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This project specifically focuses on Immorality in Churches: issues and

the way forward using churches in Uyo metropolis as a case study. The
purpose of this research work is to investigate the subject of immorality
in churches. For the purpose of data collection, the researcher made
use of primary and secondary sources respectively. The primary sources
was the questionnaire which were administered personally to the subject
and were collected in the same manner. The responses were put into
tables from which simple percentages were needed for easy analysis
and interpretation. The secondary sources were obtained from
textbooks and other literature related to the topic. Finally, the
researcher came out with her findings and listed a number of
recommendations for improvement and suggestion and how to curb
immorality in churches and also for further research in this field making
use of churches as subject matter and questionnaire as the data
collecting tools to enable respondents to determine the validity and
reliability of the responses and subsequent possible tip for the way

Cover Page - - i

Title Page - - ii

Certification m

Dedication jv

Acknowledgement ----... v

Abstract Vi

Table of contents vii



1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Objective of the Study - - - 4

1.4 Significance of the Study - ... 5

1.5 Scope/Limitation of the Study ... 5

1.6 Research Questions . . . . 6

1.7 Definition of Terms - 6



2.1 Introduction - 10

2.2 What is Immorality? ...... 11

2.3 List of Immoral Acts in Churches - 12

2.4 Causes of Immorality in the Church ... 18

2.5 How to Deal with Immorality in the Church - -21



3.1 Introduction - 32

3.2 Population of the Study 32

3.3 Data Collection Procedure 33

3.4 Data Analysis Techniques 33




4.1 Introduction ------- 34

4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis

4.3 Discussion of Findings -----



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary -

5.3 Conclusion - -

5.4 Recommendation




Morality today, as it has been observed is increasingly on the

decay. Ethics as a way of ordered living, which propagates ideal
communal life and human relationship, is speedily waning. There
is concern in several quarters at the rate immorality is making
waves in the society: the likely tendency is that there might be
serious breakdown of law and order which might lead to anarchy.
It is said that a lawless and immoral society is prone to chaotic
situation and anarchy. Many campaigns in the society today is
geared towards curbing immorality and other such vices, drama is
a major instrument used by various anti-immorality and anti-
corruption campaign agencies. In Nigeria, the church has been
taking one of the leading roles in the campaign against immorality.
Moral, according to Webster's Universal Dictionary is an
adjectival word that is "of or related to character, particularly as
regards to right from wrong. Morality has been defined as
principals concerning right and wrong, good and bad behaviour,
morality is to be seen as the right motives on which man is
supposed to act.

The prevalence of immorality in churches worldwide cannot

be overemphasized, Akwa Ibom State inclusive. It has grown to
the level that creates fear and tension in the heart of anyone who
has concern for the future of the State and that of the teeming
Christian populates, the society is grappling with many behavioural
problems of the church members and clergy/pastors alike, which
according to Ekundeyo & Oyeniyi (2008) and Adebule (2012)
include fraud, deception, intimidation, drug offences,
smoking, flirting stealing and armed robbery, violent conduct and
Demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractice, cultism and

However, Dotonu (2011) observed that sex abuse and

fraudulent misappropriation of money appeared to be one of the
most serious and common, immorality among youths and church
leaders is in the increase today.

According to the New Testament of the Holy Bible, jealousy,

killing, lies, adultery, fornication, theft, pride and several immoral
acts are against the will of God. However, the church is guided by
the word of God which is against all forms of immorality, but there
are still some level of immorality in churches.


Without doubt, there is an increasingly low level of morality

and ethical standard in the church today, many interest groups
have laid blame on modernism and developments especially the
advent of modern technology
and the internet. One of the outstanding virtues of a good society
should be sexual purity which has received little or no attention from the
society today. Also, sexual immorality has eaten deep into the fabric of
the society. It has become the mainstay of the peoples behaviour.
Fraudulent accumulation of wealth has also been the order of the day in
churches. Researches has shown that sexual immorality and corruption
has thousands of destructive effects on the society. However, the
researcher is examining the issues of immorality in church with the hope
of identifying the way forward.


The following are the objective of this study:

- To examine the issue of immorality in churches

- To identify the factors encouraging immorality in churches.
- To determine the way forward on the issue of church immorality.
- To suggest ways on how to curb immorality in churches

The following are the significance of this study:

Outcome of this study educate the church leaders and the general public
on the issues of immorality in the church and identifying the way
forward on the issue of church immorality. This researchers interested in
carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go
to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.


This study on immorality in churches will cover all forms of immoral

activities that exist in churches today with the view of finding, how to
reduce them to the bearest minimum. If not eliminating them
Limitation of the Study

Insufficient fund tends to limit the efficiency of the researcher in

sourcing for the relevant materials, literature information and in the
process of data collection, questionnaire and interview. Time constraint
is also another limitation since the researcher will simultaneously engage
in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down
on the time devoted for the research work.


- What is the level of immorality in churches?

- What is the way forward on the issue of church immorality?

- What are the factors encouraging immorality in churches.


 Immoral: Not within society's standard of acceptable, honest

and moral behavior
 Immorality: When someone or something is immoral
 Church: Church is a group of people called out from the world
and belonging to the Lord.
 Issue: A subject or problem which people are thinking and talking
 Vice: Moral fault or weakness in someone's character.
 Ethic: Behaviour, especially such a system based on morals.
 Licentious: Especially of a person or their behaviour, sexuality in
an uncontrolled and socially unacceptable way.
 Excommunicate: When the Christian church does not allow a
member to be involved in the church and refuses to give a
member communion
 Gangrene: The decay of a part of a person's body because the
blood has stopped flowing there.
 Blatant: Something bad that is very obvious or intentional.
 Base: Not honourable and lacking in morals
 Financier: A person who has control of a large amount of money
and can give or lend it to people or organization.
 Revile: To criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to
or about someone.
 Apathy: When someone lacks interest or energy and is unwilling
to take action especially over a matter of importance.
 Trivial: Having little value or importance.
 Flamboyant: Very confident in behaviour, or intended to be
noticed, especially by being brightly coloured.
 Vicious: Action that shows an intention or desire to hurt someone
or something very bad.
 Homosexual: Sexual attraction to people of the same sex rather
than the opposite sex.
 Adultery: Sex between a married man or woman and someone
who is not their wife or husband.
 Sexual Immorality: Adultery, fornication, homosexuality,
lesbianism, incest, rape, any form of sexual impurity etc.
 Greed: This is the desire to accumulate gain by base method.
 Idolatry: Participation in occult practices, worshipping images
instead of God.
 Drunkenness: Intoxication with alcohol, excess of wine
 Extortion: Robbery, theft, stealing, taking more than required.
 Foul tongue: A railer, verbally abusive, reviling, slanderous,
insulting, contentious, speech which cause injury or damage to
someone's personality.
 Heretic: One who causes division by a party spirit, a self-willed
opinion, or contentious over false or exotic doctrines.



The world in which we live, late 20th and early 20 th century is quickly
deteriorating morally, technologically, physically and economically. The
society seems to be advancing but negatively everywhere. Immorality
abounds, deviant behaviour and actions that once were rarely
mentioned in public, except to condemn are now openly discussed,
joked about and promoted. Filthy language (cursing, sexual implicit etc)
is frequently used by both men and women.

Satan is working non-stop to encourage all these evils and he specially

works to bring these evils into the lives of Christian.

Immorality as the name implies is when someone or something is not

being within the society’s standard of acceptance, honest of being right
especially conducts and behaviours.

Immorality is the state or quality of being immoral, immorality is a

concept normally applied to persons or actions. In a broader sense, it
can be applied to groups or corporate bodies, belief and religion.

Immorality is the violation of moral principles, not confirming to the

patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with
principles of personal and social ethics. When a person acts contrary to
or does not obey or conform to acceptable standards of morality.

Immorality refers to character or one who voluntarily seeks evil

and viciousness, immorality connotes evil act or
behaviour. Immorality is often called wickedness and is a state
avoided by good people.

Different religion have their own immorality, in Christianity the

Bible clearly condemn immorality of any kind from what people see as
being small or big, all transgression is seen as immorality in Christianity.
Since morality refers to things that are right, immorality has to do with
things that are wrong.


The Bible makes it clear that persons who practice lifestyle of

"adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentious, jealousies, outburst of
wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders,
drunkenness, rivalries etc. will not inherit the kingdom of God" (Gal.
5:19-21). It does not matter whether they claim Jesus as their Lord,
persons who live like this are not right with God. Jesus said "Not all who
say to me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who
does the will of my father in heaven" (Matt. 7:21). Immoral acts in
churches are shown below:

 Sexual Immorality
 Greed
 idolatry
 Drunkenness
 Extortion:
 Foul tongue
 Heretic:

These are some of the socially acceptable forms of immorality.

Homosexual: A number of older women are coming out of their

marriages claiming, they were lesbians and did not realize it till later in
life, this is portrayed as mixed up, perhaps confused and sympathetic.
Men kissing men and women as life partner now spot-lighted.
Homosexuality is and
always has been wrong from the beginning God created man nd woman
for one another (Gen. 2:18-24). Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed
and homosexuality was one of the sin that led to their destruction (Gen.
19:1-30, Jude 1:7). This sin is also condemned in the New Testament
and only those with a dishonest heart would deny that these plain
teachings from God's word condemns their sexual deviancy (Rom. 1:26-
28; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:8-11) Homosexuality is a present evil and
making great in roads into our society.

Adultery: The sin of adultery is also very prevalent in churches

today, people act as if it is no sin at all, they see it more as freedom
given to them by the court of the land. Many divorce and remarry at will
never giving thought to the fact that they are committing the sin of
adultery. Some preachers in the conservation churches are promoting it
by twisting the scripture to accommodate those living in it. Our Lord said
in Matthew 19:9, u And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except
sexual immorality, and marries another, commits whoever marries
her " commits adultery”. Divorcing your mate and remarrying another is
a sin (Rom. 7:2.3). God calls those who do so "adulterers" and
“adulteresses" and they are plenty of them today.

Drunkenness: Another commonplace sin is the sin of

drunkenness, everywhere we turn in this land there is some reference of
drinking and usually it is placed in a positive context. Every corner in
Uyo metropolis, there are beer palours filled to capacity which are
mostly patronized by Christians, when someone turns down a drink they
are looked on as strange being, teenagers watch their parents drinks,
learn from them then quickly put into practice what they have learned.
The Bible condemns the recreational drinking of all modern intoxicating
beverages (1 Peter 4:3). The proverbs warn of the dangers of alcohol,
consumption (Pro, 20:1-23). Disease, divorce, abuse, death, an. misery
accompany those who drink,
but still they are preacher in the church who will encourage and
condone its use by their weak and compromising preaching on the

Immodest Dress: Christian fashion designers all promote

immodest dressing by producing them, both males and females are
guilty of the sin of indecent dress, preachers now encourages it by
telling the congregation that it does not matter how they dress, God is
interested in their heart. However, Gods word speaks clearly of the
types of dress that Christian are to be seen in: modest, seemly apparel
which befits people professing godliness (1 Tim. 2:9-10, 1 Pet. 3:1-6,
Gal 5:19-21, Matt. 5:16).

Abortions: Abortions performed in mass quantities is another

abomination among Christian today, most of the abortionist are not
pagans. Bible principles condemn the practice of abortion. Jeremiah say
that he was known by God before his birth, while he was still in the
womb (Jer. 1:5). David
proclaims the Lord knew him before his birth and that he was
fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-16). Abortion is the
murder of an unborn human being and many are hardened to the point
of unconcerned towards this evil.

Gambling: The sin of gambling comes in many forms, state

lotteries, religious lotteries, sport betting, raffles, bingo games, the
promoters of this sin include denominational churches and many
charitable organizations, principles contained in God's word prove
gambling to be sin, it survived out of greed and is nothing more than
theft by consent, taking someone's money in a poker game is stealing.
Stealing and greed are both wrong and should be avoided and abstained
from by every Christian (Eph. 4:28, Col. 3:5). So many reputable
Christian organization use gambling as a source of revenue, it is
generally seen by most as a harmless form of recreation.

Many forms of immorality are socially acceptable and to oppose

them is to be narrow-minded, unloving or worse yet, an extremist, the
word "extremist" is used to prejudice the minds of the general
population, it is a term similar to the term "anti" used by liberals in the
church to point those who demand scriptural authority for all practices.

Many professing Christians are practicing shameful life styles that

are little different from those of unbelievers. It comes as no surprise to
learn that there is little preaching against sin in today's pulpits, and
those churches who do voice their opposition against such lifestyle rarely
do anything to actually hold Christians accountable for their behaviour,
without doubt, this is why sin seems to flourish among many professing
believers and perhaps why the church has been so powerless and
ineffectual in the now. Persons who profess to
be Christians, yet practice a continued lifestyle of sin and
immorality are really not believers but pretenders.

Today, church growth expert tend to measure the success of a

church in terms of numeric growth thereby attracting unbelievers who
has no intention of repentance but just to be members and continue in
their sinful lifestyle while the leaders do nothing about it in order not to
loss church financiers thereby helping immorality to flourish in the

The root of immorality or bad behaviour can also be attributed to

the following:

- Experiencing purposeless artistic violence in videos and

television starting from childhood.
- Destroying family life or family bond without an updated
moral code for a technological internet society to guide it.
- Brainwashing with too much unnatural sexual behaviour in
home movies.
- Bad role models in society from pop culture with unearned fame
and riches.
- Desensitization to the most important morals and behavior in life
other than mere trivial entertainment.
- Apathy caused by a lack of exciting motivation from family, peer,
teachers and unjust political and business leaders.
- Bad social relationship with incomplete parental role model and
morally incomplete leaders.
- Watching too much television and listening to too much mediocre
music and reading of literature with no moral message or anything
of value to apply to your life.
- Texting and communicating too much on the phone and internet
about trivial information which won't make a person healthy,
wealthy and wise.
- Flamboyant lifestyle of religious leaders which have a negative
influence on the worshippers who also want to get rich at all cost.
- Taking liberal art courses in college or university which will have
no moral value in the 21st century.
- Power struggle had engulfed the church resulting in character
assassination instead of seeking God's guidance to occupy
- Many Christians believes that Grace is Sufficient instead of
preaching repentance they concentrate on materialism, power,
dominion and fame instead of propagating the word of God to
change the church and the society.


In 1 Cor. 5 - Paul addresses a public immorality issue in the church

in Corinth. Apparently some Christians today are living in a very
inappropriate way, God's standard for the church remain the same "Be
Holy for I am Holy (Lev. 11:44) living a holy lifestyle and bringing Glory
to God is what is right but today immorality is a big issue as it was in
Some churches consider themselves open minded and inclusive
endorsing church leaders who live a publicly immoral lifestyle, others
show no grace at all alienating hurting people at even the hint of
immorality, offering no opportunity for repentance.

Churches in the metropolis should not tolerate these sins. These

sins ought to be exposed as such and the brethren warned about their
destructive nature. Those who refuse to heed the warning and rebukes
of faithful Christians should be disciplined for their own good and the
good of their congregation (1 Cor. 5:2; Thes. 3:6-14).

Preachers must cease not to warn, we must preach the word and
be faithful in our work as ministers of Christ (2 Tim. 4:2-5). We must
also identify ways Satan manipulate Christians to sin and tackle it
How satan works to bring immorality into the live of
Christians should be considered and dealt with:

The primary tool used by the devil is the lie (John 8:44) he
deceives Christians in various ways and uses those close to us to aid him
in his battle. These should be tackled.

(1) Familiarity: Why do we spend so much time looking at these

various sin? Because they are so common around us, there is a danger
that we can reach a point where we are not upset or disturbed by any or
all of these perverse act. Seeing these sins from day to day, we can
become accustomed to them or become comfortable around them, we
must fight back, we must not get comfortable with the world of sin, we
must be like Lot who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked
"For that righteous man, dwelling among then, tormented his righteous
soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deed" (2 Peter
2:7-8). Preachers, elders, and Bible class teachers must teach the truth
these evils, do whatever possible to keep Christians from relaxing
in this sin filled environment.

(2) Family, friend and loved ones should not soften their attitude
towards worldliness. Teachers of God's word must not fail to send a
clear signal so all may be warned and souls may be saved. We must use
principles and examples contained in the Bible to urge all member of
God's family to abide in the teaching and discipline those who refuse to
adhere to the divine standard (Gen 3:21, Exodus 28:42, Isa. 47:2-3, 1
Tim. 2:9-10, 1 Pet. 3:1-6, Gal. 5:19-21, Matt. 5:13-16, Luke 17:1-2).

(3) Time: Another tactic used by satan is time, he leads us to believe

that we have plenty of time, therefore if we choose to engage in some
particular sin, we will have time to repent, in fact some people commit
sin with full knowledge of what they are doing but intend to participate
for only a little while
then they will repent and leave it alone, satan deceive them into
thinking that what they are doing is not that harmful.

(4) Categorizing sin is another maneuver used by satan, he deceives

us into thinking that the sin we or our loved ones commits are trivial.
We human tend to categorized sin as trivial and view as less harmful
and are tolerated while more harmful ones are condemn. We must
recognize sin for what it is and seek to destroy its influence in our lives
and the lives of those around us (Rom. 12:1-2).

Church leadership should not neglect to offer the loving discipline

of a father to wayward brothers and sisters. Christ followers have a new
nature, though not exempted from temptation and sin. The biblical
expectation is a new life in the spirit, not perfect but humble, repentant,
and in the pursuit of holiness. The church brings Glory to God when it
discipline and bring lost sinners to God.
Purpose of church discipline are as follows:

i. Towards God, church discipline vindicates publicly His

honour and holiness (1 Pet. 1:15-16, 1 Pet. 2:5-9).
ii. Towards the church itself, church discipline restore purity
and deters other from sinning.
iii. Towards the world, church discipline displays God's standard
of Holiness and draws a line between the church and the
iv. Toward the offender, church disciplines convey Biblical love
and seek to restore the sinner.

Ways and methods of church discipline is shown below:

1. Private meeting

2. Private conference with witness

3. Public announcement to the church

4. Public exclusion from the church

5. Public restoration when there is genuine repentance.

In (Matthew 18:15-17) it: says "If your brother wrong you, go and
show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you,
you have won back your brother. But if he does not listen, take along
with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed by the
testimony of two or three witnesses. If he pays no attention to them, tell
it to the church, and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be
to you as a pagan and a tax collector".

(Galatians 6:1) says "Brethren, if any person is overtaken in

misconduct, you who are spirited should set him right without sense of
superiority with all gentleness, keeping and attentive eye on yourself,
lest you should be tempted


(1 Corinthians 5:1-2) says "it is actually reported that there is a

sexual immorality among you, impurity of a sort that is condemned, for
a man has his father's wife. And you
are proud, and you ought rather to mourn until the person who
has done this shameful thing is removed from your fellowship and your

Bible Standard of Discipline

From the above Bible passages, it is clearly stated that the

following steps should be taken to discipline a believer whose behaviour
is immoral.

- Private Meeting: Means to confront the person privately with the

truth of their sin and seek to restore them to Christ through
- Private Conference with witness: If they refuse to hear us in
the matter, we should make another attempt with the assistance of
one or two more Christian brethren. Public announcement to the
church: Still if there is no satisfactory response, we should then tell
it to the church for action.
- Public Exclusion from the Church: And finally, if the restorative
attempt of the church and it's authorities are further rejected, we
are no longer to esteem them as brethren. When such repetive
efforts to restore fallen brethren are met by the absence of genuine
repentance, the church is left with a sad and unpleasant task to
excommunicate the individual.
- Public Restoration when there is Genuine Repentance:
When the immoral person has faced the harsh reality of the Holy
Spirit absence as a result of excommunication, which takes a
person outside the protective environment of the church, if the
person learn it the hard way and run back to the church with
repentance, the church receives and restore him back publicly.

Purpose of Excommunication

Restoration: God's desire is, and always will be to reconcile the

sinner back to himself. "That his spirit may be
saved in the day of the Lord Jesus" (1 Cor. 5:5). The hope is that
when abandon to the wages of sin, the inevitable loss of peace and
subjects to satan's torment, the rebellious soul will eventually seek
repentance and restoration.

Protection: The unrepentant is removed from the church to protect

the body from further infection by such sinful behaviour. "Do you not
know that a little leaven ferment the whole lump?" (l Cor. 5:6).

Note: Excommunication is never the first choice for the church.

The Lord is the reconciler and wants His church to restore people
whenever possible. Our Lord is the father of the prodigal and to receive
His forgiveness (1 John 1:19). But despite our best efforts, there are
times when loving correction is not accepted and fail to alter infectious
sinful behaviour. In those cases, God requires that such persons be
removed from the fellowship to prevent sin from spreading and to
impress upon their need for repentance. In Matthew
Jesus used the metaphor of a spreading infection to warn us from
withholding personal sin in any area of our life, similarly if the infection
of sin is allowed to spread unabated within the body of Christ, it will
bring gangrene that will destroy the whole body. Obviously to expel
anyone from Christ body is a dreaded and painful task, no more
desirable than to amputate one of our own limbs or organs, but there
will be times where there is no other choice, Jesus said "if your hand or
foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you, it is better for you
to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or feet,
to be cast into the everlasting life, and if your eyes causes you to sin,
pluck it out and cast it from you, it is better for you to enter into life
with one eye, rather than having two eye, to be cast into hell fire"
(Matthew 18:9).



This chapter focus on the research methodology adopted in

conducting this study. It will present the research design method,
instrument and source of data collection, the statistical techniques
becomes the major instrument of primary data collection.

This study adopted the survey design to collect data needed for
study. This approach has the advantage of large collection of data and
wide coverage.


The study had a target sample population of 20 churches selected

from both Pentecostal and orthodox in Uyo metropolis, in Akwa Ibom

Two main sources of data collection were involved in the work,

namely primary and secondary sources.

The primary source were corrected with the use of structured

questionnaire, to obtain information from the target respondents. The
questionnaire by personal contact to the members of selected churches.
This afforded the researcher the aspect by the spot.

Secondary data related to this study were obtained from

textbooks, journal, seminar paper, online material, unpublished Christian
literature, booklets etc. This constitute a rich source of related literature
on this subject.


Data obtained from the structured questionnaire and their

responses were analyzed in table using simple percentage technique to
enhance easy understanding of this work by an average reader who may
lay hands on this project.




This chapter centred on data analysis, interpretation and

discussion of findings. Data which were collected from the structured
questionnaire are analyzed using the simple percentage technique as the
statistical tool.


Table 1: No and percentage of questionnaire distributed

and retrieved from the respondents

Respondent Distribution % Returned % Not Re. %

200 200 100 200 100 -
Table 2: The table below shows response to the question: Have
you heard of the word Immorality or sin before in your church?

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result shows that 200 respondents representing 100 percent

responded in the affirmative to the knowledge of the word immorality.
No respondent claimed ignorant of immorality.

Table 3: The table below shows responses to the question:

Have you ever seen any act you consider immoral committed by
a Christian?

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result shows that all 200 respondents accepted that they have
seen an act of immorality committed by a Christian
Table 4: The table below displays the responses to the
question: Are you aware of those act the Bible consider to be
immoral or sinful

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 180 90
No 20 10
Total 200 100%

The result shows that 180 respondents representing 90 percent are

aware of those acts the Bible considers immoral while 20 respondents,
which is 10 percent, said they are not aware of what the Bible term as

Table 5: This table answers the question if the church has a role
to play in curbing immorality

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 180 90
No 20 10
Total 200 100%

This result shows that all the respondents agree that the church has a
role to play in curbing immorality.
Table 6: This table shows responses to the question: Does poor
parenting encouraging immorality?

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result from this table shows that 200 respondents

representing 100 percent went for yes, indicating that poor parenting
contributes to the increase of immorality in churches.

Table 7: Shows responses to the question: Do you consider it

right for the church to approach a sinning brethren?

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

From the table, 200 respondents indicating 100 percent said that it
is right for the church to approach a sinning brethren
Table 8: The table below shows responses to the question: Social media
contribute negatively to increase immorality in churches.

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result shows that 200 respondents representing 100 percent

responded in the affirmation that social media contribute negatively to
the increase of immorality in churches.

Table 9: Table nine shows responses to the question: Have your

church ever disciple a brethren that is persistent in sin.

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 175 87.5
No 25 12.5
Total 200 100%

The table above indicates that 175 respondents representing 87.5

percent agreed that they have seen their church discipline sinning
brethren while 25 respondent representing 12.5 percent
say that they have never witness their churches take any kind of
disciplinary action against any sinning brethren.

Table 10: The table below shows responses to the question:

Church discipline can help rid immorality in church.

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The outcome presented in this table indicates that all the respondents
believe that church discipline can be used as an instrument to rid
immorality in churches.

Table 11: This table shows responses to the question: What is

your perception about immorality in churches in Uyo

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Good - -
Bad 200 100
Total 200 100%
This table indicates that all the 200 respondents' view immorality in a
negative way.

Table 12: The table present responses to the question: Does

religion condemn immorality?

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result clearly shows that all the 200 respondents representing
100 percent are of the opinion that all form of religion condemns

Table 13: This table shows responses to the question: People

view lack of salvation messages in churches as one
of the reason for increase immorality.

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 100 50
No 100 50
Total 200 100%
From the result, we cans see that 100 respondents representing 50
percent believe that lack of salvation message in churches is the reason
for increase immorality white the other 100 respondents representing 50
percent are of the opinion that no matter the salvation messages
preached in the church, some people will still remain in sin.

Table 14: The table below shows the responses to the question:
Have you ever advised anyone about the danger of
living is sin

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

The result clearly shows that 200 respondent's representing 100 percent
says they have advised people about the danger of sin.
Table 15: The table below show the responses to the question:
What was the question person’s reaction to the
advice in question 14 above

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 100 50
No 100 50
Total 200 100%

From the figure, we can see that 100 people representing 50 percent
says their advice was given a positive response while the other 100
people says the people they advised responded negatively to them.

Table 16: The table below shows the responses to the question:
Taking care of needy believers is a method the church
can use to curb immorality.

Options No. of Respondents (%) of Respondents

Yes 200 100
No - -
Total 200 100%

This result shows that all the 200 respondents representing 100 percent
are of the opinion that welfare for needy believers can help curb

The study has revealed that there is increase of immorality in churches

in Uyo metropolis and a good number of residents are fully aware of
this. We cap equally that these sins are committed by Christians since
Akwa Ibom State which Uyo is the State capital is a Christian state. Our
findings have shown that a good number of people are aware of the
acts the Bible consider to be immoral. The study also show that the
family and the church have a greater role to play in reducing immorality
to the nearest minimum. It is further seen that the church is right to
approach a sinning brethren and also that church discipline is viewed as
a measure to check immorality. The study also shows that social media
contribute negatively to the increase of immorality in churches, also that
most of the sinners does not take advice on sin important In the
Christian faith which majority of the people professes strongly condemn
immorality of any form and the Holy Bible expressly state those acts that
are considered immoral in nature.

Also worthy of mentioning is the fact that the attitude of the people
towards the acts of immorality is both disapproving and discouraging.
Yet immorality is thriving in the metropolis, this presents a moral
paradox that needs immediate attention. We have also equally note that
the attitude of most of the religious leader towards immorality has been
nonchalant and indifferent. Despite the proliferation of the metropolis
with churches. Immorality is still on the increase, many churches
brings their dogmas into practice which the Bible is strongly against.

However, there is still hope since we have a merciful God that

accepts any brethren who is ready to turn away from their evil way.



This chapter summarized the entire work. A conclusion will be

drawn and recommendation made based on the findings from the study.


This study was focused on immorality in churches; issues and the

way forward. A look into the various forms of immorality and their
causes was discussed. A research into how people view immorality in
Uyo metropolis was carried out and what instrument to use to curb
immorality in churches.

Though there is wide spread of churches in every corner in Uyo

metropolis, the issue of immorality is on the increase thereby indicating
that what the Bible say about brethren falling from faith on the last days
is gradually
coming into fulfillment, So sound doctrines are soon fading away in our
churches, different church founders and general overseer bring their
own doctrine and style of worship which is not in line with the Biblical

Therefore, there is need for the Christian leaders to improve and turn to
the acceptable standard of worship that is in conformity with the
teachings of Christ and the Holy Book (Bible).


The church is not a fellowship of sinless people, but of forgiven

sinners who by God's grace were call out of the sinful world and
separated for God for a life of holiness and obedience to our Lord Jesus
Christ the redeemer. We dare not fall into spiritual pride by thinking that
we are better than those who has fallen into sin after repentance. Paul
says that our response to sin in a church member should be to mourn.
But if we do not deal with those who refuse to repent from
sin as the Lord commands, His church will soon blend in with the world
and the salt will lose its savor. The Lord warns that he will come and
remove our lamp stand. So we must practice biblical church discipline
towards professing Christian who persist in sin. If we don't want our
lamp stand to be removed.


Upon the finding of this study, a number of issues are considered

that would be beneficial to the improvement of the moral standard in
the metropolis.

1. The family is the first point of call, good child upbringing is

recommended, because even the bible says ''bring up a child in the
way that they should go, so that when they grow they will not
depart from it. A disciplined child will grow up to be God fearing
thereby inculcating good morals.

2. Churches and religious organization should preach against every form

every form of immoral act and make sure that members are strictly
watched in other not to be involved or persist in immorality.

3. Parents should always do a check on their children's phone to make

sure they do not involve in watching pornographic films and

4. There should be a character check on pastors before allowing them

preach in the household of God in order not to infect the church with
bad morals.
5. Salvation messages should be the main focus of the church instead
of the contemporary prosperity messages that is being preached by
most Pentecostal churches today.

6. The church should place a strict disciplinary measure in accordance

with the Biblical standard.

7. There should be aggressive evangelism to turn unbelievers to Christ,

since they usually influence Christian’s brethren with their bad
morals because both believers and unbelievers live in the same

8. The Pastors should be trained from the theological college before

pastoring the church.

Adebule, S. O. (2012) Moral Discipline and Children Performance ,

Calabar Wusen Press.

Andy, A. P. (2010) The Constant Battle With Immorality , London,

camera press.

Arise, E.O. (200) Risky Behaviour Among Christians, Calabar Wuse Press

Bruce, F. F. (2013) The Root of Immorality, Grace London.

Dele A. R. (2010) When sin Persist in the Church , Victorious

Publication, Grass Valley

Dotonnu, I. O. (2011) An Assessment of the Prevalence of

Immorality among Christians.

Ekundayo, H. T. (2008) Issues in Ethical Practice, Pat Grace Press Ltd

Emile, D. P. (2005) The Elementary Forms of The Religious Life, London,

Camera Press.

Etire, R. I. (2009) Principles and Practice of Christian Ethics, Alvan

Global Publication

Maton, M. E. (2001) A Dictionary of Theological Term, Grace London.

Max, W. (1971) The Sociology of Religious, London Press

Robert L. B. (2016) A Guide to Discipline: Taking Sin Seriously Today

Dealing with Sinning Christian

Department of Theology
New Stars Bible College
72 Uduk Street Uyo
Akwa Iborn State.

Dear Respondents,



I am a graduating student of the above named school carrying out a

research work on the above topic;

Having chosen you as my respondent, I solicit your cooperation by

responding to the questions below appropriately.

I promise to use it purely for academic exercise and will be treated in

strict confidence.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Ikpok, Ofonmbuk Ekong




Induction: Please tick in the box provided against the answers which is
applicable and write out answers where it is required.


1. Sex: Male Female

2. Marital Status: Married Single
3. Age Bracket: 20-30 31-40 41-50 51 and above
4. Church rating: Pentecostal Orthodox
5. Occupation: Public Servant Clergy Businessman



1. Have you heard of the word immorality or sin before in your church?

(a) Yes (b) No

2. Have you ever seen any act you consider immoral committed by a
(a) Yes (b) No

3. Are you aware of those act the Bible consider to be immoral or sinful?

(a) Yes (b) No

4. The church have a role lo p|,,y j() ,urbing immorality,
(a) Yes (b) No

5. Poor parenting have impact on immorality,

(a) Yes (b) No

6. Do you consider it right for the church to confront a sinning brethren

(a) Yes (b) No

7. Social media have negative influence on Christian

(a) Yes (b) No

8. Have your church ever discipline a brethren that is persistent in sin?

(a) Yes (b) No

9. Church discipline can help rid immorality in church.

(a) Yes (b) No

10. What is your perception about immorality in churches in Uyo

(a) Yes (b) No

11. Does religion condemn immorality

(a) Yes (b) No

12. People view lack of salvation messages in churches as one of the

reasons for increase of immorality,
(a) Yes (b) No

13. Have you ever advised anyone about the dangers of living in sin?
(a) Yes (b) No

14. What was the person reaction to your advice

(a) Yes (b) No
15. Taking care of needy believer is a method the church can use to
curb immorality
(a) Yes (b) No

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