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MYOCARDITIS, 1083 Endomyocardial Biopsy, 1088
Viral Infection, 1083
SPECIFIC ETIOLOGIC AGENTS, 1078 Innate Immunity, 1085
Viruses, 1078 Acquired Immunity, 1085 TREATMENT, 1088
 Bacteria, 1081 Cardiac Remodeling, 1086
 Protozoa, 1081
Helminths, 1083 REFERENCES, 1089
Physical Agents, Including Adverse DIAGNOSTIC APPROACHES, 1086
Drug Effects, 1083 Laboratory Testing, 1087

OVERVIEW AND DEFINITION The age standardized, global disability-­ adjusted life years (DALYs)
rate per 100,000 due to myocarditis in 2019 was 977,238 (803,762 to
In its broadest sense, myocarditis refers to any inflammation of the 1,126,804, 95% UI). There were an estimated 32,449 (23,164 to 37,087,
myocardium. Inflammation can be found after any form of injury to 95% UI) deaths or 0.42 (0.30 to 0.48, 95% UI) deaths per 100,000 due
the heart, including ischemic damage, mechanical trauma, and genetic to myocarditis.4
cardiomyopathies. More specifically, however, classic myocarditis refers The death rate from myocarditis is higher in the first year of life than
to inflammation of the heart muscle occurring as a result of exposure between ages 1 and 14 years for both males and females. After age 15
to either discrete external antigens, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, years, DALYs, number of deaths, and death rate due to myocarditis are
toxins, or drugs, or internal triggers, such as autoimmune activation higher in males than females.4
against self-­antigens. Although viral infection remains the most com- The rates of myocarditis vary by region with higher rates seen in
monly identified cause of myocarditis, drug hypersensitivity and toxic parts of Southeast Asia, East Asia, Oceania, Central Europe, Eastern
drug reactions, other infections, and peripartum cardiomyopathy also Europe, and Central Asia (Table 55.1). Myocarditis can be difficult to
can lead to myocarditis. distinguish from other forms of cardiomyopathy in areas that rely on
The pathogenesis of myocarditis is a classic paradigm of cardiac clinical presentation and echocardiography for diagnosis, suggesting
injury followed by immunologic response from the host resulting in imprecision in diagnosis within the larger category of cardiomyopathy.
cardiac inflammation. The relative incidence of viral causes is con- Myocarditis is responsible for sudden cardiovascular death in approxi-
tinually evolving as new diagnostic tools based on molecular epide- mately 2% of infants, 5% of children, and 5% to 14% of young athletes.4–6
miology become available. Indeed, more than 20 viruses have been Myocarditis is responsible for a substantial minority of DCM cases
associated with myocarditis, and the most frequent are currently par- (see also Chapters 48 and 52). In a review of DCM case series from
vovirus B19 (B19V) and human herpesvirus 6.1 Enteroviruses such as 1978 to 1995 in which EMB was performed, the incidence of biopsy-­
coxsackievirus B continue to be commonly identified pathogens, and proven myocarditis varied widely, ranging from 0.5% to 67%, with an
strains of enterovirus remain widely used in mouse models of the dis- average of 10.3%. Data from the U.S. Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry,
ease.2 If the host immune response is overwhelming or inappropriate, in which 46% (222/485) of children with an identified cause of DCM
the inflammation may destroy the heart tissue acutely or may linger, had myocarditis, are illustrative of recent reports. As in most DCM case
producing cardiac remodeling that leads to dilated cardiomyopathy series, only a minority of children in this series, 34% of 1426, had a spe-
(DCM), heart failure, or death. Fortunately for most patients, clinical cific cause of DCM identified.7 The differing histologic criteria used
myocarditis often is self-­limited if proper support and follow-­up care to define myocarditis are responsible for some of the variation in the
are available. In many cases the virus is cleared successfully, and the reported prevalence of myocarditis.The standard Dallas criteria define
immune response is downmodulated. In some patients, however, an idiopathic myocarditis as an inflammatory infiltrate of the myocar-
autoimmune reaction to endogenous antigens lingers beyond this dium with necrosis and/or degeneration of adjacent myocytes not typ-
phase and can cause persistent cardiac dysfunction. Sometimes viral ical of the ischemic damage associated with coronary artery disease
genomes persist in the heart with or without acute inflammation.3 Viral (Fig. 55.1A and Table 55.2).8 These criteria have been criticized because
genomes commonly are detected in endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) of interreader variability in interpretation, lack of prognostic value,
specimens from patients with DCM and may signal a disease-­related and low sensitivity due in part to sampling error. Specific immuno-
infection. As discussed in this chapter, with new insights into the under- histochemical stains that detect cellular antigens, such as anti-­CD3 (T
standing of the pathophysiology of myocarditis and new therapies lymphocytes), anti-­CD68 (macrophages), and class I and II human leu-
for this condition, the outlook for affected patients is continuing to kocyte antigens (see Fig. 55.1B), may have greater sensitivity for small
improve.  infiltrates than that of hematoxylin-­eosin stain. Markers of complement
activity such as C4d also are commonly found in native cardiomyopa-
thic hearts. Newer immunohistochemical stains have a greater predic-
EPIDEMIOLOGY tive value for cardiovascular events than the Dallas criteria.9
The presence of viral genomes in heart tissue may indicate an active
As estimated in the 2019 Global Burden of Disease study the prev- infectious myocarditis. In the posttransplantation setting, the presence
alence of myocarditis in 2019 was 712,780 (612,466 to 817,245, 95% of viral genomes in myocardial biopsy material predicts future rejec-
uncertainty interval [UI]) or a prevalence rate of 9.21 per 100,000 tion episodes and graft loss in children.10 Viruses for which testing
(7.92 to 10.56, 95% UI).4 This rate increased from 8.04 (6.85 to 9.19, 95% is commonly done in the setting of suspected myocarditis are B19V,
UI) in 1990. Disability from myocarditis is largely due to heart failure. adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, Epstein-­Barr virus, hepatitis

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C virus, herpes simplex viruses 1, 2, and 6, and influenza viruses A and acquired during outbreaks of influenza, poliomyelitis, measles, and
VI B. New diagnostic criteria that rely on higher B19V copy numbers or mumps, and in cases of pleurodynia associated with enterovirus infec-
evidence of active viral replication have been proposed.2 For epidemi- tion.12 Modern virologic and molecular techniques have demonstrated

ologic studies in which universal EMB is not feasible, diagnostic clas- that adenoviruses, enteroviruses, and parvovirus are among the most
sifications that rely on clinical syndromes, biomarkers, and/or imaging commonly identified infectious agents in myocarditis. Although SARS-­
abnormalities have been used (Table 55.3).11  CoV-­2 viral genomes and proteins have been identified in the heart
tissue, the presence of SARS-­CoV-­2 viral genomes in the heart is gener-
ally not accompanied by a classic lymphocytic myocarditis (see also
The precise incidence of myocarditis caused by these infectious
In most cases, myocarditis is triggered by an inciting event, such as agents varies geographically and temporally (Fig. 55.2). Nevertheless,
infection or exposure to a drug or toxin that activates the immune in meta-­analyses, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies in patients
response. A subset of cases is due to primary immunologic abnormal- with clinically suspected myocarditis or cardiomyopathy who subse-
ities in the affected patient. Advanced techniques in virology, immu- quently underwent heart biopsy demonstrated that virus could be
nology, and molecular biology have demonstrated that there are many identified 3.8 times more frequently in patients with myocarditis than
potential causes of myocarditis. Almost any infectious agent has been in control subjects. Additional evidence indicates that persistence
associated with myocarditis. In clinical practice, however, it is often dif- of the viral genome in patients with cardiomyopathy is associated
ficult to identify a specific etiologic agent.

TABLE 55.2  Endomyocardial Biopsy Diagnosis of Myocarditis:

Viruses The Dallas Criteria
Viral infection has been implicated as one of the most common infec-
tious causes of myocarditis (Table 55.4). The earliest evidence of virus
infection and its association with myocarditis and pericarditis was Idiopathic myocarditis: “an inflammatory infiltrate of the myocardium with
necrosis and/or degeneration of adjacent myocytes not typical of the
ischemic damage associated with coronary artery disease”
TABLE 55.1  Deaths from Myocarditis by Geographic Regions Classification
(Global Burden of Disease Study 2019) First biopsy
DEATHS PER 95% UNCERTAINTY • Myocarditis with or without fibrosis
GEOGRAPHIC REGION 100,000 INDEX • Borderline myocarditis (repeat biopsy may be indicated)
• No myocarditis
Southeast Asia, East Asia, and 0.76 0.46–0.93
Oceania Subsequent biopsy
• Ongoing (persistent) myocarditis with or without fibrosis
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, 0.79 0.57–0.93 • Resolving (healing) myocarditis with or without fibrosis
and Central Asia • Resolved (healed) myocarditis with or without fibrosis
High-­income regions* 0.29 0.18–0.30
Latin America and Caribbean 0.22 0.18–0.35
North Africa and Middle East 0.36 0.26–0.65
Distribution Focal, confluent, diffuse Endocardial, interstitial
South Asia 0.21 0.15–0.29
Extent Mild, moderate, severe Mild, moderate, severe
Sub-­Saharan Africa 0.20 0.13–0.33
Type Lymphocytic, eosinophilic, Perivascular, replacement
*High income regions are defined as Southern Latin America, Western Europe, High granulomatous, giant cell,
Income North America, Australasia, and High Income Asia Pacific. neutrophilic, mixed
From Roth GA, Mensah GA, Johnson CO, et  al. Global burden of cardiovascular
diseases and risk factors, 1990 to 2019: update from the global burden of Modified from Leone O, Veinot JP, Angelini A, et al. 2011 consensus statement on
disease 2019. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76:2982–3021. Epublished DOI: 10.1016/j. endomyocardial biopsy from the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology
jacc.2020.11.010. and the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2012;21:245.

100 m
FIGURE 55.1  A, Acute myocarditis with widespread lymphocytic and histiocytic infiltrate (arrow) and associated myocyte damage (arrowhead). B, CD3 immunostaining of T
lymphocytes in a patient with acute myocarditis. (Courtesy of Dylan Miller, MD. From Cooper LT. Myocarditis. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:1526.)

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TABLE 55.3  Three-­Tiered Clinical Classification for Diagnosis of Myocarditis by Level of Diagnostic Certainty

Possible In the clinical context of possible myocardial injury without Absent Required Not known
subclinical acute cardiovascular symptoms but with at least one of the following:
Biomarkers of cardiac injury raised
ECG findings suggestive of cardiac injury
Abnormal cardiac function on echocardiogram or CMR
Probable acute In clinical context of possible myocardial injury with Absent Required Per clinical
myocarditis cardiovascular symptoms and at least one of the following: syndrome
Biomarkers of cardiac injury raised
ECG findings suggestive of cardiac injury
Abnormal cardiac function on echocardiogram or CMR
Definite Histologic or immunohistologic evidence of myocarditis Present Not required Tailored to
myocarditis specific cause

CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; ECG, electrocardiogram.

Modified from Sagar S, Liu PP, Cooper LT, Jr. Myocarditis. Lancet. 2012;379:738.

TABLE 55.4  Causes of Myocarditis

Adenovirus* Chlamydia Anthracycline drugs* Cephalosporins
B19V Cholera Arsenic Clozapine
Coxsackievirus B* Leptospirosis Carbon monoxide Diuretics
Cytomegalovirus* Lyme disease Catecholamines Hypereosinophilia
Epstein-­Barr virus Mycoplasma Chagas disease Insect bites
Hepatitis C virus Neisseria Cocaine* Kawasaki disease
Herpes simplex virus Relapsing fever Copper Lithium
HIV* Salmonella Ethanol* Sarcoidosis
Influenza virus Spirochete Heavy metals Snake bites
Mumps Staphylococcus Lead Sulfonamides
Poliovirus Streptococcus Leishmaniasis Systemic disorders
Rabies Syphilis Malaria Tetanus toxoid
Rubella Tetanus Mercury Tetracycline
SARS-­CoV-­2 Tuberculosis Protozoa Wegener granulomatosis
Varicella-­zoster virus
Yellow fever
*Frequent cause of myocarditis.
HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus.
Modified from Elamm C, Fairweather D, Cooper LT. Pathogenesis and diagnosis of myocarditis. Heart J. 2012;98:835.

Hepatitis C virus

Enteroviruses HIV Adenoviruses Epstein-Barr virus

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Influenza viruses Cytomegalovirus Human parvovirus B19 SARS-CoV-2 (?)

Human herpesvirus 6

SARS-CoV (?)

FIGURE 55.2  Prominent viruses associated with inflammatory cardiomyopathy over time. Over the years, the number of recognized viruses associated with inflammatory car-
diomyopathy has grown. This evolution is partly influenced by the intentional detection of a broader repertoire of viruses over time as well as by the occurrence of novel viruses
or virus genotypes in the heart. The association between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-­CoV) and SARS-­CoV-­2 and inflammatory cardiomyopathy is not
yet clear. “(?)” denotes unclear, needing further investigation; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus. (Adapted from Tschope C, Ammirati E, Bozkurt B, et al. Myocarditis and
inflammatory cardiomyopathy: current evidence and future directions. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2020;Oct 12:1–25.­020-­00435-­x.)

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with increased ventricular dysfunction and worse outcome during was lowest in the patients with normal hearts without inflammation.
VI follow-­up. In addition, viral RNA replicative intermediates were detected only in
patients with inflamed hearts. It has also been determined that evidence
of viral transcription is associated with an anomalous host myocardial

Enteroviruses, Including Coxsackieviruses.  Coxsackievirus is a mem-

ber of the Enterovirus genus, Picornaviridae family. It is a nonenvel- transcriptome.15,16 These findings indicate that the amount of B19V viral
oped lytic virus. Its capsid proteins harbor a single, positive-­strand RNA DNA is associated with the disease phenotype. Of importance, the virus
genome of 7.4 Kb. Throughout the history of studies that address the was found in endothelial cells and not myocardial cells. Other studies
causes of myocarditis, enteroviruses such as coxsackievirus B3 or echovi- have suggested a bystander role for B19V in adult myocarditis, with
rus are commonly identified in a subset of patients at a higher frequency persistence of low-­level B19V titers a frequent finding, but unrelated
than in control subjects. Using molecular techniques such as PCR and to ongoing myocardial injury. Additional experimentation is needed to
in situ hybridization, the enterovirus genome has been identified in the determine mechanisms by which B19V could contribute to myocarditis
heart of 15% to 30% of patients with myocarditis and 7% to 30% of and cardiomyopathy. 
specimens with DCM, although the incidence in different studies varies Human Immunodeficiency Virus.  The improved survival rate of
considerably. Coxsackievirus infection meets the criteria of Koch’s pos- patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has affected
tulates as a cause of myocarditis in humans: It can be regularly found the incidence of heart disease in this population (see also Chapter 85).
in the lesions of the disease; it has been isolated in pure culture from Myocarditis with lymphocytic infiltration has been reported in 40%
patients with myocarditis; and when inoculated into a mouse it can to 52% of patients who die of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
recapitulate the disease, after which the virus can be recovered from the (AIDS). The incidence of myocardial disease, however, appears to have
heart of the infected mouse. decreased with increased antiretroviral therapy. For more information
Coxsackievirus is a close relative of the poliovirus and rhinovirus, see the online supplement, “Human Immunodeficiency Virus.” 
viruses that have been studied extensively. Although the disease pheno- Hepatitis C Virus.  Hepatitis C virus infection appears to be mainly
types are different, the many similarities in viral replication cycles have associated with cardiomyopathy in Asian countries such as Japan. A
facilitated an understanding of the mechanisms by which coxsackievi- low incidence of hepatitis C virus antibodies (4.4%) was identified in
rus can cause disease. Coxsackievirus typically enters the host through patients who were studied in the Myocarditis Treatment Trial. This
the gastrointestinal or respiratory system. It uses the coxsackievirus-­ occurrence rate was nevertheless higher than that (1.8%) in the gen-
adenovirus receptor (CAR), a transmembrane adhesion protein, as its eral U.S. population. Perhaps the higher incidence of hepatitis C virus
primary receptor for cell entry. It can cause a broad range of clinical infection in DCM is related to the overall higher incidence of this infec-
syndromes, including meningitis, skin rashes, acute respiratory illness, tion in Asia. Myocardial biopsy samples from patients with cardiomyop-
skeletal myositis, and myocarditis. Most recently, evaluation of patients athy have demonstrated the presence of the hepatitis C viral genome,
with myocarditis has demonstrated a decrease in the prevalence of and a rise in serum antibody titers has been documented in patients
enteroviruses in the myocardium. This is particularly evident in Western so affected. The phenotype associated with hepatitis C virus also has
Europe. The reason for this decrease is not clear but may be related been reported to include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, suggesting that
to a herd immunity that occurs after a period of prolonged exposure hepatitis C may have a direct effect on growth and hypertrophy of the
to the virus. The lower incidence may also be confounded by seasonal myocardial cells. Symptomatic myocarditis generally is observed in the
outbreaks of enterovirus infections, thereby making the exact incidence first to third weeks of illness. It has been reported that heart function
dependent on the outbreaks.  can return to normal with clearance of the virus. 
Adenovirus.  Adenoviruses are nonenveloped DNA viruses that also Influenza Virus.  Influenza A virus infection is a well-­recognized cause of
use CAR (adenovirus types 2 and 5), as well as integrins, as receptors myocarditis, and this association should be kept in mind during periodic
for entry into the target cell. The adenovirus capsid harbors a double-­ outbreaks of influenza A. The exact incidence of myocarditis with influenza
stranded DNA genome. Adenoviruses commonly infect mucosal sur- A outbreaks is not known, but it generally is considered to be in the 5%
faces. The adenovirus genome is consistently identified in a subset of range. During pandemics such as the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, myocarditis
patients with myocarditis. The incidence in myocarditis patients has was reported in 5% to 15% of cases as diagnosed by changes on the elec-
been recorded to be as high as 23% and as low as less than 2%.13 trocardiogram (ECG) and the presence of cardiac symptoms. Some cases
Although mechanisms of adenoviral infection have been studied in con- manifested with fulminant myocarditis. Histopathologic examination usu-
siderable detail in cell culture and other diseases, it has been challeng- ally demonstrates the presence of the inflammatory infiltrate that is typical
ing to study adenovirus-­mediated myocarditis, in the face of difficulties of myocarditis (see also Chapter 94). 
identifying an appropriate mouse model using the same adenoviruses Coronavirus.  As the world has turned its attention to the COVID-­19
that affect humans.  pandemic, it became clear during the early stages of the disease that
Parvovirus.  The role of parvovirus B19 (B19V) of the genus Erythrovirus patients who were admitted to the hospital for COVID-­19 had a 20%
in the pathogenesis of myocarditis has been identified as a potentially to 35% incidence of myocardial injury manifested by an increase in
important contributor to myocarditis because of the high prevalence troponin and type B natriuretic factor. It was also clear that the extent
of B19V DNA in hearts of patients with myocarditis. Parvovirus is a of myocardial injury correlated directly with a worsening prognosis of
nonenveloped, nonlytic virus with a single-­strand, positive-­strand DNA intubation and death. It was assumed initially that this myocardial injury
genome of approximately 5.6 Kb. Humans are the only known host for was secondary to a classical form of myocarditis precipitated by infec-
B19V, making it challenging to study in animal models, but examples of tion of cardiac cells by SARS-­CoV-­2. Case reports from some of the
myocarditis in mice stimulated with the capsid protein VP1 or antibodies most severely affected areas supported that hypothesis. However, diag-
against VP1 have been reported.14 Its primary receptor is globoside, also noses were often made by clinical findings and evidence of myocarditis
known as group P antigen. This antigen is found primarily on erythroid on cardiac magnetic resonance (cMR) imaging. Subsequent reports of
progenitors, erythroblasts, and megakaryocytes. It also has been shown myocarditis have been varied, which may be related to definitions that
to be expressed on endothelial cells. This finding may be important for used to define myocarditis.17 An autopsy report from a young person
its role in the pathogenesis of myocarditis. The infection is thought gen- with sudden death found to have COVID-­19 demonstrated that SARS-­
erally to be spread by the respiratory route. The incidence of infection CoV-­2 could be identified within isolated, but adjacent myocytes. Cor-
in the general population is also high, with evidence of B19V infection relative experiments in human IPS-­derived cardiomyocytes (hiPS-CMs)
demonstrated in approximately 50% of children at age 15 years, and demonstrate that hiPS-­CMs can be infected by SARS-­CoV-­2 and that
detectable IgG directed against B19V found in as many as 80% of older cell fusion can be mediated by proteolytically activated SPIKE protein.18
adult patients. With PCR studies, the PVB genome has been identified The pathogenesis of cardiac injury in COVID-­19 is complex with mech-
in 11% to 56% of patients with myocarditis and in 10% to 51% of anisms that include viral mediated injury, microvascular dysfunction/
patients with DCM.14 thrombosis, cytokines, and type II myocardial infarctions. The histolog-
In keeping with the high prevalence of B19V in the general popula- ical features seen at autopsy include increased macrophages and cyto-
tion, the pathogenic role of B19V continues to be clarified. In one study, kine elevation. Classic lymphocytic myocarditis is relatively uncommon
B19V was assessed by immunohistochemistry and PCR assay. The inves- in COVID-­19 patients.19,20 Additional research will be needed to clearly
tigators found that B19V was detectable by immunohistologic analy- define mechanisms of cardiac injury following SARS-­CoV2 infection.
sis in 65% of patients with myocarditis, 35% of patients with DCM, The cause of injury is likely multifactorial with evidence of inflammation
and 8% of noninflamed control hearts. The viral load was assessed by as manifest by macrophage infiltration and less commonly a typical lym-
genome copy numbers in the samples that were positive for B19V on phocytic myocarditis.
immunohistologic analysis. The viral load was significantly higher in Attention has turned to whether myocarditis or cardiac injury might
patients with acute myocarditis, followed by those with DCM, and it be identified by cardiac MR after patients recover from COVID-­19. Myo-
carditis identified by MR after SARS-CoV-2 infection varies widely, from

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HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (SEE exact incidence of myocardial diseases is not clear, but it continues to

be a problem. In addition, many patients in developing regions of the 55
world do not receive highly active antiretroviral therapy and may pres-

ent with cardiac disease. Although HIV infection can be associated
The improved survival rate of patients with human immunodeficiency
with ventricular dysfunction, the mechanisms by which this occurs
virus (HIV) infection has affected the incidence of heart disease in this
have not been fully elucidated; however, activation of cytokines and
population.There has been a shift from myocardial and pericardial dis-
alteration of immune cells that affect cardiac function are likely to be
ease to a higher incidence of coronary artery disease. In retrospective
involved. Convincing evidence that HIV directly infects the myocar-
series and autopsy studies in patients infected with HIV, the incidence
dium is lacking. The pathogenesis of HIV-­associated cardiomyopathy
of cardiac involvement ranged from 25% to 75%. Clinical cardiovas-
is complicated by infection with pathogens that are associated with
cular presentations associated with HIV infection include myocarditis,
immunosuppression, malnutrition, and other confounding effects. In
pericarditis, DCM, arrhythmias, and vascular diseases. Myocarditis with
the post–antiretroviral therapy era, acute coronary syndromes and cor-
lymphocytic infiltration has been reported in 40% to 52% of patients
onary artery disease are the major cardiovascular diseases that occur
who die of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The inci-
in HIV-­infected patients in the United States.1,2
dence of myocardial disease, however, appears to have decreased with
increased antiretroviral therapy. This is especially true as it relates to REFERENCES
DCM, pericardial disease, and arrhythmias. The incidence of cardio- 1. Manga P, McCutcheon K, Tsabedze N, et al. HIV and nonischemic heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol.
myopathy, myocarditis, and pericardial diseases correlates with the 2017;69(1):83–91.
2. Boccara F, Lang S, Meuleman C, et al. HIV and coronary heart disease: time for a better under-
severity of the HIV infection as measured by a low CD4+ count or high standing. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61(5):511–523.
viral titers. Owing to ongoing changes in therapy for HIV infection, the

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0.6% in young athletes to 32% in older patients with elevated tropo- be found in the myocardium, pericardium, coronary arteries, and heart
nin.21 COVID-­19 in children and young adults <21 years of age was
associated with a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-­C). A total
valves of patients with this disorder. Electron microscopy has demon-
strated rod-­shaped structures in the myocardium similar to those found
of 36/99 (36%) of the patients were diagnosed with Kawasaki disease in the small intestine, representing the causative agent of the disease,

or atypical (or incomplete) Kawasaki disease, whereas 52/99 (53%) had Tropheryma whipplei, a gram-­negative bacillus related to the actino-
clinical evidence of myocarditis (see also Chapter 94).17 COVID vaccines mycetes. An inflammatory infiltrate and foci of fibrosis also may be
have been highly successful at reducing the risk of illness and hospital- present. The valvular fibrosis may be severe enough to result in aortic
ization from SARS-CoV-2 infection. A small increase in the rate of myo- regurgitation and mitral stenosis. Although it usually is asymptomatic,
carditis and pericarditis has been observed following mRNA vaccines. nonspecific electrocardiographic changes are most common; systolic
The rate of myocarditis and pericarditis has been reported as 1.0 per murmurs, pericarditis, complete heart block, and even overt congestive
100,000 and 1.8 per 100,000, respectively. None of the patients that heart failure may occur. Antibiotic therapy appears to be effective in
had myocarditis or pericarditis died following vaccination. Additional treatment of the basic disease, but relapses can occur, often more than
studies are needed to confirm these findings. In addition, the incidence 2 years after the initial diagnosis.    
and severity of vaccine-associated myocarditis and pericarditis is much
less than the devastating effects of COVID-19 infection.21a    Lyme Carditis.  Lyme disease is caused by a tick-­borne spirochete (Bor-
relia burgdorferi). It usually begins during the summer months with a
characteristic rash (erythema chronicum migrans), followed by acute
 Bacteria neurologic, joint, or cardiac involvement, usually with few long-­term
sequelae. Early studies indicated that up to 10% of untreated patients
Nonviral pathogens such as bacteria and parasites can affect the heart
with Lyme disease demonstrated evidence of transient cardiac involve-
and, in some cases, activate an immune reaction in the heart.Virtually ment, the most common manifestation being atrioventricular block of
any bacterial agent can cause myocardial dysfunction, but it does not variable degree. With the early use of antibiotics, however, Lyme car-
necessarily mean that the bacterium has infected the myocardium. ditis is now considered to be a rare manifestation.22 Of patients with
In the case of sepsis or other severe bacterial infections, the myocar- Lyme disease reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), only
dial dysfunction generally is attributed to activation of inflammatory 1.1% were identified as having Lyme carditis.23 Syncope due to com-
mediators (see Chapter 47). Of note, however, bloodstream infection plete heart block is frequent with cardiac involvement because of the
by virtually any bacterial infection can result in metastatic foci in the commonly associated depression of ventricular escape rhythms. Dif-
myocardium. This finding is most commonly associated with bacterial fuse ST-­segment and T wave abnormalities are transient and usually
asymptomatic. An abnormal gallium scan is compatible with cardiac
endocarditis. Some bacterial infections are well known to have specific
involvement, and the demonstration of spirochetes in myocardial biopsy
effects on the heart that can be mediated by direct infection or activa- specimens of patients with Lyme carditis suggests a direct cardiac
tion of inflammatory mechanisms. The most common of these include effect. Patients with second-­degree or complete heart block should be
diphtheria, rheumatic heart disease, and streptococcal infections. hospitalized and undergo continuous electrocardiographic monitoring.
   Temporary transvenous pacing may be required for a week or longer
in patients with a high-­grade block. It is thought that antibiotics can
Corynebacterium Infection.  Myocardial involvement with Coryne- prevent subsequent complications and may shorten the duration of the
bacterium diphtheriae is a serious complication and is the most common disease; therefore, they are used routinely in patients with Lyme cardi-
cause of death in diphtheria. In up to one half of fatal cases, evidence tis. Intravenous antibiotics are suggested, although oral antibiotics can
of cardiac involvement can be found. Studies from the last decade indi- be used when only mild cardiac involvement is present. Corticosteroids
cate that there is evidence of myocardial involvement in 22% to 28% may reduce myocardial inflammation and edema, which in turn can
of patients. The overall incidence has decreased in developed countries shorten the duration of the heart block. It is thought that treatment of
because of vaccination, but recently there have been a growing number the early manifestations of the disease will prevent development of late
of unprotected individuals in developed countries as well. This may be complications.  
related to vaccine avoidance. C. diphtheriae produces an exotoxin that
severely damages the myocardium and the cardiac conduction system.
Cardiac damage is due to the liberation of this exotoxin, which inhibits  Protozoa
protein synthesis by interfering with host translational mechanisms. The Chagas disease is one of the major causes of nonischemic cardiomy-
toxin appears to have an affinity for the cardiac conduction system. opathy throughout the world, although the incidence is changing. In
Both antitoxin therapy and antibiotics are important in the treatment a remarkable tale of discovery at the beginning of the 20th century,
of diphtheria.    
Carlos Chagas almost single-­handedly identified the parasite, Trypano-
Streptococcal Infection.  The most commonly detected cardiac com- soma cruzi, which causes the entity now known as Chagas disease.
plication after beta-­hemolytic streptococcal infection is acute rheumatic He also elucidated the relatively complex life cycle of the parasite in
fever, which is followed by rheumatic valve disease in approximately poor, rural areas of Brazil. The parasite resides in and replicates in an
60% of affected patients. Rarely, involvement of the heart by the strep- infected host such as an armadillo or a domestic cat. The parasite then
tococcus may produce a nonrheumatic myocarditis distinct from acute infects triatomine insects, including the hematophagous reduviid bug
rheumatic carditis (see also Chapter 97). This clinical entity is character- that feeds on the blood of infected vertebrate carriers. The triatomine
ized by the presence of an interstitial infiltrate composed of mononu- acts as the vector of infection when it bites a human, depositing the
clear cells with occasional polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which may be parasite in its feces in the area of the bite wound, conjunctiva, or other
focal or diffuse. In contrast with rheumatic heart disease, streptococcal mucous membranes.Transmission can also occur through blood trans-
myocarditis usually occurs coincident with the acute infection or within
a few days of the pharyngitis. Electrocardiographic abnormalities, fusions, organ transplantation, consumption of food or beverages that
including ST elevation and prolongation of the PR and QT intervals, are have been contaminated by the vector or vector feces, as well as in
common. Rare sequelae may include sudden death, conduction distur- utero from mother to fetus. Once within the now-­infected individual, the
bances, and arrhythmias.     parasite replicates and infects target organs such as the heart. Parasitic
infection of cardiac myocytes and activation of the associated immune
Tuberculosis.  Involvement of the myocardium by Mycobacterium function damage the heart and other organs and lead to the clinical
tuberculosis (not tuberculous pericarditis) is rare. Tuberculous involve- manifestations of Chagas disease; Fig. 55.3 shows the life cycle.24
ment of the myocardium occurs by means of hematogenous or lym- Chagas disease is endemic in poor, rural areas of Central and
phatic spread or may arise directly from contiguous structures and may South America (eFig. 55.1). The distribution of Chagas disease is
cause nodular, miliary, or diffuse infiltrative disease. On occasion, it may changing to include more urban and traditionally nonendemic areas
lead to arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycar-
dia, complete atrioventricular block, heart failure, left ventricular aneu- because of migration of infected individuals from the rural to urban
rysms, and sudden death.     areas. Vector control initiatives in the endemic areas and aggressive
screening of the blood supply has reduced the overall incidence of
Whipple Disease.  Although overt involvement is rare, intestinal lipo- Chagas disease. In the 1980s, 17.4 million people were infected in 18
dystrophy, or Whipple disease, is not uncommonly associated with endemic countries.25 By 2010, it was estimated that the number of
cardiac involvement. Periodic acid–Schiff–positive macrophages can infected persons had dropped to nearly 5.7 million. In 1990, it was

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United States 55


Mexico Honduras
Guatemala Panama Venezuela
El Salvador Guyana
Nicaragua Suriname
Costa Rica French
Colombia Guiana



Chile Uruguay

Chagas disease

EFIGURE 55.1 Distribution of Chagas disease in the Americas. (Modified from

Acquatella H. Chagas disease. In: Abelmann WH, Braunwald E, eds. Atlas of Heart
Disease: Cardiomyopathies, Myocarditis, and Pericardial Disease. Philadelphia: Cur-
rent Medicine; 1995:8.1–8.18; and Liu PP, Schultheiss HP. Myocarditis. In: Libby P,
et al. eds. Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2008.)

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Reduviidae bug

i Metacyclic
in feces

Scratching or rubbing
Blood meal
FIGURE 55.3 The life cycle of Trypano- Skin
soma cruzi. Reduviidae bugs transmit T. or
cruzi. While partaking of a blood meal (a), mucosa Blood cell b
the insect defecates on the host’s skin,
releasing the infective trypomastigote form h
of the parasite. The trypomastigotes pene- Bloodstream Cell penetration
trate the host’s skin or mucous membrane Amastigote
through abrasions caused by scratching or
rubbing the bitten area (b). Trypomastigotes e c
can infect host cardiac, skeletal, smooth
muscle, or neural cells, subsequently giving Cell
rise to the round amastigote form that can d
replicate intracellularly (c). Amastigotes can
give rise to trypomastigotes that can lyse f Cell disruption
cells (d). Amastigotes and trypomastigotes
released from dying cells can propagate the Amastigote g Colonization of muscle
infection or reenter the circulation (e-­g). nests or neural tissue
Insects can pick up the parasite when con-
suming a blood meal (h); it develops into
the epimastigote form that replicates in the
insect gut (i). (From Macedo AM, Oliveira
RP, Pena SDJ. Chagas’ disease: role of
parasite genetic variation in pathogenesis.
Expert Rev Mol Med. 2002;4:1.)

estimated that 700,000 new cases were diagnosed each year. In 2010, 5 different stages of Chagas heart disease based on the presence or
that number had decreased to 29,925. Similarly, the number of annual absence of ECG changes, LV dysfunction, and development of symptoms
deaths from Chagas disease has decreased, from 50,000 per year in of heart failure.27 Gastrointestinal disturbances also can be a prominent
1990 to approximately 12,500 per year.26 However, at the same time part of the presentation. Congenital transmission of the parasite to a
fetus from the mother is another important mechanism of transmission
that Chagas disease is decreasing worldwide, the incidence in the
of the parasite. Conversely, the parasite can be passed from the mother
developed world is increasing because of immigration from endemic to the infant at the time of birth. T. cruzi also has been shown to infect
areas. It is currently estimated that 240,000 to 350,000 people in the the placenta and subsequently infect the fetus in utero. Congenital trans-
United States are infected with T. cruzi.26 This has important implica- mission occurs in 1% to 5% of pregnancies when the mother has chronic
tions in relation to blood transfusion and organ donation, because Chagas disease. Congenital transmission of this disease results in spon-
the infectious agent can be transferred from donor to recipient; this is taneous abortion, premature birth, or infection of organs in the fetus.26
a particularly important consideration in the immunocompromised
transplant recipient. Benznidazole and nifurtimox, which both inhibit T. cruzi DNA replica-
tion, and are effective against the trypomastigote and amastigote forms of
Symptoms from T. cruzi infection typically begin 1 to 2 weeks after the parasite, are currently the only treatments for treating Chagas disease.
a bite from an infected triatomine, or can occur up to a few months Benznidazole is considered to be the first line of therapy because of its
after transfusion of infected blood. The parasite load can affect the better tolerability; however, both drugs produce significant side effects.
severity of clinical presentation. The initial acute phase of the disease Current treatment recommendations are based on the phase of the dis-
begins 1 to 2 weeks after infection and lasts for up to 4 to 8 weeks. ease and age of the patient. The cure rates for treating congenital cases
In the acute phase, the most sensitive diagnostic test is the identifica-
(96%) and children in the acute (76%) early chronic phase (62%) are well
tion of T. cruzi genetic material in the blood using PCR assay. During
the acute phase of parasite infection, most affected patients are either established. However, the cure rates for adults with chronic disease are
asymptomatic or have a mild, subacute febrile illness. Other potential less well established.28 Treatment with benznidazole is recommended for
manifestations include adenopathy, hepatomegaly, myocarditis, and children in acute and congenital cases, reactivations, and in the chronic
meningoencephalitis. Cardiovascular abnormalities during the acute indeterminate phase. The therapy of adult patients with intermediate or
phase might include nonspecific ECG changes, first-­degree atrioventric- established Chagas cardiomyopathy remains controversial. The BENEFIT
ular block, and cardiomegaly on chest x-­ray examination. Death occurs trial was a prospective study of 2854 patients with Chagas cardiomyopa-
from myocarditis or meningoencephalitis in less than 5% to 10% of thy randomized to receive benznidazole or placebo for up to 80 days.The
symptomatic patients. In up to 90% of patients, the symptoms of dis- primary outcome variable was a clinical composite of death, resuscitated
ease resolve spontaneously, even without therapeutic intervention. Of
cardiac arrest, sustained ventricular tachycardia, insertion of a pacemaker
these, approximately 60% to 70% develop an intermediate form of
the disease that is characterized by the absence of signs or symptoms or implantable cardioverter-­ defibrillator, cardiac transplantation, new
of cardiac or gastrointestinal involvement. Although these patients will heart failure, stroke, or other thromboembolic event. BENEFIT showed that
remain seropositive throughout life, there are no other laboratory find- although benznidazole significantly reduced the detection of parasite in
ings of Chagas disease. The prognosis is excellent for this form of the the serum,it had no effect on the primary outcome (adjusted HR,0.92; 95%
disease. CI, 0.81 to 1.06; p = 0.26).29 Current guidelines recommend that adults ≤50
The other 30% to 40% of patients will develop manifestations of the years of age in the indeterminate phase with minimal cardiac involvement
chronic Chagas disease 5 to 15 years after the acute phases of the dis- should be offered treatment.28 However, there is insufficient evidence sup-
ease. Cardiac involvement in the chronic form of Chagas is characterized porting effectiveness of treatment in older adults and adults with cardiomy-
by myocardial fibrosis, destruction of the conduction system, ventricular
opathy. Nonetheless, given that it is not currently possible to predict which
dilation, thinning of the apex of the heart, and formation of a thrombus
in the apex of the heart. These changes lead to DCM, symptomatic heart asymptomatic adult patients > 50 years of age will progress to the chronic
failure, arrhythmias, atrioventricular and bundle branch block, and pos- form of the disease, it may be reasonable to also consider therapy for this
sible thromboembolism. The Latin American guidelines for the diagnosis group of patients on a case-­by-­case basis, because treatment remains the
and treatment of cardiovascular involvement in Chagas disease define best way to prevent morbidity and mortality in Chagas disease.28 

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Helminths consequence of immune activation, self-­antigens (once regulated by

Infection by a wide variety of helminth parasites, commonly Trichinella
checkpoint receptors) are recognized as foreign and result in autoim-
munity including myocarditis in 0.3% to 1.0%. Fulminant myocarditis
and Echinococcus, can result in myocardial injury ultimately progress- has been treated with high-­dose corticosteroids and sometimes alemtu-

ing to cardiomyopathy. For more information see the online supple- zumab or abatacept, T cell inhibitors.32
ment, “Helminths.”    

Physical Agents, Including Adverse  PATHOGENESIS OF VIRAL MYOCARDITIS

Drug Effects
A wide variety of substances other than infectious agents can act on Much of the current understanding of the pathogenesis of myocardi-
the heart and damage the myocardium. In some cases, the damage tis is derived from mouse models of enteroviral infection, particularly
is acute, transient, and associated with evidence of an inflammatory coxsackievirus B3, and rodent models of autoimmune myocarditis.The
myocardial infiltrate with myocyte necrosis (e.g., with the arsenicals principles derived from these models have been applied to human
and lithium). Other agents that damage the myocardium can lead to myocarditis of different causes.2 The description of the pathogene-
chronic changes with resulting histologic evidence of fibrosis and a sis draws from cellular animal and human data. The pathogenesis of
clinical picture of a dilated or restrictive cardiomyopathy. Numerous viral myocarditis can be divided into three major components: viral
chemicals and drugs (both industrial and therapeutic) can lead to infection and replication, immunologic response (innate and adap-
cardiac damage and dysfunction. Several other physical agents (e.g., tive immune response), and, ultimately, a phase of chronic cardiac
radiation, excessive heat, hypothermia) also can contribute directly to remodeling (Fig. 55.4). MicroRNAs have also been shown to have a
myocardial damage. For more information see the online supplement, role in myocarditis. (For more information see the online supplement,
“Additional Physical Agents That Cause Myocarditis.” “MicroRNAs in Myocarditis.”)
Drugs.  Drug-­induced hypersensitivity syndrome may involve the heart
and be associated with myocarditis. The syndrome usually emerges
Viral Infection
within 8 weeks of the initiation of a new drug but can occur at any Viruses enter the host through a variety of locations, including the
time after drug consumption. Common agents include antiepileptics, gastrointestinal system and respiratory system. The virus may undergo
antimicrobials, allopurinol, and sulfa-­based drugs. Dobutamine, often initial replication in the host in organs such as the liver, spleen, and
used for hemodynamic support in patients with failing hearts, may pancreas. Ultimately, the virus reaches the heart via dissemination
be associated with eosinophilic myocarditis, and the drug should be through the blood or lymphatic vessels. The steps include attachment
stopped when eosinophilia appears or when an unexpected decline in of the virus to its receptor, entry of the virus into the cell, replication
left ventricular function is noted. Presenting characteristics may include of the virus within the affected cell in the heart, and for lytic viruses,
a rash (unless the patient is immunologically compromised), fever, and
exit of the virus from the cell to allow infection of other cardiac cells.
multiorgan dysfunction (including hepatitis, nephritis, and myocarditis).
Diffuse myocardial involvement may result in systemic hypotension and In the case of coxsackievirus, the virus infects the cardiac myocyte. In
thromboembolic events. CMR imaging and measurement of cardiac addition, however, other viruses may infect other cells in the heart, such
biomarkers may help identify patients with cardiac involvement. EMB as B19V that has been demonstrated to infect the cardiac endothelial
may demonstrate eosinophils, histiocytes, lymphocytes, myocardial cell and is not found in the cardiac myocyte.16
necrosis, and occasionally granuloma and vasculitis. Myocardial involve-
ment is patchy, so a definitive diagnosis is made only when the biopsy Initially, the virus binds to a viral receptor, ultimately resulting in inter-
findings are positive. Corticosteroids and drug withdrawal usually nalization of the virus (eFig. 55.2). This process includes entry of the
resolve this syndrome; however, some patients may display a prolonged viral capsid proteins and the viral genome. In the case of coxsackie-
and relapsing course. viruses and adenoviruses, the receptor is a transmembrane molecule,
Clozapine is an effective antipsychotic medication that is used to CAR, named for these two viruses, which are known to use it as a
treat severe, refractory schizophrenia. Myocarditis is a rarely reported receptor.33 Genetic deletion of CAR in the cardiac myocyte markedly
side effect of clozapine therapy, with the initial incidence reported at inhibits infection of the heart and development of myocarditis.34 In
between 0.01% and 0.001%. More recent observations, however, addition to CAR, coxsackievirus infection can be facilitated by interac-
have found an incidence of myocarditis in 1% to 10% of patients. Per- tion with the decay-­accelerating factor (DAF), or CD55. CAR acts as a
haps the increased incidence is related to an increased awareness of the receptor in both human and mouse cells. CAR is a tight junction protein
risk. Myocarditis can develop at any time during treatment but occurs in noncardiac cells and is expressed at high levels in the intercalated disc
most frequently within the first 4 days to 22 weeks after initiation of of myocardial cells. Entry of the virus through the receptor activates a
clozapine. The peak incidence is at around 19 to 21 days. Clozapine-­ signaling complex that includes p56lck, Abl, and Fyn kinase.33
related myocarditis probably is the result of a hypersensitivity reaction. It On entry of the enterovirus into the cell, the positive, single-­strand
may be accompanied by eosinophilia, with eosinophilic infiltration seen RNA is released from the icosahedral capsid and translated using host
in myocardial biopsy material. Clozapine also is a potent anticholinergic translational mechanisms. The viral RNA is translated as a single, mono-
compound, and high levels associated with altered metabolism from cistronic polyprotein, which is cleaved into its separate peptides by the
CYP450 enzymes also could contribute to the cardiac effects. With clear viral proteases 2A and 3C; through an autocatalytic cleavage process,
evidence of myocarditis in a patient taking this drug, immediate discon- VP0 is cleaved into VP2 and VP4. This results in generation of capsid
tinuation is indicated.30 and nonstructural proteins, including an RNA-­dependent RNA poly-
Vaccination for smallpox among uniformed service members has merase that is required for replication of the viral genome. The other
been demonstrated to be associated with myopericarditis. In a prospec- nonstructural proteins also are required for replication of the positive-­
tive assessment of myocarditis following smallpox vaccination, clinical strand RNA through a negative-­strand intermediate. Once the numbers
myopericarditis and subclinical myocarditis were noted at an incidence of viral capsid proteins have been amplified and the positive-­strand RNA
of 463 and 2868 per 100,000 subjects, respectively (in a healthy cohort has replicated, the positive-­strand RNA is encapsidated into the newly
the incidence was 2.2 clinical myopericarditis patients per 100,000). formed viral capsid proteins VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4. The encapsidated
There were no cases of clinical myopericarditis or subclinical myocarditis coxsackievirus RNA is released from the myocardial cell through a pro-
in a control group that received trivalent influenza vaccination.31 cess of cell lysis and disruption of the sarcolemmal membrane.
As new chemotherapeutic agents are developed to target specific Several mechanisms are recognized to affect membrane integrity,
pathways in the heart, it is becoming increasingly apparent that can- thus affecting in turn release of the replicated virus. Muscle cells rely
cer chemotherapy can induce cardiomyopathy that may be associated on the subsarcolemmal protein dystrophin and the associated proteins
with myocarditis (see also Chapters 56 and 57). Antibodies against in the dystrophin-­glycoprotein complex to maintain the integrity of the
programmed cell death-­ 1 (PD-­
1) (nivolumab, pembrolizumab, cemi- sarcolemmal membrane. Hereditary absence of dystrophin in Duchenne
plimab), T-­ lymphocyte-associated protein-­ 4 (CTLA-­ 4) (ipilimumab), muscular dystrophy, for example, causes cardiac and skeletal muscle
and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) (atezolizumab, avelumab, dysfunction (see Chapter 100). In enterovirus-­ induced murine myo-
durvalumab)—termed “immune checkpoint inhibitors” (ICIs)—have carditis, it has been demonstrated that one of the nonstructural pro-
revolutionized cancer treatment by increasing native immune acti- teins, protease 2A, is able to directly cleave dystrophin, thus disrupting
vation and enhancing tumor antigen expression. As an unwanted the dystrophin-­glycoprotein complex. This decreases the sarcolemmal

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Echinococcosis (Hydatid Cyst)

Echinococcosis is endemic in many sheep-­raising areas of the world, Physical Agents
particularly Argentina, New Zealand, Greece, North Africa, and Ice- A wide variety of substances other than infectious agents can act on
land; however, cardiac involvement in patients with hydatid disease is the heart and damage the myocardium. In some cases, the damage
uncommon (<2%). The usual host of Echinococcus granulosus is the is acute, transient, and associated with evidence of an inflammatory
dog, but humans may serve as intermediate hosts if they accidentally myocardial infiltrate with myocyte necrosis (e.g., with the arsenicals
ingest ova from contaminated dog feces. When cardiac involvement is and lithium). Other agents that damage the myocardium can lead to
present, the cysts usually are intramyocardial, located in the interven- chronic changes with resulting histologic evidence of fibrosis and a
tricular septum or left ventricular free wall. clinical picture of a dilated or restrictive cardiomyopathy. Numerous
A myocardial cyst can degenerate and calcify, develop daughter chemicals and drugs (both industrial and therapeutic) can lead to car-
cysts, or rupture. Rupture of the cyst is the most dreaded complication; diac damage and dysfunction. Several physical agents (e.g., radiation
rupture into the pericardium can result in acute pericarditis, which and excessive heat) also can contribute directly to myocardial damage. 
may progress to chronic constrictive pericarditis. Rupture into the car-
diac chambers can result in systemic or pulmonary emboli. Rapidly
progressive pulmonary hypertension can occur with rupture of right-­ Radiation
sided cysts, with subsequent embolization of hundreds of scolices, frag- The cardiac effects of radiation therapy are discussed in Chapter 56.
ments of the tapeworm, into the pulmonary circulation. The liberation Briefly, radiation therapy can lead to a variety of cardiac complications
of hydatid fluid into the circulation can produce profound, fatal circu- that arise long after the completion of the therapy, including pericardi-
latory collapse as a result of an anaphylactic reaction to the protein tis with effusion, tamponade, or constriction; coronary artery fibrosis
constituents of the fluid. It is estimated that only approximately 10% of and myocardial infarction; valvular abnormalities; myocardial fibrosis;
patients with cardiac hydatid cysts experience clinical symptoms. The and conduction disturbances. Although irradiation probably results in
ECG may reflect the location of the cyst. Chest pain usually is due to some degree of tissue damage in all patients, clinically significant car-
rupture of the cyst into the pericardial space with resultant pericarditis. diac involvement occurs in the minority of patients, usually long after
Large cystic masses sometimes produce right-­sided obstruction. The the treatment has ended. Radiation-­induced cardiac damage is related
chest radiograph may show an abnormal cardiac silhouette or a calci- to the cumulative dose of the radiation and the mass of heart irradi-
fied lobular mass adjacent to the left ventricle. Two-­dimensional echo- ated. The late cardiac damage that may follow irradiation appears to
cardiography, computed tomography, or cardiac magnetic resonance result from a long-­lasting injury of the capillary endothelial cells, which
(CMR) imaging may aid in the detection and localization of heart leads to cell death, capillary rupture, and microthrombi. Because of this
cysts. Eosinophilia, when present, is a useful adjunctive finding. The damage to the microvasculature, ischemia results and is followed by
Casoni skin test or serologic evaluation for echinococcus has a limited myocardial fibrosis. In addition to microvascular damage, the major epi-
role in cardiac diagnosis. In terms of therapy, despite the availability of cardial coronary arteries can become narrowed, especially at the ostia.
effective drugs such as mebendazole and albendazole, surgical exci- Occasionally a patient will develop acute cardiac complications
sion generally is recommended, even for asymptomatic patients.This is after radiation therapy. This typically manifests as acute pericarditis. A
because of the significant risk of rupture of the cyst and its attendant mild, transient, asymptomatic depression of left ventricular function is
serious and sometimes fatal consequences.  sometimes seen early after radiation therapy. The more common clini-
cal expressions of heart disease occur months or years after the expo-
sure.The pericardium is the most common site of clinical involvement,
Trichinosis with findings of chronic pericardial effusion or pericardial constric-
Infection with Trichinella spiralis is common after ingestion of infected tion (see Chapter 86). Myocardial damage occurs less frequently and
meat, usually pork. The parasite typically infects skeletal muscle. Re- is characterized by myocardial fibrosis with or without endocardial
ports of the incidence of clinically detectable cardiac involvement fibrosis or fibroelastosis. Left and/or right ventricular dysfunction at
average around 25% of infected patients worldwide. Cardiomyopathy rest or with exercise appears to be a common, albeit usually asymp-
and arrhythmias may develop in some patients and constitute the most tomatic, finding 5 to 20 years after radiation therapy. Often there is a
common cause of death in this infection. Less frequently, death is due latent period of a decade or more between the radiation exposure and
to pulmonary embolism secondary to venous thrombosis or neurolog- the development of ventricular dysfunction or valvular deformity. ECG
ic complications. Although the parasite can invade the heart, it does abnormalities, heart block, accelerated atherosclerosis, and a variety of
not usually encyst there, and a finding of larvae or larval fragments in arrhythmias may be seen months or years after therapeutic radiation,
the myocardium is rare.The heart may be dilated and flabby, and a peri- although the ultimate clinical significance is unclear. 
cardial effusion may be present. A prominent focal infiltrate composed
primarily of eosinophils can be found, with occasional microthrombi
in the intramural arterioles. Areas of muscle degeneration and necrosis Heat Stroke
are present. Heat stroke results from failure of the thermoregulatory center following
The clinical myocarditis in trichinosis may be mild and go unno- exposure to a high ambient temperature. It is manifested principally by
ticed, but in a subset of cases it is manifested by heart failure and hyperpyrexia,renal insufficiency,disseminated intravascular coagulation,
chest pain, usually appearing around the third week of the disease. and central nervous system dysfunction. However, ECG abnormalities
Electrocardiographic abnormalities are detected in approximately appear to be common in heat stroke; pulmonary edema and transient
20% of patients with trichinosis and parallel the time course of clinical right and/or left ventricular dysfunction may occur, along with hypo-
cardiac involvement, initially appearing in the second or third week tension and circulatory collapse. Pathologic changes include dilation
and usually resolving by the seventh week. The most common electro- of the right side of the heart, particularly the right atrium. Hemorrhages
cardiographic abnormalities are repolarization abnormalities and ven- of the subendocardium and the subepicardium are frequently seen at
tricular premature complexes. The diagnosis usually is based on the necropsy and often involve the interventricular septum and posterior
demonstration of indirect immunofluorescent antibody in a patient wall of the left ventricle. Histologic findings include degeneration and
with the clinical features of trichinosis. Eosinophilia, when present, is a necrosis of muscle fibers, as well as interstitial edema. Sinus tachycardia
supportive finding. The skin test result is usually but not invariably pos- is invariably present, whereas atrial and ventricular arrhythmias usually
itive. Treatment is with anthelminthics and corticosteroids; dramatic are absent. Transient prolongation of the QT interval may be seen, along
improvement in cardiac function has been reported after completion with ST-­segment and T wave abnormalities. It can take up to several
of an appropriate regimen of these agents. months for these repolarization abnormalities to resolve. Serum enzyme

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levels can be elevated and may reflect myocardial damage, at least in in murine myocarditis through regulation of Th-­17 differentiation. Inhi-
VI part, although concomitant rhabdomyolysis often is present.  bition of miR-­21 and miR-­146b decreased the severity of myocarditis.4
miR-­203 increases in murine myocarditis and increases cell viability,

thus enhancing coxsackievirus B3 replication.5 miR-­141 can inhibit host

Hypothermia protein synthesis by targeting the RNA cap-binding protein eukaryotic
Low temperatures also can result in myocardial damage. Cardiac dilation initiation factor 4E.6 miR-­126 is upregulated with coxsackievirus infec-
can occur, with epicardial petechiae and subendocardial hemorrhages. tion and activates the protein kinase C/transcription factor AP-­1 pathway
Microinfarcts are found in the ventricular myocardium,presumably related that is an important signaling molecule for coxsackievirus replication.7
to abnormalities in the microcirculation. The lesions are not caused by miR-­10a* targets the three-­dimensional RNA sequence of CVB3 and
the low temperature per se but appear to be the result of the circulatory increases its synthesis.8 miR-­221 and miR-­222 are significantly elevated
collapse, hemoconcentration, capillary slugging, and depressed cellular in myocarditis, but act in a defensive manner by affecting proteins that
metabolism that accompany hypothermia. Clinical manifestations of are needed for efficient viral replication.9 A novel circulating microRNA,
hypothermia include sinus bradycardia, conduction disturbances, atrial hsa-miR-Chr8:96, has been proposed to diagnose acute myocarditis.10
(and occasionally ventricular) fibrillation, hypotension, a fall in cardiac
output, reversible myocardial depression, and a characteristic deflection REFERENCES
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MicroRNAs IN MYOCARDITIS translation by targeting the translation initiation factor eIF4E. Cell Host Microbe. 2011;9(1):58–69.
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8. Tong L, Lin L, Wu S, et al. MiR-­10a* up-­regulates coxsackievirus B3 biosynthesis by targeting the
Microribonucleic acids (miRNAs) have been shown to have a role in 3D-­coding sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013;41(6):3760–3771.
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be detected in the plasma of myocarditis patients. Interestingly, plasma antiviral and inflammatory response in viral myocarditis. Eur Heart J. 2015;36(42):2909–2919.
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viral myocarditis.3 miR-­21 and miR-­146b have been shown to be involved


Lamin 3,4 7,8,9


Abl p56lck


Viral entry TRIF





(Attenuate virus)


Cytokines Type I

Acquired immunity:
T cells: CD4+/CD8+


Protective pathways
Detrimental pathways
EFIGURE 55.2  The pathogenesis of viral myocarditis, such as that caused by coxsackievirus. The virus enters the cell membrane through internalization receptors of coxsackie-­
adenoviral receptor (CAR), which in turn can trigger receptor-­associated kinases such as p56lck, Fyn, and Abl to alter host myocyte cytoskeleton to facilitate viral entry. Viruses
such as coxsackievirus B (CVB) can directly produce enzymes such as protease 2A that can disassemble the important cytoskeletal components such as dystrophin-­sarcoglycan
complex, leading to myocyte remodeling and destruction. Engagement of the receptor also activates tyrosine kinases, which are important for T cell clonal expansion and linking
between the innate and the acquired immune systems. The virus also activates innate immunity by engaging Toll-­like receptors (TLRs) through adaptors such as MyD88 and TRIF
(Toll/interleukin-­1 [IL-­1] receptor domain–containing adaptor-­inducing interferon-­β). Activation and translocation of NF-­κB, on the one hand, will produce cytokines and trigger
acquired immunity such as CD4+/CD8+ T cell mobilization. On the other hand, this can be attenuated by the activation of IRF3 and type I interferon (IFN) production. The latter
may be protective through multiple mechanisms, including attenuation of the virus. DAF, Decay-­accelerating factor (CVB co-­receptor); IRAK, interleukin receptor–associated
kinase (a signaling protein in innate immune pathway); IRF, interferon regulatory factor.
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Myocyte cell death
VI Injury and innate immune response Myocyte from direct viral damage,
cytolytic T cells, or

Virus or
toxin Initial myocyte Exposure of innate
injury from pathogen immune system to
or toxin pathogens and intracellular
Virus sequestered antigens

Decreased regulatory
T cell function, activation
of cytolytic T cells, and
increased Th1 and Th2
cytokines Regulatory
T cell
Acquired immune response
Antigen-presenting cells
stimulate pathogen-specific
T cell response

Antibodies to pathogens may APC

cross-react with endogenous T cell
epitopes (e.g., cardiac myosin
and β-adrenergic receptor)

B cell Virus

Myocyte Epitope spreading between

endogenous myocardial
FIGURE 55.4 Pathogenesis of myocarditis. The current
understanding of the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of
postviral and autoimmune myocarditis is based solely on animal
models. In these models, the progression from acute injury to Recovery or persistent cardiomyopathy
chronic dilated cardiomyopathy may be simplified into a three-­
stage process. Acute injury leads to cardiac damage, exposure
of intracellular antigens such as cardiac myosin, and activation
of the innate immune system. Over weeks, specific immunity
that is mediated by T lymphocytes and antibodies directed
against pathogens and similar endogenous heart epitopes
causes robust inflammation. In most patients, the pathogen is
cleared and the immune reaction is downregulated, with few
sequelae. In other patients, however, the virus is not cleared, Viral clearance and downregulation Ongoing injury with persistent
and it causes continued myocyte damage; heart-­ specific of immune response viral infection or immune response
inflammation may persist because of mistaken recognition
of endogenous heart antigens as pathogenic entities. APC,
antigen-­presenting cell. (From Cooper LT. Myocarditis. N Engl J
Med. 2009;360:1526.)

membrane integrity and facilitates the release of the virus from the variant.37 Desmoplakin cardiomyopathy has been shown to have an
myocardial cell. When dystrophin is not present in the mouse heart, as inflammatory component as well.38
occurs in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, coxsackievirus is released more   
efficiently from the myocyte to infect adjacent cells.35 However, when a Generally, the activation of the innate and adaptive, antigen-­specific
dystrophin protein is expressed that cannot be cleaved by protease 2A, immune response eliminates or greatly reduces the replication of the
viral replication and the extent of myocardial damage is decreased.35 virus within the host cell. In some cases, however, the virus can persist
Proteases 2A and 3C can cleave other host proteins that are involved in within the myocardium. In keeping with the presence of the enteroviral
the maintenance of membrane integrity, initiation of translation of host genome in a subset of patients with DCM, it is thought that persistence
proteins, regulation of apoptosis, innate immune response, and serum
response factor.3 of the enteroviral genome could contribute to the ongoing remodeling
As genetic profiles have been assessed in patients, especially children that occurs with DCM. The feasibility of this concept has been shown
with myocarditis, there is a growing body of literature that supports in a mouse model, in which low-­level, cardiac-­specific expression of
the concept that abnormalities in the cytoskeletal proteins occur more a replication-­defective enteroviral genome can cause cardiomyopathy.
frequently in patients with myocarditis than in control populations. One However, the proportion of patients in whom the enteroviral genome
study demonstrates that, in patients with acute myocarditis, there is an can be identified with reverse transcriptase PCR (rtPCR) or in situ
increase in the percentage who have homozygous or compound het- hybridization techniques generally is less than 10%. The early phases
erozygous variants in genes that have been associated with DCM. Inter- of enteroviral infection and intramyocardial innate immunity can now
estingly, they found that potentially pathogenic variants occurred in the be studied in human-induced pluripotent stem cells that are differenti-
genes DSP, PKP2, and TNNI3 that code for the cytoskeletal and contrac-
tile proteins desmoplakin, plakophilin-­2, and troponin I type 3. In addi- ated to cardiac myocytes.39
tion, there were alterations in BAG3, which encodes BCL2-­associated Other types of viruses also have been detected in cardiac biopsy
athanogene 3, which is an important mediator of apoptosis. Other specimens from patients with DCM. These viruses include B19V, her-
genes that were abnormal in acute myocarditis included SCN5A, which pesvirus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C virus, and others. Distinguishing
encodes the sarcolemmal sodium channel, voltage-gated type V alpha whether the presence of a viral genome in each patient is causative
subunit, which has been associated with the dystrophin-­glycoprotein or an incidental finding in cardiomyopathy has not been trivial. For
complex. Finally, RYR2, which encodes the ryanodine receptor 2, was example, the B19V viral genome can be detected in a high percentage
mutated.36 Additional evidence for an interaction between myocardi- of patients independent of whether they have cardiomyopathy. It has
tis and cytoskeletal abnormalities has been demonstrated in other case been demonstrated that only 15.9% of patients that have evidence of
reports including one in monozygotic twins with a desmoplakin gene

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B19V DNA on EMB have evidence of B19V mRNA. Interestingly, there enterovirus-­positive patients, IFN-­β may improve survival rates.41 For
is a significant difference in expression profiling in the biopsies that more information see the online supplement, “The Role of Innate 55
show transcriptionally active B19V, suggesting that transcriptional activ- Immunity in Myocarditis.” 

ity of the B19V may have a role in the pathogenesis.16 

Acquired Immunity
Innate Immunity Acquired immunity becomes a prominent manifestation of viral myo-
Innate immunity is effective during the earliest stages of virus infec- carditis beginning approximately 4 to 5 days after the viral infection,
tion. It is an antigen-­independent defense mechanism that protects although the peak and pattern of activation are variable. The acquired
the host from a broad range of microbial pathogens. Innate immu- immune response is an antigen-­specific response that is directed to a
nity is initiated in the first days of enteroviral infection and is the single antigen and is mediated by T and B cells. T cells are targeted
major immune mechanism responsible for inhibiting viral infection to infected cells and attempt to limit infection by destroying the host
and replication during the first 4 to 5 days after infection (Fig. 55.5). cell through secretion of cytokines or perforins. These can contribute
In addition to innate immune mechanisms in noncardiac organs, to the death of the infected cell through necrotic and/or apoptotic
important innate immune responses also are activated in the cardiac mechanisms. Thus, although T cell–mediated immune mechanisms are
myocyte.40 One of the classic and best-­characterized examples of important for controlling and limiting viral replication, they also can
innate immunity is the activation of interferon (IFN) signaling that have detrimental effects on the infected organ by stimulating cell death
occurs with viral infection.The two broad classes of IFNs use different mechanisms in the infected host. Appropriately limiting the T cell
receptors: Type I IFNs bind to the IFN-­α receptor and include IFN-­α and B cell immune mechanisms could limit damage to the heart,
and IFN-­β, whereas IFN-­γ is the sole type II IFN member. Both types I but such inhibition needs to be balanced by the need to inhibit viral
and II IFNs are effective at limiting viral replication when added to replication.42
infected cells or when administered to a coxsackievirus-­ infected The acquired immune process is initiated when the variable region
mouse.40 The absence of type I IFN receptors or IFN-­β in mice is asso- of the T cell receptor binds to peptides with specific amino acid
ciated with a marked increase in mortality rates but has less effect sequences that are recognized as foreign to the host.When CD4+ T cells
on early viral replication in the heart. In a phase II clinical trial, it interact with antigen-­presenting cells such as dendritic cells, the CD4+
has been demonstrated that administration of IFN-­β to virus-­positive cells can differentiate into different effector cell subsets, such as the
patients with symptoms of heart failure caused significant clearance classic Th1 and Th2 cell subtypes, namely Th17 and T regulatory (Treg)
or reduction of the virus load and improvement in the New York cells. Cytokines in the cellular microenvironment can control how the
Heart Association (NYHA) functional class and quality of life. In cells differentiate. The precise cellular signaling cascades and pattern

Pain, anxiety

Coxsackievirus B3
Bone marrow
Release of
IFN cells
CCL2, ↑Extramedullary of Ly6Chigh
CCL7 haematopoiesis monocytes
Damaged cardiomyocyte
Infected cardiomyocyte
Apoptotic cardiomyocyte
of Ly6Chigh
Fibroblast monocytes
Infected monocyte Spleen
Myeloid progenitor cell

FIGURE 55.5  Cardiosplenic axis in coxsackievirus B3-­induced myocarditis. In the heart, coxsackievirus B3 infection of cardiomyocytes leads to cell damage and death and
the release of IL-­1β and damage-­associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which trigger the recruitment and activation of cells from the innate immune system. Pain, anxiety,
and the release of danger signals into the systemic circulation trigger emergency hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, leading to medullary monocytopoiesis as well as release
of myeloid progenitor cells into the circulation. Myeloid progenitor cells then migrate to the spleen, where extramedullary monocytopoiesis takes place to replenish the pool
of proinflammatory Ly6Chigh monocytes, which can be rapidly mobilized to the damaged heart. In the heart, interferon γ (IFNγ) released by infected cardiomyocytes boosts the
production by fibroblasts of the pro-­inflammatory C-­C motif chemokines CCL2 and CCL7, which promote the homing of Ly6Chigh monocytes to the heart. Given that the spleen
is a target organ of coxsackievirus B3 and monocytes target cells of coxsackievirus B3, the recruited Ly6Chigh monocytes might be infected with coxsackievirus B3 and thereby
transport the virus into the heart, further contributing to the viral infection. Activation of the innate immune system in the heart is beneficial for its antiviral effects but excessive
or persistent activation can lead to exaggerated and/or chronic inflammation that triggers myocardial destruction and remodeling, culminating in cardiac dysfunction. (Adapted
from Tschope, C, Ammirati E, Bozkurt B, et al. Myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy: current evidence and future directions. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2020;Oct 12:1–25. https://­020-­00435-­x.)

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THE ROLE OF INNATE IMMUNITY IN the susceptibility to viral infection in the mouse. In addition, the rel-

evance of RNA helicases in the activation of innate immunity against 55
viral infection has been demonstrated. dsRNA can be recognized by

the RNA helicases, retinoic acid–induced protein (RIG-­I), and mela-
Toll-­Like Receptors noma differentiation–associated gene 5 (MDA-­5). These RNA helicases
Toll-­like receptor (TLR) activation is among the most common and can interact with mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS), activating
earliest innate immune mechanisms. Multiple TLRs (TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, signaling cascades that ultimately increase type I interferons.3,4 The
TLR7, and TLR9) have been implicated in inflammatory heart disease importance of MAVS after infection with RNA viruses was confirmed
and myocarditis.1 The receptors recognize pathogen-­associated molec- in MAVS-­knockout mice.3,4
ular patterns activating a defense against the invading pathogens. TLRs Activation of inflammasomes has been demonstrated to occur in
do not have the high specificity conferred by the antigen-­specific B patients with acute viral myocarditis within the first 4 weeks of the
and T cells and thus react more quickly. Stimulation of the TLRs by onset of the disease.The inflammasome is a macromolecular complex
foreign ribonucleic acids, DNA, or proteins leads to activation of sig- that is activated during myocardial injury. It stimulates processing of
naling and transcriptional mechanisms, which result in increases in IL-­1β and IL-­18, which are important in the innate immune response
cytokines and interferon regulatory factors that increase expression of against viral infection. It is thought that inflammasome activation can
interferons and other antiviral signaling pathways. TLR signaling uses limit viral replication, though it could also damage the cell. Evasion of
adaptor molecules and kinases such as MyD88 and interleukin recep- the inflammasome process might decrease myocardial cell damage,
tor–associated kinases (IRAKs). Both TLR3 and TLR4 are abundant but might also contribute to viral persistence.5,6
in the myocardium. TLR3 recognizes double-­stranded RNA, whereas Macrophages have been shown to have an important role in the
TLR7 and TLR8 can be activated by single-­stranded RNA. Both single-­ early innate immune response. They act as scavengers, microbicidal
and double-­stranded RNA are generated as part of the coxsackievirus effector cells, and regulatory cells in the onset of cardiac inflamma-
replication cycle. TLR4 recognizes bacterial lipopolysaccharides. Dis- tion. Early recruitment of inflammatory macrophages (Ly6Chi) occurs
ruption of TLR3 was shown to augment encephalomyocarditis virus– following cardiac injury. Chemokine (C-­C motif) receptor 2 (CCR2)
induced heart disease in the mouse. A similar effect is observed with has been implicated in having a role in macrophage infiltration in the
CVB3 infection. Also, TLR4 disruption increases the pathogenesis of heart of CVB3-infected mice. Although macrophages are involved in
coxsackievirus B3–induced myocarditis. the early response to injury, they are also responsive to T cells. CD4+ T
The downstream molecules of TLR signaling have been shown to (type 1 T helper [Th1]) cells influence the differentiation of monocytes
have a significant effect on coxsackievirus B3 infection. One of the toward proinflammatory M1 macrophages. The interferon-­γ secreted
better-­studied of these molecules is MyD88, which binds to TLR4, and by Th1 cells potentiates microbicidal activity of macrophages. Ly6Clow
the endosomal molecules TLR7 to TLR9. When mice with a global M2 macrophages blunt the inflammatory response and predominate
knockout of MyD88 are infected, a marked reduction is seen in the during myocardial healing.7
susceptibility to viral infection, indicating that the absence of MyD88
confers host protection, potentially through direct activation of IRF-­3 REFERENCES
and interferon-­β. The absence of MyD88 also controls the induction 1. Heymans S, Eriksson U, Lehtonen J, Cooper Jr LT. The quest for new approaches in myocarditis
and inflammatory cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;68(21):2348–2364.
of α-­myosin heavy chain–stimulated autoimmune myocarditis through 2. Marty RR, Dirnhofer S, Mauermann N, et al. MyD88 signaling controls autoimmune myocarditis
defective induction of dendritic cell–mediated TNF-­α.2  induction. Circulation. 2006;113(2):258–265.
3. Yajima T, Knowlton KU. Viral myocarditis: from the perspective of the virus. Circulation.
4. Wang JP, Cerny A, Asher DR, et al. MDA5 and MAVS mediate type I interferon responses to cox-
Other Innate Immune Mechanisms sackie B virus. J Virol. 2010;84(1):254–260.
5. Toldo S, Kannan H, Bussani R, et al. Formation of the inflammasome in acute myocarditis. Int J
Other innate immune responses are important in the control of the Cardiol. 2014;171(3):e119–e121.
6. Wang Y, Gao B, Xiong S. Involvement of NLRP3 inflammasome in CVB3-­induced viral myocarditis.
initial phases of viral infection. For example, inhibition of glycopro- Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014;307(10):H1438–H1447.
tein 130 (gp130) signaling by transgenic expression of the suppressor 7. Barin JG, Rose NR, Cihakova D. Macrophage diversity in cardiac inflammation: a review. Immuno-
of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-­1 or -­3 results in a marked increase in biology. 2012;217(5):468–475.

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of cytokine production that are associated with differentiation of these but most patients remain asymptomatic from a cardiac standpoint and
VI distinct T cell subtypes has been reviewed elsewhere.42,43 Appropriate have few long-­term sequelae. Chest pain from myocarditis may resem-
regulation of effector T cells is needed to control infections and at the ble typical angina and be accompanied by ECG changes, including

same time avoid inappropriate immunologic destruction of host tissue ST-­segment elevation. Coronary vasospasm, demonstrated using intra-
such as myocardial cells. Activation of T cells also leads to B cell activa- coronary acetylcholine infusion, is one cause for chest pain in patients
tion, which results in secretion of antigen-­specific antibodies directed with clinical signs of myocarditis in the absence of significant coro-
against the invading pathogen. After initial activation, the immune cells nary atherosclerosis. Chest pain also may mimic that in pericarditis,
undergo clonal expansion to attack the source of antigen, which could suggesting epicardial inflammation with adjacent pericardial involve-
include a viral coat protein or, in some cases, proteins in the cardiac ment. The outcome of myopericarditis generally is good, with only two
myocyte such as myosin. There is evidence that cross reaction with the sudden deaths reported from four published case series (N = 128). For
host may occur because of “molecular mimicry” between the virus more information see the online supplement, “Specific Clinical Pre-
and the host.Treg cells have important functions for the suppression of sentations of Myocarditis.”
Th1-­cell and Th2-­cell immune responses and were previously identified Myocarditis typically has a bimodal distribution in terms of age in
as T-helper cells. They are characterized by the expression of the fork- the population, with the acute or fulminant presentation more com-
head transcription factor, Foxp3, and are defined as CD4+CD25+Foxp3+. monly seen in young children and teenagers. By contrast, the present-
The classic model held that commitment of CD4+ cells to the differ- ing symptoms are more subtle and insidious, often with DCM and heart
ent effector lineages involved stable programs of gene expression and failure, in the older adult population. The difference in presentation
that once differentiated, they maintained that effector phenotype even probably is related to the maturity of the immune system, whereby the
as changes in the microenvironment occurred. This model, however, young tend to mount an exuberant response to the initial exposure
has evolved, because of evidence that CD4+ T cells have an element of a provocative antigen. By contrast, older persons would have devel-
of plasticity in that they can alter their functional programs and in this oped a greater degree of tolerance and show a chronic inflammatory
way change the balance between Treg cells and cytokine-­producing T response only to the chronic presence of a foreign antigen or with a
cells and the type of cytokines that they produce.42 This plasticity may dysregulated immune system that predisposes to autoimmunity. Myo-
be important as new therapeutic strategies are developed. The activa- carditis probably is responsible for 10% to 50% of new-­onset cases of
tion of T cells is highly dependent on an interaction with the innate idiopathic DCM, a rate that varies depending on the criteria used for
immune-­signaling cascade. For example, signaling through the T cell diagnosis.Viral myocarditis has been associated with heart failure from
receptor uses p56lck. It is interesting that p56lck also has been shown both systolic and isolated diastolic dysfunction.45
to bind to the CAR-­DAF receptor complex and that it is involved in viral The presentation of myocarditis varies by cause. For example, B19V
entry. When p56lck is genetically deleted from the mouse, typical myo- frequently causes chest pain from endothelial dysfunction, whereas
carditis is almost eliminated, with no significant mortality rates after ventricular arrhythmias and heart block are more common in giant
infection.44 cell myocarditis (GCM).45 Associated physical examination findings
Alterations in any of the pathogenic mechanisms just described point to specific causes for myocarditis. Enlarged lymph nodes with
could, theoretically, affect the susceptibility to viral infection. For exam- hilar adenopathy on the chest radiograph may suggest systemic sar-
ple, alterations in the mechanism of viral entry and replication, innate coidosis. A pruritic, maculopapular rash with an elevated eosinophil
or acquired immune-­signaling mechanisms, or the integrity of the sar- count suggests a hypersensitivity reaction to a drug or toxin. Patients
colemmal membrane could affect the susceptibility to develop myo- who present with DCM complicated by sustained or symptomatic ven-
carditis on exposure to a given virus. Nutrition is also likely to influence tricular tachycardia or high-­grade heart block are at high risk for hav-
the susceptibility to viral infection. It is thought that a deficiency of ing GCM or cardiac sarcoidosis. A study of 72 young Finnish patients
selenium can increase the risk of myocarditis, as has been described with initially unexplained atrioventricular block revealed that 25% had
in the Keshan province in China. When selenium deficiency was pre- either cardiac sarcoidosis (19%) or GCM (6%). Of these 18 patients, 7
vented, the incidence of myocarditis and DCM decreased. Further- (39%) experienced sustained ventricular tachycardia or cardiac death
more, selenium deficiency in mice also increased the susceptibility to or required transplantation over an average follow-­up period of 48
enteroviral myocarditis. The number of mechanisms known to affect months (Fig. 55.6).46 A prospective study of 12 patients with biopsy-­
the susceptibility to myocarditis in humans is far from complete.  proven GCM revealed that 25% of patients with a cardiomyopathy of
less than 6 months’ duration that failed to respond to usual care or was
complicated by ventricular tachycardia or high-­grade heart block had
Cardiac Remodeling GCM.47 In patients who fail to recover from an acute episode of myo-
Remodeling of the heart after cardiac injury (see also Chapter 47) carditis, the persistence of left ventricular dysfunction can sometimes
can significantly affect cardiac structure and function, and the degree be due to ongoing immune activation or chronic myocarditis. Failure
of such remodeling may mean the difference between appropriate to clear virus from the heart has been postulated to underlie some
healing and the development of DCM. The virus can directly enter the cases of persistent heart failure. Recognition of endogenous proteins,
endothelial cells and myocytes and effect changes that lead to direct such as cardiac myosin, as “foreign” may contribute to ongoing inflam-
cell death or hypertrophy. The virus also can modify the myocyte cyto- mation even after successful viral clearance.4,48 In clinical practice, the
skeleton, as mentioned earlier, leading to DCM. The inflammatory pro- distinction between a noninflammatory DCM and a chronic inflamma-
cess outlined earlier for both innate and acquired immunity can lead tory DCM with or without viral infection requires EMB. As discussed
to cytokine release and activation of matrix metalloproteinases that below, the lack of positive large-­scale trial data supporting either immu-
digest the interstitial collagen and elastin framework of the heart (see nosuppression or antiviral therapy currently limits the application of
Chapter 47).  EMB in this setting. 


Myocarditis has a wide-­ ranging array of potential clinical presen- The diagnosis of myocarditis traditionally has required a histologic
tations, a feature that contributes to the difficulties in diagnosis and diagnosis according to the classic Dallas criteria. However, because of
classification. The clinical picture may be one of asymptomatic elec- low sensitivity due to the patchy nature of the inflammatory infiltrates
trocardiographic or echocardiographic abnormalities or may include in the myocardium and the reluctance of clinicians to perform an
signs and symptoms of chest pain, cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmias invasive diagnostic procedure, myocarditis is severely underdiagnosed.
or heart failure, and/or hemodynamic collapse. Transient electrocar- Because the incidence of the disease is likely to be much higher than
diographic or echocardiographic abnormalities have been observed is appreciated, a high level of clinical suspicion, together with hybrid
frequently during community viral outbreaks or influenza epidemics, clinical and laboratory criteria and new imaging modalities, may help

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SPECIFIC CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS OF mechanism remains unknown but is suspected to be autoimmune in

nature.  55

Acute Myocarditis Chronic Active Myocarditis
Classically, patients with myocarditis present with nonspecific symp- Patients in this group are mostly older adults with myocarditis, and the
toms related to the heart. In a recent series of 245 patients with clin- onset is often insidious and difficult to pinpoint. The patient presents
ically suspected myocarditis, the most common symptoms included with symptoms compatible with moderate ventricular dysfunction,
fatigue (82%), dyspnea on exertion (81%), arrhythmias (55%, both such as fatigue and dyspnea. Pathologic examination of a myocardial
supraventricular and ventricular), palpitations (49%), and chest biopsy specimen may show active myocarditis, but more frequently
pain at rest (26%).1 These can be difficult to distinguish from acute it is only borderline or generalized chronic myopathic changes with
ischemic syndromes because they result in release of troponin, fibrosis and myocyte dropout. Some may progress to diastolic dysfunc-
ST-­segment elevation on electrocardiography, and segmental wall tion with predominantly fibrosis; this condition ultimately resembles a
motion abnormalities on echocardiography. Therefore, the symptoms restrictive cardiomyopathy.
can be quite nonspecific, although some symptoms indicate cardiac This category encompasses 60% to 70% of patients with active or
involvement. The viral prodrome of fever, chills, myalgias, and con- borderline myocarditis who present with DCM of unknown cause. Use
stitutional symptoms occurs in 20% to 80% of the cases and can be of newer imaging approaches, such as magnetic resonance imaging
readily missed by the patient; thus, they cannot be relied on for a with gadolinium enhancement and positron emission tomography–
diagnosis.  computed tomography (PET-­CT), molecular diagnosis by immunohis-
topathologic analysis, assessment of upregulation of immune markers,
and molecular testing, including PCR and in situ hybridization, may
Fulminant Myocarditis expand this population significantly. 
Approximately 10% of patients with biopsy-­proven myocarditis display
fulminant myocarditis. This entity is characterized by an abrupt onset,
usually within 2 weeks of a viral illness. Patients have hemodynamic Eosinophilic Myocarditis
compromise and hypotension, often requiring pressors or mechani- The eosinophil may be associated with myocardial inflammation in
cal support. The echocardiogram reveals diffuse global hypofunction, three distinct forms.4 Allergic eosinophilic myocarditis is caused by a
rarely, cardiac dilation, and typically, thickening of the ventricular wall, hypersensitivity reaction to a foreign antigen, almost always a drug.
probably due to myocardial edema from myocardial inflammation This form of myocarditis requires a high degree of suspicion (related
and cytokine release. Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) reveals typical to the initiation of new agents) and subtle declines in left ventricular
and diffuse myocarditis in virtually each histologic section, making function. Withdrawal of the offending agent and administration of cor-
it a reliable source of confirmation. On follow-­up, 93% of the original ticosteroids usually result in resolution. The heart may be inflamed in
cohort were alive and transplant-free 11 years after the initial biopsy, association with systemic eosinophilic disorders, resulting in myocar-
compared with only 45% of those with chronic myocarditis. dial, endocardial, and valvular involvement (Löffler endocarditis). The
This underscores the importance of supporting patients with ful- outcome is dependent on control of the underlying condition. Finally,
minant myocarditis as aggressively as needed to maximize the time fulminant necrotic myocarditis presents in a fashion similar to fulminant
for recovery. However, the good prognosis predicted in older data myocarditis, has no clear cause, and requires aggressive medical immu-
has been challenged in more recent registries that demonstrate a nosuppression and occasional mechanical support. 
worse in-­hospital mortality for fulminant myocarditis than previously
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (see Chapter 92)
Peripartum cardiomyopathy is characterized by the onset of left ven-
Giant Cell Myocarditis tricular dysfunction in the last month of pregnancy or within 5 months
Another distinctive clinicopathologic form of myocarditis is giant cell of delivery, with no preexisting cardiac dysfunction and no recognized
myocarditis. This disorder is more subtle in onset than fulminant myo- cause of the cardiomyopathy. There is evidence that patients submit-
carditis and may not be distinguishable from other forms of myocardi- ted to endomyocardial biopsy early after presentation have a high
tis initially. Patients may present with heart failure, arrhythmia, or heart frequency of myocarditis.5 Because most patients with this disorder
block, which despite standard medical therapy fails to improve. The recover with standard therapy, biopsy is recommended only for those
survival time for this population is less than 6 months; it is improved with persistent left ventricular dysfunction and symptoms despite
with the use of immunosuppressive therapy.3 Preliminary data suggest heart failure management.
that high-­dose multiagent immunosuppression may improve the prog-
nosis; however, there are no prospective randomized trials to confirm REFERENCES
1. Kuhl U, Pauschinger M, Noutsias M, et al. High prevalence of viral genomes and multiple viral
this approach. Early discontinuation of immunosuppression may lead infections in the myocardium of adults with “idiopathic” left ventricular dysfunction. Circulation.
to recurrence. Endomyocardial biopsy reveals a distinctive pattern of 2005;111(7):887–893.
giant cells with active inflammation and scar tissue. Currently, cardiac 2. Veronese G, Ammirati E, Cipriani M, Frigerio M. Fulminant myocarditis: characteristics, treatment,
and outcomes. Anatol J Cardiol. 2018;19(4):279–286.
transplantation, often preceded by mechanical circulatory support, 3. McCarthy 3rd RE, Boehmer JP, Hruban RH, et al. Long-­term outcome of fulminant myocarditis as
remains the only alternative for most patients with this disorder. Early compared with acute (nonfulminant) myocarditis. N Engl J Med. 2000;342(10):690–695.
4. Brambatti M, Matassini MV,Adler ED, et al. Eosinophilic myocarditis: characteristics, treatment, and
recognition and immunosuppressive therapy may alter this approach. outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70(19):2363–2375.
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orders including thymoma and Crohn disease. The pathophysiologic

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1.00 adults, higher interleukin-­10 and soluble Fas concentrations are associ-
EVENT–FREE SURVIVAL ated with an increased risk of death. Anti–heart antibodies have been 55
reported to predict an increased risk of death or need for transplanta-

0.75 tion. However, few anti–heart antibody tests are standardized or avail-
able in clinical laboratories. Nonspecific biomarkers of inflammation,
such as the leukocyte count, C-­reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedi-
0.50 mentation rate, have low specificity. Circulating viral antibody titers do
not correlate with tissue viral genomes and are rarely of diagnostic use
in clinical practice.54
0.25 Pathognomonic ECG findings are lacking in acute myocarditis, but
Idiopathic AVB nonspecific repolarization changes and sinus tachycardia are common
GCM or CS (see also Chapter 14). PR-­segment depression and diffuse ST-­segment
elevation may accompany a clinical presentation of myopericarditis.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 The presence of a QRS width greater than 120 milliseconds in duration
and Q waves is associated with a great risk of cardiac death or need for
FOLLOW-UP (months) heart transplantation.55 
FIGURE 55.6  Kaplan-­Meier curves for survival free of major adverse cardiac events
(cardiac death, cardiac transplantation, ventricular fibrillation, or treated sustained
ventricular tachycardia) in patients with pacemaker implantation for atrioventricular Cardiac Imaging
block (AVB) that remained idiopathic or AVB due to cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) or giant An assessment of left ventricular function by means of cardiac imag-
cell myocarditis (GCM). (From Kandolin R, Lehtonen J, Kupari M. Cardiac sarcoidosis
and giant cell myocarditis as causes of atrioventricular block in young and middle-­ ing (see also Chapters 16 to 19) is essential in all cases of suspected
aged adults. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2011;4:303.) myocarditis. Echocardiography is an excellent choice for imaging,
although there are no specific echocardiographic features of myocar-
ditis. In patients who have an acute cardiomyopathy, the most common
secure the diagnosis without necessarily resorting to biopsy in all pattern is a dilated, spherical ventricle with reduced systolic function.
cases (see Table 55.3).2 Although clinical and imaging criteria have Patients with heart failure due to fulminant myocarditis typically pres-
been used to estimate the myocarditis prevalence in various cohorts ent with small cardiac chambers and mild and reversible ventricular
without EMB confirmation, such criteria probably sacrifice diagnostic hypertrophy from inflammation. Right ventricular dysfunction is less
specificity. common and heralds a poor prognosis. Of interest, segmental wall
motion abnormalities often are present early and may mimic the
regional changes seen in a myocardial infarction. A pericardial effu-
Laboratory Testing sion usually signifies myopericarditis.
The role of cardiac injury biomarkers in screening for myocarditis in CMR (see Chapter 19) has become the primary noninvasive imag-
patients with acute viral illness has been investigated in accordance ing modality for assessment of myocardial inflammation in patients
with the hypothesis that a diagnosis of heart damage in this setting may with suspected myocarditis. Certain patterns of signal abnormality on
indicate a greater risk of arrhythmias or cardiomyopathy. In this regard, CMR are strongly suggestive of acute myocarditis (eFig. 55.3).56 Myo-
elevated cardiac troponin values help to confirm cases of suspected cardial necrosis can be detected by late gadolinium enhancement
myocarditis. Whereas older studies suggested that the sensitivity of (LGE). The T1-­weighted, myocardial-delayed enhancement technique
troponins for myocarditis was low, more recent studies using more can quantitate regions of damage and possibly predict the risk of car-
sensitive assays in less chronic disease support the value of troponin. diovascular death and ventricular arrhythmias after myocarditis.57 T2-­
For example, troponin levels predicted the severity of myocarditis and weighted imaging can be used to detect myocardial edema. However,
short-­term prognosis in a case series of 65 children with recent-­onset the T2-­weighted, short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and T1-­weighted-
myocarditis. Fulminant myocarditis was associated with higher levels delayed postcontrast signal abnormalities seen in acute myocarditis
of cardiac troponins I and T (cTnI and cTnT) than acute myocarditis, usually decrease with time. The sensitivity and specificity of CMR in
and a higher cardiac troponin level was associated with a lower left suspected myocarditis more than 14 days after symptom onset were
ventricular ejection fraction.49 In a case series of adults hospitalized poor (sensitivity, 63%; specificity, 40%).58 Thus, CMR performs best in
with acute or fulminant myocarditis, creatine kinase–MB concentra- the setting of acute cardiomyopathy or chest pain with elevated tro-
tions of greater than 29.5 ng/mL predicted in-­hospital death with a ponin. Both T1-­and T2-­weighted sequences should be used, to opti-
sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 73%. A growing literature also mize the sensitivity and specificity.59 An anteroseptal pattern of delayed
supports a role for TnI as an autoantigen as well as a biomarker for enhancement is associated with greater risk of MACE as is an increase
diagnosis.50 in DGE on follow-up CMR 6 months after presentation. A decrease in
Renko and associates prospectively measured cTnI levels in 1009 LGE on follow-up CMR is associated with a low risk of MACE.57 Because
children to determine the incidence of myocarditis in children hos- of the absence of large-­scale multicenter data with CMR in myocar-
pitalized for an acute infection. TnI levels exceeded the screening ditis, current recommendations with respect to the CMR diagnosis of
limit (0.06 μg/L) in only six children, none of whom had electrocar- myocarditis are based on expert opinion, rather than rigorous data of
diographic or echocardiographic abnormalities.Thus, the incidence of pulse sequences that have been evaluated against myocardial biopsy
acute myocarditis during childhood viral infections appears to be low, in clearly defined clinical subsets of patients. The “Lake Louise Crite-
so routine TnI screening for asymptomatic myocarditis in unselected ria” (eTable 55.1) is a consensus document that provides suggested
children without cardiac symptoms probably is not indicated.51 The CMR criteria for diagnosing myocardial inflammation in patients with
rate of asymptomatic increases in troponin after smallpox vaccination suspected myocarditis. The diagnostic accuracy of the Lake Louise
is as high as 28.7 per 1000.32 The risk of acute cardiomyopathy appears Criteria ranges from 68% to 78%, depending on the number of tissue
low in the first year after smallpox vaccination, but the longer-­term sig- markers used in CMR studies.60
nificance of a troponin rise in this setting is not known. Although most nuclear imaging techniques are ancillary in the eval-
A variety of other biomarkers have demonstrated prognostic value uation of suspected myocarditis, positron emission tomography (PET)
in acute myocarditis. In children with fulminant myocarditis, higher imaging remains useful for diagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis.61 Isiguzo and
serum creatinine, lactate, and aspartate transaminase (AST) levels colleagues recently showed a significant association of metabolism-­
are associated with increased in-­hospital mortality rates.52 N-­terminal perfusion mismatch by rubidium-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET with
pro–B type (brain) natriuretic peptide (NT-­pro-­BNP) is predictably ele- clinically active disease in cardiac sarcoidosis patients.62 Case control
vated in children with acute DCM due to myocarditis and generally series suggest that patients with cardiomyopathy or ventricular arrhyth-
declines rapidly in children who recover left ventricular function.53 In mias due to cardiac sarcoidosis may benefit from steroid therapy. 

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ETABLE 55.1  Lake Louise Consensus Criteria Cardiac Magnetic
Resonance Diagnosis of Myocarditis 55

In the setting of clinically suspected myocarditis,* CMR findings are
consistent with myocardial inflammation, if at least two of the following
criteria are present:
1. Regional or global myocardial SI increase in T2-­weighted images.†
2. Increased global myocardial early gadolinium enhancement ratio
between myocardium and skeletal muscle in gadolinium-­enhanced T1-­
weighted images.‡
3. There is at least one focal lesion with nonischemic regional distribution in
IR-­prepared gadolinium-­enhanced T1-­weighted images(“late gadolinium
enhancement”).§A CMR study is consistent with myocyte injury and/or
scar caused by myocardial inflammation, if
• criterion 3 is present.
A repeat CMR study between 1 and 2 weeks after the initial CMR study is
recommended, if
• n
 one of the criteria are present, but the onset of symptoms has
been very recent and there is strong clinical evidence for myocardial
A B • one of the criteria is present.
The presence of LV dysfunction or pericardial effusion provides additional,
EFIGURE 55.3  A, Precontrast T1-­weighted transaxial (upper) and coronal (lower)
magnetic resonance images through the left ventricle in a patient with myocarditis. supportive evidence for myocarditis.
B, Postcontrast magnetic resonance images at the same levels after injection of con-
CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance.
trast material. Note enhancement of the myocardial signal in the septum and apical *
The clinical suspicion for active myocarditis should be based on the criteria listed in
region (arrows). (From Matsouka H, Hamada M, Honda T, et al. Evaluation of acute
Table 55.3.
myocarditis and pericarditis by Gd-­DTPA enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Eur †
Images should be obtained using a body coil or a surface coil with an effective
Heart J. 1994;15:283.)
surface coil intensity correction algorithm; global SI increase has to be quantified
by an SI ratio of myocardium over skeletal muscle of ≥2.0). If the edema is more
subendocardial or transmural in combination with a co-­localized ischemic (including
the subendocardial layer) pattern of late gadolinium enhancement, acute myocardial
infarction is more likely and should be reported.

Images should be obtained using a body coil or a surface coil with an effective surface
coil intensity correction algorithm; a global SI enhancement ratio of myocardium
over skeletal muscle of ≥4.0 or an absolute myocardial enhancement of ≥45% is
consistent with myocarditis.
Images should be obtained at least 5 minutes after gadolinium injection; foci typically
exclude the subendocardial layer, are often multi-­focal, and involve the subepicardium.
If the late gadolinium enhancement pattern clearly indicates myocardial infarction
and is co-­localized with a transmural regional edema, acute myocardial infarction is
more likely and should be reported.
From Friedrich MG, Sechtem U, Schulz-­Menger J, et  al. Cardiovascular magnetic
resonance in myocarditis: A JACC White Paper. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009;53(17):

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Endomyocardial Biopsy pressures. In children, the time course of left ventricular functional recov-
VI EMB remains essential for the diagnosis of specific forms of myocardi- ery extends to at least 8 years, and the overall risk of death or require-
tis.63 The rate of major complications with EMB is less than 1 in 1000 ment for transplantation approaches 30% (Fig. 55.8).71,72 In patients with

when the procedure is done by experienced operators. In children a recent onset of DCM who were bridged to recovery with a left ventric-
with suspected myocarditis, EMB demonstrating myocarditis can iden- ular assist device, myocardial inflammation was present but fibrosis was
tify responders to medical treatment. Because myocarditis may only less evident.73 There is a risk of late heart failure due to diastolic dysfunc-
involve regions of one ventricle, several large-­volume cardiac centers tion years after the apparent resolution of acute myocarditis.45
are routinely performing left as well as right ventricular biopsy. In these In chronic DCM, the presence of inflammatory cells on EMB may
centers, the safety of left ventricular biopsy is equivalent to that of right define a subset of patients who will improve with a short course of
ventricular biopsy, and the diagnostic yield is greater.64,65 immunosuppression. Some investigators have demonstrated that the
The clinical scenarios in which EMB is most useful are suspected presence of active myocarditis defined by immunohistology, but not
GCM and fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis in the setting of an acute conventional Dallas criteria, predicts the risk of death or need for trans-
cardiomyopathy (Fig. 55.7).66,67 GCM should be considered in acute plantation.The presence of viral genomes on EMB may portend a poor
DCM that fails to respond to usual care or is complicated by high-­grade outcome. Older clinical data for enteroviruses in acute cardiomyopa-
heart block or sustained ventricular tachycardia. The use of immuno- thy were mostly consistent with this conclusion, but in recent years, the
suppressive therapy that includes cyclosporine probably increases the impact of viral genomes on the outcome has been questioned. Possibly
transplant-­free survival rate in patients with GCM whose symptoms are the variable findings with respect to viral genomes may be due to a
of less than 6 months’ duration.47,68 Histologically, GCM is defined by a changing spectrum of viruses, from enteroviruses to B19V and human
diffuse or multifocal inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and mul- herpesvirus 6. In addition, genetic background differences in study pop-
tinucleated giant cells in the absence of granuloma. In contrast with ulations, and possibly unmeasured environmental toxins or nutritional
cardiac sarcoidosis, in which the giant cells are located within the deficiencies, may account for differences in study outcomes. Studies
granuloma, the giant cells often are located at the edges of the inflam- that have evaluated the impact of CMR imaging–associated delayed
mation, where myocyte damage is present. Eosinophils are significantly gadolinium enhancement on the cardiovascular risk following acute
more common in GCM, whereas fibrosis is significantly more common myocarditis generally support an association between delayed gado-
in cardiac sarcoidosis. Immunohistochemistry may be beneficial in dif- linium enhancement and subsequent arrhythmic events.59 
ferentiating GCM from cardiac sarcoidosis. 

The first-­line therapy for all patients with myocarditis and heart fail-
The prognosis for patients with acute myocarditis varies in relation to ure is supportive care (see Chapter 50). A small proportion of patients
the clinical scenario and degree of left ventricular dysfunction at pre- will require hemodynamic support that ranges from vasopressors (see
sentation.69 Patients who present with myopericarditis or chest pain Chapter 49) to intraaortic balloon pump and ventricular assist devices
suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome usually do well if their left (see Chapter 59) (Fig. 55.9). Guidelines for myocarditis management
ventricular function is normal or near normal.70 However, approximately have been published by the American Heart Association (AHA),74 Jap-
15% of patients with myopericarditis may develop recurrent myoperi- anese Circulatory Society, and European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
carditis. In acute DCM, the risk of death or need for cardiac transplanta- working group on myocarditis and pericarditis.63 In patients who pres-
tion is increased in those myocarditis patients with lower left ventricular ent with an acute DCM and a syndrome of heart failure, the current
function, lower right ventricular function, and higher pulmonary artery American College of Cardiology (ACC)/AHA guidelines for heart fail-
ure care should be followed.45 Clinical experience suggests that stan-
dard pharmacotherapy is effective in myocarditis, although trials of
Unexplained acute cardiomyopathy* heart failure management in myocarditis have not been done.
Routine treatment of mild to moderately severe acute myocardi-
tis with immunosuppressive drugs is not recommended for adults.

• Requiring inotropic support 1.0 No event

• Mobitz type 2° of higher HB Echocardiographic normalization
• Sustained or symptomatic VT Transplant

• Failure to respond to GDMT within 1–2 weeks 0.8

Yes No 0.5
Endomyocardial 0.3
COR 2B/LOE C 0.2
FIGURE 55.7 Algorithm for the evaluation of suspected myocarditis in the set-
ting of unexplained acute cardiomyopathy. Unexplained acute cardiomyopathy will 0.0
usually present as a dilated cardiomyopathy. However, patients with fulminant myo-
carditis may have normal end-­diastolic diameter with mildly increased left ventricular 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
wall thickness. It is also important to exclude ischemic, hemodynamic (valvular, hyper-
tensive), metabolic, and toxic causes of acute cardiomyopathy, as indicated clinically. TIME TO OCCURRENCE OF EVENT (years)
CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; COR, class of recommendation; LOE,
Risk set 110 41 25 14 11 9 8 6 3
level of evidence. (From Bozkurt B, Colvin M, Cook J, et al; American Heart Associa-
tion Committee on Heart Failure and Transplantation of the Council on Clinical Car- FIGURE 55.8 Crude cumulative incidence rates of echocardiographic normal-
diology; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular ization, cardiac transplantation, and death among children with biopsy-­confirmed
and Stroke Nursing; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; and Council on Quality myocarditis. (From Foerster SR, Canter CE, Cinar A, et al. Ventricular remodeling and
of Care and Outcomes Research. Current Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for survival are more favorable for myocarditis than for idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
Specific Dilated Cardiomyopathies: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart in childhood: an outcomes study from the Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry. Circ
Association. Circulation. 2016;134:e579-­e646.) Heart Fail. 2010;3:689.)

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Patient with myocarditis with suspected lymphocytic myocarditis and nonsustained ventricular
tachycardia, a temporary external defibrillator vest may be used while 55
it is determined whether the arrhythmias will persist after the acute

inflammatory phase.
Mechanical circulatory support (see also Chapter 59) or extracor-
Stabilize hemodynamics Unstable Hemodynamic support poreal membrane oxygenation may allow a bridge to transplantation
(inotropic agents, or recovery in patients with cardiogenic shock despite optimal med-
(diuretics, vasodilators)
balloon pump, VAD) ical care. In those patients who recover, the time to recovery in acute
Stable myocarditis varies, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Trans-
Stable Unstable plantation also is an effective therapy for patients with myocarditis
who have refractory heart failure despite optimal medical therapy and
Immune therapy mechanical circulatory support. Survival rates after transplantation
Remodeling therapy Unstable
(consider Bx; steroids/ for myocarditis are similar to survival rates for other causes of cardiac
(ACEi/ARB, β-blockers
azathioprine, interferons, transplantation. However, the risk of graft loss may be greater in chil-
± Aldo antagonist)
immune adsorption) dren who undergo transplantation.
Repeat echo, CMR One of the major gaps in the management of myocarditis is the lack
Continue effective Rx Cardiac transplantation of a sensitive and specific noninvasive test. In this regard, diagnostic
(If LVEF persists <35%, Mechanical assist
techniques are evolving to identify novel blood-­based biomarkers
may consider AICD indiv) reflecting cardiac inflammation through microarray and proteomic
analysis of tissues from both laboratory models and patient samples.3
FIGURE 55.9  Treatment algorithms for patients with myocarditis, depending on
hemodynamic stability and response to general supportive and remodeling treatment Moreover, with improved understanding of pathophysiologic mech-
regimen at each step. All patients require aggressive support and appropriate fol- anisms, new therapies also are being developed and evaluated in
low-­up. Immune therapy at present is still indicated mainly to support those who clinical trials. These new treatments, including cell-­based therapies
have failed to improve spontaneously. ACEi, Angiotensin-­converting enzyme inhib-
that selectively inhibit T cell responses, induce apoptosis of activated
itor; AICD, automatic implantable cardioverter-­defibrillator; Aldo, aldosterone; ARB,
angiotensin receptor blocker; Bx, biopsy; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; echo, T cells, and increase Treg cells, will be evaluated in planned clini-
echocardiography; indiv, based on individual assessment of risk versus benefit; LVEF, cal trials. Such prospective investigations should be designed specif-
left ventricular ejection fraction; VAD, ventricular assist device. ically to establish efficacy in women. Translational studies focused
on genomic markers in biopsy samples and peripheral blood should
help refine risk assessments and target therapies to the populations
These data are based on the U.S. Myocarditis Treatment Trial, in which at highest need.
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