Fig. 6.5. Prurigo like papules on the exposed areas of the
upper extremities. (From Birt, A.R., Davis, R.A.: Int. J.
Fig. 6.4. Involvement of the face with erythema, exud- Derm. 14, 105-111, 1975)
ation, and crusting. (From Birt, A.R., Davis, R.A.: lnt. 1.
Derm. 14, 105-111, 1975) Figs. 6.6 and 6.7. Note that with increasing age the lesions
become less exudative and appear as thickened plaques
on the face. (From Birt, A.R., Davis, R.A.: Int. 1. Derm. 14,
105-111, 1975)
Erythropoietic Porphyria 145

Fig. 6.8. Erythropoietic porphyria~

Gi.inther disease. Note the crusted le-
sIOns on the face and dorsa of the

Fig. 6.9. Erythropoietic porphyria.

Involvement of the dorsa of the hands
with impetiginization

Fig. 6.10. Erythropoietic porphyria.

146 Disorders with Photosensitivity

Pathology and Pathophysiology. "Photosensitizers" phyrins are produced in excess in both eryth-
are molecules which absorb radiation and transfer ropoietic and hepatic cells. Thus, the appellation of
it to other molecules, thereby making them reactive. erythrohepatic protoporphyria was suggested lll-
The photochemical reaction in porphyria has the stead of erythropoietic protoporphyria [14].
following components [6]: (a) a photosensitizing
substance (a porphyrin); (b) radiation of an appro-
Clinical Presentation. In most cases of protopor-
priate wavelength (400 nm and to a lesser extent
phyria, the cutaneous manifestations are first noted
500-600 nm) that can pass through window glass;
in childhood or adolescence and persist throughout
(c) molecular oxygen, which is available by normal
life. There is a very characteristic subjective "burn-
circulation of arterial blood; and (d) a substrate.
ing" sensation. The skin lesions appear in the form
The nature of the possible course of events after the
of solar urticaria or solar eczema. Exposure to
initial photochemical reactions leading to the cu-
taneous lesions is not clear. Some investigators sunlight for a few minutes results in pruritus, ery-
thema, edema, and, rarely, blisters. This condition
[7,8] suggest that light causes lysosome rupture in
subsides in 12-24 h, without leaving scars, atrophy,
the skin and release of the lysosomal hydrolytic
or pigmentation. Some skin lesions may progress to
enzymes, thereby initiating the release of chemical
a chronic eczematous phase lasting several weeks
mediators of the skin lesion, such as histamine or
and leaving scars [4] (Figs. 6.11-6.14).
histaminelike compounds.
The disease may be associated with cholelithiasis,
Among the natural lesions occurring in porphyria
the gallstones consisting of precipitated protopor-
due to photosensitivity, the most common is ery-
phyrin [15].
thema. There is no evidence as to what the chemical
The concentration of free protoporphyrin in cir-
mediator could be, but bradykinin is a good
culating erythrocytes is increased 5- to 30-fold. Up
to half of the erythrocytes in the blood and
Other types of lesions that are due to photo-
bone marrow exhibit intense fluorescence. Large
sensitivity include a delayed edema reaction, pete-
amounts of protoporphyrin are excreted in the
chiae, and bullae. Their pathophysiology has not
stools [4]. However, the urinary excretion of por-
yet been explained.
phyrins and their precursors is normal.
There is a marked decrease in uroporphyrinogen III
Some points of differentiation from the classic
cosynthetase activity in the erythrocytes and cul-
erythropoietic porphyria are the absence of eryth-
tured skin fibroblasts from patients with eryth-
rodontia, hirsutism, and hyperpigmentation, and
ropoietic porphyria [9,10]. Asymptomatic hetero-
normal urinary porphyrin excretion. In protopor-
zygotes can be detected because of the reduced
phyria, the exposed parts of the skin show neither
enzymatic activity in circulating erythrocytes [11].
the abnormal mechanical fragility nor the chronic
The mechanism responsible for the hemolytic pro-
bullous eruptions of the other photosensitive
cess is not understood. At autopsy, under Wood's
light, all the viscera, particularly the liver, kidneys,
and intestines, and the bones show orange-red
fluorescence [12]. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The microscopic
anatomy of the cutaneous changes in porphyria
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. cutanea tarda, erythrohepatic porphyria, variegate
porphyria, and coproporphyria is characteristic and
Treatment. Patients should be protected by avoiding similar, differing only in quantity rather than qua-
sunlight, wearing proper clothing, and using sun- lity. On light microscopy, the primary alterations
filter preparations. Splenectomy has been advo- consist of a homogeneous thickening of the upper
cated. Oral f3-carotene may be helpful. Secondary dermal blood vessel walls which contain a P AS-
infections should be controlled [4]. pOSItIve, diastase-resistant mucopolysaccharide.
Fluorescent microscopic studies reveal the depo-
sition of immunoglobulins, primarily IgG, in a
similar perivascular distribution and at times at the
Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria epidermodermal junction. Electron microscopy re-
veals that the upper dermal blood vessels are also
most prominently involved. These findings consist
In 1961 Magnus and his co-workers [13] described of reduplication of the vascular basal lamina and
this disease which differs from the classic eryth- the deposition of a fine fibrillar material. The
ropoietic porphyria. In recent years it has become changes are most severe in the exposed erythrohe-
apparent that in this type of porphyria the por- patic protoporphyria skin at all microscopic levels.
Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria 147

6.11 6.12


Fig. 6.11. Erythrohepatic protoporphyria. Note the in- Fig. 6.13. Erythrohepatic protoporphyria. Pitted scars
itial erythema and edema on exposure to sunlight. There over the cheeks. (Courtesy of Dr. K. Thomsen, from
are no vesicles. (Courtesy of Dr. K. Thomsen, from Schmidt, H., et al.: Arch. Derm. 110, 58-64, 1974)
Schmidt, H., et al.: Arch. Derm. 110, 58- 64, 1974)

Fig. 6.12. Erythrohepatic protoporphyria. Eczematous

lesions with early scarring. (Courtesy of Dr. K. Thomsen,
from Schmidt, H., et al.: Arch. Derm. 110, 58-64, 1974)
148 Disorders with Photosensitivity

These results suggest that the primary injury occurs mechanical trauma and light, transient episodes of
in the upper dermal blood vessels due to the acute abdominal and neurologic manifestations
presence of porphyrin molecules and sunlight ener- precipitated by the ingestion of drugs, and con-
gy. Additional damage is present in porphyria tinuous excretion of increased amounts of pro-
cutanea tarda and variegate porphyria at the epi- toporphyrin and coproporphyrin in the feces.
dermodermal zone, which may be responsible for The skin lesions may be the only manifestations of
the unique fragility of the sun-exposed skin in variegate porphyria in half of the patients and are
these conditions [16]. usually noted during the third decade. They are
In protoporphyria, the pigment in circulating eryth- chronic and are limited to the parts of the body
rocytes has the structure of isomer type IX pro- exposed to sunlight, especially the face and the back
toporphyrin. There is increased 6-aminolevulinic of the hands. Mechanical trauma leads to abrasions,
acid (ALA) synthetase activity in both erythroid erosions, and formation of bullae which heal with
and hepatic tissues [17]. However, the fundamental scarring. Direct sensitivity of the skin to light is less
defect in this disease appears to be a deficiency of conspicuous than increased mechanical fragility.
the mitochondrial ferrochelatase enzyme, which Hyperpigmentation of the exposed parts is observ-
converts protoporphyrin IX to heme [18]. ed. Hypertrichosis of the face is common in women
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Acute attacks of abdominal pain and neuropathy
may accompany the skin lesions in half of the cases.
Treatment. These patients respond poorly to anti- They usually follow the onset of chronic cutaneous
histaminics, antimalarials, and topically applied involvement by many years. The neurologic mani-
sunscreens. Recently, p-carotene (100-200 mg oral- festations are variable and may involve the peri-
ly per day) has been shown to be effective in pheral nerves, autonomic nervous system, brain
suppressing the photosensitivity of these patients stem, cranial nerves, or cerebral function [4].
[19,20]. The acute attacks may be precipitated by the
ingestion of barbiturates or sulfonamides or by
the administration of other hepatotoxic agents, such
as general anesthetics, ethanol, or chloroquine.
During an acute episode the mortality rate is
Hepatic Porphyrias
around 25 %. Otherwise the acute attacks resolve
completely; however, neuropathic changes persist
Hepatic Porphyrias Inherited long after the end of the acute episode [4].
as Autosomal Dominant The characteristic chemical finding is the con-
tinuous excretion of large amounts of protopor-
Acute Intermittent Porphyria phyrin and coproporphyrin in the feces and
porphobilinogen in the urine.
This condition follows the autosomal dominant
pattern of inheritance. The main manifestations are Pathology and Pathophysiology. For the skin
abdominal and neurologic. The only derma to logic changes, see under Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria.
finding is a pigmentation of the skin which is not Major anatomic abnormalities or histologic and
diagnostic. The disease is presumably due to de- laboratory evidence of major hepatic dysfunction
creased activity of hepatic uroporphyrinogen I syn- are lacking.
thetase [21]. The primary metabolic defect in porphyrin meta-
bolism most probably results in an exaggerated
responsiveness of hepatic 6-aminolevulinic acid
Variegate Porphyria (ALA) synthetase [4].

Since 1951 a large group of porphyric individuals Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

has been reported in the white population of South
Africa where the incidence of the disease in Treatment. A high carbohydrate diet may be helpful
Afrikaners is 3 per 1000 [22,23]. This high fre- [24].
quency is an important example of the founder
effect (see p. Glossary).

Clinical Presentation. The main features are in-

creased sensitivity of the exposed skin to minor
Other Porphyrias 149

Fig. 6.14. Erythrohepatic protopor-

phyria. Dorsa of hands of a 6-year-old
boy, showing coarse lichenified pla-
ques. (Courtesy of Dr. K. Thomsen,
from Schmidt, H., et al.: Arch. Derm.
110,58-64, 1974)

Fig. 6.15. Porphyria cutanea tarda.

Bullae and ulcerations on dorsa of the
hands. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman)

Hereditary Coproporphyria is no specific treatment. f)-Carotene administration

may be tried.
Clinically, hereditary coproporphyria resembles a
milder form of variegate porphyria. However, it has
a unique pattern of porphyrin excretion, consisting Symptomatic Cutaneous Hepatic Porphyria
of an unremitting excretion of large amounts of (Porphyria Cutanea Tarda)
coproporphyrin III in the feces. Coproporphyrin
excretion is also frequently increased in the urine, The major clinical manifestations are limited to the
particularly during acute attacks. Porphobilinogen skin with frequent association of hepatic dysfunc-
and ALA excretion is normal except during an tion. Although the disease has been reported in
acute attack. A fragment of liver tissue obtained many parts of the world, its highest incidence
from a patient showed an intense red fluorescence. occurs in the Bantu popUlation of South Africa.
Activity of coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPG oxi- Bullae, pigmentation, hypertrichosis, and scleroder-
dase) is lower in fibroblasts from patients with moid changes are the cardinal features, occurring
hereditary co pro porphyria than in cells from con- on exposed areas of the skin (Fig. 6.15). Linear,
trols or patients with other types of porphyria atrophic, radiating scars around the mouth may
[25]. The inheritance is autosomal dominant. There simulate rhagades.
150 Disorders with Photosensitivity

Hemochromatosis is one of the complications. 12. Bhutani, L. K., Sood, S. K., Das, P. K., Deshpande, S. G.,
Hepatic involvement is always present and overt Mulay, D.N., Kandhari, K.c.: Congenital erythropoietic
porphyria. An autopsy report. Arch. Derm. 110, 427-431
cirrhosis may develop. The disease occurs particu- (1974)
larly in alcoholics. 13. Magnus, L A., Jarrett, A, Prankerd, T. AJ., Rimington, C.:
A genetically determined idiosyncrasy is suspected Erythropoietic protoporphyria. A new porphyria syndrome
[26]. The disease apparently results from the com- with solar urticaria due to protoporphyrinaemia. Lancet
bination of an inherited defect in uroporphyrinogen 196111,448-451 .
14. Scholnick, P., Marver, H.S., Schmid, R.: Erythropoietic
decarboxylase and an acquired factor, usually si- proto porphyria : evidence for multiple sites of excess por-
derosis associated with alcoholic liver disease [27]. phyrin protoporphyrin formation. J. clin. Invest. 50, 203-207
The decreased enzyme activity appears to be in- (1971)
herited as an autosomal dominant trait. Phleboto- 15. Cripps, D.J., Scheuer, P.J.: Hepatobiliary changes in eryth-
ropoietic protoporphyria. Arch. Path. 80, 500-508 (1965)
my may be symptomatically and biochemically 16. Epstein, J.H., Tufanelli, D.L., Epstein, W.L.: Cutaneous
beneficial [28]. Small doses of chloroq uine (250 mg changes in the porphyrias. A microscopic study. Arch.
twice weekly) may be helpful. Derm. 107, 689-698 (1973)
Toxic acquired porphyria has occurred in thousands 17. Miyagi, K.: The liver aminolaevulinic acid synthetase ac-
tivity in erythropoietic protoporphyria by means of the new
of individuals exposed to hexachlorobenzene or
micro method. J. Kyushu Haemat. Soc. 17, 397-412 (1967)
other toxic chemicals. 18. Bottomley, S.S., Tanaka, M., Everett, M.A.: Diminished
erythroid ferrochelatase activity in protoporphyria. 1. lab.
clin. Med. 86, 126-131 (1975)
19. Mathews-Roth, M.M., Pathak, M.A., Fitzpatrick, T.B.:
Beta-carotene as a photoprotective agent in erythropoietic
Cutaneous Porphyria
protoporphyria. New Eng\. J. Med. 282, 1231-1234 (1970)
Due to Hepatic Tumors 20. Baart de la Faille, H., Suurmond, D., Went, L.N., van
Steveninck, J., Schothorst, AA: Ii-Carotene as a treatment
The purely cutaneous form of porphyria may be for photohypersensitivity due to erythropoietic pro topor-
due to overproduction of porphyrin by a tumor phyria. Dermatologica (Basel) 145, 389-394 (1972)
21. Sassa, S., Solish, G., Levere, R.D., Kappas, A.: Studies in
(benign hepatic adenoma or malignant primary porphyria. IV. Expression of gene defect of acute intermittent
hepatoma) surrounded by normal liver tissue. The porphyria in cultured skin fibroblasts and amniotic cells:
condition is not hereditary [29,30]. prenatal diagnosis of the porphyria trait. J. expo Med. 142,
722-731 (1975)
22. Dean, G., Barnes, H. D. : The inheritance of porphyria. Brit.
med. J. 1955II, 89-94
References 23. Dean, G.: The porphyrias. A story of inheritance and envi-
1. Elder, G.H., Gray, C.H., Nicholson, D.C.: The porphyrias: ronment, 2nd ed., pp. 4-13. London: Pitman Medical 1971
a review. J. clin. Path. 25, 1013-1033 (1972) 24. Perlroth, M.G., Tschudy, D.P., Ratner, A, Spaur, W.,
2. Schultz, J.H.: Ein Fall von Pemphigus Leprosus, kom- Redeker, A: The effect of diet in variegate (South African
pliziert durch Lepra visceralis. Ph. D. thesis, Greifswald 1874 genetic) porphyria. Metabolism 17, 571-581 (1968)
3. Baumstark, F.: Zwei pathologische Harnfarbstoffe. Pfluger's 25. Elder, G.H., Evans, J.O., Thomas, N., Cox, R., Brodie, M.J.,
Arch. ges. Physio!. 9, 568-584 (1874) Moore, M.R., Goldberg, A, Nicholson, D.C.: Primary
4. Meyer, V.A., Schmid, R.: The porphyrias. In: The meta- enzyme defect in hereditary coproporphyria. Lancet 1976[[,
bolic basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, J. B., Wyngaarden, 1217-1219
J.B., Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp.1166-1220. New 26. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man 5th ed
York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978 p. 328. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Pre~s 1978 .,
5. Idriss, Z.H., Najjar, S.S., Der Kaloustian, V.M., Shamaa, 27. Kushner, J.P., Barbuto, A.J., Lee, G.R.: An inherited
A R.: Congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Amer. J. Dis. enzymatic defect in porphyria cutanea tarda: decreased
Child. 129,701-702 (1975) uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity. 1. clin. Invest. 58,
6. Magnus, I. A. : The cutaneous porphyrias. Semin. Hemat. 5, 1089-1097 (1976)
380-408 (1968) 28. Epstein, J. H., Redeker, A G.: Porphyria cutanea tarda. A
7. Slater, T. F., Riley, P. A.: Photosensitization and lysosomal study of the effect of phlebotomy. New Eng!. J. Med. 279,
damage. Nature (Lond.) 209, 151-154 (1966) 1301-1304 (1968)
8. Allison, A.C., Magnus, LA., Young, M.R.: Role of lyso- 29. Tio, T.H., Leijnse, B., Jarrett, A, Rimington, c.: Acquired
somes and of cell membranes in photosensitization. Nature porphyria from a liver tumour. Clin. Sci. 16,517-527 (1957)
(Lond.) 209, 874-878 (1966) 30. Thompson, R.P.H., Nicholson, D.C., Farnan, T., Whitmore,
9. Romeo, G., Levin, E. Y.: Uroporphyrinogen III cosyn- D. N., Williams, R.: Cutaneous porphyria due to a malig-
thetase in human congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Proc. nant primary hepatoma. Gastroenterology 59, 779-783
nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 63, 856-863 (1969) (1970)
10. Romeo, G., Kaback, M.M., Levin, E. Y.: Uroporphyrinogen
III co synthetase activity in fibroblasts from patients with
congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Biochem. Genet. 4,
659-664 (1970)
11. Romeo, G., Glenn, B. L., Levin, E. Y.: Uroporphyrinogen III
co synthetase in asymptomatic carriers of congenital eryth-
ropoietic porphyria. Biochem. Genet. 4, 719-726 (1970)
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 151

)(erodernma Pignmentosunm are repaired in the dark by excision of the dimers

and repair replication and rejoining of the DNA
strand. Studies on fibroblasts from most patients
with xeroderma pigmentosum reveal that the repair
In 1874 Hebra and Kaposi [1] described this
replication occurs at a reduced rate or not at all
syndrome characterized by sun sensitivity, freckles,
and skin cancers. The association of these features
Cells from obligate heterozygotes have also shown
with microcephaly, hypogonadism, and subnormal
in one study reduced DNA repair when they were
intelligence was reported by de Sanctis and
subjected to high doses of UV which presumably
Cacchione [2] in 1932.
exceed the threshold for repair capacity of hetero-
zygotes [7].
Clinical Presentation. The disease usually appears in
Experiments of complementation with somatic
the first or second year of life, the first sign being
cell hybridization have demonstrated that the
freckling of the skin in areas exposed to sunlight.
The lesions are scattered over the face, ears, neck, defect is genetically heterogeneous [3,8,9] (see
also p. 12). The non-neurologic forms comprise
hands, and forearms. As the disease progresses, the
three groups: C, E, and a "variant." The neurologic
lesions are no longer limited to the exposed parts of
forms also consist of three groups: A, B, and D.
the skin, but occur on the trunk and lower extre-
Groups A, B, C, D, and E are all defective in
mities. Interspersed among the pigmented lesions
varying degrees at an early stage in excision repair
are white, parchmentlike, atrophic areas, sometimes
involving the removal of damaged sites from
covered with fine scales. Later, keratotic patches,
DNA [4].
waxy elevations, and pedunculated and malignant
Endonuclease activity (see p. 1) upon depurinated
growths develop [3] (Figs. 6.16-6.18).
Photophobia, conjunctivitis, and excess lacrimation DNA is slightly reduced in cell lines from certain
occur early in the disease, along with blepharitis, complementation groups. But cell lines from one
symblepharon, ectropion, and keratitis [3]. complementation group (D) have only one-sixth
of the normal activity [10].
Some patients have microcephaly, hypogonadism,
Xeroderma pigmentosum variants have been de-
and mental retardation (de Sanctis-Cacchione syn-
scribed with the clinical manifestations of the dis-
drome) with the dermatologic anomalies (Fig.
ease, but with cells. that exhibit normal sensitivity
to UV and normal DNA repair [7,11]. The tumor
The course of xeroderma pigmentosum is chronic
and usually fatal before adulthood, as a result of cells of such patients resemble the other cells in
DNA repair capacity and do not represent a minor
malignancies. However, mild forms of the disease
are seen in adults [4]. cell population with defective DNA repair as re-
flected in reduced UV-induced thymidine incorpo-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Histologic exam- ration [12].
ination of the skin reveals relative and absolute Variants whose cells are completely normal in the
hyperkeratosis; a varying degree of atrophy of the excision repair process have an abnormality in
prickle cell layer, especially over the papillae; irre- the manner in which DNA is synthesized after UV
gular proliferation and prolongation of the rete irradiation. The time taken to convert initially low-
pegs; intracellular epidermal edema with pyknosis molecular-weight DNA synthesized in UV-
or karyorrhexis; edema of the pars papillaris and irradiated cells into high-molecular-weight DNA
upper parts of the dermis with narrowing of the rete similar in size to that in untreated cells is much
pegs; some dilatation of the superficial vessels and greater in these variants than in normal cells
perivascular cellular infiltration; and spotty me- [13].
lanin pigmentation of the epidermis with pigment- In normal cells, UV-induced cyclobutyl pyrimidine
laden melanophages in the upper dermis. Recently, dimers in DNA are monomerized in normal light
muscle pathology consisting of massive accumu- by an enzyme which restores biological activity to
lations of glycogen and sub sarcolemmal mitochon- the DNA [14]. This is the photoreactivating en-
drial aggregates has also been described [5]. The zyme. Fibroblasts of certain cell lines from patients
neoplasms encountered include those of epithelial with XP contain low levels of this enzyme as
as well as mesenchymal origin. compared to normal cells.
The defect in xeroderma pigmentosum is increased Finally, XP cells deficient in excision of UV -induced
susceptibility to UV light with a wavelength of pyrimidine dimers may have a diminished post-UV
280--310nm. The effect ofUV at the molecular level irradiation colony-forming ability (CF A) [15].
is the production of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers The multiplicity of complementation groups coup-
in the DNA. In normal individuals, these "lesions" led with the wide range of phenotypes and repair
152 Disorders with Photosensitivity

6.16 6.17

6.18 6.19

Fig. 6.16. Xeroderma pigmentosum. General view of the Fig. 6.18. Xeroderma pigmentosum. Mild form in an
body. Note the involvement of the areas exposed to sun adult. Note the paranasal neoplastic ulcer

Fig. 6.17. Xeroderma pigmentosum. Note hypo- and Fig. 6.19. de Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome
hyperpigmentation, whitish atrophic scars, and a variety
of skin tumors
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 153

deficiencies of the cultured cell lines suggests that light-microscopy and electron-microscopic observations. l
the XP groups have multiple repair defects [10]. neurol. Sci. 17,435-442 (1972)
6. Cleaver, 1. E.: Xeroderma pigmentosum: a human disease in
Since XP patients may have abnormalities not only which an initial stage of DNA repair is defective. Proc. nat.
of the skin but also of the nervous, endocrine, and Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 63, 428-435 (1969)
immune systems, it is possible that the effectiveness 7. Cleaver, l E.: Xeroderma pigmentosum variants with nor-
of DNA repair in humans may playa role in the mal DNA repair and normal sensitivity to ultraviolet light. 1.
invest. Derm. 58, 124-128 (1972)
normal and pathologic aging of various organ
8. de Weerd-Kastelein, E. A, Keijzer, W., Bootsma, D.: Genetic
systems [15]. heterogeneity of xeroderma pigmentosum demonstrated by
somatic cell hybridization. Nature (Lond.) New BioI. 238,
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3]. 80-83 (1972)
9. Der Kaloustian, V.M., de Weerd-Kastelein, E. A., Kleijer,
W.l., Keijzer, W., Bootsma, D.: The genetic defect in the de
Treatment. Avoidance of sunlight, the use of sun- Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome. l invest. Derm. 63, 392-396
screens and topical 5-fluorouracil, and dermab- (1974)
rasion are the mainstays of treatment. Once tumors 10. Kuhnlein, U., Penhoet, E. E., Linn, S.: An altered apurinic
appear, they should be treated by surgery or DNA endonuclease activity in group A and D xeroderma
pigmentosum fibroblasts. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 73,
1169-1173 (1976)
A rapid, sensitive method for prenatal diagnosis is 11. Robbins, l H., Levis, W. R., Miller, A. E.: Xeroderma pig-
available [16]. In the matter of precise diagnosis in mentosum epidermal cells with normal UV-induced thymi-
utero, interpretations of laboratory findings in dine incorporation. l invest. Derm. 59, 402-408 (1972)
homozygotes versus heterozygotes are still not 12. Robbins, lH., Kraemer, K.H., Flaxman, B.A: DNA repair
in tumor cells from the variant form of xeroderma pigmen-
clear-cut. to sum. 1. invest. Derm. 64, 150-155 (1975)
13. Lehmann, A R., Kirk-Bell, S., Arlett, C. F., Paterson, M. C.,
References Lohman, P. H. M., de Weerd-Kastelein, E. A, Bootsma, D.:
1. Hebra. F., Kaposi. M.: On diseases of the skin, Vol. 3, p. Xeroderma pigmentosum cells with normal levels of excision
252. London: New Sydenham Society 1874 repair have a defect in DNA synthesis after UV-irradiation.
2. de Sanctis, c., Cacchione, A: L'idiozia xerodermica. Riv. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72,219-223 (1975)
sper. Freniat. 56, 269-292 (1932) 14. Sutherland, B.M., Rice, M., Wagner, E.K.: Xeroderma
3. Robbins. l H., Kraemer, K. H., Lutzer, M. A, Festoff, B. W., pigmentosum cells contain low levels of photoreactivating
Conn, H.G.: Xeroderma pigmentosum. An inherited disease enzyme. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72, 103-107 (1975)
with sun sensitivity, multiple cutaneous neoplasms, and 15. Andrews, AD., Barrett, S.F., Robbins, lH.: Relation of
abnormal DNA repair. Ann. intern. Med. 80, 221-248 (1974) D.N.A repair processes to pathological ageing of the ner-
4. Cleaver, 1. E.: Xeroderma pigmentosum. In: The metabolic vous system in xeroderma pigmentosum. Lancet 19761,
basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, lB., Wyngaarden, 1. B., 1318-1320
Fredrickson, D. S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1072-1095. New York: 16. Regan, lD., Setlow, R.B., Kaback, M.M., Howell, R.R.,
McGraw-Hili Book Co. 1978 Klein, E., Burgess, G.: Xeroderma pigmentosum: a rapid
5. Afifi, AK., Der Kaloustian, V.M., Mire, J.l.: Muscular sensitive method for prenatal diagnosis. Science 174,
abnormality in xeroderma pigmentosum. High resolution 147-150 (1971)
Chapter 7 Inherited Disorders with Immune Deficiency

Contents of inherited diseases with immune deficiency in

Antibody Deficiency Diseases. 154
Immunodeficiencies with Thymic Hypoplasia or
For the sake of completeness, we included in this
Dysplasia . . . . . . . . . . . 155 chapter most of the inherited diseases that may have
Other Cel1ular Immunodeficiencies 156 some form of immune deficiency with dermatologic
Disorders of the Phagocytic System 158 findings. We elected to present them in table form
Metabolic and Other Disorders. . 160 for practical, quick reference and also to save space.
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (Aldrich Syndrome) 161
However, some of them (e.g., Aldrich syndrome,
ataxia telangiectasia) are also presented separately,
and at greater length, to cover their important
clinical and basic aspects.
Since we do not review here the basic principles of
modern immunology, we suggest the excellent ref-
erence of S tiehm and Fulginiti (S tiehm, E. R.,
Along with advances in genetics, the last two Fulginiti, V. A.: Immunologic disorders in infants
decades have witnessed a very significant upswing and children. Philadelphia: Saunders, W. B. Co.
in the field of immunology in general and the study 1973).

Table 7.1. Antibody deficiency diseases

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifesta tions

Infantile agamma- X-linked recessive Marked depression of all Severe furunculoses, [IJ
glo bulinemia immunoglobulins pyoderma
Plasma cells absent from bone Warts
marrow, nodes, spleen, and
gastrointestinal tract
Intact cell-mediated immunity
Normal thymus
Normal numbers of circulating
lymphocytes (T cells)
Normal resistance to some
gram-negative organisms and
to viral and fungal infections
Increased incidence of allergic
disorders and autoimmune
connective tissue disease

Immune deficiency X-linked recessive Lack of follicles in lymphoid Widespread development [2J
with raised IgM structures of warts
Abundance of "plasmacytoid" Indolent oral ulcerations
cells containing IgM
Virtual absence of IgG and IgA;
very high IgM
Recurrent cyclic or persistent
neutropenia, hemolytic anemia,
and thrombocytopenia
Immunodeficiencies 155

Table 7.2. Immunodeficiencies with thymic hypoplasia or dysplasia

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifestations

Severe combined Autosomal recessive Susceptibility to viral, fungal, Massive candidiasis [1,3]
immunodeficiency and and bacterial infections Vaccinia
X-linked recessive Vestigial thymus and absence
of thymus-dependent or
Decreased circulating
lymphocytes in many
Extremely low levels of all 3
major immunoglobulins
No benefit from y-globulin
No delayed hypersensitivity
Chronic diarrhea and recurrent
pulmonary infections
Death at age 1-2 years from
overwhelming infections
Immune defect with Probably autosomal Probably heterogeneous Candidiasis [4J
deficiency of adenosine recessive Respiratory infections and
deaminase lymphopenia
Impaired cellular and humoral
Absent red cell adenosine
deaminase (ADA)
Absence of lymphoid elements
Immunodeficiency with Autosomal recessive Fever, diarrhea Erythematosq uamous [5J
lymphopenia (Nezelof Persistent candidal broncho- dermatosis
syndrome) pulmonary infection Recurrent pyoderma
Death at an early age
Aplasia of thymus
Lymphopenia or alymphocytosis
Lymphoid hypoplasia
Reticular dysgenesis ? Complete absence of leukocytes Staphylococcal infections [6,7J
(congenital aleukia) Sepsis and death in first of the mouth and
10 days of life conjunctiva
Thymic alymphoplasia
Presence of megakaryocytes,
normoblasts, and monocytes
156 Inherited Disorders with Immune Deficiency

Table 7.3. Other cellular immunodeficiencies

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifestations

Ataxia telangiectasia Autosomal recessive Progressive cerebellar Ocular and cutaneous [8J
(see also p. 244) degeneration telangiectases
Frequent sinopulmonary infections
Absent or hypoplastic thymus
Decreased cellular immune responses
Complete lack of or marked
decrease in IgA in 70 %
IgE deficiency
Aldrich syndrome X-linked recessive Thrombocytopenia, bloody Thrombocytopenic purpura [9, lOJ
(see also p. 161) diarrhea Eczema
Susceptibility to fungal, viral,
and bacterial infections Multiple subcutaneous
Death usually before age of abscesses
10 years
Cellular and humoral immune
Hypercatabolism of IgG, IgA, and
Familial chronic Autosomal recessive Candidal pharyngitis and laryngitis Candida I involvement of [11-14J
mucocutaneous in severe cases oral mucous membranes,
candidiasis Chest infections scalp, face, hands, and
(FCMC) Hypoadrenocorticism or hypo- groin (Figs. 7.1-7.4)
parathyroidism in some
Abnormalities of lymphocyte Bilateral, symmetric,
function angular cheilitis
Lymphocytes unable to produce Chronic candida I
migratory inhibitory factor paronychia and
(fig. 7.3).
Immunodeficiency Autosomal recessive Lymphopenia, agamma- Skin forms redundant [15J
with short-limb globulinemia, ectodermal folds around the neck
dwarfism dysplasia and extremities
(achondroplasia and Thymic hypoplasia
Swiss-type Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
agammaglo bulinemia)
Cartilage-hair Autosomal recessive Short-limb dwarfism Fine, sparse, and Iight- [16,17J
hypoplasia Neutropenia and abnormal colored hair
(metaphyseal cellular immunity Thinner and weaker hair
McKusick type)
(see also p. 182)
Episodic lymphopenia Autosomal recessive Recurrent bacterial and viral Herpes simplex stomatitis [18J
with Iymphocytotoxin infections Eczema
(immunologic Recurrent otitis, pneumonia, Cellulitis
amnesia) meningitis
Episodes of lymphopenia
Impaired cellular immunity
Absent immunologic memory
Presence of complement-
dependent Iymphocytotoxic
Mucocutaneous Candidiasis 157


Figs. 7.1-7.4. Mucocutaneous candidiasis. Severe gran-

ulomatous lesions involving extensive areas of the skin and
7.3 nails. (Courtesy of Dr. E. M. Ayoub)
158 Inherited Disorders with Immune Deficiency

Table 7.4. Disorders of the phagocytic system

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifestations

Chronic granulomatous X-linked recessive Recurrent suppurative Chronic dermatitis [19-23J

disease due to and lymphadenitis Skin rash: scaly, seborrheic,
leukocyte malfunction autosomal recessiveChronic pulmonary disease eczematoid, dry or
Hepatosplenomegaly weeping, frequently
Normal or elevated serum becoming red and pustular
y-globulins Development of skin
Leukocytes defective in hypersensitivity
postphagocytic metabolic Organisms associated with
burst chronic infection include
Leukocytes phagocytize, but staphylococci, aerobacter,
cannot kill catalase-positive salmonella, klebsiella,
organisms and serratia species
Myeloperoxidase Autosomal recessive No frequent or unusual Disseminated candidiasis [24J
deficiency bacterial infections
Absence of activity of the
lysosomal enzyme
myeloperoxidase (MPO) in
neutrophils and monocytes
Chediak -Higashi Autosomal recessive Photophobia and nystagmus Decreased pigmentation [25J
syndrome Peculiar malignant lymphoma of hair and eyes
(see also p. 65) Increased susceptibility to
Peroxidase-positive inclusion
bodies in myeloblasts and
Job syndrome Autosomal recessive Defect in local resistance to Indolent "cold" staphylo- [26,27J
staphylococcal infection coccal abscesses
Most patients have red hair
and fair skin
Profound defect in neutrophil
granulocyte chemotaxis and
very high serum IgE levels
found in 4 females
Neutrophil random migration,
phagocytosis, and
bactericidal activity are
Defective neutrophil Probably autosomal Abnormality of neutrophil Congenital ichthyosis [28J
chemotaxis dominant movement with chemotaxis Trichophyton rubrum
(see also p. 32) Normal number, morphology, infection
phagocytic, and bactericidal
activities of neutrophils
Disorders of Phagocytic System 159

Table 7.4 (continued)

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifestations

Defective monocyte Probably autosomal Unresponsiveness of mono- Chronic mucocutaneous [29, 30J
chemotaxis recessive cytes to Iymphokine candidiasis and
cutaneous anergy
Chronic familial Autosomal dominant Chronic neutropenia Hyperplastic gingivitis [31J
neutropenia Hyperglobulinemia Recurrent furuncles in many
Clubbing of fingers
No severe infections
Cyclic neutropenia Probably autosomal Periodic neutropenia with Oral ulcerations [32, 33J
dominant infection (every 15-35 days) Skin infections and
Fever, arthralgia, and recurrent furunculoses
Neutropenia may be
accompanied by mono-
cytosis, anemia, eosino-
philia, and thrombo-
Infantile agranulocytosis Autosomal recessive Lower respiratory tract Stubborn pyogenic skin [34J
of Kostmann infections infections very early
Otitis and mastoiditis in life
Complete agranulocytosis
Pronounced maturation
arrest in myelopoiesis
Cell-poor bone marrow
containing mainly erythro-
cyte precursors
Fanconi anemia Autosomal recessive Malformations of heart, Pigmentary changes in skin [35J
(see also p. 237) kidneys, and extremities
Leukemia is a fatal
Anemia, leUkopenia, and
Familial C5 dysfunction Unclear Failure to thrive Severe seborrheic [36J
Diarrhea dermatitis
Recurrent sepsis due primarily
to staphylococci and gram-
negative enteric bacilli
Leukocytosis and hyper-
Treatment with frequent
infusions of fresh normal
plasma and purified human
160 Inherited Disorders with Immune Deficiency

Table 7.5. Metabolic and other disorders

Disorder Mode of inheritance Clinical and immunologic Cutaneous Ref.

abnormalities manifestations

Glycinemia (hyper- Autosomal recessive Episodic vomiting, lethargy, Characteristic facies with [37, 38J
glycinemia with keto- and ketosis puffy cheeks
acidosis and leukopenia) Neutropenia (persistent) Exaggerated Cupid's bow
Periodic thrombocytopenia of the upper lip
H ypogammaglo bulinemia Periodic purpura
Developmental retardation
Intolerance to protein
Hyperglycinemia and hyper-
Tuftsin deficiency Probably autosomal Deficiency of tuftsin Multiple skin abscesses [39,40J
dominant Repeated severe infections
Vulnerability to leprosy ? Monogenic Leprosy Leprosy [41J

1. Good, R. A.: Progress toward a cellular engineering. J. 14. Ockerman, P. A.: Mannosidosis. In: Lysosomes and storage
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6. de Vaal, O.M., Seynhave, V.: Reticular dysgenesis. Lancet R.S., Landing, B.H.: Thirteen boys with progressive septic
1959 II, 1123-1125 granulomatosis. Pediatrics 35, 405-412 (1965)
7. Gitlin, D., Vawter, G., Craig, J.M.: Thymic alymphoplasia 20. Baehner, R.L., Karnovsky, M.L.: Deficiency of reduced
and congenital aleukocytosis. Pediatrics 33, 184-192 (1964) nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide oxidase in chronic granu-
8. Peterson, R. D. A., Good, R A.: Ataxia-telangiectasia. In: lomatous disease. Science 162, 1277-1279 (1968)
Immunologic deficiency diseases in man. Bergsma, D. (ed.), 21. Baehner, R.L., Nathan, D.G.: Quantitative nitroblue tetra-
Vo!. IV, No.1, pp. 370-377. New York: National Foundation zolium test in chronic granulomatous disease. New Eng!. J.
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9. Cooper, M.D., Chase, H.P., Lowman, J.T., Krivit, W., Good, 22. Holmes, B., Park, B.H., Malawista, S.E., Quie, P.G., Nelson,
R. A.: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. An immunologic de- D. L., Good, R. A.: Chronic granulomatous disease in fe-
ficiency disease involving the afferent limb of immunity. males. A deficiency of leukocyte glutathione peroxidase.
Amer. J. Med. 44, 499-513 (1968) New Eng!. J. Med. 283, 217-221 (1970)
10. B1aese, R.M., Strober, W., Levy, A.L., Waldmann, T.A.: 23. Curnutte, J. T., Whitten, D. M., Babior, B. M.: Defective
Hypercatabolism of IgG, IgA, IgM, and albumin in the superoxide production by granulocytes from patients with
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. A unique disorder of serum chronic granulomatous disease. New Eng!. J. Med. 290,
protein metabolism. J. clin. Invest. 50, 2331-2338 (1971) 593-597 (1974)
11. Wells, R.S., Higgs, J.M., McDonald, A., Valdimarsson, H., 24. Lehrer, R.I., Cline, M.J.: Leukocyte myeloperoxidase de-
Holt, P.J.L.: Familial chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis. ficiency and disseminated candidiasis; the role of myelo-
J. med. Genet. 9, 302-310 (1972) peroxidase in resistance to Candida infection. J. clin. In-
12. Valdimarsson, H., Moss, P.D., Holt, P.J.L., Hobbs, J.R.: vest. 48, 1478-1488 (1969)
Treatment of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis with 25. Blume, R.S., Wolff, S.M.: The Cbediak-Higashi syndrome:
leukocytes from HL-A compatible sibling. Lancet 1972 I, studies in four patients and a review of the literature. Med.
469-472 (Baltimore) 51, 247-280 (1972)
13. Spinner, M. W., Blizzard, R. M., Childs, B.: Clinical and 26. Davis, S.D., Schaller, J., Wedgwood, R.J.: Job's syndrome.
genetic heterogeneity in idiopathic Addison's disease and Recurrent, "cold", staphylococcal abscesses. Lancet 19661,
hypoparathyroidism. J. clin. Endocr. 28, 795-804 (1968) 1013-1015
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27. Hill, H.R., Ochs, H.D., Quie, P.G., Clark, R.A., Pabst, H.F., fections of the skin, middle ear, sinuses, and lungs.
Klebanoff, S.l, Wedgwood, R.l: Defect in neutrophil Lymphopenia, low IgM, high IgA, and low isoag-
granulocyte chemotaxis in Job's syndrome of recurrent
"cold" staphylococcal abscesses. Lancet 1974[[, 617-619
glutinins are also noted (see also p. 156).
28. Miller, M.E., Norman, M.E., Koblenzer, P.l, Schonauer, T.: Occasional abnormalities include joint effusions,
A new familial defect of neutrophil movement. J. Lab. c1in. anemia, eosinophilia, and leukocytosis with mye-
Med.82, 1-8 (1973) loid hyperplasia.
29. Snyderman, E.P., Anderson, lL., Chen, S.-H., Teng, Y-S., Malignancies such as reticulum cell sarcoma, malig-
Cohen, F: Uridine monophosphate kinase: a new genetic
polymorphism with possible clinical implications. Amer. l nant lymphoma, myelogenous leukemia, or astro-
hum. Genet. 26, 627-635 (1974) cytoma may develop.
30. Lehner, T., Wilton, lM.A., Ivanyi, L.: Immunodeficiencies Most patients die in infancy or childhood from
in chronic muco-cutaneous candidosis. Immunology 22, bleeding, infection, or malignant neoplasia. The
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31. Cutting, H.O., Lang, J.E.: Familial benign chronic neutro-
oldest survivor was 14 years old [3].
penia. Ann. intern. Med. 61, 876-887 (1964)
32. Hahneman, B. M., Alt, H. L.: Cyclic neutropenia in a father
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The thymus is usu-
and daughter. J. Amer. med. Ass. 168, 270-272 (1958)
33. Morley, A.A., Carew, J.P., Baikie, A.G.: Familial cyclical ally hypoplastic. The megakaryocytes are dimin-
neutropenia. Brit. J. Haemat. 13,719-738 (1967) ished. There may be eosinophilia and leukocytosis
34. Kostmann, R.: Infantile genetic agranulocytosis (agranulo- with myeloid hyperplasia [3].
cytosis infantilis hereditaria). A new recessive lethal disease In 1968 the immunologic defect was considered to
in man. Acta paediat. scand. 105 (Supp!.), 1-78 (1956)
35. Fanconi, G.: Familial constitutional panmyelocytopathy, be in the processing or recognition of antigens [4].
Fanconi's anemia (FA.). 1. Clinical aspects. Sem. Hemat. 4, Later, evidence was presented that the defect lll-
233-240 (1967) volves the afferent limb of immunity [5].
36. Miller, M. E., Nilsson, U. R.: A familial deficiency of the
phagocytosis-enhancing activity of serum related to a dys-
function of the fifth component of complement (C5). New Inheritance. X-linked recessive.
Eng!. l Med. 282, 354-358 (1970)
37. Childs, B., Nyhan, W. L., Borden, M., Bard, L., Cooke, R. E.:
Idiopathic hyperglycinemia and hyperglycinuria: a new Treatment. Splenectomy and treatment with hy-
disorder of amino acid metabolism. 1. Pediatrics 27, 522-538 drocortisone analogues or y-globulin have not been
(1961) appreciably successful. Therapy with transfer factor
38. Ando, T., Rasmussen, K., Nyhan, W.L., Donnell, G.N.,
Barnes, N. D.: Propionic acidemia in patients with ketotic
has been attempted [6]. Bone marrow transplanta-
hyperglycinemia. J. Pediat. 78, 827-832 (1971) tion has been very successful [7].
39. Constantopoulos, A., Najjar, V. A., Smith, l W.: Tuftsin
deficiency: a new syndrome with defective phagocytosis. J.
Pediat. 80, 564-572 (1972)
40. Constantopoulos, A., Najjar, V. A.: Tuftsin deficiency syn-
drome. A report of two new cases. Acta paediat. scand. 62, References
645-648 (1973) 1. Wiskott, A.: Familiarer angeborener Morbus Werlhofii?
41. Beiguelman, B.: Some remarks on the genetics of leprosy Mschr. Kinderheilk. 68, 212 (1937)
resistance. Acta Genet. med. (Roma) 17, 584-594 (1968) 2. Aldrich, R. A., Steinberg, A.G., Campbell, D.C.: Pedigree
demonstrating a sex-linked recessive condition characterized
by draining ears, eczematoid dermatitis and bloody diarrhea.
Pediatrics 13, 133-139 (1954)
3. Wolff, J.A.: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Clinical, immuno-
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome logic, and pathologic observations. J. Pediat. 70, 221- 232
(Aldrich Syndrome) (1967)
4. Blaese, R.M., Strober, W., Brown, R.A., Waldmann, T.A.:
The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. A disorder with a possible
defect in antigen processing or recognition. Lancet 19681,
In 1937 Wiskott [1] described three brothers with 1056-1060
eczema, thrombocytopenia, and frequent infections. 5. Cooper, M.D., Chase, H.P., Lowman, J.T., Krivit, W., Good,
In 1954 Aldrich et al. [2] recognized the X-linked R. A. : Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome. An immunologic deficiency
mode of inheritance of this condition. disease involving the afferent limb of immunity. Amer. l Med.
44,499-513 (1968)
6. Levin, A. S., Spitler, L. E., Stiles, D. P., Fundenberg, H. H. :
Clinical Presentation. The disease is characterized Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, a genetically determined cellular
by eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunologic immunologic deficiency: clinical and laboratory responses to
deficiency. The eczema is evident mostly during therapy with transfer factor. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 67,
infancy. It mimics that of atopic dermatitis. The 821-828 (1970)
7. Parkman, R., Rappeport, J., Geha, R., Belli, 1., Cassady, R.,
thrombocytopenia is present from early infancy, Levey, R., Nathan, D.G., Rosen, F.S.: Complete correction
causing gastrointestinal bleeding and purpura. The of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome by allogeneic bone-marrow
immunologic deficiency results in recurrent in- transplantation. New Eng!. l Med. 298, 921-927 (1978)
Chapter 8 Connective Tissue Disorders

Contents Another syndrome is the association of cutis laxa

Cutis Laxa (Chalazodermia, Dermatolysis, Dermatocha-
with bone dystrophy [3]. The latter includes open
lasis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 and persistent 'fontanels, oxycephaly, hip disloca-
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Cutis Hyperelastica) . . . . . 164 tion, pigeon breast, and static scoliosis.
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (Gronblad-Strandberg Syn-
drome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Pathology and Pathophysiology. The characteristic
Marfan Syndrome (Arachnodactyly, Dolichostenomelia) . 168
Osteogenesis Imperfecta .............. 168 changes in the skin and other affected organs are
Puretic Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 reduction, fragmentation, and granular disruption
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa (Miescher Elastoma, Elas- of elastic fibers [1]. There is also an increase in acid
toma Intrapapillare Perforans Verruciforme) 170 mucopolysaccharides, while the collagen is normal
Familial Reactive Collagenosis 170
Mucopolysaccharidoses . . . . . . 171
Heredity and Autoimmune Diseases. 176
Inheritance. Both autosomal dominant and autoso-
mal recessive forms exist [4]. The dominant form is
apparently free of pulmonary and other internal
complications. The syndrome of cutis laxa, corneal
clouding, and mental retardation is probably inhe-
Cutis Laxa (Chalazodermia, rited as autosomal dominant, whereas that of cutis
Dermatolysis, Dermatochalasis) lax a and bone dystrophy is probably autosomal

There are several varieties, genetic as well as ac- Treatment. Plastic surgery gives good cosmetic re-
quired. sults. Affection of each organ has to be managed as
it arises.
Clinical Presentation. The characteristic changes are
present at birth or appear shortly afterwards [1]
and progress to the stage in which the skin hangs in References
loose folds (Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). The facial appearance 1. Goltz, R.W., Hult, A.-M., Goldfarb, M., Godin, R.J.: Cutis
is of premature senility with the sagging jowls of the laxa - a manifestation of generalized elastolysis. Arch. Derm.
"bloodhound" facies (Figs. 8.3 and 8.4). The general 92, 373-387 (1965)
2. De Barsy, A.M., Moens, E., Dierckx, L.: Dwarfism, oligoph-
skin surface is involved. The skin is extensible but
renia, and degeneration of the elastic tissue in skin and
not elastic or easily bruised. The face also shows a cornea. A new syndrome? Helv. paediat. Acta 23, 305-313
long upper lip, a tendency toward hook nose, (1968)
shortening of the columella, and long earlobes [2]. 3. Fittke, H.: Uber eine ungewohnliche Form "multipler Erb-
Affected children have normal growth. The disease abartung" (Chalodermie und Dysostose). Z. Kinderheilk. 63,
510-523 (1942)
affects internal organs, especially the lungs (with 4. McKusick, V. A. : Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th
emphysema and its sequelae). Other defects are ed., pp. 372-389. Saint Louis: Mosby, C.V. Co 1972
hernias; rectal prolapse, gastrointestinal and uri-
nary bladder diver.ticulae, large arteries, and excess
of tissue around the vocal cords which gives a
husky voice. Males with cutis laxa are impotent.
There is probably a distinct syndrome in which
cutis laxa is associated with clouding of the cornea
and mental retardation [2]. The corneal clouding is
due to degeneration in the Bowman membrane.
Congenital athetosis is also present.
Cutis Laxa 163

8.1 8.2

8.3 8.4

Figs. 8.1 and 8.2. Cutis laxa. Note loose folds of the skin. Figs. 8.3 and 8.4. Cutis laxa. Lax skin of the cheeks giving
(Courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser) the appearance of "bloodhound." The skin is extensible, but
not elastic. Note long philtrum and short columella.
(Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick)
164 Connective Tissue Disorders

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome affection is severe while the skin changes are mini-
(Cutis Hyperelastica) Type IV or ecchymotic, arterial, or sack type. The
main features are thin skin and prominent venous
network. Bruisability is marked.
In 1682 van Meekeren described and illustrated the
Type V or X-linked form with lysyl oxidase deficiency.
first definitive case [1]. The eponym refers to Ehlers
The skin hyperelasticity is pronounced.
[2] who described the loose-jointedness and subcu- Type VI or protocollagen lysyl hydroxylase-deficient
taneous hemorrhages and Danlos [3] who empha-
(or ocular) type. The skin and joint changes are
sized the pseudotumors.
associated with ocular complications [6].
Type VII or pro collagen protease-deficient (arthro-
Clinical Presentation. The syndrome is character- chalasis multiplex congenita) type. There is severe
ized by hyperelasticity of the skin, fragility of the loose-jointedness and mild stretchability and bruis-
tissues and blood vessels, and hyperextensibility of ability of the skin [7].
the joints.
The skin is velvety, chamois like, and hyperextensi- Pathology and Pathophysiology. There do not seem
ble, but immediately returns to its original position to be any consistent histologic abnormalities in the
when released (Figs. 8.5 and 8.6). Later in life it collagen or elastic fibers. Foreign body giant cells
becomes lax and hangs in folds, especially around may be seen in the pseudotumors. Calcification may
the elbows. It is fragile and easily bruised. Minor be present there too. The evidence, in one syndrome
trauma results in gaping wounds. Healing is slow type, of a deficiency of lysyl hydroxylase leading to
with formation of thin scars through which "mol- paucity of hydroxylysyl residues in collagen [6]
luscoid pseudotumors" develop, especially at pres- and, in another type, of a deficiency of procollagen
sure points (Figs. 8.7 and 8.8), and small pea-sized protease which cleaves off the N-terminal end of
"spherules" of fat-containing cysts appear [4, 5]. collagen after it has been secreted from fibroblasts
The latter are frequently calcified. [7] lends support to the concept of a primary defect
Over the palms and soles the skin maybe redundant in the collagen fibers. This is further supported by
[4]. Striae atrophicans are not formed. Acrocyano- the recent observation that fibroblasts from the
sis may frequently be encountered and Miescher skin of patients with type IV synthesize only type I
elastoma may occur. collagen [8]. The absence of type III collagen in
Hyperextensibility of the joints is characteristic, but Ehlers-Danlos syndrome IV patients may lead to
of variable intensity (Figs. 8.9 and 8.10). "India- the fragility in their skin, blood vessels, and intes-
rubber men" and contortionists are persons with tines.
such skin and joint abnormalities. The ears project
from the head, and there is ease in touching the tip
Inheritance. Type V is inherited as X-linked, types
of the nose with the tongue. Other skeletal abnor-
malities include joint effusions, kyphoscoliosis, spi- VI and VII as autosomal recessive, and the others,
na bifida occulta, spondylolisthesis, ectopic bone which constitute the majority of cases, as autosomal
formation, and short stature [4]. dominant [4].
The eye changes include redundant folds around
the eyes, epicanthic folds, hypertelorism, and stra- Treatment. The skin and joints should be protected
bismus [4]. Blue sclerae, corneal abnormalities, from trauma. Pressure dressings and adhesive clo-
angioid streaks, and ectopic lenses occasionally sures are recommended for wounds.
occur. There may be gastrointestinal diverticula With asorbic acid supplementation, one patient
and bleeding, spontaneous rupture of the bowel, affected with type VI or lysyl hydroxylase-deficient
pneumothorax, dissecting aortal aneurysm, and type was able to increase his urinary hydroxy lysine
rupture of large vessels. Affected fetuses are born excretion to near normal. His muscle strength and
prematurely because of early rupture of the mem- wound healing ability improved dramatically [9].
branes. The disease has been classified into the
following seven types because of the heterogeneity
of the syndrome [5]:
Type I or gravis type. The hyperelasticity, fragility,
and bruisability of the skin and the hypermobility 1. van Meekeren, 1. A. : De diJatabilitate extraordinaria cutis. In:
Observations medicochirugicae, Chap. 32. Amsterdam 1682
of the joints are severe. 2. Ehlers, E.: Cutis laxa. Neigung zur Haemorrhagien in der
Type II or mitis type. The manifestations are mild. Haut, Lockerung mehrerer Artikulationen. Derm. Z. 8,
Type III or benign hypermobile type. The joint 173-174 (1901)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 165

8.5 8.6

8.7 8.8

8.9 8.10

Figs. 8.5-8.10. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Figs. 8.9 aQd 8.10. Hyperextensible joints. (Fig. 10 -
courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick, from Char, F.: In: The
Figs. 8.5 and 8.6. Velvety, hyperextensible skin. (Fig. 6 - clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser) Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 300-301. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971)
Figs. 8.7 and 8.8. Thin scars and molluscoid pseudotu-
mors at areas of pressure. (Courtesy of Dr. B. Moroz)
166 Connective Tissue Disorders

3. Danlos, M.: Un cas de cutis laxa avec tumeurs par contusion nary insufficiency, radiologic evidence of premature
chronique des coudes et des genoux (xanthome juvenile medial calcification of peripheral arteries, hemor-
pseudo-diabetique de M. M. Hallopeau et Mace de Lepinay).
Bull. Soc. frant;;. Derm. Syph. 19, 70-72 (1908)
rhage in several areas, and hypertension [4]. The
4. McKusick, V. A. : Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th most serious of these is gastrointestinal bleeding
ed., pp. 292-371. Saint Louis: Mosby, C. V. Co. 1972 [3]. Psychiatric disorders may be encountered in
5. Beighton, P.: The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. London: Heine- these patients [4].
mann 1970
6. Pinnell, S.R., Krane, S.M., Kenzora, lE., Glimcher, M.l.: A
heritable disorder of connective tissue. Hydroxylysine-defi- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The earliest abnor-
cient collagen disease. New Eng\. l Med. 286, 1013-1020 mality seems to be calcification of elastic fibers,
(1972) whereas the well-developed changes consist of mas-
7. Lichtenstein, J.R., Martin, G.R., Kohn, L.D., Byers, P.H., ses of elastic-staining material in the middermis [3].
McKusick, V.A.: Defect in conversion of pro collagen to
collagen in a form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Science 182,
Similar changes occur in the elastic tissue of the
298-300 (1973) Bruch membrane of the eye, the endocardium, and
8. Pope, F.M., Martin, G.R., Lichtenstein, lR., Penttinen, R., blood vessels. Ultrastructurally, the elastic fibers
Gerson, B., Rowe, D. W., McKusick, V. A.: Patients with have unusual shapes, granular appearance, and
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV lack type III collagen. Proc.
nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72, 1314-1316 (1975)
calcium deposition [5]. There are no abnormalities
9. Elsas, L. J., Hollins, B., Pinnell, S. R.: Hydroxylysine-deficient in collagen biosynthesis but there may be increased
collagen disease: effect of ascorbic acid. Amer. l hum. degradation of connective tissue components [6].
Genet. 26, 28A (1974) The elastic modulus is higher in certain types of
pseudo xanthoma elasticum (recessive type I) and
lower in others (dominant types I and II) than in
controls [7].
The present concept is that the primary defect is in
the elastic fibers [4].
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
(Gronblad-Strandberg Syndrome) Inheritance. There is genetic heterogeneity in this
disease. There seem to be four types of pseudoxan-
thoma elasticum: two autosomal recessives (recessi-
Rigal first described this disorder in 1881 as an ve I and recessive II) and two autosomal dominants
atypical xanthoma [1]. Darier, in 1896, identified it (dominant I and dominant II). In the dominant I
as a separate nonxanthomatous entity [2]. and recessive I, the involvement is typically in the
flexural areas with vascular disease and retinopa-
Clinical Presentation. The manifestations are main- thy. In dominant II and recessive II, the skin
ly in the skin, eyes, and cardiovascular system. involvement is more generalized, but the systemic
The onset of the skin lesions is in early life. The involvement is minimal [8, 9].
classic lesions are yellowish papules or rhomboidal Pseudoxanthoma elasticum has been reported in
plaques bounded by skin lines [3]. The early lesions association with Paget disease of bone, tumoral
appear as accentuated skin lines, whereas the more calcinosis with hyperphosphatemia, oculocutane-
advanced stages show redundant folds of lax skin ous albinism, hyperphosphatasia, and partial tri-
[3] (Fig. 8.11). The neck and axillae are predomi- somy 14- [10].
nantly involved (Figs. 8.12~8.14). The inguinal folds,
antecubital and popliteal areas, abdominal wall, Treatment. There is no specific treatment. Vitamin E
cheeks, forehead, and penis may also be involved. has been used. Plastic surgery may be of cosmetic
Occasionally, elastosis perforans serpiginosa (Mie- help. The complications should be managed as they
scher elastoma) may be present. appear.
The mucosal surface of the lips, palate, and vagina
and the buccal mucosa may be similarly involved
[3]. References
Angioid streaks of the fundus are the characteristic
1. Rigal, D.: Observation pour servir a l'histoire de la cheloide
eye changes and appear in about 85 % of cases [3]. diffuse xanthelasmique. Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 2, 491-493
Retinal pigmentation is frequently present and (1881)
chorioretinal scarring with visual disturbances may 2. Darier, 1.: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Mschr. Prakt. Derm.
result [3]. The severity of the eye changes does not 23, 609-611 (1896)
3. Goodman, R.M., Smith, E.W., Paton, D., Bergman, R.A.,
parallel those of the skin. Siegel, c.L., Ottesen, O.E., Shelley, W.M., Pusch, A.L., Mc-
The arterial involvement is manifested by weak Kusick, V. A.: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: a clinical and
pulse, arterial insufficiency in the extremities, coro- histopathological study. Med. (Baltimore) 42, 297-334 (1963)
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum 167



Fig. 8.11. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Severe case with Figs. 8.12-8.14. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Redundant
generalized involvement of the skin folds yellowish plaques in axillae and neck. (Figs. 12 and
13 - courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick, from Heard, M.G.:
The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 298-299. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971)
168 Connective Tissue Disorders

4. McKusick, V. A. : Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with variable
ed., pp. 475-520. Saint Louis: Mosby, C.V. Co. 1972 penetrance. New mutations are responsible for
5. Pierard, 1., Kint, A.: Le pseudoxanthome elastique. Sa struc-
ture en microscopie electronique. Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris)
around 15 % of the patients and are often associated
97,481-492 (1970) with increased parental age [7].
6. Ditto, 1., Lindy, S., Turto, H., Danielsen, L. L.: Biochemical
characterization of pseudoxanthoma elasticum: collagen bio- Treatment. Treatment is along four lines: inhibition
synthesis in the skin. 1. invest. Derm. 57, 44-48 (1971) of growth by hormonal induction of puberty, use of
7. Harvey, W., Pope, F.M., Grahame, R.: Cutaneous extensibili-
ty in pseudo-xanthoma elasticum. Brit. 1. Derm. 92, 679-683 anabolic steroids, use of f3-blockers to reduce stress
(1975) on the aorta, and surgical intervention for compli-
8. Pope, F.M.: Two types of autosomal recessive pseudoxantho- cations [2].
rna elasticum. Arch. Derm. 110, 209-212 (1974)
9. Pope, F. M.: Autosomal dominant pseudoxanthoma elasti-
cum. 1. med. Genet. 11,152-157 (1974)
to. Pinnel, S. R.: Disorders of collagen. In: The metabolic basis References
of inherited disease. Stanbury, 1. B., Wyngaarden, 1. B., 1. Marfan, A. B. : Un cas de deformation congenitale des quatre
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1366-1394. New York: membres plus prononcee aux extremites characterisee par
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978 l'allongement des os avec un certain degre d'amincissement,
Bull. Mem. Soc. med. Hop. Paris 13, 220 (1896)
2. McKusick, V. A.: Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th
ed., pp. 61-223. Saint Louis: Mosby, C. V. Co. 1972
3. Haber, H.: Miescher's elastoma (elastoma intrapapillare per-
forans verruciforme) Brit. 1. Derm. 71, 85-96 (1959)
4. Loveman, A.B., Gordon, A.M., Fliegelman, M.T.: Marfan's
Marfan Syndrome syndrome. Some cutaneous aspects. Arch. Derm. 87, 428-435
(Arachnodactyly, Dolichostenomelia) 5. Goodman, R. M., Wooley, C. F., Frazier, R. L., Covault, L.:
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome occurring together with the Marfan
syndrome. Report of a case with other family members
In 1896 Marfan first described the syndrome which affected. New Engl. 1. Med. 273, 514--519 (1965)
6. Walker, B.A., Beighton, P.H., Murdoch, 1.L.: The Marfanoid
now bears his name [1]. hypermobility syndrome. Ann. intern. Med. 71, 349-352
Clinical Presentation. The syndrome consists of 7. Murdoch, 1.L., Walker, B.A., McKusick, V.A.: Parental age
defects in the skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular effects on the occurrence of new mutations for the Marfan
syndrome. Ann. hum. Genet., 35, 331-336 (1972)
systems. There is excessive elongation of the limbs,
loose-jointedness, scoliosis, anterior chest deformi-
ty, ectopic lenses, myopia, retinal detachment, and a
defect in the tunica media of the ascending aorta
leading to diffuse and/or dissecting aneurysm and
mitral regurgitation [2] (Figs. 8.15-8.17). Other Osteogenesis Imperfecta
abnormalities include malformations of the cardio-
vascular system, lungs, eyes, kidneys, and stomach
[1]. Clinical Presentation. The main features of this
The skin involvement is rare. Elastoma perforans disease are "brittle bones," deafness, and blue scle-
(Miescher) [3] and striae of the skin in the pectoral rae. The joints are loose and hernias frequently
and deltoid areas may occur [4]. occur. The fractures may be present at birth
Kindreds with combinations of some features of (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita) or occur later
Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in life (osteogenesis imperfecta tarda).
have been reported [5, 6]. In general, affected The skin is thin and translucent, resembling the skin
individuals have a marfanoid habitus, heart lesions, of the aged. Healing of wounds results in wide scars.
joint hypermobility, and skin stretchability. These Capillary fragility is increased [1]. Macular atro-
features may constitute a separate syndrome, "mar- phy of the skin has been described [2].
fanoid hypermobility syndrome," which is probably
inherited as autosomal dominant. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The defect is in the
maturation of collagen or in the synthesis of a
Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the affected aor- different species of collagen [3]. The collagen con-
ta, there is degeneration of the elastic lamellae [2]. tent per unit area is decreased [4]. Cells cultured
Histologic studies of other organs including the from the skin of certain patients with osteogenesis
skin are inconsistent. The basic defect may be in the imperfecta synthesize a higher proportion of type
elastic fibers or, more likely, in collagen. III collagen than cells from normal skin [5].
Marfan Syndrome 169


8.15 8.17

Figs. 8.15-8.17. Marfan syndrome Fig. 8.16. Arachnodactyly. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser)
Fig. 8.15. General view showing long limbs, long face, and Fig. 8.17. Long feet. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser)
pectus carinatum. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser)

Inheritance. Osteogenesis imperfecta is very hetero- References

geneous [6]. The inheritance is usually autosomal 1. Siegel, B. M., Friedman, 1. A., Schwartz, S. 0 . : Hemorrhagic
dominant, although a rare form is inherited as disease in osteogenesis imperfecta. Study of platelet functional
defect. Amer. J. Med. 22, 315- 321 (1957)
autosomal recessive [3, 6]. The congenita and tarda
2. Blegvad, 0 ., Haxthausen, H.: Blue sclerotics and brittle
forms may coexist in the same family. bones, with macular atrophy of the skin and zonular cataract.
Brit. med. 1. 1921II, 1071- 1072
Treatment. Surgical correction of leg deformities 3. McKusick, V. A.: Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 4th
may be helpful. Several treatments have been re- ed., pp. 390-454. Saint Louis: Mosby, C. V. Co. 1972
4. Stevenson, c.J., Bottoms, E., Shuster, S.: Skin collagen in
commended including fluoride, androgens, mag- osteogenesis imperfecta. Lancet 19701,860-861
nesium oxide, and calcitonin. This last treatment 5. Penttinen, R.P., Lichtenstein, J. R., Martin, G. R., McKusick,
shows the most promise of being effective [7]. V. A.: Abnormal collagen metabolism in cultured cells in
osteogenesis imperfecta. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72,
586-589 (1975)
6. Beighton, P.: Inherited disorders of the skeleton, pp. 87-96.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone 1978
7. Pinnel, S.R.: Disorders of collagen. In: The metabolic basis
of inherited disease. Stanbury, 1. B., Wyngaarden, 1. B.,
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1366-1399. New York :
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
170 Connective Tissue Disorders

Puretic Syndrome The disease is associated with inherited disorders of

connective tissue in more than one-third of the
cases. The usual associated disorders are Down
This syndrome is characterized by the appearance syndrome (mongolism), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,
around the age of 3 months of painful contractures osteogenesis imperfecta, Marfan syndrome, pseudo-
of the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees; deformi- xanthoma elasticum, Rothmund-Thomson syndro-
ties of face and skull; stunted growth; osteolysis of me, and acrogeria [3, 4]. One family (a sister and
terminal phalanges; multiple, large subcutaneous two brothers) has been reported with elastosis
nodes, some calcified; sclerodermoid and atrophic perforans serpiginosa as an isolated trait [5].
changes in the skin; and repeated suppurative
infections of the skin, eyes, and ears [1]. Pathology and Pathophysiology. Characteristically,
The nodes are formed as a result of changes in the there are transepidermal, parafollicular, or transfol-
connective tissue of the lower dermis: PAS-positive, licular channels of perforation filled with elastic
diastase-resistant, homogeneous amorphous mas- fibers, cellular debris, and keratin [3,4]. The epider-
ses, with very fine fibrils and granules and absent mis is hyperkeratotic and acanthotic. The dermis
elastic fibers [1]. The skin has a low fat content and around the channel shows an inflammatory reac-
a high protein content, with an unusually low tion with foreign body giant cells [3, 4J and thick
hydroxyproline and high hexosamine [1]. Inheri- elastic fibers [3]. It is postulated that the basic
tance is autosomal recessive. Treatment is aimed defect is in the connective tissue which incites a
primarily at combating secondary infection. The trans epithelial elimination [3, 4].
affected joints are helped by corticosteroids and
physiotherapy. Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant.

Treatment. Most therapeutic measures have been

Reference unsatisfactory. Cryotherapy or occlusion with cello-
1. Puretic, S., Puretic, B., Fiser-Herman, M., Adam6ic, M.: A
phane tape may be helpful [3]. Electrosurgery
unique form of mesenchymal dysplasia. Brit. J. Derm. 74,8-19 often results in keloids and is not recommended.

1. Lutz, W.: Keratosis follicularis serpiginosa. Dermatologica
(Basel) 106, 318-320 (1953)
2. Miescher, G.: Elastoma intrapapillare perforans verrucifor-
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa me. Dermatologica (Basel) 110, 254--266 (1955)
3. Mehregan, A.H.: Elastosis perforans serpiginosa. A review of
(Miescher Elastoma, the literature and report of 11 cases. Arch. Derm. 97, 381-393
Elastoma Intrapapillare 4. Smith, E. W., Malak, J. A., Goodman, R. M., McKusick, V. A.:
Perforans V erruciforme) Reactive perforating elastosis: a feature of certain genetic
disorders. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 111, 235-251 (1962)
5. Woerdeman, M.J., Bour, D.J.H., Bijlsma, J.B.: Elastosis
perforans serpiginosa. Report of a family with a chromosomal
First described by Lutz in 1953 [lJ, this disease was investigation. Arch. Derm. 92, 559-560 (1965)
further delineated by Miescher in 1955 [2].

Clinical Presentation. The majority of patients are

young adults. Both sexes are affected. The eruption
has a predilection for the sides of the neck and Familial Reactive Collagenosis
upper extremities and occurs less frequently on the
face, trunk, and lower extremities [3]. The primary
lesion is a keratotic, conical papule, 2-5 mm in In 1967 Mehregan et al. drew attention to this
diameter, discrete or clustered to form an annular, entity [1]. Since then, several reports of familial
serpiginous, or arcuate arrangement [3, 4J (Fig. occurrence have appeared [2-5].
8.18). When the plug is forcibly removed, a bleeding
crater remains. On healing, the skin is erythema- Clinical Presentation. The onset is usually in early
tous, hypopigmented, or atrophic [4]. The eruption childhood with lesions involving primarily the
is usually asymptomatic. Keloid formation is fre- hands and feet, forearms, legs, face, and scalp. Less
quent. often, the trunk and buttocks are affected, while the
Mucopolysaccharidoses 171

Fig. 8.18. Elastosis perforans serpig-

inosa. Annular arcuate grouping of
keratotic papules. (Courtesy of Dr. 1.

palms and soles are characteristically spared [5]. References

The initial lesion is a pinhead-sized, skin-colored 1. Mehregan, A. H., Schwartz, O. D., Livingood, C. S.: Reactive
papule that increases in size to about 4-6 mm, perforating collagenosis. Arch. Derm. 96, 277-282 (1967)
developing a central umbilication [1]. This central 2. Mehregan, A.H.: Transepithelial elimination. Curr. Probl.
Derm. 3, 124 (1970)
depression is filled with an adherent keratinous 3. Weiner, A.L.: Reactive perforating collagenosis. Arch. Derm.
plug, the removal of which causes bleeding [4]. The 102, 540-544 (1970)
maximum size is reached in about a month, after 4. Nair, B.K.H., Sarojini, P.A., Basheer, A.M., Nair, C.H.K.:
which the lesions regress spontaneously in 6-8 Reactive perforating collagenosis. Brit. J. Derm. 91, 399-403
weeks [1, 4]. Slight atrophy and mild pigmentary 5. Kanan, M. W. : Familial reactive perforating collagenosis and
changes may remain at the sites of the healed intolerance to cold. Brit. J. Derm. 91, 405-414 (1974)
lesions [4, 5]. New lesions appear as older lesions 6. Malak, J.A., Kurban, A.K.: "Catharsis": an excretory func-
involute [5]. The eruption is asymptomatic, but is tion of the epidermis. Brit. J. Derm. 84, 516-522 (1971)
accentuated by trauma [1-5] and atmospheric cold

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The initial charac- Mucopolysaccbaridoses

teristic change is the appearance of a hema-
toxylinophilic mass of connective tissue in the
upper dermis [1]. In the well-developed lesion, In 1917 Hunter [1] reported two brothers with
there is a cup-shaped depression in the epidermis physical and radiologic findings typical of the X-
filled with parakeratotic keratin, necrobiotic con- linked mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) now called
nective tissue, degenerating inflammatory cells, MPSII or the Hunter syndrome. In 1919 Hurler [2]
and some normal collagen bundles. These consti- described patients who probably suffered from the
tuents of the plug eventually extrude through the autosomal recessive form now referred to as MPS I
disrupted epidermis [1]. This is the hallmark of the or the Hurler syndrome. Since then, several syndro-
disease [5]. The process is provoked by superficial mes with similar features have been published
trauma to the skin, suggesting that the primary under the descriptive, but unnecessarily cruel, term
defect is in the pars papillaris of the dermis [5]. The "gargoylism" [3, 4]. In 1952 the Hurler syndrome
collagen there undergoes necrobiotic changes that was classified as a mucopolysaccharidosis after
start the cycle whereby the altered connective tissue dermatan sulfate was isolated from the liver of two
is eliminated via the epidermis [6]. patients [5]. By 1966 six distinct mucopoly-
saccharidoses had been differentiated by combined
Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive [5]. clinical, genetic, and biochemical studies [6]. More
have since been added to the list and, based on
Treatment. Avoidance of trauma is the mainstay of recent developments and studies, the mucopoly-
treatment. saccharidoses were reclassified in 1972 [7].
172 Connective Tissue Disorders

In 1970 the term genetic mucolipidoses was coined MPS III (Sanfilippo syndrome). Mild hypertricho-
to designate disorders resembling mucopoly- sis.
saccharidoses and sphingolipidoses [8]. Both the MPS IV (Morquio syndrome). The skin is loose,
mucopolysaccharidoses and the mucolipidoses are thickened, tough, and inelastic, particularly over the
mucopolysaccharide storage diseases. However, a limbs. Telangiectasia is found, especially on the face
mucopolysaccharidosis is deficient in a single en- and extremities [20].
zyme, whereas in a mucolipidosis multiple lysosomal MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome). In two af-
hydrolases are deficient in some cells and are fected sisters the subcutaneous tissues of the volar
elevated in body fluids [9-12]. surface of the second to fourth fingers were thick-
Table 8.1 summarizes the new classification of the ened [21].
mucopolysaccharide storage diseases and their
genetic and enzymatic defects. However, further Pathology and Pathophysiology. In 1964 the ultra-
discussion will concentrate only on the mucopoly- structure of hepatic cells in Hurler disease was
saccharidoses. described [22] and the mucopolysaccharidoses
were classified as "lysosomal diseases" the following
Clinical Presentation. As the prototype mucopoly- year [23,24].
saccharidosis, MPS I H, or the Hurler syndrome, In vitro studies of fibroblasts have shown deficien-
presents the following clinical features: lumbar cies in corrective factors in several of these disorders
gibbus, stiff joints, broad hands, deformity of the [25-27]. Subsequently, specific enzymatic deficien-
chest, dwarfism, clouding of the cornea, coarse cies were discovered in most of them [28-36] (see
facies, hepatosplenomegaly, mental retardation, Table 8.1). In the Hurler, Hunter, Sanfilippo A, and
and deafness (Figs. 8.19-8.22). The disease becomes Maroteaux-Lamy syndromes, intrauterine diagno-
clinically evident in infancy and is progressive. The sis is possible [9, 37].
usual causes of death are respiratory infection and In the Hurler and Scheie diseases light microscopy
cardiac failure. of the skin reveals the diffusely vacuolated cyto-
A high' concentration of mucopolysaccharides is plasm of basal and spinous cells. In some, a large
found in the urine, along with metachromatic perinuclear vacuole is present, displacing the nuc-
granules in the circulating lymphocytes or bone leus, which assumes a crescent shape. Similar
marrow cells. The excessive urinary mucopoly- changes are present in the eccrine sweat duct and
saccharides are derma tan sulfate and heparan gland. The large, vacuolated, mononuclear cells just
sulfate. beneath the basement membrane contain large
Simple tests for excessive acid mucopolysaccharides numbers of metachromatic granules in the vacuoles.
in the urine have been devised. One of these uses the Vacuolated cells, containing intensely metachroma-
turbidity produced with acidified bovine serum tic granules, are present throughout the dermis in
albumin [15], while another uses a filter paper with perivascular and periappendageal locations. The
metachromasia produced by toluidine blue [16]. hair follicles show some vacuolization in the outer
root sheath cells [17].
Electron microscopic examination of the skin of
The Skin in Mucopolysaccharidoses patients with Hurler syndrome reveals that many
prickle cells contain a single, very large vacuole
MPS I H (Hurler syndrome). The skin is coarse, indenting the nucleus. Dermal fibroblasts and mac-
leathery, thick, inelastic, and hard (Fig. 8.23). rophages contain large numbers of cytoplasmic
Generalized hirsutism is usually present [17] vacuoles that are limited by a single membrane. It
(Figs. 8.19-8.22). seems likely that these vacuoles contain secretory
M PS I S (Scheie syndrome). There is excessive body products, mainly acid mucopolysaccharides [38].
hair along with the "carpal tunnel" syndrome bilat- Similar changes have also been described in Hunter
erally. The skin over the fingers appears taut and syndrome [39].
firmly bound to the underlying structures. A few,
solitary spider telangiectases are found over the Inheritance. See Table 8.1.
face, neck, chest, forearms, and hands.
MPS II (Hunter syndrome). The skin presents with Treatment. Clinical and chemical improvement with
grooving and either ridged or nodular thickening, plasma infusions has been noted [40]. Therapy by
especially over the upper arms and thorax, symme- enzyme replacement is promising.
trically distributed in an area of 6 by 10 cm from the
angle of the scapula to the axillary line (Fig. 8.24).
Hypertrichosis is usually striking [18, 19].
M ucopolysaccharidoses 173

Table 8.1. Mucopolysaccharide storage diseases'

Designation Clinical presen ta tion Inheritance Deficient enzyme

MPS I H Hurler syndrome Early clouding of cornea, coarse Autosomal recessive ()(-L-Iduronidase
features, mental retardation, death
before age of 10 years
MPS I S Scheie syndrome Stiff joints, cloudy cornea, aortic Autosomal recessive ()(-L-Iduronidase
regurgitation, normal
intelligence, normal lifespan
MPS I HIS Hurler-Scheie Phenotype intermediate between Genetic compound of ()(-L-Iduronidase
compound Hurler and Scheie MPSIH and IS
MPSIIA Hunter No clouding of cornea, milder course X-linked recessive Iduronate
syndrome, severe form than in MPSIH, death before age (the gene lyonizes) sulfatase
of 15 years [13]
MPS II B Hunter Survival until age of 30--50 years, X-linked recessive Iduronate
syndrome, mild form fair intelligence (allelic to MPS II A) sulfatase
M PS III A Sanfilippo Mild somatic and severe central Autosomal recessive Heparan N-
syndrome A nervous system signs sulfatase
M PS III B Sanfilippo Autosomal recessive N-Acetyl-()(-D-
syndrome B glucosaminidase
MPS IV A Morquio Severe bone changes of distinctive Autosomal recessive Hexosamine 6-
syndrome type, cloudy cornea, aortic sulfatase
MPS IV B Morquio-like Severe bone changes of distinctive Autosomal recessive {3-Galactosidase
syndrome type, cloudy cornea, aortic [14]
MPSV Vacant (formerly Scheie syndrome)
MPS VI A Maroteaux- Severe osseous and corneal changes, Autosomal recessive Arylsulfatase B
Lamy syndrome, normal intellect
classic form
MPS VI B Maroteaux- Autosomal recessive Arylsulfatase B
Lamy syndrome, (allelic to MPS VI A)
mild form
MPS VII {3-Glucuronidase Hepatosplenomegaly, dysostosis Autosomal recessive {3-Glucuronidase
deficiency multiplex, white cell inclusions,
mental retardation
ML II Mucolipidosis II Dysostosis multiplex with early Autosomal recessive Multiple
(I-cell disease) onset (resembling MPS I H, but lysosomal
more severe), gingival hyperplasia; hydro lases
no mucopolysaccchariduria deficient in some
cells, elevated in
body fluids
ML III Mucolipidosis III Stiff joints, cloudy cornea, short Autosomal recessive Same as ML II
(pseudo-Hurler stature, aortic valve disease; (? allelic with ML II)
polydystrophy) no mucopolysacchariduria
Multiple sulfatidosis Progressive neurologic Autosomal recessive Multiple
(Austin variant of deterioration, hepatosplenomegaly, sulfatases
metachromatic leuko- white blood cell inclusions;
dystrophy (MLD)) mucopolysacchariduria present

• From McKusick et al. [9], with permission.

174 Connective Tissue Disorders

8.19 8.20

8.21 _ _ ~~

Figs. 8.19-8.22. Hurler syndrome. Note generalized hirsutism. (Figs. 21 and 22 - courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)
Hurler Syndrome 175


Fig. 8.23. Hurler syndrome. (Note leathery, thick skin of the

hands with hirsutism)

Fig. 8.24. Hunter syndrome. Note mildly nodular thickening

over the left scapular area 8.24

References 7. McKusick, V. A.: Heritable disorders of connective tissue,

4th ed., pp. 521--{)86. Saint Louis: Mosby, C. V. Co. 1972
1. Hunter, C.: A rare disease in two brothers. Proc. roy. Soc. 8. Spranger, 1. W., Wiedemann, H. R. : The genetic mucolipido-
Med. 10, 104--116 (1917) ses. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Humangenetik 9,
2. Hurler, G.: Uber einen Typ multipler Abartungen, vorwie- 113- 139 (1970)
gend am Skeletsystem. Z. Kinderheilk. 24, 220-234 (1919) 9. McKusick, V.A., Neufeld, E.F., Kelly, T.E. : The mucopoly-
3. Cockayne, E. A.: Gargoylism (chondro-osteodystrophy, he- saccharide storage diseases. In : The metabolic basis of
patosplenomegaly, deafness) in two brothers. Proc. roy. Soc. inherited disease. Stanbury, 1. B., Wyngaarden, 1. B., Fre-
Med. 30, 104--107 (1936) drickson, D . S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1282- 1307. New York:
4. Ellis, R.W.B., Sheldon, W., Capon, N.B.: Gargoylism (chon- McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
dro-osteo-dystrophy, corneal opacities, hepatosplenomegaly 10. Glaser, 1. H., McAlister, W. E., Sly, W. S.: Genetic heteroge-
and mental deficiency). Quart. J. Med. 5, 119-139 (1936) neity in multiple lysosomal hydrolase deficiency. J. Pediat.
5. Brante, G . : Gargoylism: a mucopolysaccharidosis? Scand. 85, 192-198 (1974)
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6. McKusick, V. A. : Heritable disorders of connective tissue, 1., O'Brien, 1. S. : I-cell disease; biochemical studies. Pediat.
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study of dones in cell culture with particular reference to the 35. Von Figura, K., Kresse, H.: The Sanfilippo B corrective
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of Hurler's syndrome. J. lab. din. Med. 55,136-138 (1960) 38. DeCloux, R.J., Friederici, H.H. R.: Ultrastructural studies of
17. Hambrick, G.W.,Jr., Scheie, H.G.: Studies of the skin in the skin in Hurler's syndrome. Arch. Path. 88, 350-358 (1969)
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455-470 (1962) Ultrastructure of skin in patients with mucopolysaccha-
18. Cole, H.N.,Jr., Irving, R.C., Lund, H.Z., Mercer, R.D., ridoses. Lab. Invest. 31, 488-502 (1974)
Schneider, R. W.: Gargoylism with cutaneous manifesta- 40. DiFerrante, N., Nichols, B. L., Donnelly, P. V., Neri, G.,
tions. Arch. Derm. Syph. 66, 371-383 (1952) Hrgovcic, R., Berglund, R. K.: Induced degradation of
19. Andersson, B., Tandberg, 0.: Lipochondrodystrophy (gar- glycosaminoglycans in Hurler's and Hunter's syndromes by
goylism, Hurler's syndrome) with specific cutaneous depo- plasma infusion. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 68, 303-307
sits. Acta paediat. 41, 162-167 (1952) (1971)
20. Greaves, M.W., Inman, P.M.: Cutaneous changes in the
Morquio syndrome. Brit. J. Derm. 81, 29-36 (1969)
21. Spranger, J. W., Koch, F., McKusick, V. A., Natzschka, J.,
Wiedemann, H.-R., Zellweger, H.: Mucopolysaccharidosis
VI (Maroteaux-Lamy's disease). Helv. paediat. Acta 25,
337-362 (1970)
22. Van Hoof, F., Hers, H.G.: L'ultrastructure des cellules hepa- Heredity and Autoimmune Diseases
tiques dans la maladie de Hurler (gargoylisme). e.R. Acad.
Sci. [D] (Paris) 259, 1281-1283 (1964)
23. Hers, H.G.: Inborn lysosomal diseases. Gastroenterology
48, 625-633 (1965) A number of observations have drawn attention
24. Van Hoof, F., Hers, H.G.: The abnormalities of lysosomal to the relationship among individual connective
enzymes in mucopolysaccharidoses. Europ. J. Biochem. 7, tissue disorders and their common genetic back-
34-44 (1968)
ground. These observations include: (a) overlap-
25. Fratantoni, J.e., Hall, e.W., Neufeld, E.F.: Hurler and
Hunter syndromes: mutual correction of the defect in cul- ping of the signs and symptoms of the individual
tured fibroblasts. Science 162, 570-572 (1968) connective tissue diseases with each other and with
26. Barton, R. W., Neufeld, E. F.: A distinct biochemical deficit agammaglobulinemia, Sjogren syndrome, thyroidi-
in the Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis tis, and others [1] ; (b) familial occurrence of several
VI). J. Pediat. 80, 114-116 (1972)
of these diseases, especially systemic lupus erythem-
27. Cantz, M., Chrambach, A., Bach, G., Neufeld, E.F.: The
Hunter corrective factor. Purification and preliminary cha- atosus (SLE) (Figs. 8.25-8.27) [2] and rheumatoid
racterization. J. bio!. Chern. 247, 5456-5462 (1972) arthritis [3]; (c) occurrence of connective tissue
28. Bach, G., Friedman, R., Weissmann, B., Neufeld, E.F.: The disorders in relatives of pro bands, often differing
defect in the Hurler and Scheie syndromes: deficiency of iX-L- from that of the proband [1]; and (d) the presence
iduronidase. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 69, 2048-2051 of a large number of autoantibodies in patients with
29. Matalon, R., Dorfman, A.: Hurler's syndrome, an iX-L-
these disorders and in their families. These observa-
iduronidase deficiency. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. tions have led to the postulate that certain connec-
47, 959-964 (1972) tive tissue disorders (lupus erythematosus, sclero-
30. Bach, G., Eisenberg, F.,Jr., Cantz, M., Neufeld, E.F.: The derma, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, poly-
defect in the Hunter syndrome: deficiency of sulfoiduronate arteritis nodosa) share a basic genetic diathesis
sulfatase. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 70,2134-2138 (1973)
which involves immunologic mechanisms. The
31. Sjoberg, I., Fransson, L. A., Matalon, R., Dorfman, A.:
Hunter's syndrome: a deficiency of L-idurono-sulfate sulfa- exact nature of these mechanisms remains unclear.
tase. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 54, 1125-1132 (1973) In SLE, using mathematical analyses of age and
32. Kresse, H.: Mucopolysaccharidosis III A (Sanfilippo disea- sex distribution, it has been suggested that probably
se): deficiency of heparin sulfamidase in skin fibroblasts and three dominant X-linked alleles and autosomal
leucocytes. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 54, 1111-1118
factors at one or more loci are operative [4], and
33. Matalon, R., Dorfman, A. : Sanfilippo A syndrome. Sulfami-
that SLE is a separate entity and has a genetic
dase deficiency in cultured skin fibroblasts and liver. J. din. basis different from discoid lupus erythematosus
Invest. 54, 907-912 (1974) [5].
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 177

8.25 8.26

Figs. 8.25--8.27. Systemic lupus erythematosus

Fig. 8.25. Maculopapular erythematous eruptions on

the face

Fig. 8.26. Characteristic infiltrative lesions on the

palm. (Courtesy of Dr. I. ZeJigman)

Fig. 8.27. Erythematous infiltrated plaque over the

8.27 right cheek. (Courtesy of Dr. I. ZeJigman)

1. Ziff, M.: Genetics, hypersensitivity and the connective tissue 4. Burch, P. R.1., Rowell, N. R.: Systemic lupus erythematosus.
diseases. Amer. J. Med. 30, 1- 7 (1961) Etiological aspects. Amer. 1. Med. 38, 793- 801 (1965)
2. Leonhardt, T. : Familial hypergammaglobulinaemia and sy- 5. Beck, 1. S., Rowell, N. R.: Discoid lupus erythematosus. A
stemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet 1957 II , 1200--1203 study of the clinical features and biochemical and serological
3. Stecher, R.M., Hersh, A.H., Solomon, W.M., Wolpaw, R.: abnormalities in 120 patients with observations on the rela-
The genetics of rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of 224 families. tionship of this disease to systemic lupus erythematosus.
Amer. J. hum. Genet. 5, 118-138 (1953) Quart. J. Med. 35, 119-136 (1966)
Chapter 9 Disorders of Hair

Contents Dyskeratosis Congenita (see p. 132)

Conradi Syndrome (see p. 37)
Hereditary Hirsutism . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (see p. 79)
Normal Subjects ............ 179 Lamellar Ichthyosis (see p. 28)
Generalized: Racial and Familial Hirsutism 179 Hartnup Disease (see p. 142)
Localized Hypertrichosis . . . . . . . . 179 Citrullinuria (see p. 264)
Midphalangeal Hair ........ 179 Autosomal Dominant Conditions
Hypertrichosis of Pinna [Hairy Ears (Hypertrichosis Pachyonychia Conge nita (see p. 198)
Pinnae Auris)] .............. 179 Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome (see p. 97)
Hypertrichosis Cubiti (Hairy Elbows Syndrome) 179 Treacher Collins Syndrome (see p. 130)
Congenital Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Popliteal Web Syndrome (see p. 202)
Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa . . . . . . . . . . 179 X-Linked Dominant Disorders
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (Brachmann-de Lange Orofaciodigital Syndrome (see p. 105)
Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Incontinentia Pigmenti (see p. 74)
Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy (Berardinelli) Focal Dermal Hypoplasia (see p. 91)
(see p. 130) Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans Cum
Leprechaunism (see p. 315) Ophiasi (see p. 26)
Mucopolysaccharidoses (see p. 171) Chromosomal Aberrations
Porphyria (see p. 143) Down Syndrome (see p. 290)
Trisomy 18 (see p. 293) Dysplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Epidermolysis Bullosa (see p. 80) Generalized Alopecia Due to Hamartomas of Hair
Gingival Fibromatosis with Hypertrichosis (see p. 205) Follicles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome (see p. 312) Universal Atrichia with Papular Lesions 184
Abnormalities of Hair Shaft 184
Hereditary Alopecias . . . . . 181 Pili Torti 184
Abnormalities of Hair Follicles 181 Monilethrix . . . . 186
Aplasia . . . . . . . . . 181 Pseudomonilethrix . 186
Universal: Congenital Universal Alopecia (Hypo- Trichorrhexis Nodosa 186
trichosis, "Hairlessness") . . . . . . . . 181 Trichorrhexis Invaginata (Bamboo Hair) 186
Alopecia-Epilepsy-Oligophrenia Syndrome of Pili Annulati (Ringed Hair) . . . . . 186
Moynahan (Familial Congenital Alopecia, Epilepsy, Kinky Hair Disease (Menkes Syndrome) 188
Mental Retardation, and Abnormal EEG) 181 Woolly Hair ........... 188
Aplasia Cutis Congenita (see p. 90) Brittle Hair (Hair-Brain Syndrome, Amish Brittle Hair
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome (see p. 97) Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Hypoplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Miscellaneous Alopecias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Hereditary Hypotrichosis (Marie Unna Type) 182 Baldness (Male Pattern Alopecia, Patterned Baldness) 190
Hypotrichosis with Light-Colored Hair and Facial Alopecia Areata 190
Milia ................... 182
Ectodermal Dysplasias (see p. 109) Other Conditions 192
Various Syndromes in Which Hypotrichosis Is Less Abnormalities of Pattern 192
Constant or Less Well-Defined ........ 182 Catatrichy (Forelock) 192
Autosomal Recessive Conditions . . . . . . . 182 Hair Whorl ("Crown") 192
Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia (Metaphyseal Chon- Widow's Peak . . . . 192
drodysplasia, McKusick Type) . 182 Abnormalities of Color . 192
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome ..... 184 Melanin Pigmentation (see p. 59)
Cockayne Syndrome (see p. 120) Red Hair . . . . . . . 192
Werner Syndrome (see p. 119) Abnormalities of Structure 192
Progeria (see p. 116)
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome (see p. 123) Disorders of Eyelashes and Eyebrows 194
Hereditary Hirsutism 179

These disorders include either (a) coarser, longer, or Hypertrichosis Cubiti (Hairy Elbows Syndrome)
more profuse growth of hair (hypertrichosis and
hirsutism) [lJ or (b) lacking or sparse growth of This type of inherited hypertrichosis has been re-
hair (alopecia) [2,3]. ported in two of five siblings [7]. The condition is
apparent at birth with hairiness of the elbows
increasing until the age of five before starting to
regress. The mode of inheritance is probably do-
Hereditary Hirsutism minant, although inbreeding makes recessive in-
heritance a possible explanation for the findings
Normal Subjects

Generalized: Racial and Familial Hirsutism

Congenital Anomalies
There are evident differences in hairiness among
various races: Caucasians are much more hirsute
Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa
than Orientals, Eskimos, American Indians, or
Negroes [1]. Similarly, there may be marked in-
This is an extremely rare condition in which the
traracial differences. Thus, dark-haired, darkly pig-
fetal pelage is not replaced by vellus and terminal
mented Caucasians of either sex tend to be more
hair but persists and is constantly renewed. Several
hirsute than light-haired ones [1]. Hairiness of the
varieties exist, of which the "dog-face" and
beard, moustache area, sternal area, abdomen,
"monkey-face" forms are better defined. In both
arms, and legs seems to have a familial tendency in
forms, the increased hairiness is present at birth. In
either sex (Fig. 9.1). Occasionally, even though the
the former, the hair gradually lengthens and covers
hair pattern is normal, the hairs are coarser and all of the body surface except the palms and soles
larger than normal. Facial hypertrichosis in women [9J, dorsal terminal phalanges, labia minora, pre-
may have an autosomal dominant pattern of
puce, and glans penis. Dental abnormalities, es-
inheri tan ceo
pecially anodontia, gingival fibromatosis, and de-
formities of the external ear may be associated
findings. In the "monkey-face" form, hair terminals
Localized Hypertrichosis
appear pigmented. Death may occur in early life.
Both forms are inherited as autosomal dominant.
Midphalangeal Hair

Hypertrichosis of the middle phalanges of the

fourth, third, fifth, and second fingers (in the order Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
of frequency of the affection [1 J) is not rare. (Brachmann-de Lange Syndrome)
Inheritance is autosomal dominant.
In 1933 Cornelia de Lange [10J described two
infants with brachycephaly, thick eyebrows, long
Hypertrichosis of Pinna eyelashes, micromelia, and syndactylism of the feet.
[Hairy Ears (Hypertrichosis Pinnae Auris)) More than 250 patients have been reported to date
This trait consists of long hairs growing from the
helix of the pinna (Fig. 9.2). Although V-linked Clinical Presentation. The following are the most
inheritance was suggested in 1964, there has been important features of this syndrome: short stature
continuing controversy [4,5]. More recently it was (usually below the third percentile); microcephaly
suggested that this trait is inherited as an autosomal with mental retardation; generalized hirsutism,
dominant with a strong male influence [6]. which is more accentuated on the face; synophrys;
hypertelorism; long and curly eyelashes; narrow
palpebral fissures; strabismus; small nose with
anteverted nostrils; longer than average philtrum;
and small chin with the corners of the mouth curved
downward [11, 14J (Figs. 9.3 and 9.4). The voice is
growling and low-pitched. The ears are usually low-
180 Disorders of Hair

Fig. 9.1. Familial hirsutism Fig. 9.2. Hypertrichosis of pinna

Most of these patients have a low birth weight for demyelinization. Most patients have normal chro-
their gestational age. About 20 % of the patients mosomal karyotypes [18]. However, in certain
have limb malformations which may consist of reports [19], anomalies have been detected in a high
shortened arms, small hands and feet, tapering percentage of cases where the chromosomes were
digits, clinodactyly, phocomelia, or oligodactyly studied. The chromosomal anomalies do not reveal
[11]. any consistency that could be significant in eluci-
The most important dermatologic finding is the dating the pathophysiology of the condition.
hirsutism, which is usually marked on the forehead, The main histopathologic features of the skin in-
nape of the neck, upper lip, forearms, back, and volve the small blood vessels of the subpapillary
sacral area. The hair is coarse and dry [11,15]. layer. The endothelial lining is prominent and the
Vascular lability and cutis marmorata may be vessels are surrounded by a zone of edema [15].
present [16]. The marmoration is generalized ex-
cept for the palms and soles. The branching pattern Inheritance. Much controversy still exists over the
is pink-red with normal-colored skin between the mode of inheritance of this syndrome. In 1963 an
arborizations [15]. The dermal ridges of the hy- autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance was
pothenar areas of the palms and soles are hy- suggested [20]. In 1967 a familial occurrence and
poplastic and simian creases are commonly parental consanguinity were noted, thus favoring
present. the autosomal recessive mode [21]. In a more
Occasional anomalies include myopia, optic at- recent report [22], 54 families were studied and the
rophy, cleft palate, congenital heart defects [17], recurrence rate among siblings was estimated to be
and defects of the gastrointestinal tract (hiatus between 2.2 and 5.1 %. Based on this, the possibility
hernia, duplication of the gut, malrotation of the of a polygenic inheritance was favored. Finally, in
colon, pyloric stenosis). There may be hypoplasia of 1971, in the light of additional data, the autosomal
the external genitalia (in both sexes) and unde- recessive mode of inheritance was considered to be
scended testes. However, usually normal secondary the more probable [12].
sex characteristics develop in both sexes and men-
struation in females is normal [18]. Treatment. There is no definitive treatment.
Episodes of aspiration in infancy and recurrent
infections are the major causes of death. These
patients rarely attain adulthood.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is a striking

delay in maturation of most organ systems [19]. The
severe mental retardation is due to a small brain
and abnormalities of cerebral convolutions and
Hereditary Alopecias 181

9.3 9.4

Fig. 9.3. Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Note hirsutism of Fig. 9.4. Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Note the synophrys
the forehead and abnormality of the right upper limb. and the narrow palpebral fissures. (Courtesy of Dr.
(From Pashayan, H., et al.: Birth defects original article F.C.Fraser)
series. Vol. XI, No.5, pp. 147-156. National Foundation-
March of Dimes 1975)

Hereditary Alopecias Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main feature is

absence of hair follicles.
Abnormalities of Hair Follicles Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
Treatment. There is no treatment.
A lopecia-E pilepsy-O ligophrenia Syndrome
Universal: Congenital Universal Alopecia of Moynahan (Familial Congenital Alopecia,
( Hypotrichosis, "Hairlessness") Epilepsy, Mental Retardation, and Abnormal EEG)

Clinical Presentation. The scalp hair may be normal One family has been reported with this syndrome.
at birth but it may be lost within a few months or At birth there is hairlessness; later scant, downy
the scalp may be hairless from the onset [23]. hair of the scalp and eyelashes appears. Mental
Axillary and pubic hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes retardation, grand mal seizures, and abnormal EEG
are scanty. Teeth, nails, and general health are (gross generalized abnormality of an unusual kind)
normal (Fig. 9.5). are other features of the syndrome. Histologically,
In two sibs, hypotrichosis was associated with the scalp shows small scanty hair follicles, some
syndactyly (and partial ectrodactyly in one) and with a rim of keratin but no hair [25]. Inheritance is
retinitis pigmentosa [24]. probably autosomal recessive.
182 Disorders of Hair

and sparseness and hypo pigmentation of hairs. The

milia are confined to the face. With increasing age
the abnormalities are less severe. Hairs have normal
mechanical properties, X-ray diffraction patterns,
and electrophoretic patterns for the matrix and
filament proteins [29]. Inheritance is autosomal

Various Syndromes in Which Hypotrichosis

Is Less Constant or Less Well-Defined

Autosomal Recessive Conditions

Cartilage-Hail" Hypoplasia (Metaphyseal Chondro-

dysplasia, McKusick Type). In 1964 McKusick [30]
discovered this syndrome for the first time in an
inbred Amish population. However, it has more
recently been identified in other groups as well.

Clinical Presentation. The characteristic features of

the disease are small stature and abnormalities of
Fig. 9.5. Congenital alopecia and keratosis pilaris the skeleton, hair, and immune system.
The dwarfism is of the short-limbed variety and
superficially resembles classic achondroplasia.
Hypoplasia Adult heights vary from 105-145cm (Figs. 9.6 and
9.7). However, the head is normal in size without
Hereditary Hypotrichosis (Marie Unna Type) bulging of the forehead or exaggerated nasal sad-
dling. Loose-jointedness in the hands and feet is
Clinical Presentation. Affected individuals are born striking. Bending of the ribs at the costochondral
with little or no eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair. junction and symmetrical depression resembling
The scalp hair grows more profuse in early child- Harrison's grooves occur in several patients and
hood and becomes coarse and twisted. This is marked sternal deformity is present in some.
followed by alopecia at puberty especially over the Additional skeletal anomalies include mild bowing
vertex [26]. Milia may be present. A hereditary of the legs; short tibia in relation to fibula; short
hypotrichosis limited to the skull has been de- hands, fingernails, and toenails; decreased height of
scribed in a large kindred in Spain. Retardation vertebrae; incomplete extension of the elbow; lum-
of hair growth appears at 5-12 years and is com- bar lordosis; and small pelvic inlet. The condition is
plete by 20-25 years. The inheritance is auto- already evident at birth because of the reduced
somal dominant [27]. crown-to-heel measurement and abnormally high
upper segment-lower segment ratio [31].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The abnormal The hair is fine, sparse, and silky on the scalp as well
hairs are flat, ribbonlike, and twisted. Electron as the eyebrows and eyelashes. In some patients the
microscopy reveals intracellular fractures of cuti- hair is lighter in color and has an abnormally small
cular and medullary cells, increased interfibrillar caliber [31] (Figs. 9.8-9.10).
matrix, and fractures of cortical cell fibrils [28]. In the adult the radiologic features are not diagnos-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. tic. However, classic achondroplasia can be ex-
cluded because the skull is normal and the lumbar
Treatment. There is no treatment. spine does not show caudad tapering of the inter-
peduncular distances typical of achondroplasia
[31]. Changes are of the type which radiologists call
Hypotrichosis with Light-Colored Hair metaphyseal dysostosis. The nature of the skeletal
and Facial Milia disorder is demonstrated by radiologic studies per-
formed before closure of the epiphyses. The ossifi-
A pedigree with this syndrome has recently been cation centers of the epiphyses have a normal
described [29]. Affected individuals have milia appearance. The metaphyseal ends of most tubular
Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia 183


8 0 1----t

9.6 9.7


9.8 9.10

Figs. 9.6-9.10. Cartilage-hair hypoplasia Fig. 9.S. Note fine hair of light color. (Courtesy of Dr.
V. A. McKusick)
Figs. 9.6 and 9.7. General view of the body. (Fig. 6 - from
Lowry, R. B., et al.: Clin. Pediat. 9, 44--46, 1970. Fig. 7 - Figs. 9.9 and 9.10. Light microscopy of the hair. Fig. 9 -
courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick) patient's hair. Fig. 10 - control of the same age and sex.
Note the small caliber of patient's hair. (Courtesy of
Dr. R. B. Lowry)
184 Disorders of Hair

bones are scalloped and irregularly sclerotic, often Dysplasia

with cystic areas which appear to represent poorly
ossified cartilage or cartilaginous inclusions. All of Generalized Alopecia Due to Hamartomas
the tubular bones of the extremities including those of Hair Follicles
of the hands participate in the process, as do the
ribs, which at the costochondral junction show A female patient with progressive generalized alo-
flaring, cupping, and cystic changes. "Bone age" is pecia was found, on investigation, to have occult
irregular [31]. hair follicle hamartomas [38]. A familial incidence
There is a severe or fatal response to smallpox was suspected (Fig. 9.11).
vaccination, varicella, and recurrent respiratory
tract infections [32].
Universal Atrichia with Papular Lesions
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Children with
cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CRR) have chronic, non- Widespread papular lesions were associated with
cyclic neutropenia and lymphopenia, diminished generalized alopecia in four females who had no
delayed skin hypersensitivity, diminished respon- other ectodermal defects [39,40]. Histologically,
siveness of lymphocytes in vitro to phytohemag- the papules were malformed follicles with follicular
glutinin (PRA), and delayed rejection of the skin cysts and other malformations of the pilosebaceous
allografts. Immunoglobulin levels in serum and apparatus. In one case the condition affected two
saliva are normal or elevated. The findings suggest siblings. Inheritance is autosomal recessive.
that patients with CRR have a functional defect of
the small lymphocytes that mediate cellular im-
munity. Such dysfunction may be the result of an
abnormality of the thymus or of the lymphocytes Abnormalities of Hair Shaft
themselves. Some patients with CRR appear to
have a decline in cellular immune function with age Pili Torti
The hair shafts are only half as thick as the normal. Clinical Presentation. The hair may appear normal
They are weaker than normal hair. There may be at birth, but by the second or third year the abnor-
decreased reactivity of some disulfide bonds in the mality becomes clinically evident. Occasionally,
hair leading to its abnormal biophysical and bio- there may be alopecia at birth [2]. The affected
chemical characteristics [33]. hairs are brittle and break off 4-5 cm from the scalp
to give a stubblelike appearance. Friction, as from
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive with reduced pen- a pillow, may contribute to the alopecia (Fig. 9.12).
etrance when dwarfism is taken as the phenotype There may be improvement with puberty or the
for ascertainment. condition may persist into adulthood [3]. Axillary
and pubic hairs, the eyebrows, and eyelashes may
Treatment. Thymus transplants have been at- also be involved.
tempted as treatment for CRR [34]. Pili torti may be associated with other hair defects:
trichorrhexis nodosa, trichorrhexis invaginata, and
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome. Giedion, in 1966, monilethrix [3]. The condition may also be
described this entity which involves abnormalities associated with keratosis pilaris, seborrhea, ich-
of the hair, nose, and phalanges [35]. The scalp and thyosis, and ectodermal dysplasia [3]. Mental re-
body hair is sparse and slow-growing. There is tardation and cerebral degeneration have been
sparsity of the lateral eyebrows and baldness is reported in association with pili torti [3], as well as
early. The nose is pear-shaped with a long philtrum. sensorineural hearing loss (Bjornstad syndrome)
The phalanges of the fingers and toes may be [41].
crooked and shortened and may show cone-shaped
epiphyses. There may also be hypoplasia of the Pathology and Pathophysiology. The hair shafts are
midface. Inheritance is autosomal dominant [36], twisted 180°. The cuticle appears normal with scan-
although a recessive form may also exist [37]. ning electron microscopy [42] (Fig. 9.13).

Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive.

Treatment. The mainstay of treatment is avoidance

of trauma.
Pili Torti 185

Fig. 9.11. General-

ized alopecia due
to hair follicle ha-

9.12 9.13b

Fig. 9.12. Pili torti. Sparse hair with stubblelike appearance Fig. 9.13a and b. Pili torti. Microscopy of hair with dia-
at areas of friction. (From Nichamin, S.J .: Amer. J. Dis. grammatic illustration. (From Nichamin, S.J.: Amer. J.
Child. 95, 612- 615, 1958) Dis. Child. 95, 612-615, 1958)
186 Disorders of Hair

Monilethrix Trichorrhexis Nodosa

Clinical Presentation. At birth the hair usually Most often this is an acquired abnormality of the
appears normal but within a few months it is lost. shaft due to physical or chemical trauma.
There may be some regrowth of hair at puberty or Occasionally, the condition may be inherited.
the alopecia may persist. Erythematous, follicular, The defect is in the form of a nodelike swelling with
papular, and pustular lesions appear on the fore- segmental longitudinal splitting of the fiber through
head, face, scalp, and nape of the neck. Through which the hair fractures. This defect is found in sex-
these emerge the brittle, beaded hairs which break linked neurodegenerative diseases and sibs with
1 cm above the skin surface (Figs. 9.14-9.17). The mental and physical retardation [3,47]. The hair
body hair may also be affected. The severity of the has a low sulfur content with a defective cuticle
affection varies widely within the same pedigree. (Pollitt syndrome) [3,47] (Figs.9.18 and 9.19).
Other hair shaft defects, nail and teeth abnormal- Inheritance is probably autosomal recessive.
ities, physical retardation, syndactyly, and juvenile
cataracts may be associated with monilethrix [3]. It
may also be associated with mental retardation, Trichorrhexis Invaginata (Bamboo Hair)
epilepsy, schizophrenia, and neurodegenerative di-
sease [43]. Keratosis pilaris and argininosuccini- There is intussusception of the hair shaft within the
caciduria with an elevated plasma glutamic acid follicle, and as the hair grows the defect appears as
have also been noted [3]. bamboolike nodes. This abnormality is most fre-
quently associated with Netherton syndrome (see
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The hair shaft p.40).
shows elliptical nodes, 0.7-1 mm apart, separated
by constricted internodes, and an absent medulla
through which the hair fractures [3]. Longitudinal Pili Annulati (Ringed Hair)
ridging of the internodes can be demonstrated with
the scanning electron microscope [42]. Clinical Presentation. The abnormality is present at
birth or appears during the second year. Affected
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Some reports hairs, which may be few or include the entire scalp,
claim that a recessive mode of inheritance is present are characterized by light and dark bands on the
in one out of five families with monilethrix [44]. shafts in reflected light [3]. There may be no
increased fragility or the hairs may break off at a
Treatment. There is no definitive treatment. Griseo- length of 15-20cm.
fulvin may be helpful.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The light bands,
which are about 1 mm wide, are due to air spaces in
Pseudomonilethrix the cortex [3]. Scanning electron microscopy shows
surface irregularity of the abnormal bands [42]. In
In members of five families a new hair shaft defect one patient, a decrease in the sulfur content of the
has been described [45,46]. affected hair was found [3]. ,
The age of onset is in childhood with progressive
thinning of scalp hair. The skin is normal, but Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Many sporadic
formes frustes of pili torti and trichorrhexis nodosa cases exist.
are noted. The affected hairs show irregular spacing
with the nodes thicker than in the normal shaft, Treatment. If the condition is associated with hair
while the internodes remain the same. No abnormal- fragility, avoidance of trauma is stressed.
ities are noted with the scanning electron micro-
scope. The disease is inherited as autosomal
Monilethrix 187

9.1 9.15

Figs. 9.14 and 9.15. Monilethrix. Varying degrees of defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 262~
alopecia. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick. Fig. 15 ~ from 264. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)
Penchaszadeh, V. B.: In: The clinical delineation of birth


Figs. 9.16 and 9.17. Monilethrix. Note short hair and follicular
eruption. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick. Fig. 17 ~ from
Penchaszadeh, V. B.: In: The clinical delineation of birth defects.
Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 262~264. Baltimore:
}.16 ___ _""" Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)
188 Disorders of Hair

9.18 9.19

Figs. 9.18 and 9.19. Alopecia due to low sulfur content of hair. (Courtesy of Dr. A.C.Brown)

Kinky Hair Disease (Menkes Syndrome) result of defective formation of disulfide bonds in
keratin, since this process is copper-dependent.
In 1962 Menkes et al. [48] described this disease Cultured skin fibroblasts from patients with
characterized by stubby hair, neurologic dete- Menkes disease consistently exhibit elevated copper
rioration in infancy, and growth retardation. concentrations when compared to control fibro-
blast cultures. Menkes cells can be differentiated
Clinical Presentation. The infant is normal during from cultured fibroblasts of controls, of presumed
the first 2 or 3 months of life. Later, severe psycho- heterozygotes, and of Wilson disease patients by
motor retardation is evident and seizures are noted. copper concentration. This finding provides a ge-
Other important features of the disease are abnor- netic marker, a defect in metal metabolism de-
mal hair, micrognathia, high-arched palate, an equi- monstrated in human fibroblasts, that should prove
no varus deformity, short stature, spasticity [49,50], valuable in the diagnosis of Menkes disease and in
and a horizontal nystagmus with slight pallor of the the study of its fundamental defect and its prenatal
optic discs [51] (Figs. 9.20 and 9.21). There may detection [54].
also be temperature instability, scorbutic bone
changes, excessive wormian bone formation, low Inheritance. X-linked recessive.
or absent plasma copper and ceruloplasmin, and
increased susceptibility to infection. Treatment. There is no effective treatment.
The hair is sparse, coarse, stubby, light brown in Intravenous copper therapy permits normal ceru-
color, and displays an abnormal autofluorescence. loplasmin synthesis and catabolism but no clinical
A wiry texture is noted at birth or during the first 3 improvement results.
months of life (Fig. 9.22).
Death occurs between the first and fourth years.
Woolly Hair
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Microscopic exam-
ination of the hair displays varying shaft diameters Woolly hair, a distinctive Negroid racial character-
(monilethrix), twisting of the shafts (pili torti), and istic, has occurred in Caucasoids in whom the
fractures (trichorrhexis nodosa). possibility of mixed blood was remote. Affected
The brain is severely atrophied. Patchy abnormality individuals have tight curls in childhood and very
of systemic arteries with stenosis or obliteration is wavy hair as adults [55] (Fig. 9.23). There are no
observed. There is evidence of a defect in the associated abnormalities. Microscopically, there is
intestinal absorption of copper [52]. The defect torsion of the hair around the long axis, an ovoid
probably lies in transport within the intestinal cells cross section, and decrease in the hair diameter.
or across the membrane on the serosal surface of Hair density, growth rate, and anagen-teiogen ratio
the cells [53]. The hair changes are probably the are normal [55]. A large proportion of dysplastic
Kinky Hair Disease 189

9.20 I 9.21
Figs. 9.20 and 9.21. Kinky hair disease. Note
coarse, stubby hair and micrognathia. (From
Robinson, G.c., Johnston, M.M.: J. Pediat. 70,
621-623, 1967)

Fig. 9.22. Kinky hair disease. Microscopy of hair

showing varied diameters and twisting of the
shafts. (From Robinson, G.c., Johnston, M.M.:
J. Pediat. 70,621-623, 1967)

Fig. 9.23. Woolly hair

190 Disorders of Hair

hair is found [55]. The inheritance is autosomal aging. Males castrated before puberty do not
dominant [55]. In an affected family with very fair develop baldness; if eunuchs are given testos-
color, there was an autosomal recessive inheritance terone, baldness appears only in those whose re-
[55]. latives tend to be bald [59]. The influence of aging
is shown by the progressive extension of the
bald area with increasing age; testosterone-treated
Brittle Hair (Hair-Brain Syndrome, eunuchs develop baldness commensurate with the
Amish Brittle Hair Syndrome) extent of baldness of males of a similar age [59].
Baldness affects only hair follicles of the scalp and
In this syndrome, which is found among the Amish, not those of the beard, axillae, or pubic area. Racial
there is brittle hair, mild impairment of growth and variation is important: baldness is most frequent in
intellect, and decreased fertility. The hairs have an Caucasoids, rare in Mongoloids.
irregular grooved surface with absence of scales and
marked decrease in sulfur content [56]. Inheritance Inheritance. Autosomal dominant, sex-influenced.
is autosomal recessive.
Treatment. There is no effective treatment for bald-
ness or its prevention. Artificial hairpieces may be
used. Major plastic surgical procedures and implan-
tation of nylon filaments have not been very suc-
Miscellaneous Alopecias cessful [60]. The Orentreich technique of multiple
punch scalp auto grafts could be very rewarding
Baldness (Male-Pattern Alopecia,
Patterned Baldness)
Alopecia Areata
Clinical Presentation. The completely hairy scalp
with no frontoparietal recession of the hairline is
Clinical Presentation. The characteristic manifes-
characteristic of most affected children until pu-
tation is the appearance of asymptomatic, single or
berty when hair is lost in both sexes [1]. With
multiple, circular or oval areas of hair loss without
advancing age, baldness occurs with increasing
scarring (Figs. 9.24-9.27). The scalp is most com-
frequency in males, with a peak in the seventh
monly affected but other hairy areas may also be
decade; in females the incidence does not increase
involved. Usually there is regrowth of hair within a
beyond the fifth decade [57]. Advanced stages of
few months but other alopecia areas may develop
baldness are not found in women [57]. The mildest
with progression to universal alopecia. Periods of
form of baldness is a symmetric triangular recession
regrowth and recurrence of alopecia are common.
in the frontoparietal regions. Sparseness of hair on
Initial attempts produce fine nonpigmented hair.
the crown and loss of hair as a broad band along
The disease may appear at any age but usually
the anterior border of the hairline occur with
affects both sexes in the third and fourth decades.
increased frontoparietal recession. With advancing
The severer forms tend to affect younger individuals
age, men tend to acquire extensive frontoparietal
[2]. The skin in areas of alopecia appears normal
and frontal recessions as well as loss of hair on the
although at times it may be faintly erythematous.
crown, until these areas coalesce to form an area of
At the margins of the bald areas, distinctive, short,
alopecia which has the outline of a horseshoe when
pigmented, tapering-down hairs (exclamation point
viewed from above. The bald scalp appears thin and
smooth. Tiny vellus hairs are seen. hairs) are seen [2].
Pitting and brittleness of the nails, mainly finger-
nails, and occasionally shedding of the nails may
Pathology and Pathophysiology. With aging, the be seen [61]. Other associated disorders include
scalp undergoes thinning of the epidermis and posterior subcapsular cataracts, neuropsychiatric
disappearance of the capillary loops supplying the problems (17-22 %), thyroid abnormalities (8 %),
epidermis [58]. The normal grouping of hair fol- diabetes mellitus (2 %), vitiligo (4 %), and atopic
licles is lost, and there is progressive transformation manifestations.
of growing hair follicles into lanugo types [58]. The
sebaceous glands become multilobular and the Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is an increase
eccrine glands become larger. in the percentage of telogen hairs at the margins of
The pathogenesis of baldness is dependent on ge- the areas of alopecia [62]. The shedding of these
netic predisposition, androgenic stimulation, and hairs is followed by the appearance of early anagen
Alopecia Areata 191

9.24 9.25

9.26 9.27

Figs. 9.24-9.27. Alopecia areata. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)

192 Disorders of Hair

hairs that seem to be restrained from further matu- Abnormalities of Color

ration [62]. The hair bulbs are superficially located
in the dermis and are enveloped by a connective Red Hair
tissue sheath infiltrated with lymphocytes.
Recent evidence suggests an autoimmune me- The pigment that is responsible for the red color in
chanism in this disorder. The incidence of thyroid human hair is trichosiderin, which consists of pro-
disease in patients with alopecia areata and of tein, iron, and a chromophore group and differs in
diabetes mellitus in relatives of patients with alope- all major respects from the black melanins [67].
cia areata is greater than in control groups [63]. In The mode of inheritance of red hair is not settled as
patients with alopecia there is a significant cor- some favor an autosomal recessive mode [68] and
relation with circulating antibodies against thyro- others suggest that the presence of red pigment in
globulin and parietal, adrenal, and thyroid cells the hair is dominant to its absence and hypostatic
[64]. to brown or black [69].
Similarly, strikingly blond hair may be recessive.
I nheritance. Familial incidence occurs III 10 % of
cases [61]. Inheritance may be autosomal
dominant. Abnormalities of Structure
Some of these abnormalities have been discussed
under the particular hair shaft defect. In one in-
Other Conditions stance, however, a structural abnormality detected
by electrophoresis has been characterized in hairs
that show no abnormality of thickness, texture, or
Abnormalities of Pattern color.
The abnormality is a variant polypeptide of the
Catatrichy (Forelock) a-fibrous proteins of human hair [70]. This abnor-
mality is inherited as autosomal codominant.
In this abnormality, a forelock made up of hair finer
and more wavy than the rest of the head is present
[65]. It is probably inherited as autosomal dom-
1. Muller, S. A.: Hirsutism: a review of the genetic and expe-
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Table 9.1 Disorders of eyelashes and eyebrows

Name Inheritance Clinical presentation Ref.

Absent eyebrows and Autosomal Absence of eyebrows and eyelashes associated [1]
eyelashes with mental recessive with mental retardation, progressive spastic
retardation (suspected) quadriplegia, microcephaly, glaucoma, and
small, beaked nose
Alacrimia congenita Autosomal Distichiasis with ptosis, conjunctivitis, [2]
recessive keratitis, and alacrimia congenita
Distichiasis Autosomal "Distichiasis" and "districhiasis" are used inter- [3]
dominant changeably to mean 2 rows of eyelashes, although
the terms "districhiasis" and "tristrichiasis" refer
to 2 and 3 hairs per follicle, respectively
(Figs. 9.28 and 9.29)
Distichiasis with Autosomal This gene mutation is most probably at a different [3]
lymphedema dominant locus from that of distichiasis alone
Irritation from eyelashes may result in corneal
ulceration (Fig. 9.30)
The lymphedema is always oflate onset (Fig. 9.31).
Hyperlysinemia Autosomal Lax ligaments and synophrys [4]
(persistent) recessive Severe mental retardation; petit mal convulsions
in many cases
Trichomegaly Autosomal Unusually long eyelashes [5]
dominant May be associated with cataracts and hereditary
(probable) spherocytosis
Trichomegaly with Autosomal Unusually long eyelashes [6]
mental retardation, recessive May be associated with mental retardation,
dwarfism, and pigmentary (probable) dwarfism, and pigmentary degeneration of the
degeneration retina
Tristichiasis Autosomal Three rows of eyelashes [7]
Whorl in eyebrow Autosomal Whorl in the hair of left eyebrow near nose [8]
Distichiasis 195




Figs. 9.28 and 9.29. Distichiasis. Note two rows of eye-

lashes on the upper lid

Fig. 9.30. Distichiasis. Note scarring of the cornea of the

left eye
Fig. 9.31. Distichiasis with lymphedema

References 9.31

1. Hall, B.D., Berg, B.O., Rudolph, R.S., Epstein, e.J.: Pseudo-

progeria-Hallermann-StreifT (PHS) syndrome. In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vo!' X, No.7, 5. Goldstein, 1. H., Hutt, A.E. : Trichomegaly, cataract, and
pp. 137- 146 (1974) hereditary spherocytosis in two siblings. Amer. J. Ophtha!. 73,
2. KrUger, K. E.: Angeborenes Fehlen der Tranensekretion in 333-335 (1972)
einer Familie. Klin. Mb!. Augenheilk. 124, 711-713 (1954) 6. Corby, D.G., Lowe, R.S., Jr., Haskins, R.e., Hebertson,
3. Robinow, M., Johnson, G.F., Verhagen, A.D.: Distichiasis- L. M.: Trichomegaly, pigmentary degeneration of the retina
lymphedema. A hereditary syndrome of multiple congenital and growth retardation. A new syndrome originating in utero.
defects. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 119, 343-347 (1970) Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 121, 344-345 (1971)
4. Ghadimi, H. : The hyperlysinemias. In: The metabolic basis of 7. Danforth, e. H.: Studies on hair. With special reference to
inherited disease. Stanbury, J.B., Wyngaarden, J.B., hypertrichosis. Arch. Derm. Syph. 11,494-508 (1925)
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 387- 396. New York : 8. Virchow, H. : Stellung der Haare im Brauenkopf. Z. Ethno!.
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978 44,402-403 (1912)
Chapter 10 Disorders of Nails

Contents Reports of anonychia with other abnormalities are

recorded. Anonychia with ectrodactyly is inherited
Anonychia and Onychoatrophy 196
as autosomal dominant [3]; rudimentary nails
Koilonychia (Spoon Nails) 196 associated with congential deafness are probably
Leukonychia ...... 196 recessively inherited [4]; anonychia with bizarre
Nail-Patella Syndrome (Hereditary Osteo-Onychodyspla- pigmentation of axillae and groin and other skin
sia). . . . . . . . . . . 197 and hair abnormalities is dominantly inherited [5];
Pachyonychia Congenita. . . . 198 and anonychia with onychodystrophy is probably
Other Nail Disorders . . . . . 198 dominantly inherited [6].
Periodic Shedding of Nails. . 198
Racket Nail (pouce en Raquette, Brachydactyly Type D,
Stub Thumb). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Brachydactyly Type AS with Nail Dysplasia. . . . . 198
CHANDS (Curly Hair-Ankyloblepharon-Nail Dysplasia
Syndrome). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Koilonychia (Spoon Nails)
Onycholysis and Scleronychia. . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Nail Dysplasia with Hypodontia (Tooth-and-Nail Syn-
drome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 This common nail deformity is due to loss of the
Onychodystrophy and Deaf-Mutism. . . . . . . . . 200 normal contour. The nail becomes flat or concave
(Fig. 10.3). The majority of cases are either idio-
pathic or associated with a variety of systemic
disorders, the most frequent of which is hypoch-
The nails are involved in a number of heritable romic anemia [7]. The affected nails are thin and
disorders affecting the skin in general, particularly concave with everted edges. The concavity is most
when the process of keratinization is affected. Such obvious when viewed laterally. The thumbnails are
nail abnormalities that are part of well-established predominantly involved, but the index and middle
entities are discussed under those entities. In this fingers and some toes may be affected as well.
chapter, abnormalities that affect predominantly Inheritance is autosomal dominant.
the nails will be discussed.

Anonychia and Onychoatrophy Leukonychia

Anonychia or absence of nails from birth is a very Leukonychia, or white nails, may be congenital
rare disorder. Frequently anonychia is not complete or acquired; if congenital, it may be total, partial, or
and there may be rudimentary fragile nails on some striate. The texture of the affected nails is normal
of the fingers or toes. Such a condition may be [8]. The condition is present at birth. There are
referred to as onychoatrophy [1] (Figs. 10.1 and many postulates to explain the pathogenesis of this
10.2). The disorder is apparent at birth with absence condition, the most probable being a defect in
of all or most of the nails of the fingers and toes. The keratinization with retention of nuclei and nuclear
nail beds are present. The symptoms are mainly material [8]. There are no definite associated ab-
cosmetic, but at times there is discomfort in han- normalities other than epidermal cysts. The disor-
dling small things and a tendency of the nail rudi- der is inherited as autosomal dominant.
ments to stick to woven clothing [1]. The in- The association of leukonychia, knuckle pads, and
heritance is autosomal recessive [2]. deafness comprises a distinct syndrome. The hear-
Nail-Patella Syndrome 197



Figs. 10.1 and 10.2. Onychoatrophy and anonychia

congenita. (Fig. 1 - courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman. Fig. 2 -
from Hopsu-Havu, V.K., Jansen, C.T.: Arch. Derm. 107,
Fig. 10.3. Koilonychia. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman) 10.3

ing loss is due to a lesion in the cochlea, sometimes changes in the other nails diminish progressively
with a superimposed conductive loss. Palmoplantar from the index to the little finger. A V-shaped half-
keratodermia may also be a feature of this syn- moon is a characteristic abnormality in some nails.
drome [9]. Inheritance is autosomal dominant [9]. Fingernails are involved more frequently than
toenails. .
The patella may be absent or reduced in size.
Dislocation of the patella is common. The elbow
joints may show limited supination and incomplete
N ail-Patella Syndrome extension. Iliac horns (bony spines) are present in
(Hereditary Osteo-Onychodysplasia) the pelvis. Other abnormalities are thickened scapu-
lae, absent skin creases on distal fingers, webbing of
the elbows, heterochromia of the iris with cloverleaf
The syndrome involves ectodermal and meso- deformity, and cataracts [10]. Renal abnormalities
dermal abnormalities and is manifested by absence are fairly common. By electron microscopy, the
or hypoplasia of the nails and patella, iliac horns, affected kidneys show thickening of the glomerular
abnormalities of the elbows, and, frequently, kidney basement membrane due to the presence of the
changes. The nails are grossly defective, usually fibrillar collagen [11].
greatly reduced in size and never reaching the The disease is inherited as autosomal dominant
fingertips. The thumbnails are most frequently with linkage between the locus controlling this gene
affected and these may be completely absent or, in and that ofthe ABO blood group [12]. The grade of
mild cases, the ulnar half of the nail is missing. The severity shows a much higher correlation between
198 Disorders of Nails

affected sibs than between offspring and affected Treatment. Surgical ablation of the nails and special
parent. This is due to the wild-type isoalleles (see shoes to diminish plantar keratodermia have been
p.7). suggested [18].

Pachyonychia Congenita
Other Nail Disorders
In 1906 ladassohn and Lewandowsky [13] first
described this rare disorder characterized by hyper- Periodic Shedding of Nails
trophy of the nail bed, palmoplantar hyper-
keratosis, follicular keratosis, and oral leukokera-
tosis. This is a rare disorder in which one or more nails
are shed periodically. There is replacement of the
shed nails but the new nails are frequently imperfect.
Clinical Presentation. The fingernails and the toe-
It is inherited as autosomal dominant.
nails are usually affected at birth or shortly there-
after [14,15]. Marked thickening and discoloration
of the nails, which appear lusterless and folded'
longitudinally, have been noted. Subungual ke-
ratosis is marked resulting in raised nail edges. The Racket Nail (Pouce en Raquette,
nail abnormalities may be the only manifestations Brachydactyly Type D, Stub Thumb)
of the syndrome in some families (Figs. 10.4 and
10.5). This is not an uncommon abnormality of the
Palmoplantar keratodermia may appear and is thumbs. The distal phalanx is shorter and wider
most marked at sites of pressure. This hyper- than normal. The nail conforms to the altered shape
keratosis may be quite painful. Often there is hy- of the thumb and is short and wide with loss of the
perhidrosis of the palms and soles. Occasionally, lateral curvature. One or both thumbs may be
bullae may appear over the toes, ankles, and sides of affected. This condition may be distinguished from
the feet. Keratosis pilaris is frequently seen es- two others: one in which all the fingernails are
pecially on the knees, elbows, buttocks, and oc- racket-shaped and the other in which the thumb-
casionally the face [16] (Figs. 10.6 and 10.7). nails are short without corresponding shortening of
The leukokeratoses are frequently present at birth. the distal phalanx [19]. The disease is inherited as
The oral lesions are commonly seen as whitish autosomal dominant.
plaques on the tongue [17]. Occasionally there is
involvement of the buccal mucosa, larynx, nose,
cornea, and anus. In some cases the teeth may be
abnormal. The hair is usually normal, but may be
Brachydactyly Type A5 with Nail
unusually profuse or scanty.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The affected nails
exhibit hyperkeratosis with dyskeratosis of the nail In one kindred, absence of the middle phalanges of
matrix [15]. The skin lesions show hyperkeratosis the fingers and duplication of the terminal phalanx
with focal parakeratosis, acanthosis, hyper- of the thumb are associated with nail dysplasia
granulosis, and occasional dyskeratosis. The mu- [20]. An autosomal dominant mode of inheritance
cosal lesions are characterized by a uniform intra- is recorded.
cellular vacuolization, the absence of intercellular
bridges in the prickle cell layer, and the absence of
Schiff-positive material in the epithelium [17].
The complications arising from the various lesions CHANDS (Curly Hair-Ankyloblepharon-
are a decrease in manual dexterity, repeated in-
Nail Dysplasia Syndrome)
fections around the nails with shedding of the nails,
corneal opacities, and partial blindness. The mu-
cosal lesions are not premalignant. In another kindred, curly hair, ankyloblepharon,
and nail dysplasia (hypoplasia) seem to form an
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. autosomal recessive syndrome [21,22] (Fig. 10.8).
Pachyonychia Congenita 199




Figs. 10.4-10.7. Pachyonychia congenita

Fig. 10.4. General appearance

Fig. 10.5. Involvement of the nails

Fig. 10.6. Keratosis pilaris and scanty hair

10.6 Fig. 10.7. Close view of keratosis pilaris lesions

200 Disorders of Nails

Fig. 10.8. CHANDS (Curly Hair, Ankyloblepharon, Nail eation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8,
Dysplasia Syndrome). Note the curly hair of the affected pt. XII, pp. 100-102. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co.
siblings. (From Baughman, F.A., Jr.: In: The clinical delin- 1971)

Onycholysis and Scleronychia References

1. Hopsu-Havu, V. K., Jansen, C.T.: Anonychia congenita.

Arch. Derm: 107, 752-753 (1973)
The association in a kindred of partial onycholysis 2. Mahloudji, M., Amidi, M.: Simple anonychia. Further evi-
(distal fingernails) with thickened, hardened nails dence for autosomal recessive inheritance. 1. med. Genet. 8,
has been described and is probably dominantly 478-480 (1971)
inherited [23]. 3. Lees, D.H., Lawler, S.D., Renwick, 1.H., Thoday, J.M.:
Anonychia with ectrodactyly: clinical and linkage data.
Ann. hum. Genet. 22, 69-79 (1957)
4. Feinmesser, M., Ze1ig, S.: Congenital deafness associated
with onychodystrophy. Arch. Otolaryng. 74, 507-508 (1961)
Nail Dysplasia with Hypodontia 5. Verbov, J.: Anonychia with bizarre flexural pigmentation -
(Tooth-and-Nail Syndrome) an autosomal dominant dermatosis. Brit. 1. Derm. 92,
469-474 (1975)
6. Timerman, I., Museteanu, C, Simionescu, N.N.: Dominant
In this syndrome the main features are hypodontia anonychia and onychodystrophy. 1. med. Genet. 6, 105-106
and dysplastic nails, especially those of the toes.
7. Bergeron, J. R., Stone, 0.1.: Koilonychia. A report of familial
Sweating is normal. Scalp hair may be fine, but spoon nails. Arch. Derm. 95, 351-353 (1967)
eyebrows and eyelashes are normal [24]. Inheri- 8. Albright, S.D., Wheeler, CE.,Jr.: Leukonychia. Total and
tance is probably autosomal dominant. partial leukonychia in a single family with a review of the
literature. Arch. Derm. 90, 392-399 (1964)
9. Bart, R. S., Pumphrey, R. E. : Knuckle pads, leukonychia and
deafness. A dominantly inherited syndrome. New Eng!. J.
Med. 276, 202-207 (1967)
Onychodystrophy and Deaf-Mutism 10. Silverman, M.E., Goodman, R.M., Cuppage, F.E.: The nail-
patella syndrome. Clinical findings and ultrastructural ob-
servations in the kidney. Arch. intern. Med. 120, 68-74
The association of onychodystrophy with hered- (1967)
itary sensorineural deafness has been described in 11. Bennett, W.M., Musgrave, lE., Campbell, R.A., Elliot, D.,
several families [25,26]. Other features that may be Cox, R., Brooks, R. E., Lovrien, E. W., Beals, R. K., Porter,
present are bi- or triphalangic thumbs. Inheritance G. A.: The nephropathy of the nail-patella syndrome.
Clinicopathologic analysis of 11 kindreds. Amer. 1. Med. 54,
is autosomal recessive.
304-319 (1973)
12. Jameson, R.D., Lawler, S.D., Renwick, J.H.: Nail-patella
syndrome: clinical and linkage data on family. Ann. hum.
Genet. 20, 348-353 (1956)
Disorders of Nails 201

13. Jadassohn, J., Lewandowsky, F.: Pachyonychia conge nita. 21. Baughman, F.A., Jr.: CHANDS: the curly hair-ankylo-
Ikonograph. Dermatologica (Basel) 1, 29-31 (1906) blepharon-nail dysplasia syndrome. In: The clinical delinea-
14. Buckley, W.R., Cassuto, J.: Pachyonychia congenita. Arch. tion of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8,
Derm. 85, 397-402 (1962) pt. XII, pp. 100--102. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co.
15. Joseph, H.L.: Pachyonychia congenita. Arch. Derm. 90, 1971
594-603 (1964) 22. Baughman, F.A., Jr.: Personal communication (1977)
16. Soderquist, N.A., Reed, W.B.: Pachyonychia congenita with 23. Schulze, H.D.: Hereditare Onycholysis partialis mit
epidermal cysts and other congenital dyskeratoses. Arch. Skleronychie. Derm. Wschr. 152, 766-775 (1966)
Derm. 97, 31-33 (1968) 24. Giansanti, J. S., Long, S. M., Rankin, J. L.: The "tooth and
17. Gorlin, R.J., Chaudhry, A.P.: Oral lesions accompanying nail" type of autosomal dominant ectodermal dysplasia.
pachyonychia congenita. Oral Surg. 11,541-544 (1958) Oral Surg. 37, 576--582 (1974)
18. Garb, J.: Pachyonychia congenita. Regression of plantar 25. Goodman, R. M., Lockareff, S., Gwinup, G.: Hereditary
lesions on patients wearing specially made rubber base foot congenital deafness with onychodystrophy. Arch. Otolaryng.
molds and shoes. Arch. Derm. Syph. 62, 117-124 (1950) 90,474-477 (1969)
19. Basset, M. R. H.: Trois formes genotypiques d'ongles courts: 26. Moghadam, H., Statten, P.: Hereditary sensorineural hear-
Ie pouce en raquette, les ongles courts simples. Bull. Soc. ing loss associated with onychodystrophy and digital mal-
fran y. Derm. Syph. 69, 15-20 (1962) formations. Canad. med. Ass. J. 107, 310--312 (1972)
20. Bass, H. N.: Familial absence of middle phalanges with nail
dysplasia: a new syndrome. Pediatrics 42, 318-323 (1968)
Chapter 11 Oral Mucosal Lesions

Contents Mucosal Neuromas with Endocrine Tumors · 206

Syndromes with Cleft Lip Tongue Abnormalities · 208

· 202
Geographic Tongue (Benign Migratory Glossitis) · 208
Lip Pits or Fistulas · 204
Scrotal Tongue (Lingua Plicata, Fissured Tongue) .209
Gingival Fibromatosis · 205 Pigmented Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
Benign Intraepithelial Dyskeratosis · 205 White Sponge Nevus (Familial White Folded Dysplasia of
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome · 206 the Mucous Membrane, White Folded Gingivostomatitis) 209

Table 11.1. Syndromes with cleft lipa

Name Genetics Clinical presentation Ref.

Cleft lipand/orpalatewith mucous Autosomal dominant Malformations of the lower lip with symmetric [3J
cysts of lower lip lumps
The syndrome may be expressed only by pits
Cleft lip and/or palate may be present
Cleft lip-palate with split hand Autosomal dominant Split hand and/or foot and cleft lip-palate [4J
and foot (irregular) Atresia of the lacrimal puncta
Waardenburg syndrome Autosomal dominant Deafness, white forelock, dystopia canthorum
(see also p. 64) Cleft lip and palate
Cleft lip-palate, mucous cysts Autosomal dominant Cleft lip and palate [5J
of the lower lip, popliteal Webbing from ischeal tuberosities to heels
pterygium, digital and genital Bifid scrotum and cryptorchidism in males,
anomalies hypoplasia of labia majora in females
EEC syndrome Autosomal dominant Ectrodactyly of both hands and one foot [6,7J
(see also p. 110) Ectodermal dysplasia with severe keratitis
Cleft lip-palate
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma Autosomal dominant Basal cell nevus, palmar pits, jaw cysts,
syndrome (see also p. 213) kyphoscoliosis, fused ribs, characteristic
lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri
Lip and/or palatal clefts occur with increased
Postaxial polydactyly with Autosomal dominant Unilateral or double harelip [8,9J
median cleft of upper lip (suspected) Polydactyly
Rapp-Hodgkin ectodermal Autosomal dominant Thin skin with hypohidrosis and sparse fine
dysplasia syndrome (X-linked dominant hair; small, narrow, dysplastic nails
(see also p.11O) not excluded) Hypodontia with reduced, conical teeth
Small mouth, variable cleft ofiip, palate, uvula
Oculodentodigital syndrome Autosomal dominant Hair is fine, dry, sparse, slow growing
with variable ex- Syndactyly offourth and fifth fingers, third and
pressivity fourth toes
Many are new Eyes have microcornea and porous iris
mutations Teeth have enamel hypoplasia
Opitz syndrome ? Autosomal dominant Ocular hypertelorism, widow's peak,
with sex limitation hypospadias, cryptorchidism, hernias, mental
deficiency, cardiac anomaly
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate

a After McKusick [lJ and Gorlin et al. [2].

Syndromes with Cleft Lip 203

Table 11.1 (continued)

Name Genetics Clinical presentation Ref.

Cleft lip with or without cleft Multifactorial As isolated malformation, cleft lip with or [lOJ
palate without cleft palate behaves as a distinct
entity with complex genetics
Cleft lip-palate with abnormal Autosomal recessive Cleft lip and palate [11 J
thumbs and microcephaly (probable) Microcephaly
Hypoplasia and distal displacement of the thumbs
Elbow deformities limiting extension
Ectodermal dysplasia, cleft lip and Autosomal recessive Anhidrosis, hypotrichosis, microdontia, [12J
palate, hand and foot deformity, (probable) dysplasia of nails
and mental retardation Cleft lip and palate
(see also p.110) Deformities of fingers and toes
Malformation in the genitourinary system
Roberts syndrome Autosomal recessive Severe absence deformities of long bones [13J
(see also p. 105) Oxycephalic skull with prominent eyes
Cleft lip-palate
Cryptophthalmia Autosomal recessive Both eyes covered with skin, total or partial
(see also p. 97) soft tissue syndactyly of fingers or toes, colo-
boma of alae nasi, abnormal hairline, 10%
have cleft lip and palate
Meckel syndrome Autosomal recessive Polycystic kidneys, exencephalocele, poly-
dactyly, microcephaly, microphthalmia,
and cleft lip and/or palate
Orofaciodigitalii (OFD II) Autosomal recessive Lobed tongue, polydactyly of hands,
syndrome-Mohr (see also p. 105) poly syndactyly of the halluces
Midline partial cleft of lip
Orofaciodigital I Autosomal or X-linked Clefts of jaw, lip, and tongue in area of lateral [14J
(OFD I) syndrome dominant (lethal in incisors and canines
(see also p. 105) hemizygous male) Other malformations of face and skull
Malformations of hands, especially syndactyly
Mental retardation and familial trembling
Hypertrophied frenuli
Aase syndrome Unknown, X-linked Triphalangeal thumbs, mild radial hypoplasia,
recessive suggested narrow shoulders, cardiac defects
One patient had cleft lip and palate
4p - syndrome Chromosomal Ocular hypertelorism with broad or beaked
Microcephaly and/or cranial asymmetry
Low-set simple ear with preauricular dimple
Cleft lip and/or palate with "fishlike" mouth
Deletion of the short arm of chromosome no. 4
5p- (Cri du Chat) syndrome Chromosomal Catlike cry in infancy, microcephaly
Cleft lip and palate occasionally
Deletion of the short arm of chromosome no. 5
Trisomy 13 syndrome Chromosomal Microphthalmia, coloboma of iris
(see also p. 293) Defects of nose and forebrain ofholoprosen-
cephaly type
Cleft lip (60--80 %), cleft palate, or both
Trisomy 18 syndrome Chromosomal Mental deficiency, hypertonicity
(see also p. 293) Tendency for index finger to overlap
Cleft lip, cleft palate, or both occur in 10--50%
of cases
Triploidy syndrome Chromosomal Usually aborted or born prematurely with a
large placenta
Cleft lip occurs in less than 50 % of cases
Low-set, malformed ears
Syndactyly ofthird and fourth fingers
Microphthalmia, coloboma of iris
204 Oral Mucosal Lesions

Fig. 11.1. Lip pits. Note paired depressions of

lower lip. (From Nora, 1.1., Fraser, F . e.: Medical
genetics, p. 113. Philadelphia: Lea & Febinger 1974)

References to Table 11.1

Lip Pits or Fistulas
1. McKusick, Y. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed.
Baltimore : lohns Hopkins University Press 1978
2. Godin, R.l., Cervenka, 1., Pruzansky, S. : Facial elefting and
its syndromes. In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Commissural pits or angular fistulas occur at the
Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII , No.7, pt. XI, pp. 3-49. Baltimore : angles of the mouth. Most often these are asympto-
Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971 matic, but occasionally may present as angular
3. Cervenka, 1., Godin, R.1., Anderson, V.E. : The syndrome of cheilitis. The lesions are 1-4mm deep [1].
pits of the lower lip and cleft lip and/or palate. Genetic
Sometimes preauricular pits are associated findings.
considerations. Amer. l . hum. Genet. 19, 416-432 (1967)
4. Walker, lC., Clodius, L.: The syndromes of cleft lip, cleft Commissural lip pits are inherited probably as
palate, and lobster-claw deformities of hands and feet. Plast. autosomal dominant.
reconstr. Surg. 32, 627-636 (1963) Congenital fistulas of the lower lip appear as paired
5. Godin, R.l, Sedano, H.O., Cervenka, l.: Popliteal ptery- or slightly slitlike depressions on either side of the
gium syndrome. A syndrome comprising cleft lip-palate,
popliteal and intercrural pterygia, digital and genital anom-
center of the lower lip [2] (Fig. 11.1). The pits are on
alies. Pediatrics 41, 503- 509 (1968) the vermilion border and the depressions are sur-
6. Rudiger, R. A., Haase, W., Passarge, E. : Association of rounded by a slightly elevated wall, 2-4 mm high.
ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and cleft lip-palate. The The fistulous tracts may extend 5- 25 mm and end
EEC syndrome. Amer. l. Dis. Child. 120, 160--163 (1970)
blindly in the orbicularis oris muscle [2]. Mucus
7. Pashayan, H. M., Pruzansky, S., Solomon, L.: The EEC
syndro me. Report of six patients. In: The clinical delineation may be forced through the orifices. The tract is lined
of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. X, No.7, pp. 105-120. by stratified squamous epithelium. There is a high
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1974 incidence of lower lip fistulas associated with cleft
8. Thurston, E.O. : A case of median hare-lip associated with lip or palate. Inheritance of the lower lip fistulas is
other malformations. Lancet 1909II, 996-997
9. Rischbieth, H. : Hare-lip and cleft palate. In: Treasury of
probably autosomal dominant [2].
human inheritance, Vol. I, pt. IV, Plate 1. London :
Cambridge University Press 1918
10. Curtis, E.l., Fraser, F.C, Warburton, D .: Congenital cleft References
lip and palate. Risk figures for counseling. Amer. 1. Dis. 1. Everett, F.G., Weskott, W. B.: Commissural lip pits. Oral
Child. 102, 853- 857 (1961) Surg. 14, 202- 209 (1961)
11. luberg, R.C, Hayward, l.R.: A new familial syndrome of 2. Taylor, W.B., Lane, O.K.: Congenital fistulas of the lower lip.
oral, cranial, and digital anomalies. l . Pediat. 74, 755-762 Associations with cleft lip-palate and anomalies of the extre-
(1969) mities. Arch. Derm. 94,421-424 (1966)
12. Rosselli, D ., Gulienetti, R.: Ectodermal dysplasia. Brit. l .
plast. Surg. 14, 190--204 (1961)
13. Roberts, l.B.: A child with double cleft of lip and palate,
protrusion of the intermaxillary portion of the upper jaw
and imperfect development of the bones of the four extre-
mities. Ann. Surg. 70, 252 (1919)
14. Godin, R.l, Anderson, Y.E., Scott, CR.: Hypertrophied
frenuli, oligophrenia, familial trembling and anomalies of
the hand. Report of four cases in one family and a forme
frust e in another. New Engl. 1. Med. 264, 486-489 (1961)
Gingival Fibromatosis 205

Gingival Fibromatosis Benign Intraepithelial Dyskeratosis

This rare disorder usually appears with the eruption This recently described syndrome exhibits white
of permanent dentition and occasionally with the plaques of the oral mucosa and hyperemic con-
eruption of deciduous dentition. It is rarely present junctiva [1,2].
at birth [1]. There is firm, painless, mild to severe
hypertrophy of the gums, especially evident in the Clinical Presentation. Oral lesions usually appear in
anterior maxillary region. The teeth may be par- early infancy and increase in severity with age until
tially buried by the hypertrophied gums which may adolescence. They consist of asymptomatic soft
be smooth or stippled. white plaques involving the commissures of the
The gingival abnormality may be an isolated find- mouth, buccal and labial mucosae, vermilion border
ing [2] or it may be associated with other defects, of the lips, floor of the mouth, and the ventral and
the commonest of which is hypertrichosis. Gingival lateral surfaces of the tongue (Fig. 11.2). The dorsum
fibromatosis with hypertrichosis is a separate entity. of the tongue and the pharynx are usually unin-
The hypertrichosis may be present at birth or volved. When severe, the lesions appear folded but
appears at puberty [1]. The age of onset of hyper- lack induration.
trichosis is unrelated to that of the gingival fibro- The ocular lesions appear in early infancy as foamy
matosis [1]. The eyebrows are bushy and coarse gelatinous plaques overlying a hyperemic bulbar
and terminal hairs appear on the cheeks, chin, conjunctiva (Fig. 11.3). They range from small pin-
forehead, arms, legs, and back. Mental retardation gueculae to large plaques. Photophobia is com-
is the second most frequent association [1]. Other mon, especially in summer. All the lesions are
less commonly encountered associations are epi- benign, but permanent blindness may result after
lepsy [3], doughy hyperelastic skin [1], and cheru- vascularization of the cornea.
bism [3]. The association of gingival fibromatosis
with hepatosplenomegaly, enlargement of the soft Pathology and Pathophysiology. The oral and ocu-
tissues of the ears and nose, hypermobility of joints, lar lesions are similar histologically. There is acan-
shortening of terminal phalanges, and reduction of thosis with large vacuolated prickle cells and benign
nail size has been described in several kindreds [4] dyskeratotic cells. The latter are characterized by
and is considered a separate genetic disease. waxy eosinophilic cells and a "cell-within-cell" pat-
tern. These diagnostic features are demonstrable by
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is prolife- biopsy and exfoliative cytology [2,3].
ration of connective tissue with thick collagen
fibers. Varying degrees of edema and inflammation Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [2].
are present. The overlying epithelium may be
hyperplastic. Treatment. No treatment is indicated.

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant for all three

1. Von Sallmann, L., Paton, D.: Hereditary benign intra-
epithelial dyskeratosis. I. Ocular manifestations. Arch.
Treatment. Oral hygiene is important. Recurrences Ophtha!. 63, 421--429 (1960)
are frequent after surgical excision. 2. Witkop, C.l,Jr., Shankle, c.H., Graham, J.B., Murray, M. R.,
Rucknagel, D.L., Byerly, B.H.: Hereditary benign intra-
epithelial dyskeratosis. II. Oral manifestations and hereditary
References transmission. Arch. Path. 70,696-711 (1960)
3. Witkop, c.J.,Jr., Gorlin, R.J.: Four hereditary mucosal syn-
1. Anderson, J., Cunliffe, W.l, Roberts, D.F., Close, H.: dromes. Comparative histology and exfoliative cytology of
Hereditary gingival fibromatosis. Brit. med. l 1969 Ill, Darier-White's disease, hereditary benign intraepithelial
218-219 dyskeratosis, white sponge nevus, and pachyonychia con-
2. Witkop, c.J., Jr.: Heterogeneity in gingival fibromatosis. In: genita. Arch. Derm. 84, 762-771 (1961)
The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vo!. VII, No.7, pt. XI, pp.210-221. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971
3. Ramon, Y., Berman, W., Bubis, lJ.: Gingival fibromatosis
combined with cherubism. Oral Surg. 24, 435-448 (1967)
4. Laband, P. F., Habib, G., Humphreys, G. S.: Hereditary gin-
gival fibromatosis. Report of an affected family with as-
sociated splenomegaly and skeletal and soft-tissue abnormal-
ities. Oral Surg. 17, 339-351 (1964)
206 Oral Mucosal Lesions

Fig. 11.2. Benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis. Soft, white Fig. 11.3. Benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis. Gelatinous
plaques on the buccal mucosa. (From Witkop, c.J.,Jr.,et plaques overlying the hyperemic conjunctiva. (From
al.: Arch. Path. 70, 696-711 , 1960) Witkop, c.l., Jr., et al.: Arch. Path. 70, 696-711 , 1960)

Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome References

1. Melkersson, E. : Ett fall av recidiverande facialispares i sam-
band med angioneurotiskt (idem. Hygiea 90, 737-741 (1928)
2. Rosenthal, c.: Klinisch-erbbiologischer Beitrag zur Konstitu-
Melkersson, in 1928, described the association of tionspathologie: Gemeinsames Auftreten von (rezidivierender
recurrent facial palsy and labial edema [1]. familiarer) Facilisliihmung, Angioneuroticischen Gesichts-
Rosenthal, in 1931, added scrotal tongue to the (idem und Lingua plicata in Arthritismus-Familien. Z. Neuro!.
syndrome and emphasized its hereditary nature [2]. Psycho!. 131, 475-501 (1931)
3. Kunstadter, R. H.: Melkersson's syndrome. A case report of
multiple recurrence of Bell's palsy and episodic facial edema.
Clinical Presentation. The main features are chronic Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 110, 559-561 (1965)
swelling of the face, peripheral facial palsy, and in 4. Klaus, S. N., Brunsting, L. A.: Melkersson's syndrome (per-
some cases lingua plicata. The disease may start in sistent swelling of the face, recurrent facial paralysis, and
lingua plicata) : report of a case. Proc. Staff Mayo Clin. 34,
childhood [3].
365- 370 (1959)
The earliest skin manifestation is repeated swelling
of the face simulating angioneurotic edema. This
swelling involves the upper lip, lower lip, cheeks, or
other parts of the face [4]. The edema subsides
initially but with repeated attacks it persists, giving
the affected parts a firm, rubbery feel (Fig. 11.4). Mucosal Neuromas
Facial paralysis may precede the swelling or may with Endocrine Tumors
develop later (Fig. 11.5). Characteristically, the
paralysis is recurrent, partial or complete, and
occasionally is accompanied by sensory defects in Clinical Presentation. Mucosal neuromas appear
taste [4]. Scrotal tongue (lingua plicata), if present, early in life and involve mainly the lips and tongue
usually precedes the facial swelling and/or paralysis but may also affect the buccal, gingival, nasal, and
(Fig. 11.6). conjunctival mucosae and other sites [1]. The
Frequently formes frustes occur, with combinations involvement of the lips causes diffuse hypertrophy
of any two of the three findings [4]. with a "negroid" appearance. Usually the anterior
two-thirds of the tongue is involved and the neu-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic find- romas here appear pinkish and pedunculated [1] or
ings in the skin are nonspecific and consist of edema as firm, sessile nodules [2,3]. Pedunculated nodules
and lymphocytic infiltration. on the eyelids are common [1] and involvement of
the cornea, traversed by medullated nerve fibers,
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. has been reported [1]. Occasionally, cutaneous
neuromas are present [4]. Other findings are pig-
Treatment. There is no effective treatment. mentation of the hands, feet, and circumoral area,
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome 207


Figs. 11.4-11.6. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

Fig. 11.4. Swelling of the lips
Fig. 11.5. Right facial paralysis. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Frain-Bell)
Fig. 11.6. Edema of the lip and scrotal tongue 11.6

proximal myopathy, and production of thyrocalci- possibility of endocrine tumors. Prophylactic

tonin [5]. The multiple mucosal neuromas are thyroidectomies have been advocated.
associated relatively frequently with pheochromo-
cytomas, usually bilateral, and medullary thyroid References
carcinomas known to elaborate amyloid. Marfan- 1. Godin, R.1., Sedano, H.O., Vickers, R. A., Cervenka, 1.:
oid features and diverticulosis may also be as- MUltiple mucosal neuromas, pheochromocytoma and medul-
sociated findings [1]. lary carcinoma of the thyroid - a syndrome. Cancer 22,
293- 299 (1968)
2. Schimke, R. N., Hartmann, W. H., Prout, T. E., Rimoin, D. L.:
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The mucosal le- Syndrome of bilateral pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid
sions are plexiform neuromas - unencapsulated carcinoma and mUltiple neuromaS. A possible regulatory
masses of convoluted nerves [1]. Of the several defect in the differentiation of chromaffin tissue. New Eng\. J.
postulates that have been advanced to explain the Med. 279, 1- 7 (1968)
3. Walker, D. M.: Oral mucosal neuroma - medullary thyroid
association of mucosal neuromas and endocrine
carcinoma syndrome. Brit. 1. Derm. 88, 599-603 (1973)
tumors, one emphasizes the neural crest origin of 4. Ljungberg, 0., Cederquist, E., von Studnitz, W.: Medullary
the components of the syndrome [2]. thyroid carcinoma and phaeochromocytoma : a familial
chromaffinomatosis. Brit. med. 1. 19671, 279-281
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. 5. Cunliffe, W.J., Black, M.M., Hall, R., Johnston, I.D.A.,
Hudgson, P., Shuster, S., Gudmundsson, T.V., Joplin, G.F.,
Williams, E.D., Woodhouse, N.J.Y., Galante, L., MacIntyre,
Treatment. The presence of the characteristic mu- I.: A calcitonin-secreting thyroid carcinoma. Lancet 1968II,
cosal neuromas should alert the physician to the 63- 66
208 Oral Mucosal Lesions

Fig. 11.7. Geographic tongue. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman)

Fig. 11.8. Scrotal tongue. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman)


Tongue Abnormalities configuration (Fig. 11.7). Occasionally, the lips and

palate are similarly affected. A burning sensation
Geographic Tongue may be present, but otherwise the condition is
asymptomatic. Geographic and scrotal tongue may
(Benign Migratory Glossitis)
coexist in the same individuals. Inheritance is prob-
ably autosomal dominant [1]. No treatment is
This disorder is seen mainly in children. It is needed or effective.
characterized by the appearance of mUltiple red
patches, with slightly elevated borders, on the dor- Reference
sum of the tongue. Characteristically, there is con- 1. Dawson, T. A.J., Pielou, W.D.: Geographical tongue in three
tinuous migration of the patches with changing generations. Brit. J. Derm. 79, 678-681 (1967)
Tongue Abnormalities 209

Scrotal Tongue White Sponge Nevus

(Lingua Plicata, Fissured Tongue) (Familial White Folded Dysplasia
of the Mucous Membrane,
This is a rather common disorder which increases in
incidence with age, reaching over 14 % in the sev-
White Folded Gingivostomatitis)
enth decade [1]. There is usually a deep, longitu-
dinal groove with radiating grooves imparting a
Cannon first described this syndrome in 1935 [1].
cerebriform or scrotal appearance to the surface of
the tongue [2]. The ordinary markings of the
Clinical Presentation. The lesions may appear at
tongue surface are exaggerated and the fungiform
birth, in early infancy, or during adolescence. The
papillae are prominent [2] (Fig. 11.8). Usually the
oral mucosa appears white, deeply folded or cor-
condition is asymptomatic. It may be associated
rugated, soft, and spongy. The buccal and labial
with geographic tongue. The condition occurs with
mucosae are usually involved; occasionally, the
a high incidence in Down syndrome (see p. 290) and
greater part or all of the oral mucosa may be
is also frequently present in Melkersson-Rosenthal
involved. The labia, vagina, anus, and rectum may
syndrome (see p. 206). Inheritance is autosomal
be similarly affected. The lesions are asymptomatic
dominant. There is no effective treatment.
and benign [1-3].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is marked
1. Halperin, V., Kolas, S., Jefferis, K., Huddleston, S., Robinson, acanthosis, with vacuolation of the granular and
H. B. G.: The occurrence of Fordyce spots, benign migratory
glossitis, median rhomboid glossitis, and fissured tongue in
prickle cells. Parakeratosis is frequent. There are
2,478 dental patients. Oral. Surg. 6, 1072-1077 (1953) dyskeratotic cells with a rigid-appearing eosin-
2. Tobias, N.: Scrotal tongue and its inheritance. Arch. Derm. ophilic cytoplasm. These cells are also demonstra-
Syph. 52, 266 (1945) ble by exfoliative cytology [3].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [3].

Pigmented Tongue
Treatment. No treatment is indicated.
This peculiar form of tongue pigmentation, seen
particularly in Negroes, is spotty and occurs mainly
1. Cannon, A. B.: White sponge nevus of the mucosa (naevus
on the tip and lateral edges of the tongue [1]. The
spongiosus albus mucosae). Arch. Derm. Syph. 31, 365-370
pigmentation is in the distribution of the fungiform (1935)
papillae of the ·tongue. These are red in color, 2. Zegarelli, E.V., Everett, F.G., Kutscher, A.H., Gorman, J.,
smooth-surfaced, and cone-shaped [2]. In this Kupferberg, N.: Familial white folded dysplasia of the mu-
condition, the fungiform papillae are enlarged and cous membranes. Arch. Derm. 80, 59-65 (1959)
3. Witkop, C.l, Jr., Gorlin, R.J.: Four hereditary mucosal
the melanin pigmentation is at their tips [2]. The syndromes. Comparative histology and exfoliative cytology of
condition is asymptomatic. In one family, pigmen- Darier-White's disease, hereditary benign intraepithelial dys-
tation of the fungiform papillae of the tongue was keratosis, white sponge nevus, and pachyonychia congenita.
associated with pigmentation of the nail beds [3]. Arch. Derm. 84, 762-771 (1961)
The trait for pigmentation is recessive (while the
normal allele is dominant over the "pigmented"
allele) [4, 5].

1. Kaplan, B.l: The clinical tongue. Lancet 19611, 1094-1097
2. Koplon, B.S., Hurley, H.J.: Prominent pigmented papillae of
the tongue. Arch. Derm. 95, 394-396 (1967)
3. Norum, R. A.: Association of pigmented nails, pigmented
fungiform papillae of tongue, and apocrine chromidrosis. In:
The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
Vol. X, No.4, pt. XVI, pp. 351-352. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1974
4. Rao, D.C.: Tongue pigmentation in man. Hum. Heredity 20,
8-12 (1970)
5. Rao, D. c.: Formal segregation analysis for tongue pigmen-
tation in man. Hum. Heredity 23, 308-312 (1973)
Chapter 12 Proliferative Disorders

Contents Malignant Lymphomas . . . . . 233

Mycosis Fungoides ..... 233
Collagenoma and Connective Tissue Nevus . . . . . . 210
Melanocytic Proliferative Disorders 235
Familial Cutaneous Collagenoma . . . . . . 210
Familial Malignant Melanoma 235
Osteopoikilosis (Dermatofibrosis Lenticularis Dissemi-
nata, Connective Tissue Nevus-Osteopoikilosis Syn- Melanocytic Nevi (see p.71)
drome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Epidermal Proliferative Disorders . . . . . . , . 212
Self-Healing Squamous Epithelioma (Ferguson Smith
Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (Gorlin Syndrome, Nevoid
212 CoUagenoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 and Connective Tissue Nevus
Cylindromatosis (Turban Tumors, Spiegler-Brooke Tu-
mors). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Familial Cutaneous CoUagenoma
Trichoepithelioma (Multiple Benign Cystic Epithelioma,
Epithelioma Adenoides Cysticum of Brooke) 215
Pilomatrixoma (Benign Calcifying Epithelioma of One report describes three brothers with this con-
Malherbe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 dition [1].
Seborrheic Keratoses (Seborrheic Warts) 218
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra . . . 220
Familial Cutaneous Papillomatosis . . . 220 Clinical Presentation. At about the age of 15 years,
Multiple Fibrofolliculomas . . . . . . 220 cutaneous nodules appear over the back, especially
Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome (Cowden Disease) 220 the upper two-thirds, and less frequently over the
Steatocystoma Multiplex (Sebocystomatosis, Hereditary
Epidermal Polycystic Disease) 221
shoulders and abdomen. The nodules are discrete,
Multiple Eruptive Milia ..... 222 0.5--4.5 em, slightly elevated, and movable (Figs.
Fibrous Proliferative Disorders 222
12.1 and 12.2). The overlying skin surface has a peau
Congenital Generalized Fibromatosis 222 d'orange effect [1, 2] or is normal [2]. Associated
Juvenile Fibromatosis 223 findings in the reported cases are idiopathic
Keloids ....... 223 myocardiopathy, atrophy of the left iris, profound
Hemangiomas . . . . . . 224 high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, and re-
Multiple Glomus Tumors . . . . . . 224 current vasculitis [1].
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome (Osteohyper-
. trophic Varicose Nevus). ............ 225
Maffucci Syndrome (Dyschondroplasia with Cavernous Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is a marked
Arigiomas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 increase in collagen in the dermis [1, 2]. The elastic
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 fibers are essentially normal [1] or decreased [2].
von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome (see p. 258)
Hemangioma Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (Kasabach-
Merritt Syndrome) (see p. 241) Inheritance. Probably autosomal recessive [2].
Sturge-Weber Syndrome (seep. 257)
Treatment. No treatment is needed.
· 227
Angiolipoma 227
Familial Lipomatosis 227
Familial Multiple Lipomatosis 227 References
Familial Benign Symmetric (Cervical) Lipomatosis 228 1. Henderson, R. R., Wheeler, C. E., Jr., Abele, D. c.: Familial
Adiposis Dolorosa (Dercum Disease) . . · 228 cutaneous collagenoma. Report of cases. Arch. Derm. 98,
23-27 (1968)
LelOmyomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 228
2. Hegedus, S.l., Schorr, W.F.: Familial cutaneous collagenoma.
Hereditary Multiple Leiomyomas of Skin · 228
Cutis 10, 283-288 (1972)
Mast Cell Disease (Urticaria Pigmentosa, Mastocytosis) . 229
Histiocytic Proliferative Disorders 231
Histiocytic Dermatoarthritis 231
Letterer-Siwe Disease 231
Osteopoikilosis 211

Fig. 12.1. Familial cutaneous collagenoma. Note the Fig. 12.2. Familial cutaneous collagenoma. Closer view
distribution over the back and the shoulders. (From of the lesions. (From Hegedus, S.l., Schorr, W.F.: Cutis 10,
Henderson, R.R., et al.: Arch. Derm. 98, 23-27, 1968) 283-288, 1972)

Osteopoikilosis Occasionally, the flexural folds are also involved [5]

(Dermatofibrosis Lenticularis Disseminata, (Figs. 12.3 and 12.4).
Other associated findings are small stature, super-
Connective Tissue Nevus-
numerary ribs, supernumerary vertebrae, mental
Osteopoikilosis Syndrome) deficiency, neuropathy, and infantilism [1].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cutaneous le-
Osteopoikilosis refers to circumscribed sclerotic sions show an increase in collagen fibers that
areas found incidentally on radiologic examination appear normal [1, 4] or frayed and twisted with
as densities in the epiphyses or metaphyses of the irregular cross-striations [4]. The elastic fibers may
long bones, pelvis, and bones of the hands and feet be absent [1] or coarse, irregular [3], smudgy, or
[1]. The term "dermatofibrosis lenticularis disse- thickened [4, 5], especially deep in the dermis [1].
minata" refers to a type of connective tissue nevus Within the same family affected individuals may
associated with osteopoikilosis [1]. Either the skin show a considerable spectrum of changes in col-
or the bone lesions may be absent in individual lagen and elastic fibers [4].
members of families that have both [2, 3].
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [2].
Clinical Presentation. Osteopoikilosis is a harmless
malformation. The skin lesions usually appear in Treatment. No treatment is required, except excision
childhood and are symmetric or asymmetric in of individual lesions for cosmetic purposes.
distribution, firm, slightly raised, skin-colored or
yellowish papules [1]. The papules are usually set References
close together to give a cobblestone pattern or a I. Raque, c.J., Wood, M.G.: Connective-tissue nevus. Der-
linear configuration [1]. Orange-red plaques with matofibrosis lenticularis disseminata with osteopoikilosis.
Arch. Derm. 102, 390-396 (1970)
pseudopodlike extensions may appear [3, 4]. The 2. Berlin, R., Hedensio, B., Lilja, B., Linder, L. : Osteopoikilosis -
sites usually involved are the upper back, arms, a clinical and genetic study. Acta med. scand. 181, 305-314
forearms, lumbar region, buttocks, and thighs. (1967)
212 Proliferative Disorders

12.3 12.4

Figs. 12.3 and 12.4. Osteopoikilosis. Aggregated, skin- Fig. 4-from Schorr, W. F., et al.: Arch. Derm. 106,208- 214,
colored papules. (Fig. 3 - courtesy of Dr. W. F. Frain-Bell. 1972)

3. Smith, A.D., Waisman, M.: Connective tissue nevi. Familial mon and no case of metastasis has been reported
occurrence and association with osteopoikilosis. Arch. Derm. [2]. Pruritus may be a prominent feature [4].
81, 249-252 (1960)
4. Schorr, W. F., Opitz, 1. M., Reyes, C. N. : The connective tissue Pathology and Pathophysiology. Characteristically,
nevus-osteopoikilosis syndrome. Arch. Derm. 106, 208-214
(1972) there is a keratin-filled central crater, overhung by
5. Danielsen, L., Midtgaard, K., Christensen, H. E.: Osteo- epidermis. The epidermis is hyperplastic with nests
poikilosis associated with derma to fibrosis lenticularis dis- of epithelial cells invading the dermis or showing
seminata. Arch. Derm. 100,465-470 (1969) dyskeratosis and keratin pearl formation. A heavy
inflammatory infiltrate surrounds the tumor. The
basal cell layer is often intact [2, 4]. It is assumed
that the tumors arise within a pilosebaceous follicle
[3]. No viral particles have been detected in this
tumor [3].
Epidermal Proliferative Disorders
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
Self-Healing Squamous Epithelioma
(Ferguson Smith Type) Treatment. Once the diagnosis is established, the
majority of lesions may be safely observed without
treatment, as there is spontaneous involution. The
J. Ferguson Smith first described this tumor in 1934 lesions that continue to enlarge or become cosmeti-
[1]. The condition is considered to be the genera- cally unacceptable are best excised [2].
lized or multiple form of keratoacanthoma [2].
Clinical Presentation. The mean age of onset of the
1. Ferguson Smith, 1.: A case of multiple primary squamous-
tumors is 25.5 years [3]. No tumor has been celled carcinomata of the skin in a young man with spon-
observed to develop before puberty. The sites of taneous healing. Brit. 1. Derm. 46, 267- 272 (1934)
predilection are the exposed areas [2, 3], especially 2. Epstein, N. N., Biskind, G. R., Pollack, R. S.: Multiple primary
the nose, ears, and circumoral region. The number self-healing squamous-cell "epitheliomas" of the skin.
Generalized keratoacanthoma. Arch. Derm. 75, 210-223
of tumors varies from 1-90 [3]. The lesions start as
macules or papules, enlarge gradually, and form 3. Ferguson-Smith, M.A., Wallace, D.C., James, Z.H., Renwick,
central keratinous plugs (Figs. 12.5- 12.7). There is 1.H. : MUltiple self-healing squamous epithelioma. In: The
spontaneous involution leaving a pitted or smooth clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol.
scar [2]. Deep infiltration is more frequent than in VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 157-163. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins Co. 1971
solitary keratoacanthoma and thus scarring is more 4. Ereaux, L.P., Schopflocher, P.: Familial primary self-healing
evident. As lesions involute, new lesions appear. squamous epithelioma of skin. Ferguson-Smith type. Arch.
Recurrence after excision or destruction is uncom- Derm. 91, 589-594 (1965)
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome 213



Figs. 12.5 and 12.6. Self-healing squamous

epithelioma. Individual nodules with the
characteristic central keratinous plugs

Fig. 12.7. Self-healing squamous epithe-

lioma. Coalesced multiple lesions over
12.6 the forearm

Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome face, neck, upper trunk, and upper limbs [5]. The
(Godin Syndrome, older lesions frequently ulcerate. Other skin find-
ings are milia, comedones, epithelial and sebaceous
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma)
cysts, lipomas, and palmoplantar pits. The pits are
usually shallow holes (1- 3mm), discrete or con-
Jarisch is credited with the first case report in 1894 fluent, with red bases [6].
[1] ; Nomland distinguished the nevoid character of The main osseous abnormalities are multiple man-
the tumors in 1932 [2]. Binkley and Johnson dibular cysts and mild mandibular prognathism
pointed out the multiple defects in this syndrome [5]. These usually contribute to the characteristic
[3]. facies with frontal and temporoparietal bossing,
sunken eyes, and broad nasal root [5]. Other
Clinical Presentation. The syndrome affects not skeletal abnormalities are rib anomalies (bifur-
only the skin but also the skeletal, central nervous, cation, splaying synostosis, partial agenesis,or cervi-
and endocrine systems, as well as the eyes. The main cal rudimentary); scoliosis; cervical or upper thora-
cutaneous lesions are multiple basal cell epi- cic vertebral fusion; bridging of the sella; spina
theliomas (Figs. 12.8 and 12.9). These are usually bifida occulta; syndactyly or oligodactyly or both;
numerous and appear between puberty and the a short fourth metacarpal; Sprengel deformity of
mid-thirties [4, 5]. The early lesions appear as flesh- the scapula ; medial hooking of the scapula ; de-
colored or brownish dome-shaped papules on the fective medial clavicle; pectus excavatum or cari-
214 Proliferative Disorders

12.8 12.9

Figs. 12.8 and 12.9. Basal cell nevus syndrome. Multiple basal cell tumors

natum; pes planus; and hallux valgus [5]. Calci- lated by small basaloid cells with varying degrees of
fication of the dura, choroid, and petro clinoid vacuolization [6]. Electron microscopy reveals
ligaments is frequent. Mental retardation, schizo- poor development of the tonofibrils, small kerato-
phrenia, congenital hydrocephalus, nerve deafness, hyalin granules, and incomplete discharge of ce-
and agenesis of corpus callosum have been mentsomes [7].
reported. The mandibular cysts are lined by simple epi-
The eye findings include dystopia canthorum, hy- thelium [4].
pertelorism, congenital blindness (due to corneal Some patients are thought to have hypo responsive-
opacity, cataract, glaucoma, or colobomas of the ness to parathyroid hormone [4]. Recent evidence,
choroid and optic nerve), and chalazion. Ovarian however, has refuted this [8].
fibroma or cyst (or both), hypogonadism, and pelvic
calcification may also occur. Other findings are Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
lymphomesenteric cysts, kidney malformations, and
inguinal hernia. Fibrosarcoma of the jaw, amelob- Treatment. The epitheliomas should be treated by
lastoma, and medulloblastoma have been reported curettage or surgery.
in a few patients.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The basal cell epi-

theliomas in this condition are histologically in-
1. Jarish, A.: Zur Lehre von den Hautgeschwiilsten. Arch.
distinguishable from the various morphologic types
Derm. Syph. (Berl.) 28, 163-222 (1894)
of nonhereditary tumors [4]. Probably, the nevoid 2. Nomland, R.: Multiple basal cell epitheliomas originating
tumors are more often associated with an inflam- from congenital pigmented basal cell nevi. Arch. Derm. Syph.
matory infiltrate [5]. The pits result from absence 25, 1002-1008 (1932)
of dense palmar or plantar keratin [6]. At the base 3. Binkley, G.W., Johnson, H.H., Jr.: Epithelioma adenoides
cysticum: basal cell nevi, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and
of the pit are loose keratin flakes and small para- dental cysts. Arch. Derm. Syph. 63, 73-84 (1951)
keratotic areas with attenuation of the granular cell 4. Clendenning, W.E., Block, lB., Radde, I.e.: Basal cell nevus
layer. The rete ridges are irregular and are popu- syndrome. Arch. Derm. 90,38-53 (1964)
Cylindromatosis 215

5. Gorlin, R.1., Sedano, H.O.: The multiple nevoid basal cell Treatment. Surgical eXCISIOn IS the treatment of
carcinoma syndrome revisited. In: The clinical delineation of choice.
birth defects. Bergsma,D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp.
140-148. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
6. Howell, 1. B., Mehregan, A. H.: Pursuit of the pits in the
nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. Arch. Derm. 102,
586-597 (1970) 1. Welch, J.P., Wells, R.S., Kerr, c.B.: Ancell-Spiegler cylin-
7. Hashimoto, K., Howell, 1. B., Yamanishi, Y., Holubar, K., dromas (turban tumors) and Brooke-Fordyce trichoe-
Bernhard, R., Jr.: Electron microscopic studies of palmar and pitheliomas: evidence for a single genetic entity. J. med.
plantar pits of nevoid basal cell epithelioma. 1. invest. Derm. Genet. 5, 29-35 (1968)
59, 380-393 (1972) 2. Fusaro, R. M., Goltz, R. W.: Histochemically demonstrable
8. Kaufman, R. L., Chase, L. R.: Basal cell nevus syndrome: carbohydrates of appendageal tumors of the skin. II. Benign
normal responsiveness to parathyroid hormone. In: The apocrine gland tumors. 1. invest. Derm. 38, 137-142 (1962)
clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. 3. Hashimoto, K., Lever, W. F. : Histogenesis of skin appendage
VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 149-155. Baltimore: Williams & tumors. Arch. Derm. 100, 356-369 (1969)
Wilkins Co. 1971 4. Crain, R.C., Helwig, E.B.: Dermal cylindroma (dermal ec-
crine cylindroma). Amer. 1. clin. Path. 35, 504-515 (1969)
5. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., pp.
114 and 799. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
Cylindromatosis (Turban Tumors,
Spiegler-Brooke Tumors)

Cylindromas may be solitary (nonhereditary) or Trichoepithelioma

multiple (hereditary). (Multiple Benign Cystic Epithelioma,
Epithelioma Adenoides Cysticum
Clinical Presentation. The lesions usually appear in
of Brooke)
early adulthood and gradually increase in number
and size. They are predominantly on the scalp,
rarely on the face, trunk, or extremities. The tumors Brooke [1] and Fordyce [2] independently de-
are smooth, dome-shaped, firm, pink to red nod- scribed this tumor in 1892. The term trichoe-
ules. They may be numerous and occasionally pithelioma is preferred because it indicates the
pedunculated (Figs. 12.10-12.13). Malignant de- differentiation of the tumor cells toward hair struc-
generation in these tumors is rare. tures. Trichoepithelioma may be solitary (nonhere-
The frequent association of multiple lesions of ditary) or multiple (hereditary).
cylindroma with multiple lesions of trichoe-
pithelioma suggests that these tumors may re- Clinical Presentation. Multiple trichoepithelioma is
present a single entity [1]. characterized by multiple lesions which usually
appear before puberty and rarely after the third
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The tumors are decade, grow in size for a while, and then remain
dermal and are made up of masses and columns of stationary [3]. They are predominantly on the face,
cells surrounded by a hyaline sheath and a narrOw especially the nasolabial folds and upper lip, but the
band of stroma. The cells are of two types: those back and scalp [3], neck, trunk, and extremities [4]
with small, darkly staining nuclei at the periphery may also be affected. The lesions on the face usually
and those with larger, central nuclei. Lumenlike measure 0.2-0.5 cm in diameter, whereas those on
structures are present, and these may contain hy- the back are larger [3]. The tumors are flesh-
aline material. colored, firm, and translucent with, occasionally,
The hyaline sheath is PAS-positive, distase-re- surface telangiectasia [3] (Figs. 12.14--12.17). The
sistant, and does not stain with Alcian blue, making lesions often coalesce. Ulceration is rare [5]. The
it a neutral mucopolysaccharide [2]. The material lesions are usually asymptomatic. One affected in-
in the lumina contains acid as well as neutral dividual developed a basosquamous carcinoma [4].
mucopolysaccharides. There is controversy as to Lesions of trichoepithelioma and cylindroma may
the origin of these tumors and the direction of coexist. Some believe that these two tumors repre-
differentiation (apocrine [3] or eccrine [4]). sent a single entity [6]. No other associated findings
have been recorded [4, 5].
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant with
stronger expression in the female [5]. The possi- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The tumors are
bility of X-linkage with dominance in a small usually well-circumscribed and occupy the upper
proportion of families is not completely excluded and middermis. There are lobules and a lacelike
[5]. network of tracts of basaloid cells. Keratinous cysts
216 Proliferative Disorders

12.10 12.1

12.12 12.1~
Trichoepithelioma 217




Figs. 12.14-12.17. Trichoepithelioma

Figs. 12.14 and 12.15. Multiple lesions, predominantly on

the upper lip and nasolabial folds. (Fig. 14 - from Kern, F.,
Hambrick, G. W., Jr.: In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 332-
333. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)

Fig. 12.16. Involvement of the pinna. (From Kern, F.,

Hambrick, G. W., Jr.: In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 332-
333. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)

12.16 Fig. 12.17. Close-up view

... Figs. 12.10-12.13. Cylindromatosis. Smooth, dome-shaped delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII,
nodules over the face, scalp, and trunk. (Courtesy of Dr. No.8, pt. XII, pp. 338-341. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins
V. A. McKusick, from Harper, P.S.: In: The clinical Co. 1971)
218 Proliferative Disorders

are prominent and, characteristically, keratini- These masses are composed of sheets and bands of
zation is abrupt. The stroma of the tumor is sharply small basophilic epithelial cells with scanty cytop-
demarcated from the surrounding dermis [3]. lasm and indistinct cell margins, separated by con-
Foreign body reactions of epithelioid and giant nective tissue [1]. Centrally, the cells have more
cells are common, with occasional calcium deposits abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with visible cell
[3]. The origin of these tumors is believed to be margins. Pyknosis then develops and shadow cells
from a pluripotential cell with differentiation with translucent glassy cytoplasm and well-defined
directed toward hair structures [3]. cell borders are formed [1]. Small masses of keratin
are seen and calcification is frequent. Occasionally
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. ossification is noted. Foreign body reactions are
usual. Ultrastructural [6] and histochemical [1, 6]
Treatment. There is no satisfactory mode of treat- studies show that this is an appendageal tumor of
ment. Surgical excision, electrodesiccation, curet- the hair and its follicle, composed mainly of hair
tage, and X-ray irradiation have been unrewarding. cortex cells with differentiation toward mature hair
structures, hence the term "pilomatrixoma." The
course is benign.
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant.
1. Brooke, H.G.: Epithelioma adenoides cysticum. Brit. J.
Derm. 4, 269-286 (1892)
2. Fordyce, J. A.: Multiple benign cystic epithelioma of the skin. Treatment. If the tumors are painful or subject to
J. cutaneous genito-urin. Dis. 10,459-473 (1892) periodic inflammation, surgical excision IS
3. Gray, H.R., Helwig, E.B.: Epithelioma adenoides cysticum indicated.
and solitary trichoepithelioma. Arch. Derm. 87, 102-114
4. Ziprkowski, K., Schewach-Millet, M.: Multiple trichoe- References
pithelioma in a mother and two children. Dermatologica
(Basel) 132, 248-256 (1966) 1. Forbis, R., Jr., Helwig, E.B.: Pilomatrixoma (calcifying epi-
5. Gaul, L. E.: Heredity of multiple benign cystic epithelioma. thelioma). Arch. Derm. 83, 606-618 (1961)
'The Indiana family". Arch. Derm. 68, 517-524 (1953) 2. Duperrat, B., Albert, N.1.: Forme familiale de l'epithelioma
6. Welch, J.P., Wells, R. S., Kerr, C. B.: Ancell-Spiegler cylin- de Malherbe. Bull. Soc. fran 1;. Derm. Syph. 55,196-197 (1948)
dromas (turban tumors) and Brooke-Fordyce trichoe- 3. Geiser, J.D.: Forme familiale d'epithelioma (calcifie) de
pitheliomas: evidence for a single genetic entity. J. med. Malherbe. Dermatologica (Basel) 120, 361-365 (1960)
Genet. 5, 29-35 (1968) 4. Harper, P. S.: Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe and myo-
tonic dystrophy in sisters. In: The clinical delineation of birth
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 343-345.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
Pilomatrixoma (Benign Calcifying 5. Cantwell, A.R.,Jr., Reed, W.B.: Myotonia atrophica and
multiple calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe. Acta derm.-
Epithelioma of Malherbe) venereol. (Stockh.) 45, 387-390 (1965)
6. Hashimoto, K., Nelson, R. G., Lever, W. F.: Calcifying epi-
thelioma of Malherbe. Histochemical and electron micros-
Clinical Presentation. Pilomatrixomas are single copic studies. J. in vest. Derm. 46, 391-408 (1966)
tumors that often occur in young people, the me-
dian age being 23 years [1]. Both sexes are affected.
The arms, face, and neck are the sites most frequent-
Seborrheic Keratoses (Seborrheic Warts)
ly involved, but other areas like thighs, scalp, shoul-
ders, and trunk may be affected [1]. The tumors
appear as asymptomatic nodules, reddish or bluish This common epidermal tumor usually appears
in color, firm to stony-hard, and lobular (Fig. 12.18). after the fourth or fifth decade in both sexes. Some
Pain on pressure may be a presenting symptom. reports have stressed its familial occurrence [1].
Occasionally these tumors may be inflamed.
Familial occurrence of this tumor is rare; isolated Clinical Presentation. The commonest sites of in-
reports have appeared: five affected persons in two volvement are the trunk, face, and scalp; rarely are
generations of a family [2], an affected father and other areas involved. The lesions are multiple and
daughter [3], and two affected sisters [4]. Associa- start as well-defined, yellowish plaques. These gra-
tion with myotonia atrophica [4,5] may indicate dually darken in color and assume a stuck-on
more than a coincidental finding. appearance. The surface is verrucous and greasy
and the color varies from tan to brown or black
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The lesions are (Figs. 12.19 and 12.20). Usually they are asympto-
round or oval, well-circumscribed dermal masses. matic, but occasionally they may be pruritic.
Seborrheic Keratoses 219

Fig. 12.18. Pilomatrixoma.

Well-circumscribed, reddish
blue, firm nodule

Fig. 12.19. Seborrheic keratoses. Usual distribution Fig. 12.20. Seborrheic keratoses. Close-up view, showing
a greasy, verrucous surface

Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is hyper- inflamed. Treatment with curettage after freezing
keratosis, papillomatosis, and acanthosis. The latter with fluoroethyl or light desiccation gives good
is due to proliferation of basaloid cells, which is results.
mainly upward. Horn cysts and pseudo horn cysts
are common. The amount of melanin pigment is
1. Reiches. A.J.: Seborrheic keratoses. Are they delayed hered-
itary nevi? Arch. Derm. Syph. 65. 596~600 (1952)
Inheritance. In the familial type, inheritance IS
probably autosomal dominant [1].

Treatment. No treatment is needed except for cos-

metic purposes or if the lesions are irritated and
220 Proliferative Disorders

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Multiple Fibrofolliculomas

This is a rather common disorder among American A condition with pilar hamartomas has been re-
blacks, affecting 35 % of the adult population [1]. cently described in a kindred [1]. The skin tumors
are small and dome-shaped and appear at around
Clinical Presentation. Starting around puberty and the age of 25 years. Associated skin findings were
increasing with age, firm, pigmented, non tender, trichodiscomas and acrochordons. Histologically,
smooth papules appear on the face (Figs. 12.21 and the pilar hamartomas consist of a circumscribed
12.22). In many instances, the trunk may also be proliferation of loose connective tissue surrounding
involved [1]. an abnormal hair follicle. Epithelial strands from
the hair follicle extend into this connective tissue
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic pic- zone. The inheritance is thought to be autosomal
ture is similar to that of seborrheic keratosis (see dominant [1].
p.219). There is hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and
horn cysts [1]. Reference
1. Birt, A. R., Hogg, G. R., Dube, W.J.: Hereditary multiple
Inheritance. Although the predominant occurrence fibrofolliculomas with trichodiscomas and acrochordons.
of this disorder in blacks is consistent with a Arch. Derm. 113, 1674-1677 (1977)
genetic basis, its pattern of inheritance has not been
clearly established.

Treatment. There is no need for treatment unless

cosmetically indicated. Then, curettage after freez- Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome
ing with flu oro ethyl or light desiccation gives good (Cowden Disease)
This syndrome was first described in 1963 by Lloyd
Reference and Dennis [1] and named Cowden disease from
1. Hairston, M. A., Jr., Reed, R.J., Derbes, V.J.: Dermatosis the surname of the pro bands.
papulosa nigra. Arch. Derm. 89, 655~658 (1964)
Clinical Presentation. The organ system that most
consistently manifests this syndrome is the skin.
The cutaneous changes include dome-shaped, flesh-
colored papules; flat-topped, lichenoid papules
Familial Cutaneous Papillomatosis with a central keratotic plug; punctate kerato-
dermia of the palms; and verrucous lesions strik-
A pedigree has been described with this condition ingly similar to those of verruca vulgaris, verruca
[1]. The eruption starts in the late teens. The lesions plana, and acrokeratotic lesions of keratosis folli-
slowly enlarge, darken, and then remain stationary. cularis (Darier disease). The verrucous lesions at the
The affected sites are the back and arms, and less angles of the mouth and on the oral mucosa may
often the chest and knees. The lesions are 1-2mm, mimic hypertrophic perleche, benign gingival hy-
brownish black hyperkeratotic papules, discrete, or perplasia, or ectopic or recurrent lymphoreticular
arranged in a reticulate pattern or coalesced to form tissue. These skin lesions behave as benign hamar-
plaques [1]. Histologically, there is hyperkeratosis, tomas [2].
acanthosis, papillomatosis, and increased pigment The syndrome is important because of the as-
in the basal cell layer [1]. Inheritance is probably sociated abnormalities of the thyroid gland, breasts,
autosomal dominant. gastrointestinal, nervous, and other organ systems.
Thyroid tumors (goiter, adenoma, carcinoma) and
Reference acute thyroiditis may develop. Fibrocystic disease
1. Baden, H.P.: Familial cutaneous papillomatosis. Arch. Derm.
of the breast has been found in all the female
92, 394-395 (1965) patients, with a significant association of carcinoma
of the breast. Gastrointestinal tract abnormalities
include colonic polyps, diverticulae of the colon, and
ganglioneuromas. Neuromas and ganglioneuromas
are found incidentally in the middle and lower
dermis in association with cutaneous lesions.
Steatocystoma Multiplex 221

2.21 12.22

Figs. 12.21 and 12.22. Dermatosis papulosa nigra. Firm, pigmented papules

Central nervous system affection may be manifested common verrucae. Therapy should be directed
by mental dullness or retardation, intention tremor, mainly to the abnormalities of the thyroid,
electroencephalographic changes, and meningioma breasts, gastrointestinal, nervous, and other organ
formation. Female genital tract abnormalities may systems [2].
also occur [2].

Pathology and Pathophysiology. Light microscopic 1. Lloyd, K. M., Dennis, M.: Cowden's disease. A possible new
symptom complex with multiple system involvement. Ann.
examination shows nonspecific changes such as intern. Med. 58, 136-142 (1963)
hyperkeratosis acanthosis simulating pseudoepithe- 2. Gentry, W.c.,Jr., Eskritt, N.R., Gorlin, R.J.: Multiple ham-
liomatous hyperplasia, and a mild perivascular artoma syndrome (Cowden disease). Arch. Derm. 109,
infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes, polymorpho- 521-525 (1974)
nuclear leukocytes, and rare plasma cells [2].
Electron microscopy reveals dense accumulations of
collagen immediately beneath the basement mem- Steatocystoma Multiplex
brane. Within the keratinocytes deep in the epider- (Sebocystomatosis, Hereditary Epidermal
mis, there is clumping of tonofilaments. Vacuoles
are seen in the keratinocyte cytoplasm. Keratino-
Polycystic Disease)
somes appear to be reduced in number in the upper
epidermis [2]. Clinical Presentation. Onset is usually in adoles-
cence, although lesions may appear at birth. The
eruption consists of multiple cysts, a few millimeters
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [2].
to 2 cm in diameter, involving the face, scalp, trunk,
and proximal extremities (Fig. 12.23). The anterior
Treatment. The skin lesions are recalcitrant to the central chest is more often involved. The cysts have
usual modalities employed in the treatment of a rubbery feel and are usually elevated and movable.
222 Proliferative Disorders

Fig. 12.23. Steatocystoma multiplex. Multiple

small cysts. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)

No punctum is visible but, if punctured, an odorless Reference

oily fluid appears. A common complication is in- 1. Heard, M. G., Horton, W. H., Hambrick, G. W., J r.: The fa-
fection of the cysts with subsequent scarring. milial occurrence of multiple eruptive milia. In: The clinical
delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8,
pt. XII, pp. 333-337. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cysts are lined
by keratinizing epithelium in which lobules of se-
baceous glands may be present. Lanugo hairs may
be seen in the lumen. The cysts are connected to the
overlying epidermis by a band of undifferentiated Fibrous Proliferative Disorders
epithelial cells [1].
Congenital Generalized Fibromatosis
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

Treatment. Individual cysts may be incised, drained, Stout, in 1954, described this entity among the
and phenolized or excised. various juvenile fibromatoses [1]. The disorder
seems to be very rare [2]. It is characterized by the
appearance, at birth, of multiple, rubbery to firm
nodules, 0.5-2.5 cm in diameter. These are widely
1. Kligman, A M., Kirschbaum, 1. D. : Steatocystoma multiplex: distributed on the skin, especially on the trunk,
a dermoid tumor. 1. invest. Derm. 42, 383-387 (1964)
thighs, and shoulders [2]. The larger nodules may
ulcerate. The tumors may involve the skin and
subcutaneous tissue or there may also be visceral
Multiple Eruptive Milia involvement (muscle, heart, lungs, gastrointestinal
tract, liver, pancreas, thyroid, etc.) [3]. With
involvement of the viscera, the outcome is fatal.
A father and son have been reported with this
Histologically, there is fibroblastic proliferation in
condition [1]. The lesions appear in childhood as
the form of scattered fibrocellular islands composed
multiple, nonpigmented, 1-3-mm papules over the
of plump fibroblasts with reticulin, fibroglia, and
face (especially the malar region), shoulders, upper
collagen fibrils [2]. Inheritance is probably auto-
trunk, and axillae. Many of the papules have a
somal dominant.
central folliclelike depression; some have a papillo-
matous extension [1] (Figs. 12.24 and 12.25).
Histologically, there is evidence of nevoid distur-
bance within the epidermis and dermis as well as 1. Stout, AP.: Juvenile fibromatoses. Cancer 7, 953-978 (1954)
2. Shnitka, T.K., Asp, D.M., Horner: R.H.: Congenital genera-
dilatation and keratin plugging of the follicular lized fibromatosis. Cancer 11,627-639 (1958)
infundibulum [1]. Inheritance is autosomal dom- 3. Kauffman, S.L., Stout, A.P.: Congenital mesenchymal tu-
inant. mors. Cancer 18,460-476 (1965)
Keloids 223

.. 24 12.25

Figs. 12.24 and 12.25. Multiple eruptive milia. Lesions on the face and the upper trunk. (Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)

Juvenile Fibromatosis Keloids

Drescher et al. [1] were the first to describe this rare Clinical Presentation. Many kinds of trauma to the
entity in 1967. At around 2 years of age nodules skin may result in an overgrowth of connective
appear, predominantly on the head and less so on tissue which gives rise to hypertrophic scars and
the shoulders, trunk, extremities, face, and hands keloids. Such a scar hypertrophy may be apparent a
[1]. The growths start as flat plaques which grad- few weeks after injury in the form of a raised,
ually reach the size of 5 cm or more. They are thickened, erythematous plaque. Keloids are char-
painless, elastic, and adherent to the overlying skin. acterized by being painful and irritative and by the
Hypertrophy of gums and nail beds is present [1]. progression of the scar tissue beyond the site of the
Contractures of the joints of the extremities and original trauma. They tend to reach maturity in
radiologic evidence of destruction of the proximal 6-18 months when the erythema fades [1]. They
parts of the humeri and punched-out osteolytic have a smooth surface and a firm consistency
lesions in the femur and tibia may be present [2]. (Figs. 12.26 and 12.27). They seldom disappear
General health is preserved. Histologically, there is spontaneously. Keloids are more frequent in dark-
an abundant, homogeneous, amorphous, acid- skinned races and.involved sites are mainly the ears,
ophilic, and PAS-positive ground substance in face, and neck, less so the abdomen and scalp [2].
which spindle cells are embedded and form minute Keloids may be the site of development of malig-
streaks [1]. These cells have abundant frothy cyto- nancies. Familial occurrence has been reported
plasm. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells have fibril- [2,3].
filled balls around the Golgi apparatus and peculiar Keloids have also been found in a kindred as-
micro fibrils in the stroma [3]. Inheritance is auto- sociated with congenital torticollis, cryptorchidism,
somal recessive. Treatment is by surgical excision. and renal dysplasia [4]. The mode of inheritance in
A few recur. this kindred is consistent with X-linked recessive.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The distinguishing
histologic features of keloids are thick, glassy, pale-
1. Drescher, E., Woyke, S., Markiewicz, c., Tegi, S.: Juvenile
fibromatosis in siblings (fibromatosis hyalinica mUltiplex ju-
staining collagen bundles [1,2] with abundant mu-
venilis). J. pediat. Surg. 2,427-430 (1967) cinous ground substance [1].
2. Kitano, y.: Juvenile hyalin fibromatosis. Arch. Derm. 112,
86--88 (1976) Inheritance. Not clearly established. Probably auto-
3. Woyke, S., Domagala, W., Olszewski, W.: Ultrastructure of a somal dominant.
fibromatosis hyalinica multiplex juvenilis. Cancer 26,
1157-1168 (1970) Treatment. Intralesional corticosteroids may be
helpful in early keloids. In well-established cases,
excision followed by radiotherapy gives the lowest
recurrence rate.
224 Proliferative Disorders


Figs. 12.26 and 12.27. Keloids 12.27

References an earlier age of onset [3]. Lesions do not occur

1. Mackenzie, D. H.: Keloids and hypertrophic scars. In: The periungually. Usually they are asymptomatic, al-
differential diagnosis of fibroblastic disorders. pp.' 32-38. though occasionally there may be pain or tender-
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 1970 ness [1]. The tumors are usually small, bluish
2. Cosman, B., Crikelair, G.F., Ju, D.M.e., Gaulin, le., Lattes,
R. : The surgical treatment of keloids. Plast. reconstr. Surg. 27,
nodules. Occasionally they may be large, soft, and
335-358 (1961) compressible. When they are very numerous,
3. Bloom, D.: Heredity of keloids: review of the literature and thrombocytopenia may be a complication as III
report of a family with multiple keloids in five generations. the case of cavernous hemangiomas [4].
N.Y. State J. Med. 56, 511-519 (1956)
4. Goeminne, L.: A new probably X-linked inherited syndrome.
Congenital muscular torticollis, multiple keloids, cryptor- Pathology and Pathophysiology. Multiple glomus
chidism and renal dysplasia. Acta Genet. med. (Roma) 17, tumors characteristically are nonencapsulated and
439-467 (1968) are composed of large, wide, irregularly shaped
blood-filled cavities [1]. Well-organized thrombi
may be seen within these cavities, which are lined by
a single layer of flat endothelial cells. Small glomus
Hemangiomas cells, one to three layers thick, are peripheral to the
endothelial lining. Some channels may not show
Multiple Glomus Tumors any glomus cells [3]. Ultrastructurally, the glomus
cells are shown to be vascular smooth muscle cells
[5]. Glomus tumors do not seem to show any
Glomus tumors are generally of two types, solitary abnormal blood flow patterns [5].
and multiple. Only multiple glomus tumors are
heritable [1,2]. Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [1].

Clinical Presentation. Multiple glomus tumors usu-

Treatment. If tender or painful or associated with
ally appear before the age of 21 years; some have thrombocytopenia, excision is recommended.
been noted at birth [1]. The number of tumors
varies, usually being less than ten. The lesions can
be grouped in one area, like the hand or foot [3J, or
they can be generalized [4]. The localized form has
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome 225


Figs. 12.28 and 12.29. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome. Note the

2.28 nevus flammeus and the underlying hypertrophy of the soft tissue

References ties, trunk, or head. With time, there may be a local

1. Gorlin, R.J., Fusaro, R.M., Benton, J. W.: Multiple glomus overgrowth of soft tissue and hypertrophy of the
tumor of the pseudocavernous hemangioma type. Report of a whole or part of the bone in an extremity, associated
case manifesting a dominant inheritance pattern. Arch. Derm. with phlebectasias and arteriovenous aneurysms
82, 776-778 (1960)
2. Schnyder, U. W.: Uber Glomustumoren. Dermatologica
(Figs. 12.28 and 12.29).
(Basel) 131, 83-88 (1965) Other developmental defects such as syndactyly or
3. Laymon, C.W., Petersen, W.c.,Jr.: Glomangioma (glomus polydactyly may be associated with the syndrome.
tumor). A clinicopathologic study with special reference to Venous abnormalities of an internal organ may be
multiple lesions appearing during pregnancy. Arch. Derm.
92, 509-514 (1965)
seen [3].
4. McEvoy, B.F., Waldman, P.M., Tye, M.J.: Multiple hamarto-
matous glomus tumors of the skin. Arch. Derm. 104, 188-191 Pathology and Pathophysiology. The osteohyper-
(1971 ) trophy is assumed to be the result of venous
5. Goodman, T.F., Abele, D.C.: Multiple glomus tumors. A hypertension caused by varicosities or an arte-
clinical and electron microscopic study. Arch. Derm. 103,
11-23 (1971) riovenous fistula.
The cutaneous lesions simulate Kaposi sarcoma
and are referred to as pseudo-Kaposi sarcomas.
There is proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts,
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome extravasation ofred cells, and deposition of hem osi-
(Osteohypertrophic Varicose Nevus) derin in the dermis [4].

Klippel and Trenaunay in 1900 [1] and Weber in Inheritance. Suggestions of a genetic etiology are
1907 [2] described this syndrome with vascular meager [5].
nevus and hypertrophic changes. A better desig-
nation would be hemangiectatic osteohypertrophy Treatment. There is no drastic treatment. The nevi
in view of the variability of the associated vascular may be cosmetically camouflaged. In cases of gang-
component. rene or recurrent ulceration, amputation of the
involved part may be necessary.
Clinical Presentation. At birth a nevus flammeus
type of hemangioma may be present on the extremi-
226 Proliferative Disorders

References Inheritance. Not definite.

1. Klippel, M., Trenaunay, P. : Nevus variqueux osteo-hypertro-
phique. Arch. Gen. med. 3, 641-672 (1900) Treatment. There is no treatment except possible
2. Weber, F.P.: Angioma formation in connection with hyper- surgical intervention, with amputation of a severely
trophy of limbs and hemi-hypertrophy. Brit. l Derm. 19,
231-235 (1907) deformed extremity [2].
3. Owens, D. W., Garcia, E., Pierce, R. R., Castrow, F. F.:
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome with pulmonary vein References
varicosity. Arch.l)erm. 108, 111-113 (1973) 1. Bean, W.E.: Vascular spiders and related lesions of the skin,
4. Waterson, K.W., Jr., Shapiro, L., Dannenberg, M.: Develop- pp. 166-176. Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1958
mental arteriovenous malformation with secondary angio- 2. Carleton, A., Elkington, l.S.C., Greenfield, lG., Robb-Smith,
dermatitis. Report of a case. Arch. Derm. 100, 297-302 (1969) A.H. T.: Maffucci's syndrome (dyschondroplasia' with haem-
5. McKusick, V.A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., angeiomata). Quart. l Med. 11, 203-228 (1942)
p. 233. Baltimore: lohns Hopkins University Press 1978 3. Sakurane, H. F., Sugai, T., Saito, T.: The association of blue
rubber bleb nevus and Maffucci's syndrome. Arch. Derm. 95,
28-36 (1967)
4. Suringa, D. W. R., Ackerman, A. B.: Cutaneous lymph-
angiomas with dyschondroplasia (Maffucci's syndrome). A
unique variant of an unusual syndrome. Arch. Derm. 101,
Maffucci Syndrome (Dyschondroplasia 472-474 (1970)

with Cavernous Angiomas)

Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus

In this rare syndrome there is an association be-
tween dyschondroplasia (Ollier disease) and
hemangiomas. Bean, in 1958, proposed the name of this syndrome
Clinical Presentation. The affected individual is
normal at birth, but during early life one or more Clinical Presentation. The syndrome is character-
soft, bluish nodules appear, usually on a finger or ized by the association of cutaneous hemangiomas
toe [1]. Dilated venous satellites or phlebectasias with hemangiomas of the gastrointestinal tract. The
frequently develop either connected to these nod- cutaneous lesions appear at birth or in early infancy
ules or elsewhere. Irregular bending and dwarfing and increase in size and number. There may be
of a limb may occur. As the bone extends in length, large, disfiguring, cavernous angiomas, or a blood
islands of nonossifying cartilage persist in the met- sac looking like a blue rubber nipple covered with
aphysis [1,2]. The long bones of the arms, legs, thin white skin, or irregular blue marks sometimes
hands, and feet are commonly involved. Grotesque with punctate blackish spots merging with the
deformities result from the multiple enchondromas. adjacent normal skin [1]. They may be few in
Pathologic fractures are common and healing is number or numerous and occur predominantly on
slow and incomplete (Figs.12.30 and 12.31). the limbs and trunk [2]. They vary in size from a
Skewing and warping of the body result from few millimeters to several centimeters. Some lesions
unequal growth of the two sides. Cartilaginous ma y be painful.
tumors appear near the epiphyseal line. The gastrointestinal lesions are manifested by re-
Many patients succumb to a variety of neoplasms: current bleeding and anemia. These lesions are
chondrosarcoma, angiosarcoma, malignant lymph- usually multiple, submucosal, and involve the small
angioma, glioma, and ovarian teratoma [1]. The intestine more often than the colon [2]. Pulmonary
association of the Maffucci syndrome with the blue hypertension may be a feature of this syndrome [3].
rubber bleb nevus has been reported [3].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Essentially, the
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The vascular le- hemangiomas are of the cavernous type.
sions are essentially cavernous hemangiomas, lined
with a single layer of endothelial cells. In a few Inheritance. Although most cases are sporadic,
instances, there is endothelial cell proliferation. In autosomal dominant inheritance is well-established
one case, cutaneous lymphangiomas were as- [2,4J with perhaps increased penetrance in males
sociated with dyschondroplasia [4]. The skeletal [3].
lesions show persistence of cartilage in the meta-
physis and intermingled areas of distorted cartilage Treatment. In cases of severe intestinal bleeding,
and bone without the normal orderly process of resection of the heavily involved bowel may be
ossification [1,2]. necessary.
Lipomatoses 227


Figs. 12.30 and 12.31. Maffucci syndrome. Note the nodularities

12.30 over the extremities and the resulting distortions

References Inheritance. The majority of cases are not familial.

1. Bean, W.B.: Vascular spiders and related lesions of the skin, In some reports an autosomal dominant inherit-
pp. 178-185. Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1958 ance is suspected [2].
2. Berlyne, G. M., Berlyne, N.: Anaemia due to "blue-rubber-
bleb" naevus disease. Lancet 1960Il, 1275-1277
Treatment. Surgical excision is advised when the
3. Talbot, S., Wyatt, E. H.: Blue rubber bleb naevi (report of a
family in which only males were affected). Brit. 1. Derm. 82, nodules are painful, or for cosmetic purposes.
37-39 (1970)
4. Walshe, M.M., Evans, C.D., Warin, R.P.: Blue rubber bleb
naevus. Brit. med. J. 1966II, 931-932 References
1. Howard, W. R., Helwig, E. B.: Angiolipoma. Arch. Derm. 82,
924-931 (1960)
2. Klem, K. K.: Multiple lipoma-angiolipomas. Acta chir. scand.

Angiolipoma Familial Lipomatosis

Clinical Presentation. Usually shortly after puberty, There are two main types of familial lipomatosis:
painful subcutaneous nodules appear. These grad- familial multiple lipomatosis and familial benign
ually increase in number. The overlying skin is symmetric (cervical) lipomatosis.
normal and unattached to the nodules. The pain is
inconstant, dull, and elicited by pressure or pal-
pation. The trunk and extremities are the usual sites Familial Multiple Lipomatosis
of involvement. The face, scalp, palms, and soles are
not involved [1]. The lesions are usually apparent between puberty
and the age of 30 years [1]. There are multiple,
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The nodules are lobulated nodules, soft and rubbery, varying in
encapsulated, sometimes lobulated, 0.8-3.8 cm in size from 1-6 cm. The overlying skin is normal.
diameter. Histologically, there is proliferation of The tumors are occasionally painful when they are
adipose and vascular tissues. There is no tendency developing but asymptomatic when fully grown
to recur, invade, or metastasize [1]. [1]. The sites of involvement are usually the back
228 Proliferative Disorders

and upper extremities and less so the chest and pomas. In addition, there may be areas of necrosis,
lower extremities. foreign body granulomas, and fibrosis.
Multiple lipomas may be a feature of Gardner
syndrome (see p. 136) or they may be associated Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [3, 4].
with neurofibromatosis (see p. 255) or visceral
lipomas. Treatment. There is no effective treatment. Surgical
Histologically, the nodules are made up of normal excision may sometimes be indicated.
fat cells with connective tissue septa and capsule.
Inheritance is autosomal dominant. No treatment is
necessary. If the lipomas are large or symptomatic,
surgical excision is indicated. 1. Dercum, F. X.: Three cases of hitherto unclassified affection
resembling in its grosser aspects obesity, but associated with
special nervous symptoms - adiposis dolo rosa. Amer. 1. med.
Sci. 104, 521-535 (1892)
Familial Benign Symmetric 2. Steiger, W. A., Litvin, H., Lasch€:, E. M., Durant, T. M.:
(Cervical) Lipomatosis Adiposis dolorosa (Dercum's disease). New Eng\. J. Med. 247,
393-396 (1952)
3. Lynch, H. T., Harlan, W. L.: Hereditary factors in adiposis
This form is characterized by the presence of large, dolorosa (Dercum's disease). Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 15,
coalescent, non tender lipomas, especially in the 184-190 (1963)
neck region and less so in other areas [2]. 4. Cantu, J.M., Ruiz-Barquin, E., Jimenez, M., Castillo, L., Ruiz-
Histologically, they are indistinguishable from reg- Macotela, E.: Autosomal dominant inheritance in adiposis
dolorosa (Dercum's disease). Humangenetik 18,89-91 (1973)
ular lipomas. Inheritance is probably autosomal

1. Kurzweg, F. T., Spencer, R.: Familial multiple lipomatosis. Leiomyomas
Amer. J. Surg. 82, 762-765 (1951)
2. Greene, M. L., Glueck, c.1., Fujimoto, W. Y, Seegmiller, 1. E.: Hereditary Multiple Leiomyomas
Benign symmetric lipomatosis (Launois-Bensaude adenolip-
omatosis) with gout and hyperlipoproteinemia. Amer. J. Med.
of Skin
48, 239-246 (1970)
Clinical Presentation. The average age of onset is in
the third decade, although in some individuals the
lesions may appear during the first year of life [1].
Adiposis Dolorosa (Dercum Disease)
The tumors may be uni- or bilateral and affect
predominantly the extensor surfaces of extremities.
This rare disorder was first described by Dercum in The trunk and occasionally the face and neck may
1892 [1]. also be involved (Fig. 12.32). The lesions are mul-
tiple, discrete, occasionally coalesced papules and
Clinical Presentation. The disease usually affects nodules. At times these may be grouped. They are
menopausal women between 35 and 50 years of age firm, smooth, and fixed to the skin, but not to the
[2]. At the time of onset, the patients are obese, underlying tissues. The overlying skin is usually
although weight loss and asthenia appear as the pinkish, and rarely turns whitish when painful [1].
disease progresses [2]. There are noninflammatory, All lesions are painful.
painful, subcutaneous tumors, appearing at any site The lesions are slowly progressive in size and
except the face and head, giving the sensation of a number, but there is no malignant transformation
"bag of worms" on palpation. The overlying skin [1].
may be ecchymotic. Pubic and axillary hair is Uterine leiomyomas may be associated with the
sparse. Severe emotional symptoms may be cutaneous tumors [2]. When this occurs, it is at a
prominent. younger age.
Other features that are less constant include de-
creased sweating, dry skin, epistaxis, and congestive Pathology and Pathophysiology. The tumors are not
heart failure. There is no evidence that this disease encapsulated, are usually in the mid dermis, but may
is of endocrine origin [2]. extend to the upper or lower dermis, and are
separated from the overlying epidermis by a narrow
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The subcutaneous zone of normal dermis [1]. There are bundles and
nodules are indistinguishable from ordinary li- masses of smooth muscle cells that make up the
Mast Cell Disease 229

Fig. 12.32. Multiple leiomyomas

over the trunk

tumors. The onglll of these tumors may be the Clinical Presentation. The disease is most common
arrectores pilorum muscle [2]. in children, with lesions appearing at birth or within
the first few months of life. The typical lesions are
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. hyperpigmented macules or papules symmetrically
distributed over the trunk, less so over the neck,
Treatment. The large and bothersome tumors scalp, and extremities [1] (Fig. 12.33). Solitary
should be excised. lesions occur exclusively in children and appear as
raised brown or tan plaques, 2-5 cm in diameter
[1]. Characteristically, all cutaneous lesions ur-
ticate on mild trauma (Darier sign): they become
1. Fisher, W.e., Helwig, E. B.: Leiomyomas of the skin. Arch. erythematous and edematous when rubbed (Fig.
Derm. 88, 510-520 (1963)
2. Reed, W. B., Walker, R., Horowitz, R.: Cutaneous leio- 12.34).
myomata with uterine leiomyomata. Acta derm.-venereol. Vesiculation of pre-existing lesions is common be-
(Stockh.) 53, 409--416 (1973) fore the age of two years (Figs. 12.35 and 12.36). In
diffuse mastocytosis, a rare variety, the skin is boggy,
thickened, and yellowish, with a doughy consistency
[3]. Accentuated skin markings, diffuse erythema,
and a fine papular eruption may occur. This variety
Mast Cell Disease seems to be consistently associated with involve-
ment of internal organs, especially the liver, spleen,
(Urticaria Pigmentosa, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, and bone.
Mastocytosis) In adults, skin lesions usually appear before the age
of 18 years [1]. Of the several varieties, TMEP,
which is rare, is most often present in adults [1].
Mast cell disease includes a wide spectrum of The lesions are predominantly on the trunk and are
clinical entities: a solitary cutaneous nodule (mas- characterized by erythema and telangiectasias. Sys-
tocytoma); diffuse, cutaneous, multiple hyperpig- temic involvement is more frequent in adults.
men ted macules or papules (urticaria pigmentosa) Pruritus is the commonest symptom in mast cell
with or without systemic involvement; unusual disease. Other complaints include flushing, tachy-
telangiectases of the trunk [telangiectasia macularis cardia, headache, weakness and general malaise, and
eruptiva perstans (TMEP)]; diffuse cutaneous in- gastrointestinal complaints [1]. Prognosis and cou-
volvement (diffuse mastocytosis); systemic lesions rse vary. Isolated mastocytomas regress in a few
without cutaneous involvement; and, rarely, a mal- years. Lesions of urticaria pigmentosa appearing in
ignant mast cell leukemia [1]. Heredity may be childhood may regress whereas those appearing in
operative in some cases which are manifested by adulthood persist. Diffuse mastocytosis has a poor
any of the clinical spectrum mentioned above [2, 3]. prognosIs.
230 Proliferative Disorders




Figs. 12.33-12.36. Mast cell disease.

Fig. 12.33. Lesions appear as hyperpigmented macules

Fig. 12.34. With rubbing, urtication is evident

12.34 Figs. 12.35 and 12.36. Vesiculation is seen

Histiocytic Proliferative Disorders 231

Pathology and Pathophysiology. Characteristically, Letterer-Siwe Disease

an infiltrate of mast cells is found in the cutaneous
as well as the systemic lesions. Special stains
(Giemsa or toluidine blue) may be needed to iden- Letterer-Siwe disease is known, along with Hand-
tify the mast cells. Urinary excretion of histamine Schuller-Christian disease and eosinophilic granu-
may be increased [1]. loma, as one of the three entities classified under the
general title of histiocytosis X. Unlike the other
Inheritance. When familial, inheritance is probably two, however, Letterer-Siwe disease or "acute disse-
autosomal dominant [2]. minated histiocytosis X" has a familial occurrence.

Treatment. There is no definitive treatment.

Clinical Presentation. The disease usually manifests
Antihistamines may give some symptomatic relief. itself during the first year of life and has a rapid
References The skin involvement is very frequent and is often
1. Demis, 0.1.: Mast cell disease (urticaria pigmentosa). In: the presenting sign. The lesions are usually gener-
Clinical dermatology. Demis, 0.1., Crounse, R.G., Dobson, alized, maculopapular, pruritic, greasy-appearing,
R.L., McGuire, 1. (eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 1-27, Unit 4-11. New
York: Harper & Row, Publ. 1974
and seborrheic, with a predilection for the hairline,
2. Shaw, 1. M.: Genetic aspects of urticaria pigmentosa. Arch. neck, and inguinal regions. Vesicles or pustules may
Derm. 97, 137-138 (1968) develop and erosions then follow. Hemorrhagic
3. Burgoon, C. F., Graham, 1. H., McCaffree, D. L.: Mast cell cutaneous involvement may be a terminal manifes-
disease. A cutaneous variant with multisystem involvement.
tation (Figs. 12.37-12.39). In the mouth, there may
Arch. Derm. 98, 590--605 (1968)
be gingival hypertrophy, inflammation, necrosis,
and retraction, with resultant loss of teeth. Within
the span of a few months there may be significant
Histiocytic Proliferative Disorders hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, widespread pul-
monary infiltration, adenopathy, fever, and inter-
Histiocytic Dermatoarthritis current infections. There may be a diffuse involve-
ment of the medullary cavity with osseous lesions
Clinical Presentation. The eruption appears in [1, 2].
childhood as nodules on the face, ears, dorsa of the Roentgenograms of the chest reveal a granular
hands, feet, and legs, and extensor surfaces of the appearance in the pulmonary parenchyma. In some
forearms [1]. The lesions are numerous, 6-30mm in patients osseous lesions may appear on roentgeno-
diameter, and violet to brown in color. Palpation of grams [1, 2].
the extremities reveals multiple, firm, subcutaneous Death is usually due to marrow failure, asphyxia, or
plaques. The skin of the legs and feet is lichenified. septicemia.
There is also severe, symmetric deforming arthritis Cutaneous Letterer-Siwe disease with a benign
of the hands, feet, and elbows. Other associated course has also been described [3].
findings are glaucoma, uveitis, polychromatic pos- An inbred kindred has been reported [4] in which
terior cataracts, and perceptive deafness [1]. 12 infants in six sibships died from a disease of the
reticuloendothelial system. The disease presented
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The nodules are many features of U:tterer-Siwe disease, but differed
dermal and initially show a granulomatous re- "in the prominence of eosinophils and in the lack of
action. Late nodules show chronic inflammation, pulmonary infiltration and bone-marrow failure"
histiocytic infiltration, and increased fibroblasts [4]. Follicular mucinosis may be associated with
and collagen. No multinucleated giant cells are the cutaneous histiocytosis and eosinophilia.
present. Serum protein and lipoprotein electro-
phoretic patterns are usually normal. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The liver and
spleen have nodular lesions composed of altered
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [1]. histiocytes or reticulocytes and an associated mo-
nonuclear cell. The adrenal glands, bone marrow,
Treatment. There is no definitive treatment. and lungs also reveal numerous altered histiocytes
Reference On light microscopy, the cutaneous lesion of
1. Zayid, L, Farraj, S.: Familial histiocytic dermatoarthritis. A Letterer-Siwe disease typically shows infiltration of
new syndrome. Amer. 1. Med. 54, 793-800 (1973) large, pale histiocytes with homogeneous nuclei and
232 Proliferative Disorders

Figs. 12.37-12.39. Letterer-Siwe disease.

Generalized purpuric maculopapular erup-



Malignant Lymphomas 233

clear, slightly granular cytoplasm. Mitotic figures 10. Freundlich, E., Amit, S., Montag, Y., Suprun, H., Nevo, S.:
may be present. The nuclei may be pyknotic and Familial occurrence of Letterer-Siwe disease. Arch. Dis.
Child. 47, 122-125 (1972)
assume bizarre shapes. The papular, nodular, pet- 11. Winkelmann, R. K., Burgert, E. 0.: Therapy of histiocytosis
echial, and ulcerative lesions have in common the X. Brit. J. Derm. 82, 169-175 (1970)
basic histiocytic proliferation of the skin [6].
On electron microscopy, the large histiocytes con-
tain a greatly indented nucleus with dispersed chro-
matin and the typical granule or rod-shaped profile
(the X-granule). This disclike structure with a cen- Malignant Lymphomas
tral laminar core of 90-A periodicity was first
described in the Langerhans cells of the epidermis.
Mycosis Fungoides
Letterer-Siwe dise'ase is considered to be due to the
hyperplasia of such cells [6]. Freeze-fracture re-
plication of X-granules in cells of cutaneous lesions Mycosis fungoides (MF) is a peculiar type of malig-
of Letterer-Siwe disease confirms previous reports of nant lymphoma which arises and remains predo-
variations in overall shape of these granules [7]. minantly in the skin. In the later stages of the
Ultrastructural examination of the skin in Letterer- disease it may disseminate and involve visceral
Siwe disease treated with vinblastine reveals that organs. Familial MF seems to be very rare as only a
Langerhans granules and other organelles freely few cases have been reported [1, 2].
scattered in the cytoplasm are trapped within the
nuclear membrane during anaphase. Unknown Clinical Presentation. MF has a prolonged course,
"comma-shaped bodies" are found in the cytoplasm lasting for 20 years or more. Traditionally, the
of some macro phages and Langerhans cells [8]. course of the disease has been divided into three
stages: the premycotic, mycotic, and tumor stages.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive, with slightly re- In the premycotic stage, the eruption is nonspecific
duced penetrance [5, 9, 10]. and mimics dermatitis: patchy, erythematous, non-
infiltrated, scaly plaques. This phase may last for
Treatment. Remission of the disease has been pro- many years before the mycotic stage becomes evi-
duced by the intravenous administration ofvinblas- dent. Then the plaques are darker in color, scaly,
tine (Velban) [11]. infiltrated, and slightly elevated. These plaques vary
in size and shape and gradually extend peripherally
(Figs. 12.40 and 12.41). Intense pruritus becomes
References manifest during this stage, which may last for many
1. Christie, A., Batson, R., Shapiro, l, Riley, H. D., Jr., years. The tumor stage is characterized by the
Laughmiller, R., Stahlman, M.: Acute disseminated (non- rather rapid growth of nodules within infiltrated
lipid) reticuloendotheliosis. Acta paediat. 43 (Supp\. 100),
65-76 (1954)
plaques. Some ofthese tumors are fungating or may
2. Avery, M.E., McAfee, lG., Guild, H.G.: The course and ulcerate (Figs. 12.42 and 12.43). Occasionally, at the
prognosis of reticuloendotheliosis (eosinophilic granuloma, terminal stage, visceral involvement may occur.
Schiiller-Christian disease and Letterer-Siwe disease). A Death may be due to the widespread disease,
study of forty cases. Amer. J. Med. 22, 636-652 (1957)
intercurrent complications, secondary infections, or
3. Clark, R.F.: Cutaneous Letterer-Siwe disease: a benign
course with conservative management. Cutis 14, 113-115 treatment.
(1974) In addition to the classic or Alibert form of MF,
4. Omenn, G. S.: Familial reticuloendotheliosis with eosino- two rare variants exist: the erythrodermic and
philia. New Eng\. l Med. 273, 427-432 (1965) d'emblee forms. In the former, there is a generalized
5. Rogers, D.1., Benson, T.E.: Familial Letterer-Siwe disease.
Report of a case. J. Pediat. 60, 550-554 (1962)
exfoliative erythroderma that progresses to MF. In
6. Winkelmann, R. K.: The skin in histiocytosis X. Mayo Clin. the d' emblee form, tumors develop on normal skin
Proc. 44, 535-548 (1969) without the appearance of the erythematous in-
7. Breathnach, A. S., Gross, M., Basset, F., Nezelof, c.: Freeze- filtrated plaques.
fracture replication of X-granules in cells of cutaneous
lesions of histiocytosis-X (Letterer-Siwe disease). Brit. l
Derm. 89, 571-585 (1973) Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histologic
8. Gianotti, F., Caputo. R.: Skin ultrastructure in Letterer- changes in the premycotic stage are not diagnostic.
Siwe disease treated with vinblastine. Mode of penetration of As infiltration in the plaques develops, the histo-
Langerhans granules into the nucleus. Brit. 1. Derm. 84, logic changes become suggestive and then diagnos-
335-345 (1971)
9. Juberg, R.C., Kloepfer, H.W., Oberman, H.A.: Genetic tic of MF. The diagnostic features are a polymor-
determination of acute disseminated histiocytosis X phic, bandlike cellular infiltrate in the upper dermis,
(Letterer-Siwe syndrome). Pediatrics 45, 753-765 (1970) the presence of large cells with a hyperchromatic,
234 Proliferative Disorders




irregularly shaped nucleus (mycosis cells), and the

presence of Pautrier micro abscesses in the epider-
mis. Patches of cellular infiltrates may also be seen
in the lower dermis. In the tumor stage, the infiltrate
becomes more profuse and may destroy the epider-
mis. Numerous mycosis cells are present, some of
which are multinucleated. At such a stage, the histo-
logic picture resembles Hodgkin disease or other

12.42 Inheritance. Inheritance is not definite. The disease

has been described in brother and sister and in
Figs. 12.40 and 12.41. Mycosis fungo ides. Slightly infiltrat- mother and daughter [1, 2].
ed, scaly, circinate plaques. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman)
Treatment. Treatment depends on the stage. In early
Figs. 12.42 and 12.43. Mycosis fungoides. Tumefaction and
ulceration. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman) stages, topical corticosteroids or UV irradiation
may be helpful. In the presence of infiltration,
topical nitrogen mustard [3], 8-methoxypsoralen
with UV A, fractionated radiotherapy, total body
irradiation (electron beam) [4], and cytotoxic drugs
(especially cyclophosphamide, 150-200 mg daily,
Malignant Melanoma 235

12.44 12.45

Fig. 12.44. Malignant melanoma. Typical satellite nodules Fig. 12.45. Malignant melanoma. Ulcerated pigmented

with proper monitoring of the blood count) [5J are distribution, a significantly earlier average age at
helpful and may give long remissions. first diagnosis, a significantly increased frequency of
multiple primary melanomas, and a significantly
higher survival rate than nonfamilial patients [2J
(Figs. 12.44 and 12.45). There is a tendency for
1. Cameron, 0.1.: Mycosis fungoides in mother and in daughter.
melanomas in familial patients to occur at random
Arch. Derm. Syph. 27, 232-236 (1933)
2. Sandbank, M., Katzenellenbogen, 1.: Mycosis fungoides of over the skin surface with the significant absence of
prolonged duration in siblings. Arch. Derm. 98, 620-627 facial lesions [3]. In Australia, people of Scottish,
(1968) Irish, and Welsh descent are particularly prone to
3. Van Scott, E.J., Winters, P.L.: Responses of mycosis fun-
develop familial melanomas [3]. In patients with
go ides to intensive external treatment with nitrogen mus-
tard. Arch. Derm. 102, 507-514 (1970) familial melanoma, the distribution of hair color, eye
4. Fromer, 1.L., Johnston, D.O., Salzman, F.A., Trump, J.G., color, and skin texture as well as reaction to
Wright, K. A.: Management of lymphoma cutis with low exposure to sunlight does not seem to be different
megavolt electron beam therapy: nine year follow-up in 200 from that of a closely matched control group [3].
cases. Southern med. J. 54, 769-776 (1961)
5. Van Scott, E.J., Auerbach, R., Clendenning, W. E. : Treatment
Studies of families affected with malignant me-
of mycosis fungoides with cyclophosphamide. Arch. Derm. lanoma indicate a complex genetic mechanism,
85, 499-501 (1962) probably involving several loci [2, 3]. Unknown
environmental factors may be responsible for the
occurrence of the disease in unrelated individuals in
the same household.
Melanocytic Proliferative Disorders
Familial Malignant Melanoma References
1. Cawley, E.P.: Genetic aspects of malignant melanoma. Arch.
The occurrence of familial malignant melanoma of Derm. Syph. 65, 440-450 (1952)
2. Anderson, D. E. : Clinical characteristics of the genetic variety
the skin was first recorded in 1952 [1]. Since then, of cutaneous melanoma in man. Cancer 28, 721-725 (1971)
numerous additional reports have appeared. 3. Wallace, D.C., Beardmore, G.L., Exton, L. A.: Familial malig-
Familial patients seem to manifest a younger age nant melanoma. Ann. Surg. 177, 15-20 (1973)
Chapter 13 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

Contents Clinical Presentation. The hemolytic anemias re-

Anemias and Thrombocytopenias . . . . . . . . . . 236
sponsible for leg ulcers are the following: hereditary
Congenital Hemolytic Anemias . . . . . . . . . . 236 spherocytosis, hereditary elliptocytosis, hereditary
Fanconi Anemia (Pancytopenia and Multiple Anomalies) 237 nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, and
Purpuras, Thrombocytopenias, and Thrombocytopathies 239 sickle cell anemia [1].
Familial Pigmented Purpuric Eruption . . . . . . . 240
In all of these conditions the onset of anemia is
Hemangioma-Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (Kasabach-
Merritt Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 during infancy, except for hereditary spherocytosis,
Thrombocytopenia and Absent Radius Syndrome (T AR) 241 in which the disease manifests itself in childhood or
Telangiectasias .................. 242 early adult life. In most of these there may be crises
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu- characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, fever,
Weber Disease). . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 and mild jaundice. Splenomegaly is present in all.
Hereditary Benign Telangiectasia . 244 Leg ulcers occur in all of these congenital hemolytic
Ataxia Telangiectasia (Louis-Bar Syndrome) . 244
Familial Multiple Nevi Flammei . . . . . . 246
anemias with varying incidence (Fig. 13.1). They
Telangiectactic Nevus of Nape (Nevus Flammeus of occur in 6-7 % of patients with hereditary sphero-
Nape) . . . . . . . . . 247 cytosis and 25-75 % of adolescents and adults with
Lymphedemas . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 sickle cell anemia. The ulcers are unilateral or
Hereditary Lymphedema . . . . . . 247 bilateral, solitary or multiple, irregular, and re-
Early-Onset Type (Nonne-Milroy) . 247 sistant to conventional therapy. They do not have a
Late-Onset Type . . . . . . . . . 247
distinctive gross appearance and are not pathogno-
Hereditary Lymphedema with Onset about Puberty 247
(Meige Disease, Lymphedema Praecox) . . 247 monic of a specific type of anemia. The exact
Hereditary Lymphedema with Yellow Nails 248 character of the anemia must be determined by
Hereditary Lymphedema with Distichiasis 248 appropriate clinical and hematologic studies [2-5].
Hereditary Lymphedema with Ptosis . . 248 In sickle cell disease an extra transverse digital
Raynaud Disease 249 crease is found on the palmar surface, just beyond
Cold Hypersensitivity (Familial Cold Urticaria) 250 the distal interphalangeal flexion crease [6]. This
Palmar Erythema (Erythema Palmare Hereditarium) 250 crease is present at birth and is most frequent on the
middle finger. Although it is not a specific and
Other Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Familial Localized Heat Urticaria . 250 pathognomonic finding, the crease is much more
Hereditary Inflammatory Vasculitis with Persistent common in children with the disease than in
Nodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 normals.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The final common

pathway of pathologic mechanisms leading to ulcer
formation is oxygen deprivation to the cutaneous
and subcutaneous tissues overlying the lower por-
Anemias and Thrombocytopenias tions of the legs, resulting in ischemic necrosis.
Histologically, the ulcers show a nonspecific in-
Congenital Hemolytic Anemias flammatory process [2-5].

Congenital hemolytic anemias usually present I nheritance. Hereditary spherocytosis, hereditary

themselves with nondermatologic manifestations. elliptocytosis, and hereditary nonspherocytic hemo-
However, occasionally the presenting sign is an lytic anemia have the autosomal dominant pattern
intractable ulcer of the leg. Consequently, the possi- of inheritance. In thalassemia and sickle cell anemia,
bility of a blood dyscrasia should be considered in the inheritance follows the autosomal recessive
all chronic leg ulcers not due to varicose veins. pattern.
Fanconi Anemia 237

Treatment. In hereditary spherocytosis and ellipto-

cytosis, splenectomy is usually followed by good
results [2-4]. In hereditary nonspherocytic hemo-
lytic anemia, splenectomy mayor may not be
helpful. In thalassemia, the leg ulcers have been
treated successfully by streptokinase-strepto-
dornase in carboxymethylcellulose jelly [7]. In the
treatment of sickle cell ulcers, oral zinc sulfate has
been tried with beneficial results in uncontrolled
trials [8].

1. Smith, C. H. : Blood diseases of infancy and childhood, 3rd ed.,
pp. 303- 311,317- 319,371-428. Saint Louis: Mosby, c.y. Co.
2. Beinhauer, L. G., Gruhn, J. G.: Dermatologic aspects of
congenital spherocytic anemia. Arch. Derm. 75, 642- 646
3. Estes, J.E., Farber, E.M., Stickney, 1.M.: Ulcers of the leg in
Mediterranean disease. Blood 3, 302- 306 (1948)
4. Pascher, F., Keen, R.: Ulcers of the leg in Cooley's anemia.
New Eng!. J. Med. 256, 1220--1222 (1957)
5. Gabuzda, T.G.: Sickle cell leg ulcers: current pathophysio-
logic concepts. Int. 1. Derm. 14, 322- 325 (1975)
6. Zizmor, 1.: The extra transverse digital crease: a skin sign
found in sickle cell disease. Cutis 11,447-449 (1973) Fig. 13.1. Bilateral, well-defined leg ulcers typically seen
7. Cooper, C.D., Wacker, W.E.C.: The successful therapy with in the hereditary anemias. This patient suffers from
streptokinase-streptodornase of ankle ulcers associated with thalassemia major
Mediterranean anemia. Blood 9, 241- 243 (1954)
8. Serjeant, G. R., Galloway, R. E., Gueri, M. C.: Oral zinc
sulphate in sickle-cell ulcers. Lancet 197011, 891- 892

depigmented macules and macules of darker

Bleeding, pallor, and recurring infections usually
Fanconi Anemia appear between 5 and 10 years of age, although
pancytopenia may occur in infancy or as late as the
(Pancytopenia and Multiple Anomalies)
third decade. .
Acute leukemia or solid malignant tumors are fatal
In 1927 Fanconi [1] described three brothers affect- complications [5] and may occur in family mem-
ed with a disorder characterized by pancytopenia, bers lacking the full-blown features of the disorder.
brown hyperpigmentation, genital hypoplasia, and It has been reported that male heterozygotes for
microcephaly. Since then, more than 150 patients Fanconi anemia have a risk of malignant neoplasm
affected with this disorder have been described three to four times that of the general population
[2-4]. [6].
A new familial heredodegenerative disorder with
Clinical Presentation. The most important features pancytopenia, immunologic deficiency, and cu-
of this syndrome are brownish pigmentation of the taneous malignancies has also been reported [7].
skin (77 %), small stature (56 %), small cranium (43 %), Apparently it follows the autosomal recessive pat-
hypoplasia or aplasia of the thumb and radial tern of inheritance.
bones (78 %), and pancytopenia. A small penis,
small testes, and cryptorchidism are found in Pathology and Pathophysiology. Renal anomalies
44 % of male patients. (unilateral agenesis, hydronephrosis, horseshoe kid-
Hyperpigmentation is the most frequent finding neys) are common. A few patients have presented
[3,4]. The lesions may be of different sizes and have with congenital heart disease [8,9].
a patchy distribution. The brownish dusky pigmen- Usually all bone marrow elements are affected with
tation increases with age. It is most evident in the resulting anemia, leUkopenia, and thrombo-
neck, groin, axilla, trunk, and anogenital areas. cytopenia. This pancytopenia develops between 4
Within the hyperpigmented areas there may be and 10 years of age.
238 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

The chromosomes (cultured from lymphocytes) of 11. Swift, M. R, Hirschhorn, K.: Fanconi's anemia: inherited
most patients show nonspecific structural abnorma- susceptibility to chromosome breakage in various tissues.
Ann. intern. Med. 65, 496-503 (1966)
lities, such as breaks, gaps, and endoreduplications 12. Schmid, W.: Familial constitutional panmyelocytopathy.
[8,10-12]. These are known to exist in patients Fanconi's anemia (F.A.). II. A discussion of the cytogenetic
suffering from acute leukemia or solid malignant findings in Fanconi's anemia. Sem. Hemat. 4, 241-249 (1967)
tumors. Their presence in Fanconi anemia is of 13. Todaro, G.1., Green, H., Swift, M. R.: Susceptibility of
human diploid fibroblast strains to transformation by SV 40
importance, since most of these patients also de-
virus. Science 153, 1252-1254 (1966)
velop acute leukemia or solid tumors. 14. Poon, P. K., O'Brien, R 1., Parker, 1. W.: Defective DNA
Skin fibroblasts from these patients have been repair in Fanconi's anaemia. Nature (London) 250, 223-225
shown to be unusually susceptible to trans- (1974)
formation by SV 40 oncogenic viruses [13]. 15. Shahidi, N. T., Diamond, 1. K.: Testosterone-induced remis-
sion in aplastic anemia of both acquired and congenital
A deficiency in the ability to excise UV-induced types. Further observations in 24 cases. New Eng!. 1. Med.
pyrimidine dimers from DNA has been reported in 264,953-967 (1961)
some patients [14]. However, single-strand break 16. Allen, D. M., Fine, M. H., Necheles, T. F., Dameshek, W.:
production and unscheduled DNA synthesis are Oxymetholone therapy in aplastic anemia. Blood 32, 83-89
intact, thus ruling out the probability of a deficiency
of endonuclease, DNA polymerase, or ligase.
Therefore it is inferred that the deficiency is that of
an exonuclease which specifically recognizes and
excises distortions in the tertiary structure of DNA
(see also p.1).

Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3].

Treatment. Testosterone and corticosteroids may

produce temporary improvement in the pancyto-
penia, but the disease is usually fatal [15]. The use
of oxymetholone has recently been advocated [16].

1. Fanconi, G.: Familiare infantile perniziosaartige Anamie
(perniziiises Blutbild und Konstitution). Jb. Kinderheilk.
117,257-280 (1927)
2. Nilsson, 1. R.: Chronic pancytopenia with multiple conge-
nital abnormalities (Fan coni's anaemia). Acta paediat.
(Uppsala) 49, 518-529 (1960)
3. Fanconi, G.: Familial constitutional panmyelocytopathy,
Fanconi's anemia (F.A.). I. Clinical aspects. Sem. Hemat. 4,
233-240 (1967)
4. Gmyrek, D., Syllm-Rapoport, I.: Zur Fanconi-Anamie
(FA). Analyse von 129 beschriebenen Fallen. Z. Kinder-
heilk. 91, 297-337 (1964)
5. Garriga, S., Crosby, W. H.: The incidence of leukemia in
families of patients with hypoplasia of the marrow. Blood 14,
1008-1014 (1959)
6. Swift, M., Cohen, 1., Pinkham, R.: A maximum-likelihood
method for estimating the disease predisposition of hetero-
zygotes. Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 26, 304-317 (1974)
7. Abels, D., Reed, W. B. : Fanconi-like syndrome. Arch. Derm.
107,419-423 (1973)
8. Bloom, G.E., Warner, S., Gerald, P.S., Diamond, 1.K.:
Chromosome abnormalities in constitutional aplastic ane-
mia. New Eng!. J. Med. 274, 8-14 (1966)
9. Swift, M., Zimmerman, D., McDonough, E. R: Squamous
cell carcinomas in Fanconi's anemia. 1. Amer. med. Ass. 216,
325-326 (1971)
10. Schroeder, T.M., Anschiitz, F., Knopp, A.: Spontane
Chromosomenaberrationen bei familiarer Panmyelopathie.
Humangenetik 1, 194-196 (1964)
Table 13.1. Purpuras, thrombocytopenias, and thrombocytopathies
Name Inheritance Clinical presentation and pathophysiology Ref.

Thrombasthenia of Autosomal Petechiae, bleeding from mucous membrane, severe [1, 2J

Glanzmann and Naegli dominant anemIa
(autosomal dominant Prolonged bleeding time, abnormal capillary
form) fragility, normal or increased number of platelets,
giant platelets, altered concentration of platelet
enzymes, absence of surface-localized thrombos-
then in in platelets
Hereditary thrombasthenia- Autosomal Normal or increased megakaryocytes [3J
thrombocytopenia dominant By electron microscopy vacuoles and abnormal
granules in platelets
Thrombocytopenia Autosomal Hemorrhagic diathesis [4J
(autosomal dominant) dominant Shortened platelet lifespan
Hemoglobin Koln Autosomal Spontaneous bruising [5J
hemoglobinopathy dominant Hemoglobin Koln
Hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia
Pigmented purpuric Autosomal Symmetric pigmented and purpuric eruption [6J
eruption (see also p. 240) dominant beginning early in life
Purpura simplex Autosomal Ptlfpura of the extremities, epistaxis, ecchymoses on [7,8J
dominant slight trauma, and menorrhagia
Thrombasthenia of Autosomal Normal bleeding time, platelet count, coagulation [IJ
Glanzmann and Naegeli recessive time
(autosomal recessive Deficient clot retraction and abnormal platelet
form) morphology
Thrombocytopenic Autosomal Thrombocytopenia, easy bruising, epistaxis [9. 10J
purpura recessive
(autosomal recessive) (probable)
Thrombocytopenic Autosomal Thrombocytopenia, morphologically abnormal [11J
thrombocytopathy recessive platelets, prolonged bleeding time, low platelet
thromboplastin activity, normal clot retraction
Phospholipid content of platelets increased
Thrombocytopenia. Autosomal Aplasia or hypoplasia of radius [12J
aplasia of radius recessive Thrombocytopenia
(T AR syndrome)
Fanconi anemia Autosomal Pancytopenia [13J
(see also p. 237) recessive Brownish pigmentation of the skin, small stature,
small cranium
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Autosomal Eczema, thrombocytopenia, immunologic deficiency [14J
(see also p. 161) recessive
Glycinemia Autosomal Episodic vomiting, lethargy, ketosis, neutropenia, [15J
recessive periodic thrombocytopenia
Cystathioninuria Autosomal Mental retardation, clubfoot, developmental defects [16,17J
recessive about the ears, convulsions
Urinary lithiasis
Generalized Autosomal High and irregular fever, hepatosplenomegaly, [18, 19J
lymphohistiocytic recessive purpura, jaundice, polyneuritis, meningeal
infiltration reaction, choked disks, moderate anemia, and
severe granulocytopenia
Gaucher disease Autosomal Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, anemia, leUkopenia, [20J
(see also p. 267) recessive thrombocytopenia, with or without central nervous
system damage
Letterer-Siwe disease Autosomal Diffuse papular eruption of vesicular nature and [21J
(see also p. 231) recessive scaly petechial dermatitis
Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia,
marrow failure, pulmonary infiltration, fever,
Thrombocytopenia with X-linked Thrombocytopenia due to reduced platelet production [22J
elevated serum IgA and recessive Elevated IgA levels in serum
renal disease (suspected) Varying degrees of glomerulonephritis
Thrombocytopenia X-linked Thrombocytopenia [23,24J
(X-linked recessive) recessive Mild tendency to infection and eczema
240 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

References 22. Gutenberger, 1., Trygstad, C. W., Stiehm, E. R., Opitz, 1. M.,
1. Caen, J.P., Castaldi, P. A., Leclerc, J.C., Inceman, S., Larrieu, Thatcher, L.G., Bloodworth, J.M.B.,Jr., Setzkorn, J.:
M.1., Probst, M., Bernard, 1.: Congenital bleeding disorders Familial thrombocytopenia, elevated serum IgA levels, and
with long bleeding time and normal platelet count. I. renal disease. A report of a kindred. Amer. J. Med. 49,
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (report of fifteen patients). 729-741 (1970)
Amer. 1. Med. 41, 4-26 (1966) 23. Vestermark, B.S.: Familial sex-linked thrombocytopenia.
2. Booyse, F., Kisieleski, D., Seeler, R., Rafelson, M., Jr.: Acta paediat. 53, 365-370 (1964)
Possible thrombosthenin defect in Glanzmann's thromba- 24. Ata, M., Fisher, O. D., Holman, C. A. : Inherited thrombocy-
sthenia. Blood 39, 377-381 (1972) topenia. Lancet 19651, 119-123
3. Seip, M., Kfaerheim, A.: A familial platelet disease - hered-
itary thrombasthenic-thrombopathic thrombocytopenia
Scand. 1. clin. lab. Invest. 17 (Supp!. 84-86), 159-169 (1965)
4. Murphy, S., Oski, F.A., Gardner, F.H.: Hereditary
thrombocytopenia with an intrinsic platelet defect. New Familial Pigmented Purpuric Eruption
Eng!. J. Med. 281, 857-862 (1969)
5. Hutchinson, H.E., Pinkerton, P.H., Waters, P., Douglas,
A. S., Lehmann, H., Beale, D.: Hereditary Heinz-body anae- The term "pigmented purpuric eruption" encom-
mia, thrombocytopenia, and haemoglobinopathy (Hb Kaln)
passes disorders that have certain morphologic
in a Glasgow family. Brit. med. 1. 1961 II, 1099-1103
6. Gould, W. M., Farber, E. M.: A familial pigmented purpuric characteristics and possibly share a common patho-
eruption. Dermatologica (Basel) 132, 400-408 (1966) physiologic mechanism [1]. These disorders are
7. Davis, E.: Hereditary familial purpura simplex. Review of 27 Schamberg disease (progressive pigmented purpuric
families. Lancet 1941 I, 145-146 dermatosis) [2], pigmented purpuric lichenoid
8. Fisher, B., Zuckerman, G. H., Douglass, R. C.: Combined
inheritance of purpura simplex and ptosis in four gener- dermatosis of Gougerot and Blum [3], and purpura
ations of one family. Blood 9,1199-1204 (1954) annularis telangiectodes of Majocchi [4]. Familial
9. Roberts, M.H., Smith, M.H.: Thrombopenic purpura. occurrence of pigmented purpuric eruptions has
Report of four cases in one family. Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 79, rarely been reported [5, 6].
820-825 (1950)
10. Wilson, S.J., Larsen, W.E., Skillman, R.S., Walters, T.R.:
Familial thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood 22 (Abstr.), 827 Clinical Presentation. In the familial cases, the
(1963) eruption primarily involves the legs, but may also
11. Cullum, C., Cooney, D.P., Schrier, S.L.: Familial thrombo- affect the thighs and upper extremities. The initial
cytopenic thrombocytopathy. Brit. 1. Haemat. 13, 147-159 lesion is a red punctum which becomes reddish
brown in color - the "cayenne pepper" appearance.
12. Shaw; S., Oliver, R. A. M.: Congenital hypoplastic thrombo-
cytopenia with skeletal deformities in siblings. Blood 14, The lesions are macular and of various sizes,
374-377 (1959) spreading by peripheral extension. These are
13. Fanconi, G. : Familial constitutional panmyelopathy, asymptomatic and chronic. General health is
Fanconi's anemia (F.A.). I. Clinical aspects. Sem. Hemato!' 4, preserved.
233-240 (1967)
14. Wolff, J.A.: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: clinical, immuno-
logic, and pathologic observations. 1. Pediat. 70, 221-232
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main changes
(1967) are an inflammatory reaction around the upper
15. Childs, B., Nyhan, W.L., Borden, M., Bard, L., Cooke, R. E.: dermal capillaries, extravasation of erythrocytes,
Idiopathic hyperglycinemia and hyperglycinuria: a new and deposition of hemosiderin.
disorder of amino acid metabolism. I. Pediatrics 27, 522-538
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
16. Harris, H., Penrose, L.S., Thomas, D.H.H.: Cystathionin-
uria. Ann. hum. Genet. 23, 442-453 (1959)
17. Shaw, K.N.F., Lieberman, E., Koch, R., Donnell, G.N.: Treatment. There is no effective treatment.
Cystathioninuria. Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 113, 119-128 (1967)
18. Nelson, P., Santamaria, A., Olson, R.L., Nayak, N.C.:
Generalized Iymphohistiocytic infiltration. A familial disease References
not previously described and different from Letterer-Siwe 1. Randall, S.J., Kierland, R.R., Montgomery, H.: Pigmented
disease and Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Pediatrics 27, purpuric eruptions. Arch. Derm. Syph. 64, 177-191 (1951)
931-950 (1961) 2. Schamberg, 1. G.: A peculiar progressive pigmentary disease
19. Mozziconacci, P., Nezelof,c., Attal, C., Girard, F., Pham- of the skin. Brit. 1. Derm. 13, 1-5 (1901)
Huu-Trung, (NI), Weil, 1., Desbuquois, B., Gadot, M.: La 3. Gougerot, H., Blum, P.: Purpura angiosclereux prurigineux
Iympho-histiocytose familiale. Arch. frani;. Pediat. 22, avec elements lichenoldes. Bul!. Soc. frani;. Derm. Syph. 32,
385-408 (1965) 161-163 (1925)
20. Brady, R.O., King, F.M.: Gaucher's disease. In: Lysosomes 4. Majocchi, D. : Purpura annularis telangiectodes. Arch. Derm.
and storage diseases. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F. (eds.), Syph. 43, 447--468 (1898)
pp. 381-394. New York: Academic Press 1973 5. Baden, H.P.: Familial Schamberg's disease. Arch. Derm. 90,
21. Freundlich, E., Amit, S., Montag, Y., Suprun, H., Nevo, S.: 400 (1964)
Familial occurrence of Letterer-Siwe disease. Arch. Dis. 6. Gould, W. M., Farber, E. M.: A familial pigmented purpuric
Child. 47, 122-125 (1972) eruption. Dermatologica (Basel) 132, 400-408 (1966)
Thrombocytopenia and Absent Radius Syndrome 241

Hemangioma-Thrombocytopenia Syndrome
(Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome)

In 1940 Kasabach and Merritt [1] drew attention

to the development of thrombycytopenia in patients
with large vascular tumors.

Clinical Presentation. The cutaneous lesions are

vascular tumors that are usually present at birth or
appear within the first months of life. Development
in later life is rare [2]. The sites of involvement are
the trunk and extremities, less so the face and scalp
[2]. The angioma usually undergoes rapid enlarge-
ment. Thrombocytopenia and hemorrhages usually
appear early in the course. Characteristically, there
is ecchymosis around the hemangiomas and in-
ternal bleeding is common [2]. Anemia and sple- Fig. 13.2. TAR syndrome. Note the ecchymoses on the face
nomegaly are frequent and death may ensue. Oc- and the abnormal upper limbs
casionally, there is regression of the symptoms.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The vascular tu-

mors are mostly capillary or cavernous heman-
giomas, less frequently hemangioendotheliomas,
and in one instance an angiosarcoma was observed and Absent Radius Syndrome (TAR)
[2]. There is sequestration of platelets within the
hemangiomas. In addition, there are red cell In 1956 Gross et al. [1] described this entity in
changes of the microangiopathic hemolytic anemia siblings. Shaw and Oliver [2] differentiated this
type (compatible with trauma) [3]. Survival time of disorder from Fanconi pancytopenia with as-
platelets is markedly shortened [3]. Other un- sociated malformations and established it as a
identified factors may contribute to the bleeding separate entity.
Clinical Presentation. The most striking feature of
Inheritance. No evidence of a simple genetic pattern this syndrome is the absence or hypoplasia of the
of inheritance has been discovered. radius. This anomaly is usually bilateral and often
associated with defects of the hands, legs, and feet
Treatment. Irradiation or surgical excision of the (Fig. 13.2).
tumor and systemic corticosteroids have been Thrombocytopenia, most severe in early infancy,
helpful. presents with absence or hypoplasia of megakar-
yocytes. "Leukemoid" granulocytosis occurs in 62 %
of cases and eosinophilia in 53 %. Purpura is almost
universal and gastrointestinal hemorrhages occur
1. Kasabach, H. H., Merritt, K. K.: Capillary hemangioma with
extensive purpura. Amer. l Dis. Child. 59, 1063-1070 (1940)
in nearly half of the cases.
2. Wilson, C.l, Haggard, M. E.: Giant vascular tumors and Occasional abnormalities include congenital heart
thrombocytopenia. Arch. Derm. 81,432-437 (1960) defects (in 25 % of cases), small stature, brachy-
3. Propp, R. P., Scharfman, W.B.: Hemangioma-thrombocyto- cephaly, strabismus, micrognathia, syndactyly, a
penia syndrome associated with microangiopathic hemolytic
short humerus, hypoplasia of the shoulder girdle,
anemia. Blood 28, 623- 633 (1966)
4. Rodriguez-Erdmann, F .. Murray, J.E., Moloney, W.C.: Con- genu varum, dislocation of the hip, Meckel's diver-
sumption-coagulopathy in Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. ticulum, and renal anomalies.
Trans. Ass. Amer. Phycns. 83, 168- 175 (1970) In 40 % of patients, gastrointestinal and cerebral
hemorrhages are the immediate cause of death. After
the first year, the prognosis improves.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The distinguishing

feature of the TAR syndrome is the absence or
hypoplasia of the erythron. The blood disorder is
242 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

evident in the first few months of life. Other differ- (Figs. 13.3-13.5). Very rarely one or more vessels
ences from Fanconi anemia include the absence of may be connected to the central red area. Nodular
both pigmentary abnormalities and chromosomal lesions, somewhat cyanotic, may. be present but
breaks. Two patients with hypoplastic radius and these are rare [5]. The lesions involve any part of
hypoplastic thrombocytopenia with trisomy 18 the body, but the upper part more than the lower.
have been reported [3,4]. However, it has not been They are frequent on the palmar surfaces, finger-
definitely established that they represent cases of nails, lips, ears, face, lower arms, and toes. The
the typical TAR syndrome. trunk is less involved. The mucosal surfaces are
One patient with TAR syndrome developed always affected, especially in the Kiesselbach area
leukemia. It is of interest that the uncle of another on the nasal septum and the tongue. The con-
patient died of leukemia. However, unlike Fanconi junctiva, esophagus, bronchial tree, stomach, in-
panmyelopathy, this complication is not very fre- testine, vagina, and rectum are also involved [5].
quent in the TAR syndrome. Hemorrhage may occur from any site: gastrointes-
tinal tract, lungs, meninges, brain, retina, sclera,
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2]. urinary tract, liver, and mesenteric vessels [5].
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas become evident
Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic, with platelet as the mucocutaneous lesions become established
transfusions in cases of hemorrhage. The skeletal [5]. When well-developed, polycythemia and club-
anomalies should have orthopedic care, whenever bing are present, and the lesion can be detected
possible. radiologically. Hepatic arteriovenous fistulas with
liver fibrosis may also occur [6]. Other sites of
aneurysms are splenic and cerebral arteries.
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations may be as
1. Gross, H., Groh, c., Weippl, G.: Kongenitale hypoplastische frequent as pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas [7].
Thrombopenie mit Radiusaplasie, ein Syndrom multi pier
Abartungen. Neue ost. Z. Kinderheilk. 1, 574 (1956)
2. Shaw, S., Oliver, R. A. M.: Congenital hypoplastic thrombo- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The lesion is made
cytopenia with skeletal deformities in siblings. Blood 14, up of dilated papillary vessels in which there is
374-377 (1956) failure of the muscle and connective tissue to de-
3. Rabinowitz, lS., Moseley, J.E., Mitty, H.A., Hirschhorn, K.:
Trisomy 18, esophageal atresia, anomalies of the radius and
velop properly in the walls [5]. A single layer of
congenital hypoplastic thrombocytopenia. Radiology 89, endothelial cells may be the only indication of a
488-491 (1967) smaller vessel. The local increase of plasminogen
4. Juif, J.-G., Stoll, c., Korn, R.: Thrombopenie hypoplasique activator in the lesions results in increased fibrino-
congenitale avec aplasie du radius. Arch. fran~. Pediat. 29, lytic activity and also contributes to the bleeding
513-526 (1972)
tendency [8].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

Telangiectasias Treatment. The mainstay of treatment is to control

hemorrhage and replace the lost blood. Pressure at
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia the site of the bleeding may suffice. Electrocautery
(Osler-Rendu-Weber Disease) of nasal bleeding sites gives temporary relief. Local
application of amino caproic acid is beneficial [8].
When epistaxis is severe, dermoplasty may be useful
Even though this disease was first discussed by in replacing the nasal mucosa by a split skin graft.
Sutton in 1864 [1], the recognition of its com- Systemic estrogens may be helpful in enhancing the
ponents is credited to Rendu [2], Osler [3], and keratinization of the mucous membrane. In certain
Weber [4]. cases, extensive surgical intervention in the lungs
or intestines may be indicated.
Clinical Presentation. The presenting symptom is
usually recurrent epistaxis, which appears in child-
hood, is followed by a period free of hemorrhage, References
and recurs in the third decade. The cutaneous 1. Sutton, H. G. : Epistaxis as an indication of impaired nutrition
telangiectases may appear in childhood but usually and degeneration of the vascular system. Med. Mirror
London 1, 769 (1864)
become prominent in the third decade. The typical 2. Rendu, H.: Epistaxis repetees chez un sujet porteur de petits
skin lesion is punctiform, sometimes depressed, angiomes cutanes et muqueux. Bull. Soc. med. Hosp. Paris 13,
sharply marginated, and covered by a thin skin [5] 731-733 (1896)
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia 243

Figs. 13.3-13.5. Hereditary hemorrhagic

telangiectasia. Numerous punctiform tel-
angiectases on the face, tongue, and hands



244 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

3. Osler, W.: On a family form of recurring epistaxis, associated conjunctiva (Fig. 13.6). They eventually spread and
with multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucous mem- involve the eyelids, the bridge of the nose, and the
branes. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 12,333-337 (1901)
4. Weber, F.P.: Multiple hereditary developmental angiomata
paranasal areas in a "butterfly" pattern. They also
(telangiectases) of the skin and mucous membranes associated involve the pinnae of the ears, the neck (Fig. 13.7),
with recurring haemorrhages. Lancet 1907II, 160-162 and the antecubital and popliteal areas. Skin areas
5. Bean, W.B.: Vascular spiders and related lesions of the skin, exposed to the sun are more affected.
pp.132-157. Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1958
6. Zelman, S.: Liver fibrosis in hereditary hemorrhagic tel- A few years after the onset of the skin changes, the
angiectasia. Fibrosis of diffuse insular character. Arch. Path. subcutaneous fat diminishes. A mottled pattern of
74,66-72 (1962) hyper- and hypo pigmentation occurs with cu-
7. Waller, J.D., Greenberg, J.H., Lewis, C. W.: Hereditary hem- taneous atrophy. The skin of the face becomes tense
orrhagic telangiectasia with cerebrovascular malformations.
and bound down, assuming a sclerodermatous ap-
Arch. Derm. 112,49-52 (1976)
8. Kwaan, H.C., Silverman, S.: Fibrinolytic activity in lesions of pearance. Basal cell carcinomas and senile ke-
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Arch. Derm. 107, ratoses occur. Seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, follic-
571-573 (1973) ular keratosis, and hirsutism of the extremities are
common. Nummular eczema, impetigo, and warts
may occur (Fig. 13.8). Telangiectasia of the soft and
Hereditary Benign Telangiectasia hard palates has also been reported. Occasionally,
cafe-au-lait spots and partial albinism are present
Clinical Presentation. In this condition, described in
Ataxia is the most striking neurologic finding.
seven kindreds [1], fine telangiectases appear on the
Choreoathetosis may also occur and even mask the
face, neck, upper chest, backs of hands, and, in
ataxia. As the disease progresses, speech becomes
some, the knees and vermilion border of the lip. The
slow and slurred, and mental retardation becomes
lesions are more obvious in exposed areas. The
evident in about one-third of the cases [3].
telangiectases become less noticeable with age.
The immune deficiency is clinically manifested by
recurrent infections of the upper and lower respira-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is dilatation
tory tracts, middle ear, and sinuses. Bronchiectasis
of the horizontal subpapillary venous plexus with
is a common complication [3]. The most frequently
loss of the more superficial capillaries. Micro-
observed serum immunoglobulin abnormalities are
vascular atrophy occurs with increased age. The
diminished levels of IgA and IgE [5].
upper dermis is atrophic.
Occasional features of the disease include the fol-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. lowing: growth deficiency (with variable age of
onset), malignancies (leukemia, sarcoma, Hodgkin
Treatment. None is necessary. disease, cutaneous malignancies), and sexual
Pulmonary disease, debilitation, and malignancies
Reference are the most common causes of death, which usual-
1. Ryan, T.J., Wells, R.S.: Hereditary benign telangiectasia. ly occurs by the age of 25 years.
Trans. St. Johns Hosp.derm. Soc. 57,148-156 (1971)

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histopatho-

logic study of the skin reveals flattening of the
Ataxia Telangiectasia epidermis. In the upper dermis there is fibrosis and
(Louis-Bar Syndrome) the vessels are congested and dilated [4]. All of
these changes resemble those seen with actinic
In 1941 Louis-Bar described a patient with tel- damage. The cutaneous telangiectatic vessels
angiectasia of the conjunctiva and skin and cere- branch from the subpapillary venous plexuses.
bellar ataxia [1]. Subsequently, more than 150 Likewise, the ocular vascularity arises primarily
patients affected with this syndrome have been from the dilated connecting venules of the con-
reported [2-5]. junctival vessels [4].
Neuropathologic findings include atrophy of the
Clinical Presentation. The main manifestations are cerebellar cortex, demyelination of the posterior
telangiectasia, ataxia, and complications due to columns of the spinal cord, and degeneration of
immune deficiency [2]. neurons in the spinal ganglia [6].
The telangiectases become evident at around 3 In addition to reduced levels of serum IgA and IgE,
years of age and are first seen in the bulbar the immune deficiency is manifested by inadequate
Ataxia Telangiectasia 245

Figs. 13.6-13.8. Ataxia telangiectasia

Fig. 13.6. Involvement of the bulbar


Fig. 13.7. Telangiectases on the side of the


Fig. 13.8. Multiple viral warts on the

hands, due to the immune deficiency.
(Courtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick)
246 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

cellular immunity with a deficient delayed type of References

hypersensitivity, thymic hypoplasia, hypoplasia of 1. Louis-Bar, D.: Sur un syndrome progressif comprenant des
the tonsils and adenoids, and lymphopenia [7] (see telangiectasies capillaires cutanees et conjonctivales sy-
metriques, adisposition naevoide et des troubles cerebelleux.
also p. 156).
Confin. neurol. (Basel) 4, 32-34 (1941)
Many patients have been reported with antibodies 2. McFarlin, D.E., Strober, W., Waldmann, T.A.: Ataxia-
to thyroid and to smooth and striated muscle cells, telangiectasia. Med. (Baltimore) 51, 281-314 (1972)
suggesting the presence of autoimmune phenomena 3. Boder, E., Sedgwick, RP.: Ataxia-telangiectasia. A review of
[8]. 101 cases. In: Little club clinics in developmental medicine.
Walsh, G. (ed.), No.8, pp. 110-118. London: The National
A high incidence of leukemia, lymphosarcoma, and Spastics Society and Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1963
basal cell carcinoma is noted [3, 5]. 4. Reed, W. B., Epstein, W. L., Boder, E., Sedgwick, R.: Cuta-
Raised levels of ct-fetoprotein have been consis- neous manifestations of ataxia-telangiectasia. J. Amer. med.
tently reported in the blood of patients affected with Ass. 195,746-753 (1966)
5. Ammann, A.J., Cain, W.A., Ishizaka, K., Hong, R., Good,
ataxia telangiectasia [9]. This finding is suggestive
R. A.: Immunoglobulin E deficiency in ataxia-telangiectasia.
of immaturity of the liver. It favors the hypothesis New Engl. J. Med. 281, 469--472 (1969)
that the primary defect in this disease is in tissue 6. Aguilar, M.J., Kamoshita, S., Landing, B.H., Boder, E.,
differentiation, resulting from faulty mesoderm- Sedgwick, RP.: Pathological observations in ataxia-
entoderm interaction. telangiectasia. A report on five cases. J. Neuropath. expo
Neurol. 27, 659-676 (1968)
Abnormalities of the amino acid content of collagen 7. Peterson, R. D. A., Kelly, W. D., Good, R. A.: Ataxia-
have also been reported [10]. They consist of telangiectasia. Its association with a defective thymus,
moderately diminished hydroxylysine and elevated immunological-deficiency disease, and malignancy. Lancet
proline and alanine in the collagen. 19641, 1189-1193
Cultured lymphocytes reveal chromosomal breaks 8. Ammann, A.J., Hong, R.: Autoimmune phenomena in
ataxia-telangiectasia. J. Pediat. 78, 821-826 (1971)
[11,12] and impaired responsiveness to phyto- 9. Waldmann, T.A., McIntire, K.R.: Serum-alpha-fetoprotein
hemagglutinin. Postradiation colony-forming as- levels in patients with ataxia-telangiectasia. Lancet 1972II,
says have recently been used in the study of ataxia 1112-1115
telangiectasia (AT). Cells from patients with AT 10. McReynolds, E.w., Dabbous, M.K., Hanissian, A.S.,
Duenas, D., Kimbrell, R.: Abnormal collagen in ataxia
were found to have decreased post-y-ray colony-
telangiectasia. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 130,305-307 (1976)
forming ability [13]. This may be a consequence 11. Hecht, F., Koler, RD., Rigas, D.A., Dahnke, G.S., Case,
of faulty DNA repair of ),-ray-induced DNA M.P., Tisdale, V., Miller, R. W.: Leukemia and lymphocytes
damage [14]. Chemical mutagens, especially actin- in ataxia-telangiectasia. Lancet 1966II, 1193
omycin D, have been shown to have similar 12. Lisker, R., Cobo, A.: Chromosome breakage in ataxia-
telangiectasia. Lancet 19701, 618
effects [15]. 13. Taylor, A.M.R., Harnden, D.G., Arlett, C.F., Harcourt,
There are certain common features among Fanconi S. A., Lehmann, A. R., Stevens, S., Bridges, B. A.: Ataxia
anemia, Bloom syndrome, and ataxia telangiectasia: telangiectasia: a human mutation with abnormal radiation
(a) generalized growth deficiency; (b) skin disorders; sensitivity. Nature (Lond.) 258, 427--429 (1975)
14. Paterson, M.C., Smith, B.P., Lohman, P.H.M., Anderson,
(c) propensity to develop lymphoreticular malig-
A. K., Fishman, L.: Defective excision repair of y-ray-
nancy; and (d) high frequency of chromosomal damaged DNA in human (ataxia telangiectasia) fibroblasts.
breakage in cultured lymphocytes [16]. Nature (Lond.) 260, 444--447 (1976)
Thus, in its homozygous state, the gene causing this 15. Hoar, D.L, Sargent, P.: Chemical mutagen hypersensitivity
disease has a severe pleiotropic effect, since it causes in ataxia telangiectasia. Nature (Lond.) 261, 590-592 (1976)
16. German, 1.: Genetic disorders associated with chromosomal
growth retardation, immune deficiency, and de- instability and cancer. 1. invest. Derm. 60, 427--434 (1973)
terioration of the central nervous system, skin, and 17. Lopukhin, Y., Morosov, Y., Petrov, R.: Transplantation of
respiratory tract. However, no specific cellular met- neonate thymus-sternum complex in ataxia-telangiectasia.
abolic defect has yet been detected. Transplant. Proc. 5, 823-827 (1973)

Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2].

Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic, especially

focusing on the recurrent infections. Trans-
Familial Multiple Nevi Flammei
plantation of the neonate thymus-sternum complex
has been attempted [17]. The presenting symptoms are multiple "birth-
marks." These appear as asymptomatic, dark
red, sharply circumscribed, angular macules,
0.1-0.7 x 3.5-8 cm (Fig, 13.9). There is some blanch-
ing on pressure, leaving a residual brownish color
[1]. The lesions are distributed over the hands,
Lymphedemas 247

upper and lower extremItIes, and trunk. Histo-

logically, there are increased numbers of capil-
laries [1]. Inheritance is autosomal dominant.

1. Shelley, W. B., Livingood, C. S.: Familial multiple nevi flam-
mei. Arch. Derm. Syph. 59, 343-345 (1949)

Telangiectatic Nevus of Nape

(Nevus Flammeus of Nape)

This is a rather common condition in which a nevus

flammeus or.a "salmon patch" appears on the nape
of the neck. The lesion is apparent at birth as a pale
pink macule with fine telangiectasia. Many persist
into adulthood and are asymptomatic.

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant (1].

Treatment. None is usually needed.

1. Zumkeller, R.: A propos de la frequence et de l'heredite Fig. 13.9. Familial multiple nevus flammeus
du naevus vasculosus nuchae (Unna). 1. Genet. hum. 6, 1-12

Lymphedemas Clinical Presentation. Edema is present at birth and

is usually confined to the lower extremities. Genital
involvement in males is not uncommon. The edema
Hereditary Lymphedema is firm, pitting, and permanent [1]. The overlying
skin appears normal. There are no constitutional
symptoms and general health is usually unaffected.
Edema resulting from inadequate lymphatic drai-
Chylous ascites with loss of protein into the in-
nage is referred to as lymphedema. Hereditary
testinal tract was observed in one patient [4J and
lymphedema due to failure of development, in
bilateral pleural effusion in two other patients [5].
varying degrees, of the lymphatic vessels in em-
bryonic life [1] can be classified as to the age of
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
Early-onset type (Nonne-Milroy)
Treatment. There is no treatment.
Late-onset type
Hereditary lymphedema (onset about puberty)
Hereditary lymphedema associated with yellow
Late-Onset Type
Hereditary lymphedema associated with disti- Hereditary Lymphedema with Onset about Puberty
chiasis (Meige Disease, Lymphedema Praecox)
Hereditary lymphedema associated with ptosis
Meige, in 1898 [6], described this type of
Early-Onset Type (Nonne-Milroy)
Clinical Presentation. Characteristically, the edema
This type of congenital lymphedema was described develops around puberty. There is insidious de-
by Nonne in 1891 [2] and Milroy in 1892 [3]. velopment of painless edema of the lower extremities
248 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders


Fig. 13.10. Lymphedema of late onset (associated with distichiasis). (See p. 194)

Fig. 13.11. Lymphedema oflate onset. Affection of the upper extremity. (Courtesy
13.10 of Dr. F. C. Fraser)

[7]. There may be accompanying signs of acute Hereditary Lymphedema with Distichiasis
inflammation. The edema is firm with minimal
pitting. Histologic examination of the skin shows The association of distichiasis with lymphedema of
edema and mild chronic inflammation of the dermis late onset is a constant feature of this syndrome [13,
[7]. 14] (Figs. 13.10 and 13.11). Webbed neck [14],
lower lid ectropion [14], and vertebral changes with
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant. or without extradural cysts [13] may be present.
There is hypoplasia of the lymphatics demonstrable
Treatment. There is no treatment. by lymphangiograms [13]. Inheritance is auto-
somal dominant (see p. 194).
Hereditary Lymphedema with Yellow Nails

A characteristic nail change is often associated with Hereditary Lymphedema with Ptosis
lymphedema of late onset.
The initial manifestation is a marked decrease in the Ptosis of the eyelids may be associated with here-
growth rate of the fingernails (less than 0.2 mm per ditary lymphedema of the legs [14, 15]. This rare
week compared to the normal 0.5-1.2 mm) [8]. The combination is probably inherited as autosomal
nails remain smooth but are curved from side to dominant.
side and the cuticle is lost. The nail plate becomes
pale yellow or greenish with a darker color on the
edges. Onycholysis may also be present and some of
the partially separated nails may show a distinct 1. Esterly, J. R.: Congenital hereditary lymphoedema. J. med.
Genet. 2, 93-98 (1965)
hump [8]. 2. Nonne, M.: Vier Hille von Elephantiasis congenita heredi-
The edema usually follows the nail changes and taria. Virchows Arch. path. Anat. 125, 189 (1891)
affects the legs, less often the face and hands, or may 3. Milroy, W. F.: An undescribed variety of hereditary oedema.
be generalized. Pleural effusion [9] and bronchiec- N.Y. State J. Med. 56, 505 (1892)
tasis [10] may also be present. The edema has been 4. Rosen, F.S., Smith, D.H., Earle, R., Jr., Janeway, c.A.,
Giltlin, D.: The etiology of hypoproteinemia in a patient
attributed to hypoplasia of lymphatic vessels [8]. with congenital chylous ascites. Pediatrics 30, 696-706 (1962)
Other reports, however, cast doubt on the invari- 5. Hurwitz, P.A., Pinals, D.l: Pleural effusion in chronic
able association of lymphedema with yellow nails hereditary lymphedema (Nonne, Milroy, Meige's disease).
[11]. The familial occurrence oflymphedema with Report of two cases. Radiology 82, 246-248 (1964)
6. Meige, H.: Dystrophie redemateuse hi:reditaire. Presse med.
yellow nails [12] strongly suggests an autosomal 6, 341-343 (1898)
dominant mode of inheritance. No specific treat- 7. Goodman, R.M.: Familial lymphedema of the Meige's type.
ment is available. Amer. J. Med. 32, 651-656 (1962)
Raynaud Disease 249

Fig. 13.12. Raynaud disease. Blanching and

bluish coloration of the fingers

Fig. 13.13. Chronic Raynaud disease with

ulceration of the fingertips

8. Samman, P.D., White, W.F.: The "yellow nail" syndrome. conditions. Raynaud disease describes those cases
Brit. 1. Derm. 76, 153-157 (1964) in which no other disease is found.
9. Emerson, P. A.: Yellow nails, lymphoedema, and pleural
effusions. Thorax 21, 247-253 (1966)
10. Zerfas, A. Z. : Yellow nail syndrome with bilateral bronchiec- Clinical Presentation. The disease is commoner in
tasis. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 59, 448 (1966) women (5: 1), and the age of onset is usually under
11. Marks, R., Ellis, 1. P. : Yellow nails. A report of six cases. 40 years. Cooling or emotional stress brings about a
Arch. Derm. 102, 619-623 (1970)
12. Wells, G.c.: Yellow nail syndrome: with familial primary
typical attack. One or more fingers become white or
hypoplasia oflymphatics, manifest late in life. Proc. roy. Soc. pale blue in color with numbness of the finger to
Med. 59, 447 (1966) touch and occasionally to pain [1]. Only the tip of
13. Robinow, M., Johnson, G.F., Verhagen, A.D.: Distichiasis- the finger may be involved or the whole palm may
lymphedema. A hereditary syndrome of multiple congenital be affected (Figs. 13.12 and 13.13). Recovery is
defects. Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 119, 343-347 (1970)
14. Falls, H.F., Kertesz, E.D.: A new syndrome combining usually in a few minutes and is manifested by
pterygium colli with developmental anomalies of the erythema or cyanosis. Usually the affection is sym-
eyelids and lymphatics of the lower extremities. Trans. Amer. metric and the fingers are more often involved than
ophthal. Soc. 62, 248-275 (1964) the toes. The disease is generally progressive.
15. Bloom, D.: Hereditary lymphedema (Nonne-Milroy-Meige).
Secondary changes may occur in the skin which
Report of a family with hereditary lymphedema associated
with ptsosis of the eyelids in several generations. N. Y. State becomes atrophic and sclerotic. The nails also
1. Med. 41, 856-863 (1941) become thin, longitudinally ridged, and brittle [2].
Koilonychia and partial onycholysis may appear
Raynaud Disease
Pathology and Pathophysiology. In the early stages,
there is no structural abnormality. Intimal thicken-
The Raynaud phenomenon, in which there is in- ing may be seen in later stages. The pathogenesis of
termittent paroxysmal decrease of blood flow to the this disease is uncertain. An abnormal sympathetic
extremities, is associated with several pathologic nerve supply has been postulated. Other postulates
250 Vascular and Hematologic Disorders

incriminate the small arterioles [1], increased blood catecholamines, adrenocortical steroids, or etiocho-
viscosity [3], or increased circulating epinephrine lanolone [1]. Intravenous administration of Pseu-
and norepinephrine [4]. domonas polysaccharide complex prevents the gen-
eralized reaction by an as yet unidentified mech-
Inheritance, Most cases are sporadic. When familial, anism [1].
inheritance is autosomal dominant.
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [1, 2].
Treatment. Patients are instructed to avoid exposure
to cold. Vasodilators may be tried, although these Treatment. Desensitization by gradual exposure
are not usually helpful. Sympathectomy may be may be helpful. Warming and induction of sweating
resorted to, if other measures fail. give symptomatic relief.

References References

1. Lewis, T., Pickering, G. W.: Observations upon maladies in 1. Tindall, J.P., Beeker, S. K., Rosse, W. F.: Familial cold urti-
which the blood supply to digits ceases intermittently or caria. A generalized reaction involving leukocytosis. Arch.
permanently and upon bilateral gangrene of digits; obser- intern. Med. 124, 129-134 (1969)
vations relevant to so-called "Raynaud's disease". Clin. Sci. 1, 2. Doeglas, H.M.G.: Familial cold urticaria. Arch. Derm. 107,
327-366 (1933-1934) 136-137 (1973)
2. Samman, P.D.: The nails in disease, 2nd ed., pp. 96-97. 3. Shepard, M. K.: Cold hypersensitivity. In: The clinical de-
London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1972 lineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt.
3. Pringle, R., Walder, D. N., Weaver, J.P. A.: Blood viscosity XII, p. 352. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
and Raynaud's disease. Lancet 1965 J, 1086-1088
4. Peacock, J. H.: Peripheral venous blood concentrations of
epinephrine and norepinephrine in primary Raynaud's di-
sease. Circulat. Res. 7, 821-827 (1959)
Palmar Erythema
(Erythema Palmare Hereditarium)
Cold Hypersensitivity
(Familial Cold Urticaria) This rare disorder is characterized by asymptomatic
redness of the palms. The bright red color is limited
to the palms and terminates abruptly at the junc-
Clinical Presentation. The symptoms appear soon tion of the palmar skin with that of the wrist and
after birth and persist indefinitely. On exposure to a sides of the hand [1]. The palmar surface of the
cold environment, and after a latency period of fingers may be involved, as well as the backs of the
several hours, symptoms appear. There is a diffuse tips of the terminal phalanges. There are no tel-
erythema especially over the extremities, followed angiectases and no other skin abnormalities. Inher-
by the appearance of papules [1, 2]. The papules itance is autosomal dominant.
coalesce, flatten out, and appear purpuric [1].
Itching is rare, but there may be pain, tenderness, Reference
and a burning sensation [1, 2]. Other manifes- 1. Lane, J. E.: Erythema palmare hereditarium (red palms).
tations include fever, chills, nausea, arthralgia, and Arch. Derm. Syph. 20, 445-448 (1929)
muscle pain [1,2]. Leukocytosis is a constant
feature [1]. The symptoms last for about a day
and then subside. Skin tests with ice cubes and
passive transfer tests with serum are negative [2]. In
one family, systemic amyloidosis was associated Other Disorders
with the cold hypersensitivity [3].'
Familial Localized Heat Urticaria
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The skin lesions
show dilated dermal vessels and, characteristically,
an intense inflammatory infiltrate [1]. Initially the This unique syndrome has been described in three
infiltrate is predominantly neutrophilic, then lym- generations of a family [1]. The symptoms appear
phocytes appear. Leukocytoclasis is also evident in childhood and persist. Wheals, localized and
[1]. sharply marginated, appear at sites of exposure to
The syndrome of cold hypersensitivity seems to be heat. Characteristically, the wheals do not appear
mediated by a humoral factor other than histamine, immediately but 11/2-2 h after the heat exposure
Hereditary Inflammatory Vasculitis 251

and may persist for 12-14 h [1]. Pretreatment with a in the skin and subcutaneous tissue from early
local anesthetic and compound 48/80 completely childhood or birth. The nodules are of two types. In
inhibits the reaction. Repeated heat challenges, one type, they appear on the arms, legs, and but-
oral antihistamines, and locally injected atropine tocks and are multiple, small to medium-sized,
diminish the whealing. persistent, and non ulcerating. In the other type, the
Histologic examination of the wheal shows an in- nodules occur over bony prominences and are
flammatory reaction in the dermis which is more multiple, larger, firm, and erythematous [1]. The
pronounced than in cases of acute urticaria. A high condition is aggravated by sunlight.
percentage of the circulating basophils of affected Rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor, and chronic
individuals are degranulated [1]. The mechanism discoid lupus erythematosus may be present in
for the delayed whealing is unknown, but mediators some members of the affected family. It is possible
other than histamine may be involved in this re- that this type of vasculitis may be a particular
action [1]. Inheritance is probably autosomal dom- familial form of lupus erythematosus.
inant. Antihistamines are advised for symptomatic Histologic examination shows a marked perivas-
relief. cular lymphocytic infiltrate and edema throughout
the dermis, especially in the lower dermis near the
Reference sweat coils and extending to the fat [1]. The vessels
1. Michaelsson, G., Ros, A.-M.: Familial localized heat urticaria are essentially intact and no granulomatous re-
of delayed type. Acta derm.-venereol. (Stockh.) 51, 279-283 action or fat necrosis is found. Mucinous edema
(1971 ) separates the collagen bundles. Inheritance is prob-
ably autosomal dominant. Treatment with chlo-
roquine (250 mg daily) results in rapid resolution
Hereditary Inflammatory Vasculitis of the lesions.
with Persistent Nodules
1. Reed, W. B., Bergeron, R. F., Tuffanelli, D., Wilson Jones, E.:
Several members of three generations in a family Hereditary inflammatory vasculitis with persistent nodules. A
have been described with this disorder [1]. The genetically-determined new entity probably related to lupus
main feature is the appearance of recurring nodules erythematosus. Brit. J. Derm. 87, 299-'307 (1972)
Chapter 14 Neurocutaneous Syndromes

Contents action to touch stimuli). The intellect is unimpaired

Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day Syndrome) . 252
Tuberous Sclerosis (Epiloia, Bourneville Disease) . 253
The intradermal injection of histamine produces
Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen Disease) . 255 little pain or erythema [5]. The ratio of homo-
Angiomatoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 vanillic acid to vanillylmandelic acid in the urine is
Sturge-Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angio- elevated [6]. The concentrations of epinephrine and
matosis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
norepinephrine in the adrenal glands of three affect-
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome (Hemangioblastoma of
Cerebellum and Retina) ............. 258 ed children were higher than normal [7].
Diffuse Corticomeningeal Angiomatosis of Divry and Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis has
Van Bogaert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 also been reported [8]. This condition should be
Ataxia telangiectasia (see p. 244) differentiated from hereditary insensitivity to pain
(inherited as autosomal recessive), in which the
skin presents no anatomic abnormalities in the
nerve endings, nerve trunks, or central nervous
system. Cuts, burns, or bruises are frequent and
Familial Dysautonomia may heal poorly, leaving prominent scars.
(Riley-Day Syndrome)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. A 1-year-old child
with no taste buds had extreme paucity of sub-
In 1949 Riley et al. [1] described this syndrome for cutaneous sensory nerves and reduced neuron pop-
the first time. Since then, over 200 affected families ulations in sensory and autonomic ganglia [9].
have been identified, almost all of whom are Demyelination of the posterior columns of the
Ashkenazi Jews [2]. spinal cord was also observed [10].
A decrease in synthesis of noradrenaline [11] and
Clinical Presentation. The most striking and charac- decreased dopamine-fJ-hydroxylase (DBH), the en-
teristic features of this disease are absence of over- zyme that converts dopamine to norepinephrine,
flow tears (alacrimia), corneal anesthesia, relative have been found [12].
indifference to pain, and a peculiar reaction to
anxiety manifested by hypotension, excessive sweat- I nheritance. Autosomal recessive [4].
ing, drooling, and blotchy skin. Whenever these
patients are anxious or excited, they develop ery- Treatment. No specific treatment is available. The
thematous blotches over any part of their bodies, treatment is aimed at complications such as aspi-
except the palms and soles. These start as small red ration pneumonia.
macules and then increase in number, size, and
intensity to become confluent and dark red within a
few seconds [2-4].
Other common findings are myopia, exotropia,
corneal hyposthesia with ulcerations and opacities, 1. Riley, C. M., Day, R. L., Greeley, D. M., Langford, W. S.:
Central autonomic dysfunction with defective lacrimation. I.
anisocoria, tortuous retinal vessels, absence of the
Report of five cases. Pediatrics 3, 468-478 (1949)
fungiform and vallate papillae of the tongue 2. McKusick, V.A., Norum, R.A., Farkas, H.J., Brunt, P.W.,
(Fig. 14.1), kyphoscoliosis, and short stature. Some Mahloudji, M.: The Riley-Day syndrome - observations on
patients develop neuropathic arthropathy of the genetics and survivorship. An interim report. Israel J. med.
knees, shoulders, or elbows. Sci. 3, 372-379 (1967)
3. Moses, S. W., Rotem, Y., Jagoda, N., Talmor, N., Eichhorn,
The most common neurologic abnormalities are F., Levin, S.: A clinical, genetic and biochemical study of
patchy and variable insensitivity to pain, impaired familial dysautonomia in Israel. Israel J. med. Sci. 3, 358-371
coordination, and dysesthesia (an abnormal re- (1967)
Tuberous Sclerosis 253

4. Brunt, P.W., McKusick, V.A.: Familial dysautonomia. A

report of genetic and clinical studies, with a review of the
literature. Med. (Baltimore) 49, 343-374 (1970)
5. Smith, A. A., Dancis, J. : Response to intradermal histamine
in familial dysautonomia - a diagnostic test. J. Pediat. 63,
889-894 (1963)
6. Smith, A.A., Taylor, T., Wort is, S.B.: Abnormal catechol-
amine metabolism in familial dysautonomia. New Engl. J.
Med. 268, 705-707 (1963)
7. Smith, A. A., Dancis, J.: Catecholamine release in familial
dysautonomia. New Engl. J. Med. 277, 61-64 (1967)
8. Swanson, A.G., Buchan, G.c., Alvord, E.c.,Jr.: Anatomic
changes in congenital insensitivity to pain. Absence of small
primary sensory neurons in ganglia, roots, and Lissauer's
tract. Arch. Neurol. 12, 12-18 (1965)
9. Pearson, J., Finegold, M.l, Budzilovich, G.: The tongue and
taste in farriilial dysautonomia. Pediatrics 45, 739-745 (1970)
10. Fogelson, M. R., Rorke, L. B., Kaye, R.: Spinal cord changes
in familial dysautonomia. Arch. Neurol. 17, 103-108 (1967)
11. Goodall, M., Gitlow, S. E., Alton, H.: Decreased noradren-
aline (norepinephrine) synthesis in familial dysautonomia.
J. din. Invest. 50, 2734-2740 (1971)
12. Weinshilboum, R.M., Axelrod, J.: Reduced plasma dop-
amine-fi-hydroxylase activity in familial dysautonomia. New
Engl. J. Med. 285, 938-942 (1971)

Tuberous Sclerosis
(Epiloia, Bourneville Disease)
Fig. 14.1. Familial dysautonomia. Note the smooth
tongue with absence of papillae. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C.
This disorder affects about 1 per 100,000 indi- Fraser)
viduals in the USA and Western Europe. It is
worldwide in distribution and involves both sexes.
3. Shagreen patch (peau chagrinee) (Fig. 14.5) is an
Clinical Presentation. The disease has protean man- irregularly shaped plaque of thickened skin, slightly
ifestations and affects every organ, even though elevated, with a peau d'orange surface. Character-
the classic features are mental deficiency, epilepsy, istically, the patch is in the lumbosacral region. Oc-
and adenoma sebaceum. Four types of skin lesions casionally, a central patch may have smaller satellite
are pathognomonic: lesions around it [1].
1. Adenoma sebaceum (Pringle) (Figs. 14.2 and 4. Leafshaped white macules (Figs. 14.6 and 14.7)
14.3) is rarely present at birth but usually appears are usually present at birth and are of great diag-
around the age of 5 or 6 years. The lesions increase nostic importance [2]. In fair-skinned individuals,
in size and number until puberty and remain sta- Wood's light helps in their detection [2]. These
tionary thereafter. They are pink to red nodules macules may be the only cutaneous sign of tuberous
with a smooth, glistening surface [1], symmetrically sclerosis.
distributed in the nasolabial folds, cheeks, and nose Other less pathognomonic lesions are multiple skin
in a butterfly pattern. The upper lip is notably tags of the neck and axillae, cafe-au-Iait spots,
spared [1]. The chin, ears, forehead, and eyelids poliosis, port-wine hemangiomas, and mucosal
may be involved. The lesions are usually discrete, fibromas.
but occasionally they may coalesce. Fibromatous Neurologic manifestations are prominent. Mental
plaques, flesh-colored or brownish, may appear on retardation becomes evident in early childhood and
the forehead or cheek. affects 70 % of patients. Epilepsy affects all in-
2. Periungual fibromas (Konen tumors) (Fig. 14.4) dividuals with mental deficiency and many of those
are present in about 50 % of affected individuals. with normal intelligence. The seizures are local at
These tumors appear as smooth buds at the base of first but change pattern. A variety of motor pecu-
the nail or subungually and may reach a size liarities and behavioral deviations may appear.
sufficient to disrupt the nail bed [1]. They are flesh- There is correlation between the severity of skin
colored, usually multiple, and may affect fingers and lesions and the neurologic manifestations.
toes. Radiologic examination of the skull reveals cal-
254 Neurocutaneous Syndromes

14.2 14.3

14.4 14.5

14.6 14.7

Figs. 14.2-14.7. Tuberous sclerosis

Figs. 14.2 and 14.3. Adenoma sebaceum Fig. 14.5. Shagreen patch
Fig. 14.4. Periungual fibromas. (Courtesy of Dr. 1. Figs. 14.6 and 14.7. Leaf-shaped depigmented macules
Neurofibromatosis 255

cified nodules especially in the region of the basal Neurofibromatosis

Other organs are also involved. Retinal phakomais
(Von Recklingbausen Disease)
the most frequent ocular sign and appears as a
whitish plaque in more than half of the cases [3].
This disease affects 30-40 individuals per 100,000
Rarer eye manifestations are congenital blindness,
[1]. It is worldwide in distribution.
congenital cataract, chorioretinitis, optic atrophy,
and areas of depigmentation [3]. Renal hamar-
tomas appear in about half the cases of tuberous Clinical Presentation. The pathognomonic skin
sclerosis and are usually bilateral and multiple [3]. findings are hyperpigmentation and multiple tu-
Rhabdomyomas of the heart may be the cause of mors. Pigmentation, present in practically all cases,
death in childhood. Pulmonary involvement is un- appears in infancy as brown macules, the cafe-au-
common and its symptoms include dyspnea, hemo- lait spots. These spots increase in number and size
ptysis, and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax during childhood, and can involve any part of the
[3]. Over 80% of patients with tuberous sclerosis skin surface. They vary in size from a few milli-
have radiologic evidence of bone involvement, meters to several centimeters (Fig. 14.8). It is postu-
pseudo cysts in the phalanges, and irregular cortical lated that any individual with six or more cafe-au-
thickening especially in the metatarsal and metacar- lait spots greater than 1.5 em in diameter may be
pal bones [3]. considered as having the disease [1]. The presence
of frecklelike pigmentation in the axillae and perin-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The skin lesions are eum is pathognomonic of the disease [2].
basically hamartomas of vascular and connective Leukodermic macules may also be present.
tissues. In lesions of adenoma sebaceum (the latter The cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors vary in
term is obviously a misnomer), there is an angio- size and consistency (Figs. 14.9 and 14.10). The
fibromatous proliferation; in the fibromas and cutaneous tumors (molluscum fibrosum) are soft or
shagreen patch, a predominantly fibrous tissue pro- firm, a few millimeters to several centimeters in
liferation has been noted [1]. In the leaflike white diameter, and appear on any part of the skin, but are
macules, the melanocytes contain decreased tyro- most numerous on the trunk. Their number varies
sinase activity and reduced melanin deposition in from a few to several hundred. They are pinkish or
the melanosomes [2]. flesh-colored and may be pedunculated or sessile.
The brain lesions are made up of glial tissue in Characteristically, when pressed, these tumors in-
which are scattered large glial and nerve cells of vaginate through a dermal defect ("button-holing")
bizarre patterns [3]. These masses may be calcified. [1]. The subcutaneous tumors are also multiple and
arise in relation to nerve trunks. "Plexiform neu-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. roma" designates such discrete nodular tumors,
usually along the cranial or cervical nerves.
Treatment. For cosmetic purposes, lesions of ade- Accompanied by excessive overgrowth of subcu-
noma sebaceum can be excised or curetted. taneous tissue and skin, these tumors may reach
Anticonvulsant therapy may be helpful. Surgical enormous size and are grotesque and disfiguring.
intervention may be resorted to in certain cases. Such growths, referred to as elephantiasis neuro-
matosa or tumeur royale, are like a bag of worms
and evolve rapidly [3].
Tumors of the oral mucosa are infrequent. Scoliosis,
1. Nickel, W. R., Reed, W. B.: Tuberous sclerosis. Special re- kyphosis, bone cysts, and pathologic fractures are
ference to the microscopic alterations in the cutaneous ham-
artomas. Arch. Derm. 85, 209-226 (1962)
not uncommon. Neurologic manifestations include
2. Fitzpatrick, T. B., Szabo, G., Hori, Y., Simone, A. A., Reed, oligophrenia (frequent), cranial nerve tumors (es-
W.B., Greenberg, M.H.: White leaf-shaped macules. Earliest pecially optic and acoustic), and peripheral nerve
visible sign of tuberous sclerosis. Arch. Derm. 98, 1-6 (1968) tumors. Endocrine involvement is manifested by
3. Reed, W. B., Nickel, W. R., Campion, G.: Internal manifes-
acromegaly, Addison disease, hyper- and hypo-
tations of tuberous sclerosis. Arch. Derm. 87, 715-728 (1963)
thyroidism, sexual precocity, and cretinism. There is
a fairly common association of neurofibromatosis
with pheochromocytoma [4]. Involvement of the
gastrointestinal tract gives rise to hemorrhage or
obstruction. Malignant change in the tumors of
neurofibromatosis may occur especially in the
deeper lesions with an incidence of 3-4 % [1,5].
256 Neurocutaneous Syndromes



Fig. 14.8. Neurofibromatosis. Cafe-au-lait

spot with a cutaneous tumor

Figs. 14.9 and 14.10. Neurofibromatosis.

Numerous cutaneous and subcutaneous
tumors interspersed with hyperpigmented
macules 14.10

Such sarcomas appear later in life. There also seems melanin granules [8]. Ultrastructurally, these char-
to be a higher incidence of other cutaneous neo- acteristic giant melanin granules are shown to be
plasms in patients with neurofibromatosis [6]. giant melanosomes or "macromelanosomes" rather
than phagolysosomes [9].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cutaneous
neurofibromas are not encapsulated although they Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with high pene-
are usually well-circumscribed. Three basic features trance and wide variability in expression. About
comprise these tumors: fibrils, cellular proliferation, 50 % of patients have a fresh mutation .
and degenerative phenomena [7]. The fibrils are
usually wavy, thin, and eosinophilic. The cells have Treatment. Management is mainly palliative and
oval or spindle-shaped nuclei and occasionally tend symptomatic. If malignant change is suspected,
to be palisaded as in Verocay bodies, although the surgery is indicated.
latter are not well-developed. Many mast cells are
present [1,7] and special stains reveal nonspecific
cholinesterase [7] and nerve fibers. Mucoid de-
generation of the stroma may occur as a homo-
geneous ground substance in which the cells are 1. Crowe, F. W., Schull, W.1., Nee!, 1. V. : Clinical, pathological,
and genetic study of multiple neurofibromatosis. Springfield:
embedded. Charles C Thomas 1956
The cafe-au-lait spots show increased melanin in 2. Crowe, F. W. : Axillary freckling as a diagnostic aid in
the melanocytes and keratinocytes as well as giant neurofibromatosis. Ann. intern. Med. 61, 1142- 1143 (1964)
Sturge-Weber Syndrome 257

Fig. 14.11. Sturge-Weber syndrome. Unilateral cutaneous Fig. 14.12. Sturge-Weber syndrome. Hemangioma involv-
angioma with involvement of the eye. (Courtesy of Dr. ing the whole face. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zeligman)
I. Zeligman)

3. Basset, A., Collomb, H., Quere, N. A., Sicard, D., Faye, I.:
Quelques aspects de la maladie de Recklinghausen en Afrique
de I'Ouest. A propos de 35 cas observes a Dakar de 1959 a
1964. Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris) 93, 43-51 (1966) Sturge~Weber Syndrome
4. Healey, F. H., Jr., Mekelatos, c.J.: Pheochromocytoma and
neurofibromatosis. New Eng!. J. Med. 258, 540-543 (1958)
(Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)
5. D' Agostino, A. N., Soule, E. H., Miller, R. H. : Sarcomas of the
peripheral nerves and somatic soft tissues associated with
mUltiple neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen's disease). Clinical Presentation. This syndrome comprises
Cancer 16, 1015-1027 (1963) hemangiomas involving the skin, eye, and cerebral
6. Knight, W.A., III, Murphy, W.K., Gottlieb, l. A.: Neurofibro- meninges [1,2]. The cutaneous angioma is usually
matosis associated with malignant neurofibromas. Arch. present at birth and involves one side of the face in
Derm. 107, 747-750 (1973)
7. Winkelmann, R. K., Johnson, L. A. : Cholinesterases in neuro-
the distribution of the trigeminal nerve (mainly the
fibromas. Arch. Derm. 85,106-114 (1962) ophthalmic division) (Fig. 14.11), Occasionally, it
8. Benedict, P.H., Szabo, G., Fitzpatrick, T.B., Sinesi, S.l.: spreads beyond the midline and may involve the
Melanotic macules in Albright's syndrome and in neurofibro- head, neck, and trunk (Fig. 14.12). The lesion is
matosis. l. Amer. med. Ass. 205, 618-626 (1968)
usually of the port-wine nevus flammeus type,
9. Jimbow, K., Szabo, G., Fitzpatrick, T. B.: Ultrastructure of
giant pigment granules (macromelanosomes) in the cu- although nodular thickenings may be present
taneous pigmented macules of neurofibromatosis. l. invest. within it.
Derm. 61, 300-309 (1973) The eye may be involved and congenital glaucoma
(buphthalmos) may develop. Other eye changes are
megalocornea and angiomatosis of the conjunctiva,
iris, and choroid.
Epilepsy is the main manifestation of intracranial
involvement. This usually appears in early infancy
or childhood. Occasionally, seizures may not ap-
258 Neurocutaneous Syndromes

pear in spite of meningeal involvement [1]. mas, especially of the occipitocervical region [1].
Hemiplegia and mental retardation develop in Associated findings are hypernephromas [2], pheo-
many cases. The association of facial angioma and chromocytomas [3], polycystic disease of the pan-
brain involvement is not always present. When the creas and kidneys, and hemangiomas of the spinal
facial lesion affects the region below the eyelids and cord, adrenals, lungs, and liver.
nose (below the ophthalmic division of the tri- The presence of hypertension with the vascular
geminal nerve), cerebral involvement is usually cerebellar lesion leads to subarachnoid hemor-
absent. rhage. Polycythemia may be present and could be
Occasionally Sturge-Weber and Klippel-Trenaunay due to the cerebellar hemangioblastoma [4] or the
syndromes coexist [3]. hypernephroma.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The cutaneous le- Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

sion is the capillary hemangioma type (nevus flam-
meus). The intracranial lesion is an angiomatosis of Treatment. Only symptomatic treatment IS avail-
the leptomeninges with secondary calcifications [4]. able.
The underlying brain tissue exhibits pressure
Inheritance. Suspected autosomal dominant, al-
though there is no clear evidence of heredity. 1. Christoferson, L. A, Gustafson, M. B., Petersen, A G.: Von
Hippel-Lindau's disease. 1. Amer. med. Ass. 178, 280--282
Trisomy of chromosome 22 has been found as- (1961)
sociated with the syndrome [5]. 2. Kaplan, c., Sayre, G.P., Greene, L.F.: Bilateral nephrogenic
carcinomas in Lindau-von Hippel disease. 1. Urol. 86, 36-42
Treatment. Neurosurgical intervention may be help- (1961)
ful. Similarly, the eye condition may be helped by 3. Sharp, W. V., Platt, R. L.: Familial pheochromocytoma.
Association with von Hippel-Lindau's disease. Angiology 22,
control of the glaucoma. For the nevus flammeus, 141-146 (1971)
many modalities are available although none is 4. Hennessy, T.G., Stern, W.E., Herrick, S.E.: Cerebellar hem-
satisfactory. These modalities include the use of a angioblastoma: erythropoietic activity by radioiron assay. 1.
camouflaging cosmetic material, ionizing irra- nucl. Med. 8, 601-606 (1967)
diation, carbon dioxide snow, tattooing with in-
soluble pigments, and, at times, surgical excision.
Diffuse Corticomeningeal Angiomatosis
References of Divry and Van Bogaert
1. Chao, D.H.-C.: Congenital neurocutaneous syndromes of
childhood. III. Sturge-Weber disease. 1. Pediat. 55, 635-649 The cutaneous features in this syndrome are congen-
2. Royale, H. E.: The Sturge-Weber syndrome. Oral Surg. 22,
ital cutis marmorata (marble skin) affecting mainly
490--497 (1966) the back and spreading to the flanks, buttocks, and
3. Furukawa, T., Igata, A, Toyokura, Y., Ikeda, S.: Sturge- legs; acrocyanosis affecting mainly the hands, fore-
Weber and Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome with nevus of Ota arms, elbows, and knees; and patches of hyper-
and Ito. Arch. Derm. 102, 640--645 (1970)
4. Morgan, G.: Pathology of the Sturge-Weber syndrome. Proc.
pigmentation on the trunk. The neurologic man-
roy. Soc. Med. 56, 422-423 (1963) ifestations include epileptic seizures, progressive
5. Hayward, M.D., Bower, B.D.: Chromosomal trisomy as- dementia, visual field defects, and pyramidal and
sociated with the Sturge-Weber syndrome. Lancet 1960 II, extrapyramidal signs [1,2].
There is a non calcifying cortico meningeal angio-
matosis and diffuse degeneration of the white mat-
ter. Inheritance is autosomal recessive. There is no
treatment for this condition.
von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
(Hemangioblastoma of Cerebellum References

and Retina) 1. Divry, P., Van Bogaert, L.: Une maladie familiale caracterisee
par une angiomatose diffuse cortico-meningee non calcifiante
et une demyelinisation progressive de la substance blanche. 1.
Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 9, 41-54 (1946)
This rare syndrome is characterized by angioma- 2. Martin, 1.1., Navarro, c., Roussel, 1.M., Michielssen, P.:
tosis of cerebellum or medulla, retinal angiomas Familial capillaro-venous leptomeningeal angiomatosis.
(in 20% of cases), and occasional cutaneous angio- Europ. Neurol. 9, 202-215 (1973)
Chapter 15 Metabolic Disorders

Contents Other Metabolic Disorders · 286

Acatalasemia · 286
Aminoacidemias and Aminoacidurias · 259 Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome · 286
Alkaptonuria . . . . . . . . . · 259 Gout . . . . . . . . · 288
Argininosuccinic Aciduria · 262 Hereditary Angioedema · 288
Tyrosinemia II (Richner-Hanhart Syndrome) · 262 Familial Carotenemia · 289
Aspartylglycosaminuria . . · 262
Citrullinuria ..... . · 264
Hartnup Disease (see p. 142)
Phenylketonuria · 264

Endocrinopathies · 266
Testicular Feminization Syndrome · 266 Aminoacidemias
Storage Diseases . . . . . 267 and Aminoacidurias
Gaucher Disease . 267
Niemann-Pick Disease . 267 Alkaptonuria
Farber Lipogranulomatosis . 268
Fucosidosis . . . . . . . . 270
Anderson-Fabry Disease (Angiokeratoma Corporis Dif-
fusum, Glycosphingolipid Lipidosis). . . . . . . . . 271 In 1859 Bodeker [1] made the diagnosis of this
Amyloidosis .................. 273 condition with certainty for the first time. Virchow
Amyloidosis I (Andrade or Portuguese Type) (Familial [2], in 1866, described a peculiar type of generalized
Amyloid Polyneuropathy) . . . . . . . . 273 pigmentation in the connective tissues of a 67-year-
Amyloidosis II (Indiana or Rukavina Type) . 274
old man. He named the condition ochronosis be-
Amyloidosis III (Cardiac Form) . . . . . . 274
Amyloidosis IV (Iowa or Van Allen Type) . 274 cause the pigment was brownish yellow (ochre)
Amyloidosis V (Finland or Meretoja Type) . 274 microscopically. In 1902 Albrecht [3] demonstrat-
Cerebral Arterial Amyloidosis . . . . . . . 274 ed the connection between ochronosis and alkapto-
Familial Visceral Amyloidosis . . . . . . . 276 nuria. In 1908, partly as a result of his studies on
Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis (Familial Lichen Am-
yloidosis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
alkaptonuria, Sir Archibald Garrod [4] developed
Cutaneous Bullous Amyloidosis 276 his whole concept of heritable metabolic diseases.
Amyloidosis with Urticaria and Deafness 276
Amyloidosis with Cold Hypersensitivity Clinical Presentation. The most important features
(see p. 250)
of alkaptonuria are (a) the signs due to the presence
Amyloidosis with Familial Mediterranean Fever (see
p.317) of homogentisic acid in the urine, (b) pigmentation
Amyloidosis with Pheochromocytoma and Medullary of cartilage and other connective tissues (Fig. 15.1),
Thyroid Carcinoma (Sipple Syndrome) . . . . . . 276 and (c) arthritis in later years [5].
Lipoid Proteinosis (Hyalinosis Cutis et Mucosae, Urbach- The earliest physical findings in this disease are
Wei the Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Wolman Disease (primary Familial Xanthomatosis) 279
slight pigmentation of the sclerae or the ears,
Familial Hyperlipoproteinemias . . . . . . . . 280 usually noticeable after the age of 20 or 30 years.
Type I: Familial Lipoprotein Lipase-Deficient Hyper- The eye pigmentation is usually found about mid-
chylomicronemia. . . . . . . . . . . . 280 way between the cornea and outer and inner canthi,
Type II: Familial Hyperbetalipoproteinemia . . 280
at the site of the insertions of the recti muscles. A
Type III: Familial "Broad Beta" Disease 281
Type IV: Familial Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia 283 more diffuse pigmentation may involve the con-
Type V: Familial Hyperbetalipoproteinemia and Hy- junctiva and cornea (Figs. 15.2 and 15.3). The ear
perchylomicronemia . . . . . . . . . . . 283 pinna is slate-blue or gray and feels irregular and
Type VI: Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia 283 thickened. Sometimes a dusky discoloration, corre-
fJ-Sitosterolemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Cerebral Cholesterinosis (Cerebrotendinous Xanthoma-
sponding to the tendons, may be seen through the
tosis) . . . . . . . . . 284 skin over the hands. Since the pigment may appear
Primary Hemochromatosis . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 in perspiration, clothing near the axillary regions
260 Metabolic Disorders

Fig. 15.1. Alkaptonuria. Dusky discol-

oration over the Achilles tendon. (Cour-
tesy of Dr. 1. Zeligman)

Figs. 15.2 and 15.3. Alkaptonuria. Pig-
mentation in the sclera. (Fig. 2 - cour-
tesy of Dr. B.N. La Du, Jr., from Bunim,
1.1., et al.: Ann. intern. Med. 47, 121~
1224, 1957)

15.2 _ __ '-""""""-_<-'"'-'-'-

Alkaptonuria 261

Block at <D produces one type of phenylalanine ACID ACID
oculocutaneous albinism. Block at
(2) produces phenylketonuria.
® hydroxylase
Block at ® produces alkaptonuria tyrosinase

1 tyrosine CD ~ (DOPA)
~ ACID ~
r::;-..t homogentisic +
\..V acid oxidase
(red pigment)

I \ (yellow pigment)


may be stained and the skin may have a brownish Treatment. Large amounts of ascorbic acid may
discoloration in the axillary and genital areas [6]. prevent the deposition of ochronotic pigment in the
Long-standing alkaptonuria may lead to "ochro- different tissues [11].
notic arthritis." The earliest symptoms are usually
some degree of limitation of motion of the hip and References
knee joints or the shoulders. The arthritic com- 1. Bodeker, C.: Uber das Alkapton; ein neuer Beitrag zur
plications are often severe and painful and may lead Frage: welche Stoffe des Hams konnen Kupferreduktion
to a completely bedridden existence later in life bewirken? Z. Rat. Med. 7, 130 (1859)
[6]. 2. Virchow, R.: Ein Fall von allgemeiner Ochronose der
Knorpel und knorpeHihnlichen Teile. Virchows Arch. path.
Most patients give a history of urine which turns
Anat. 37, 212 (1866)
dark on standing. This is due to the presence of an 3. Albrecht, H. : Uber Ochronose. Z. Heilk. 23, 366 (1902)
abnormal constituent, homogentisic acid. The 4. Garrod, A. E.: The Croon ian lectures on inborn errors of
darkening is greatly accelerated by alkali. metabolism. Lecture II. Alkaptonuria. Lancet 1908II, 73-79
Homogentisic acid can be identified more specifi- 5. O'Brien, W.M., La Du, B.N., Bunim, J.J.: Biochemical,
pathologic and clinical aspects of alcaptonuria, ochronosis,
cally after precipitation as the lead salt [7] or by and ochronotic arthropathy. Review of world literature
paper chromatography [8]. (1584-1962). Amer. J. Med. 34, 813-838 (1963)
6. La Du, B.N.: Alcaptonuria. In: The metabolic basis of
inherited disease. Stanbury, J. B., Wyngaarden, J. B.,
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The metabolic de- Fredrickson, D. S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 268-282. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
fect in alkaptonuria is a failure to synthesize active 7. Medes, G.: Modification of Garrod's method for prepara-
homogentisic acid oxidase in the liver and kidneys tion of homogentisic acid from urine. Proc. Soc. expo BioI.
[9] (see Fig. 15.4 for metabolic pathways and site of (N.Y.) 30, 751 (1932-1933)
defect). This results in the accumulation of homog- 8. Knox, W.E., Le May-Knox, M.: The oxidation in liver of
entisic acid in tissues, leading to an abnormal L-tyrosine to acetoacetate through p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate
and homogentisic acid. Biochem. J. 49, 686-693 (1951)
pigmentation that involves the cartilage in many 9. La Du, B.N., Zannoni, V.G., Laster, L., Seegmiller, J.E.: The
regions (costal, laryngeal, tracheal). Pigmentation is nature of the defect in tyrosine metabolism in alcaptonuria.
also present throughout the body in fibrous tissues, J. bioI. Chem. 230, 251-260 (1958)
tendons, and ligaments. It may be found in the 10. Khachadurian, A., Abu Feisal, K.: Alkaptonuria. Report of
endocardium, intima of the larger vessels, kidneys, a family with seven cases appearing in four successive
generations with metabolic studies in one patient. J. chron.
lungs, and epidermis as well [6]. Dis. 7, 455-465 (1958)
11. Sealock, R. R., Galdston, M., Steele, J. M. : Administration of
ascorbic acid to an alkapton uric patient. Proc. Soc. expo BioI.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [10]. (N. Y.) 44, 580--583 (1940)
262 Metabolic Disorders

Argininosuccinic Aciduria References

1. Allan, J. D., Cusworth, D. C, Dent, C E., Wilson, V. K.: A
disease, probably hereditary, characterised by severe mental
In 1958 Allan et al. [1] described two severely deficiency and a constant gross abnormality of aminoacid
mentally retarded siblings with a grossly increased metabolism. Lancet 19581, 182-187
2. Dent, C. E. : Argininosuccinic aciduria. A new form of mental
excretion of a urinary amino acid. In 1959 Dent [2] deficiency due to metabolic causes. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 52,
identified this amino acid as argininosuccinic acid 885 (1959)
(AS A). The disease is very rare; less than 50 cases 3. Shih, V.E.: Urea cycle disorders. In: The metabolic basis of
have been reported to date. inherited disease and other congenital hyperammonemic
syndromes. Stanbury, J.B., Wyngaarden, J.B., Fredrickson,
D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 362-386. New York: McGraw-Hill
Clinical Presentation. Patients can be divided clini- Book Co. 1978
cally into two groups: 4. Tomlinson, S., Westall, R. G.: Argininosuccinic aciduria.
Argininosuccinase and arginase in human blood cells. Clin.
1. Late-onset type - with mental retardation, sei-
Sci. 26, 261-269 (1964)
zures, intermittent ataxia, and vomiting, apparent 5. Shih, V. E., Littlefield, J. W.: Argininosuccinase activity in
in the second year of life. amniotic-fluid cells. Lancet 1970 II, 45
2. Early-onset (malignant) type - with failure to 6. Shih, V. E.: Early dietary management in an infant with
thrive, recurrent vomiting, hepatomegaly, seizures, argininosuccinase deficiency: preliminary report. J. Pediat. 80,
645-648 (1972)
and coma in the early months of life, death
sometimes occurring in the first few days of life
from massive pulmonary hemorrhage [3].
Argininosuccinic acid is excreted in massive
amounts in the urine and is found in elevated levels Tyrosinemia II
in the blood and CSF. The diagnosis can be made (Richner-Hanhart Syndrome)
easily by two-dimensional chromatoelectrophoresis.
The hair abnormality is trichorrhexis nodosa. It has
been observed in approximately half of the patients A deficiency of hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase in
with argininosuccinic aciduria. The hair is "dry," humans is responsible for a syndrome of keratitis,
fracturing at the ends, especially over the occipital palmar and plantar erosions, hyperkeratosis, and
region. There is irregular growth, giving a tufted, mental retardation. Serum tyrosine increases due to
matted appearance. Patches of dry skin and brittle the enzymatic deficiency lead to the deposition of
nails may be present. tyrosine crystals in the eye and especially the
cornea. This deposition and possible lysosomal
activation leads to inflammation in the cornea and
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The basic biochem-
the skin. The inheritance follows the autosomal
ical defect is the absence of argininosuccinase
recessive pattern [1]. (See Disseminate Palmo-
(ASase) in human red blood cells [4] as well as
plantar Keratodermia with Corneal Dystrophy,
in the liver, brain, and kidneys [3].
Prenatal diagnosis is possible by means of amnio-
centesis and the demonstration of absent ASase in
amniotic fluid cells [5]. Reference
The hairs show nodose swellings and constrictions 1. Goldsmith, L. A.: Molecular biology and molecular pa-
as well as longitudinal splitting along the shaft. thology of a newly described molecular disease - Tyrosinemia
Transverse fractures may result at the nodes. On II (The Richner-Hanhart syndrome). Exp. Cell BioI. 46,
exposure to acridine orange, an abnormal red 96-113 (1978)
fluorescence appears. The cause of the hair abnor-
mality is not clear. It has been postulated that the
keratin is abnormal because of arginine deficiency
secondary to the absence of ASase.
The general pathologic status of various organs is Aspartylglycosaminuria

In 1967 Jenner and Pollitt described two mentally

Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3].
retarded adult patients with this condition [1].
More recently, 34 patients with this disorder have
Treatment. A low-protein diet in combination with been recognized in Finland in the course of a
arginine supplement started at 6 weeks of age seems systematic investigation in institutions for the men-
promising [6]. tally retarded [2].
Asparty 19l ycosaminuria 263



Figs. 15.5-15.7. Aspartylglycosaminuria. Coarse features

with deep sagging cheeks, broad nose and face, and short
neck. Note acneiform lesions on the face in Fig. 6. (Courtesy
of Dr. J. Palo) 15.7

Clinical Presentation. All patients exhibit mental Pathology and Pathophysiology. Normally, aspar-
retardation, bone or connective tissue abnormal- tylglycosylamine is split to aspartate, ammonia, and
ities, and coarse features, including deep sagging N-acetylglucosylamine by aspartylglycosylamine
cheeks, broad nose and face, and short neck (Figs. amidase, a lysosomal enzyme. No activity of this
15.5-15.7). Cranial asymmetry and thoracic or lum- enzyme is detected in the plasma or seminal fluid of
bar scoliosis are frequent findings. About half the these patients [4]. In the brain and liver the activity
patients have cutaneous manifestations, including of the enzyme is decreased to about 16-20% of the
large nevi, acne, and photosensitive pigmentation. normal mean value. In these tissues the activity of
Aggressive behavior is frequent. The IQ varies from ex-fucosidase is also decreased to about one-third
10-40. Lymphocyte vacuolization is a constant the normal, whereas N-acetyl-f3-glucosaminidase is
hematologic finding. Most patients develop slowly five to eight times more active than normally [5].
and suffer from recurrent infections of the skin or Electron microscopically, numerous large lyso-
the upper respiratory tract. The ages of the diag- somes containing electron-dense membranous ma-
nosed patients vary from 13-37 years [3]. terial are seen in the glial cells and neurons. The
264 Metabolic Disorders

hepatocytes reveal large, clear vacuoles containing 2. McMurray, W.C., Rathbun, le., Mohyuddin, F., Koegler,
a pale, flocculent material [5]. S.1.: Citrullinuria. Pediatrics 32, 347-357 (1963)
3. Shih, V. E.: Urea cycle disorders and other congenital hyper-
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3]. ammonemic syndromes. In: The metabolic basis of inherited
disease. Stanbury, J.B., Wyngaarden, I. B., Fredrickson, D.S.
Treatment. No specific treatment is known. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 362-386. New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Co. 1978

1. Jenner, F.A., Pollitt, R.l: Large quantities of 2-acetamido-1-
(fJ-L-aspartamido)-1,2-dideoxyglucose in the urine of mentally
retarded siblings. Biochem. J. 103, 48P-49P (1967)
2. Palo, J., Savolainen, H.: Thin-layer chromatographic de-
monstration of aspartylglycosylamine and a novel acidic
carbohydrate in human tissues. l Chromatog. 65, 447-450
In 1934 F011ing [1] described ten patients who
3. Palo, J., Mattsson, K.: Eleven new cases of aspartylglucos- excreted phenylpyruvic acid and were mentally
aminuria. J. ment. Defic. Res. 14, 168-173 (1970) deficient. Later, in 1939, Jervis [2] showed that the
4. Pollitt, R.J., Jenner, F.A., Merskey, H.: Aspartylglycosamin- condition was inherited through an autosomal re-
uria. An inborn error of metabolism associated with mental cessive gene and that these patients exhibited a
defect. Lancet 1968II, 253-255
5. Palo, l, Riekkinen, P., Arstila, A., Autio, S. : Biochemical and high level of phenylalanine accumulation.
fine structural studies on brain and liver biopsies in aspartyl-
glucosaminuria. Neurology (Minneap.) 21, 1198-1204 (1971) Clinical Presentation. The infant with phenyl-
ketonuria (PKU) is not clinically abnormal at birth.
During the first year, the usual developmental
milestones are often delayed and convulsions may
Citrullinuria supervene. A characteristic "mousy" odor is usually
present. The incidence ofPKU is 1 per 10,000 in the
general population.
Citrullinuria (citrullinemia) was first reported by The physical findings involve mainly two systems:
McMurray in 1962 [1,2]. the skin and the nervous system.
Characteristically, affected individuals have fair
Clinical Presentation. This is an extremely rare skin, blond or light brown hair (Fig. 15.8), and blue
metabolic disorder (less than 20 cases reported to eyes [3]. Eczematous dermatitis and/or atopic
date) characterized by mental retardation, marked dermatitis (affecting 5-50% of PKU cases) usually
accumulation of citrulline in the blood, CSF, and begin in infancy and may persist to adolescence or
urine, and elevation of the blood ammonia con- adulthood. A dry or rough skin is often noted.
centration in the postabsorptive state. The condi- Papuloerythematous eruptions may appear over
tion is heterogeneous. The neonatal type is charac- the forearms.
terized by irritability, lethargy, and convulsions, Untreated patients are moderately to severely men-
followed by coma and death [3]. tally retarded and may have abnormal neurologic
The hair is fragile and has an atrophic bulb. On manifestations, e.g., agitated behavior, EEG abnor-
microscopic examination, it is banded and hence is malities, muscular hypertonicity, microcephaly,
referred to as "bamboo hair." hyperactive reflexes, inability to talk, hyperkinesis,
incontinence, tremors, and seizures.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The primary An easy and helpful screening method consists of
biochemical defect in citrullinemia is the deficiency adding a few drops of a fresh 10 % ferric chloride
of hepatic argininosuccinic acid (ASA) synthetase solution to a few milliliters of acidified urine. A
activity, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of bluish green color appears in a few seconds when
ASA. the disease is present. The same test can be perform-
ed by adding the ferric chloride to a diaper wet
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
with urine. The more reliable and diagnostic meth-
Treatment. No specific treatment is available. od is determination of the level of phenylalanine
in plasma. The diagnosis ofPKU is made if the level
is 20mg/l00ml or above (normal 2--4mg/l00ml)
along with a normal tyrosine level.
1. McMurray, W.e., Mohyuddin, F., Rossiter, R.l, Rathbun,
J.e., Valentine, G.H., Koegler, S.l., Zarfas, D.E.: Citrullin-
uria: a new aminoaciduria associated with mental retarda- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The basic
tion. Lancet 19621, 138 biochemical defect is the hereditary inactivity of
Phenylketonuria 265

Fig. 15.8. Hair from phenylketonurics, with or

without dietary treatment. (Courtesy of the
Department of Medical Illustration, Institute of
Child Health and Hospital for Sick Children,
London, England, through Dr. L.I. Wool!)

I.B. Altar 1-4 montha on a low

I. A. BlfofIlttatmart .
phcllJlalaniM dltt .

2.B. Aftc, 2 rmand 6 montiIs


30 A. Attu on 1M diet. l . B. Alter I rnonlll on Ilie dill.

4.B. Senral months afterdielrl}

treotmtnt had stoptlCd

phenylalanine hydroxylase, a liver enzyme. Normal- The pathologic changes of the nervous system are
ly, the liver enzyme oxidizes L-phenylalanine to due to defective myelination. Phenylpyruvic acid
tyrosine, which is involved in melanin synthesis. inhibits pyruvate decarboxylase in the brain, but not
The deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase results the liver. This may account for the defect in for-
in the accumulation of phenylalanine and the forma- mation of myelin and mental retardation in this
tion, through other pathways, of phenylpyruvic, disease [5].
phenyllactic, phenylacetic, and b-hydroxyphenyl- One form of hyperphenylalaninemia with levels of
lactic acids. These, in turn, compete for the tyrosi- >20 mg/ tOO ml is manifested by myoclonus, un-
nase necessary to convert tyrosine to melanin, controlled movements, tetraplegia, greasy skin,
resulting in fair hair and blue eyes (see Fig. 15.4 for and recurrent hyperthermia. It is associated with a
these metabolic pathways and the block in PK U). functional abnormality of dihydropteridine reduc-
At least three enzymes are known to be involved in tase [3].
the hydroxylation of phenylalanine. Mutation can
affect two of these [4]. Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3,4].
266 Metabolic Disorders

Treatment. A low phenylalanine diet should be

administered. If this is started during the first 4
weeks of life, normal physical, neurologic, and
mental development is expected. Overtreatment
may result in an acute, weeping eczematous

1. F0lling, A.: Uber Ausscheidung von Phenylbrenztrauben-
saure in den Ham als StofTwechselanomalie in Verbindung
mit Imbezillitat. Z. physio!. Chern. 227, 169- 176 (1934)
2. Jervis, G. A.: The genetics of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia. 1.
men!. Sci. 85, 719 (1939)
3. Tourian, A. Y., Sidbury, J.B.: Phenylketonuria. In: The meta-
bolic basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, J. B., Wyngaarden,
1. B., Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 240-255. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
4. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 4th ed.,
pp. 538- 540. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1975
5. Bowden, 1. A., McArthur, C. L., III : Possible biochemical mo-
del for phenylketonuria. Nature (Lond.) 235, 230 (1972)

Testicular Feminization Syndrome
Fig. 15.9. Testicular feminization syndrome. Note absence
This condition was brought to the attention of of axillary hair and very scanty pubic hair. (Courtesy of
geneticists by Pettersson and Bonnier in 1937 [1]. Dr. L. Pinsky)

Clinical Presentation. Affected individuals are al-

ways considered to be female and are reared ac- The hair follicles of the axillary and pubic areas are
cordingly. At adolescence they feminize very well anatomically normal but unresponsive to local or
with good breast development and feminine fea- parenteral administration of androgens. The beard,
tures, voice, and habitus. The vagina is blind and voice, and clitoris are also unresponsive. These
estrinized, the uterus is absent, and abdominal or patients have normal testosterone levels [4].
inguinal testes are present [2]. A receptor protein specific for 5a-androstan-17 {3-01-
Most of them lack pubic and axillary hair ("hairless 3-one [dihydrotestosterone (DHT)] was found in
pseudofemale") (Fig. 15.9). The hair of the scalp is cells from males and females of all ages [5,6]. The
abundant, without temporal balding. binding activity was observed in dermal fibroblasts
The syndrome may have three main presentations from neck, abdomen, buttocks, foreskin, and wrist.
[3] : (a) complete testicular feminization; (b) incom- The locus for the receptor protein was found to be
plete testicular feminization with ambiguous geni- on the X chromosome and to lyonize [7]. Lyoniza-
talia and an enlarged clitoris; and (c) testicular tion may be responsible for the wide spectrum of
feminization with hypospadias. phenotypes in heterozygote females.
The karyotype is usually 46,XY. Female carriers
may show almost no secondary sex hair, but have Inheritance. X-linked recessive [7].
normal menstruation, conception, and pregnancies.
Treatment. The treatment consists of orchidectomy
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The affected males and maintenance on estrogen.
exhibit normal, fetal testicular development and
regression of the Mullerian ducts. In children the
testes are histologically normal, whereas in adults
they show pathognomonic histologic changes which
develop after gonadotropic stimulation [3].
Storage Diseases 267

References ties; and (c) adult form - with late onset of sple-
1. Pettersson, G., Bonnier, G.: Inherited sex-mosaic in man. nomegaly and varying degrees of clinical severity
Hereditas 23, 49-69 (1937) [2]. The diagnosis is usually made by detecting
2. Wilkins, L. : The diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disor- Gaucher cells in the bone marrow or spleen.
ders in childhood and adolescence, 3rd ed., pp. 320-330.
Springfield: Charles C Thomas 1965 Prenatal detection of Gaucher disease is presently
3. Jinisek, J.A.: Androgen-insensitive male pseudohermaphro- possible by amniocentesis, fetal cell culture, and
ditism. In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, enzymatic determination [2].
D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.6, pt. X, pp.179-184. Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The disease is char-
4. Southren, A. L., Saito, A.: The syndrome of testicular femini-
zation. A report of three cases with chromatographic analysis acterized by deposition of glucocerebroside in
of the urinary neutral 17-ketosteroids. Ann. intern. Med. 55, histiocytes, forming the Gaucher cells. The rate of
925-931 (1961) formation of this substance is normal. The accumu-
5. Keenan, B. S., Meyer, W.J., III, Hadjian, A.J., Migeon, c.J.: lation of glucocerebroside is due to a deficiency of
Androgen receptor in human skin fibroblasts: characteriza-
tion of specific 17f3-hydroxy-51X-androstan-3-one-protein com- the catabolic enzyme glucocerebrosidase, required
plex in cell sonicates and nuclei. Steroids 25, 535-552 (1975) for the hydrolysis of the f3-glucosidic bond of
6. Keenan, B.S., Meyer, W.J., III, Hadjian, A.J., Jones, H.W., glucocerebroside [3]. Since the highest glucocere-
Migeon, c.J.: Syndrome of androgen insensitivity in man: broside activity in normal individuals is found in
absence of 51X-dihydrotestosterone binding protein in skin
fibroblasts. J. clin. Endocr. 38, 1143-1146 (1974)
lysosomes [4], Gaucher disease can be considered a
7. Meyer, W.J., III, Migeon, B. R., Migeon, C.J.: Locus on lysosomal disease.
human X chromosome for dihydrotestosterone receptor and
androgen insensitivity. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 72, Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2].
1469-1472 (1975)
Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic, but unsatis-
factory. Splenectomy is indicated when hyper-
splenism is evident in the adult form. Recently,
infusion of purified glucocerebrosidase has been
Storage Diseases reported, with promising results [5].

Gaucher Disease References

1. Gaucher, C.P. E.: Thesis, University of Paris 1882
2. Brady, R.O., King, F. M.: Gaucher's disease. In: Lysosomes
In 1882 Gaucher [1] published the first clinical and storage diseases. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F. (eds.),
description of this disease which was ultimately pp. 381-394. New York: Academic Press 1973
named after him. 3. Brady, R.O., Kanfer, J.N., Shapiro, D.: Metabolism of gluco-
cerebrosides. II. Evidence of an enzymatic deficiency in
Gaucher's disease. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 18,
Clinical Presentation. The most important clinical 221-225 (1965)
features of Gaucher disease are splenomegaly, hepa- 4. Weinreb, N.J., Brady, R.O., Tappe!, A. E.: The lysosomal
tomegaly, erosion of the cortices of the long bones localization of sphingolipid hydro lases. Biochim. biophys.
and the head of the femur, hypochromic anemia, Acta (Arnst.) 159, 141-146 (1968)
leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. The skin may 5. Brady, R.O.: The lipid storage diseases: new concepts and
control. Ann. intern. Med. 82, 257-261 (1975)
have a brownish yellow pigmentation, mainly on
the face, body, or legs, darker in areas exposed to
light. Hemorrhagic folliculitis and fur uncles occur
on the thighs, legs, and forearms [2]. The skin
Niemann-Pick Disease
coloration may be associated with wedge-shaped
pigmentation and thickening of the conjuctiva (pin-
gueculae). These skin changes are part of only the In 1914 Niemann described this condition for the
chronic form of Gaucher disease. first time in an 18-month-old female infant [1]. Pick
The wide variation in the clinical forms suggests later delineated the entity more clearly and called it
that Gaucher disease is genetically heterogeneous. lipoid cell hepatosplenomegaly [2, 3].
Three main clinical categories are distinguished: (a)
infantile form - most rapidly progressing, with Clinical Presentation. At least five different pheno-
extensive damage to the central nervous system and types are defined clinically [4-6]. Some, but not all,
death occurring during infancy; (b) juvenile form - types are associated with deficient activity of the
with rapidly progressing organomegaly and bone enzyme sphingomyelinase [5]. This suggests hetero-
involvement, but without nervous system difficul- geneity in the underlying genetic abnormalities.
268 Metabolic Disorders

Type A : acute neuronopathic form. The characteris- from a patient with type C contained only isoen-
tic findings are progressive hypotonia, listlessness, zyme 1. As to the Nova Scotia variant, it may be
hepatosplenomegaly, and petechiae. About half of due to a primary disturbance of cholesterol
the patients have generalized lymph node enlarge- metabolism, accompanied by an ancillary accumu-
ment. Late in the illness a cherry-red spot is present lation of sphingomyelin [8].
in the macula. Xanthomas of the skin may be
present. They oCCur as yellow, orange, or pink Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [6].
papules with a predilection for the face, hands,
extremities, and shoulders. The skin has a yel- Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
lowish brown appearance, especially on the ex-
posed parts. The children are normal at birth; the
disease manifests itself in the early months of life References
and is rapidly progressive, with death occurring 1. Niemann, A.: Ein unbekanntes Krankheitsbild. Jb. Kinder-
before 2-3 years of age [6]. heilk. 29, 1-10 (1914)
2. Pick, L.: Uber die lipoidzellige Splenohepatomegalie Typus
It is hard to diagnose Niemann-Pick disease de- Niemann-Pick als Stoffwechselerkrankung. Med. Klin. 23,
finitively with routine laboratory tests. Sphingo- 1483-1488 (1927)
myelinase assay is diagnostic for type A, since the 3. Pick, L.: II. Niemann-Pick's disease and other forms of so-
enzyme is absent in the spleen, white blood cells, called xanthomatosis. Amer. 1. med. Sci. 185,601-616 (1933)
4. Crocker, A.c.: The cerebral defect in Tay-Sachs disease and
and skin fibroblasts of affected individuals. It is also Niemann-Pick disease. J. Neurochem. 7, 69-80 (1961)
helpful in differentiating the other forms of the 5. Schneider, P.B., Kennedy, E.P.: Sphingomyelinase in normal
disease in which the percentage of sphingomyelinase human spleens and in spleens from subjects with Niemann-
activity varies. Prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis Pick disease. J. Lipid Res. 8, 202-209 (1967)
is possible [7J. 6. Brady, R. 0.: Sphingomyelin lipidosis: Niemann-Pick disease.
In: The metabolic basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, J.B.,
Type B: chronic form without central nervous system Wyngaarden, J.B., Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 718-
involvement. Splenic enlargement occurs between 2 730. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
and 6 years of age as the first sign of illness. The 7. Epstein, c.J., Brady, R.O., Schneider, E.L., Brady, R.M.,
activity of sphingomyelinase in the spleen and Shapiro, E.: In utero diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease.
Amer. J. hum. Genet. 23, 533-535 (1971)
cultured fibroblasts is 1-5 % of normal [5].
8. Brady, R.O., King, F. M.: Niemann-Pick's disease. In:
Type C: subacute form with central nervous system Lysosomes and storage diseases. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F.,
involvement. The clinical features include spasticity, pp. 439-452. New York: Academic Press 1973
seizures, and the presence of a cherry-red spot in
the fundus. The activity of sphingomyelinase is
Farber Lipogranulomatosis
Type D: Nova Scotia variant. All patients in this
group are from Nova Scotia. Neonatal jaundice
may be present and persists until 6 months of age. In 1947, in a Mayo Foundation lecture, Farber
The neurologic symptoms are prominent. The ac- described a 14-month-old girl with what appeared
tivity of sphingomyelinase is normal. to be a lipid metabolic disorder with granulo-
Type E: adult, non-neuronopathic form. A small matous components [1]. In 1952, at the meeting of
number of adults without neurologic difficulties, the American Pediatric Society, he presented clini-
but with moderate hepatosplenomegaly and foam cal and pathologic data on her and two other
cells in the marrow, have been reported as having children with similar findings [1]. Finally, in 1957,
a variant form of Niemann-Pick disease on the Farber et al. [2J described the three patients who
basis of some increase in the quantity of sphingo- died in infancy with an illness characterized by
myelin in the liver and spleen [6]. progressive development of swollen joints, a hoarse
cry, and progressive neurologic deterioration. Since
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Niemann-Pick di- then, around ten patients have been described with
sease is characterized by deposition of sphin- this disease.
gomyelin in various tissues forming the typical
Niemann- Pick foam cells. Concerning the enzy- Clinical Presentation. Soon after birth, tender, swol-
matic defect, the following was observed. Two len joints and a hoarse, weak cry develop. Joint
major isoenzymes of sphingomyelinase were found involvement becomes increasingly severe and
(I and II) in normal liver. Cultured fibroblasts in generalized and multiple subcutaneous and per-
type A demonstrated a virtual absence of both iarticular nodules appear (Fig. 15.10). Subcutaneous
isoenzymes. In type B, there was a marked decrease nodules may also develop over pressure points,
in the activity of both isoenzymes. Liver tissue along with slight to moderate enlargement of
Farber Lipogranulomatosis 269

Fig. 15.10. Farber lipogranulomatosis. Periarticular

nodules. (From Moser, H. W., et al.: Amer. J. Med. 47,

lymph nodes. The liver is of normal size or slightly the dermis and subcutaneous tissue are replaced
enlarged. The spleen is not enlarged. There are by a pleomorphic, focally necrotic infiltrate of foam
frequent episodes of fever and dyspnea associat- cells, histiocytes, lymphocytes, and plasma cells.
ed with pulmonary infiltrates. Some patients have Soft tissue nodules are present in the larynx and are
neurologic abnormalities. Most of them have a loss composed of dense collagen bundles interspersed
of the deep tendon reflexes and mental deter- with foam cells, histiocytes, and mesenchymal cells.
ioration in the terminal phase of their illness. The Foam cells are also present in some bronchi and
CSF protein level is elevated in many patients alveoli, the red pulp of the spleen, lymph nodes, and
[3]. bone marrow. Histochemical staining of the foam
X-rays show a nodular swelling around the per- cells is positive for both carbohydrate and lipid.
ipheral joints associated with muscle atrophy and There is also ballooning of large neurons in the
juxta-articular bone erosion. The lungs show finely central and autonomic nervous systems, particular-
nodular parenchymal and interstitial infiltrations ly the anterior horn cells, medulla, pons, and cere-
[4]. bellum. The distension of the neurons is due to
The disease leads progressively to debilitation and PAS-positive cytoplasmic material [3].
finally death, which occurs between the ages of 7 The lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, lungs, and sub-
and 22 months [3]. A patient with late onset and cutaneous nodules reveal a 10- to 60-fold increase in
long survival has been reported [5]. free ceramide and a 5- to lO-fold increase in gan-
glioside [3]. No ceramidase activity was detected in
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Pathologic exam- the kidneys or cerebellum of a patient with Farber
ination of the subcutaneous nodules reveals that disease. The demonstrated accumulation of ce-
270 Metabolic Disorders

rami de along with the deficiency of ceramidase reported types of fucosidosis, it presents with im-
suggests that a genetically determined defect in portant dermatologic manifestations.
cerami de degradation forms the biochemical basis
of this disorder [6]. Fibroblasts from patients with Clinical Presentation. The patient was a young
this disease reveal severe deficiency in acid cera- adult with severe mental and motor retardation
midase (around 5 % ·of normal values) [7]. The apparent since the age of 14 months. He had
ceramidase level in heterozygotes is also decreased anhidrosis and consequently was unable to control
(around 50%) [7]. his body temperature. At the age of 4 years he
developed blue-brown, pinhead-sized, raised skin
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. lesions on the abdomen, back, and extremities.
These were diagnosed as angiokeratoma corporis
Treatment. All modes of therapy have failed. Chlor- diffusum, as in Fabry disease. However, unlike
ambucil was helpful in a mildly affected patient with patients with Fabry disease, he was severely re-
moderate involvement of the joints and subcutane- tarded and had normal renal function. At the age of
ous tissues [6]. 16 years he developed severe kyphoscoliosis with a
pigeon chest. He did not have any organomegaly.
Leukocytic and urinary IX-fucosidase activity was
References less than 10% of normal controls [4].
L Farber, S.: A lipid metabolic disorder - "disseminated
lipogranulomatosis" - a syndrome with similarity to and Pathology and Pathophysiology. The histology of
important difference from Niemann-Pick and Hand-Schiiller-
Christian diseases. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 84, 499-500 (1952)
the skin lesions reveals multiple telangiectases [4].
2. Farber, S., Cohen, J., Uzman, LL: Lipogranulomatosis. A Electron microscopy of the skin shows massive
new lipo-glyco-protein "storage" disease. 1. Mt. Sinai Hosp. alterations in all endothelial cells and most fibro-
24, 816--837 (1957) cytes. There is cytoplasmic distension by tertiary
3. Moser, H.W., Prensky, A.L, Wolfe, H.J., Rosman, N.P.:
lysosomes in the form of small vacuoles, but with-
Farber's lipogranuloma to sis. Report of a case and demon-
stration of an excess of free ceramide and ganglioside. Amer. out lamellated membranous bodies as in Fabry
1. Med. 47, 869-890 (1969) disease.
4. Schanche, A.F., Bierman, S.M., Sopher, R.L, O'Loughlin, The disease is presumably due to IX-L-fucosidase
B.1.: Disseminated lipogranuloma to sis : early roentgeno- deficiency. Fucosidosis is considered an inborn
graphic changes. Radiology 82, 675-678 (1964)
5. Sugita, M., Dulaney, 1. T., Moser, H. W.: Ceramidase de-
lysosomal disorder because IX-L-fucosidase is a lyso-
ficiency in Farber's disease (lipogranulomatosis). Science 178, somal enzyme.
1100-1102 (1972) If human IX-L-fucosidase has the same tetrameric
6. Crocker, A. c., Cohen, J., Farber, S.: The "lipogranulo- structure as that found in the rat [5], there is the
matosis" syndrome; review with report of patient showing
possibility of at least two nonallelic varieties of
milder involvement. In: Inborn disorders of sphingolipid
metabolism. Aronson, S.M., Volk, B.W. (eds.), pp.485-503. fucosidosis.
New York: Pergamon Press 1966
7. Dulaney, 1. T., Milunsky, A., Sidbury, 1. B., Hobolth, N., Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. Heterogeneity in
Moser, H. W.: Diagnosis of lipogranulomatosis (Farber's fucosidosis has been emphasized [6]. It may repre-
disease) by use of cultured fibroblasts. J. Pediat. 89, 59-61
sent an example of allelism with the production of
quite a different clinical picture, as in the case of the
Hurler and Scheie syndromes.
In the variety reported with important derma to-
logic manifestations [4], heterozygotes have in-
termediate levels of IX-L-fucosidase activity and no
Fucosidosis overlap with normals.

In 1966 Durand et al. [1] described two siblings Treatment. No treatment is known.
with the clinical picture of severe progressive cere-
bral degeneration. In 1968 Van Hoof and Hers [2]
found a deficiency in IX-fucosidase activity in the References
liver of these patients, hence the appellation of the 1. Durand, P., Borrone, C., Della Cella, G. : A new mucopolysac-
disease. Less than ten cases have been described [3]. charide lipid-storage disease? Lancet 1966II, 1313-1314
In 1972 Patel et al. [4] described a different pheno- 2. Van Hoof, F., Hers, H.G.: Mucopolysaccharidosis by absence
of a-fucosidase. Lancet 19681, 1198
type with angiokeratoma of the skin as well as IX-L- 3. Van Hoof, F.: Fucosidosis. In: Lysosomes and storage di-
fucosidase deficiency. Our discussion will concen- seases. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F. (eds.), pp.277-290. New
trate on this latter type since, unlike the previously York: Academic Press 1973
Anderson-Fabry Disease 271

4. Patel, V., Watanabe, 1., Zeman, W.: Deficiency of IX-L-fuco- Cerebral manifestations include seizures, hemi-
sidase. Science 176, 426-427 (1972) plegia, hemianesthesia, aphasia, labyrinthine disor-
5. Carlsen, R.B., Pierce, 1.G.: Purification and properties of an
IX-L-fucosidase from rat epididymis. 1. bioI. Chern. 247, 23-32
ders, and clinical evidence of cerebral hemorrhage
(1972) or thrombosis.
6. Gatti, R., Borrone, C., Trias, X., Durand, P. : Genetic hetero- The clinical course of the disease comprises epi-
geneity in fucosidosis. Lancet 1973II, 1024 sodes of fever and a very severe burning pain felt
deep in the skin of the extremities, sometimes
leading to drug addiction or suicide. The pain may
be severe even in childhood and the patient may
give the impression of exaggerating or simulating.
Anderson-Fabry Disease Prolonged attacks of pain, often accompanied by
(Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum, fever, malaise, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimen-
tation rate, have led, on several occasions, to the
Glycosphingolipid Lipidosis) erroneous diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever or
polyarteritis nodosa. Diminished sweating and heat
intolerance are noted in many patients.
In 1898 Anderson [1] in England and Fabry [2] in
Death usually occurs in adult life from renal failure
Germany independently described this disease.
or cardiac and cerebral complications. Few patients
Although the trend is to avoid eponyms, the desig-
live beyond the fourth decade.
nation Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) seems to be
the most suitable at present and will be used until a
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The disease is due
better one is introduced and generally accepted.
to a mutation of the gene coding for the lysosomal
Over 265 cases have been reported to date, most of
enzyme a-galactosidase A [3]. The gene is X-linked
them since 1961 [3-5].
and lyonizes [6]. a-Galactosidase A is absent in the
tissues and plasma of affected individuals [3].
Clinical Presentation. The characteristic features of Consequently, the defect is mainly in the catabolism
the disease involve predominantly the skin, eyes, of ceramide trihexoside and partly in that of digal-
kidneys, and nervous system. actosyl ceramide, both of which accumulate in most
The patients have a characteristic skin lesion de- tissues. The determination of ceramide levels in
scribed as angiokeratoma corporis difJusum univer- plasma, urinary sediment, and cultured skin fibro-
sale. Although telangiectases may be one of the blasts affords a biochemical means for the diagnosis
earliest manifestations and may lead to diagnosis in of hemizygotes and heterozygotes before the clinical
childhood, the eruption is seldom conspicuous be- onset of the disease [3]. The enzymatic determi-
fore the late teens. With age, the cutaneous vascular nation in plasma is easy and provides a definitive
lesions progressively increase. They consist of diagnosis [3].
superficial, blood-filled cavities, which may project Prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis has been
above the surface as roughly hemispherical, vio- achieved [7].
laceous papules, varying between a pinhead and a Skin pathology reveals lesions in the upper dermis,
few millimeters in size (Fig. 15.11). They do not where they may produce elevation and flattening of
blanch with pressure. The clusters of lesions are the epithelium. There may be slight to moderate
more dense between the umbilicus and the knees keratosis. Capillaries, venules, and arterioles con-
and involve the hips, back, thighs, buttocks, penis, tain pathologic lipid stores in the endothelium,
and scrotum (Figs. 15.12-15.14). Involvement of the perithelium, or smooth muscle. Atrophic or scarce
oral mucosa and conjunctiva is common, but the sweat and sebaceous glands have been reported
tongue, face, scalp, ears, and nail beds are usually [3].
spared [3,4]. Since angiokeratoma corporis can Vascular involvement is prominent in almost all
also occur in one type of fucosidosis, confusion organs. Glycosphingolipid deposits are present in
with Anderson-Fabry disease can be avoided by different parts of the eye and heart.
enzymatic analysis (see also p. 270). The characteristic corneal dystrophy and lipid de-
The eye lesions consist of corneal opacities, pos- posits are almost invariably found in skin biopsies
terior capsular cataracts, aneurysmal dilatation of from childhood onward and afford the simplest
thin-walled venules of the conjunctiva and retina, method of diagnosis [4].
and edema of the eyelids [3,4].
Renal dysfunction is manifested by peripheral Inheritance. X-linked. The gene is highly penetrant
edema, proteinuria, and, terminally, azotemia in hemizygous males who present the typical fea-
[3,4]. tures of the disease. Heterozygous females may
272 Metabolic Disorders



15.13 15.1,

Fig. 15.11. Anderson-Fabry disease. Closer view showing Figs. 15.12-15.14. Anderson-Fabry disease. Angiomatous
the small blood-filled cavities. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. Mc- lesions typically involving the genitalia, buttocks, lips, and
Kusick, from Hussels, I. E.: In: The clinical delineation of perioral area. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick, from
birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, Hussels, I. E.: In: The clinical delineation of birth defects.
pp. 318-321. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971 Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 318-321.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
Amyloidosis 273

exhibit variable expressivity of the disease explained with Congo red in polarized light, and fluorescence
by the "lyonization" of the gene [6]. with thioflavin T or S [1].
Amyloidosis may be secondary to chronic inflam-
Treatment. Bodily exertion and changes in tempera- matory disease or tumors, it may be found without
ture should be avoided. Enzyme replacement by evidence of another underlying disease, or it may be
infusion of purified enzyme (ceramidetrihexosidase) hereditary. Hereditary amyloidosis occurs in a
has been attempted [8] with promising results. number of syndromes which can be classified as
Striking improvement was obtained when diphenyl- follows:
hydantoin was used to relieve the crises [9]. Amyloidosis I (Andrade or Portuguese type)
Although renal allograft was effective in the treat- Amyloidosis II (Indiana or Rukavina type)
ment of the renal insufficiency of a heterozygous Amyloidosis III (cardiac form)
woman and seemed to correct the primary defect, Amyloidosis IV (Iowa or Van Allen type)
further confirmation is needed [10]. Amyloidosis V (Finland or Meretoja type)
Amyloidosis, cerebral arterial
Amyloidosis, familial visceral
References Amyloidosis, primary cutaneous (familial lichen
1. Anderson, W. : A case of angeio-keratoma. Brit. J. Derm. 10. amyloidosus)
113 (1898) Amyloidosis, cutaneous bullous
2. Fabry, J.: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Purpura haemor-
Amyloidosis with urticaria and deafness
rhagica nodularis (purpura papulosa haemorrhagica
Hebrae). Arch. Derm. Syph. (Ber!.) 43, 187 (1898) Amyloidosis with cold hypersensitivity
3. Desnick, R.J.; Klionsky, B., Sweeley, c.c.: Fabry's disease Amyloidosis with familial Mediterranean fever
(Il.-galactosidase A deficiency). In: The metabolic basis of Amyloidosis with pheochromocytoma and medul-
inherited disease. Stanbury, J. B., Wyngaarden, J. B., Fre- lary thyroid carcinoma (Sipple syndrome)
drickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 810-840. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
The cutaneous lesions in systemic amyloidosis are
4. Wallace, H.1.: Anderson-Fabry disease. Brit. 1. Derm. 88, varied and include translucent, waxy, yellow pap-
1-23 (1973) ules and nodules, especially on the eyelids, perioral
5. Kint, 1. A., Carton, D.: Fabry's disease. In: Lysosomes and area, nasolabial folds, neck, and chest. Occasionally,
storage diseases. Hers, H.G., Van Hoof, F. (eds.), pp. 357-380.
the amyloid deposits produce indurated plaques
New York: Academic Press 1973
6. Romeo, G., Migeon, B. R.: Genetic inactivation of the that could involve the face, trunk, or extremities
Il.-galactosidase locus in carriers of Fabry's disease. Science (Figs. 15.15-15.17). Purpura may be prominent and
170, 180-181 (1970) appears when the skin is rubbed. In general, how-
7. Brady, R.O., Uhlendorf, B.W., Jacobson, C.B.: Fabry's ever, cutaneous involvement in the hereditofamilial
disease: antenatal detection. Science 172, 174-175 (1971)
8. Brady, R.O.: The lipid storage diseases: new concepts and
types of amyloidosis is less common than in pri-
contro!' Ann. intern. Med. 82, 257-261 (1975) mary systemic amyloidosis.
9. Lockman, L.A., Krivit, W., Desnick, R.1.: Relief of the
painful crises of Fabry's disease by diphenylhydantoin.
Neurology (Minneap.) 21; 423 (1971)
10. Desnick, R.J., Allen, K. Y., Simmons, R.L., Najarian, 1.S.,
Amyloidosis I (Andrade
Krivit, W.: Treatment of Fabry's disease: correction of the or Portuguese Type)
enzymatic deficiency by renal transplantation. 1. Lab. din. (Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy)
Med. 78,989-990 (1971)
Clinical Presentation. The disease affects young
adults with progressive fatal peripheral neuropathy
[2]. The lower limbs are especially involved ("foot
disease"), together with alimentary and sexual dys-
function [1, 2]. There is painful paresthesia of the
Amyloidosis denotes a group of varied disorders in lower extremities with muscular atrophy, absent
which there is extracellular deposition of "amyloid" deep tendon reflexes, loss of heat sensation, trophic
in one or more organs. Amyloid is an amorphous, lesions, and steppage gait. Affected individuals
glassy, hyaline substance, primarily proteinaceous complain of constipation with bouts of diarrhea,
[1]. Under the electron microscope amyloid con- weight loss, sexual impotence, and sphincteric dis-
sists of fine, rigid, nonbranching fibrils that are orders [2]. There may be vitreous opacities that
made up of filaments of about 75 A in diameter. lead to amaurosis [1]. Electromyography shows
Amyloid is identified by a variety of staining re- peripheral neurogenic atrophy with impaired motor
actions, the most popular of which are a pinkish conduction [2]. Death occurs in 7-10 years [1].
color with hematoxylin and eosin, metachromasia The disease is endemic in Portugal and has been
with crystal violet and methyl violet, birefringence reported in other parts of the world as well.
274 Metabolic Disorders

Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is amyloid- there may be persistent atrial standstill [6].
osis of the blood vessels in all tissues [1]. Amyloid Hemodynamic studies show elevation of right atrial
deposits are commonly seen in the interstitial tissue and pulmonary wedge pressures. The right ventricle
of the endoneurium and less frequently in the peri- systolic pressure is increased and recordings show
and epineurium and around blood vessels. The dip-plateau configurations [5].
amyloid fibrils are separated from the nerve paren-
chyma by collagen except in areas of marked Pathology and Pathophysiology. There are extensive
nerve degeneration where the amyloid invades the amyloid deposits in the myocardium and endocar-
Schwann cell cytoplasm [2]. The nerve fiber changes dium, and smaller deposits in other organs [5]. In
probably precede the interstitial amyloid deposi- particular, small vessels, adipose tissue, and skin are
tion [3]. generally involved [5].

Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.

Treatment. There is no definitive treatment. Treatment. There is no definitive treatment.

Amyloidosis IV
Amyloidosis II
(Iowa or Van Allen Type)
(Indiana or Rukavina Type)
Onset of symptoms is in the third or fourth decade.
Clinical Presentation. This is characterized, in order
Chronic progressive sensorimotor neuropathy,
of descending frequency, by peripheral neuropathy
more severe in the lower extremities, appears at the
(especially in the upper limbs), skin changes, hepatic
onset [7]. Duodenal ulcer is present at some time in
enlargement and dysfunction, cardiovascular in-
most of the affected individuals. Terminally, there is
sufficiency, eye changes, gastrointestinal symptoms,
nephropathy leading to renal failure [7]. The ave-
and splenomegaly [4]. The carpal tunnel syndrome
rage life span is 17 years [7]. Bilateral deafness is
is a prominent finding in this disorder [4]. The skin
present in most of the patients. Cataracts appear
changes are mainly a parchmentlike erythematous
early in life in a few. None has vitreous opacities.
skin of the hands [4]. In the eyes there are amyloid
deposits around the retinal vessels [4]. An atypical
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There are deposits
peak between /3- and a-globulin has been identified
of amyloid in the heart, liver, spleen, gastrointes-
with serum electrophoresis [4].
tinal tract, adrenals, kidneys, testes, aorta, pe-
ripheral nerves, sympathetic ganglia, and nerve
Pathology and Pathophysiology. There are amyloid
roots [7].
deposits in most of the tissues studied.
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant.
Treatment. There is no definitive treatment.
Treatment. There is no definitive treatment.

Amyloidosis V
Amyloidosis III (Cardiac Form) (Finland or Meretoja Type)

The disease presents with dyspnea on exertion, This variety of systemic amyloidosis is character-
appearing in the age range 37--46 years [5]. The ized by corneal lattice dystrophy and cranial
dyspnea is rapidly progressive and in a few months neuropathy [8]. Inheritance IS autosomal
the patients are incapacitated [5]. Signs of right dominant.
heart failure appear and general deterioration sets
in, leading to protracted cachexia and anasarca [5].
There are no neurologic manifestations nor vitreous Cerebral Arterial Amyloidosis
opacities [5].
The electrocardiographic changes are either those The main feature is cerebral hemorrhage at a young
of right bundle branch block with left axis de- age [9]. Amyloidosis seems to be limited to the
viation or left ventricular hypertrophy and strain cerebral arteries [9]. Inheritance is autosomal
with left axis deviation or low voltage [5]. In some, dominant.
Amyloidosis 275

15.15 15.16


Figs. 15.15 and 15.16. Amyloidosis with coalesced

papulonodules on the face and scalp

Fig. 15.17. Amyloidosis. Isolated nodules on the upper lids

Fig. 15.18. Familial lichen amyloidosus. Discrete pa-

pules over the shins 15.18
276 Metabolic Disorders

Familial Visceral Amyloidosis libido, skin-thickening, glaucoma, pes cavus, and

elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate [15]. Limb
The main feature is involvement of visceral organs, pains are present in other affected kindreds [16]. No
especially the kidneys, with manifestations of ne- specific cause for the urticaria can be elicited. The
phropathy [10]. Inheritance is autosomal dominant. deafness is not due to infiltration by amyloid, but to
absence of the organ of Corti and atrophy of the
cochlear nerve [15]. Amyloid deposits are found in
Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis most organs, especially the kidneys. Inheritance is
(Familial Lichen Amyloidosus) autosomal dominant.

Clinical Presentation. Amyloidosis localized in the

skin is the main feature of this variety. The familial
type of cutaneous amyloidosis is indistinguishable Amyloidosis with Cold Hypersensitivity
from the non familial type. In familial lichen amy- (see p. 250)
loidosus, the characteristic lesions appear around
Amyloidosis with Familial Mediterranean Fever
puberty as discrete, yellowish papules on both shins
(see p. 317)
[l1J (Fig. 15.18). The eruption is pruritic, gradually
progressive, and may involve the thighs and fore- Amyloidosis with Pheochromocytoma
arms. When fully developed, the papules are brown- and Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
ish yellow and hyperkeratotic, 1-3 mm in diameter (Sipple Syndrome)
[11]. Another morphologic variant of cutaneous
amyloidosis is the so-called "macular amyloidosis," This autosomal dominantly inherited syndrome is
in which the lesions appear predominantly over the characterized by pheochromocytoma and medul-
back as hyperpigmented macular plaques with a lary thyroid carcinoma in which the tumor pro-
reticulated lacy pattern and scattered, primarily duces amyloid deposited locally or even in distant
perifollicular, hypo pigmented spots [12]. In some, organs [17].
fine pinpoint papules are present [12]. The plaques See also Mucosal Neuromas with Endocrine
may be pruritic [13]. Tumors, p. 206.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. There are discrete

deposits of amyloid in the dermal papillae with
varying changes in the overlying epidermis. References
Incontinence of pigment is prominent in the ma- 1. Cohen, A.S.: Amyloidosis. New Eng\. J. Med. 277, 522-530;
cular type. No amyloid is found in any other tissue. 574-583; 628-638 (1967)
2. Coimbra, A., Andrade, c.: Familial amyloid polyneuro-
pathy: an electron microscope study of the peripheral nerve
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant. in five cases. 1. Interstitial changes. Brain 94, 199-206 (1971)
3. Coimbra, A., Andrade, c.: Familial amyloid polyneurop-
Treatment. Intralesional corticosteroids may relieve athy: an electron microscope study of the peripheral nerve in
five cases. II. Nerve fibre changes. Brain 94, 207-212 (1971)
the pruritus; otherwise treatment is not helpful.
4. Rukavina, J.G., Block, W.D., Jackson, C.E., Falls, H.F.,
Carey, J.H., Curtis, A.c.: Primary systemic amyloidosis: a
review and an experimental, genetic, and clinical study of 29
cases with particular emphasis on the familial form.
Cutaneous Bullous Amyloidosis Med. (Baltimore) 35,239-334 (1956)
5. Frederiksen, T., Gotzsche. H., Harboe, N., Ki<er. W.,
Bullous lesions, especially around the joints, char- Mellemgaard, K. : Familial primary amyloidosis with severe
acterize this variety of cutaneous amyloidosis re- amyloid heart disease. Amer. J. Med. 33, 328-348 (1962)
6. Allensworth, D. c., Rice, G. J., Lowe, G. W. : Persistent atrial
ported in four sibs [14]. Inheritance is probably
standstill in a family with myocardial disease. Amer. l. Med.
autosomal recessive. 47, 775-784 (1969)
7. Van Allen, M.W., Frohlich, J.R., Davis, l.R.: Inherited
predisposition to generalized amyloidosis. Clinical and pa-
thological study of a family with neuropathy, nephropathy,
Amyloidosis with Urticaria and Deafness and peptic ulcer. Neurology (Minneap.) 19, 10--25 (1969)
8. Meretoja, J.: Genetic aspects of familial amyloidosis with
This is characterized by urticaria and chills and corneal lattice dystrophy and cranial neuropathy. Clin.
Genet. 4, 173-185 (1973)
fever which appear in adolescence, followed in a few 9. Gudmundsson, G., Hallgrimsson, J., Jonasson, T.A.,
years by progressive perceptive deafness and even- Bjarnason, O. : Hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with amy-
tually nephropathy [15]. Other findings are loss of loidosis. Brain 95, 387-404 (1972)
Lipoid Proteinosis 277

10. Weiss, S. W., Page, D.L.: Amyloid nephropathy of Ostertag: Intracranial calcification has frequently been de-
report of a kindred. In: The clinical delineation of birth scribed. When present, the calcification is sym-
defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. X, No.4, pt. XVI, pp. 67-68.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1974
metric and bilateral in the hippocampal gyri of the
11. Rajagopalan, K., Tay, C.H.: Familial lichen amyloidosis. temporal lobes and could result in epileptic seizures.
Report of 19 cases in 4 generations of a Chinese family in This roentgenographic sign is considered pathogno-
Malaysia. Brit. 1. Derm. 87, 123-129 (1972) monic of lipoid proteinosis [2]. Mental abnormal-
12. Kurban, A.K., Malak, 1.A., Afifi, A.K., Mire, J.: Primary
ities have been noted in some patients [6]. Other
localized macular cutaneous amyloidosis: histochemistry
and electron microscopy. Brit. J. Derm. 85, 52-60 (1971) complications include upper respiratory tract ob-
13. Sagher, F., Shan on, 1.: Amyloidosis cutis. Familial occur- struction and suffocation in infancy [6], salivary and
rence in three generations. Arch. Derm. 87, 171-175 (1963) nasolacrimal gland obstruction [2], and carpal
14. De Souza, A.R.: Amiloidose cutanea bolbosa familial. tunnel syndrome [2]. The lifespan is normal.
Observacao de 4 casos. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. Sao
Paulo 18,413-417 (1963)
15. Muckle, T.J., Wells, M.: Urticaria, deafness and amy- Pathology and Pathophysiology. The disease is due
loidosis: a new heredo-familial syndrome. Quart. 1. Med. 31, to the deposition of a glycolipoprotein. This is
235-248 (1962) easily demonstrable as a hyaline material, which is
16. Black, J. T.: Amyloidosis, deafness, urticaria, and limb pains:
periodic acid-Schiff (P AS)-positive, in the dermis,
a hereditary syndrome. Ann. intern. Med. 70,989-994 (1969)
17. Schimke, R.N., Hartmann, W. H.: Familial amyloid- submucosa, and around the vessels and appen-
producing medullary thyroid carcinoma and pheochr'omo- dages, especially the sweat glands [3, 7]. In the
cytoma. A distinct genetic entity. Ann. intern. Med. 63, upper dermis, the PAS-positive material appears as
1027-1039 (1965) vertically oriented bands. Similar material is de-
posited in and around blood vessels in the kidneys,
muscle, lungs, and jejunum [5].
Lipoid Proteinosis The initial change is hyaline material deposition in
(Hyalinosis Cutis et Mucosae, the capillary wall beneath the basement membrane
[7]. The deposition gradually increases, pushing
Urbach-Weithe Syndrome) aside the connective tissue and eventually incor-
porating it. This hyaline material is predominantly
Siebenmann, in 1908, described the first patient a neutral mucopolysaccharide and a tryptophan-
with this condition [1]. Up to 1969 some 170 cases containing moiety, as well as neutral fat and choles-
had been reported, 20 % of which were from South terol [7]. Electron microscopic studies show islands
Africa [2]. of hyaline substance separated by fibroblasts
exhibiting active fibrilogenesis [8]. It is postulated
Clinical Presentation. The onset of symptoms is that the hyaline material is produced locally by
usually at birth or in early infancy. The first mani- abnormal fibroblasts [8] or is at least partially
festation is hoarseness followed by cutaneous and derived from blood plasma [7]. One study using
mucosal lesions [3]. The initial skin lesions are fibroblast cultures from the skin of a patient with
regarded as impetigo that heals with atrophic scars this disorder failed to demonstrate an increase in
[2J (Fig. 15.19). These are commonly seen on the lipid content of the fibroblasts [9]. It was concluded
face and proximal parts of the extremities. As the that the hyaline material is principally a glyco-
patient grows older, the skin assumes a pasty, waxy protein and the lipids adhere secondarily.
appearance, especially in the exposed parts of the
body (Fig. 15.20). Often, pearly, beadlike papules Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2].
appear on the margins of the eyelids. Larger
plaques and papules, having a yellowish tinge, Treatment. Cosmetic improvement can be achieved
appear over the neck and upper trunk. Yellowish by dermabrasion [10]. Dermabrasion of the mu-
brown verrucous plaques may appear on the el- cous membranes of the mouth and pharynx may be
bows, hands, and knees (Fig. 15.21). Similar coarse helpful [11].
nodularities appear on the scrotum or vulva,
perineum, and perianal area. In nonwhites, varied
pigmentary changes are seen. The nails are not
involved. The teeth may be lost early [4] and there
is patchy hair loss [2].
Similar nodularities and diffuse irregular thickening
are present in the lips, frenulum of the tongue,
buccal mucosa, epiglottis, tonsils, uvula, vocal cords
[2, 3], vaginal vestibule [3J, and rectum [5].
278 Metabolic Disorders

........=--~....."._ 15.20


Figs. 15.19-15.21. Lipoid proteinosis

Fig. 15.19. Atrophic scars on the face. (Courtesy of Dr.

G. W. Hambrick, Jr.)

Fig. 15.20. Waxy appearance of the facial skin

Fig. 15.21. Yellowish verrucous plaques of the elbow.

(From Ward, W.Q., et al. In: The clinical delineation of
birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No. 8, pt. XII,
15.21 pp. 288- 291. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971
Wolman Disease 279

References Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is xantho-

1. Siebenmann, F.: Uber Mitbeteiligung der Schleimhaut bei matous transformation in the adrenals, spleen, liver,
allgemeiner Hyperkeratose der Haut. Arch. Laryng. Rhin. lymph nodes, bone marrow, small intestine, lungs,
(Bed.) 20, 101 (1908) and thymus. Slight involvement is noted in the skin,
2. Gordon, H., Gordon, W., Botha, V., Edelstein, I.: Lipoid
proteinosis. In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. vascular endothelia of various organs, retina, and
Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 164-177. central nervous system. The xanthomatous change
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971 is caused by deposition of triglycerides and choles-
3. Zaynoun, S. T., Kurban, A. K.: Lipoid proteinosis. Leb. med. terol, mixed in some organs with phospholipids.
J. 27, 91-97 (1974)
4. Hofer, p.-A., Berbenholtz, A.: Oral manifestations in Urbach-
The affected organs have foam cells in which the
Weithe disease (lipoglycoproteinosis; lipoid proteinosis; lipid is stored [2]. In the adrenals and some other
hyalinosis cutis et mucosae). Odontol. Rev. 26, 39 (1975) tissues, crystallization of the lipids may occur, with
5. Caplan, R. M.: Visceral involvement in lipoid proteinosis. a foreign body reaction as well as secondary wide-
Arch. Derm. 95, 149-155 (1967) spread calcification [2].
6. Grosfeld, J.C.M., Spaas, J., van de Staak, W.J.B.M.,
Stadhouders, AM.: Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae (lipoid- Abnormal accumulations of triglycerides and cho-
protein os is Urbach-Weithe). Dermatologica (Basel) 130, lesterol esters are found in vacuolated and enlarged
239-266 (1965) liver cells. Enlarged Kupffer cells and collections of
7. van der Walt, J.J., Heyl, T.: Lipoid proteinosis and eryth- macro phages in the portal areas contain cholester-
ropoietic proto porphyria. A histological and histochemical
study. Arch. Derm. 104, 501-507 (1971)
ollike crystals. E600-resistant acid esterase activity
8. Hashimoto, K., Klingmiiller, G., Rodermund, O.-E.: Hya- is deficient in liver cells. Electron microscopy shows
linosis cutis et mucosae. An electron microscopic study. the lipid droplets to be enclosed by a limiting
Acta derm.-venereol. (Stockh.) 52, 179-195 (1972) membrane associated with acid phosphatase ac-
9. Shore, R.N., Howard, B.V., Howard, W.J., Shelley, W.B.: tivity. All of these findings suggest that Wolman
Lipoid proteinosis. Demonstration of normal lipid meta-
bolism in cultured cells. Arch. Derm. 110, 591-594 (1974) disease is a lysosomal disease [5].
10. Buchan, N. G., Kemble, J. V. H.: Successful surgical treat- The clinical diagnosis of Wolman disease can be
ment of lipoid proteinosis. Brit. J. Derm. 90, 561-566 (1974) confirmed by histochemical staining of blood films.
11. Vukas, A.: Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae. Regenerative prop- Acid esterase activity is normally found in lym-
erties of tissues involved in chronic pathology. Dermato-
logica (Basel) 144,168-175 (1972)
phocytes, but in this disease only a very low level of
activity can be detected. An intermediate level of
activity is demonstrated in heterozygotes. The
method may be applicable in prenatal diagnosis [6].
Wolman Disease
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [3].
(Primary Familial Xanthomatosis)
Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
This entity was first described by Abramov et al. in
1956 [1]. The identification of this disease as a References
separate entity was made by Wolman et al. in 1961 1. Abramov, A., Schorr, S., Wolman, M.: Generalized xantho-
[2]. matosis with calcified adrenals. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 91,
282-286 (1956)
Clinical Presentation. The clinical onset is marked 2. Wolman, M., Sterk, V.V., Gatt, S., Frenkel, M.: Primary
familial xanthomatosis with involvement and calcification of
by vomiting and diarrhea in the early weeks of life, the adrenals. Report of two more cases in siblings of a
with poor weight gain, a protuberant abdomen, previously described infant. Pediatrics 28, 742-757 (1961)
irritability, and pallor. The patients also show 3. Crocker, A c., Vawter, G. F., Neuhauser, E. B. D., Rosowsky,
hepatosplenomegaly, signs of wasting, anemia, va- A: Wolman's disease: three new patients with a recently
cuolated lymphocytes in the blood smear, foam described lipidosis. Pediatrics 35, 627-640 (1965)
4. Eto, Y., Kitagawa, T.: Wolman's disease with hypolipo-
cells in the marrow, and, by X-ray, striking calcifi- proteinemia and acanthocytosis: clinical and biochemical
cation within enlarged adrenal glands. observations. J. Pediat. 77, 862-867 (1970)
The skin is always pale, with a slightly yellow 5. Lake, B.D., Patrick, AD.: Wolman's disease: deficiency of
discoloration. A vesiculo-papulo-pustular rash may E 600-resistant acid esterase activity with storage of lipids in
lysosomes. J. Pediat. 76, 262-266 (1970)
be noted over the face, neck, shoulders, and chest. 6. Lake, B. D. : Histochemical detection of the enzyme deficiency
Lungs and fundi show no abnormalities and there in blood films in Wolman's disease. J. clin. Path. 24, 617-620
are no special signs of serious neurologic involve- (1971)
ment [3].
A new form of Wolman disease with hypolipopro-
teinemia and acanthocytosis was described in a
Japanese infant [4].
280 Metabolic Disorders

Fig. 15.22. Type I hyperlipoproteinemia.

Eruptive lesions over the buttocks. (Cour-
tesy of Drs. A. Khachadurian and S.

Familial Hyperlipoproteinemias rebound tenderness, leukocytosis, and fever may be

present. The pain is relieved by narcotics.
Pancreatitis may occur in 40 % of patients. Lipemia
Familial hyperlipoproteinemia was initially disco- retinalis may also be present [4].
vered through the presence of xanthomatoses. The The high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-
study of a large number of such cases revealed density lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations are mark-
significant heterogeneity. The present classification edly decreased. The very low-density lipoprotein
of hyperlipidemia and hyperlipoproteinemia was (VLDL) is normal or slightly increased. Plasma free
recommended by the World Health Organization in fatty acid (FF A) concentrations are very low, even
1970 [1], with the addition of a sixth type described after fat ingestion. Chylomicrons are markedly irr-
since then [2]. creased. Postheparin lipolytic activity (PHLA) is
Type I: Familial lipoprotein lipase-deficient hyper- decreased [4].
Type II: Familial hyperbetalipoproteinemia Pathology and Pathophysiology. In severe cases
Type III: Familial "broad beta" disease foam cells may be found in the bone marrow,
Type IV: Familial hyperprebetalipoproteinemia spleen, and liver. The changes in the blood vessels
Type V: Familial hyperbetalipoproteinemia and are not remarkable and there is no evidence of
hyperchylomicronemia myocardial infarction.
Type VI: Familial combined hyperlipidemia Lipoprotein lipase activity is deficient. The meta-
Even though there is at present a tendency to bolic defect is in the hydrolysis of the initial ester
abandon this classification, a new one has not been bond in triglycerides [4].
generally accepted.
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [4]. Hetero-
zygotes may show slight hyperlipemia, reduced
Type I: Familial Lipoprotein Lipase-Deficient
PHLA, and intermediate levels of lipoprotein
In 1932 Burger and Grutz [3] reported the first
Treatment. The aim is to reduce chylomicronemia to
patient suffering from this very rare disease. To
a minimum. It can be achieved by low fat diets [4].
date, less than 50 cases have been reported.

Clinical Presentation. Both sexes are affected. Type II: Familial Hyperbetalipoproteinemia
Seventy percent of the cases are detected in child-
hood. Xanthomas occur in 45-50% of the cases and Familial type II is the commonest single disorder
hepatosplenomegaly, in 75 %. One of the striking characterized by an abnormality in plasma lipo-
features of the disease is the occurrence of attacks of protein concentrations [5].
diffuse abdominal pain (75 % of cases) lasting 1-3
days, usually related to a recent dietary intake of fat Clinical Presentation. The homozygous and hetero-
and, occasionally, preceded by the appearance of zygous forms of hyperbetalipoproteinemia differ in
eruptive xanthomas (Fig. 15.22). Spasm, rigidity, their clinical presentations [6].
Familial Hyperlipoproteinemias 281

In the homozygote, multiple, large tendon xan- demonstrated that a cell surface receptor for LDL
thomas and tuberous xanthomas appear over the is defective or missing; thus, the degradation of
elbows (Fig. 15.23), dorsal aspects of the hands, LDL and the inhibition of HMG CoA reductase
buttocks (Fig. 15.24), and soles, usually by the age are impaired [8].
of 4 years. Arcus corneae may appear before the
age of 10 years. Angina may develop in adolescence Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [6, 9]. However,
and significant coronary artery disease may be families with suspected polygenic inheritance have
obvious during Y<imng adulthood. The xanthomas also been described [2].
progress even on aJ low cholesterol diet. The patients
usually succumb to myocardial infarction before Treatment. Treatment involving a special diet has
the age of 30 years [4J. been effective in lowering the plasma cholesterol
In the heterozygote, tendon and tuberous xan- and LDL concentrations in heterozygotes. Instruc-
thomas appear in young adulthood (Fig. 15.25). tions for this special diet are available from various
Angina pectoris may appear around the age of 30 sources [10]. Combined with diet, the use of cho-
years, frequently with myocardial infarction. Super- lestyramine and nicotinic acid gives satisfactory
ficial skin lesions are rare, but xanthelasmas (Fig. results with relatively low toxicity [11].
15.26) are common [4].
Both heterozygotes and homozygotes have recur-
rent attacks of "polyarthritis" involving the ankles, Type III: Familial "Broad Beta" Disease
knees, or hands. The attacks last a few days and are
most common in young adults [4]. Familial type III hyperlipoproteinemia is character-
Type II hyperlipoproteinemia is characterized by ized by the presence of detectable amounts of
an increase in LDL ([3). The mean LDL con- plasma VLDL with an abnormal composition.
centration in homozygotes is roughly double that
of heterozygotes. An LDL cholesterol level of Clinical Presentation. The disease manifests itself
150 mg/100 ml provides a reasonable screen for the during young adulthood with the appearance of
detection of all possible abnormal levels in in- xanthomas on the elbows, buttocks, and creases of
dividuals below 30 years of age [4]. Two subtypes the palms. During the third and fourth decades
of type II can be distinguished. In both there is an intermittent claudication begins, frequently as-
increase in LDL ([3). In type IIa, VLD (pre-[3) is sociated with myocardial infarctions. Forty percent
normal, whereas it is elevated in type lIb. The mean of the patients have a diabetic type of glucose
trigylcerides and VLDL of type lib heterozygotes tolerance test. The mean age of detection of the
are almost twice those in normal subjects. The total disease is 34 years for men and 49 years for women.
concentration of phospholipids is also usually in- The incidence of premature vascular disease is high
creased in type II [4]. and is indicated by decreased pulses in the femoral,
popliteal, or smaller leg arteries. Plasma cholesterol
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The xanthomas and phospholipids are elevated. The glycerides may
represent accumulation oflipids in the dermis in large also be elevated.
macro phages or free in the interstitial spaces. The The disease should be suspected in the presence of
lipids in tendinous and tuberous lesions include the following manifestations: (a) hypercholestero-
phospholipids, cholesterol, cholesterol esters, and lemia and hypertriglyceridemia responsive to
triglycerides. changes in body weight; (b) a ratio of plasma
The pathologic picture ofthe coronary and cerebral cholesterol to triglyceride varying from 0.3-1.5 ; (c)
vessels in heterozygotes is similar to that of the plantar xanthomas; and (d) peripheral vascular
general population. However, the homozygotes have disease with hyperglyceridemia and diabetes. The
a remarkable degree of atheroma formation leading diagnosis can be confirmed by lipoprotein analysis.
to extensive pathology of the coronaries and aorta. There is a lack of [3-migrating lipoproteins on
Cultured skin fibroblasts from persons homozygous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and presence of
for the gene of this disorder reveal a 40-60-fold a "broad beta band" on paper, agarose, or cellulose
higher level of activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl- acetate electrophoresis. However, the absolute diag-
glutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG CoA re- nostic test is provided by preparative ultracentri-
ductase), the rate-controlling enzyme in cholesterol fugation of plasma.
synthesis. The fibroblasts of heterozygotes have an
intermediate level of the enzyme. The enhanced
enzyme results from complete absence of normal
feedback suppression by LDL [7]. It has been
282 Metabolic Disorders




Figs. 15.23--15.26. Type II hyperlipoproteinemia

Fig. 15.23. Tuberous xanthomas over the elbow. (Courtesy of

Drs. A. Khachadurian and S. Uthman)

Fig. 15.24. Tuberous xanthomas over the buttocks. (Courtesy of

Drs. A. Khachadurian and S. Uthman)

Fig. 15.25. Tuberous xanthomas with deformities at the joints.

(Courtesy of Drs. A. Khachadurian and S. Uthman)

Fig. 15.26. Xanthelasmas. (Courtesy of Drs. A. Khachadurian

15.24 and S. Uthman)
Familial Hyperlipoproteinemias 283

Pathology and Pathophysiology. The lipid com- Clinical Presentation. The most striking feature of
position of the xanthomas is not different from that this disease is abdominal pain that occurs in bouts,
in type II. The basic defect remains unknown. associated with lethargy, nausea, and vomiting.
These episodes occur several times a year, last a few
Inheritance. Not clear, probably autosomal dom- hours or days, and are precipitated by fatty foods.
inant [12]. The patients have prebetalipoproteinemia with high
plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. Obesity and
Treatment. Treatment is very rewarding and in- eruptive xanthomas are frequent physical findings.
volves diet control and drugs, aiming at the main- Xanthomas do not occur on the palms. Other
tenance of plasma cholesterol and triglyceride con- common manifestations are pancreatitis, hepa-
centrations within normal limits. The drugs used tomegaly, and hyperuricemia. There is no evidence
are clofibrate (2.0 g per day), nicotinic acid (3.0 g of accelerated vascular disease [4].
per day), or D-thyroxine (4-8 mg per day) [4].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The exact basic
metabolic defect is still unknown.
Type IV: Familial Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia
Inheritance. Although type V patients are genotypi-
Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia is characterized by cally different from type IV patients, their mode of
increased VLDL or prebetalipoproteins without inheritance is still not clearly understood [4].
Treatment. Ideal weight should be maintained with
Clinical Presentation. Common features of the di- special diets high in protein and limited in fat or
sease are mild labile hypertension, gout, abnormal carbohydrate. Drugs such as nicotinic acid or nor-
glucose tolerance test, atheroeruptive xanthomas, ethindrone acetate may be helpful.
and, in some patients, myocardial infarction. The
association of rheumatic manifestations has been
emphasized [13]. There is a slight elevation of the
plasma cholesterol, with striking elevations of the Type VI: Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia
VLDL and triglycerides [4].
Clinical Presentation. This type is characterized
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The condition is clinically by an increased frequency of myocardial
considered endogenous hyperglyceridemia because infarctions and xanthomas. Affected individuals
the increased amounts of glycerides are synthesized manifest anyone of four lipoprotein phenotypes:
in the liver and intestine from fatty acids that have type IIa, type lIb, type IV, or type V patterns. In the
not come directly from the diet. It is called individual family with combined hyperlipidemia,
"carbohydrate-induced hyperlipemia" because the pedigree is often confusing because of this
there is an exaggerated response to the usual car- variability in phenotypes [2].
bohydrate content of the diet.
The exact basic metabolic defect is still unknown. Pathology and Pathophysiology. The primary
biochemical abnormality in this disorder may in-
Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [12]. volve triglyceride metabolism with secondary ef-
fects on cholesterol metabolism. Additional evi-
Treatment. After reducing to ideal body weight, a dence supporting this hypothesis is the fact that
maintenance diet with low carbohydrate and al- triglyceride levels in relatives appear to segregate
cohol content is instituted. Drugs such as clofibrate into two distributions, whereas their cholesterol
or nicotinic acid may be helpful. levels show a less clear-cut bimodality [2].

Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant, with

variable expression [2].
Type V: Familial Hyperbetalipoproteinemia
and Hyperchylomicronemia Treatment. Ideal weight should be maintained with
special diets high in protein and limited in fat and
The type V pattern is a combination of exogenous carbohydrate. The drug therapy should be decided
hyperglyceridemia (postabsorptive chylomicro- according to the lipoprotein types, until more infor-
nemia) and endogenous hyperglyceridemia (in- mation on the treatment of this relatively newly
creased VLDL). discovered type is available.
284 Metabolic Disorders

References Pathology and Pathophysiology. The tendon xan-

1. Beaumont, l L., Carlson, L. A, Cooper, G. R., Fejfar, Z., thomas and adipose tissue contain plant sterols.
Fredrickson, D. S., Strasser, T.: Classification of hyper- Despite the high concentration of f1-sitosterol in the
lipidaemias and hyperlipoproteinaemias. Bull. W.H.O. 43, xanthomas, the increase in xanthoma cholesterol is
891-915 (1970)
2. Goldstein, l L., Schrott, H. G., Hazzard, W. R., Bierman,
quantitatively more important, because cholesterol
E.L., Motulsky, AG.: Hyperlipidemia in coronary heart is the predominant sterol.
disease. II. Genetic analysis of lipid levels in 176 families and The proposed pathogenetic mechanism is the in-
delineation of a new inherited disorder, combined hyper- testinal absorption of abnormally large amounts of
lipidemia. J. din. Invest. 52, 1544-1568 (1973)
3. Burger, M., Grutz, O. : Uber hepatosplenomegale Lipoidose
mit xanthomatiisen Veranderungen in Haut und
Schleimhaut. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Berl.) 166, 542 (1932) Inheritance. Autosomal recessive.
4. Fredrickson, D. S., Goldstein, J. L., Brown, M. S.: The familial
hyperlipoproteinemias. In: The metabolic basis of inherited Treatment. No special treatment is presently avail-
disease. Stanbury. J.B., Wyngaarden, lB., Fredrickson, D.S.
(eds.), 4th ed., pp. 604-655. New York: McGraw-Hili Book able.
Co. 1978
5. Lever, W.F., Smith, P. Al, Hurley, N. A: Idiopathic hyper-
lipemic and primary hypercholesteremic xanthomatosis. I. References
Clinical data and analysis of the plasma lipids. l invest. 1. Bhattacharyya, A K., Connor, W. E.: Ii-Sitosterol and
Derm. 22, 33-51 (1954) xanthomatosis: a newly described lipid storage disease in two
6. Khachadurian, AK.: The inheritance of essential familial sisters. J. din. Invest. 52 (Abstr.), 9a (1973)
hypercholesterolemia. Amer. J. Med. 37, 402-407 (1964) 2. Bhattacharyya, A K., Connor, W. E.: Ii-Sitosterolemia and
7. Goldstein, l L., Brown, M. S.: Familial hypercholestero- xanthomatosis. A newly described lipid storage disease in two
lemia: identification of a defect in the regulation of 3- sisters. l din. Invest. 53, 1033-1043 (1974)
hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity
associated with overproduction of cholesterol. Proc. nat.
Acad. Sci. (Wash.) 70, 2804-2808 (1973)
8. Brown, M.S., Goldstein, J.L.: Receptor-mediated control of
cholesterol metabolism. Science 191, 150-154 (1976)
Cerebral Cholesterinosis
9. Schrott, H. G., Goldstein, l L., Hazzard, W. R., McGoodwin, (Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis)
M. M., Motulsky, A G.: Familial hypercholesterolemia in a
large kindred. Evidence for a monogenic mechanism. Ann.
intern. Med. 76, 711-720 (1972) In 1937 Van Bogaert et al. [1] described this
10. Fredrickson, D.S., Levy, R. I., Jones, E., Bonell, M., Ernst, disease with cholesterinosis involving the tendons,
N.: The dietary management of hyperlipoproteinemia: a
handbook for physicians. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of
lungs, and central nervous system.
Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service 1970
11. Levy, R. I., Fredrickson, D. S.: The current status of hy- Clinical Presentation. The patients demonstrate
polipidemic drugs. Postgrad. Med. 47, 130-136 (1970) cere bello pyramidal signs, myoclonus of the soft
12. McKusick, V. A: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed., palate, mental debility, cataracts, xanthelasmas, and
p. 214. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
13. Goldman, J. A, Glueck, C.l, Abrams, N. R., Steiner, P.,
tendon xanthomas. The lungs may also be
Herman, l: Musculoskeletal disorders associated with involved.
type-IV hyperlipoproteinaemia. Lancet 197211,449-452 The disease is characterized by three stages. The
initial stage begins in childhood with dementia and
is followed by an adolescent phase of progressive
ataxia, spasticity, and cataracts. Finally, the third
stage is characterized by prominent tendon tume-
factions (especially in the Achilles tendons), a severe
P-Sitosterolemia spastic ataxic syndrome, and a bulbar phase leading
to death [2].
In 1973 and 1974 Bhattacharyya and Connor [1,2] The serum cholesterol levels are within normal
described two patients with this disease. limits. Serum cholestanol concentrations are elev-
ated. Premature atherosclerosis may occur [3].
Clinical Presentation. Tendon xanthomas are noted The diagnosis can be made by demonstrating chol-
in childhood. They gradually involve the extensor estanol in abnormal amounts in the serum and
tendons of both hands and the patellar, plantar, and tendons of persons suspected of being affected.
Achilles tendons. Tuberous xanthomas involve the
elbows. Pathology and Pathophysiology. Light microscopy
There is elevation of f1-sitosterol and two other of Achilles tendon sections reveals a dense accumu-
plant sterols (campesterol and stigmasterol) in the lation of narrow crystalline clefts within granulo-
blood. matous lesions that contain many large mono-
Primary Hemochromatosis 285

nuclear cells with foamy cytoplasm and multi- symptoms of the disease arise from organ damage
nucleated giant cells. Sections of lung show granu- occurring as a tissue reaction to hemosiderin de-
lomatous lesions containing large, foamy mono- posits [2].
nuclear cells, multinucleated giant cells, and needle- Plasma iron concentration is elevated. Plasma
shaped clefts. transferrin is decreased and completely saturated
The brain stem and cerebellum are the two most with iron.
affected parts within the nervous system. Micro- Most patients with primary hemochromatosis be-
scopic examination reveals myelin destruction, a come symptomatic between the ages of 40 and 60
variable degree of atheromas, and xanthoma cells. years, since it takes years to accumulate the amount
Massive deposits of cholesterol crystals are ob- of iron that would produce the manifestations [2].
served in the white matter, suggesting a derange- Ascites is a late complication of cirrhosis. Dyspnea
ment in cholesterol metabolism [4]. and edema result from cardiac failure which de-
Fifteen tissues obtained post mortem contained velops rapidly and leads to death.
10-400 times more cholestanol and 30 % more Hepatic impairment may result in loss of body hair;
cholesterol [3]. fine hair with female distribution; soft, atrophic,
Bile acid production in cerebrotendinous xan- frequently dry, and finely desquamating skin;
thomatosis is subnormal, yet the activity of choles- palmar erythema; and spider angiomas [2].
terol 7C(-hydroxylase, the rate-determining enzyme
of bile acid synthesis, is elevated. It is suggested that Pathology and Pathophysiology. There is excessive
decreased bile acid synthesis in cerebrotendinous absorption of iron (2~3 mg per day). An accumula-
xanthomatosis results from impaired oxidation of tion of 20-60 g of iron is necessary to show clinical
the cholesterol side chain [5]. signs. The iron loss in females associated with men-
struation, pregnancy, and lactation is partially
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2]. protective, so that the clinical disease occurs 10
times more frequently in men than in women [2].
Treatment. There is no specific treatment. The pigmentation is due to increased melanin de-
position in the skin and not to the deposition of
iron. The latter imparts a metallic gray color [2].
Hemosiderin is deposited in the liver, pancreas,
1. Van Bogaert, L., Scherer, H.l, Froehlich, A., Epstein, E.: Vne heart, pituitary, and adrenals.
deuxieme observation de cholesterinose tendineuse sy-
metrique avec symptomes cerebraux. Ann. Med. 42, 69~101
(1937) Inheritance. It is generally thought that hemo-
2. Schimschock, I. R., Alvord, E. c.,Jr., Swanson, P. D.: Cerebro- chromatosis is an autosomal recessive disease [3].
tendinous xanthomatosis. Clinical and pathological studies. However, reports suggesting that the inheritance of
Arch. Neurol. 18, 688~698 (1968) adult-onset hemochromatosis may be dominant
3. Salen, G.: Cholestanol deposition in cerebrotendinous xan-
thomatosis. A possible mechanism. Ann. intern. Med. 75, have been published [4,5].
843~851 (1971)
4. Menkes, J.H., Schimschock, I.R., Swanson, P.O.: Cerebro- Treatment. Systematic venesection with loss of
tendinous xanthomatosis. The storage of cholestanol within 500-1000 ml of whole blood per week usually ar-
the nervous system. Arch. Neurol. 19, 47~53 (1968)
rests the development of the disease [2].
5. Setoguchi, T., Salen, G., Tint, G.S., Mosbach, E. H.: A bio-
chemical abnormality in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis.
Impairment of bile acid biosynthesis associated with incom-
plete degradation of the cholesterol side chain. I. clin. Invest.
53, 1393~ 1401 (1974)
1. Trousseau, A.: Clinique medicale de I'Hotel-Dieu de Paris,
2nd ed., p. 672. Paris: Bailliere 1865
2. Pollycove, M. : Hemochromatosis. In: The metabolic basis of
Primary Hemochromatosis inherited disease. Stanbury, lB., Wyngaarden, lB.,
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1127~1164. New York:
McGraw-Hili Book Co. 1978
In 1865 Trousseau first described a patient with this 3. Saddi, R., Feingold, l: Idiopathic hemochromatosis: an
disease [1]. autosomal recessive disease. Clin. Genet. 5, 234--241 (1974)
4. Williams, R., Scheuer, P.J., Sherlock, S.: The inheritance of
Clinical Presentation. The features include cirrhosis idiopathic haemochromatosis: a clinical and liver biopsy
study of 16 families. Quart. l Med. 31, 249~265 (1962)
of the liver, diabetes mellitus, and hypermelanotic 5. Bothwell, T. H., Cohen, I., Abrahams, O. L., Perold, S. M.: A
pigmentation of the skin with a distribution similar familial study in idiopathic hemochromatosis. Amer. 1. Med.
to that of sunlight pigmentation. The signs and 27, 730-738 (1959)
286 Metabolic Disorders

Other Metabolic Disorders Clinical Presentation. Only males are affected. They
generally have a normal motor development until
the age of 6-8 months, at which time they start to
Acatalasemia develop progressive generalized spastic paresis,
athetosis, chorea, tremor, and dysarthria. However,
the most striking feature of the syndrome is a
Takahara discovered this disorder in 1946 and first compulsion for self-mutilation. This is manifested
reported it in 1952 [1]. by biting and mutilating the fingers and lips, result-
ing in extensive scarring (Figs. 15.27-15.29). Since
Clinical Presentation. The disease begins as a small pain perception is normal, there is extreme suffering
painful ulcer in the crevices around the neck of a and consequently these patients welcome any physi-
tooth or in tonsillar lacunae. The disease may cal restraint that prevents self-mutilation. Most of
appear in mild, moderate, and severe forms. In the them are mentally retarded [3]. The level of blood
mild type, ulcers appear in the dental alveoli. In the uric acid is usually (but not always) elevated
moderate form, alveolar gangrene and atrophy (7-10mg/l00ml). As a result of hyperuricemia and
develop and the teeth fall out. In the severe cases, uricosuria, they develop tophi (Fig. 15.30), gouty
there may be widespread destruction with far- arthritis, kidney stones, and gouty nephropathy.
advanced gangrene of the maxilla and the soft oral The increased ratio of urinary uric acid to crea-
tissues [2]. tinine is useful for screening [4]. Death usually
occurs before puberty as a result of uremia or
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The primary defect general debilitation.
is a catalase deficiency in the blood and tissues.
Bacteria proliferate in dental crevices and tonsillar
lacunae and produce hydrogen peroxide which is Pathology and Pathophysiology. Complete de-
not decomposed, because of the lack of catalase. ficiency of the X-linked enzyme hypoxanthine-
Instead, the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes hemo- guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) is as-
globin, thus depriving the infected area of oxygen sociated with this syndrome [5]. This enzyme is
and causing ulceration, necrosis, and decay [2]. essential in purine metabolism. The deficiency is
found in the brain, liver, leukocytes, erythrocytes
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive [2]. [6J, cultured skin fibroblasts [4J, and amniotic cells
[2]. The excessive production of uric acid, charac-
Treatment. The treatment consists of surgical teristic of the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, results from
wound care of the affected areas in the mouth and an accelerated rate of de novo purine biosynthesis.
administration of antibiotics [2]. The pathogenesis of the central nervous system
manifestations is not related to the presence of the
hyperuricemia. Instead, it is probably due to the
References inadequate synthesis of inosinic acid (IMP) and
1. Takahara, S. : Progressive oral gangrene probably due to lack guanylic acid (GMP) in the central nervous system,
of catalase in the blood (acatalasaemia). Report of nine cases. consequent to the severe deficiency in HGPRT.
Lancet 1952II, 1101-1104
2. Aebi, H.E., Wyss, S.R.: Acatalasemia. In: The metabolic
basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, lB., Wyngaarden, J.B., Inheritance. X-linked recessive. The gene that codes
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 1792-1807. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
for the enzyme HGPRT is also X-linked. Since this
gene lyonizes (see p. 9), two different populations
of somatic cells with respect to this enzyme are
found in females heterozygous for the syndrome
[7]. It has been found recently that heterozygotes
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome may be detected by hair-root analysis. This method
of heterozygote detection may help in proper ge-
netic counseling [8].
In 1964 Lesch and Nyhan [lJ described two bro-
thers with mental retardation, choreoathetosis, a
compulsive tendency to self-mutilation, hyperuric- Treatment. Symptomatic treatment consists of re-
emia, and uricosuria. About 150 patients affected straining the hands to prevent self-mutilation. Since
with this syndrome have been described [2]. Most prenatal diagnosis is achieved by amniocentesis and
patients are Caucasian, but the disease has also cell culture [9J, one can resort to therapeutic
been found in Oriental and black families. abortion in the case of affected fetuses.
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome 287

15.27 15.28

15.29 15.30

Figs. 15.27-15.30. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Fig. 15.29. Self-mutilation of the fingers. (From Nyhan,
W.L.: Fed. Proc. 27, 1027- 1033, 1968)

Figs. 15.27 and 15.28. Self-mutilation of the lips. (From Fig. 15.30. Tophi on pinna. (From Nyhan, W.L.: Fed.
Nyhan, W.L.: Fed. Proc. 27, 1027- 1033, 1968) Proc. 27, 1027-1033, 1968)
288 Metabolic Disorders

References 1973 two brothers were described [3J with marked

1. Lesch, M., Nyhan, W. L.: A familial disorder of uric acid purine overproduction and clinical gout. They
metabolism and central nervous system function. Amer. J. showed phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) syn-
Med. 36, 561-570 (1964) thetase activity in erythrocyte lysates 2.5-3 times
2. Boyle, lA., Raivio, K.O., Astrin, K.H., Schulman, J.D., Graf,
M.L., Seegmiller, J.E., Jacobsen, C.B.: Lesch-Nyhan syn- greater than in normal persons. A daughter of one
drome: preventive control by prenatal diagnosis. Science 169, brother also showed increased enzymatic activity.
688-689 (1970) Another variety of gout is characterized by the
3. Nyhan, W. L.: Clinical features of the Lesch-Nyhan syn- partial deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phos-
drome. Introduction - clinical and genetic features. Fed. Proc.
phoribosyltransferase (HGPRT). Accelerated pu-
27, 1027-1033 (1968)
4. Kaufman, J.M., Greene, M.L., Seegmiller, J.E.: Urine uric rine biosynthesis also occurs due to a deficiency
acid to creatinine ratio - a screening test for inherited in glucose-6-phosphatase and the increased activity
disorders of purine metabolism. J. Pediat. 73, 583-592 (1968) of glutathione reductase and a mutant glutamine
5. Seegmiller, J. E., Rosenbloom, F. M., Kelley, W. N.: Enzyme phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase
defect associated with a sex-linked human neurological disor-
der and excessive purine synthesis. Science 155, 1682-1684 [2].
6. Kelley, W. N.: Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltrans- Inheritance. Although there has been some debate
ferase deficiency in the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and gout. Fed. as to whether the inheritance is polygenic or mono-
Proc. 27, 1047-1052 (1968)
7. Migeon, B.R., Der Kaloustian, V.M., Nyhan, W.L., Young,
genic, classic familial gout is probably a monogenic
W.1., Childs, B.: X-linked hypoxanthine-guanine phosphori- dominantly inherited disorder [4].
bosyl transferase deficiency: heterozygote has two clonal
populations. Science 160, 425--427 (1968) Treatment. Colchicine and phenylbutazone are the
8. Silvers, D.N., Cox, R.P., Balis, M.E., Dancis, 1.: Detection of most effective medications for the treatment of
the heterozygote in Lesch-Nyhan disease by hair-root anal-
ysis. New Eng!. J. Med. 286, 390-395 (1972) acute gouty arthritis. Between attacks, attempts are
9. DeMars, R., Sarto, G., Felix, lS., Benke, P.: Lesch-Nyhan made to lower serum urate by using drugs that
mutation: prenatal detection with amniotic fluid cells. Science decrease either uric acid synthesis (allopurinol) or
164, 1303-1305 (1969) renal tubular reabsorption of urates (probenecid).

1. Seegmiller, J. E.: Skin lesions in gout. In: Dermatology in
Historically, gout was distinguished as an entity by general medicine. Fitzpatrick, T.B., Arndt, K. A., Clark,
Hippocrates and the treatment of the acute attack W.H.,Jr., Eisen, A.Z., Van Scott, E.l, Vaughan, J.H. (eds.),
with colchicine was introduced in the fifth century pp. 1167-1173. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1971
2. Wyngaarden, J.B., Kelley, W. N.: Gout. In: The metabolic
A.D. basis of inherited disease. Stanbury, lB., Wyngaarden, J.B.,
Fredrickson, D.S. (eds.), 4th ed., pp. 916-1010. New York:
Clinical Presentation. Gout presents with acute, re- McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1978
current, characteristic attacks in different joints, 3. Becker, M. A., Meyer, L.l, Seegmiller, J.E.: Gout with purine
overproduction due to increased phosphoribosylpyrophos-
eventually leading to the stage of chronic to- phate synthetase activity. Amer. J. Med. 55, 232-242 (1973)
phaceous gout. During the acute attack, the in- 4. McKusick, V. A.: Mendelian inheritance in man, 5th ed.,
volved site shows the typical signs of an acute pp. 136-137. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1978
inflammatory process. As the attack subsides, the
area becomes violaceous and the skin, scaly. In the
chronic stage, the subcutaneous lesions are salmon
Hereditary Angioedema
pink and occur most commonly on the pinna of the
ear, elbows, fingers, and toes. They may drain a
chalky white material, identified as crystals of mo- Osler [lJ, in 1888, documented the hereditary type
nosodium urate [1,2]. of angioedema and distinguished it from the non-
Hyperuricemia is found in almost all gouty patients. hereditary form of allergic or unknown etiology.
Nephropathy and nephrolithiasis are frequent com-
plications. Predisposing and provocative factors in Clinical Presentation. The disease is characterized
gout include trauma, food, alcohol, medicinal pre- by recurrent acute attacks of localized edema of the
parations, and surgical operations. Slightly over skin, subcutaneous tissues, or mucous membranes,
95 % of all patients with gouty arthritis are males. especially those of the pharynx, larynx, and gastro-
intestinal tract. The edema is remarkable in that it is
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Primary gout is non pitting and for the total absence of symptoms of
biochemically and genetically heterogeneous. In histamine release (pruritus, whealing, or erythema).
Familial Carotenemia 289

The sites commonly affected are the skin of the face Treatment. Adrenalin, antihistamines, and cortico-
and limbs. The attacks are usually precipitated by steroids are not helpful. During the attack, the
trauma. Involvement of the gastrointestinal mucosa administration of the inhibitor dramatically ends
leads to nausea, vomiting, and colic, but without the attack. The readily available source of inhibitor
fever or leukocytosis. Involvement of the mucosa of is fresh-frozen plasma (400-1000 ml) [6]. Prophy-
the larynx is associated with a high mortality rate. lactic treatment with e-aminocaproic acid (30 g
The onset of the disease is usually in infancy or daily) or its analogue tranexamic acid (1-3 g daily)
childhood. The attacks may last one or several seems to reduce effectively the frequency of attacks
days; the interval between attacks varies from days [7].
to years.

Pathology and Pathophysiology. It is now accepted References

that the basic defect in individuals suffering from 1. Osler, W.: Hereditary angioneurotic edema. Amer. 1. med.
hereditary angioedema (HAE) is the absence in Sci. 95, 362-367 (1888)
their sera of a functional inhibitor of the comple- 2. Donaldson, V. H., Evans, R. R. : A biochemical abnormality in
ment and kinin systems [2,3]. Under the proper hereditary angioneurotic edema: absence of serum inhibitor
of C'l-esterase. Amer. 1. Med. 35, 37-44 (1963)
conditions, the first component of the complement
3. Gigli, l.: Hereditary angioedema. 1. invest. Derm. 60, 516-521
is converted from an inactive form (C t ) to an active (1973)
enzyme (C't). C't acts on synthetic amino acid ester 4. Lachmann, P.1.: Complement deficiencies. Brit. 1. Derm. 92,
substrates or natural substrates, the fourth and sec- 593-594 (1975)
ond components of complement (C 4 and C 2 , re- 5. Ruddy, S., Gigli, I., Scheffer, A.L., Austen, K.F.: The labo-
ratory diagnosis of hereditary angioedema. In: Excerpta
spectively) [3]. These functions of C't are suscep- medica international congress series, No. 162, pp.351-359.
tible to inhibition by C'( inhibitor (C't INH). In Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica 1967
addition, C't INH, also described as o:2-neuramino- 6. Pickering, R.1., Kelly, 1. R., Good, R. A., Gewurz, H.:
glycoprotein, inhibits a number of serine histidine Replacement therapy in hereditary angioedema. Successful
treatment of two patients with fresh frozen plasma. Lancet
esterases found in plasma, like plasmin, kallikrein,
19691, 326-330
activated Hageman factor, and activated plasma 7. Champion, R.H., Lachmann, P.l.: Hereditary angio-oedema
thromboplastin antecedent [4]. Affected indi- treated with 8-aminocaproic acid. Brit. 1. Derm. 81, 763-765
viduals have low levels (but not complete absence) (1969)
of C't INH. The attacks may be precipitated by
exhaustion of the reduced inhibitor leading to the
activation of C4 and C 2 with the generation of
kinin like substances [4]. Both the complement and Familial Carotenemia
the kinin systems participate in the pathogenesis of
the disease [3J, although the actual mediator re-
Two pedigrees (four in three generations; and two
mains unknown. Histologic examination of affected
sibs) have been described with high serum carotene
tissues reveals edema without any inflammatory
levels and low vitamin A levels [1,2]. The two sibs
had keratodermia with a yellow discoloration [1].
Laboratory diagnosis rests on the demonstration
A member of the other pedigree had generalized
of low or absent functional C~ INH by double im-
yellow-orange discoloration of her skin, varying
munodiffusion [5J or estero lytic techniques [4].
from day to day and most marked over the palms,
Studies of C't INH protein have demonstrated soles, and pressure areas but sparing the creases [2].
unique electrophoretic mobilities for some families,
A defect in the conversion of carotene to vitamin A
which are constant for all affected members of the
has been proposed [2]. Inheritance is probably
kindred [3]. Thus, there seems to be a "genetic
autosomal dominant.
variant" form of HAE probably representing struc-
tural mutations.
The demonstration of reduced levels of C 2 and C4 ,
the natural substrates of C'p is a useful indirect
screening method. 1. Frenk, E.: Etat keratodermique avec taux serique abaisse de
la vitamine A et hypercarotinemie. Dermatologica (Basel)
132, 96-98 (1966)
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant with incomplete 2. Sharvill, D. E.: Familial hypercarotinaemia and hypovita-
penetrance. minosis A. Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 63, 605-606 (1970)
Chapter 16 Chromosomal Anomalies

Contents and testes; broad and shortened hands, feet, and

digits; hyperextensible joints; below normal height;
Down Syndrome (Mongolism) . . . . . . . . . 290
Turner Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
and mental retardation ranging from mild to
Other Syndromes with Chromosomal Anomalies . 293 severe.
The following are the most common dermatologic
features: a transverse palmar crease (simian crease),
Chromosomal syndromes are not necessarily in- a single flexion crease of the fifth finger in asso-
herited, but they are obviously of genetic origin (see ciation with clinodactyly, a distal axial triradius on
also p. 11). Many of them present with dermato- the palms, ulnar loops on all fingers, and a tibial
logic, especially derma to glyphic, abnormalities. arch in the hallucal area of the soles [4, 5] (see also
These syndromes may be due to anomalies of p. 302).
chromosomal number or structure; they may in- The skin is normal at birth. It is soft and velvety in
volve autosomes or sex chromosomes. Two of them early childhood but gradually becomes dry, in-
(Down and Turner syndromes) are discussed here elastic, and, in early adulthood, shows mild ich-
in greater detail. The others are presented in thyosis. Patchy lichenification is present in 80 % of
Table 16.1. Diseases in which there are nonspecific adult patients. The patches occur mostly on the
chromosomal anomalies confined to one tissue or upper arm, the wrists, the front of the thighs, the
system (Bloom syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, back of the ankle, and the back of the neck. Cutis
Fanconi anemia, xeroderma pigmentosum, and marmorata of the trunk and extremities is frequent.
Werner syndrome) are discussed separately. In scle- Acrocyanosis may also be present. The skin ages
roderma an increase in chromosomal breaks and prematurely, showing lentigines and atrophy. Other
other anomalies has been reported recently. associated dermatologic findings may be lichen
simplex chronicus, keratosis follicularis, congenital
erythrodermia, and elastosis perforans serpiginosa.
Fissuring and thickening of the lips are frequent
Down Syndrome (Mongolism) and increase in incidence and severity with age [6,
The hair of the scalp is fine, silky, and straight. It
In 1866 Down [1] described this syndrome which, becomes dry and sparse with age. The axillary hair
in 1959, turned out to be the first recognized chro- is scanty and the pubic hair has a female distri-
mosomal anomaly [2]. It is the most common auto- bution.
somal abnormality with a frequency of about 1 per About 25-30 % die during the first year of life. The
700 newborns [3]. most frequent causes of death are respiratory in-
fections and congenital heart disease [8].
Clinical Presentation. The most characteristic fea-
tures of Down syndrome (Figs. 16.1-16.3) are Pathology and Pathophysiology. No consistent
brachycephaly; a characteristic facies with apparent brain abnormality has been observed. Acute
hypertelorism, depressed bridge of the nose, epi- leukemia is more common than in the normal
canthic folds, and narrow and upward slanting population. The common internal anomalies are
palpebral fissures; hypoplasia of the iris stroma congenital heart disease, duodenal atresia, and
with Brushfield spots (white, elevated aggregates of Hirschsprung disease.
stromal fibers in the pupillary margin of the iris) in Ninety-five percent of patients with Down syn-
70 % of cases; small ears with anomalies of the drome have 47 chromosomes with trisomy 21. Most
folds; protrusion of the tongue due to a relatively of the remainder have 46 chromosomes with trans-
small mouth; scrotal tongue; protuberant abdomen, location of the long arm of an extra number 21
often with an umbilical hernia; small penis, scrotum, either to a D group or to another G group chromo-
Turner Syndrome 291

16.1 16.2

Fig. 16.1. Facies of patient with Down syndrome. Note

protruding tongue. (Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)

Fig. 16.2. Scrotal tongue of patient with Down syn-

drome. (Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)

Fig. 16.3. Down syndrome. Note hypertelorism, narrow

palpebral fissures, and epicanthic folds. (Courtesy of
Dr. F.C.Fraser) 16.3

some [9]. However, it is also possible to have Down Turner Syndrome

syndrome with 46 chromosomes and either 21/22 or
21/21 translocation. Mosaics with a normal cell line
are usually milder. In 1938 Turner [11] described this syndrome in
In general, the incidence of trisomy 21 increases seven young girls. Subsequently it was shown that
with maternal age. One study [10] states that a patients with this syndrome are chromatin-negative
phenotypically normal female with 45 chromo- and have a 45,X karyotype. The frequency of the
somes and a D/21 translocation has a 9 % risk of 45,X Turner syndrome in newborns is 1 per 3300
having a child with Down syndrome. [12].

Inheritance. Males with Down syndrome are sterile. Clinical Presentation. The characteristic physical
In the case of the few affected females who have had findings (Figs. 16.4 and 16.5) in the Turner syn-
children, about half of the offspring have been drome are as follows: small stature; broad chest
affected. with widely spread nipples which may be hy-
poplastic, inverted, or both; low posterior hairline
Treatment. The treatment is directed generally to with appearance of short neck; webbed posterior
the cardiac and respiratory complications. Special- neck; and bone dysplasia with coarse trabecular
ized institutions may help to teach simple trades to pattern, most evident at the metaphyseal ends of the
mildly retarded patients. long bones.
292 Chromosomal Anomalies

~ _ _ _ _ _~.... 16.5

Fig. 16.4. Turner syndrome. Note webbed neck, shield chest, and
increased carrying angles. (Courtesy of Dr. F.e. Fraser)

Fig. 16.5. Turner syndrome. Note low posterior hairline and webbed
16.4 neck.

Lymphangiectatic edema of the hands and feet is Pathology and Pathophysiology. In place of normal
present at birth and is due to dilatation of lym- gonads, ovarian streaks are present below the fal-
phatic capillaries. Resorption of this edema results lopian tubes. These are composed largely of col-
in cutis laxa or hyperelastica. The nails are hy- lagenous tissue organized in whorls. Congenital
poplastic in the newborn and small and hyper- heart disease and renal anomalies are found in one-
convex in the older patient. third of the patients: The most common cardiovas-
The common dermatoglyphic findings are a distal cular lesion is coarctation of the aorta [14].
axial triradius, associated with increased incidence The karyotype of these patients is mostly 45,X. Yet,
of complex hypothenar patterns, high digital and many patients are mosaics (45,X/46,XX) or have 46
a-b ridge counts [13], thenar exit to A-line, simian chromosomes with an isochromosome X [15].
or variant palmar creases, large hallucal patterns, Patients with 46,XXp- or 46,XXq- patterns may
and absent t triradius (see p. 3(0). have features of the Turner syndrome [16].
Scattered small brown moles and pigmented nevi
are common in older children and adults, but few I nheritance. Most of these patients are infertile.
are seen in young infants. Mosaics with the 46,XX cell line may be fertile and
There may be very slight intellectual impairment. have normal children.
Because of failure of gonad development, these
patients are amenorrheic. Endocrinologic investi- Treatment. Estrogen therapy after the age of ex-
gations reveal an increased output of pituitary pected puberty is indicated to promote female
gonadotropins accompanied by low estrogen levels. secondary sex characteristics.
Syndromes with Chromosomal Anomalies 293

Table 16.1. Other syndromes with chromosomal anomalies a

Syndrome Karyotype Clinical presentation Dermatologic findings Dermatoglyphic anomalies Ref.

Down 47,XY,+21 See p. 290 See p. 290 See p. 302

Trisomy 13 47,XY,+13 Microcephaly, keel- Capillary hemangioma, Distal palmar axial tri- [17-20]
or shaped forehead especially over the radii
46,XY, Cleft lip, hyper- forehead Increased number of arches
+(13/D) telorism, shallow Localized scalp defects Simian crease
supraorbital ridges, in the parieto-occi- Hypoplastic dermal ridges
small chin pital area Single. 5th finger crease
Microphthalmus, iris Loose skin over post- Hypoplastic dermal ridges
colobomas, cata- erior neck Radial loop on other than
racts; sometimes Hyperconvex narrow 2nd digit
unilateral anoph- fingernails Thenar exit to A-line
thalmia Cleft between 1st and
Small, low-set. mal- 2nd toes
formed ears Hypoplastic toenails
Inguinal and umbilical Cleft lip and palate
Polydactyly (post-
axial) and flexion
deformity of fingers
Fibular polydactyly
Clubfoot deformity
Trisomy 18 47,XY,+18 Prominent occiput Hypoplasia of nails, Absence of distal crease [21,22]
Hypoplastic supra- especially of 5th in 5th finger, occasion-
orbital ridges, finger and toes ally of 3rd and 4th
ptosis, small chin Small nipples Low-arch dermal ridge
Corneal opacities, Mild hirsutism of pattern on 6 or more
cataracts, microph- forehead and back fingertips
thalmus Cutis marmorata Transverse palmar crease
Small, low-set, mal- Epicanthic folds (simian) in 50 %
formed ears Excess or paucity of Increased incidence of
Inguinal and abdomi- eyebrows and eye- radial loops on thumbtips
nal hernias lashes Paucity of whorls on
Undescended testes in Webbing of neck in fingertips
males; hypoplastic 1/3 cases Very low TRC
labia in females Capillary Distal axial triradius
Rocker-bottom feet hemangiomas Hypoplasia of dermal ridge
Index finger over- Increased incidence of
lying middle finger hallucal arches on open
Group G 45,XX,-G Syndactyly Epicanthic folds [23,24J
monosomy between 2nd Dystrophic nails
and 3rd toe,
Large, low-set, mis-
shapen ears
Hypospadias, crypt-
Mental retardation
Chromosome 46,XY,4p- Microcephaly and Epicanthic folds Hypoplastic dermal ridges [25,26]
4 short arm severe mental Carp-shaped mouth Increased incidence of
deletion retardation Ptosis of eyelids digital arches with
syndrome Prominel.t glabella, Preauricular sinuses low dermal ridge count
hypertelorism, Preauricular tags Simian crease
blepharoptosis Cleft lip and/or
Hypospadias in all palate in 50 %
males, cryptor- Capillary hemangiomas
chidism Oblique ridges on
in some nails
Occasional short
metacarpals, meta-

See p. 290 for general principles on chromosomes and p. 299 for dermatoglyphics.
294 Chromosomal Anomalies

Table 16.1. (continued)

Syndrome Karyotype Clinical presentation Dermatologic findings Dermatoglyphic anomalies Ref.

Cri-du- 46,XY,5p- Catlike cry Cleft lip and palate Simian crease in 81 % [27,28J
Chat Microcephaly and Epicanthic folds Distal axial triradius
syndrome severe mental Preauricular skin tags in 40%
retarda tion Premature graying of Increased incidence of
Hypertelorism and hair arches and whorls on
downward eye slant Modification of digits
Beaklike profile cutaneous elastic LowTRC
in infants fibers Fusion of band c triradii
Scoliosis in adults with or without
Occasional short meta- syndactyly
carpals and meta-
Clinodactyly, partial
syndactyly of
hands and feet

Chromo- 46,XY,18q - Microcephaly and Carp-shaped mouth High incidence of whorl [29-33J
some 18 severe mental Eczema (25 %) digital pattern
long arm retardation Skin dimples over Distal axial triradius,
deletion Underdeveloped acromion and deviated to radial
syndrome mid portion of face knuckles margin of palm
Prominent antihelix Widely separated Increased incidence of simian
and antitragus; nipples crease
poorly developed Lipomas at lateral Increased incidence of missing
helix border of feet or misplaced triradii at
Cleft palate base of digits
Females: small labia Increased frequency of exit
and clitoris; males: to A-line
small penis and
scrotum, un-
descended testes
Low levels of IgA in
serum and saliva
Chromo- 46,XY,21q- Blepharochalasis Distal axial triradii
some 21 Dysplastic nails
long arm Preauricular tags
Cat eye 47,XY,+?G Retarded psychomotor Preauricular fistula [34J
syndrome development and skin tags
Hypertelorism, down-
ward palpebral
fissure, strabismus
Unilateral or bilateral
iris and choroid
Imperforate anus
Chromo- 46,XX,13q- Microcephaly and Epicanthic folds [35,36J
some 13 and severe mental
long arm 46,XY,r13 retardation
deletion Hypertelorism,
and ring narrow palpebral
D fissures, prominent
nasal bridge
Ophthalmic pathology:
microphthalmus, iris
colobomas, cataract,
Syndromes with Chromosomal Anomalies 295

Table 16.1. (continued)

Syndrome Karyotype Clinical presentation Dermatologic findings Dermatoglyphic anomalies Ref.

Chromo- 46,XY,18p- Microcephaly, brachy- Epicanthic folds Distal axial triradius [37-40J
some 18 cephaly, mental Blepharoptosis Simian crease
short retardation Webbing of neck with Absent c triradius
arm (1035-75) low posterior
deletion Hypertelorism, flat hairline
nasal bridge
Large, floppy or
small, low-set ears
Short, broad fingers;
syndactyly; cubitus
valgus; congenital
dislocation of the
hips; talipes equino-
varus; pes planus
Absence of serum and
salivary IgA

Turner 45,XO See p. 291 See p. 291 See p. 291

XXX 47,XXX Some may be mentally Reduced total finger ridge

syndrome retarded or have count
psychia tric disorders

XXXX 48,XXXX Absence or hypoplasia Reduced total finger [41,42J

syndrome of thumb ridge count
10 ranging from
Normal or irregular
Dislocated hips, short
middle and distal

XXXXX 49,XXXXX Mental retardation Epicanthic folds Unilateral or bilateral

syndrome and microcephaly Scanty pubic hair transverse palmar creases
Clinodactyly of 5th 10 digital arches

Kline- 47,XXY Bilateral or unilateral Hair growth on trunk, Increased number of arches [43,44J
felter breast enlargement limbs, and beard with low total digital
syndrome Small testes tends to be below count
Eunuchoid propor- average
tions Feminine distribution
Psychiatric disorders of pubic hair in 40 %

XXXY 48,XXXY Flat nasal bridge Epicanthic folds Increased arches with [45,46J
syndrome Gynecomastia Facial and body hair decreased total digital
Small testes less than normal ridge count

XXXXY 49,XXXXY Mental retardation No consistent derma- High frequency of low- [47,48J
syndrome Upward eye slant, tologic defects; some arch pattern on
strabismus patients hypotricho- fingertips
Abnormalities of ears tic Mean total ridge count
Abnormalities of teeth Epicanthic folds of only 50 vs. normal
and mandible Mild degree of average of 144
Kyphosis, scoliosis webbing
Limitation of move-
ment of elbow and
296 Chromosomal Anomalies

Table 16.1. (continued)

Syndrome Karyotype Clinical presentation Dermatologic findings Dermatoglyphic anomalies Ref.

XYY 47,XYY Tall stature Nodulocystic acne Normal [49]

syndrome Mental retardation (Figs. 16.6-16.8)
Aggressive behavior
Gonadal defects
Bony abnormalities

XXYY 48,XXYY Unilateral or bilateral Sparse body hair Predominance of arches [50, 51]
syndrome gynecomastia Multiple cutaneous and very small loops
Small testes angiomas on fingers
Eunuchoid propor- Acrocyanosis Low total ridge count
tions Webbing of neck Increased incidence of
Mild to severe mental certain hypothenar pat-
retarda tion terns (ulnar triradius,
loop carpal, loop radial,
arch radial)



Figs. 16.6--16.8. Nodulocystic acne on face,

chest, and back of a patient with XYY syn-
drome. (From Voorhees, 1.1., et al.: In : The
clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D.
(ed.), Vol. VII, No.8, pt. XII, pp. 186--192.
16.7 Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971)
Chromosomal Anomalies 297

References 25. Miller, O.J., Breg, W. R., Warburton, D., Miller, D. A.,
1. Down, J. L. H.: Observations on an ethnic classification of deCapoa, A., Allderdice, P. W., Davis, J., Klinger, H. P.,
idiots. Clin. Lect. Rep. Lond. Hosp. 3, 259-262 (1866) McGilvray, E., Allen, F.H., Jr.: Partial deletion of the short
2. Lejeune, J., Gautier, M., Turpin, R.: Les chromosomes arm of chromosome No.4 (4p-): clinical studies in five
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Chapter 17 Dermatoglyphics

Contents environmental etiology occurring during ridge dif-

Embryology ................... 299
ferentiation can produce abnormalities of dermal
Ridge Patterns .................. 299 patterns [8, 9].
Dermatoglyphics in Chromosomal Aberration Syndromes 302
Dermatoglyphic Anomalies in Nonchromosomal Disorders 302

Ridge Patterns

Dermatoglyphics is the study of epidermal ridges If a finger, palm, or sole is inked and then pressed
and the patterns formed by them. The lifelong on to paper, the resulting reproduction of the ridge
permanence of the pattern features was first scien- pattern is the print. Several methods for making a
tifically demonstrated by Sir Francis Galton in 1892 permanent record of dermatoglyphic patterns have
in his book Finger Prints [1]. Although Galton was been outlined [10--12].
the first to suggest a hereditary basis for pattern The simplest procedure for obtaining permanent
types, it was Wilder [2] who, at the turn of this prints quickly and efficiently has been the Faurot or
century, attempted, by pedigree studies, to de- inkless method (sensitized paper and resensitizing
monstrate the role of hereditary factors in ridge fluid supplied by Faurot Inc., 299 Broadway, New
arrangements. The term "dermatoglyphics," mean- York, N.Y. 10007). It is of particular value in large-
ing "skin carving," was coined by the anatomist scale studies. The Hollister method (Hollister Inc.,
Harold Cummins. The book Finger Prints, Palms 211 E. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 60611) gives clearer
and Sales by Cummins and Midlo [3], published in prints and is particularly useful in printing small
1943, has been for many years the source of all areas with indistinct patterns [11].
relevant information in the field. Holt and Penrose Ridge patterns can be classified into three main
subsequently made important contributions to the types: arches, loops, and whorls (Fig. 17.1). Arches
genetics of dermatoglyphics in normal populations may be simple or tented; loops may be ulnar or
[4, 5]. Recently, there has been a tremendous radial according to the direction they open. The
upswing in the number of reports on dermato- whorls are of three main kinds: symmetric, spiral,
glyphics, stressing in particular their value in diag- and double loop. The classification of the patterns is
nosing various diseases [6, 7]. according to the number of triradii. (A triradius is a
Dermatoglyphics is significant in the fields of multi- point formed by the meeting of three different ridge
genic inheritance, identification of individuals, zy- fields at angles greater than 90°. Thus, a simple arch
gosity determination, population studies, chromo- has no triradius, a loop has one, and a whorl has
somal anomalies, and certain nonchromosomal two or more triradii.)
disorders. The commonest pattern type is the loop. Certain
patterns occur more frequently on some fingers
than on others. Thus, whorls are most frequent on
thumbs and ring fingers, while radial loops and
arches are most common on the index fingers. The
little fingers have the highest frequency of ulnar
The differentiation of the dermal ridges begins in loops and the lowest frequency of other patterns.
the third fetal month and is complete by the end of The size of a finger pattern may be expressed as the
the fourth month. The alignment of ridges is strong- ridge count. To make a ridge count one draws a
ly influenced by the relative growth rates of the straight line from the core or center of a fingerprint
skeletal and muscular elements of the hand and pattern to the triradius and then counts the number
foot. Developmental disturbances of genetic or of ridges transected or touched by this line. In this
300 Dermatoglyphics

.. :-
... c

Fig. 17.1. Fingertips and fingerprints demonstrating the single triradius in the loop pattern. (From Miller, 1.R.,
three basic digital pattern types: a, arch; b, loop; c, whorl. Giroux, 1.: 1. Pediat. 69, 302-312,1966)
Note the two triradial points in the whorl pattern and the

count, the triradius and the core are not included. Similarly, the correlation between monozygotic
The finger ridge count is considered a classic exam- twins is very high and the correlation between
ple of polygenic inheritance [4], although a single dizygotic twins is of the same order as that between
major autosomal locus with two additive alleles ordinary sibs. Using this information, statistical
may account for over half the variation in absolute tables were developed for the use of fingerprints in
ridge count [13]. The total ridge count (TRC) zygosity determination [1, 14].
(including all 10 fingers) is about 145 in males and The palmprint (Fig. 17.2) usually reveals a triradius
127 in females. The TRC depends mainly on a at the base of each digit except the thumb. These are
number of additive genes, while the environment called the "digital triradii" and are designated as a,
plays a relatively small part. This proposition is b, c, and d for the index, middle, ring, and small
backed, in family studies, by correlation coefficients fingers, respectively. Another triradius is usually
that measure hereditary likeness. In parents and found at the base of the palm and is called the "axial
their children and in sib pairs this coefficient is triradius" (t or p). If more than one axial triradius is
expected to be 0.5. This relationship is very closely present, the most distal one is used in the der-
approached when total ridge counts are compared. matoglyphic analysis. The position of the triradius
Dermatoglyphics 301

enar and

Hypothenar area
a b

Fig. 17.2. a Normal palm. (From Miller, J.R., Giroux, J.: showing the main topographic areas. (From Miller, I.R.,
J. Pediat. 69, 302-312, 1966). b Print of normal palm Giroux, J.: J. Pediat. 69, 302- 312, 1966)

lincludes first
I pattern

Thenar area

a b

Fig. 17.3. a Normal sole. (From Miller, J.R., Giroux, J.: the main topographic areas. (From Miller, J.R., Giroux, J.:
J. Pediat. 69, 302-312,1966.) b Print of normal sole showing J. Pediat. 69, 302-312, 1966)
302 Dermatoglyphics

can be described in one of two ways, both of which 3 per 1000 controls. The most common digital
have their merits [11] : pattern combination in Down syndrome is that of
1. A measurement can be made of the distance 10 ulnar loops. The palm bears more frequently an
from the distal wrist crease to the axial triradius as axial triradius which is displaced distally, lies near
the percentage of the total vertical distance from the the middle of the palm, and thus gives an atd angle
distal wrist crease to the base of the middle finger. A of more than 45°. Fifty percent of patients with
lower limit of 40 % is set for a "high" axial Down syndrome have an "arch tibial" (At) pattern
triradius. (Fig. 17.5 b). This is the single most useful dermal
2. A measurement can be made of the atd angle pattern in this syndrome since it is very rare (0.3 %)
formed between lines drawn from triradii a and d to in controls [19-21]. In 1970 a discriminate analysis
the axial triradius t [15]. The more distal the axial was used [22] to develop a "derma to glyphic nomo-
triradius, the larger the angle. Positions of the axial gram" for the diagnosis of the syndrome. This
triradii which form an angle greater than 56° are nomogram is based on four areas: the right hallu-
designated "distal" [11]. The atd angle is age-de- cal, the right atd angle, and the right and left index
pendent, getting smaller with time [15]. fingers. In 1971 a mathematical method of discrimi-
Plantar patterns (Fig. 17.3), although potentially as nation was developed which separated Down syn-
informative as palmar patterns, have been less drome patients from controls, with less overlap
extensively studied chiefly because they are less [23].
readily obtained. The topographic areas and the
triradii of the soles are similar to those of the palms.
The hallucal area is the area of the sole shown to be Dermatoglyphic Anomalies
of greatest importance at present.
in Nonchromosomal Disorders
Technically, flexion creases on the palms and soles
are not part of dermatoglyphics. However, the two
are generally considered together. The flexion crea- Dermatoglyphic abnormalities have been reported
ses represent the point where the skin is attached to in the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome [6,24], ano-
the underlying structures. A recent study [16] has nychia, nail-patelly syndrome, Coffin-Lowry syn-
revealed that creases are related to the flexion drome, Holt-Oram syndrome [25], Cornelia de
movements of the hands of the late embryo and Lange syndrome [6], Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
early fetus. [6], cerebrohepatorenal syndrome [6], and arthro-
Different races have differences in the frequency of gryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) [6]. Although
various dermatoglyphic patterns. However, it is not not confirmed or well-established, dermatoglyphic
possible to determine to which race a particular abnormalities have also been reported in the follow-
individual belongs from a study of the fingerprints ing disorders: sickle cell amunia [26], hypohidrotic
alone, since no one ridge pattern is exclusively or anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, schizophrenia,
characteristic of any particular racial group carcinoma of the breast, leukemia [27], congenital
[17, 18]. heart disease [28], alopecia areata, psoriasis [20],
camptodactyly [29], cerebral gigantism [30], sys-
temic lupus erythematosus [31], Wilson disease,
phenylketonuria, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, celiac
Dermatoglyphics in Chromosomal disease, Waardenburg syndrome, neurofibroma-
Aberration Syndromes 1 tosis, and Huntington chorea [32].
In the syndrome called dermal "ridges-off-the-end,"
In 1939 it was pointed out [3] for the first time the fingertip ridges, instead of running transversely,
that certain derma to glyphic features in Down syn- run vertically to the ends of the fingertips. Bilateral
drome differed from those in controls (Figs. 17.4 radial loops on the ring and little fingers, although
and 17.5). Although no single feature of the dermal very rare in controls, are common in this syndrome.
patterns of Down syndrome is unique, the fre- The condition is thought to follow the autosomal
quency with which it appears in controls is quite dominant pattern of inheritance [33].
different from its frequency in patients. Thus, a Injuries to the skin such as cuts and burns and
radial loop is found on the second digit in 2 % of conditions such as leprosy, Darier disease, and
Down syndrome patients, whereas it is found in 20 % adult acanthosis nigricans may alter epidermal
of controls. A radial loop on the fifth finger occurs ridges. Pedigrees may show absent dermal ridges
in 4 % of patients with Down syndrome but in only [34] ; ectodermal dysplasia, absent dermatoglyphic
pattern, changes in the nails, and a simian crease
1 See also tables on pp. 293~296. (the Basan syndrome) [35]; and patternless dermal
Dermatoglyphics 303

loop in third
. interdigital

/ Single crease
Ion fifth digit


Simian crease

Distal axial
l"" - - - - triradius

®,\Ulnar loop in

a b

Fig. 17.4. a Palm of a child with Down syndrome. Note Down syndrome showing the typical derma to glyphic
simian crease on the palm and single interphalangeal features. (From Miller, l.R., Giroux, l.: l. Pediat. 69,
crease of the little finger. (From Miller, l.R., Giroux, l.: 302-312,1966)
l. Pediat. 69, 302-312, 1966.) b Palm print of a child with

Arch tibial pattern

in hallucal area -

a b

Fig. 17.5. a Sole of a child with Down syndrome. (From demonstrating the typical arch tibial pattern. (From Miller,
Miller, l.R., Giroux, l.: 1. Pediat. 69, 302-312,1966.) b Sole l.R., Giroux, l.: l. Pediat. 69, 302-312, 1966)
print of the hallucal area of a child with Down syndrome,
304 Dermatoglyphics

ridges consisting of scattered short ridges or ridges 18. Naffah, J.: Dermatoglyphics and flexion creases in the
consisting only of irregular dots [4,36]. However, Lebanese population. Amer. J. phys. Anthropol. 41, 391-409
patternless ridge formation and the congenital 19. Miller, J. R.: Dermatoglyphics. J. invest. Derm. 60, 435-442
absence of ridged skin are extremely rare [20J (1973)
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261-271 (1970)
many pathogenetic factors still remain unknown. 21. Thompson, J. S., Thompson, M. W.: Genetics in medicine,
Yet, if used correctly, it remains a significant tool in 2nd ed., pp. 320-332. Philadelphia: Saunders, W.B. Co. 1973
research and diagnosis. 22. Reed, T.E., Borgaonkar, D.S., Conneally, P.M., Yu, P.-L.,
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Chapter 18 Cancer, Genetics, and the Skin

Contents thorough knowledge of the different types of skin

cancer and their distinctive identifying characteris-
Hereditary Skin Diseases Associated with Cancer 305
tics helps in their early detection, timely diagnosis,
Disorders with Autosomal Dominant Inheritance 305
Disorders with Autosomal Recessive Inheritance 306 and prompt therapy. Certain syndromes have speci-
Disorders with X-linked Recessive Inheritance. 306 fic derma to logic signs and a predisposition to the
Disorders with Possible Genetic Etiology - Mode of In- development of cancer in other organs. Awareness
heritance Unknown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 of these syndromes helps in cancer detection. In all
such cases, judicious medical action may be life-
saving. When these diseases are inherited, proper
Hereditary Skin Diseases genetic counseling and screening of relatives may
again prove to be very rewarding.
Associated with Cancer Although the details are discussed separately else-
where, a list of the hereditary skin diseases associa-
Since the skin is an easily accessible organ and its ted with cancer may be helpful for quick reference
lesions are usually apparent to the naked eye, a (modified from Lynch and Szentivanyi [1]).

Table 18.1. Disorders with autosomal dominant inheritance

Disorder Predominant cancers

Cutaneous malignant melanoma Cutaneous malignant melanomas

Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica Carcinomas of mucous membranes,
multiple basal and squamous
cell carcinomas of skin
Gardner syndrome Adenocarcinomas of colon
Generalized keratoacanthoma Rare occurrences of squamous
cell carcinomas
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome Hemangioblastomas of cerebellum,
hypernephromas, and
Kaposi sarcoma (multiple idiopathic Sarcomas
hemorrhagic sarcoma of Kaposi)
Multiple nevoid basal cell carcinoma Multiple basal cell carcinomas
Neurofibromatosis Sarcomas, acoustic neuromas,
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Adenocarcinomas of duodenum and
Porphyria cutanea tarda Basal cell carcinomas of skin,
Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville disease) Intracranial neoplasms
(astrocytomas, glioblastomas)
Tylosis and esophageal carcinoma Esophageal cancer
(keratosis palmaris et plantaris)
306 Cancer, Genetics, and the Skin

Table 18.2. Disorders with autosomal recessive inheritance

Disorder Predominant cancers

Albinism Basal and squamous cell

carcinomas of skin
Ataxia telangiectasia Acute leukemias and lymphomas
(Louis-Bar syndrome)
Bloom syndrome (congenital Acute leukemias
telangiectatic erythema and stunted
Chediak-Higashi syndrome Lymphomas
Fanconi aplastic anemia Leukemias
Werner syndrome (progeria of the Sarcomas, meningiomas
Xeroderma pigmentosum Basal and squamous cell
carcinomas of skin and
malignant melanomas

Table 18.3. Disorders with X-linked recessive inheritance

Disorder Predominant cancers

Aldrich syndrome (Wiskott-Aldrich Leukemias, lymphomas

Bruton agammaglobulinemia Acute leukemias

Table 18.4. Disorders with possible genetic etiology ~ mode of inheritance unknown

Disorder Predominant cancers

Dermatomyositis Adenocarcinomas of viscera

and sarcomas of soft tissues
in adult onset
Giant pigmented nevi (bathing Melanomas in children
trunk nevi)
Scleroderma Bronchiolar carcinomas,
malignant carcinoids
Sjogren syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis Lymphomas
Systemic lupus erythematosus Thymic tumors, leukemias, and
Cancer, Genetics, and the Skin 307

The last decade has witnessed genetic studies re- of chromosomal anomalies (quadriradial configu-
lated to carcinogenesis in two special directions: rations, chromatid gaps and breaks) are found in
enzymatic and chromosomal. lymphocyte and fibroblast cultures from patients
The discovery of defective DNA repair in patients with these diseases (see also p. 11). The emergence
with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) has brought in these disorders of new marker chromosomes not
forward the attractive hypothesis of a relationship represented in the normal complement may be
between actinic carcinogenesis and defective DNA significant in the pathogenesis of cancer [13]. UV
repair [2]. (See also p. 1 and p. 151.) light induces both chromatid breaks and exchanges
The following observations support this hypothe- in XP cells, but precise quantitative data from
sis. normal and XP cells are not yet available [10].
1. At least six different mutations resulting in de- Although Bloom syndrome, Fanconi anemia, and
fective DNA repair are associated with a high risk ataxia telangiectasia are individually rare con-
for skin cancer [2]. ditions, collectively, the homozygous patients and
2. Dutch investigators have found that the lower the heterozygous carriers of the mutant genes may
the residual levels of DNA repair in the cells from represent a significant group. In some obligate
patients with Xp, the severer their clinical symptoms heterozygotes for the gene for Bloom syndrome,
[3,4]. The severity of the cancerous lesions is i.e., parents of affected persons, more chromosomal
evaluated on the basis of the age of onset of rearrangements were observed than exist in or-
malignancies, the rate of tumor production, and the dinary individuals [13]. If the heterozygotes of
age at death. However, investigators in the United these diseases show an increased predisposition to
States [5J did not find this inverse correlation. The cancer, the detection of chromosomal instability in
discrepancy between the results of these two groups the general popUlation may be undertaken for a
may be due to differences in environmental factors more effective and efficient control of cancer.
influencing the phenotypic expression of the XP From the observations mentioned above, a two or
genotype [2]. more step model has been proposed for the patho-
3. Exposure of human cells in vitro to various genesis of cancer [14,15]. It may explain the exis-
carcinogenic agents generates an excision repair tence of both hereditary and nonhereditary forms of
process [6,7J and, possibly, a mechanism that every cancer. The first step is called "mutational"
resembles postreplication repair [8,9]. Studies in and may represent a point mutation, frameshift
bacteria have shown that DNA repair mechanisms mutation, deletion, duplication, rearrangement, or
are not free from errors. The more the damage, the addition of a viral genome (see p. 3). The other
more the risk of erroneous repair. The extrapo- steps might be "mutational" also, but there is no
lation of these facts to man may explain the high conclusive evidence for this. They represent the
incidence of skin cancer in sailors and fishermen effects of a chemical carcinogen, a tumor virus, or
who are continuously exposed to the sun. radiation. The first step mutation is supposed to
Thus, both a defective repair of sunlight-induced occur in germinal cells in the hereditary forms and
DNA lesions and an excess of these lesions with a somatic cells in the nonhereditary forms. The sec-
normal repair mechanism result in carcinogenesis. ond step occurs in somatic cells in both forms.
Yet, the direct pathogenetic mechanism of malig-
nant cellular transformation remains to be discov-
ered [1]. XP data can be further extrapolated in two References
directions: (a) genetic changes may arise through 1. Lynch, H. T., Szentivanyi, 1.: Genetics as guide to early
mutations or chromosomal changes resulting from diagnosis and cancer control - cutaneous syndromes. Cutis
unrepaired damage in DNA; (b) unrepaired damage 6, 179-185 (1970)
.2. De Weerd-Kastelein, E. A.: Genetic heterogeneity in the
to DNA may potentiate the transformation of cells human skin disease xeroderma pigmentosum. Doctoral the-
by oncogenic viruses [10]. This latter postulate has sis, pp. 14--15. Rotterdam: Bronder-Offset B. V. 1974
been tested but no such potentiation found [11]. 3. Bootsma, D., Mulder, M.P., Pot, F., Cohen, 1. A.: Different
Many diseases displaying chromosomal instability, inherited levels of DNA repair replication in xeroderma
whether induced genetically or environmentally (ir- pigmentosum cell strains after exposure to ultraviolet irra-
diation. Mutat. Res. 9, 507-516 (1970)
radiation, certain viruses, oncogenic chemicals), are 4. Kleijer, W.1., Hoeksema, J.L., Sluyter, M.L., Bootsma, D.:
associated with cancer and may have an etiologic Effects of inhibitors on repair of DN A in normal human and
significance [12]. Certain inherited skin diseases fit xeroderma pigmentosum cells after exposure to x-rays and
this observation. Among them the most striking ultraviolet irradiation. Mutat. Res. 17, 385-394 (1973)
5. Robbins, J.H., Kraemer, K.H., Lutzner, M. A., Festoff, B. W.,
and interesting are the Bloom syndrome, Fanconi Coon, H.G.: Xeroderma pigmentosum. An inherited disease
anemia, ataxia telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome), with sun sensitivity, multiple cutaneous neoplasms, and
and xeroderma pigmentosum [13]. Different types abnormal DNA repair. Ann. intern. Med. 80, 221-248 (1974)
308 Cancer, Genetics, and the Skin

6. Setlow, R.B., Regan, J.D.: Defective repair of N-acetoxy-2- 11. Key, D.J., Todaro, G.J.: Xeroderma pigmentosum cell
acetylaminofluorene-induced lesions in the DNA of xero- susceptibility to SV 40 virus transformation: lack of effect of
derma pigmentosum cells. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. low dosage ultraviolet radiation in enhancing viral-induced
46, 1019-1024 (1972) transformation. J. invest. Derm. 62, 7-10 (1974)
7. Stich, H.F., San, R.H.C., Kawazoe, Y.: Increased sensitivity 12. German, J.: Genes which increase chromosomal instability
of xeroderma pigmentosum cells to some chemical carci- in somatic cells and predispose to cancer. In: Progress in
nogens and mutagens. Mutat. Res. 17, 127-137 (1973) medical genetics. Steinberg, A.G., Beam, A.G. (eds.), Vol.
8. Buhl, S.N., Regan, J.D.: DNA replication in human cells VIII, pp. 61-101. New York: Grune & Stratton 1972
treated with methyl methanesulfonate. Mutat. Res. 18, 13. German, J.: Genetic disorders associated with chromosomal
191-197 (1973) instability and cancer. J. invest. Derm. 60, 427-434 (1973)
9. VandenBerg, .H.W.: Alkaline sucrose gradient sedimen- 14. Knudson, A.G.,Jr., Strong, L.c., Anderson, D.E.: Heredity
tation studies of DN A from Heia S3 cells exposed to methyl and cancer in man. In: Progress in medical genetics.
methanesulphonate or methylazoxymethanol acetate. Bio- Steinberg, A.G., Beam, A.G. (eds.), Vol. IX, pp. 113-158.
chim. biophys. Acta (Arnst.) 353, 215-226 (1974) New York: Grune & Stratton 1973
10. Cleaver, J.E.: Xeroderma pigmentosum - progress and 15. Knudson, A.G.,Jr:: Genetics and the etiology of childhood
regress. J. invest. Derm. 60, 374--380 (1973) cancer. Pediat. Res. 10, 513-517 (1976)
Chapter 19 Miscellaneous

Contents Inheritance. Inheritance is probably autosomal

Leiner Disease (Erythrodermia Desquamativa) . 309
Deafness and Dermatitis . 309
Granulosis Rubra Nasi . . . 309 Treatment. Treatment consists of topical cortico-
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome . 310 steroids, appropriate antibiotics to combat infec-
Geroderma Osteodysplastica . 310 tions, and, in cases of C s deficiency, frequent trans-
Stiff Skin Syndrome . 310
fusions with fresh plasma [2].
Winchester Disease . 311
Parana Hard-Skin Syndrome . 312
Dermochondrocorneal Dystrophy of Fran<;ois . 312
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome . . . . . 312
Noonan Syndrome . . . . . . . . . 313 1. Miller, M.E., Koblenzer, P.J.: Leiner's disease and deficiency
Leprechaunism (Donohue Syndrome) . 315 of Cs- J. Pediat. 80, 879-880 (1972)
Coffin-Lowry Syndrome . . . . . . 316 2. Jacobs, J. C., Miller, M. E.: Fatal familial Leiner's disease: a
Familial Mediterranean Fever (Familial Paroxysmal Poly- deficiency of the opsonic activity of serum complement.
serositis . . . . . . 317 Pediatrics 49, 225-232 (1972)
Atopic Dermatitis . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 318

Deafness and Dermatitis

Leiner Disease In three of four sibs, familial non progressive neural

(Erythrodermia Desquamativa) hearing loss has been described in association with
"atypical atopic dermatitis" [1]. The dermatitis,
which had its onset between 9 and 11 years of age,
Clinical Presentation. This disorder appears during
affected the waist, antecubital fossae, forearms, dor-
the first 3 months of life. The lesions may be limited
sa of wrists, hands, and fingers, and was clinically
to the scalp and face or the diaper area, but most
and histologically a chronic lichenified dermatitis
patients have a diffuse erythrodermia with desqua-
[1]. The diagnosis of "atypical" atopic dermatitis
mation of fine scales. Thick greasy scales accumu-
late on the scalp. Affected infants usually have a was made because of the late onset and peculiar
protracted severe diarrhea. distribution of the dermatitis. Inheritance in this
The familial form emphasizes the generalized skin syndrome is probably autosomal recessive.
involvement (seborrheic dermatitis), intractable di-
arrhea, marked wasting, and increased suscepti-
bility to infection [1,2]. 1. Konigsmark, B. W., Hollander, M. B., Berlin, c.1.: Familial
neural hearing loss and atopic dermatitis. J. Amer. med. Ass.
204, 953-957 (1968)
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The skin shows a
picture of chronic or subacute dermatitis: hyper-
and parakeratosis, acanthosis with mild spongiosis,
and a mild perivascular inflammatory infiltrate.
Granulosis Rubra Nasi
In the familial cases, there is a deficiency of the
phagocytosis-enhancing activity of serum related to
dysfunction of the fifth component of complement Clinical Presentation. This uncommon disorder
(C s) [1,2]. The serum opsonic function is markedly usually begins in childhood as small, discrete, red-
deficient with yeast particles, and this is corrected dish macules or papules. Pustules and vesicles may
by the addition of C s [2]. This defect is present in also appear. The nose is usually involved and is
other members of the affected family. characteristically hyperhidrotic. Other sites, such
310 Miscellaneous

as the cheeks, upper lip, and chin, may also be appearance; malocclusion, delayed dental eruption,
affected. and a high palate; a span greater than height; dislo-
The disease usually clears after puberty and rarely cated hips; and joint laxity, especially of the hands
persists into late adult life. Familial occurrence has and feet but also of the knees and sternoclavicular
been reported [1,2]. joint. Intelligence is normal. Radiologic findings
include generalized osteoporosis, frequent compres-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The main feature is sion fractures, occasional biconcavity of the verte-
dilatation of the blood vessels and sweat ducts. brae, and minor variations of the ossification cen-
Mild inflammatory changes may be present. ters at the wrist.

Inheritance. Probably autosomal dominant [2]. I nheritance. Although, after the report of the first
family [1 J, the inheritance of this condition was
Treatment. There is no effective treatment. thought to follow the X-linked recessive pattern, the
more recent report of two additionalfamilies favors
very strongly the autosomal recessive mode.
1. Lebet, A.: Contribution it l'etude de l'hidrocystome (avec une Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
note sur la granulosis rubra nasi). Ann. Derm. Syph. (paris) 4,
273-282 (1903)
2. Hellier, F.F.: Granulosis rubra nasi in a mother and daugh- References
ter. Brit. med. J. 1937 II, 1068
1. Bamatter, F., Franceschetti, A., Klein, D., Sierro, A.:
Gerodermie osteodysplastique hereditaire. Ann. Paediat. 174,
126-127 (1950)
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome 2. Hunter, G.W., Martsoff, IT., Baker, e.G., Reed, M.H.:
Geroderma osteodysplastica. Hum. Genet. 40, 311-324 (1978)

This recently described syndrome is characterized

by wrinkled skin present at birth. The skin of the
hands and feet is first affected, but the skin over Stiff Skin Syndrome
most of the body is easily wrinkled [1]. The affected
skin is dry and shows decreased extensibility. In 1971 Esterly and McKusick [lJ described four
Palmar creases also increase in number. Other patients with localized areas of stony-hard skin,
features of the syndrome include poor muscle de- mild hirsutism, and limitation of joint mobility.
velopment and short stature. Light microscopy of
the skin shows no characteristic abnormalities [1]. Clinical Presentation. Rock-hard skin is observed at
Inheritance is autosomal recessive. birth. The buttocks and upper thighs are the most
severely involved areas, but the posterior neck,
Reference upper arms, trunk, and lower legs may also be
1. Gazit, E., Goodman, R. M., Katznelson, M. B.-M., Rotem, Y.: involved. The skin of the hands and feet is normal.
The wrinkly skin syndrome: a new heritable disorder of There is some increased hair growth on the thighs
connective tissue. Clin. Genet. 4, 186-192 (1973) [1].
A variable number of joints are involved, in par-
ticular the elbows, knees, and hips (Figs. 19.1 and
19.2). Neck and lumbar spine movements are also
Geroderma Osteodysplastica
limited. A lordotic stance is characteristic of affect-
ed individuals.
In 1950 Bamatter et al. [lJ described a Swiss family The patients are neurologically normal and have a
with lax, wrinkled skin, osteoporosis, and a marked normal intelligence. The skin and joint findings are
susceptibility to fractures and coined the name not progressive.
"gerodermie osteodysplastique hereditaire." Later, All radiologic examinations are normal. There is no
in 1978, two more affected families were described abnormal mucopolysacchariduria.
by Hunter et al. [2].
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Histologic exam-
Clinical Presentation. The major features of the ination of the skin reveals a normal stratum cor-
syndrome include thin, creased skin with decreased neum and epidermis. The interstitial ground sub-
turgor and elasticity, most marked over the hands stance of the upper dermis is slightly granular and
and feet; a sad face with droopy eyelids and jowly eosinophilic, with deposition of hyaluronic acid.
Winchester Disease 311



50 1---+--~"";

40 f---+--+--+---:

30 f---t--f---+--


Figs. 19.1 and 19.2. StitT skin syndrome. Note limited joint movements and inability
of normal extension of the knees and elbows. (Courtesy of Dr. V.A. McKusick, from --.....".--~­
Esterly, N. B.: In: The clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vol. VII,
No.8, pt. XII, pp. 306-307. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1971) 19.2

Defective synthesis of acid mucopolysaccharides by Clinical Presentation. The onset is in infancy with
fibroblasts is suggested by the presence of large arthralgias, joint stiffness, dwarfism, peripheral cor-
numbers of metachromatic granules in cultured neal opacities, symmetric flexion contractures of
fibroblasts. major and minor joints, generalized osteoporosis,
carpal-tarsal osteolysis, marked intra- and peri-
Inheritance. Most probably autosomal dominant. articular small joint destruction, and skin lesions.
But the autosomal recessive mode cannot presently The intelligence is normal [2].
be ruled out [1]. The characteristic skin lesions are plaques of thick-
ened skin with a leathery feeling. These plaques
Treatment. The treatment is symptomatic. are usually hyperpigmented, hypertrichotic, and
involve the face, trunk, and extremities. Such lesions
are extensive and symmetrically distributed. They
usually appear with the arthralgias and are chronic,
I. Esterly, N. B., McKusick, V. A.: Still skin syndrome. Pediatrics but do not increase with time [2]. Other skin lesions
47, 360-369 (1971)
are firm nodules.
Angiographic studies demonstrate hypervascularity
apparently associated with osteolysis at large joints.
Winchester Disease
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The leathery skin
lesions show focal areas of fibroblastic proliferation
In 1969 Winchester et al. [1] described this syn- deep in the dermis by morphologically normal
drome characterized by short stature, joint stiffness fibroblasts which replace the normal heavy collagen
with contractures, corneal opacities, coarsened fa- bundles. No epidermal atrophy is observed. A mild
cial features, dissolution of the carpal and tarsal perivascular chronic infiltrate is seen in many areas
bones, and generalized osteoporosis. Less than ten [2]. Ultrastructural peculiarities of fibroblasts in-
cases have been described to date. clude dilated and vacuolated mitochondria, the
312 Miscellaneous

presence of varying amounts of myofilaments in the Reference

cytoplasm, and a prominent fibrous nuclear lamina. 1. Cat, 1., Rodrigues Magdalena, N.l., Parolin Marinoni, L.,
Cells other than fibroblasts display no abnormal- Wong, M.P., Freitas, O. T., Malfi, A., Costa, 0., Esteves, L.,
Giraldi, D.J., Opitz, lM: Parana hard-skin syndrome: study
ities [3]. of seven families. Lancet 19741, 215-216
The basic defect in this disorder is unknown. It may
be related to abnormal function of fibroblasts. On
the basis of cellular metachromasia and a twofold
increase in cellular uronic acid in cultured fibro-
blasts, the syndrome was postulated to represent a Dermochondrocorneal Dystrophy
new acid mucopolysaccharidosis. However, further of Fran~ois
data suggest that it does not appear to be a
lysosomal storage disease and should be removed Fran<;ois [1] described this syndrome in 1949. The
from the current list of mucopolysaccharidoses [2]. clinical features are (a) skeletal deformity of the
hands and feet; (b) xanthomatol}S nodules on the
Inheritance. Autosomal recessive. pinnae, dorsal surface of the metacarpophalangeal
and interphalangeal joints, posterior surface of the
Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic. elbows, etc.; and (c) corneal dystrophy. The con-
dition follows the autosomal recessive pattern of
1. Winchester, P., Grossman, H., Lim, W. N., Danes, B. S. : A new Reference
acid mucopolysaccharidosis with skeletal deformities simulat-
ing rheumatoid arthritis. Amer. J. Roentgenol. 106, 121-128 1. Fran90is, J.: Dystrophie dermo-chondro-corneenne familiale.
(1969) Ann. Oculist. 182,409-442 (1949)
2. Hollister, D.W., Rimoin, D.L., Lachman, R.S., Cohen, A.H.,
Reed, W. B., Westin, G. W.: The Winchester syndrome: a
nonlysosomal connective tissue disease. l Pediat. 84, 701-709
3. Cohen, A.H., Hollister, D. W., Reed, W. B.: The skin in the Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
Winchester syndrome. Histologic and ultrastructural studies.
Arch. Derm. 111, 230-236 (1975)
In 1963 Rubinstein and Taybi [1] reported this
syndrome in seven children. By 1968 more than 100
cases had been reported [2]. Although the syn-
drome is sometimes called "the broad thumbs and
Parana Hard-Skin Syndrome
toes syndrome," the eponym is favored.

This condition has been described in seven families Clini~al Presentation. The characteristic features of
in Parana, Brazil [1]. Onset is around the second or the syndrome are microcephaly and mental re-
third month with the infant's skin becoming firm, tardation; typical facies with hypertelorism, down-
thick, and gradually very hard and immovable. All ward palpebral slant, heavy eyebrows, beaked nose,
of the skin is involved except that of the eyelids, and retrognathia (Figs. 19.3 and 19.4); certain eye
neck, and ears. The affected patients cannot walk abnormalities such as strabismus, refractive errors,
and their posture is fixed in flexion at the hips, and cataracts; and broad terminal phalanges of the
knees, ankles, and elbows. There is restriction in the thumbs and great toes (Figs. 19.5 and 19.6). The
movement of the chest (with sternal protrusion) nails of the enlarged digits are usually short, flat,
that may lead to pulmonary insufficiency, os- and wide. The thumb and great toe are radially
teoarthropathy, and death [1]. Other features are deviated in many patients [2, 3].
round facies; hirsutism of thorax, limbs, face, and Cutaneous findings noted in these patients are a
forehead; straight wide eyebrows; malar flush; flat capillary hemangioma over the forehead, nape
corners of the mouth turned down; widely spaced of neck, or back (in 36 out of79 cases) and hirsutism
nipples; generalized hyperpigmentation, especially of the trunk (Fig. 19.7) and limbs at all ages, and of
over the abdomen and lumbar area; mild scaliness the face in infants (in 46 out of 72 cases) [4]. Less
of the legs; and lichenification in flexural areas [1]. frequently, the following skin findings are noted:
There are no signs of visceral or nervous system eczema, warts, freckles, increased pigmentation of
involvement. Ultrastructurally, the skin collagen the abdomen and lumbar area, vitiligo, anal tags,
fibrils appear normal. Inheritance is probably auto- keloids, hairy nevus of the cheek, recurrent par-
somal recessive. (See also Stiff Skin Syndrome.) onychia, lymphedema of the legs, cavernous angio-
Noonan Syndrome 313


Figs. 19.3 and 19.4. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Note clinical delineation of birth defects. Bergsma, D. (ed.),
typical facies with antimongoloid slant of the eyes, beaked Vol. V, No.2, pt. II, pp. 25-41. Baltimore: Williams &
nose, and micrognathia. (From Rubinstein, J.H.: In: The Wilkins Co. 1969)

rna, cafe-au-Iait spots, striae, stasis ulcer, and cutis References

verticis gyrata [4]. 1. Rubinstein, J. H., Taybi, H.: Broad thumbs and toes and facial
In relation to hair [5J, there is a medial eyebrow abnormalities. A possible mental retardation syndrome.
Amer. J. Dis. Child. 105, 588-608 (1963)
flare in 60 % of patients studied, anterior scalp 2. Rubinstein, J.H.: The broad thumbs syndrome - progress
upsweep in 45 %, low anterior hairline in 20 %, report 1968. In: The clinical delineation of birth defects.
widow's peak in 15 %, anterior scalp whorl in 15 % Bergsma, D. (ed.), Vo!' V, No.2, pt. II, pp. 25-41. Baltimore:
(Fig. 19.8), and lateral frontal backsweep in 15 %. Williams & Wilkins Co. 1969
Keratosis pilaris has also been reported [6]. 3. Der Kaloustian, V.M., Afifi, AK., Sinno, A.A, Mire, J.: The
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. A clinical and muscle electron
The most important dermatoglyphic feature is a microscopic study. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 124, 897-902 (1972)
high frequency of pattern formations in the thenar 4. Rubinstein, J. H.: Personal communication (1976)
and first interdigital areas. Double patterns may be 5. Smith, D. W., Gong, B. T.: Scalp-hair patterning: its origin
present on the tips of the thumbs or the fifth fingers and significance relative to early brain and upper facial
development. Teratology 9, 17-34 (1974)
[7]. 6. Naveh, Y., Friedman, A: A case of Rubinstein-Taybi syn-
X-rays show enlargement of the phalangeal bones drome. Clin. Pediat. (Philad.) 15, 779-783 (1976)
and skeletal anomalies like an enlarged foramen 7. Padfield, c.J., Partington, M. W., Simpson, N.E.: The
magnum, flat acetabular angles, flared ilia, and ver- Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Arch. Dis. Child. 43, 94-101
tebral rib anomalies [2]. (1968)
8. Roy, F. H., Summitt, R. L., Hiatt, R. L., Hughes, J. G. : Ocular
manifestations of the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Case re-
Pathology and Pathophysiology. No consistent port and review of the literature. Arch. Ophtha!. 79, 272-278
pathologic changes have been observed. Congenital (1968)
heart disease and the absence ofthe corpus callosum
were noted in several patients [2].
Noonan Syndrome
Inheritance. Polygenic [8J and monogenic auto-
somal recessive [3J patterns of inheritance have
been suggested. The syndrome is probably hetero- In 1963 Noonan and Ehmke [lJ reported nine
geneous [3]. patients of both sexes affected with valvular pul-
monic stenosis, short stature, hypertelorism, ptosis,
Treatment. There is no available treatment. skeletal anomalies, and mental retardation. Al-
though phenotypically these patients resemble in-
dividuals with the Turner syndrome, they have nor-
mal karyotypes (46,XY or 46,XX).

Clinical Presentation. The face is quite characteristic

with hypertelorism, a downward palpebral slant,
314 Miscellaneous

19.5 19.6

19.7 19.8

Figs. 19.5-19.8. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome Fig. 19.7. Hirsutism. (Courtesy of Dr. F. C. Fraser)

Figs. 19.5 and 19.6. Broad thumb and large toe. (Courtesy Fig. 19.8. Peculiar hair whorls ~ see text. (Courtesy of Dr.
of Dr. J.H. Rubinstein) 1. H. Rubinstein)
Leprechaunism 315

blepharoptosis, epicanthic folds, and a small chin. A Clinical Presentation. This syndrome is character-
narrow palate and a cleft uvula are common find- ized by grotesque elfin facies, a flat nasal bridge,
ings [2]. flaring nostrils, thick lips, hirsutism, large low-set
Webbing of the neck is present in some patients, ears, scanty subcutaneous tissue with loose and
whereas others have a short, broad neck with wrinkled skin (Figs. 19.9 and 19.10), hypoplastic
excessive skin folds. Most patients have a pectus nails, enlarged external genitalia, and psychomotor
carinatum deformity of the upper sternum and retardation. One child presented with campto-
excavatum of the lower sternum. Valvular pulmonic dactyly of the third, fourth, and fifth fingers of both
stenosis is common. Some patients have scoliosis, hands, short distal phalanges of the fifth fingers, and
kyphosis, and vertebral anomalies [2]. absent nails on the fifth fingers and toes [3]. All
Cryptorchidism is common in males, whereas some reported cases had a delayed bone age.
females have a delayed onset of menarche [2].
Clinodactyly and cubitus valgus are frequently Pathology and Pathophysiology. The most con-
found. Several patients are reported to have had sistently reported pathologic finding in autopsied
congenital lymphedema of the hands and feet. The female patients is the large and cystic ovaries. The
nails are short and poorly developed. The hair is pancreas was normal in three reported cases and
often coarse. showed hyperplasia of the islets of Langerhans in
Dermatoglyphic examination reveals a distally six. Excessive hepatic glycogen was found in four
placed axial triradius, a high incidence of arches, patients. In both newborn and older infants, the
and a low ridge count [3]. mammary tissue and the nipples were abnormally
Although most patients are mentally retarded, the prominent. The autopsy findings in the adrenals,
intelligence ranges from normal to severe mental pituitary, and kidneys revealed inconsistent abnor-
retardation. malities in different reports.
The finding of an abnormally large metacentric
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The most common chromosome in a male infant with leprechaunism
cardiac abnormality found at cardiac catheteri- [4J is considered coincidental and of no significance
zation or surgery is valvular pulmonary stenosis in the causation of the disease.
[4]. Considering the variety and inconsistency of the
findings, leprechaunism is probably a hetero-
Inheritance. Autosomal dominant [5]. geneous condition.

Treatment. The treatment is symptomatic, aimed Inheritance. Not definite. The involvement of sev-
mainly at cardiac and respiratory problems. eral siblings and the consanguinity of the parents
are suggestive of an autosomal recessive pattern of
1. Noonan, J. A., Ehmke, D. A.: Associated noncardiac malfor- Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic. Most pa-
mations in children with congenital heart disease. 1. Pediat. 63 tients die in the first 6 months of life.
(Abstr.), 468-470 (1963)
2. Abdel-Salam, E., Temtamy, S.A.: Familial Turner phenotype.
1. Pediat. 74, 67-72 (1969)
3. Nora, 1.J., Sinha, A.K.: Direct familial transmission of the
Turner phenotype. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 116, 343-350 (1968) 1. Donohue, W. 1.: Clinicopathologic conference at the Hospital
4. Noonan, 1. A.: Hypertelorism with Turner phenotype. A new for Sick Children. Dysendocrinism. J. Pediat. 32, 739-748
syndrome with associated congenital heart disease. Amer. 1. (1948)
Dis. Child. 116, 373-380 (1968) 2. Der Kaloustian, V. M., Kronfol, N. M., Takla, R., Habash, A.,
5. Baird, P.A., De Jong, B.P.: Noonan's syndrome (XX and XY Khazin, A., Najjar, S.S.: Leprechaunism. Amer. J. Dis. Child.
Turner phenotype) in three generations of a family. 1. Pediat. 122,442-445 (1971)
80, 110--114 (1972) 3. Summit, R.L., Favara, B.E.: Leprechaunism (Donohue's syn-
drome): a case report. J. Pediat. 74, 601-610 (1969)
4. Ferguson-Smith, M.A., Hamilton, W., Ferguson, I.e., Ellis,
P. M.: An abnormal metacentric chromosome in an infant
with leprechaunism. Ann. Genet. (Paris) 11, 195-200 (1968)
Leprechaunism (Donohue Syndrome)

In 1948 Donohue [lJ first described this condition.

Since then, 15 similar cases have been reported [2].
The clinically descriptive term of "leprechaunism" is
generally accepted.
316 Miscellaneous

19.9 19.10

Figs. 19.9 and 19.10. Leprechaunism. Note elfin facies, tissue with loose and wrinkled skin. (From Der Kaloustian,
hirsutism, large low-set ears, and scanty subcutaneous V. M., et al.: Amer. 1. Dis. Child. 122, 442-445, 1971)

Coffin-Lowry Syndrome a- b ridge count, and a low total ridge count are also
significant changes [3].
In males, the skin is loose and easily stretched. The
This syndrome was described in 1966 by Coffin et veins may be dilated and readily seen, with capillary
al. [1] and in 1971 by Lowry et al. [2] ; these reports telangiectasia and extensive varicose veins of the
were thought to represent two entities. In 1975 legs. Cutis marmorata and discoloration of the
Temtamy et al. [3] suggested that they represented hands and feet, when held dependent, are present in
one and the same entity which they called the both sexes. The hair is straight and coarse in all
Coffin-Lowry syndrome. affected males [3].
Other associated findings may be congenital heart
Clinical Presentation. The mam features of the disease, inguinal hernias, or prolapse of the uterus.
syndrome, which are more marked in males and Roentgenologic examinations reveal the following:
progressive with age, involve the face, hands, ner- hypertelorism, thickened facial bones, hyperostosis
vous system, skeleton, orodental area, and skin [3]. frontalis intern a, kyphoscoliosis, narrowed interver-
The facial features display progressive coarsening, tebral spaces, short distal phalanges with prominent
with thick lips and pouting lower lip. The hands are tufting, retarded bone age, sternal abnormalities,
broad and thick, with distally tapered and hyper- narrow iliac wings, short wide femoral necks, coxa
extensible fingers. The chest may reveal pectus valga, and short great toe [3].
excavatum or carina tum. Mental retardation is
severe in all affected males and variable in affected
females. There may be an internal communicating Pathology and Pathophysiology. By light micros-
hydrocephalus with progressive motor deteriora- copy, conjunctival and skin biopsy specimens de-
tion. Partial cleft tongue, bilateral winging of the monstrate hypercellularity of the subepithelial con-
upper central incisors, and poor alignment of the nective tissue. Many of the cells are filled with small
upper anterior teeth may be present. intracytoplasmic inclusions. By electron micros-
A frequent derma to glyphic change is a transverse copy, the intracytoplasmic inclusions appear as
hypothenar crease. The atd angle is increased. single membrane-limited bodies (0.3--0.5 Jl in diame-
Increased interdigital patterns, an increase of the ter) with pleomorphic contents, predominantly fine
Familial Mediterranean Fever 317

fibrillogranular material, and intensely electron- neurotic edema [8], Henoch-Schonlein purpura [3],
dense bodies. These histopathologic changes sug- nonspecific purpura [9], subcutaneous nodules [3],
gest that this is a lysosomal storage disorder. and herpes simplex labialis [7].
The disease has been reported in almost all Middle
Inheritance. X-linked or sex-influenced autosomal Eastern ethnic groups, but especially Armenians
dominant inheritance is suggested by severe ex- and Jews. In addition, sporadic cases have been
pression in males and transmission through mildly reported among the Dutch, Swedes, and others of
affected females [3]. non-Middle Eastern or non-Mediterranean extrac-
tion [4].
Treatment. No specific treatment is available.
Pathology and Pathophysiology. The pathogenetic
and pathophysiologic mechanisms are unknown.
The incidence of amyloidosis varies: 26 % [3]
1. Coffin, G.S., Siris, E., Wegienka, L.c.: Mental retardation among Jewish patients to 8% [4] among Armenian
with osteocartilaginous anomalies. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 112,
205-213 (1966)
2. Lowry, B., Miller, J. R., Fraser, F. c.: A new dominant gene
mental retardation syndrome. Association with small stature, Inheritance. The mode is not definitely established.
tapering finge!s, characteristic facies, and possible hydro- Most reports favor the autosomal recessive pattern
cephalus. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 121,496-500 (1971)
[3,4]. Some suggest that it may be autosomal
3. Temtamy. S.A., Miller, J.D., Hussels-Maumenee, 1.: The
Coffin-Lowry syndrome: an inherited faciodigital mental dominant [2, 10]. The disease may be genetically
retardation syndrome. J. Pediat. 86, 724-731 (1975) heterogeneous.

Treatment. The treatment should consist mainly of

providing understanding and psychological sup-
Familial Mediterranean Fever port to the patient to prevent depressive episodes.
Drugs known to suppress the attacks include clofib-
(Familial Paroxysmal Polyserositis) rate (Atromid S), hormones [cyclic therapy (in
women)], and colchicine [5].
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) or familial
paroxysmal polyserositis (FPP) was first described
as a separate syndrome in 1945 by Siegal [1].
1. Siegal, S.: Benign paroxysmal peritonitis. Ann. intern. Med.
23, 1-21 (1945)
Clinical Presentation. This is a familial disease 2. Reimann, H.A., Moadie, J., Semerdjian, S., Sahyoun, P.F.:
manifested by recurrent episodes of fever accom- Periodic peritonitis - heredity and pathology. Report of
panied by signs of peritonitis, pleuritis, and sy- seventy-two cases. J. Amer. med. Ass. 154, 1254-1259 (1954)
novitis and sometimes complicated by amyloidosis. 3. Sohar, E., Gafni, J., Pras, M., Heller, H.: Familial Mediter-
ranean fever. A survey of 470 cases and review of the literature.
The symptoms usually appear in the first two Amer. J. Med. 43, 227-253 (1967)
decades and are of lifelong duration [2-5]. 4. Khachadurian, A. K., Armenian, H. K. : Familial paroxysmal
The attacks last not less than 24 h and usually not polyserositis (familial Mediterranean fever) incidence of
more than 72 h. The usual picture is that of abdo- amyloidosis and mode of inheritance. In: The clinical de-
lineation of birth defects. Vol. X, No.4, pt. XVI, pp. 62-66.
minal pain with or without pleuritic and arthritic
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 1974
manifestations, diffuse in nature, with rigidity, di- 5. Armenian, H.X., Uthman, S.M.: Familial paroxysmal poly-
rect and rebound tenderness, a mild paralytic ileus, serositis (FPP). Leb. med. J. 28, 439-442 (1975)
and fever. Pleuritis or arthritis of the large joints 6. Azizi, E., Fisher, B. K. : Cutaneous manifestations of familial
may occur independently from the abdominal man- Mediterranean fever. Arch. Derm. 112, 364-366 (1976)
7. Siegal, S.: Familial paroxysmal polyserositis. Analysis of
ifestations [2-5]. fifty cases. Amer. J. Med. 36, 893-918 (1964)
The laboratory picture during the attacks is charac- 8. Reimann, H.A.: Periodic disease. Med. (Baltimore) 30,219-
terized by nonspecific elevation of febrile reactants: 245 (1951)
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, white blood cell 9. Mamou, H., Maret, R.: Etude anatomo-clinique d'une
epanalepsie meconnue chez un Armenien. Sem. Hop. Paris
count, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein.
32, 3197-3204 (1956)
Other rarer manifestations include hematuria dur- 10. NafTah, J.: Personal communication (1977)
ing the attacks, pericarditis, lymphadenitis, and
febrile attack with no serous inflammation.
Cutaneous manifestations include erythematous
and purpuric skin rashes [5], an erysipelaslike ery-
thema [6] during the attacks, urticaria [7], angio-
318 Miscellaneous

Atopic Dermatitis suggest a more general increased risk of allergic

Dominant inheritance has also been proposed [6].
This is a common disorder that is adequately Demonstration of immune response genes [7] sup-
covered in textbooks of dermatology. Thus, only a ports the heritability of atopy and its autosomal
very brief clinical discussion will be given here. dominant inheritance.

Clinical Presentation. The manifestations of atopic Treatment. The main aims in the treatment of atopic
dermatitis are rather characteristic. In infants (2 dermatitis are to eliminate aggravating factors,
months to 2 years), there is an exudative oozing decrease pruritus, and control the inflammation.
dermatitis mainly over the face and neck. In child- The proper use of topical steroids and lubrication of
ren (3-10 years), the eruption is papular with lichen- the skin are effective in controlling the dermatitis
ified plaques especially over the extremities. As the provided that the patient's emotional and physical
patients grow older (12 years and on), the involved environment are kept as near optimum as possible.
sites are usually the flexural areas of the arms and
There are several syndromes and diseases in which
legs, as well as the neck. The eruption is in the form
atopic dermatitis is a feature. These have been
of thick lichenified plaques. In general, the skin is
discussed in their respective places (see also
dry, and itching is a prominent sign. Patients with
Appendix, p. 319). One other syndrome, Dubowitz
atopic dermatitis have a number of associated
syndrome, has not been mentioned. In this syn-
stigmas: ocular (cataract, keratoconus); vascular
drome [8] there is an atopic dermatitislike erup-
(white dermographism, delayed blanch to acetyl-
tion on the face and flexural areas of the extremities,
choline, etc.); and others (flat oral glucose tolerance,
sparsity of hair especially over the lateral parts of
hypotension). Patients with atopic dermatitis have
the eyebrows, peculiar facies (small facies, shallow
increased susceptibility to herpes simplex and vac- supraorbital ridge, short palpebral fissures, variable
cima VIruses.
ptosis, blepharophimosis, and micrognathia), mild
microcephaly, prenatal growth deficiency, mental
Pathology and Pathophysiology. Atopic dermatitis.
deficiency, lag in eruption of teeth, and other vari-
is closely associated with atopy. Atopy signifies an
able features. The inheritance follows the autosomal
increased liability to form IgE antibodies and an
recessive pattern.
increased susceptibility to bronchial asthma, hay
fever, and atopic dermatitis. It is not clear as yet References
whether atopic dermatitis is due to an immunologic 1. Stone, S.P., Gleich, G.l, Muller, S. A.: Atopic dermatitis and
mechanism or whether the latter plays only a minor IgE: relationship between changes in IgE levels and severity
role. Even though the serum level of IgE is elevated of disease. Arch. Derm. 112, 1254-1255 (1976)
in patients with atopic dermatitis, there is no cor- 2. Mc Geady, S.J., Buckley, R. H.: Depression of cell-mediated
immunity in atopic eczema. J. Allergy clin. Immunol. 56,
relation between IgE levels and severity of the 393-406 (1975)
disease [1]. Cell-mediated immunity is depressed in 3. Rogge, lL., Hanifin, J.M.: Immunodeficiencies in severe
these patients [2,3]. atopic dermatitis: depressed chemotaxis and lymphocyte
The histopathologic skin changes are not character- transformation. Arch. Derm. 112, 1391-1396 (1976)
istic but are those of acute dermatitis in the infantile 4. Tips, R. L.: A study of the inheritance of atopic hyper-
sensitivity in man. Amer. 1. hum. Genet. 6, 328-343 (1954)
form and of chronic dermatitis in the childhood and 5. Lubs, M.-L. E. : Empiric risks for genetic counseling in families
adult forms. with allergy. l Pediat. 80, 26-31 (1972)
6. Schwartz, M.: Heredity in bronchial asthma. Copenhagen:
Inheritance. The genetics of atopic dermatitis is not Munksgaard 1952
7. McDevitt, H.O., Bodmer, W.F.: HL-A, immune-response
simple. It was thought [4] that each of the three genes, and disease. Lancet 19741, 1269-1275
forms of atopy is determined by homozygosity at a 8. Dubowitz, V.: Familial low birth weight with an unusual
single and separate locus. However, others [5] facies and a skin eruption. l med. Genet. 2, 12-17 (1965)
Differential Diagnoses of Disorders Based on Dermatologic Signs

Abscess Atopic dermatitis

Job syndrome ..................................................... 158 Deafness and dermatitis ............ .......... ... ............ 309
Tuftsin deficiency ............................................... 160 Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma .............. 122
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ......................... 156, 161 Ichthyosiform dermatoses ........... ............ ........... 26
Ichthyosis 1inearis circumflexa ........ ............ ....... 34
Acanthosis nigricans Band, fibrous
Acanthosis nigricans .......................................... 126 Ainhum .............................................................. 95
Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140 Facioauricu1overtebral anomalad ...................... 102
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy................ 130 Freeman-Sheldon syndrome ....... ............ ........... 95
Phenylketonuria ......... ........... .......... .......... ......... 264 Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma ................... 122

Acne (severe or in unusual areas) Band, verrucous

Acrocephalosyndactyly type I ......... .......... ......... 107 Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis ............................. 28
XYY syndrome ...... ..... ............ .......... ........ ......... 296 Incontinentia pigmenti achromians (ITO) ......... 74

Acrochordons Blepharochalasis
Multiple fibrofolliculomas ................................. 220 Blepharochalasis .... ........ .... ............. .................... 138
Chromosome 4 short arm deletion syndrome ... 293
Chromosome 18 short arm deletion syndrome .. 295
Alopecia Chromosome 21 long arm deletion syndrome ... 294
Acanthosis nigricans .......................................... 126 Bullae
Acrodermatitis enteropathica ........ ........... .......... 79
Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) ............. 134 See "Vesicles"
Flynn-Aird syndrome ......................................... 94
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Candidiasis
Incontinentia pigmenti ....................................... 74 Defective monocyte chemotaxis ......................... 159
Incontinentia pigmenti achromians (ITO) ......... 74 Familial chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (FCMC) ......................................................... 156
cum ophiasi .................................................... 26 Immune defect with deficiency of adenosine
Keratosis pilaris decalvans ........ .......... ......... ...... 24 deaminase ....................................................... 155
Progeria .............................................................. 116 Myeloperoxidase deficiency ............................... 158
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123 Severe combined immunodeficiency .................. 155
Werner syndrome ............................................... 119
Alopecia areata
Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) ............. 134
Vitiligo .............. ............ ........... .......... .......... ...... 58 Cockayne syndrome ........................................... 120
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome ..................... 58 Cri-du-Chat syndrome .. .............. ........... ............ 294
Dyskeratosis congenita ........ ............. .............. ... 132
Alopecia, cicatricial Premature canities .............................................. 63
Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria Werner syndrome ............................................... 119
(Gunther disease) ........................................... 143
Keratoma hereditaria muti1ans .......... ......... ....... 44 Comedones
Mandibulofacial dysostosis ..... .......... ........... ...... 130 Familial dyskeratotic comedones ....................... 57
Trisomy 13 syndrome ........................................ 293
Cutis marmorata
Anhidrosis and hypohidrosis Coffin-Lowry syndrome ..................................... 316
Adiposis dolorosa ....... ....... ............ ........... ......... 228 Cornelia de Lange syndrome ............................. 179
Anderson-Fabry disease ..................................... 271 Diffuse corticomeningeal angiomatosis
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ......... ........ ....... 109 of Divry and Van Bogaert ............................. 258
Fucosidosis ...... ........ ........... .......... .......... ........ .... 270 Down syndrome ... ............ .............. ................. ... 290
Van den Bosch syndrome .................................. 18 Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
320 Appendix

Cysts, sebaceous, epidermal Erythema

Basal cell nevus syndrome .................................. 213 Palmar erythema ................................................ 250
Gardner syndrome ............................................. 136 Transient: erythrokeratodermia variabilis ......... 18
Leukonychia ....................................................... 196
Steatocystoma multiplex .................................... 221 Exfoliation
Collodion baby .. ............ ................ .............. ...... 32
Depigmentation Familial continual skin peeling .......................... 52
See Abnormalities of Pigmentation ..................... 58 Eyebrows, disorders
Disorders of eyebrows ..... .............. .................... 194
Dermatoglyphic abnormalities Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome ............................... 312
Acromegaloid changes, cutis verticis gyrata, Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
and corneal leukoma ...................................... 125
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. ........... ............ 109 Eyebrows, hypoplasia
Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) ............. 134 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia .......... .............. 109
Chapter on Dermatoglyphics ... ........ ........... ....... 299 Cartilage-hair hypoplasia ........................... 156, 182
Coffin-Lowry syndrome ..................................... 316 Congenital ectodermal dysplasia
Congenital hemolytic anemias ........... ........ ........ 236 of the face ...................................................... 116
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Congenital universal alopecia ............................ 181
Noonan syndrome ..... ......... ........ ........ ......... ...... 313 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome ............ ... .............. 97
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome ............................... 312 Hereditary hypotrichosis (Marie Unna type) .... 182
Sjogren-Larsson syndrome ................................. 34 Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................... 113
Syndromes with chromosomal abnormalities .... 293 Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decal vans
cum ophiasi ...... ......... ............ ........... .............. 26
Ear abnormalities Pili torti .............................................................. 184
Progeria .............................................................. 116
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, type II ........... 105, 109 Tietz syndrome ........... ......... ............ ............ ....... 63
AEC syndrome ................................................... 112 Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome ...... ................ 184
Auriculo-osteodysplasia ..................................... 102 Ulerythema ophryogenes (Taenzer) ................... 24
Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) ............. 134
Branchial cleft anomalies, cup-shaped ear, Eyelashes, disorders
and deafness ................................................... 100
Chromosome 18 long arm deletion syndrome ... 294 Disorders of eyelashes ........................................ 194
Chromosome 18 short arm deletion syndrome .. 295 Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
Cryptophthalmos syndrome .... ......... ......... ......... 97 Eyes, covered with skin
Cup ear .............................................................. 100
Cryptophthalmos syndrome ....... ........... ...... ....... 97
Down syndrome .. ........... ........ ......... ........ ........... 290
Ear pits ............................................................... 98 Freckles
Facioauriculovertebral anomalad ...................... 102
Group G monosomy syndrome ......................... 293 Down syndrome .. ............. .................. ................ 290
Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome Ephelides ........ .......... ........... .................. .... ... ...... 69
(LADDY ......................................................... 101 Lentigines ....... .......... ........... .............. ... .............. 69
Mandibulofacial dysostosis .. .......... ....... ............. 130 Neurofibromatosis ............................................. 255
Trisomy 13 syndrome ........................................ 293 Xeroderma pigmentosum ................................... 151
Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
XXXXY syndrome ............................................ 295 Fungal infection
Defective neutrophil chemotaxis .................. 32, 158
See "Purpura" Gingival hyperplasia
Chronic familial neutropenia ............................. 159
Ectropion Gingival fibromatosis .... ........... ......... ................. 205
Ichthyosiform erythrodermia ............................. 28 Juvenile fibromatosis .... ........... .......... ......... ....... 223
Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans Letterer-Siwe disease .......... ........... ........... ... ....... 231
cum ophiasi ..... .......... .......... ........ ......... .......... 26
Eczema Ainhum .............................................................. 95
Chromosome 18 long arm deletion syndrome ... 294 Familial transverse nasal groove ....................... 95
Chronic granulomatous disease due to Freeman-Sheldon syndrome .............................. 95
leukocyte malfunction .. ....... ........ ......... .......... 158
Episodic lymphopenia with lymphocytotoxin .... 156 Hair, coarse
Phenylketonuria ....... ........ ....... .......... ........ ......... 264 Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Thrombocytopenia (X-linked recessive) ............. 239
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome .................. 156, 161,239 Hair, fragile

Edema, localized
Abnormalities of hair shaft ................................ 184
Citrullinuria ....................................................... 264
Hereditary angioedema .... .......... ....... ......... ........ 288 Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa ... ................. ....... 34
Appendix 321

Hair, lusterless Hyperpigmentation of eyelids

Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.. ............ .......... 109
Netherton syndrome .......................................... 40 Hyperpigmentation of eyelids ............................ 76
Hair, white or light-colored Hyperpigmentation of pinnae
Albinism ..... ........ ......... ........ ........ .......... .......... ... 61 Alkaptonuria ...... ............ ............ ........... ............. 259
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia ................................... 182
Chediak-Higashi syndrome ................................ 65 Hypertrichosis
Hypotrichosis with light-colored hair and
facial milia .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ............ .... 182 Ataxia telangiectasia ........... ........... .......... ... ....... 244
Piebaldism ..... .......... .......... ........ .......... .......... ..... 63 Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140
Premature canities ..... .......... .......... ........ ............. 63 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
Tietz syndrome ............ .......... ........ ......... ............ 63 (Gunther disease) ........................................... 143
Waardenburg syndrome ..................................... 64 Congenital generalized lipodystrophy ............. ... 130
Gingival fibromatosis ........... ........... .............. ..... 205
Hemangiomas Hereditary coproporphyria ................................ 149
Blue rubber bleb nevus .......... .......... ........... ....... 226 Hereditary hirsutism .... ............. ........... .............. 179
Familial multiple nevi flammei .......................... 246 Hunter syndrome ........................................ 171-173
Hemangioma-thrombocytopenia syndrome ....... 241 Hurler syndrome ......................................... 171-173
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia ............... 242 Incontinentia pigmenti achromians (ITO) ......... 74
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome ................. 225 Leprechaunism ................................................... 315
Maffucci syndrome ....... .......... ........ .......... ......... 226 Parana hard-skin syndrome ............................... 312
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome ............................... 312 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome .............................. 312
Sturge-Weber syndrome ..................................... 257 Sanfilippo syndrome ..... ......... ............. ........ 172, 173
Telangiectatic nevus of nape .............................. 247 Scheie syndrome ......................................... 172, 173
Trisomy 13 syndrome ........................................ 293 Stiff skin syndrome ............................................ 310
Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293 Symptomatic cutaneous hepatic porphyria ........ 149
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome ............................ 258 Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
XXyy syndrome .... ..................... .................. .... 296 Variegate porphyria ......... ........... ............. .......... 148
Winchester disease ............................................. 311
Episodic lymphopenia with Iymphocytotoxin .... 156
See Abnormalities of Pigmentation ................... 58
St:e "Hypertrichosis" Hypotrichosis
Hyperhidrosis Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................ 109
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia ................................... 182
Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) ............. 134 Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Chediak-Higashi syndrome ................................ 65 Cockayne syndrome ........................................... 120
Cutis verticis gyrata ........................................... 125 Down syndrome ..... ........... ............... .................. 290
Diffuse palmoplantar keratodermia ................... 42 Dyskeratosis congenita ....... ... ............. .......... ..... 132
Dyskeratosis congenita ....... ....... ......... .......... ..... 132 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome ............................... 114
Familial dysautonomia ...................................... 252 Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica - macular
Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa ........ ......... .......... 34 type of Mendes da Costa .. .............. ............ ... 86
Mal de Meleda ..... .............. ........ .......... ........... ... 44 Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91
Pachyonychia congenita ..................................... 198 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome ............................. 97
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome ................................ 44 Hereditary alopecias .......................................... 181
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ......... .............. .... 113
Hyperkeratosis, follicular
Klinefelter syndrome .......................................... 295
Ichthyosis vulgaris ............. ......... ......... .............. 26 Lipoid proteinosis ........... ........ ... ......... ............... 277
Palmoplantar keratodermias ... ............. .............. 40
Hyperpigmentation Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123
Acropigmentation .............................................. 73 XXXY syndrome ............................................... 295
Berlin syndrome ................................................. 111 XXXXy syndrome ............................................ 295
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy........ ........ 130 XXYY syndrome ....... ........... ........... ............. ..... 296
Dyskeratosis congenita ..... ........ ......... .......... ...... 132
Familial progressive hyperpigmentation ............ 76 Hypotrichosis, axillary and pubic
Gaucher disease ................................................. 267 Adiposis dolorosa ............. ........... ........ .............. 228
Hereditary coproporphyria .. ........ ................... ... 149 Congenital absence of the breasts and nipples .. 136
Hyperpigmentation of Fuldauer and Kuijpers.. 76 Down syndrome ... ......... ............. ......... ...... ......... 290
Mucosal neuromas with endocrine tumors ........ 206 Testicular feminization syndrome ...................... 266
Niemann-Pick disease ........................................ 267 XXXXX syndrome ........ ....... ....... ............. ......... 295
Parana hard-skin syndrome ............................... 312
Primary hemochromatosis ....... .......... ........ ........ 285
Symptomatic cutaneous hepatic porphyria ........ 149 Keratodermia, palmoplantar
Universal melanosis ........................................... 71 Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans ...... ............ 50
Variegate porphyria ......... ......... ........ .......... ....... 148 Palmoplantar keratodermias ............ ;............... 40
322 Appendix

Keratoses Milia
Keratoma hereditaria mutilans .......................... 44 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................ 109
Basal cell nevus syndrome ................................. 213
Lip abnormalities Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica (Cockayne-
Touraine) ........................................................ 83
Chromosome 4 short arm deletion syndrome ... 293 Hereditary hypotrichosis (Marie Unna type) .... 182
Cleft lip, syndromes with ................................... 202 Hypotrichosis with light-colored hair and facial
Coffin-Lowry syndrome ..................................... 316 milia ............................................................... 182
Cri-du-Chat syndrome ........ .......... .............. ....... 294 Multiple eruptive milia ...................................... 222
Leprechaunism ... .......... ......... ............ ........... ...... 315
Lip pits or fistulas ...... .......... .......... ........ ............ 204 Nails, disorders
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome ....................... 206
Mucosal neuromas with endocrine tumors ........ 206 Disorders of nails ................ .................. ............. 196
Trisomy l3 syndrome ........ ........ .............. .......... 293 Leprechaunism .... .......... .............. .................. ..... 315
Pachyonychia congenita ..................................... 198
Lip edema Trisomy 13 syndrome ........................................ 293
Trisomy 18 syndrome ........................................ 293
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome ....................... 206 Turner syndrome ...... .............. ...................... ..... 291

Lymphedema Nails, dystrophic

Hereditary lymphedema ..................................... 247 Acrodermatitis enteropathica .. ...... ............ ......... 79
Turner syndrome ............................................... 291 Acrogeria ...... .............. ........ .............. .................. 118
Acrokeratosis verruciformis .............. ................. 18
Macules, hypo- and depigmented Alopecia areata .................................................. 190
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................ 109
Ataxia telangiectasia .......................................... 244 Chromosome 21 long arm deletion syndrome ... 294
Dyschromatosis universalis .... .......... ............ ...... 73 Congenital localized absence of skin ................. 127
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica - macular Diffuse palmoplantar keratodermia ............ ....... 42
type of Mendes da Costa .... ........................... 86 Dyskeratosis congenita ...................................... l34
Fanconi anemia .......................................... 159,237 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome ............................... 114
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica ................. 83, 86
Incontinentia pigmenti achromians (ITO) ........... 74 Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91
Neurofibromatosis ............................................. 255 Group G monosomy syndrome ................ ......... 293
Piebaldism ............... ....... ........... ............. ............ 63 Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................... 113
Raindrop hypopigmentation ...... .......... .............. 64 Keratosis follicularis .. .......... .............................. 22
Symmetric acroleukopathy .......... .......... ............ 68 Keratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris ...... ..... 42
Symmetric dyschromatosis of the extremities .... 73 Mal de Meleda ...... .............. .................. ............. 44
Tietz syndrome ........ ........ ............ .......... ............. 63 Palmoplantar keratodermias .......... ...... .............. 40
Tuberous sclerosis ...... ............ ........ .......... .......... 253 Papillon-Lefevre syndrome ................................ 44
Vitiligo ....... ........ ........... .......... ........ ............. ...... 58 Pityriasis rubra pilaris ................ ........................ 52
Waardenburg syndrome ..................................... 64 Porokeratosis (Mibelli) .......................... ............ 48
Progeria ........ .......... ........... ............... .................. 116
MacuIes, pigmented Raynaud disease ................................................ 249
Amyloidosis ......... ........... .......... ........... .............. 273 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123
Ataxia telangiectasia ................................... 156,244 Sclero-atrophic and keratotic dermatosis of the
Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140 limbs ............................................................... 128
Diffuse corticomeningeal angiomatosis Werner syndrome ............................................... 119
of Divry and Van Bogaert ............................. 258
Nails, yellow
Dyschromatosis universalis .......... ...... ................ 73
Ephelides ............................................................ 69 Hereditary lymphedema with yellow nails ......... 248
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica - macular
type of Mendes da Costa ...... .......... ........ ....... 86 Nipples, absent
Fanconi anemia .......................................... 159,237 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ...... .................. 109
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Congenital absence of the breasts and nipples.. l36
Franceschetti-Jadassohn syndrome .................... 76
Incontinentia pigmenti ....................................... 74 Nipples, inverted
Lentigines .... .......... .......... ........ .......... ........... ...... 69
Letterer-Siwe disease .......... .......... ........ .............. 231 Inverted nipples ........ ............ .......... .................... l36
Mast cell disease ................................................ 229 Turner syndrome ............................................... 291
Melanocytic nevi ................................................ 71
Neurofibromatosis ......... ......... .......... .......... ....... 255 Nipples, supernumerary
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ..................................... 69 Supernumerary nipples ........ ........ ...................... l36
Symmetric dyschromatosis of the extremities.... 73
Macules, red
Amyloidosis ............ ........... .............. .................. 273
Familial dysautonomia ...................................... 252 Blue rubber bleb nevus ...................................... 226
Granulosis rubra nasi ...... ........ .......... ................ 309 Congenital generalized fibromatosis .................. 222
Appendix 323

Cylindromatosis ................................................. 215 Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans .......... ........ 50

Familial malignant melanoma ........................... 235 Keratosis follicularis .......................................... 22
Hereditary inflammatory vasculitis with Keratosis pilaris ................................................. 24
persistent nodules ........................................... 251 Keratosis pilaris decalvans ... ........... ........... ........ 24
Hereditary multiple leiomyomas of skin ............ 228 Kyrle disease ...................................................... 50
Histiocytic derma to arthritis .... ............ .......... ..... 231 Letterer-Siwe disease .......................................... 231
Juvenile fibromatosis ......................................... 223 Lipoid proteinosis ......... ........... .......... ........... ..... 277
Lipoid proteinosis ......... ........ .......... ........... ........ 277 Mast cell disease .... ......... .......... ............. ............ 229
Maffucci syndrome ..... ......... ......... .......... ........... 226 Multiple hamartoma syndrome ......................... 220
Mast cell disease ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... 229 Osteopoikilosis ....... ........... .......... ........... ............ 211
Multiple glomus tumors ..................................... 224 Pityriasis rubra pilaris ....... ............. ........... ......... 52
Mycosis fungoides .............................................. 233 Psoriasis ............................................................. 54
Neurofibromatosis ............................................. 255 Self-healing squamous epithelioma .................... 212
Pilomatrixoma .................................................... 218 Trichoepithelioma .............................................. 215
Seborrheic keratoses .......................................... 218 Ulerythema ophryogenes (Taenzer) ................... 24
Tuberous sclerosis ........... .......... ........ ........... ...... 253
Papules, lichenoid
Nodules, subcutaneous
Acrokeratosis verruciformis ..... ........... ............... 18
Adiposis dolorosa ...... ........... ......... ............ ........ 228
Angiolipoma ........ ......... ......... ......... ........... ........ 227 Papules, mucosal
Familial lipomatosis ........................................... 227 Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91
Familial Mediterranean fever ............................ 317 Keratosis follicularis ....... ........... ........... ............. 22
Farber lipogranulomatosis ................................. 268
Histiocytic dermatoarthritis ... .......... ........ .......... 231 Papules, palmar
Palmoplantar punctae Keratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris ........... 42

Acrokeratosis verruciformis ...... ........ .......... ....... 18 Papules, pigmented

Multiple hamartoma syndrome ......................... 220 Anderson-Fabry disease ..................................... 271
Palmoplantar thickening Fucosidosis ...... ... ..... .... ............ ........... ................ 270
Melanocytic nevi ................................................ 71
Acanthosis nigricans .......................................... 126
Acrokeratoelastoidosis ....................................... 52 Papules, verrucous
AEC syndrome ................................................... 112 Acanthosis nigricans .......................................... 126
Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37 Acrokeratosis verruciformis ...... .............. ........... 18
Dyskeratosis congenita ........ ......... ........... .......... 132 Incontinentia pigmenti ....................................... 74
Franceschetti-Jadassohn syndrome .................... 76 Multiple hamartoma syndrome ......................... 220
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................... 113
Pachyonychia congenita ..... .......... ......... .......... ... 198 Papules, yellow
Palmoplantar keratodermias ...... .......... .............. 40 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum ................................ 166
Pityriasis rubra pilaris .......... ........ .......... ............ 52
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123 Petechiae
Sclero-atrophic and keratotic dermatosis of the
limbs ............................................................... 128 See "Purpura"

Papillomas, mucosal Photosensitivity

Keratosis palmaris et plantaris striata .............. . 42 Aspartylglycosaminuria ..... .............. .............. ..... 262
Cockayne syndrome ........................................... 120
Papillomas, warty Disorders with photosensitivity ......................... 140
Keratosis follicularis 22 Hartnup disease ................................................. 142
Papules Pili torti
Acrokeratoelastoidosis ....................................... 52 Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa .......... .............. ... 34
Amyloidosis ...... ............ .......... .......... ......... ........ 273
Basal cell nevus syndrome ................................. 213 Pits, palmar
Cold hypersensitivity .......................................... 250
Basal cell nevus syndrome ................................. 213
Dermatosis papulosa nigra ....... ......... ........... ..... 220
Keratosis follicularis .......... ............. ........... ........ 222
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa ......... .......... ....... 170
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
albopapuloidea (Pasini) ... ........ ......... ........... ... 86 Plaques
Familial cutaneous papillomatosis ..................... 220 Amyloidosis .... ........... ........... ........... ............. ..... 273
Familial reactive collagenosis ............................ 170 Familial cutaneous collagenoma ........................ 210
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Familial cutaneous papillomatosis ..................... 220
Gout ................................................................... 288 Juvenile fibromatosis ......................................... 223
Granulosis rubra nasi ... .......... ......... .......... ........ 309 Keloids ......... ........ ........... ............. ........... ........... 223
Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma .............. 122 Lipoid proteinosis ........ ............ .......... ................ 277
Hereditary multiple leiomyomas of skin ............ 228 Mycosis fungoides .............................................. 233
Hereditary polymorphic light eruption .............. 142 Winchester disease .. .......... ............ ............. ........ 311
324 Appendix

Plaques, circinate Scales

Porokeratoses ........... ........ .......... .......... ........... ... 48 Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Down syndrome .. .......... ........... ............ ... ........... 290
Plaques, mucosal Ichthyosiform dermatoses ............... ............ ... .... 26
Benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis ..... ............... 205 Ichthyosis with neutrophil
Pachyonychia congenita ..................................... 198 chemotactic defect ..... ... ............................ 32, 158
White sponge nevus ... ........ .......... ......... ............. 209 Immunodeficiency with lymphopenia (Nezelof
syndrome) ....................................................... 155
Plaques, sharply marginated Netherton syndrome .......................................... 40
Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia ....................... 20 Pityriasis rubra pilaris ........................................ 52
Erythrokeratodermia with deafness, physical Psoriasis ............................................................. 54
retardation, and neuropathy .. ........... ............. 20 Refsum disease ................................................... 37
Erythrokeratodermia variabilis .......................... 18 Sjogren-Larsson syndrome ................................. 34
Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa ........................... 34
Mal de Meleda ............ .......... ........ ........... .......... 44 Sclerosis
Psoriasis ............................................................. 54 Puretic syndrome ............................................... 170
Symmetric progressive erythrokeratodermia ..... 20 Raynaud disease ................................................ 249
Plugs, follicular Seborrheic dermatitis
Atrophoderma vermiculata .... ............ ......... ....... 24 Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Poikiloderma Chronic granulomatous disease due to
leukocyte malfunction ..... ........... ......... ........... 158
Acrogeria ............................................................ 118 Familial C 5 dysfunction .................................... 159
Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma .............. 122 Leiner disease ..................................................... 309
Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma ................... 122
Metageria ........................................................... 119 Skin, atrophic
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123
Werner syndrome ............................................... 119 Acrogeria ............................................................ 118
Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Preauricular tags and/or sinuses Congenital ectodermal dysplasia
Cat eye syndrome ............ ........ .......... ........... ..... 294 of the face ...................................................... 116
Chromosome 4 short arm deletion syndrome ... 293 Flynn-Aird syndrome ......................................... 94
Chromosome 21 long arm deletion syndrome ... 294 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome ............ ................. 97
Cri-du-Chat syndrome .... ........... .......... ........ ...... 294 Metageria ......... ............. ........... ............... ........ ... 119
Facioauriculovertebral anomalad ...................... 102 Pterygium syndrome .......................................... 134
Sclero-atrophic and keratotic dermatosis
Purpura (petechiae, ecchymosis) of the limbs .................................................... 128
Werner syndrome ............................................... 119
Adiposis dolorosa ..... .......... ........ ... ........ ............ 228
Amyloidosis ..... ........... .......... ......... .......... .......... 273 Skin, atrophic, pitted
Cold hypersensitivity.... .......... ........ ........... ......... 250
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome .................................... 164 Atrophoderma vermiculata .... ........... .............. ... 24
Familial Mediterranean fever ............................ 317
Familial pigmented purpuric eruption ............... 240 Skin, dry
Gaucher disease .. ........... .......... .......... ........... ..... 267 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................ 109
Glycinemia ....... ........... ....... ........... .......... .... 160, 239 Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140
Hemangioma-thrombocytopenia syndrome ....... 241 Chondrodysplasia punctata ............................... 37
Letterer-Siwe disease .......................................... 231 Down syndrome ..... .......... ........... ........... ............ 290
Niemann-Pick disease ........................................ 267 Ichthyosiform dermatoses .................................. 26
Purpuras, thrombocytopenias, and Netherton syndrome .......................................... 40
thrombocytopathies ......... ............ ........... ....... 239 Refsum disease ............ ........... ......... ................... 37
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome .................. 156, 161, 239 Sjogren-Larsson syndrome ................................. 34

Pyoderma Skin, hard

Aspartylglycosaminuria ..... .......... .......... ......... .... 262 Parana hard-skin syndrome ............................... 312
Ataxia telangiectasia ..... .......... ........ ............ 156, 244 Stiff skin syndrome .... ........... ........... .................. 310
Chronic familial neutropenia ....... .......... ............ 159
Chronic granulomatous disease due to Skin, hyperelastic
leukocyte malfunction ........ .......... .......... ........ 158
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome .................................... 164
Cyclic neutropenia ............................................. 159
Gingival fibromatosis ...... ........... ........... .... ... ...... 205
Episodic lymphopenia with lymphocytotoxin .... 156
Gaucher disease .............. ........ .......... ........ ......... 267
Immunodeficiency with lymphopenia (Nezelof Skin, loose
syndrome) ....................................................... 155 Coffin-Lowry syndrome ..................................... 316
Infantile agammaglobulinemia ........................... 154 Cutis laxa ........................................................... 162
Infantile agranulocytosis of Kostmann ...... ....... 159 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome .................................... 164
Puretic syndrome ....... .......... ........ ........ .............. 170 Immunodeficiency with short-limb dwarfism .... 156
Appendix 325

Leprechaunism ................. .......... ......... .......... ..... 315 Mast cell disease ................................................ 229
Morquio syndrome ..................................... 172, 173 Morquio syndrome ........... ........... ............... 172, 173
Noonan syndrome ............................................. 313 Scheie syndrome ............ ........... .......... ........ 172, 173
Pseudo xanthoma elasticum ......... .... ...... ............. 166 Telangiectatic nevus of nape .............................. 247
Wrinkly skin syndrome ...................................... 310
Tongue abnormalities
Skin, red Geographic tongue ......... .......... ........... ............... 208
Red skin pigment anomaly of New Guinea ...... 68 Mucosal neuromas with endocrine tumors ........ 206
Pigmented tongue ............ ........... ............ ........... 209
Skin, thick Scrotal tongue .... ............. ........... ............ ............ 209
Acanthosis nigricans .......................................... 126
Cutis verticis gyrata ........................................... 125 Trichodiscomas
Harlequin fetus .................................................. 32 Multiple fibrofolliculomas 220
Hunter syndrome ........................................ 171-173
Hurler syndrome ... ...... ........... ........ .......... ... 171-173 Trichorrhexis invaginata (bamboo hair)
Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans Ichthyosis Iinearis circumflexa ............ ............... 34
cum ophiasi ...... ............... ....... ........... ............. 26 Netherton syndrome .......................................... 40
Morquio syndrome ..................................... 172, 173
Winchester disease ............ .......... .......... ............. 311 Ulcers
Acro-osteolysis ................................................... 128
Skin, thin Aplasia cutis congenita .......... ........... ................. 90
Ataxia telangiectasia .......................................... 244 Congenital hemolytic anemias .. ............... .......... 236
Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91 Congenital localized absence of skin ................. 127
Osteogenesis imperfecta ... ........ .......... .......... ...... 168 F1ynn-Aird syndrome ......................................... 94
Progeria .............................................................. 116 Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91
Puretic syndrome ............................................ '" 170 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome ..................................... 286
Werner syndrome ............................................... 119
Skin, yellow
Ulcers, oral
Familial carotenemia ......................................... 289
Acatalasemia ..... .............. .............. ......... ............ 286
Wolman disease ................................................. 279
Cyclic neutropenia ............. ............... ................. 159
Striae Immune deficiency with raised IgM .................. 154
Striae distensae ................................................... 93 Vesicles (bullae)
Amyloidosis .. .......... ............... ... ............ ............. 273
Syndactyly Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140
AEC syndrome ................................................... 112 Bullous eruptions ....... ... ... .............. .............. ...... 79
Basal cell nevus syndrome ..... .......... ........ .......... 213 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
Bloom syndrome ................................................ 140 (Gunther disease) ........................................... 143
Chromosome 18 short arm deletion syndrome .. 295 Congenital localized absence of skin ................. 127
Cri-du-Chat syndrome ....... ........ .......... ......... ..... 294 Dyskeratosis congenita .... ............... ............... .... 132
Cryptophthalmos syndrome ............................... 97 Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis ............................. 28
Group G monosomy syndrome .......... ........... .... 293 Focal dermal hypoplasia .................................... 91
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome .. ......... ........... ....... 97 Hartnup disease ................................................. 142
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ........................... 113 Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma .............. 122
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome ................. 225 Hereditary coproporphyria ................................ 149
Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome Incontinentia pigmenti ....................................... 74
(LADD) ...................................................... '" 101 Letterer-Siwe disease ....... .............. ............ ......... 231
Monilethrix ........................................................ 186 Pachyonychia congenita ..................................... 198
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome ......................... 123
Syndactylies ........................................................ 104 Symptomatic cutaneous hepatic porphyria ........ 149
Thrombocytopenia and absent radius syndrome Variegate porphyria ........................................... 148
(TAR) ............................................................. 241
Synophrys Immune deficiency with raised IgM ... ............... 154
Cornelia de Lange syndrome ...... ........... ............ 179 Infantile agammaglobulinemia .......... .............. ... 154
Target lesions
Familial localized heat urticaria ........................ 250
Genodermatose en cocardes ...... ........ ........... ..... 20 Familial Mediterranean fever ............................ 317
Telangiectases Xanthomas
Ataxia telangiectasia ........ ........ .......... ......... ....... 244 Cerebral cholesterinosis ..................................... 284
Diffuse corticomeningeal angiomatosis Dermochondrocorneal dystrophy of Fran90is .. 312
of Divry and Van Bogaert ... ............ ........ ...... 258 Familial hyperlipoproteinemias ......................... 280
Hereditary benign telangiectasia ..... .......... ......... 244 Niemann-Pick disease ........................................ 267
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia ....... ........ 242 fJ-Sitosterolemia ... ........... ........... ............. ........... 284

Acantholysis: Dissolution of the intercellular cement or Founder effect: With isolation and inbreeding of certain
bridges leading to loss of cohesion between epithelial populations, any variants present in the original group
(or epidermal) cells. This process results in the formation remain in the growing population in a high proportion.
of vesicles and lacunae within the epidermis as in kera- The Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Mal de Meleda, and
tosis follicularis and benign familial chronic pemphigus. cartilage-hair hypoplasia are examples

Acanthosis: Increase in the thickness of the basal, squa- Granular cell layer: The outermost layer of the viable part
mous, and granular cell layers of the epidermis. of the epidermis. The cells are flattened and contain kera-
tohyaline granules that are deeply basophilic.
Alcian blue stain: A histochemical stain used to demon-
Hemizygote: The state of the male with regard to the X
strate the presence of acid mucopolysaccharides.
Alleles: Alternative forms of genes which occur at the same Hypertelorism, ocular: Abnormal wide spacing of the eyes.
Karyorrhexis: Fragmentation of nuclei resulting in nuclear
Anisocoria: Unequal pupils. dust.

Anomalad: A condition formed of a malformation to- Lacuna: A narrow slitlike bulla (as in keratosis follicu-
gether with different structural changes that are secondary laris and Hailey-Hailey disease).
to it.
Langerhans cells: Dendritic cells in the upper stratum
Bulla: A fluid-filled cavity within or beneath the epider- Malpighii. In routine stains. these appear as clear cells.
mis. The fluid may be serum, plasma, or blood. Often in-
flammatory cells are also present. If smaller than 5 mm it Lysosomes: Membrane-bound intracytoplasmic structures
is called "vesicle"; if narrow and slitlike (as in keratosis containing hydrolytic enzymes that can digest endogenous
follicularis) it is called "lacuna." or exogenous material.

Ophiasis: Baldness in winding streaks.

Camptodactyly: Permanent flexion of finger(s).
Papillae, dermal: Dermal protrusions into the epidermis
Clinodactyly: Permanent deviation or deflection (medial surrounded by rete ridges.
or lateral) of finger(s).
Papillary bodies: See papillae.
Corps ronds: A peculiar type of dyskeratosis (see dyskera-
tosis). Papillomatosis: Irregularly undulated epidermis due to
proliferation of dermal papillae.
Dopa (dihydroxyphenylalanine) reaction: A histochemical
reaction to demonstrate the presence of tyrosinase by the Parakeratosis: Incomplete or faulty keratinization char-
oxidation of dopa to dopa-melanin. acterized by retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum
(horny layer).
Dyskeratosis: Abnormal keratinization of individual kera- Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain or Schiff reaction: A histo-
tinocytes. In keratosis follicularis and benign familial
chemical stain to demonstrate the presence of polysaccha-
chronic pemphigus, the dyskeratosis is in the form of
rides, especially glycogen and neutral mucopolysaccha-
corps ronds: a central, homogeneous basophilic mass sur- rides.
rounded by a clear halo.
Phagosome: Detached surface membrane engulfing intra-
Dystopia canthorum: Faulty position of canthi. cellular material to be digested. The fusion of lysosome
with phagosome (phagolysosome) allows the hydrolytic
Ectrodactyly: Congenital absence of digit(s). enzymes of the lysosome to digest the contents of the
Endoreduplication: Multiplication of chromosomes with-
out cell division. Thus, the cell ends up by having a mul- Phrynoderma (toad skin): Papular dry skin with follicular
tiple of the normal number of chromosomes. hyperkeratosis, due to vitamin A deficiency.
328 Glossary

Prickle cell layer: The major part of the viable epidermis. Syndactyly: Two or more digits grown together or ad-
It is 5-10 layers thick and the cells are polygonal and herent.
flatten toward the surface. Intercellular bridges are de-
monstrable by light microscopy in this layer. Synophrys: Eyebrows joining together at midline.

Pyknosis: Nucleus shrinks in size and the chromatin

condenses. A sign of degeneration of a cell. Ultraviolet light (UV): Radiation in the electromagnetic
spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 100--400 nm.
Rete pegs: See rete ridges. Conventionally, UV is divided into
UVA: long wave, black light 320--400 nm
UVB: middle wave, sunburn 290-320 nm
Rete ridges: Pits on the under surface of the epidermis UVC: short wave 100-290 nm
that surround the dermal papillas.

Squamous cell layer: See prickle cell layer. Vesicle: A fluid-filled cavity within or beneath the epider-
mis, up to 5 mm in diameter.
Stratum Malpighii: The nucleated or viable part of the
epidermis comprising the basal, prickle, and granular cell Wood's light: Ultraviolet light through Wood's filter
layers. (black light) with wavelength peak around 360 nm.
Subject Index
Boldface type indicates the principal discussion of each subject. Italic type indicates illustrative material.

Aase syndrome 203 Acropigmentation 73 e-Aminolevulinic acid synthetase

Aberrations, chromosomal 11 of Dohi 73 increased activity in erythrohepatic
Abnormalities Acute intermittent porphyria 7, 14, 148 protoporphyria 148
of hair color 192 Adenine, in DNA structure I increased responsiveness in variegate
of hair follicles 181-184 Adenoma sebaceum (Pringle) 253 porphyria 148
of hair pattern 192 Adenosine deaminase deficiency, with Amish brittle hair syndrome 190
of hair shaft 184-190 immune defect 155 Amniocentesis 13
of hair structure 192 Adiposis dolo rosa 228 Amyloid polyneuropathy, familial 273-
of pigmentation 58-78 Adult progeria 119-120 274
Abscess, disorders featuring, see AEC syndrome 112 Amyloidosis 273--277, 275
Appendix Agammaglobulinemia, infantile, see Amyloidosis I 273--274
Absence of skin, congenital 80, 86, 91, Infantile agammaglobulinemia Amyloidosis II, III, IV, V 274
127-128, 129 Agammaglobulinemia, Swiss type, and Amyloidosis
Absent eyebrows and eyelashes with achondroplasia 156 Andrade or Portuguese type 273--274
mental retardation 194 Age, see Maternal age, advanced, effect of cardiac form 274
Acantholytic bullous epidermatosis 86 see Paternal age, advanced, effect of cerebral arterial 274
Acanthosis nigricans 5, 126-127, 129 Agranulocytosis, infantile, of Kostmann with cold hypersensitivity 250
in congenital generalized 159 cutaneous bullous 276
lipodystrophy 130 Ainhum 95 in epidermolysis bullosa vegetans 86
disorders featuring, see Appendix in keratoma hereditaria mutilans 44 familial visceral 276
Acatalasemia 286 in tylosis 42 Finland or Meretoja type 274
Acentric fragment of chromosome II Alacrimia congenita 194 Indiana or Rukavina type 274
N -Acety I-IX-D-gI ucosaminidase deficiency Aland Island disease 61 Iowa or Van Allen type 274
in Sanfilippo syndrome B 173 Albinism 4, 12, 14,61-63,62 in mucosal neuromas with endocrine
N-Acetyl-f3-glucosaminidase activity in cancer in 306 tumors 207
aspartylglycosaminuria 263 ocular 61-63 with pheochromocytoma and
Achondroplasia oculocutaneous, see Oculocutaneous medullary thyroid carcinoma 276
advanced paternal age and 3 albinism primary cutaneous 275, 276
and Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia in Waardenburg syndrome 64 with urticaria and deafness 276
156 Albinoidism 62, 63 Amyloidosus, familial lichen 275, 276
Acne (severe or in unusual areas), Aldrich syndrome, see Wiskott-Aldrich Anaphase lag 10, 11
disorders featuring, see Appendix syndrome Anderson-Fabry disease 4,6, 10, 14,
Acne vermoulante 24, 25 Aleukia, congenital 155 271-273, 272
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly Alezzandrini syndrome 59 Andrade or Portuguese amyloidosis
type I (ACPS I) 105 Alibert form of mycosis fungoides 233 273-274
type II (ACPS II) 105, 109, 110 Alkaptonuria 4, 259-261, 260 Anemia, Fanconi, see Fanconi anemia
Acrocephalosyndactyly Alopecia, disorders featuring, see nonspherocytic hemolytic 236
atypical 107 Appendix sickle cell 236
type I 104, 107, 108 Alopecia areata, disorders featuring, see Anemias, congenital hemolytic 236-237,
type II 104 Appendix 237
type III 105 Alopecia, cicatricial, disorders Anemias and thrombocytopenias 236-
type V (Pfeiffer type) 105 featuring, see Appendix 242
Acrochordons, in multiple Alopecia, congenital universal 181, 182 Angioedema, hereditary 14, 288-289
fibrofolliculomas 220 Angioid streaks, in Ehlers-Danlos
Alopecia-epilepsy-oligophrenia syndrome
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 5, 14, syndrome 164
of Moynahan 181
79-80,81 in pseudoxanthoma elasticum 166
Alopecia, generalized, due to hamartomas
Acrogeria 118-119 Angiokeratoma, in Anderson-Fabry
of hair follicles 184, 185
Acrokeratoderma, hereditary disease 271
papulotranslucent 42, 45 Alopecias, hereditary 181-192 in fucosidosis 270
Acrokeratoelastoidosis 52 Amelanosis and hypomelanosis 58-68 Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum 271-
Acrokeratoses 18 Aminoacidemias and amino acid urias 273,272
Acrokeratosis verruciformis 18, 19 259-266 Angiolipoma 227
Acroleukopathy, symmetric 68, 68 Aminoaciduria 259-266 Angioma, cavernous, with
Acromegaloid changes, cutis verticis in chondrodysplasia punctata 37 dyschondroplasia 226, 227
gyrata, and corneal leukoma 125 in ichthyosis linearis circumflexa 34 Angiomatoses 257-258
Acromelanosis progressiva 73 in Netherton syndrome 40 Anhidrosis 110, 111, 112
Acro-osteolysis 128 in Sjogren-Larsson syndrome 34 in AEC syndrome 112
330 Subject Index

Anhidrosis in anhidrotic ectodermal Band, fibrous, disorders featuring, see Cancer, genetics, and the skin 305--308
dysplasia 109 Appendix Candidiasis, disorders featuring, see
in Basan syndrome 110 verrucous, disorders featuring, see Appendix
in Berlin syndrome III Appendix familial chronic mucocutaneous 156,
in EEC syndrome 110 Banding, C, of chromosomes 8 157
in Helweg-Larsen syndrome 110 G, of chromosomes 8 Canities, disorders featuring, see
and hypohidrosis, disorders featuring, Q, of chromosomes 8 Appendix
see Appendix R, of chromosomes 8 premature, see Premature canities
in Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome 110 techniques of chromosomal 8 Carcinogenesis and defective DNA
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 14, Barr body 9, 10, 10 repair 307
109-112, III Basal cell nevus syndrome 213--215,214 Cardiac form of amyloidosis 274
Ankyloblepharon, ectodermal defects, cancer in 305
Cardiocutaneous syndrome 69
and cleft lip and palate syndrome Basan syndrome 110
Carotenemia, familial 289
(AEC) 112 dermatoglyphics in 302
Anonychia Benign calcifying epithelioma of Carpenter syndrome 105, 109, 110
and deafness 196 Malherbe 218,219 Cartilage-hair hypoplasia 156, 182-184,
with ectrodactyly 196 Benign familial chronic pemphigus 87- 183
and onychoatrophy 196, 197 89,88 Catalase, deficiency of, in acatalasemia
and pigmentation 196 Benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis 205, 286
Antibody deficiency diseases 154 206 Catatrichy 192
(Table) Benign migratory glossitis 208,208 Cat eye syndrome 294
Apert-Crouzon disease 104 Berardinelli syndrome 130, 131 Centric fusion II
Apert syndrome 104, 107, 108 Berlin syndrome III Centrofacial lentiginosis 69
advanced paternal age and 3 Biochemical genetics 3--4 Centromere 10
Aplasia cutis congenita 90-91, 91 Bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal type) Centromeric banding of chromosomes,
Aplasia of hair follicles 181 134, 135 see Banding, C, of chromosomes
Aplasias 90-139 Bjornstad syndrome 184 Ceramidase deficiency, in Farber
Arachnodactyly 168, 169 Blepharochalasis 138--139, 139 lipogranulomatosis 269
Arches, in dermatoglyphics 299, 300, disorders featuring, see Appendix Ceramide, deposition in tissues, in Farber
302 Blepharophimosis, familial 138, 139 lipogranuloma to sis 269
Argininosuccinase, absence of, in in Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 95 Ceramide trihexoside, accumulation of, in
argininosuccinic aciduria 262 Blepharoptosis Anderson-Fabry disease 271
Argininosuccinic acid synthetase, in bird-headed dwarfism (Montreal Cerebral arterial amyloidosis 274
deficiency of, in citrullinemia 264 type) \34 Cerebral cholesterinosis 284-285
Argininosuccinic aciduria 14,262 in chromosome 18p- syndrome 295 Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis 284-
Arthrochalasis multiplex congenita 164 with hereditary lymphedema 248 285
Arylsulfatase B, deficiency of, in Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome 74, 75 Ceruloplasmin, low or absent, in kinky
Maroteaux- Lamy syndrome 173 Bloom syndrome 127, 140-142, 141 hair disease 188
Ascher syndrome 138 cancer in 306 Chalazodermia 162, 163
Aspartylglycos aminuria 4, 262-264, chromosomal abnormalities in 140 CHANDS 198, 200
263 Blue rubber bleb nevus 226--227 Chediak-Higashi syndrome 61,65, 67,
Aspartylglycosylamine amidase, Book syndrome 63 158
deficiency of, in Bourneville disease 253--255, 254 cancer in 306
aspartylglycosaminuria 263 Brachmann-de Lange syndrome 179- Cholesterinosis, cerebral 284-285
Ataxia, in erythrokeratodermia with 180, 181 Chondrodysplasia, metaphyseal
ataxia 20, 21 Brachydactyly type A5 with nail (McKusick type) 156,182-184, 183
Ataxia telangiectasia 156, 244--246, 245 dysplasia 198 Chondrodysplasia punctata 37-38
cancer in 306 Brachydactyly type D 198 Conradi-Hiinerman type 37-38, 39
Atopic dermatitis 318 Bradykinin, in congenital erythropoietic severe rhizomelic type 38
in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia porphyria 146 Chotzen syndrome 105
109 Branchial cleft anomalies, cup-shaped Christ-Siemens syndrome 109-112, 111
disorders featuring, see Appendix ear, and deafness 100 Chromatin body 9, 10, 10
in Dubowitz syndrome 318 Breasts, congenital absence of 136, 137 Chromosomal aberrations 11
Atrophies 90-139 Brittle hair 190 Chromosomal abnormalities, nonspecific
Atrophoderma, follicular 37, 39 Bruton agammaglobulinemia 154 structural, in Fanconi anemia 238
vermiculata 24, 25 cancer in 306 Chromosomal anomalies 290-298
Auricular fistulas 98--100 see also Infantile agammaglobulinemia Chromosomal banding 8
Auriculo-osteodysplasia 102 Bullae, disorders featuring, see Chromosomal deletion II
Austin variant of metachromatic Appendix Chromosomal inversion II
leukodystrophy (MLD) 173 Bullous eruptions 79-89 Chromosomal karyotype ')
Autosomal dominant inheritance 4, 6 Bullous ichthyosiform erythrodermia Chromosomal translocation II
Autosomal monosomy II 28, 30 Robertsonian II
Autosomal recessive inheritance 4, 5, 6 Chromosome 4 short arm deletion
Autosomes 8 C'I inhibitor, deficiency of, in hereditary syndrome 293
angioedema 289 cleft lip and/or palate in 203
C5 dysfunction, familial 159 Chromosome \3 long arm deletion and
Baldness 190 in Leiner disease 309 ring D syndrome 294
Bamboo hair 186 Campesterol, elevation in blood, in fJ- Chromosome 18 short arm deletion
in citrullinuria 264 sitosterolemia 284 syndrome 295
Subject Index 331

Chromosome 18 long arm deletion Congenital insensitivity to pain with in ear pits 100
syndrome 294 anhidrosis 252 in erythrokeratodermia with deafness,
Chromosome 21 long arm deletion Congenital localized absence of skin 80, physical retardation, and
syndrome 294 86,91, 127-128, 129 neuropathy 20
Chromosome 4p- syndrome 293 Congenital skin defect 90-91, 91 in facioauriculovertebral anomalad
cleft lip and/or palate in 203 Congenital universal alopecia 181, 182 102
Chromosome 5p- syndrome 294 Connective tissue disorders 162-177 in familial cutaneous collagenoma
cleft lip and palate in 203 Connective tissue nevus 211-212,212 210
Chromosome 13q- syndrome 294 Consanguinity, parental 13 in histiocytic dermatoarthritis 231
Chromosome r13 syndrome 294 Copper, in plasma, low, in kinky hair in ichthyosiform erythrodermia with
Chromosome 18p- syndrome 295 disease 188 deafness 32
Chromosome 18q- syndrome 294 Coproporphyria, hereditary 149 in incontinentia pigmenti achromians
Chromosome, acentric fragment of II Coproporphyrinogen oxidase, decreased (Ito) 74
Chromosome, dicentric II activity in hereditary coproporphyria in lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital
Chromosome mapping II 149 syndrome 101
Chromosome ring 11 Cornelia de Lange syndrome 179--180, with leukonychia and knuckle pads
Chromosomes, acrocentric 8 181 196
human 8-12 Counseling, genetic 13 in mandibulofacial dysostosis 132
classification and techniques 8 Cowden disease 220-221 in multiple lentigines syndrome 69
metacentric 8 Cranio-carpo-tarsal dysplasia 95, 96 with onychodystrophy 200
sex 8 Cri du Chat syndrome 294 in osteogenesis imperfecta 168
submetacentric 8 cleft lip and palate in 203 with pili torti 184
Chronic familial neutropenia 159 Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome 63, in Refsum disease 37
Chronic granulomatous disease 10 64 in Tietz syndrome 63
due to leukocyte malfunction 158 "Crown" 192 in Waardenburg syndrome 64, 65
Circumscribed palmoplantar Cryptophthalmos syndrome 97, 97, 98 Deciduous skin 52
keratodermia 46, 47 cleft lip and/or palate in 203 Defective monocyte chemotaxis 159
Citrullinuria 264 "Cup ear" 100, lOa Defective neutrophil chemotaxis 32, 158
Cleft lip Curly hair-ankyloblepharon-nail Deletion, chromosomal II
with or without cleft palate 203 dysplasia syndrome 198,200 Deoxyribonucleic acid, see DNA
and/or palate with mucous cysts of Cutaneous bullous amyloidosis 276 Dercum disease 228
lower lip 202 Cutaneous malignancies, immunologic Dermal hypoplasias and dysplasias 90-
Cleft lip-palate deficiency, pancytopenia 237 98
with abnormal thumbs and Cutaneous porphyria due to hepatic Dermal "ridges-off-the-end" syndrome
microcephaly 203 tumors 150 302
with mucous cysts of the lower lip, Cutis hyperelastica 164-166, 165 Dermatan sulfate storage 171,172
popliteal pterygium, and digital and Cutis laxa 139, 162, 163 Dermatitis, atopic 318
genital anomalies 202 Cutis marmorata, disorders featuring, seborrheic 308
with split hand and foot 202 see Appendix Dermatoarthritis, histiocytic 231
Clouston ectodermal dysplasia 4, 113- Cutis verticis gyrata 125, 126 Dermatochalasis 162, 163
114, Il3 acromegaloid changes, corneal Dermatofibrosis lenticularis
Cockayne syndrome 120-122, 121 leukoma 125 disseminata 211-212,212
Codominance 5 with mental deficiency 125 Dermatoglyphic abnormalities, disorders
Codons 2 in pachydermoperiostosis 125 featuring, see Appendix
Coffin-Lowry syndrome 316-317 Cyclic neutropenia 159 Dermatoglyphics 299--304
Cold hypersensitivity 250 Cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers in in chromosomal aberration
Collagenoma and connective tissue xeroderma pigmentosum 151 syndromes 302
nevus 210-212 Cylindromatosis 215,216 in Down syndrome 302
Collagenoma, familial cutaneous 210, Cystathioninuria, thrombocytopenia in in dyskeratosis congenita (Scoggins
2Il 239 type) 134
Collagenosis, familial reactive 170-171 Cystinuria 4 embryology of 299
Collagenous plaques of the hands 52 Cysts, sebaceous, epidermal, disorders in lentigines 69
Collodion baby 32 featuring, see Appendix in nail-patella syndrome 197
Comedones, familial dyskeratotic 57 Cytosine, in DNA structure ridge patterns in 299--302
Congenital absence of the breasts and Dermatolysis 162, 163
nipples 136, 137 palpebrarum 138-139, 139
Congenital aleukia 155 Darier-White disease 18,22-24,23 Dermatomyositis 176
Congenital deafness with Deafness 12 cancer in 306
keratopachydermia and constrictions with albinism 61 Dermatosis papulosa nigra 220,221
of fingers and toes 44 in Alezzandrini syndrome 59 Dermochondral dystrophy of Francois
Congenital ectodermal dysplasia of the in amyloidosis with urticaria 276 312
face 116 in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Dermolytic bullous dermatosis
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria 114 dominant 83-86, 85
143-146, 145 with anonychia 196 dystrophic 86
Congenital generalized fibromatosis 222 in atypical atopic dermatitis 309 recessive 85, 86
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy in basal cell nevus syndrome 214 de Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome 13,151,
127, 130, 131 in branchial cleft anomalies, cup- 152
Congenital hemolytic anemias 236-237, shaped ear, and deafness 100 Diagnosis, prenatal 13
237 in Cockayne syndrome 120 Dicentric chromosomes II
332 Subject Index

Diffuse corticomeningeal angiomatosis of Ectodermal dysplasias 109-116 simplex

Divry and Van Bogaert 258 Ectrodactyly with anonychia 196 of the hands and feet (Weber-
Diffuse palmoplantar keratodermia 42, Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft Cockayne) 82,83
43,128 lip and palate (EEC) syndrome 110, Kobner 80-83, 82
Digalactosyl ceramide, accumulation of, 202 Ogna 83
in Anderson-Fabry disease 271 Ectropion, disorders featuring, see vegetans 86
Dihydropteridine reductase, in Appendix Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 28, 30, 42
hyperphenylalaninemia 265 Eczema, disorders featuring, see Epiloia 253-255, 254
Disorders of eyelashes and eyebrows Appendix Episodic lymphopenia with
194-195 (Table) Edema, localized, in hereditary Iymphocytotoxin 156
Disorders of hair 178-195 angioedema 288 Epithelioma adenoides cysticum of
Disorders, metabolic 259-289 EEC syndrome 110,202 Brooke 215-218, 217
Disorders of nails 196-201 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 4, 12, 13, 14, Epithelioma, benign calcifying 218, 219
Disorders of the phagocytic system 158- 164-166, 165 Epithelioma, self-healing squamous 212,
159 (Table) type I, gravis 164 213
Disorders with photosensitivity 140-153 type II, mitis 164 Eruptions, bullous 79-89
Disseminate palmoplantar keratodermia type III, benign hypermobile 164 Erythema, disorders featuring, see
with corneal dystrophy 44 type IV, ecchymotic, arterial, or sack Appendix
Disseminated superficial actinic 164 Erythema palm are hereditarium 250
porokeratosis 48-50 type V, X-linked with Iysyl oxidase Erythrodermia, bullous ichthyosiform
Distichiasis 194, 195 deficiency 164 28, 30
in congenital ectodermal dysplasia of type VI, protocollagen Iysyl desquamativa 309
the face 116 hydroxylase-deficient (or ocular) ichthyosiform 28,31, 37, 40
with lymphedema 194, 195,248 164 ichthyosiform, and deafness 32
DNA I type VII, procollagen protease- unilateral ichthyosiform, with
polymerase deficient 164 ipsilateral malformations 32
in Down syndrome 141 Elastoma intrapapillare perforans Erythrohepatic protoporphyria 146-
repair 1,2 verruciforme 170, 171 148, 147, 149
and cancer 307 see also Elastosis perforans serpiginosa Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia 20, 21
structure 1, 2 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa 170, 171 with deafness, physical retardation,
DNA-RNA hybridization II in Down syndrome 290 and neuropathy 20
Dolichostenomelia 168, 169 in Marfan syndrome 168 Erythrokeratodermia figurata variabilis
Donohue syndrome 315,316 in pseudoxanthoma elasticum 166 18-20
Dopamine-{3-hydroxylase, decreased, in Elliptocytosis, hereditary 236 Erythrokeratodermia, symmetric
familial dysautonomia 252 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome 114, 115 progressi ve 20, 21
Double helix 2 Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis 257- Erythrokeratodermia variabilis 5, 18-20
Down syndrome 11,290-291,291,293 258,257 Erythrokeratodermias 18-21
Dubowitz syndrome 318 Endocrinopathies 266-267 Erythropoietic porphyria, congenital
Dyschondroplasia with cavernous Endonuclease deficiency 143-146, 145
angiomas 226, 227 in DNA repair I Exfoliation, disorders featuring, see
Dyschromatosis, symmetric, of the in Fanconi anemia 238 Appendix
extremities 73 in xeroderma pigrnentosum 151 Exonuclease deficiency in Fanconi
Dyschromatosis universalis 73 Eosinophilic granuloma 231 anemia 238
Dyskeratosis, benign intraepithelial 205, Ephelides 69 Exonuclease, in DNA repair
206 Epidermal nevus Expressivity 7
Dyskeratosis congenita 6,132-133, 134 in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 28 Eyebrows, absent 194
Scoggins type 134 in incontinentia pigmenti achromians Eyebrows, disorders of 194-195
Dysplasia, anhidrotic ectodermal 14, (Ito) 74 conditions featuring, see Appendix
109-112, 111 Epidermal polycystic disease, hereditary hypoplasia of, disorders featuring,
of hair follicles 184 221-222, 222 see Appendix
Dysplasias 90-139 Epidermal proliferative disorders 212- whorl in 194
dermal 90-98 222 Eyelashes, absent 194
ectodermal 109-116 Epidermolysis bullosa 80-87,91, 128 disorders of 194-195
dystrophica albopapuloidea (Pasini) conditions featuring, see
86 Appendix
Ear dystrophica associated with pyloric and eyebrows, disorders of 194
abnormalities of, see Appendix atresia 87 (Table)
cup-shaped, branchial cleft anomalies, dystrophic a (Cockayne-Touraine) 5, sparse 26
deafness 100 8H6,85 Eyelids, hyperpigrnentation of 76
malformations 98-103 cancer in 305
pits 98-100 dystrophica-macular type of Mendes Fabry disease 4, 6, 10, 14,271-273,272
Early graying of hair 63 da Costa 86 Facial ectodermal dysplasia 116
Ecchymoses, see Purpura dystrophica neurotrophica 86 Facioauriculovertebral anomalad 102,
Ectodermal dysplasia, anhidrotic 14, dystrophica polydysplastica 103
109-112, 111 (Hallopeau-Siemens) 85,86 Familial amyloid polyneuropathy 273-
cleft lip and palate, hand and foot letalis (Herlitz) 83, 84 274
deformity, mental retardation 110, nonscarring 80-83 Familial benign symmetric (cervical)
203 other variants 86-87 lipomatosis 228
Subject Index 333

Familial blepharophimosis 138, 139 Fissured tongue 208, 209 Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency in
Familial C 5 dysfunction 159 Flegel disease 50, 51 gout 288
Familial carotenemia 289 Fluorescence, Y chromosome 9, 10 p-Glucuronidase deficiency 173
Familial chronic mucocutaneous Flynn-Aird syndrome 94 Glutamine
candidiasis 156, 157 Focal dermal hypoplasia 6,91-93, 92 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate
Familial cold urticaria 250 Focal-facial-dermal dysplasia 116 amidotransferase, mutant of, in gout
Familial congenital alopecia, epilepsy, Follicular keratoses 22-26 288
mental retardation, and abnormal Folliculitis ulerythematosa reticulata 24, Glutathione reductase, increased activity
EEG 181 25 of, in gout 288
Familial continual skin peeling 52 Forelock 192 Glycinemia 160
Familial cutaneous collagenoma 210, Forme fruste 7 purpura in 239
211 Forsius-Eriksson type of ocular Glycosphingolipid deposits, in Anderson-
Familial cutaneous papillomatosis 220 albinism 61 Fabry disease 271
Familial dysautonomia 252-253, 253 Franceschetti-ladassohn syndrome 76 Glycosphingolipid lipidosis 271-273,
Familial dyskeratotic comedones 57 Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein syndrome 272
Familial hyperiipoproteinemias 280- 130-132, 133 Goldenhar syndrome 102, 103
284 Freckles, disorders featuring, see Goltz syndrome 91-93, 92
type I, familial lipoprotein lipase- Appendix Gorlin syndrome 213--215, 214
deficient hyper-chylomicronemia Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 95, 96 Gout 288
280,280 IX-Fucosidase, deficiency of Granulomatous disease, chronic 10
type II, familial hyper- in aspartylglycosaminuria 263 due to leukocyte malfunction 158
betalipoproteinemia 280-281, 282 in fucosidosis 270 Granulosis rubra nasi 309--310
type III, familial (broad beta) disease Fucosidosis 4, 270-271 Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome
281-283 105
type IV, familial Greither syndrome 44
hyperbetalipoproteinemia 283 IX-Galactosidase, lyonization of locus 10 Gronblad-Strandberg syndrome 166-
type V, familial IX-Galactosidase A, deficiency of, in 168, 167
hyperbetalipoproteinemia and Anderson-Fabry disease 271 Grooves, disorders featuring, see
hyperchylomicronemia 283 p-Galactosidase, deficiency of, in Appendix
type VI, familial combined Morquio-like syndrome 173 Guanine, in DNA structure
hyperlipidemia 283--284 Ganglioside, deposition of, in Farber Gunther disease 143--146, 145
Familial lichen amyloidosus 275, 276 lipogranulomatosis 269
Familial localized heat urticaria 250- Gardner syndrome 136-137, 138
251 cancer in 305 Hailey-Hailey disease 87-89, 88
Familial malignant melanoma 235, 235 Gargoylism 171 Hair
Familial Mediterranean fever 317 Gaucher disease 4, 14,267 brittle 190
Familial multiple lipomatosis 227-228 thrombocytopenia in 239 color, abnormalities of 192
with Gardner syndrome 136 Gene 2 disorders of 178--195
with neurofibromatosis 255 Generalized alopecia due to hamartomas fair, in phenylketonuria 264
Familial multiple nevi tlammei 246-247, of hair follicle 184, 185 follicles, abnormalities of 181-184
247 Generalized lymphohistiocytic aplasia of 181
Familial paroxysmal polyserositis 317 infiltration, purpura in 239 hypoplasia of 182-184
Familial pigmented purpuric eruption Genetic counseling 13 fragile, disorders featuring, see
239,240 Genetic diseases, prevention and Appendix
Familial progressive hyperpigmentation treatment 13--14 kinky 188, 189
76 Genetic heterogeneity 7, 12 lusterless, disorders featuring, see
Familial reactive collagenosis 170-171 Genetic mucolipidoses 172 Appendix
Familial transverse nasal groove 95 Genetics, biochemical 3--4 midphalangeal 179
Familial visceral amyloidosis 276 Genodermatose en cocardes 20 pattern, abnormalities of 192
Familial white folded dysplasia of mucous Geographic tongue 208, 208 red 192
membrane 209 Geroderma osteodysplastica 310 ringed 186
Fanconi anemia 132, 134, 159,237-238, Giant pigmented nevus, cancer in 306 shaft, abnormalities of 184-190
239 Giemsa banding of chromosomes 8 structure, abnormalities of 192
cancer in 306 Gingival fibromatosis 205 white or light-colored, disorders
Farber lipogranulomatosis 268--270,269 in Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome featuring, see Appendix
Ferrochelatase deficiency in 63 whorl 192
erythrohepatic protoporphyria 148 in hypertrichosis lanuginosa 179 Hair-brain syndrome 190
Fetoscopy 13 in mucolipidosis II 173 Hairlessness 181, 182
Fibrodysplasia ossificans, advanced Gingival hyperplasia, disorders Hairy ears 179, 180
paternal age and 3 featuring, see Appendix Hairy elbows syndrome 179
Fibrofolliculomas, multiple 220 Gingivostomatitis, white folded 209 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 97-98, 99
Fibromatosis, congenital generalized Glanzmann, thrombasthenia of 239 Halo nevus 59, 60
222 Glomus tumors, multiple 224 Hamartoma, mUltiple 220-221
gingival, see Gingival fibromatosis Glossitis, benign migratory 208, 208 Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 231
juvenile 223 Glucocerebrosidase deficiency in Hard skin, disorders featuring, see
Fibrous proliferative disorders 222-224 Gaucher disease 267 Appendix
Finland or Meretoja type of amyloidosis Glucocerebroside deposition in Harlequin fetus 32
274 histiocytes in Gaucher disease 267 Hartnup disease 5, 14, 142
334 Subject Index

Helweg-Larsen syndrome 110 Histiocytic proliferative disorders 231- Hypopigmentation, see Abnormalities of
Hemangioblastoma of cerebellum and 233 pigmentation
retina 258 Histiocytosis X 231 in focal dermal hypoplasia 91
Hemangiomas 224-227 HL-A Hyperplasia of hair follicles 182-184
disorders featuring, see Appendix in progeria 118 Hypoplasias, dermal 90--98
Hemangioma-thrombocytopenia in psoriasis 57 Hypotrichosis 181, 182
syndrome 241 Homocystinuria 14 disorders featuring, see Appendix
Hematologic disorders 236-251 Honeycomb atrophy 24, 25 hereditary 182
Hemochromatosis, primary 285 with light-colored hair and facial
Hunter syndrome 4,10,12, 171, 172,
in porphyria cutanea tarda 150 milia 182
173, 175
Hemoglobin Kaln hemoglobinopathy Hypoxanthine-guanine
Hurler-Scheie compound 173 phosphoribosyltransferase 10
Heparan N-sulfatase, in Sanfilippo Hurler syndrome 4,12,171,172,173, in gout 288
syndrome A 173 174,175 in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 286
Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome 116-118,
122-123 117
I-cell disease 173
Hereditaryalopecias 181-192 Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae 277-279,
Ichthyosiform dermatoses 26--40
Hereditaryangioedema 14,288-289 278
Ichthiosiform dermatosis with systemic
Hereditary benign telangiectasia 244 Hybridization, DNA-RNA II lipidosis 33
Hereditary coproporphyria 149 Hybrids, somatic cell 12 Ichthyosiform erythrodermia 28,31,37,
Hereditary elliptocytosis 236 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A 40
Hereditary epidermal polycystic disease reductase, deficiency of, in type II and deafness 32
221-222, 222 familial hyperlipoproteinemia 281 Ichthyosis
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias 7cx-Hydroxylase in cerebral with biliary atresia 32
242-244, 243 cholesterinosis 285 bullous type 26
Hereditary hirsutism 179-180 Hyperglycinemia with ketoacidosis and and cataract 32
Hereditary hypertrichosis (Marie Unna leukopenia 160 congenita 32
type) 182 fetalis 32
Hyperhidrosis, disorders featuring, see
Hereditary inflammatory vasculitis with follicularis 24, 25
persistent nodules 251 hyperkinetic 28--32
in epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
Hereditary insensitivity to pain 252 lamellar 28--32, 40
Hereditary lymphedema of newborn 31, 32
premolar aplasia, premature canities
with distichiasis 194, 248, 248 linearis circumflexa 34, 35, 40
(PHC syndrome) 63
early-onset type (Nonne-Milroy) 247 and male hypogonadism 33
Hyperkeratoses, palmoplantar 40--47
late-onset type 247-248, 248 mental retardation, dwarfism, and
with onset about puberty 247-248, Hyperkeratosis, epidermolytic 28, 30, 42
Hyperkeratosis follicularis et renal impairment 33
248 with neutrophil chemotactic defect
with ptosis 248 parafollicularis in cutem penetrans
50--52, 53 32, 158
with yellow nails 248 normokinetic 26-28
Hereditary multiple leiomyomas of skin Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans 50,
psoriasiform 40
228--229, 229 51
simplex 26, 27
Hyperlipoproteinemias, familial 280-
Hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic vulgaris 26-27, 27
anemia 236 X-linked 28, 29
see also Familial
Hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia 197- Iduronate sulfatase, deficiency of, in
198 Hunter syndrome 173
Hyperlysinemia 194 L-£-Iduronidase, deficiency of, in Hurler
Hereditary papulotranslucent
Hypermelanosis 69-78 and Scheie syndromes 173
acrokeratoderma 42, 45
Hyperpigmentation, in chondrodysplasia Immune defect with deficiency of
Hereditary polymorphic light eruption
punctata 37 adenosine deaminase 155
142-143, 144
disorders featuring, see Appendix Immune deficiency, inherited disorders
Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma 122 of eyelids 76 with 154-161
Hereditary spherocytosis 236 disorders featuring, see Appendix with raised IgM 154
Hereditary thrombasthenia- familial progressive 76 Immunodeficiencies, cellular, other
thrombocytopenia 239 in focal dermal hypoplasia 91 156-157 (Table)
Heredity and autoimmune disease 176- of Fuldauer and Kuijpers 76 with thymic hypoplasia or dysplasia
177 of pinnae, in alkaptonuria 259 155 (Table)
Heredopathia atactica Hyperplasias, aplasias, dysplasias, and Immunodeficiency with lymphopenia
polyneuritiformis 37 atrophies 90--139 ISS
Herlitz syndrome 83, 84 Hypertrichosis cubiti 179 Immunodeficiency, severe combined
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 61 Hypertrichosis, disorders featuring, see 155
Heterogeneity, genetic 7, 12 Appendix Immunodeficiency with short-limbed
Hexosamine 6-sulfatase, deficiency of, in lanuginosa 179 dwarfism 156
Morquio syndrome 173 localized 179 Immunologic amnesia 156
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 113-114, of pinna 179, 180 Immunologic deficiency, cutaneous
113 pinnae auris 179 malignancies, pancytopenia 237
Hirsutism, hereditary 179--180 Hypohidrosis 76 Incontinentia pigmenti 74, 75, 76
racial and familial 179, 180 Hypo- and amelanosis 58--68 achromians (Ito) 74
Histiocytic dermatoarthritis 231 Hypomelanosis of Ito 74 Naegeli type 76
Subject Index 335

Indiana or Rukavina amyloidosis 274 Keratosis palmaris et plantaris 42, 43 Lip, cleft
Infantile agammaglobulinemia 154 with cancer of the esophagus 42, 305 in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
cancer in 306 papulosa 42 110, III, 112
Infantile agranulocytosis of Kostmann striata 42 syndromes with 202-203 (Table)
159 Keratosis, palmoplantar, hypodontia, Lipodystrophy, congenital generalized
Inheritance hypotrichosis, and cysts of the eyelids 127,130, 131
through anomalous chromosomes 7 46, 47 Lipoid proteinosis 277-279, 278
autosomal dominant 4, 6 Keratosis pilaris 24, 25, 83 Lipomatoses 227-228
autosomal recessive 4, 5, 6 atrophicans faciei 24 Lipomatosis, familial benign symmetric
in man 4-7 Brocq 24 (cervical) 228
monogenic 4 decal vans 24, 25 familial multiple 227-228
multigenic or polygenic 4, 7, 7 Keratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris Lip pits or fistulas 204, 204
single gene 4 42 Localized hypertrichosis 179
X-linked dominant 4, 6 Keratosis rubra figurata 18-20 Loops in dermatoglyphics 299,300,301
X-linked recessive 4, 5, 6 Kinetochore 10 Louis-Bar syndrome 244-246,245
Inherited disorders with immune Kinky hair disease 188, 189 Lupus erythematosus 176, 177
deficiency 154-161 Klinefelter syndrome 11,295 cancer in 306
Insemination, artificial 13 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome with hereditary inflammatory
Intestinal polyposis 12,71, 136 225-226, 225 vasculitis with persistent nodules
in multiple hamartoma syndrome 220 Knuckle pads, with leukonychia and 251
Intestinal polyposis III 136-137, 138 deafness 196 Lymphedema, disorders featuring, see
Inversion, chromosomal II Koilonychia 196, 197 Appendix
Inverted nipples 136 Konen tumors 253 with distichiasis 194, 195, 248
in Turner syndrome 291 Kostmann, infantile agranulocytosis of praecox 247-248
Iowa or Van Allen type of amyloidosis 159 Lymphedemas 247-249
274 Kyrle disease 50--52, 53 Lymphocytotoxin with episodic
Isoalleles 7 lymphopenia 156
Isochromosome II Lymphohistiocytic infiltration,
generalized 239
Job syndrome 158 Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital Lymphopenia, episodic, with
Junctional bullous epidermatosis 83,84 syndrome 101, 101 Iymphocytotoxin 156
Juvenile fibromatosis 223 LADD syndrome 101, 101 Lyon hypothesis 6,9, 10
Lambert family 28 Lysosomal diseases 4
Kaposi sarcoma 305 Leaf-shaped white macules 253 Lysosomal hydrolases, multiple
Karyotype, symbols used for 8 Leg ulcers 236 deficiency of, in mucolipidosis II 173
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 241 Leiner disease 309 Lysyl hydroxylase, deficiency of, in
Keloids 223-224, 224 Leiomyomas, hereditary multiple 228- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 164
Keratinization, other abnormalities of 229,229
50--57 Lentigines 69, 70 Macules, hypo- and depigmented,
Keratoacanthoma 212,213 multiple 69, 70 disorders featuring, see Appendix
Keratodermia Lentiginosa profusa syndrome 69 leaf-shaped white 253
circumscribed palmoplantar 46, 47 Lentiginosis, centrofacial 69 pigmented, disorders featuring, see
disseminate palmoplantar, with LEOPARD syndrome 69, 70 Appendix
corneal dystrophy 44 Leprechaunism 315,316 red, disorders featuring, see
palmoplantar Leprosy, vulnerability to 160 Appendix
with cancer of the esophagus 42, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 10, 286-288, Maffucci syndrome 226, 227
305 287 Mal de Meleda 44, 45
disorders featuring, see Appendix Letterer-Siwe disease 5, 231-233, 232 Male-pattern alopecia 190
with periodontosis 44 petechiae in 239 Malignancies, cutaneous, in ataxia
palmoplantaris transgrediens 44, 45 cutaneous 231 telangiectasia 244
progressive palmoplantar 44 Leukocyte malfunction, causing chronic Malignant lymphomas 233-235
punctate 42 granulomatous disease 158 Mammilla invertita 136
striate 42 Leukokeratosis, in pachyonychia Mandibulofacial dysostosis 130--132,
Keratodermias, other 46 congenita 198 133
palmoplantar 40--47, 83 Leukonychia 196-197 Mapping of chromosomes 11
Keratolysis exfoliativa congenita 52 with knuckle pads and deafness 196 Marfan syndrome 4, 168, 169
Keratoma hereditaria mutilans 44, 45 Leukopenia, in hyperglycinemia with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome 172, 173
Keratome malignum 32 ketoacidosis 160 Mast cell disease 229--231, 230
Keratopachydermia, with congenital Lichenoid dermatosis, pigmented Mast cell leukemia 229
deafness and constrictions of fingers purpuric 240 Mastocytosis 229--231, 230
and toes 44 Ligase, in DNA repair Maternal age, advanced, effect of 11, 13
Keratoses, follicular 22-26 Light eruption, hereditary polymorphic Meckel syndrome 203
Keratoses in keratoma hereditaria 142-143, 144 Meige disease 247-248
mutilans 44 Linear porokeratosis 48, 49 Meiosis 10
Keratoses, seborrheic 218, 219 Lingua plicata 208, 209 Melanocytic nevi 71, 73
Keratosis follicularis 5, 18, 22-24, 23 Linkage of genes II, 12 Melanocytic proliferative disorders 235
Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decal vans Lip abnormalities, disorders featuring, Melanoma, familial malignant 235, 235
cum ophiasi 6, 26 see Appendix Melanophoric nevus syndrome 76
336 Subject Index

Melanosis, neurocutaneous 71 Meretoja amyloidosis 274 Multiple lentigines syndrome 69, 70

universal 71 Metabolic disorders 259-289 Multiple nevi flammei, familial 246-247,
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 206, Metabolic and other disorders (with 247
207 immune deficiency) 160 (Table) Multiple sulfatidosis 173
Mendes da Costa syndrome 18-20 Metageria 119 Mutation 3
Menkes syndrome 14, 188, 189 Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, point 3
Mental deficiency McKusick type 156, 182-184, 183 Mutilating keratodermia 44, 45
with absent eyebrows and eyelashes Metaphyseal plate, in cell division 10 Mycosis fungoides 233-235, 234
194 Midphalangeal hair 179 d'emblee form 233
in acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II Miescher elastoma 170, 171 erythrodermic form 233
109 Milia, disorders featuring, see Appendix Myeloperoxidase deficiency 158
in acrocephalosyndactyly type I 107 Miscellaneous alopecias 190-192
in alopecia-epilepsy-oligophrenia Mitosis 10
syndrome 181 Mixoploids II Naegeli, thrombasthenia of Glanzmann
in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia MLII 173 and 239
109 ML III 173 Naegeli type of incontinentia pigmenti
in aspartylglycosaminuria 263 Mohr syndrome 105, 106 76
in ataxia telangiectasia 244 Molecular genetics 1 Nail dysplasia
in basal cell nevus syndrome 214 Moles, pigmented 71, 73 brachydactyly type A 5 with 198
in Berlin syndrome III Molluscoid pseudotumors, in Ehlers- with curly hair and ankyloblepharon
with brittle hair 190 Danlos syndrome 164 198,200
in centrofaciallentiginosis 69 Mongolism 290-291,291 with hypodontia 200
in Chediak-Higashi syndrome 65 Monilethrix 186, 187 Nail dystrophy in lentigines 69
in citrullinuria 264 in kinky hair disease 188 Nail-patella syndrome 7, 12, 197-198
in Cockayne syndrome 120 Monocyte chemotaxis, defective 159 Nails, disorders of 196-201, see also
in Coffin-Lowry syndrome 316 Monogenic inheritance 4 Appendix
in congenital generalized Monosomy, autosomal II Nails, dystrophic, disorders featuring,
lipodystrophy 130 Monosomy, group G, syndrome 293 see Appendix
in Cornelia de Lange syndrome 179 Morquio syndrome 172, 173 Nails, yellow, hereditary lymphedema
in Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome Morquio-like syndrome 173 with 248
63 Mosaic 10, II Nasal groove, familial transverse 95
in cutis verticis gyrata with mental MPS I H (Hurler syndrome) 4, 12, 171, Netherton syndrome 34,40,41
deficiency 125 172, 173, 174, 175 Nettleship variety of ocular albinism 61
in de Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome MPS I HIS (Hurler-Scheie compound) Neurocutaneous melanosis 71
151 173 Neurocutaneous syndromes 252-258
in diffuse corticomeningeal MPS I S (Scheie syndrome) 172, 173 Neurofibromatosis 255-257, 256
angiomatosis 258 MPS II A and B (Hunter syndrome) 4, cancer in 305
in Down syndrome 290 10,12,171,172,173,175 Neutropenia, chronic familial 159
in Dubowitz syndrome 318 MPS III A and B (Sanfilippo syndrome) cyclic 159
in dyskeratosis congenita 132 172,173 Neutrophil chemotaxis, defective 32,
in Ellis-van Creveld syndrome 114 MPS IV A (Morquio syndrome) 172, 158
in facioauriculovertebral anomalad 173 Nevi flammei, familial multiple 246-
102 MPS IV B (Morquio-like syndrome) 247, 247
in focal-facial-dermal dysplasia 116 173 Nevi, melanocytic 71, 73
in fucosidosis 270 MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome) Nevoid basal cell carcinoma 202, 213-
in p-glucuronidase deficiency 173 172, 173 215,214
in Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 98 MPS VII (P-glucuronidase deficiency) cancer in 305
in hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 113 173 see also Basal cell nevus syndrome
in Hurler syndrome 173 Mucolipidoses, genetic J 72 Nevus, blue rubber bleb 226-227
in incontinentia pigmenti 74 Mucolipidosis II 173 connective tissue 211-212, 212
with kinky hair disease 188 Mucolipidosis III 173 epidermal
in leprechaunism 315 Mucopolysaccharide storage diseases in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 28
with monilethrix 186 172, 173 (Table) in incontinentia pigmenti
in multiple hamartoma syndrome 220 Mucopolysaccharidoses 14, 171-176 achromians (Ito) 74
in neurofibromatosis 255 Mucosa, cobblestonelike 22 flammeus of nape 247
in osteopoikilosis 211 Mucosal lesions, oral 202-209 halo 59,60
with pili torti 184 Mucosal neuromas with endocrine melanophoric 76
in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome tumors 206-207 osteohypertrophic varicose 225-226,
123 Mucous cysts of lower lip 202 225
in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 312 Mucous membrane, familial white folded pigmented giant, cancer in 306
in Sanfilippo syndrome 173 dysplasia of 209 telangiectatic, of nape 247
in Sjogren-Larsson syndrome 34 Multigenic inheritance 4,7, 7 white sponge 209
in Sturge-Weber syndrome 258 Multiple benign cystic epithelioma 215- Nezelof syndrome 155
with trichomegaly, dwarfism, 218,217 Niemann-Pick disease 4, 267-268
pigmentary degeneration 194 Multiple eruptive milia 222, 223 type A, acute neuronopathic form
with trichorrhexis nodosa 186 Multiple fibrofolliculomas 220 268
in tuberous sclerosis 253 Multiple glomus tumors 224 type B, chronic form without central
in Van den Bosch syndrome . 18 Multiple hamartoma syndrome 220-221 nervous system involvement 268
Subject Index 337

type C, subacute form with central Palmar erythema 250 Photosensitivity, disorders with 140-153
nervous system involvement 268 Palmoplantar hyperkeratoses 40-47 disorders featuring, see Appendix
type D, Nova Scotia variant 268 Palmoplantar keratodermia Phrynoderma 54
type E, adult, non-neuronopathic with cancer of the esophagus 42, 305 Phytanic acid
form 268 diffuse 42,43, 128 storage in Refsum disease 37
Nipples, absent, disorders featuring, see with periodontosis 44 decreased metabolism of, in Cockayne
Appendix Palmoplantar keratodermias 40-47, 83 syndrome fibroblasts 120
congenital absence of 136, 137 Palmoplantar keratosis with hypodontia, Piebaldism 63
inverted 136 hypotrichosis, and cysts of the eyelids Pigmentation, abnormalities of 58--78
in Turner syndrome 291 syndrome 46, 47 flexural, with anonychia 196
supernumerary 136 Palmoplantar punctae, disorders Pigmented moles 71, 73
widely spread, in Turner syndrome featuring, see Appendix Pigmented purpuric eruption 239, 240
Palmoplantar thickening, disorders Pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatosis
Noack syndrome 105
featuring, see Appendix of Gougerot and Blum 240
Nodules, disorders featuring, see
Pancytopenia, cutaneous malignancies, Pigmented tongue 209
immunologic deficiency 237 Pili annulati 186
subcutaneous, disorders featuring,
and multiple anomalies 237-238 Pili torti 34, 184, 185
see Appendix
N onallelism 12 Papillomas, mucosal, in keratosis in kinky hair disease 188
Nondisjunction 10, II palmaris et plantaris striata 42 Pilomatrixoma 218, 219
N onpenetrant gene or trait 6 warty, in keratosis follicularis 22 Pits, lip 204, 204
Nonscarring epidermolysis bullosa 80- Papillomatosis, familial cutaneous 220 Pits of nails 54
83 Pap ilion-Lefevre syndrome 44 Pits, palmar, disorders featuring, see
Noonan syndrome 313-315 Papules, disorders featuring, see Appendix
Appendix Pityriasis rubra pilaris 52-54, 55
Ocular albinism 61-63 lichenoid, in acrokeratosis
F orsius-Eriksson type 61 Plantar, palmar, and disseminate
verruciformis 18 porokeratosis 48
Nettleship variety 61 disorders featuring, see Appendix Plaques, circinate, in porokeratoses 48
Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia 102, mucosal, disorders featuring, see collagenous, of the hands 52
103 Appendix disorders featuring, see Appendix
Oculocerebral syndrome with palmar, in keratosis punctata palmaris mucosal, disorders featuring, see
hypopigmentation 63, 64 et plantaris 42 Appendix
Oculocutaneous albinism 61, 62 pigmented, disorders featuring, see
in Chediak-Higashi syndrome 65 sharply marginated, disorders
Appendix featuring, see Appendix
with pseudo xanthoma elasticum 166 verrucous, disorders featuring, see Pleiotropism 7
Oculocutaneous albinoidism 62, 63 Appendix Plugs, follicular, in atrophoderma
Oculodentodigital syndrome 202 yellow, in pseudoxanthoma elasticum vermiculata 24
Oculomandibulodyscephaly with 166
hypotrichosis 97-98, 99 Poikiloderma congenitale 123, 124
Parana hard-skin syndrome 312 Poikiloderma, disorders featuring, see
Ollier disease 226 Parry-Romberg syndrome 93,94 Appendix
Onychoatrophy 196, 197 Paternal age, advanced, effect of 3
Onychodystrophy and deaf-mutism 200 hereditary acrokeratotic 122-123
Patterned baldness 190 hereditary sclerosing 122
Onycholysis and scleronychia 200
Pedigree, autosomal dominant 6 Poikilodermas 122-124
Opitz syndrome 202
autosomal recessive 6 Poliosis 58
Oral mucosal lesions 202-209
recording, symbols used in 5 Pollitt syndrome 186
Orofaciodigital syndrome
X-linked dominant 6 Polyarteritis nodosa 176
type I (OFD I) 6, 105, 106
X-linked recessive 6 Polymastia 136
cleft lip and tongue in 203
Peeling, skin, familial continual 52 Polymerase, DNA
type II (OFD II) 105, 106
Penetrance 5 in Bloom syndrome 141
cleft lip in 203
Pentosuria 4 Polymerase, RNA 2
Osler-Rendu-Weber disease 242-244,
Periodic shedding of nails 198 Polyposis, intestinal 12,71, 136
Periungual fibromas 253 in multiple hamartoma syndrome 220
Osteogenesis imperfecta 168--169
Petechiae, see Purpura Polyserositis, familial paroxysmal 317
Osteohypertrophic varicose nevus 225-
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 69--71, 72 Polysyndactyly, with peculiar skull
226, 225
cancer in 305 shape 105
Osteopoikilosis 211-212, 212
Phagocytic system, disorders of 158--159 Porcupine man 28
Osteopoikilosis syndrome 211-212,212
(Table) Porokeratoses 48--50
Other abnormalities of keratinization
PHC syndrome 63 Porokeratosis, superficial actinic
Phenocopies 13 disseminated 48--50
Other cellular immunodeficiencies 156-
Phenotype, analysis of 12 linear 48, 49
157 (Table)
Phenylalanine hydroxylase, deficiency of, Mibelli 48, 49
Other variants of epidermolysis bullosa
in phenylketonuria 261, 265 plantar, palmar, and disseminate 48
Phenylketonuria 7, 14, 127, 264-266, Porphyria, acute intermittent 7, 14, 148
Pachydermoperiostosis 125, 127 265 congenital erythropoietic 143-146,
Pachyonychia congenita 198, 199 Photoreactivating enzyme in xeroderma 145
Pain, congenital insensitivity to, with pigmentosum 153 cutanea tarda 149--150, 149
anhidrosis 252 Photosensitivity in Cockayne syndrome cancer in 305
hereditary insensitivity to 252 120 cutaneous, due to hepatic tumors 150
338 Subject Index

Porphyria, symptomatic cutaneous Racial and familial hirsutism 179, 180 Seip syndrome 130, 131
hepatic 149--150, 149 Racket nail 198 Self-healing squamous epithelioma
variegate 148 Raindrop hypopigmentation 64, 64 (Ferguson Smith type) 212,213
Porphyrias 143-150 Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome 110, 202 cancer in 305
Portuguese amyloidosis 273-274 Raynaud disease 249--250, 249 Severe combined immunodeficiency 155
Postaxial polydactyly with median cleft of Recurrent bullous eruption of the hands Sex chromatin body 9, 10
upper lip 202 and feet 82, 83 Sex-influenced traits 7
Pouce en raquette 198 Red hair 192 Sex-limited traits 7
Preauricular tags and/or sinuses, Red skin pigment anomaly of New Shagreen patch 253
disorders featuring, see Appendix Guinea 68 Sickle cell anemia 236
Premature canities 63 Refsum disease 37 Sipple syndrome 276
in bird-headed dwarfism 134 Repair replication, in xeroderma fJ-Sitosterol, elevation in blood, in fJ-
in Cockayne syndrome 120 pigmentosum 151 sitosterolemia 284
in dyskeratosis congenita 132 Reticular dysgenesis 155 fJ-Sitosterolemia 284
in Werner syndrome 119 Reverse banding of chromosomes 8 Sjogren-Larsson syndrome 34, 36
Premolar aplasia, hypohidrosis, Rheumatoid arthritis 176 Sjogren syndrome, cancer in 306
premature canities (PHC syndrome) Ribonucleic acid, see RNA Skin atrophy, disorders featuring, see
63 Richner-Hanhart syndrome 44, 262 Appendix
Prenatal diagnosis 13 Ridge count 299 pitted, disorders featuring, see
Primary cutaneous amyloidosis 275,276 Ridge patterns, in dermatoglyphics 299- Appendix
Primary familial xanthomatosis 279 302 Skin, dry, disorders featuring, see
Primary hemochromatosis 285 Riley-Day syndrome 252-253, 253 Appendix
Procollagen protease, deficiency of, in Ring chromosome II hard, disorders featuring, see
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 164 Ringed hair 186 Appendix
Progeria 116-118, 117, 120 RNA 2,3 hyperelastic, disorders featuring, see
Progressive hemifacial atrophy 93, 94 messenger (mRNA) 2 Appendix
Progressive palmoplantar keratodermia polymerase 2 loose, disorders featuring, see
44 in protein synthesis 2 Appendix
Progressive pigmented purpuric ribosomal (rRNA) 2 red, disorders featuring, see
dermatosis 240 transfer (tRNA) 2 Appendix
Proliferative disorders 210-235 Roberts syndrome 105 thick, disorders featuring, see
Proteins, heterogeneity of 3 cleft lip-palate in 203 Appendix
structural 4 Robertsonian translocation of thin, disorders featuring, see
synthesis of 2, 3 chromosomes 11 Appendix
transport 4 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 120, yellow, disorders featuring, see
Protein variants 3 123, 124 Appendix
Proto porphyria, erythrohepatic 146- Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 312-313, Somatic cell hybrids 12
148, 147, 149 313,314 Spherocytosis, hereditary 236
Pseudoacanthosis nigricans 126 Rukavina amyloidosis 274 Sphingomyelin, deposition in Niemann-
Pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy 173 Pick disease 268
Pseudomonilethrix 186 Sphingomyelinase isoenzymes I and II in
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 166-168, Sanfilippo syndrome 172, 173 Niemann-Pick disease 268
167 Satellite bodies of chromosomes 8 Spiegler-Brooke tumors 215,216
with tumoral calcinosis, Scales, disorders featuring, see Spoon nails 196, 197
oculocutaneous albinism, and Appendix Steatocystoma multiplex 221-222, 222
partial trisomy 14q- syndrome 166 Scarring epidermolysis bullosa 83-87 Stiff skin syndrome 310-311,311
Psoriasis 54-57, 56 Schamberg disease 240 Stigmasterol, elevation in blood, in fJ-
Pterygium syndrome 134 Scheie syndrome 172, 173 sitosterolemia 284
Punctate keratodermia 42 Sclerae, blue Storage diseases 267-286
Puretic syndrome 170 in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 164 Striae distensae 93
Purpura annularis telangiectodes of in Marfan syndrome 168 Striate keratodermia 42
Majocchi 240 in osteogenesis imperfecta 168 Stub thumb 198
Purpura, disorders featuring, see Sclero-atrophic and keratotic dermatitis Sturge-Weber syndrome 257-258,257
Appendix of the limbs 46, 128 Sulfatases, multiple, deficiency in multiple
Purpura simplex 239 Scleroderma 176 sulfatidosis 173
Purpuras, thrombocytopenias, and cancer in 306 Supernumerary nipples 136
thrombocytopathies 239--240 (Table) Sclerodermoid changes in porphyria Symmetric acroleukopathy 68, 68
Purpuric dermatosis, pigmented cutanea tarda 149 Symmetric dyschromatosis of the
progressi ve 240 Scleronychia and onycholysis 200 extremities 73
Purpuric eruption, familial pigmented Sclerosis, disorders featuring, see Symmetric progressive
239, 240 Appendix erythrokeratodermia 20,21
Purpuric lichenoid dermatosis, Sclerosteosis 105 Symptomatic cutaneous hepatic
pigmented 240 Sclerotylosis 128 porphyria 149--150, 149
Pyoderma, disorders featuring, see Scrotal tongue 206, 208, 209 Syndactylies 104-109 (104-105 Table)
Appendix in Down syndrome 290,291 Syndactyly
Pyrimidine dimers, in xeroderma Sebocystomatosis 221-222, 222 type I 104, 106
pigmentosum 151 Seborrheic dermatitis 309 type II 104
disorders featuring, see Appendix type III 104
Quinacrine banding of chromosomes 8 Seborrheic keratoses 218-219, 219 type IV (Haas type) 104
Quinacrine fluorescence techniques 9 Seborrheic warts 218-219, 219 type V 104
Subject Index 339

in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Trichorrhexis invaginata 34, 186 Vitiligo 58-61, 59, 60
110 in Netherton syndrome 40 with alopecia areata 190
in chondrodysplasia punctata 37 Trichorrhexis nodosa 107, 186, 188 Vogt cephalodactyly 104
disorders featuring, see Appendix in argininosuccinic aciduria 262 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome 58,
in focal dermal hypoplasia 93 in ichthyosis linearis circumflexa 34 60
Syndromes with cleft lip 202-203 in kinky hair disease 188 Vohwinkel syndrome 44,45
(Table) Triploidy syndrome, cleft lip in 203 von Hippel-Lindau syndrome 258
with premature aging 116-122 Triradii in dermatoglyphics 299, 300, cancer in 305
Synostoses 104 300,301,302 Von Recklinghausen disease 255-257,
Synpolydactyly 104 Trisomy 13 syndrome 293 256
cleft lip and/or palate in 203 Vulnerability to leprosy 160
Trisomy 14q- syndrome and
Tay-Sachs disease 4 pseudoxanthoma elasticum 166 Waardenburg syndrome 63, 64, 66, 202
Telangiectases 242-247 Trisomy 18 syndrome II, 293 Warts, disorders featuring, see
Telangiectases, disorders featuring, see cleft lip and palate in 203 Appendix
Appendix with hypoplastic radius and seborrheic 218-219,219
Telangiectasia, hereditary benign 244 thrombocytopenia 242 Werner syndrome 119-120
hereditary hemorrhagic 242-244, 243 Trisomy 21 syndrome 11,290-291,291, cancer in 306
Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva 293 Wheals, disorders featuring, see
perstans 229 Tristichiasis 194 Appendix
Telangiectatic nevus of nape 247 Tuberous sclerosis. 253-255, 254 Whistling face-windmill vane hand
Testicular feminization syndrome 7, cancer in 305 syndrome 95, 96
266-267, 266 Tuftsin deficiency 160 White folded gingivostomatitis 209
Thalassemia 236 Tumoral calcinosis, with White forelock 63
Thost-Unna syndrome 42,43 pseudoxanthoma elasticum and White sponge nevus 209
Thrombasthenia of Glanzmann and oculocutaneous albinism 166 White spotting 63
Naegeli (autosomal dominant and Turban tumors 215,216 Whorl in dermatoglyphics 299,301,302
recessive forms) 239 Turner syndrome 11,291-292,292, 295 Whorl in eyebrows 194
Thrombocytopathies 239-240 (Table) Twins, in medical genetics 7 Widow's peak 192
Thrombocytopenia Tylosis 42, 43 Winchester disease 311-312
and absent radius syndrome (TAR) Tyrosinemia II 44, 262 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 156, 161
239,241-242,241 cancer in 306
autosomal dominant and X-linked Ulcers, disorders featuring, see purpura in 239
recessive 239 Appendix Wolman disease 279
with elevated serum IgA and renal leg 236 Woolly hair 188-190, 189
disease 239 oral, disorders featuring, see Wrinkly skin syndrome 310
hypoplastic radius, trisomy 18 Appendix
syndrome 242 Ulerythema ophryogenes (Taenzer) 24 Xanthomas, disorders featuring, see
Thrombocytopenias 239-240 (Table) Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and DNA Appendix
and anemias 236-242 repair I Xanthomatosis, cerebrotendinous 284-
Thrombocytopenic purpura 239 Unilateral ichthyosiform erythrodermia 285
Thrombocytopenic thrombocytopathy with ipsilateral malformation 25, 32 primary familial 279
239 Universal atrichia with papular lesions Xeroderma pigmentosum 12, 13, 14,
Thymic hypoplasia or dysplasia, 184 151-153, 152
immunodeficiencies with 155 (Table) Universal melanosis 71 cancer in 306
Thymine dimers I Uracil, in RNA structure 2 and DNA repair I, 151-153
Thymine, in DNA structure Urbach-Weithe syndrome 277-279,278 X-linked dominant inheritance 4,6
Tietz syndrome 63 U roporphyrinogen III co synthetase 146 X-linked recessive inheritance 4, 5, 6
Tongue abnormalities 208-209 U roporphyrinogen decarboxylase, XO (Turner syndrome) 11,291-292,
disorders featuring, see Appendix decrease in symptomatic cutaneous 292,295
Tongue, fissured 208,209 hepatic porphyria 150 XXX syndrome II, 295
geographic 208, 208 Uroporphyrinogen I synthetase, hepatic XXXX syndrome 11,295
pigmented 209 deficiency of, in acute intermittent XXXXX syndrome II, 295
Tooth-and-nail syndrome 200 porphyria 148 XXV syndrome II, 295
Traits, sex-influenced 7 Urticaria with amyloidosis and deafness XXXV syndrome 11,295
sex-limited 7 276 XXXXY syndrome 11,295
Transcription 2 Urticaria, familial cold 250 XYY syndrome 296, 296
Translation 2 Urticaria, heat, familial localized 250- XXYY syndrome 11,296
Translocation, chromosomal II 251
Robertsonian II Urticaria pigmentosa 229-231,230
TRC (total ridge count) 300 V-linked genes 6
Treacher Collins syndrome 130-132, Van Allen amyloidosis 274 Yellow mutant 61
133 Van den Bosch syndrome 18 Yellow nails, with hereditary
Trichodiscomas in multiple Varicose nevus, osteohypertrophic 225- lymphedema 248
fibrofolliculomas 220 226,225
Trichoepithelioma 215-218,217 Variegate porphyria 148 Zellweger syndrome 38
Trichomegaly 194 Vascular and hematologic disorders Zinc, in acrodermatitis enteropathica 79
with mental retardation, dwarfism, 236-251 Zinsser-Cole-Engman syndrome 132-
and pigmentary degeneration 194 Vesicles, disorders featuring, see 133
Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome 184 Appendix Zygodactyly 104
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Tumors of the Male Genital Systems ISBN 3-540-07668-9
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(7th International Symposium of the Gesellschaft Bangladesh and Nepal:
zur Bekampfung der Krebskrankheiten Nord- Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
rhein-Westfalen e.Y., Dusseldorf, October Distribution rights for the socialist countries:
24125, 1975) VEB Georg Fischer Verlag, lena
Editors: E. Grundmann, W. Vahlensieck
1977. 123 figures, 63 tables. XII, 268 pages
(Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 60) W. Fuhrmann, F. Vogel
ISBN 3-540-08029-5 Genetic Counseling
A Guide for the Practicing Physician. Translation
B. Schaumann, M. Alter from the German by S. Kurth
Dermatoglyphics in Medical 2nd edition
1976.34 figures, 20 tables. XIII, 138 pages
Disorders (Heidelberg Science Library, Vol. 10)
1976. 74 figures, 51 tables. XI, 258 pages ISBN 3-540-90151-5
ISBN 3-540-07555-0
H. G. Schwarzacher
R G. Freemann, 1. M. Knox Chromosomes
Treatment of Skin Cancer in Mitosis and Interphase
1967.32 figures. VIII, 50 pages 1976. 116 figures, 3 tables. VIII, 182 pages
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ISBN 3-540-07456-2
1. Petres, M. Hundeiker Prices are subject to change without notice
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