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Structure of Active and Passive Voice:

Active voice: Subject + Verb + Object

Passive voice: Object + Verb + Subject (the Agent)

Rules for changing Active Voice to Passive Voice:

1. Exchange the places of the subject and the object!

The subject should become the object and vice-e-versa.

Eg. Subject Object

Active voice: She gave me a new car.

Passive voice: A new car was given to me by her.

Subject Agent (by who?)

2. Use the word “by” before the subject in the passive sentence! 

Eg. Passive voice: A new car was given to me by her.

3. Find out the tense of the main verb (active voice)!

Eg. Active voice: She gave me a new car.

Past Simple

4. Put the auxiliary (TO BE) accordingly (passive voice)!

Eg. Passive voice: A new car was given to me by her.

Past Simple

5. Add the past participle of the main verb!

Eg. Active voice: She gave me a new car.


give – gave – given

infinitive past past participle

Passive voice: A new car was given to me by her.

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