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Irvin Arturo Reyes Adan

Intermediate English 2
Writing 2
Summary and review of the book “Momo” by Michael Ende

Momo was written by Michael Ende in 1973 and deals about the social construction of time.
However, in my opinion it is a portrait of today's society.

The protagonist is a girl named Momo, who gets people to occupy their time in relationships of
solidarity, understanding, emotional coexistence and friendship. Although people have conflicts
and differences, Momo listens to them and makes that solve their problems.

However, the story changes when arrives “time thieves”, who convince people to save their time,
work harder and not waste time with friends and family. So they kept people's time.

Although the "time thieves" try to convince Momo, she does not obey them and decides to take
back her friends time.

This book is a highly recommended book for children and young people, although adults can also
enjoy it.

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