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Name: __Serquina, Jessaine Julliane C.

_______ Date: __September 10, 2021_

Year/ Course/Section: __2-BSE-A___ Score: _________
Exercise 3
Reflect on your own experiences to identify the values that belong to each level of peace.
Write at least three values each circle.

Promoting the Go Green advocacy, the RRR (reuse-reduce-

recycle, and practice proper segregation of garbage.
Influence with the use of
non-plastic materials (ex. Educating people
Echo bag, metal straw, about the threat
wooden utensils, and etc.) of global warming

Promote culture sensitivity

and help end racism.
Promoting gender sensitivity
Promote unity

Promote social integration

Promote social justice
for culture

Engagement with outreach programs

to children and the elderly. Membership with the
Involvement church’s Missionaries
with charity organization
and donations
Acceptance of differences
and diversity among
Having empathy
people. Influencing social

Helping family
members Taking care of
Genuine love

Personal Peace
Self- love
Being responsible and
Cheering up oneself
Praying to God

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