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Critique Paper - Rubrics/Instruction

Introduction - 4 paragraphs
� Name of author and work
? With brief background (if possible)
� Brief summary/description of work as a whole
� Focusing sentence/statement indicating what element you plan to examine
? Lenses = Genre, style, character
? Not more than 5 sentences/1 paragraph
� General indication of overall significance of work

Body - at least 3 major point

� Literal description of the 1st major element or portion of the work(1 sentence)
� Detailed analysis(up to 3 sentences)
� Interpretation (1 sentence)
� Literal description of the 2nd major element
� Detailed analysis
� Interpretation (including, if necessary, the relationship to the first major
� And so on

Conclusion - 1 paragraph
� Overall interpretation of the elements studied
� Consideration of those elemetns withing the context of the work as a whole
� Critical assessment of the value, worth, meaning, or significance of the work,
both positive and negative

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