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Age/Gender : 33 Years / Male Lab No. : 1032889

Referred By : SELF Collection Date : 03-12-2021 12:07 am
Collected at : COVID-SUDHARMA LAB WANDOOR Reporting Date : 03-12-2021 7:59 am
Passport : U5025528 Aadhar No :



Test Name SARS-COV2 (COVID 19) PCR
Method RT PCR (Open)
Sample type Nasopharyngeal swab
N Gene Not Detected
ORF1ab Not Detected



Detected Sample provided contains SARS CoV2.

Inconclusive Repeat testing on a new specimen is recommended. This could be due to low viral load.

Not Detected Sample provided does not contain SARS CoV2 or number of nucleic acid copies are below the detection
limit of the assay

Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). SARS-CoV is a new strain that has not been
previously identified in humans. Coronaviruses are zoonotic (They are transmitted from animals to humans). 2019 novel
coronavirus (COVID-19) is identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. Patients
reported with SARS-CoV-2 viral infection had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of

Mr. Ibrahim . V
Dr. Rameena Anver
MSc Microbiology
MD Microbiology
- End of the Report -

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 L aboratory ve rific ation re ports should not be considered as the sole basis for final diagnosis
and treat me nt de cisions. T his is for the inform ation of the trea ting clinicia n a nd should a lways
be c orrelate d with other re levant c linic al and laboratory findings.
 The a cc urac y of the laborat ory inve stigat ion report is highly depe nde nt on the quality of t he
sam ple colle cte d a nd t he assay used.
 Sam ple collec ted out side Sut ha rya healt hcare and diagnostic s or it s authorized colle ction
c ente rs have to stric tly follow the guidelines in collec tion, stora ge , identifica tion and
transport ation of sample s. Sut ha rya healt hc are and diagnostic s cannot be he ld responsible
for inc orre ct re ports of samples w hic h are not following the guideline s issue d.
 L aboratory inve stigat ion should not be reproduc ed exce pt in full. Sutharya healt hcare and
diagnostic s should not ve rify the ide nt ity or the de tails of the pat ie nt and cannot be held
responsible for any forge ry or misuse .
 Patie nts will be asked for repeat sa mples in c ase of unexpec te d a bnorm al and borderline
results. Hence the tim e delay and the inc onve nie nce fac ed by the pat ie nt is re gre tte d.

For Suggest ions, c omplaints and fee dbac ks, patie nt can write t o us a t
www .sutharya he lthca re .com or call us on 04933 222022/9633622022

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