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Học phần: GIAO THOA VĂN HÓA Mã đề: GTVH001

Mã học phần: 4112972 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 16/12/2021 Thời gian: 36 tiếng

Họ tên: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Vi Lớp sinh hoạt: 18CNA03

Số phòng thi: 411297221102C101 Mã SV: 411180613

1. What does silence indicate in conversations? Does it always indicate the same
thing (e.g. approval or disapproval)? (250words)

Silence is a form of nonverbal communication that is not simply an absence of noise or

does not mean „nothing‟ but presents many meanings in intercultural communication. In
my point of view, silence does not always indicate the same thing but based on the
context of a situation defines the power and message of silence, it can be used to express
agreement, disagreement, or sometimes contempt; to show respect; or when
communicating we do not understand what the other person is discussing, so we choose
silence. In different cultures, if we misinterpreting the meaning of silence, we can face
with the discomfort from the locals or lose the importance opportunities in study and
business. For example, in Japanese culture, silence is an expression of disagreement, but
for Americans, silence represents agreement. In addition, in some Asian countries, it is
more politeness to be silent for a few seconds before giving an answer showing that you
really care about the question and take the time to think carefully before answering.
Conversely, in Western countries, if you do not answer as soon as the question is asked,
they will think you do not know the answer and time to think carefully is not necessary.
Besides, silence also shows respect when we listening to the adults, teachers or senior
leaders are talking or presenting the issue in Asian cultures, and some Latin and Arab
countries. But in the contrary, in Italy and Spain, it is acceptable for everybody to talk at
once or to interrupt a speaker because silence in a meeting would be uncomfortable and
awkward. Moreover, in my experience, when facing with annoying questions or teasing, I
often keep quiet and ignore them to express my disdain. In conclusion, silence carries
many different meanings according to each context, culture, and country, so we need to
learn to avoid misunderstandings.

2. How many classroom seating arrangements are there? What are they? Which is the
most formal? Which is preferable for language learning? (250words)

There are 19 classroom seating arrangement such as pairs, grid, presentation, groups of
four, corner work, U-shape, double U-shape, U-shape large classroom, conference small
classroom, conference large classroom, herringbone, rows, computer combination,
butterfly, eye, circle, large groups, horseshoes, and banquet. To my way of thinking, the
traditional seating arrangement in rows is the most formal way because this is used most
of the time in higher education when students have to listen to the teacher in the front.
This arrangement is suitable for large classes of students, studying theoretical subjects
such as Philosophy or Marxism-Leninism because this kind of subjects requires more
notes and memorization than discussion. Whereas, it is impossible for practical subjects
that need to exchange ideas among students because there are too many students so it is
difficult to move and it will be very noisy, and the teacher cannot give any one-on-one
feedback as it is hard to reach students in the middle. For language learning, I prefer the
corner work arrangement because learning language takes a lot of time to practice orally
than learn by heart. This arrangement can divide the class into 4 large groups and the
group members can discuss with each other or pair up to practice speaking or interpreting
without make noise affecting other groups, it also saves time through the group leaders
gathering members' questions for lecturer to answer, so the whole class can hear instead
of each individual. By this way teachers can not only easily control the activities but also
give instruction and feedback for listening and reading part to each group. However, this
way just suitable for small class and each group should have 6 to 8 members to work
effectively. In conclusion, each seating arrangement has its own advantages and
disadvantages, so it is advisable to choose an appropriate arrangement for each subject to
promote the most optimal efficiency.

3. What does “the complexity of people‟s cultural identity” mean? Explain the four
settings of cultural resources. (200words)

The cultural identity of a country is very complex because each region has its own
identity, the people there, according to gender, age or academic level; also express those
identities in their own way and sometimes against the common identity. The four settings
of cultural resources consist of setting 1 is “political distasteful to you”, setting 2 is
“strange moral code”, setting 3 is “does not recognize who you are”, and setting 4 “the
culture you cannot identify with”. In the first setting, you find the politics of the society
or social group „distasteful‟ and counter this by drawing on a particular aspect of
personality, literature and ideology from your own society or group and present your
culture as being leftwing activist. In the setting 2, you find the moral code „strange‟ and
reassure yourself by drawing on religious beliefs, clothing and etiquette in your own
society or social group and present your culture as a religious one with particular dress
codes. Next, the people in setting 3 do not understand who you are because they have no
knowledge of where you come from. You strengthen your identity by drawing on
ceremonies, festivals and family values in your society or social group and present these
as the basis of your culture. Finally, you cannot identify with the „high culture‟ of setting
4. You draw on the fine arts, „cuisine‟ and music of your society or social group and
present these as the defining ingredients of your culture. In conclusion, cultural identity
manifests itself in many aspects from which people have enriched their cultural, and
cultural identity is also an important part of your self-image, and it can help you feel
more connected to those around you.

4. Distinguish cultural generalizations from stereotypes. Give specific examples.


Cultural stereotypes are exaggerated beliefs and images about groups of people,
countries, or ethnic groups that are often based on a lack of information or contact,
especially those ideas that may be wrong or right. For example, foreigners meet some
Vietnamese people who often go to work or school late, so they think the Vietnamese are
always late. Besides, some Vietnamese workers in Japan often steal things making the
Japanese stigmatize and think that all Vietnamese people are bad. However, these are
only true for a group of people, not representative of the whole country. Whereas,
cultural generalizations are the correct conclusions after working and understanding the
culture of a group of people, an ethnic group, or a country. For instance, the Americans
who live in border states will often have traveled to Canada for vacations in the past, and
usually have fond memories. Therefore, they usually generalize Canadians to be very
kind, friendly, and polite, and Canada to be a pleasant, safe, beautiful country. In
addition, many tourists who come to travel or live in Vietnam for a long time say that
Vietnamese people are very kind, friendly, generous, and always ready to help others
when in trouble. They also share that Vietnam is a very beautiful country with rich
cuisine and their favorite is spring rolls and „pho‟. In conclusion, both cultural
generalizations and cultural stereotypes show people's view of a country, an ethnic group
or a group of people, but stereotypes tend to be more negative than generalizations.

5. Explain the Greek proverb “A leopard can‟t change its spots”. Is it right all the
time, in your opinion? (250words)
“A leopard can‟t change its spots” is an ancient Greek proverb which is used to explain
the idea that no one can change their personalities and innate nature no matter how hard
they try, especially people who have done bad things will always be bad people. In my
opinion, this sentence may be true for those who do not know their own shortcomings, or
they do not have enough willpower to change or they do not want to correct and improve
themself better day by day. In addition, this sentence is also accurate for the
conservatives, who always defend their opinions and never accept the ideas of others. For
example, most Vietnamese parents care for their children in the wrong way or force their
children to do what they want but do not allow them to live with their wishes, if they do
otherwise, the parents scold them with harsh words or even beat them causing many
tragic cases when children feel frustrated and try to suicide when their parents do not
want to understand their feelings. In contrast, this sentence may be wrong for those who
know their flaws and enhance for themselves and their loved ones, they are always self-
aware of a bad part of their personality because no one in this world is perfect so they
actively change themself to have a happy life. For instance, Japanese parents teach their
children to be independent, let them explore the world and think independently, without
forcing their children to do what they want. Besides, because they want to be a good
example for their children to follow, they will control their anger when their children
make mistakes and do not hurt them to explain to them when they make mistakes and
show them how to do it right. They also listen to and understand their children to support
them to develop their abilities. In conclusion, personality could not be changed
completely, but we can improve it better depending on our will.

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