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The Social Origins of Environmental Determinism

Richard Peet

To cite this article: Richard Peet (1985) The Social Origins of Environmental Determinism,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 75:3, 309-333, DOI: 10.1111/

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The Social Origins of
Environmenta1 Determinism
Richard Peet

Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610

Abstract. Three elements of late nineteenth century society are examined: imperialism as the urgent
moment of sociopolitical necessity, Social Darwinism as compelling ideology of an imperial capitalism.
and environmental determinism as first version of modern geography. To legitimate imperial conflict
and conquest, sociological principles were derived from biology using the methodological linking
device of the organismic analogy. Fundamental differences between humans and the rest of nature
could not be comprehended within this methodology. Though aimed at a science of society, Social
Darwinism in general and environmental determinism as its geographic version were forced to assume
a quasi-scientific form in racism, and nature was given a causal power that could not be scientifically
justified. Marxism, by comparison, provides a theoretical basis for scientifically comprehending the
relations between nature, production, and society. Following Social Darwinism rather than Marxism
prevented geography from achieving a science of environmental relations.
Key Words: consciousness, determinism, expansion, ideology, imperialism, legitimation. nature,
Marxism, mysticism, religion, science.

A CHIEVING science in the study of society

has proven difficult. Knowledge becomes
science when it accurately comprehends the
over the means of reproducing its hegemonic
ideas. It has at its disposal direct means, such
as the sponsoring of research and ownership of
structure and dynamic of a part, or aspect, of the communications media, and indirect means,
reality. This level of accuracy was first achieved such as the ability to direct the sunshine of social
by natural science; thus Darwin’s theory cap- attention. T h e ruling (*lass has t h e ultimate
tured the essential dynamic of organic evolution. responsibility for ensuring that society repro-
Social science, however, studies a particularly duce itself, and it is in the immediate material
difficult object, for the human organism is a sub- interest of even the fiercest critic of the existing
ject-a being with c o n s c i o u s n e s s , w h o c a n social order that the economy function effec-
never be relied on to respond in an identical way tively. Thus a wide interest, almost consensus,
to the same objective situations. This subjectiv- resides in the making of a general ideology, a
ity extends to the intellectual formulating theo- structured understanding of the world, in sup-
ries about the human being. Even those intellec- port of the current way of conducting social life.
tuals actively seeking truth rather than notoriety T h i s e x t e n d s d e e p i n t o t h e scientific realm
cannot divorce their scientific understanding where ideas are generated which simultaneously
from the rest of their consciousness. The dis- explain a n d legitimate t h e c o u r s e of social
covery of theory is a part of the conceptualiza- events. Social philosophy is made as legitima-
tion of life; science is a part of culture. tion theory.
By ‘‘life’’ we must mean society and by soci- By legitimation I do not primarily mean the
ety, a class-ruled entity. The leading social force, deliberate manufacture of propaganda by a mer-
t h e class owning t h e m e a n s of economically cenary intelligentsia. Intellectuals need more
reproducing society, has to exercise control also than thought to live. Like everyone else, they

3 10 Peet

must exchange their product-ideas-within “Society” is simplified into two types of context
the existing division of labor and relations of for the development of modern geography: the
production. Their economic integration supports particular sociopolitical processes urgently
a basic sympathy with the existing social order. demanding scientific rationalization and the
Immersed in its economy and culture, intellec- more general scientific ideas both responding to
tuals propagate the aims of the encompassing this social process and immediately impinging
society as their own even as they search for on geography. In terms of that darling of the
“neutral truth.” Theory protects the material intellectual historian- the great individual- the
basis of its existence. paper focuses on Lamarck and Darwin, origi-
The consequences for science are consider- nators of evolutionary biology, Spencer as phi-
able. Society structures the direction theory l o s o p h e r general of Social Darwinism, a n d
takes by posing great issues in a certain way. If Katzel and Semple, articulate proponents of
theory begins to take too critical a stance toward Spencerian ideas in geography. Environmental
society, s a n c t i o n s a r e b r o u g h t against t h e determinism, I argue, was geography‘s contri-
offending theorists. The need to be socially and bution to Social Darwinist ideology, providing a
politically functional directs inquiry in directions naturalistic explanation of which societies were
productive of ideology but not necessarily pro- fittest in the imperial struggle for world domi-
ductive of scientific principles. Scientific under- nation.
standing may be prevented if it poses a threat to
the existing social order.
‘This paper presents a case study of the diver-
sion of science into legitimation ideology. Envi- The Socio-Political Context
ronmental determinism was geography’s entry
into modern science. Determinism attempted to Society’s urgent need for explanation stems
explain the imperial events of late nineteenth from its most fundamental activities. Material
and early twentieth century capitalism in a sci- production a n d social reproduction must be
entific way. Yet, to gain a prominent position in understood by those whose continued existence
the mass reproduction of ideas, geography had depends on these processes. The transformation
also to legitimate intersocietal competition and of nature during production and the overcoming
the conquest of some societies by others. The of natural distance during spatial activity are the
discipline borrowed from evolutionary biology, environmental relations studied by geography.
the leading science of the day, in formulating its ‘They are also its recognized domain in the pro-
main principles, using the device of the organ- duction of legitimation theory.
ismic analogy. This analogy proved incapable of An academic discipline achieves fame if it
capturing the essential, differentiating features responds effectively to society’s needs and for-
specific to human society. It therefore skewed tune if it responds to the expression of need by
geography in a scientifically unproductive direc- the existing holders of power and influence. In
tion. Yet it continued to be used because of its late nineteenth century capitalism, this meant
legitimation function-that is, allowing imperi- capitalist society’s need for geographic expan-
alism to be legitimated as a necessary stage in sion expressed by the ruling class, the industrial
the evolution to a higher order of existence. bourgeoisie, and those other class elements of
“The survival of the fittest had once been used state power who supported a vigorous economy
chiefly to support business competition at home; and a powerful nation-landed interests and
now it was used to support expansion abroad” feudal aristocratic remnants on the one hand and
(Hofstadter 1955, 202-203). The gaps in this a satisfied middle c l a s s o n t h e o t h e r . l h e
“science” were filled through the retention of achievement of modernity in geography meant
(prescientific) religious and mystical ideas, espe- serving these class groups’ expression of the
cially in the areas of human consciousness and social need for explanation in the imperial era.
social purpose. Scientific failure occurred at the In the last three decades of the nineteenth
moment of its modern emergence. This has had century, capitalism entered a period of crisis
drastic consequences for the subsequent trajec- marked by economic recessions in 1873-78.
tory of the discipline of geography. 1884, and 3893-96. A change occurred in soci-
This paper examines only certain elements etal form. from the competition of capitalism‘s
and individuals in this general historical process. youth t o t h e monopoly of its m a t u r e y e a r s
Social Origins of Determinism 31 1

(Sweezy 1968; Baran and Sweezy 1966). Signif- timation function turned science into mystical
icant change in social form necessarily entailed ideology.
dramatic changes in the expression of society in
s p a c e . T h e spatial s t r u c t u r e of capitalism
changed toward greater agglomeration at the
center and a wider and more closely controlled
periphery (Harvey 1975; 1982). Imperialism and The Intellectual Context
colonialism were the necessary external rela-
tions of a monopoly capitalism (Lenin 1975). Modern geography emerged as part of a new,
During the long nineteenth century, the Euro- “scientific” understanding of the world, in con-
peans increased their s h a r e of control o v e r trast to previous religious forms of comprehen-
world space from 35 percent in 1800 to 85 per- sion. This transformation has previously been
cent in 1914 (Fieldhouse 1973, 3). The period theorized (Gillespie 1979) in terms of Kuhn’s
from 1870 onward saw a particularly severe (1970) paradigm shift a n d Foucault’s (1970)
struggle for the conquest of external space, end- change in episteme. I would more simply pro-
ing in Euro-American control over almost all pose that a new mode of production, involving
non-European societies. This involved the elim- a new structure of social experience, needed
ination of whole groups of pre-capitalist people articulating by a new mode of understanding:
(the aborigines of Tasmania), the destruction of capitalism was expressed by positivistic science.
ancient civilizations (China), and taking over the I would not claim that mode of production and
destinies of entire colonized continents (Africa). mode of theoretical consciousness matched
These dramatic events demanded explanation. exactly in identity of content and t e m p o of
The need was to legitimate what often had to be change. Whereas some (technical) ideas drive
inexcusable human actions. production, more general social forms of theo-
The intensification in European experience of retical consciousness tend to lag behind-the
the non-European world occurred in the context m a s s of people c o m p r e h e n d in y e s t e r d a y ’ s
of an overwhelming sense of power: terms. Indeed, it is exactly the differential move-
ments of physics, biology, economics, sociol-
ogy, and geography in the nineteenth century
Where superiority feelings had once rested on little
more than religious arrogance and ordinary xeno- that forms one theme in this paper.
phobia, they could now be buttressed by demon- Nevertheless, there was a specific period
strable superiority in power and knowledge. The w h e n t h e feudal mystification of t h e world
result for Western thought was a wave of unques- finally gave way to its positivistic measurement.
tioning cultural arrogance that rose steadily until Positivism had been developing as “logic-in-
well into the twentieth century (Curtin 1972. xv).
use” since the beginning of capitalism in sev-
enteenth century Europe. Its rise to method-
A close identity between the locus of power and ological hegemony. however, came only with
t h e regional origins of certain ethnic g r o u p s Darwin, when positivistic evolutionism proved
biased explanation in the direction of national- more productive than creationism of the most
ism, racism, and environmentalism. Simulta- fundamental insights into the origins and evo-
neously, the need to protect the dominant form lution of the human being (Gillespie 1979). Witt-
of society led to the mystification of the socio- fogel’s (1929) account of the move toward a pos-
e c o n o m i c p r o c e s s ; social e c o n o m i c s w e r e itive, material understanding is instructive. H e
underemphasized in theory by comparison with argues that the early mechanistic models of the
the biological analysis of inherent human urge. industrial revolution denied free will at the same
The need to escape from guilt over the destruc- time that materialism was eliminating God as
tion of other peoples’ lives, a guilt that survived prime m o v e r of history. O n l y “ n a t u r e ”
even in a racialist view of the world, meant that remained as a general determinant of events.
the motivations for actions had to be located in What Wittfogel calls “geographical material-
forces beyond human control-“God ,” “Na- ism” thus became an important philosophical
ture,” or some amalgam of the two. What began basis for the new bourgeois science. Montes-
as a scientific explanation of t h e bases and quieu, Herder, Hegel, and even Ritter relied at
causes of intersocietal competition and conquest least in part on environmental differences to
ended as its naturalistic justification. The legi- explain regional historical development. How-
312 Peet

ever, Wittfogel continues, idealist (religious) ele- cal a s p e c t s i n t e r s e c t e d in t h e s t r u c t u r e of

ments remained in geographical materialism, Lamarck’s explanation of evolution:
particularly i n theories promulgated in Ger- Nature, in producing successively all the species of
many, where strong feudal elements (class, animals. heginning with the most imperfect or most
state, ideology) persisted long into the nine- simple in order to end her work with the most per-
teenth century. Methodological limitations also fect, has gradually made their organization more
preserved natural mysticisms of various kinds in complex; and with these animals spreading gener-
ally throughout all t h e habitable regions of t h e
the new analysis. The purely material forces of globe. each species received from the influence of
nature assumed the ideological form of a causal, the circumstances in which it is found the habits
active Nature. now recognized in it and the modifications of its
I would add t o this an emphasis on the notion parts that observation s h o w s to u s (Burkehardt
1077, 150).
that the diversion from science into religion and
natural mysticism occurred in the context of the Lamarck actually had a materialist conception.
legitimation function of explanation in class if crude and undeveloped, of the “ p o w e r of
society. l h e bourgeoisie had simultaneously to life.” He found it an error to attribute purpose
discover the world and to disguise their exploi- or intention to nature. Yet he also believed that
tation of it. Science donned its mystical guise nature was executing the “will of her sublime
whenever Consciousness o r Purpose entered the a u t h o r ” (Burkehardt 1977, 185). His theory
stage of history. As this happened frequently retained, in a confused way, the essentially reli-
during the imperial act, the tendency for mysti- gious idea of an ordered development, the sense
cal deviation was particularly evident in the sci- of teleological purpose typical of the feudal era.’
entific development of the time. In the next sec- Darwin also retained religious concepts in his
tions I trace the course of this movement from ideas of designed law, perfect adaptation. and
evolutionary biology, the leading discipline of even the division between primary and second-
the new positivistic science (and thus the pre- ary causes (i.e., by assuming that unknowable
ferred source of both explanation and legitima- primary causes existed).’ But the sense of a
tion). through Social Darwinism, the leading p r e o r d e r e d development w a s much more
social-explanatory ideology of Victorian capital- obscure in Darwin. For him, the main scientific
ism, to geography as it emerged in its new mod- question at issue lay not with origins but with
ern garb as environmental determinism. processes, not where organic variation came
from but how it happened. His evolutionary the-
ory focused on the natural mechanisms by which
random variations proved beneficial in a Mal-
thusian struggle for existence:
Evolutionary Biology
Owing to this struggle, variations. however slight
and from whatever cause proceeding. if they be in
The two theories of evolution that accom- any degree profitable to the individuals of a species.
plished the final transformation from creation- in their infinitely complex relations to other organic
ism to evolutionary positivism also mark differ- beings and to their physical conditions of life. will
ent stages in t h e (partial) development of a tend to the preservation of such individuals. and
will generally be inherited by the offspring. The off-
materialist understanding. In Lamarck’s (1914 spring. also, will thus have a better chance of sur-
e d . ) theory. environmentally induced habits viving. for of the many individuals of any specie\
directly caused changes in an organism’s shape which are periodically born, but a small number can
and organization-the giraffe actively stretched survive. 1 have called this principle. by which each
slight variation, if useful. is preserved. by the term
its neck reaching for the upper leaves of trees in Natural Selection (Darwin n.d., 52).
semiarid regions. Reproduction between indi-
viduals sharing the same acquired characteristic This struggle could have a number of outcomes,
then preserved and accumulated such physio- including the extinction of species. From Dar-
logical traits. In addition to these purely material win, therefore, came a sense of existential ter-
processes of organismic change, Lamarck added ror; existence depended on competitive success
the inherent tendency for organic life to become and natural advantage.’
increasingly complex; the human being was the How was Darwin able to achieve a theory that
highest achievement of t h e “ p o w e r of life” genetics later proved more scientifically accu-
(Barthelemy-Madaule 1982). The two theoreti- rate? Do we resort to the great thinker myth‘?
Social Origins of Determinism 313

Or should we argue, if as yet inconclusively, that application4 of biology to social science was
Lamarck’s theory was made in France during Herbert Spencer, father of modern biology and
the torment of its bourgeois revolution, whereas godfather of modern geography (Herbst 1961).5
Darwin’s represented the industrial and scien- His central methodological device, the analogy
tific accomplishments of a mature bourgeois between natural and social processes, enabled
society in mid-nineteenth century England? Dar- him to apply the scientific principles of organ-
win could draw on a longer, more developed, ismic evolution conceived by Lamarck and Dar-
and more empirically demonstrated geological win to the development of the “social organ-
and biological tradition than could Lamarck. i s m . ” T h e philosophical o b j e c t i v e w a s t o
Perhaps even more important, Darwin (n.d., 13) demonstrate scientifically that a set of common
d r e w o n classical e c o n o m i c s d e v e l o p e d t o principles applied to the entire universe. This
understand the capitalist revolution in produc- science of totality was opposed to religion as a
tion; he described struggle for existence, the superior kind of (materialist) understanding
motive power behind natural selection, as “the (Spencer 1864).‘
doctrine of Malthus, applied to the whole animal For Spencer, all objects could be understood
a n d vegetable kingdoms.” Darwin’s theory in terms of a purely physical interaction between
resounded with themes made commonplace by internal and external forces. Species or society
the rise to hegemony of the capitalist mode of changed “under the combined influences of its
production with “its international wars, its inter- intrinsic nature and the environing actions, inor-
necine political struggles and class warfare, its ganic and organic” (Spencer 1882, 9). The fac-
uninhibited economic competitiveness, and its tors of evolution were (1) original, which was
rapid pace of technical and scientific change” divided into extrinsic (e.g., climate, surface
(Harris 1968, 105). qualities) and intrinsic (physical and intellectual
Capitalism in its red in tooth and claw com- character), and (2) secondary or derived-a set
petitive stage provided the social model for a of factors brought into play by social evolution
new mode of natural understanding. In turn, nat- itself, like modifications of the environment,
ural science provided legitimation for conduct- size and density of the social aggregate, and
ing social life in this dog-eat-dog way. intersocietal reactions. Spencer’s science of
E v e n before Darwin’s theory appeared in interactions systematized the earlier speculative
print, Herbert Spencer was using biological prin- work of the geographical materialists on the
ciples as the basis for a new sociological under- effects of environment on human society. For
standing. But as Hofstadter (1955, 4) says, after example, the much discussed effects of climate
1859 “Darwinism established a new approach to were specified a s degrees of solar radiation,
nature and gave fresh impetus to the conception “source of those forces by which life . . . is car-
of development; it impelled men to try to exploit ried on . . . source of the forces displayed in
its findings and methods for the understanding human life, a n d consequently in social life”
of society through s c h e m e s of evolutionary (Spencer 1882, 21).
development and organic analogies.” Darwin’s Spencer’s particular theoretical contribution
theory appealed because it was empirical and lay in his distinction between organic evolution,
rational, like the Victorian bourgeois conduct the growth, maturity, and decay of an individual
of business. It appealed also, I argue, because organism in response to external interactions,
it seemed to justify interclass and intracapitalist a n d superorganic evolution, “all those pro-
competition and strife as necessary parts of an cesses and products which imply the co-ordi-
intraspecies struggle for existence. As Montagu nated actions of many individuals-co-ordi-
(1952, 32) concludes, Darwin “unwittingly pro- nated actions which achieve results exceeding
vided the age with its supreme rationalization- in extent and complexity those achievable by
a rationalization, however, with full-blown sci- individual actions” (Spencer 1882, 4). This sec-
entific support.” ond, higher order of evolution, characterized
particularly by cooperation and the division of
labor, was found among social animals, but
Herbert Spencer and achieved an extent, importance, and degree of
Social Darwinism complication in human society that made all ear-
lier accomplishments relatively insignificant.
T h e o u t s t a n d i n g p h i l o s o p h e r of t h e r e - Nevertheless, after recognizing this funda-
314 Peet

mental difference between organic and superor- industries which jointly sustain the whole is deter-
ganic e v o l u t i o n a n d e v e n a f t e r a d d i n g t h a t mined in an analogous manner. Primarily, the rela-
tions to different parts of the organic and inorganic
humans retain a physical and mental indepen- environments, usually not alike over the whole area
dence from the whole,' Spencer proceeded to the society covers, initiate differences in the occu-
derive the principles of the superorganic and pations carried on. And. secondarily, the nearness
sociological by analogy with the organic and bio- to districts which have had their industries fixed,
fixes the positions of other industries which espe-
logical.' He pointed out that both underwent cially require their products. . . . Where not drawn
continuous growth. necessarily exhibiting an by natural advantages in the way of water-power.
increase in structure (specialization and differ- manufactures in general cluster in or around regions
entiation) as they evolved. Increase in the size w h e r e a b u n d a n c e of c o a l m a k e s s t e a m p o w e r
of a s o c i e t y w a s t h u s a c c o m p a n i e d by a n cheap. And if two materials are needed. the local-
ization is determined by them jointly (Spencer 1882,
increase in heterogeneity and by the growth of 518-19. 520: cf. Weber 1929).
social organs-for production (the industrial
s y stem ) . e x t e I-na I defense (government - m i I i - T h e o r g a n s of animals a n d t h e production
tary), and exchange (the distributing system). regions of societies had similar internal spatial
This development, like organic evolution in Dar- structures, were connected by similar circulat-
win's theory, was driven by the pressure of peo- ing systems, and so on.
ple on environment. Rich environments enabled The rc.gri/uting systenz (nervo-motor in ani-
size, density. and heterogeneity to be more eas- mals. government-military in societies) was
ily achieved and thus civilization attained. developed by antagonistic relations (across
I shall f o c u s h e r e o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l space) with surrounding entities. Just as organs
aspects of Spencer's argument. The functional of sensation and coordination developed from
parts of the social organism arose for the same the competitive struggle for survival between
reason and in the same order as the parts of any individual organisms, the regulating system of a
other organism. All organisms lived by appro- political aggregate evolved through w a r s
priating matter from the earth. The between social organisms. This process was hin-
sysrern thus played the same part in social sus- dered in the case of the social organism by a
tentation as the alimentary canal in the living lack of cooperation within dispersed groups
body. common laws of localization covering occupying barren territories and was enhanced
both: by natural fertility and population density. Envi-
ronmental richness thus conditioned the militant
What is the law of evolution in the digestive system
o f a n animal as most generally stated'! T h a t the power of certain social organisms in the struggle
entire alimentary canal becomes adapted in struc- for existence. 1 shall call this Spencer's "inten-
ture and function to the matters, animal o r vegetal. sity theory."
brought in contact with its interior, and. further. Societies in Spencer's system were arranged
that its sevel-al part5 acquire fitnesses for dealing
with t h e s e matters a t succes\ive stages of their in hierarchical order by their degree of integra-
preparation: that is. the foreign substances serving tion (e.g., simple, compound) and level of het-
for su\tentation. o n which its interior o p e r a t e s . erogeneity. They were classified according to
determine the general and special characteristics of the system that was dominant-the industrial or
that interior. And what, stated in terms similarly
general. is the law of evolution in the industrial sys-
the militant. Each society was modified by con-
ten? of ;I wcicly'.' That a s a whole it takes on activ- ditioning factors, including the local habitat and
ities and correlative structures. determined by the the intersocietal environment. Social metamor-
minerals. animals. and vegetals, with which its phoses resulted from variations in the relative
working population are in contact; and that indus- strengths of t h e t w o main organ systems in
trial \peciali/ation in part\ of its population. are
determined by differences. organic o r inorganic. in response to environmental change. As the social
the local products t h o s e parts have t o deal with organism approached completeness. however,
(Spencer 1882. 5 2 3 ) . its modifiability a t r o p h i e d a n d s l o w d e c a y
hcgan. Older societies disappeared o r were
Vegetable organisms bore a contrast between
amalgamated as they became unable to compete
under- and abovc-ground parts caused originally
with younger. more dynamic. more aggressive
by relations with environing agents, whereas in
societies. The survival of the fittest eventually
animals differentiation occurred in the organs of
yielded a highly developed society in which ;I
the alimentary 5ybtem. Spencer continued:
powerful industrial system was used not for mil-
111 the wciiil organiwi localization of' the variou., itant aggression. but for the "higher activities."
Social Origins of Determinism 315

This utopia would be characterized by an inver- Providential design to natural law as the source
sion of the belief that life is for work, into the of social legitimation.”
belief that work is for life (Spencer 1882, 596).9
Spencer’s theory thus scientized and elabo-
rated ancient beliefs about the influence of na- The Contextual Issue
ture on society using Darwinian and especially
Lamarckian principles of evolutionary biology. A recognition of these linkages is long over-
This borrowing from biology enabled a sophis- due in a discipline that previously understood its
ticated science of environmental relations to history largely in terms of an isolated process of
emerge. Yet t h e enabling analogy, b e t w e e n self-development (e.g., Hartshorne 1939). We
organic and superorganic evolution, was fraught still, however, lack a broader contextual aware-
with problems and the subsequent discussion ness (cf. Kearns 1984). In examining the effect
was hopelessly biased in a naturalistic direction. of Darwin’s thought on U.S. geography, Stod-
Spencer (1882, 614) may have claimed that the dart (1981) deals only with currents of influence
organismic analogy was merely theoretical scaf- among great men. ignoring the social terrain that
folding to allow the construction of a coherent chose individuals for greatness and channeled
body of sociological inductions. When the scaf- t h e intellectual c o n n e c t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e m .
folding was removed, he claimed, the inductions Campbell and Livingstone (1983, 270) find it
would stand by themselves, parts of universal important to appreciate the reasons for the pop-
laws common to all existence and theorizable ularity of neo-Lamarckism in the late nineteenth
via a deductive science. But rather than mere century but restrict themselves to a purely intel-
scaffolding, biological principles provided the lectual comparison of Darwin’s and Lamarck’s
fbmdatiori for Spencer’s science of society. The theories. To the extent that they recognize prag-
problems inherent in biological understanding- matic social applications, Campbell and Living-
the lack of distinction between human and other stone see “Social Lamarckism” mainly as intel-
organismic processes of evolution-were built lectual stimulus to movements for improving the
into the particular, disciplinary theories that condition of humanity. They fail to explore the
Social Darwinism helped to generate. This was further class question, improvement for whom‘!
especially evident in the new German science of T h e geopolitical process of inter-imperial
anthropogeography. struggle and societal conquest that reached its
climax in World War I provided several impor-
tant themes suited to geographic analysis-the
environmental origins of the superiority of cer-
Anthropogeography tain civilizations, the resource and locational
bases of imperial power, the spatial history of
The influence of evolutionary biology on the imperialist expansion. Thus Hudson (1977, 12)
development of modern geographic thought is cogently argues that the rise of modern geogra-
now widely accepted. Stoddart (1966) argues phy more o r less simultaneously in Western
that Darwin’s biology played the crucial role of E u r o p e , t h e U.S., a n d Japan w a s largely to
establishing the human’s place in nature, making “serve the interests of imperialism in its various
possible the very development of geography as aspects including territorial acquisition, eco-
a science. The organismic analogy overcame the nomic exploitation, militarism, and the practice
methodological problem inherent in the study of of class and race domination.” Murphy (1948)
human-environment relations, the dualism similarly argues that France’s defeat in the war
between natural and human phenomena (Stod- with Prussia and a need to reestablish the nation
dart 1967, 159). For Campbell and Livingstone as a world imperial power were the motivating
(1983) the selective revival of Lamarckian doc- factors behind the sudden popularity of French
trines ( n e o - L a m a r c k i s m ) had a particularly g e o g r a p h y in t h e 1870s. S u c h s t u d i e s h e l p
strong influence on the deterministic mold of explain the topics of intense geographic con-
e a r l y - m o d e r n Anglo-American g e o g r a p h i c cern, the urgent moments demanding explana-
thought. Livingstone (1984, 17) perceptively t i o n . I n t e r m s of uppr-oach t o s u c h t o p i c s .
adds that neo-Lamarckism enabled the religious Harvey (1981, 9) argues that the spatial relations
concepts of holistic design and teleological pur- of imperial capitalism were explained in terms
pose to be retained, easing the “transition from of a theory “which severed all direct connection
316 Peet

with the day-to-day realities of the circulation of tortion by the Nazis, is one of the most original
capital and its contradictions, and substituted an and fruitful of all concepts of modern geogra-
organicist theory of the state (caught in a strug- phy.” Outside the discipline, several authors
gle for survival, needing L,c.hensraunz, etc.) and have commented more critically on the fruits of
associated doctrines of manifest destiny, white Ratzel’s theoretical originality. Mattern (1942,
man’s burden, racist superiority, and the like.” 62) says that the influence of Ratzel’s contri-
Likewise Kearns (1984, 26) argues that evolu- butions w a s of “ a w e l c o m e a n d bolstering
tionary thought provided intellectual credibility rationalization of the expansionist history of the
to the public debate over what were essentially world p o w e r s . . . a n d . . . of G e r m a n y ‘ s
spatial questions in the theories of leading intel- impending venture in the same direction.” Com-
lectuals like Turner and Mackinder. Addition- menting on World War I , Strausz-Hupe (1942.
ally, 1 would argue that a social (as opposed to 32-33) says that Ratzel’s theories “contributed
a socio-biological) theory might have raised crit- to the list of German war aims the one which
ical issues about the systemic nerd for interso- was to stand out the more clearly as the others
cietal conflict, the social division of the benefits faded: ‘Lehensrrium.’ .’ A full evaluation o l
derived from control over other societies, the Ratzel’s controversial contribution to geograph-
social costs of imperial conflict, a n d so o n . ical science is made difficult by the strange
Social Darwinism and Social Lamarckism may absence of a competent and complete study in
have had liberal proponents, but the dominant English of this major figure (despite H u n t e r
versions of both accepted imperialism as a nat- 1983). We can, however, evaluate Ratzel’s ideas
ural stage in society’s evolution, necessary for by considering his views on the state, which
the achievement of (European) civilization in the have been extensively discussed in the English
world. T h e biological r o o t s of g e o g r a p h y speaking world. I ’
enabled it to serve as a highly significant com-
ponent of legitimation theory in the naturalism
Fashionable in the post-Darwin period, when sci- Geopolitics
e n c e r a t h e r t h a n religion legitimated social
a c t i o n s . Fulfilling this ideological f u n c t i o n Immediately apparent is the profound influ-
together with providing associated practical e n c e of the organismic analogy on Ratzel’s
skills (like exploration, inIientory, mapping. and anthrogeographical thought. Ratzel conceived
boundary drawing) made geography a modern, the state as an earth-bound living organism sub-
mass reproduced. science. ject to the laws that governed the evolution of
all organisms. Thus a body of people lived on a
piece of territory and drew their sustenance
Ratzel’s Role from it. Each social body was in a condition of
perpetual inner motion that caused liquid mass
With training in zoology, geology, and com- movements across space in the quest for Irhcns-
parative anatomy gained in the DarwiniSpencer runin (living space). People were also tied by
years of the 1860s. Ratzel was ideally positioned spiritual bonds to each other and to the land.
to establish geography on a modern “scientific” What Ratzel called the “space motive” (rritrin
b.r ~. ’s ~ s . IHis
o biographer Wanklyn (1961, 7. 19) m o t i i , ) , a tendency toward enlargement that
says that although not prepared to “swallow d e p e n d e d o n t h e natural-mystical cohesion
Darwin’s or Spencer’s opinions whole,” Ratzel between state and soil, was the mighty cause of
was “convinced of the importance of the idea of historical development. “Geographical. and still
evolution, and much of his thinking and writing more, political expansion have all the distinctive
about the application of the idea of organic evo- c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a body in motion which
lution t o h u m a n s o c i e t y d e r i v e d f r o m this expands and contracts alternatively in regres-
absorption of contemporary science.” This bor- sion and progression” (Dorpalen 1942, 69).
rowing from biology is not seriously contested. States could only grow with, and through, the
More contentious is the political aspect of Rat- attainment of Ku/tirr, a characteristic based in
zel’s work. Dickenson (1969, 64, 71), who calls population growth and density (cf. Spencer) and
Ratzel “the greatest single contributor to the reserved by him to the Europeans (China being
development of geography of man,” also claims the only exception). T h e growth of powerful
that his “term Lchcnsrnrrrn, in spite of its dis- states occurred through the amalgamation of
Social Origins of Determinism 317

small states into larger ones, the frontier serving childhood, which has left its mark on the present
as the peripheral organ of the state and the direc- character of the discipline.
tion of expansion tending toward physically The problems with the organismic analogy
valuable regions. Primitive states received the encountered first in Spencer matured in Ratzel,
impetus for growth from influences emanating a n d c a m e t o fruition in t h e w o r k of t h a t
from greater states already possessing Kiiltur. deservedly most famous environmental deter-
Hence a tendency for organismic growth was minist, Ellen Churchill Semple.
transmitted from state to state, the appetite for
space growing with each transmission.
Wittfogel (1929) argues that Ratzel’s prime
mistake was to put state and soil in direct rela- Semple’s Environmental Determinism
tion without developing the economic media-
tions that tie t h e t w o together. Ratzel’s lan- A student of Ratzel’s in the 1890s (Bronson
guage, elsewhere clear and rational, assumes a 1973), Semple is widely interpreted as having
mystical tone where the state is concerned. Dor- introduced Ratzelian ideas into the mainstream
palen (1942, 50) argues that Ratzel was aware of of U.S. g e 0 g ~ a p h y . IShe
~ dominated the envi-
the shortcomings of the organismic analogy; like ronmentalist period of the discipline in the early
Spencer he was forced to admit that human indi- twentieth century (Hartshorne 1939, 23. 122)
viduals retain t h e i r i n d e p e n d e n c e f r o m t h e and “trained a large proportion of those who
sociopolitical whole. But the German Ratzel became leaders of t h e profession during the
reacted to this discrepancy differently from the period between the two world wars” (James,
materialist English philosopher, w h o simply Bladen, and Karan 1983, 29). Her major theo-
ignored its implications. With Ratzel, the state retical work, 1njliic.ncrs o f Geograplzic‘ Environ-
became a “spiritual and moral organism” sub- ment (191 I ) , had a widespread, long-lasting use
ject to mystical analysis rather than a physical in geographic education (Wright 1966). We can
being subject to scientific-materialist analysis.’’ safely say that she had a significant effect on the
Ratzel evaded this inconsistency in his scientific trajectory of geographic thought in the U.S., but
system, Dorpalen contends, because his theory unlike many of her admirers, we cannot assume
provided a useful justification for the political that her influence was solely due to personal
demands of the day: brilliance. Rather, I would contend. she was in
touch with some convincing ideas, and her the-
Polirisc.he Geogrtrphie was conceived in the 1880s
ories served significant sociopolitical interests.
and 1890s, at a time when German imperialism
began to blossom out into its most active phase.
Ratzel’s state concept endowed these demands for
expansion with the authority of seemingly objective Methodological Intent
science. According to the doctrine of the state as a
living being. German‘s clamor for colonies and In the methodological introduction to Injlrc-
world power was but the result of a natural biolog- enc‘es, Semple tried to distance herself from
ical development-it was a symptom of growth, as
every young and strong being experiences it, and Social Darwinism by announcing her intention
therefore fully justified. Biogeography. in other of eliminating the Spencerian basis of Ratzel’s
words. offered a perfect alibi for the Reich’s polit- anthropogeography :
ical ambitions (Dorpalen 1942. 50-51; see also,
Strausz-Hupe 1942. 31). The organic theory of society and state permeates
the A/ifkropoXeoXrciphir, because Ratzel formu-
lated his principles at a time when Herbert Spencer
Anthropogeography, the “study of organic man, exercised a wide influence upon European thought.
the organic state and an organic world” (Gyorgy This theory, now generally abandoned by sociolo-
1944, 149) assumed a quasi-scientific, o r even gists, had to be eliminated from any restatement of
Ratzel’s system. Though it was applied in the orig-
pseudoscientific form. Ratzel’s new “science” inal often in great detail, it stood there nevertheless
needed little perversion by his student Kjellen rather as a scaffolding around the finished edifice:
and by the son of his friend Haushofer to supply and the stability of the structure after this scaffold-
important “scientific” and mystical elements for ing is removed shows how extraneous to the whole
it was. The theory performed, however, a great ser-
Hitler’s M e i n Kanzpj (1943, esp. chs. 1-1 I and vice in impressing Ratzel’s mind with the life-giving
11-2, 4).” It is important that geographers know connection between land and people (Semple 1911,
about this repressed period of their science’s vi-vii).
318 Peet

She thus cleverly turned Spencer’s scaffolding dency was to extend Lamarck’s theory of the
metaphor against his influence on Ratzel. Yet acquisition and inheritance of physical character
she continued by defining geography as the “sci- to psychocultural abilities and characteristics
entific investigation of the physical conditions of ( S t o c k i n g 1968. 119). T h e level of c u l t u r e
historical events” (Semple 191 1. IO)-exactly acquired by one generation of a race then influ-
that “life-giving connection between land and enced the thinking power of the next. So racial
people” that Spencer had so profoundly influ- superiority accumulated. Whereas Lamarckism
enced!I5 Her practice. as distinct from her pur- came under attack from Weismann’s theory of
pose. could only be to rm~t/if.bSpencer’s influ- “germ plasm” in the 1890s and the new thinking
ence on anthropogeography. For this she drew that resulted from the rediscovery of Mendelian
on the most advanced social philosophy of the genetics in the early 1900s, the neo-Lamat-ckian
late nineteenth century, particularly that current view that acquired (mental) characteristics could
in her native U.S. be hereditarily transmitted was not abandoned
by many North American social scientists until
well into the twentieth century. It remains in
Evolutionary Naturalism popular explanations of supposed national su-
periority and inferiority and parentichild simi-
A well-defined set of ideas, which Fine (1979) larities.
calls ‘ ’e v o I u t i o n a ry n a t u ra Ii s m ’ ’ and Per sons The “psychic approach” of neo-Lamarckism
(1958) “the naturalistic mind.” remained the was developed in part as an alternative to Spen-
leading paradigm of late nineteenth and early ’‘
cer’s sociobiology. Nevertheless it retained his
twentieth century U . S . social science. This confusion between the biological and the socio-
school thought it had achieved the level of pos- cultural realms. loward the end of the century
itivistic science. It was committed to an objec- an attempt at separating the two began with the
tively true knowledge of the totality of natural early development of pragmatist sociology in the
and social phenomena. Of the set of objective work ofWard (1893. 1898), Ross (190.5), and oth-
natural laws that operated throughout this to- ers. ” Neo-Lamarckism similarly included the
tality. the law o f evolutionary change was fun- notion that knowledge was accumulated via
damental. But as Persons (1958. 276) points out, purely sociocultural transmission mechanisms,
“the nataralistic mind with its biological pre- like language. This line of thinking eventually
suppositions devoted much attention to racial would lead to nonbiological emphases on social
problems and assigned an important place in its interaction in sociology and to the culture con-
general social theory to presumed racial char- cept in anthropology. Semple, however, came
act e r i st i c s. ’ . Soc i a I e v 01 u t i o n was conceptual- along at an early stage. remaining predominantly
ized a s ;I series of stages. with environmentally within the racial-biological version of neo-
based racial characteristics determining which Lamarckism.
stage a society reached. Semple therefore drew on the most advanced.
conventional social science of her day for her
Social evolution wah B process by which a multi- restatement of Ratzel. But this was only a neo-
plicity of human groups developed along lines which
Lamarckism itself profoundly influenced by
moved in genei-al toward the w c i a l and cultural
thrms of Western Europe. ’4long the way different Spencer. Spencer was Lamarck’s most presti-
group5 had diverged and regressed, stood still, or gious defender in the late nineteenth century
even died out. a s they coped with various environ- (Stocking 1968, 240). Spencer (1883) himself had
mental situations within the limits of their peculiar examined the environmental basis of human
racial capacities. which their different environmen-
tal histories had i n fiict created (Stocking 1968, 119). psychological differences. ‘Therefore it was vir-
tually impossible for Semple to accomplish her
In t h e neo-1-amarckian “scientific racism” of methodological task within the realm of socially
the period, physical characteristics such as pig- acceptable science. Stoddart ( 1966, 694) is cor-
mentation or hair texture were de-emphasized rect when he concludes. with reference to Spen-
in favor of mental qualities as factors that dif- cerian ideas in Semple, that “her writings are
ferentiated racial groups from a common human permeated by such thinking.” However, Stod-
stock. Neo-Lamarckians believed that cultural dart does not inquire further into why socio-
p h e n o m e n a w e r e c a r r i e d in t h e b l o o d , a s biological ideas remained powerful o r why Sem-
instincts or temperamental proclivities. The ten- ple persisted in transmitting Spencerian ideas
Social Origins of Determinism 319

into the mainstream of geography despite her of economic interest shifted from land. the cru-
contrary personal intention. S u c h questions cial concern of an agricultural capitalism. to the
must be answered in the terms of sociopolitical markets a n d raw materials important t o the
context and the need for legitimation. For this, industrial capitalism of the late nineteenth cen-
I have to specify the character of U.S. capital- tury. Although this did not eliminate the taking
ism in the last decade of the nineteenth century of colonial possessions (Hawaii, the Philippines.
and the first of the twentieth, when Semple did Guam, Puerto Rico), it gave a predominantly
her seminal work. commercial (mercantilist) cast to the U.S. ver-
sion of external imperialism. As one contem-
porary observer (Albert Beveridge) put it. using
United States Imperialism a typical melange of economic and mystical
analysis, “American factories are making more
In the c a s e of t h e imperial United S t a t e s , than the American people can use; American
expansion for most of the nineteenth century soil is producing more than they can consume.
was confined to the claimed national territory Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of
on the North American continent. The last third the world must and shall be ours” (Merk 1963.
of t h e c e n t u r y s a w this claim realized a t a 232). Political opinion changed with lightning
remarkable rate; “Americans settled more land speed to match this economic reality, from dem-
during the 30 years after 1870 than they had dur- ocratic disdain for colonialism and imperialism
ing the entire 300 years before” (Lafeber 1963, in the 1870s and 1880s, to the mass popularity
12). H o w e v e r , t h e territory happened t o b e of such imperial concepts as the “white man’s
already occupied by American Indian and Span- burden” in the 1890s (Weinberg 1935, 252-323;
ish-American societies. The rapid, bloody con- Weston 1972).
quest of these societies and their habitats made The main intellectual spokesmen for the new
the need for legitimation acute. This often took U . S . imperialism w e r e F r e d e r i c k J a c k s o n
a crude, pragmatic popular form, as when Theo- Turner, Josiah S t r o n g . B r o o k s A d a m s . and
dore Roosevelt spoke of the impossibility of Alfred Thayer Mahon; “the writings of these
avoiding conflict with the “weaker race” of men typified a n d in some instances directly
“squalid savages” (American Indians) whose influenced the thought of American policymak-
occasional use of the prairies and forests did not ers who created the new empire” (Lafeber 1963,
constitute o w n e r s h i p (in Sanford 1974, 89). 63). Semple was a (minor) member of this group
However. more sophisticated kinds of theoreti- of intellectuals speaking “not only for thcm-
cal justification were also needed. The religious selves but for the guiding forces of their society”
legitimation ideology of the earlier part of the (Lafeber 1963. 62). Her contribution to legiti-
century, “manifest destiny”-the convenient mation theory was made at two levels. At a gen-
idea that expansion had been prearranged in eral level she formulated the (Lamarckian) con-
heaven over an area not clearly defined (Merk nections among environment, race, and society.
1963, 24)-no longer sufficed for an age of bour- explaining thereby the natural basis of national
geois science. Ideology had t o be updated to superiority and expansion. At a more immediate
include natural “scientific” ideas about social level, she exemplified these principles in the
evolution and geographic expansion. As Wein- case o f U . S . expansion in the nineteenth century
berg (1935, 2) puts it, expansion was legitimated and “scientifically” evaluated the prospects for
by “metaphysical dogmas of a providential mis- its continuation in the twentieth. Let us more
sion and quasi-scientific ‘laws’ of national de- closely examine these two contributions.
velopment, conceptions of national right and
ideals of social duty, legal rationalizations and
appeals to ‘the higher law,’ aims of extending
freedom and designs of extending benevolent Influences of
absolutism .” Geographic Environment
The closing of the domestic frontier in the
1890s was accompanied by a sudden surge of Semple’s anthropogeography was conceived
U.S. interest in extracontinental territory in the as a theoretical contribution to evolutionary sci-
Pacific Basin, the Caribbean, and Central Arner- ence as a whole. The early pages of her restate-
ica (Merk 1963. 231). At the same time the focus ment of Ratzel’s principles resounded with the
320 Peet

phrases and categories of this approach: humans of selection, sparing only the highly fit and
could not be sc~icntific~illystudied in isolation creating energetic races (Darwin). The dominant
from the land; the study of physical environment peoples (the English, French, Russians, and
had to use modern .rc‘ientifi”.methods; complex Chinese) assimilated the weaker and came to
geographic factors could not be analyzed except occupy broad territories. Here the geographer’s
from the standpoint o f c ~ i d i r t i o n :Nature was the explanatory function w a s t o trace each race
hidden factor in the Pquution of human devel- (e.g., the “Aryan”) through the environments it
opment (Semple 1911, 2. 1 1 , 12). Her essential had occupied, back to its cradle of origin. A peo-
scientific position was as follows: ple was the product of the country it inhabited
and those occupied by its forebears that had
In every problem of history there are two main fac-
tors. variously stated a\ heredity and environment. “left their mark on the present race in the form
man and his geographic conditions, the internal of inherited aptitudes and traditional customs
forces of race a n d the external forces of habitat. acquired in those remote ancestral habitats”
Now the geographic element in the long history of (Semple 191 1 . 25). Hers was therefore an envi-
human development has been operating strongly
and operating persistently. Herein lies its impor-
ronmentalist contribution to the neo-lamarck-
tance. I t is a stable force. It never sleeps. This nat- ism of her time, maintaining an emphasis on
tiriil environment. this phy5ic;d basis of history. is (racial) “inherited aptitudes” but beginning to
for all intents and purposes immutable in compari- emphasize (cultural) “traditional customs” as a
\on with the other factor in the problem-shifting. transmission mechanism in the accumulation of
plastic. progressive. retrogressive man (Semple
I91 I . 2 ) . human characteristics.
Semple retained Spencer’s intensity theory
.4s a modern scientist, Semple attempted a more almost intact in her second theme. the relations
complete and careful categorization of the influ- among environment, society, and state. Geo-
ences of environment, drawing reliable data graphic conditions influenced social and eco-
from the long sweep and wide extent of human nomic development through the quality of the
history. Her academic purpose was to vindicate available natural resources, human productivity.
geography‘s place in the emerging division of and the natural possibilities for industry and
labor as the science of the natural conditions of commerce. These factors were important espe-
historical events. This study had been brought cially in determining the size of a social group
into disrepute by prior extravagant, nonscien- which, when limited by spatially restricted or
tific generalization, by a failure to recognize the resource-poor regions, was limited also in polit-
multiplicity and interactive complexity of the ical significance.
geographic i n f l u e n c e s o n history. S e m p l e How was society constituted in Semple‘s dis-
attempted a more sophisticated theory. Geo- course? The anthropogeographer, she said, rec-
graphic factors workcd in :I direct way to alter ognized the various social, economic. and psy-
racial characteristics and in an indirect way, chological forces that sociologists saw as the
through social and political activities. to shape cement of society but had something more fun-
the destinies of peoples. ‘The characteristics damental to add. For Semple it was natural that
acquired from geographic environments (space the early philosophy of history should have fixed
and shape as well iis the qualities of local nature) its attention on the geographic basis of historical
were selectively preserved and accumulated events. “Searching for the permanent and com-
during various evolutionary developments, such mon in the outwardly mutable. it found always
as migration. at the bottom of changing events the same solid
One theme constantly renewed in Semple’s earth. Biology has had the same experience. The
discourse is the influence of the earth on the history of t h e life f o r m s of t h e world leads
movement and placing of g r o u p s of people. always back to the land on which that life arose,
Migration resulted from a Malthusian “natural spread, and struggled for existence” (Semple
increase of population beyond local subsis- 191 1, 68). The difference between humans and
tence” and a Spencerian “development of the animals, however, was that the human’s rela-
war spirit in the effort to secure more abundant tions to environment were so “infinitely more
subsistence” (Semple 1911, 226). On the one numerous and complex” that they required spe-
hand. migration subjected different racial groups cial study: “anthropo-geography studies exis-
to the influences of different e n v i r o n m e n t s tence in various regions of terrestrial space”
(Lamarck). On the other. it acted as a process (Semple 191 I , 1 , 10). The land was the under-
Social Origins of Determinism 32 1

lying material bond holding a society together Man is a product of the earth’s surface. This means
and determining its fundamental activities. not merely that he is a child of the earth, dust of
her dust; but that the earth has mothered him. fed
C o m m o n t e r r i t o r y e x e r c i s e d a n integrating him, set him tasks, directed his thoughts, con-
force-weak like that of a low animal organism fronted him with difficulties that have strengthened
in the early stages of social evolution and stron- his body and sharpened his wits. given him his prob-
ger as civilization progressed with its more com- lems of navigation or irrigation. and at the same
plex environmental relations, higher population time whispered hints for their solution. She has
entered into his bone and tissue, into his mind and
densities, more differentiated uses of the soil, soul (Semple 1911, 1).
and more varied external relations. The broader
and richer the territorial base, the more complex Human consciousness mirrors and human action
the connections between society and environ- follows the intent of Nature? This was what
ment and among the various elements of society. Semple constantly suggested, with phrases like
Thus it was the increasing density of population “directed his thoughts,” “sharpened his wits,”
in rich resource regions that necessitated the “entered . . . his mind and soul,” “gave him his
state to reduce internal friction and to secure the problems.” Poetic license, however, enabled her
land base against external e n e m i e s (Semple only to suggest what would otherwise be imme-
1911, 65-66). States that lacked the energy and diately dismissed a s nonscientific. S h e thus
sense of national purpose for protection were managed to blend evolutionary science with nat-
f o r c e d by M a l t h u s i a n p r e s s u r e s i n t o social ural mysticism into a theory legitimating the
deformities, whereas those that expanded could inexcusable in history. The dominance of some
use the entire world to feed their people. Like peoples over others was attributed to a supra-
Spencer, Semple managed to find this expansion human force-the will of Nature as expressed
in the eventual interest of all. in varying environmental capacities, racial abil-
ities, and mentalities.
While at home the nation is becoming more closely
knit together through the common bond of the Elsewhere, she attempted, in her third and
fatherland, in the world at large humanity is evolv- fourth themes, more directly “scientific” anal-
ing a brotherhood of man by the union of’each with y s e s of t h e exact effects of environment on
all through the common growing bond of the earth. human physique and consciousness. Semple un-
Hence we cannot avoid the question: Are we in derstood geographic influences t o act on the
process of evolving a social idea vaster than that
underlying nationality? (Semple 1911, 68) human in a similar (Lamarckian) way to their
action on all beings: “Certain geographic con-
For a theory of progress, therefore, the land ditions, more conspicuously those of climate,
offered a solid basis. And because civilization apply certain stimuli t o which m a n , like the
involved the increased exploitation of natural lower animals, responds by an adaptation of his
advantage and closer relations between land and organism to his environment” (Semple 191 I ,
people, it was erroneous that humans emanci- 22). As a good neo-Lamarckian she found psy-
pated themselves from the control of nature as chological effects more varied and important
they developed. On the contrary, while dimin- than physical effects. In a general way, psycho-
ishing the force of each particular dependence logical effects were interpreted as the perma-
on nature, man multiplied their sum total: “As nent, o r long-lasting, mental characteristics of
his bonds become more numerous, they become races-what she usually called differences in
also more elastic” (Semple 191 1 , 70; cf. Ripley peoples’ “point of temperament.” H e r meth-
1899, 10-13). odological s t a t e m e n t in I n f l i r P n c P s quickly
In all of this, Semple remained within a natur- passed over this relation, dismissing the direct
alistic framework, refusing to recognize funda- psychological effect of environment as a matter
mental differences between human a n d other of conjecture. In practice, however, throughout
evolutionary processes. Also implicit in her dis- her empirical discourse, a belief in the different
course was the natural mysticism already “mental energies” a n d “ t e m p e r a m e n t s ” of
encountered in Ratzel’s geopolitical theory. In racial and ethnic groups played a n extremely
addition t o “stimulating,” “furthering,” and important role. As she said at one point:
“developing” h u m a n qualities, N a t u r e also
The influence of climate upon race temperament,
“conspired” and “lured” people into certain both as a direct and indirect effect. cannot be
kinds of action. As she said in her most quoted doubted. . . . I n general a close correspondence
passage: obtains between climate and temperament. The
322 Peet

northern peoples of Europe are energetic. provi- have seen, social life had so little autonomy that
dent, serious. thoughtful rather than emotional, its intermediation hardly interrupted the direct
cautious rather than i m p u l s i ~ e The
. southerners of
the subtropical Mediterranean basin are easy-going, influence of nature, and the lack of a distinct
improvident except under pressing necessity. gay. social dynamic allowed history to be interpreted
emotional. imaginative. a11 qualities which among in naturalistic terms. This flaw in Semple’s rea-
the negroea of the equatorial belt degenerate into soning stemmed from the continued influence of
grave racial faults (Semple 1 9 1 1 . 620).
the organismic analogy. As the limitations of the
Like Ratzel. Semple believed that humans were analogy showed through, natural mysticism was
born in the tropics. but grew u p in the temperate poetically added in compensation. tt was nec-
zone. where nature subjected them to compul- essary that this be the case. The function of her
sion. Those races that remained in the tropics, geographical theory of history was to legitimate
with few exceptions. suffered arrested devel- as naturally predestined the spatial expansion of
opment (“his nursery kept him a child”), an the dominant imperial powers. This legitimation
effect she at least extended to Europeans going was especially important for Semple as expan-
to live in hot, wet lands. sionary l e a d e r s h i p passed to a new world
H e y o n d n a t u r e - d c r i v e d ‘ ‘ racial t e m p e r a- power-an active, aggressive, youthful United
ment.“ psychic effects included refleetions of States.
environment in “man’s religion and his litera-
t u r e , in his modes of thought a n d figures of
speech”-that is in the specific contents of cul-
ture (Semple 1911, 40). For Semple. there was Geographic Conditions of
a direct relation between environment and cul- American History
ture: thus the mythology of the Polynesians was
termed an “echo” of the encompassing ocean, A/17c3ric~r/7Histor? ( 1903) examined the influ-
the Eskimo‘s hell was a place of intense cold, ence of natural environment on the course of
the Jew’c a place of eternal fire. A more sophis- U.S. history. The “scientific” categories of the
t i c a t e d , m e d i a t e d . v e r s i o n of t h e origins of argument were the original racial and cultural
mythology came later in her G e o g r n p h y o/’ tl7c characteristics of the Europeans. especially the
Metlirrr.r.rii?errn R ~ g i o 1 7( 1933). Primitive reli- Anglo Saxons, and the transformative power of
gions. she argued, represented the first efforts North American geographic conditions. Europe
o f untutored man to explain the external world. was a highly articulated continent of confined.
They were mythologies expressing the natural protected regions, where population density and
conditions in a people’s homeland. Gods were the intensity of socioeconomic life enabled the
conceived as representatives of the forces of early development of a sense of statehood. The
nature, geography furnishing the clay out of European immigrants to the U.S. thus brought
which the deities were modeled. Groups of reli- with them ”their best capital in the elements of
gions with common characteristics grew in well- European civilization. As exponents of this civ-
defined natural regions, such as the Mediterra- ilization they represented the forces of hered-
nean basin where the frequent threat of drought, i t y ” (Semple 1903, 337). A further interaction
the powerlessness of the people to understand then took place between race and the special
in meteor-ologicnl t e r m s . and their resultant characteristics of North American place: “geo-
helplessness before the overwhelming force of graphic conditions. in the cumulative effects of
nature, conspired to unite rain and religion in their direct and indirect operation. became fac-
the ancient mind. ‘The chief gods under the cli- tors so strong that just for the sturdy energy of
maric conditions of the Mediterranean region the Anglo S a x o n race they became deternii-
thus became weather gods with the power to nants. A less vigorous people would hardly have
bestow o r deny life-giving water from the sky responded to the educative influences of this
(Semple 1933. 495-51 1). peculiar environment” (Semple 1903. 226; but
Humans were passive subjects to such direct see also Semple 1901). Differences of geograph-
environmental influence at early stages in devel- ical condition rapidly differentiated the colonists
opment. As they became more active, the indi- from the parent stock; Semple believed there
rect intlucnces that “mold his mind and char- was a direct connection among North American
acter through the medium of his economic and climate, soil, economy, and political and social
social life” became more important. But as we ideas. In particular, close contact with nature at
Social Origins of Determinism 323

the frontier made the American people youthful, to draw the island fragments to the mainland
while English society was remade in a more power and looked forward to the day when its
purely democratic form: geographic location in the “American Mediter-
ranean” would be exploited by the U.S. to the
The common remoteness and the conditions of wil-
derness life laid their equalizing touch upon all. full limit of its possibility.
Equality of opportunity and resource, identity of The same kind of geopolitics applied to the
tasks and of dangers, and the simplicity imposed Pacific Rim, w h i c h , h o w e v e r , would be
upon all precluded classes, and in the mass devel- exploited from the basis of positions already
oped vigor, enterprise, and independence (Semple
1903. 81-82; cf. Turner 1962).
established on the Atlantic. Semple (1903, 421)
enunciated the scientific-geographic principle
T h e m o s t distinctive f e a t u r e of A m e r i c a n that “those countries which have a foothold on
anthropogeographic conditions, the abundance both these oceans possess the vantage ground:
of free land, thus had a stimulative effect, fos- and their potential strength will be in proportion
tering the spirit of democracy and youth in the to the length and proximity of their two ocean
entire nation. Yet the same conditions had acted f r o n t a g e s a n d t h e r e s o u r c e f u l n e s s of t h e i r
differently on the American Indian (despite the respective hinterlands.” She evaluated the geo-
“immutability of N a t u r e ” ! ) . T h e s i z e a n d graphical and racial disadvantages of the com-
remoteness of the continent, the want of a pro- peting powers-China dominated by a nomadic
pitious geographic environment had kept the people. too isolated, and not vitalized by the
Indian in savagery o r the lowest stages of bar- Atlantic; Japan lacking in area and population;
barism. With a scant population and a weak ten- England too remote; Canada, though Anglo-
ure of the land, they meant only slight hindrance Saxon in blood, too northerly. She pointed to
to the advance of the Anglo-Americans. Fur- the geographic advantages of U.S. possessions
thermore, to the south the Latin races had a in the Philippines and Samoa. “Political gravi-
limited capacity for leadership, and in the par- tation” drew the Hawaiian Islands to the domin-
ticular case of Mexico, the ethnic Spanish had ion of the U.S., while achain ofhistorical events
been weakened by absorption into the native “largely geographical in their causes determined
population. Semple conceived all this to be the that the Philippines should be the channel of
basis of an exact science of expansion. Describ- American influence in the East” (Semple 1903,
ing the constant process of rounding out the 430, 433). Her book ended on a note of nation-
frontier (at the expense of the original inhabit- alistic fervor. praising the qualities of nature in
ants), she was merely investigating a “more sci- North America and the environmentally derived
entific boundary.” To the west, the Pacific was racial qualities of the American branch of the
the only “absolute boundary”; to the south the Anglo Saxons, in eager anticipation of the U.S.
Gila River “represented an advance from an achieving geopolitical p r e e m i n e n c e in t h e
unscientific to a scientific frontier” (Semple Pacific, “ocean of the future.”
1903, 235-36). Semple’s writings had an immediate appeal
The only dangerous competitor in the struggle for the leading social forces of her time: a s Colby
for North American space, Great Britain, was (1933, 233) says. Amcvkrrn Histor? was “widely
distracted e l s e w h e r e , its Canadian base too read and discussed.” She explained national
peripheral and the northern climate too severe superiority in the new terms of natural “sci-
to allow the dense population necessary for geo- ence.” specifically by providing an environmen-
political strength. Nothing, therefore, could pre- tal version of “scientific racism.’’ She provided
vent t h e realization of t h e (Nature-derived) a new version of manifest destiny by attributing
“manifest destiny” of the American people to U .S. expansion to natural predestination: ‘ T h e
occupy the continent from ocean to ocean (Sem- leadership in the American continents assumed
ple 1903, 224). The next question for the masters by the United States in the enunciation of the
of the struggle for space became how to use their Monroe Doctrine has its final basis in geograph-
acquired p o w e r in t h e f u t u r e . T h e c o u n t r y ical c o n d i t i o n s ” (Semple 1903, 237).18 S h e
leaned to t h e s o u t h . T h e Caribbean Islands excused the bloody actions involved in expan-
would fall to the nearest political domain; “this sion as the spread of a higher order of civiliza-
is what we may call the politico-geographical tion and the establishment of a “scientific fron-
law of gravity” (Semple 1903, 403). Semple tier.” S h e masked t h e class nature of U . S .
expected the great magnet of Nature eventually capitalism beneath a veneer of frontier demo-
324 Peet

cratism. If Turner and Mahon had not already to criticize Social Darwinism and environmental
said much of this, Semple would have been the determinism in the only acceptable way- from
rather than an ideologue of the early U.S. imper- the established position of an alternative per-
ial period. As it was, she turned American geog- spective.
raphy firmly in an environmentalistievolutionary
direction. But before I investigate this, I should
pause to criticize more effectively the entire Historical Generalization
intellectual and political position adopted by
Spencer, Ratzel, Semple. and environmental Social Darwinism was a whole way of under-
determinist geography in the early twentieth standing the world. It aimed at the discovery of
century. a set of universal principles equally applicable
to the natural and human-social worlds. The his-
tory of humanity that emerged was cast in terms
of eternal organismic evolution. Its generaliza-
A Marxist Critique tions made it intellectually appealing to a bour-
geois mind impressed by natural science, while
Capitalism and imperialism were the objects the same quality gave it important legitimation
of a second analysis, the historical materialism functions. Yet once the sociobiological spell was
of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Apart from certain broken by the course of sociopolitical and sci-
aspects of Febvre’s (192.5) critique of environ- entific events, the sweeping nature of its gen-
mental determinism,” geography was isolated eralizations made environmental determinism
from this alternative, even though a fairly com- suddenly unconvincing, while geography, in
plete version was available in Wittfogel’s (1929) reaction, moved in the direction of an even more
brilliant exposition.” Geography therefore has unscientific ideographic idiosyncrasy in the
had a continuing tendency to underemphasize o r 1930s and 1940s.
misunderstand the society that intercedes In historical materialism, by comparison, a
between nature and human. Yet the effect of distinction is drawn between the transhistorical
nature on humans is always mediated through and historical levels of theory and analytical cat-
society: natural effects vary with the level and e g o r y ( D . S a y e r 1979; G i b s o n a n d H o r v a t h
form of social organization. In addition, the nat- 1984). All historical epochs have certain com-
ural context is shaped by social activity: humans mon characteristics. When “sifted out by com-
are increasingly conditioned by what they col- parison,” these can be separated from “ele-
lectively and historically have made of nature- ments which are not general and common,” so
i.e., by a “second nature.” An explanation of that the essential differences remain when the
the relations between the natural world and two are combined in general statements (Marx
human life thus requires “an elaborated social 1973, 8.5). For Marx, transhistorical similarity
theory or at least some basic assumptions about comes from the relations that all human individ-
the historical process of social development” uals must enter: a relation to nature, particularly
(Dunford and Perrons 1983, 66). In historical as appropriation o r property, which provides the
materialism this theory is provided by Marx’s material basis of existence; and a relation with
concept of social productive activity. Social others, as in the social relations of production,
labor provides the missing link between external which ensures the continuation and enables the
n a t u r e a n d t h e internal qualities of h u m a n improvement of material existence. But the rela-
beings. tion with nature is always mediated by the indi-
Marx’s theory of the relations between social vidual’s membership of a dqfjtiite sorid groirp
production and environment has been exten- occupying a certain territory. Thus the appro-
sively d i s c u s s e d e l s e w h e r e ( P r e n a n t 1943; priation of nature takes place within and through
Schmidt 1971; ‘Timpanero 197.5; Parsons 1977; a specific historiccil fofi,r-rnof society. This leads
Burgess 1978: Walker 1979; A . S a y e r 1979; Marx (1973,471-514) to an analysis of the social
Smith and O’Keefe 1980; Quaini 1982; London forms of human history and the different prop-
Group 1983: Smith 1984). For the present pur- erty relations o r ways of appropriating nature
pose a comparison of Marx’s historical materi- that characterize these (Peet 1981). Generaliza-
alism with the natural organismic approach is tions about environmental relations are made
more relevant. This will provide an opportunity within this specifically historical methodology-
Social Origins of Determinism 325

as part of a social, rather than a natural, science This kind of statement, taken from a textbook
of history. edited by prominent British geographers and
aimed at schoolchildren, results not from the
perversion of its individual a u t h o r but from
The Structure of Society adherence to a form of analysis that emphasized
the natural qualities of the human being. As the
In the making of sociobiological analysis the study of the natural effects of regional environ-
analogy between organism and social organism ments, racism was the geographic version of
played the crucial role. Analogical comparisons such a theory. Regionally oriented naturalists
between the theorized and the largely untheo- were forced into racism as the basis for social
rized can enable leaps in understanding; but explanation.
such leaps may be in the wrong directions, espe- Historical materialism also aspires to science.
cially in sociopolitical circumstances that favor Unlike Spencerism, however, it begins with the
certain kinds of analogy as the bases of legiti- specifically hrrrnan version of the relation t o
mation theories. More generally, however, anal- n a t u r e a s a p p r o p r i a t i o n a n d transformation
ogy is a crude methodological device, incapable through conscious labor. Marx discusses this
of yielding an analysis of essential differences relation in his most general (transhistorical)
among groups of phenomena. In the present statement about the human labor process:
case the organismic analogy proved incapable of Labour is, first of all. a process between man and
yielding a scientific analysis of human c o n - nature, a process by which man, through his own
s c i o u s n e s s , which in t h e c a s e of S e m p l e actions, mediates, regulates and controls the metab-
becomes merely a localized, received version of olism between himself and nature. He confronts the
materials of nature as a force of nature. He sets in
the will of Nature. Furthermore, the analogy motion the natural forces which belong to his own
reduced social structure to a set of biological body, his arms, legs, head and hands, in order to
functions and made location a matter of purely appropriate the materials of nature in a form
natural determination. The deficiencies of this adapted to his own needs. Through this movement
crude, naturalistic, structural-functional “so- he acts upon external nature and changes it, and in
this way he simultaneously changes his own nature.
ciology” initiated by Spencer became especially He develops the potentialities slumbering within
obvious when the dynamic of the social organ- nature, and subjects the play of its forces to his own
ism was “explained.” It just naturally grew if it sovereign power (Marx 1976, 283).
could under the prevailing competitive condi-
tions. Furthermore, regional differences in his- Human consciousness, for Marx, is a natural
torical development could be accounted for only potentiality developed through the social labor
by racial variations in abilities implanted directly process and structured by the characteristics of
by natural environmental factors. Hence as the that process. Conscious purpose then guides
nineteenth century closed, what had begun as further interactions with nature:
geographical materialism was forced into geo- A spider conducts operations which resemble those
graphical idealism, natural mysticism, and the of the weaver, and a bee would put many a human
pseudoscience of race. F u r t h e r m o r e , in t h e architect to shame by the construction of its honey
twentieth century, even the evolutionary-scien- comb cells. But what distinguishes the worst archi-
tect from the best of bees is that the architect builds
tific aspects of Ratzel and Semple’s work were the cell in his mind before he constructs it in wax
lost, frequent lapses occurring into gross, sim- [i.e., in model form]. At the end of every labour
plistic racism, with statements being made that process, a result emerges which had already been
have certainly not added to geography’s scien- conceived by the worker at the beginning, hence
already existed ideally. Man not only effects a
tific stature: change of form in the materials of nature; he also
Wherever Negroes are in a majority [in Latin Amer- realizes his own purpose in those materials (Marx
ica] they remain for the most part backward. They 1976, 284).
are apt to be childish, inactive, and indifferent to
progress. Living in the tropical lands of Latin Amer- F o r M a r x t h e r e is a fundamental difference
ica. where Nature is generous in providing for their between human and other natural activities cap-
simple needs, they have little stimulus to effort even tured by the (modified) phrase “humans make
though slavery has gone. They form an element
which is difficult to assimilate into an economy
themselves.” Humans become collectively able
based on European ways of life (Fleure e t al. to control the conditions of their existence so
n.d., 194). that they are no longer under direct determina-
326 Peet

tion by natural forces. This changes the direc- dominated by nature. Marx (1976, 173) specifies
tion of the appropriate analysis from external the form of domination as the deification of nat-
nature t o internal social characteristics-that is, ural forces. In the “ancient social organisms of
t o the way human collectives (societies) a r e production” the real (natural) limitations placed
organized and controlled. For Marx the level of on human action were reflected in the “ancient
the development of the productive forces and worship of nature.” As human productive force
the relations of production determine the overall increased, the possibility arose for a scientific
structure of society. Consciousness is accumu- understanding of nature. But consciousness is
lated from socially conditioned historical expe- determined also by the social relations of pro-
riences, albeit in different natural settings. Geo- duction. Relations of class dominance require
graphic expansion results not from natural urge even natural theory to be socially legitimating-
o r natural increase in numbers but from t h e hence Darwin’s early emphasis on competition
social contradictions of particular, historical in nature. The potential liberation of conscious-
modes of production. ness from religious and mystical oppression was
This last theme runs through the social phi- therefore only partly realized (Peet 1985). Most
losophy of the nineteenth century as an unpop- natural scientists retained religious and mystical
ular undercurrent. I t can be found in Hegel, theories in uneasy alliance with their science.
von ‘Phiinen. and Marx (Harvey 1981). Under Social understanding in particular was necessar-
the imperialist conditions of the late nineteenth ily mystified.
and early twentieth centuries. several versions Historical materialism does not deny the bio-
were developed in the radical literature. Draw- logical basis of the human being (Timpanero
ing on critical liberal thought, Lenin (1975 ed.) 1975) o r the process of natural evolution: indeed
emphasized a superabundance of capital forcing Marx wished to dedicate C‘rrpitrrl to Darwin.
the acquisition of colonies in a n intercapitalist Instead it proposes the addition of a specifically
national struggle for control o v e r t h e world .soc.icil dimension to natural analysis; c o n -
which cnlminated in World War I. Luxemburg sciously directed social labor marked a new era
(1951) stressed the need for external markets in evolutionary history. Material reproduction
and hence a tendency for capitalism t o capture forms the basis of society. The dialectics of
and dissolve the noncapitalist societies of the social struggle are its dynamic. Dialectical mate-
world. Other Marxian writers emphasized soci- rialism thus aspires to a social science of human
etal needs for additional resources and labor by existence and development.
the dominant imperial powers (Brewer 1980).
r .

I he common theme of t h e s e theories is t h e

social rather than natural need for imperial
ex pa n sio n . Hence the appropriate anal y s i s is Trajectory of a Discipline
social and economic rather than biological.
Social purpose is the product of class decision A disciplinary interest in human-environment
making for definitc class ends, rather than the relations predates Ratzel and Semple ( H a r t -
will of Nature manifested in different racial pro- shorne 1939, 35- 101), as does the use of organ-
c I i v i t ies and abi I i t ie s . ismic analogies in geography (Stoddart 1967.
5 14- 18). However, the definition of geography
as the science of human-environment relations,
Consciousness with the use of organismic analogy tu illuminate
this relation scientifically, belongs to the late
Taking u p t h e most difficult dimension of nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This
social science, Marxism argues that mode of approach did not result exclusively or even pri-
prod tic t i o n r a t h e r than n a t u r a 1 e n v iron m e n t marily from the internal dynamic of geography’s
directly is the primary origin of consciousness. development but from the discoveries of evolu-
Recognizing this makes it possible to contem- tionary biology and from the urgent need for a
plate the discovery of social scientific laws of theory legitimating capitalist social relations.
the development of thought. When human exis- intersocietal strife, and geopolitical expansion in
tence was dominated by an immediate reliance an age of imperialism.
on nature (at ii low level of development of the An entirely different mode of theoretical con-
productive forces), consciousness was similarly sciousness dealing with the origins and devel-
Social Origins of Determinism 327

opment of human life grew with capitalism, shat- the rest of nature. These lie in the intricate social
tering t h e old m o d e l s of t h e e a r t h a n d its nature and productive power of the human labor
inhabitants that had been appropriate for earlier process and the development of consciousness
social forms. Even crude versions of the new that allows this process to be self-directed. In
bourgeois science were sufficient to overcome the case of humans, therefore, natural determi-
the old in disciplines like sociology and geog- nation is countered b y social determination.
raphy, which were dominated by scientific evo- Natural theory has to be amended to include a
lutionary naturalism during the second half of specifically human social science. The organ-
the nineteenth century. But rather than Darwin’s ismic analogy proved inherently incapable of
formulation, it was Spencer’s organismic anal- providing the basis for such a theory, yet the
ogy and L a m a r c k ’ s conception of t h e direct analogy persisted because it proved a conve-
acquisition of characteristics from the environ- nient methodological tool in legitimation theory.
ment that played the main parts in informing an This inherent incapacity led sociobiological
environmental determinist geography. Ratzel’s “science” in the direction of natural mysticism:
anthropogeography was a spatial version of the the underlying motor of history became the ac-
theory of the social organism. Semple’s envi- tive force of a conscious Nature. Lacking an ad-
ronmental determinism, the leading paradigm of equate theory o f t h e social origins of human con-
late nineteenth a n d early twentieth c e n t u r y sciousness and purpose, the Social Darwinists
Anglo-American geography, drew its intellectual were forced t o maintain a belief in suprahu-
inspiration f r o m t h e c u r r e n t of biological, man Consciousness to explain the dynamic of
and especially Social Darwinist, thought that history.
swept the conventional social sciences in the
post-Darwin decades.
Adherence t o this paradigm d i d n o t result Cultural Geography
solely from its power of scientific persuasion.
The era of biology’s intellectual hegemony was Environmental determinism became increas-
also the era of imperial expansion and mounting ingly socially dysfunctional in the 1920s after the
intersocietal conflict. From a Marxist position, main issues of imperialist domination of the
these developments can be scientifically under- world had been settled by World War I.2JAt the
stood in terms of the inherent contradictions of same time it was subjected t o an academic. theo-
a particular, historical, society-the need to retical critique. I shall follow here one part of’
conquer others comes from the need to maintain this critique, in U.S. cultural geography. Bar-
and expand a class-based society. From the So- rows (1923, 2; Koelsch 1969) initiated a mild
cial Darwinist position, by comparison, expan- criticism f r o m within t h e environmentalist
sion and competition were seen as natural char- school by arguing that the relations between hu-
a c t e r i s t i c s of all o r g a n i s m s , a s n e c e s s a r y mans and environment should be seen from the
moments in the evolution to a higher level of standpoint of human adjustment a s this was
civilization. (Here we find a vestige of the earlier “more likely to result in the recognition and
religious conception of nature. By examining na- proper valuation of all the factors involved. and
ture one could divine evidence not only of the especially to minimize the danger of assigning
long-term effects of purely material forces, but to the environmental factors a determinative in-
also gain the best indication of God’s will-what fluence which they do not exert.” Sauer (1963,
was natural was also moral.) Far from yielding 320) followed with the far more telling argument
a critical theory of imperialism, the predominant that a transposition of divine law into omnipo-
use of naturalistic thought was to legitimate the tent natural law had caused the “eager adher-
expansionary power of the fittest. Geography’s ents of the faith of causation” to sacrifice their
role in the making ofthis ideology was to explain earlier concerns in the name of a “rigorous dogma
fitness in the new “scientific” terms of environ- of naturalistic cosmology, m o s t notably in
mental causation- hence the disciplinary fo- American physiography and anthropogeogra-
cus on geographic determinants of society and phy.” As he later added, “natural law does not
history. apply to social groups” (Sauer 1963, 359). In-
The problems inherent in this Social Darwinist stead what humans did in an area involved the
“science” stem from its failure to realize the active agency of culture in the shaping of the
profound differences between human beings and landscape (Sauer 1963, 343). Nature merely pro-
328 Peet

vided the materials that set the limits within (Wrigky 1965, 7). Geography lost its position as
which lay many possible choices. Adaptation a primary legitimation theory a s the urgent
might be aided by the “suggestions which man needs of capitalist society shifted from imperial
has derived from nature, perhaps by an imitative conquest to the internal social problems released
process, largely subconscious” (Sauer 1963, by the lack of an external, continually opening
343). But it was also the product of acquired or safety valve. As Harvey (1974b, 21) puts it, the
invented habits, learned skills that diffused modern corporate state’s concern with the man-
through space. Eventually the human became agement of economic growth and the contain-
the “ecologic dominant,” a force that “affect- ment of discontent was answered in the post
ed the c o u r s e of organic evolution” ( S a u e r World War I1 period by a geography that in-
1956, 49). creasingly focused on urban. regional, and en-
Sauer‘s critique played the main internal role vironmental management. In the late 1950s and
in finishing environmental determinism a s the 1960s the emphasis of the discipline switched
hegemonic theory of geography and initiated re- dramatically to the geometry of space as the
definition as a “social science, concerned with theoretical foundation for the new social func-
. . . areal differentiation” (Sauer 1924, 17). The tion. This, however. can also be seen in part as
question, however, is whether Sauer provided an internal reaction against the failure of envi-
an adequate alternative theoretical base for ge- ronmental determinism in theory and eventually
ography. Cosgrove has criticized Sauei- for not in practice. Yet, with its dismissive assumption
providing a concrete theory for the emergence of t h e h o m o g e n o u s plain, spatial g e o m e t r y
and nature of culture: both d e la Blache and created a new dualism within the concept of en-
Sauer, he claims, regarded culture as a “species vironment, between nature and space. The anal-
of pure human inventiveness“ (Cosgrove 1983, ogy with physics, which underlay spatial anal-
3). ‘Thus Sauer (1969, 2-3): “Man alone ate of ysis, proved equally inapplicable because the
the fruit o f t h e Tree of Knowledge and thereby interacting “atoms” have consciousness and be-
began to acquire and transmit learning, or ‘cul- have somewhat unpredictably, whereas space is
ture‘. . . . Occasionally, a new idea arose in socially re-created rather than absolute. The
some group and became a skill and institution.” new “science” of spatial relations had lost ge-
I would agree with Cosgrove that a nonmystical ography‘s original concern with the ever-varying
theory of consciousness proved difficult for cul- qualities of the earth’s surface and with the or-
tural geography to achieve. As a result, cultural igins of human behavior. Furthermore, because
geography was incapable of establishing a secure the discipline failed to find a theoretical key to
philosophical basis for the comprehension of the unlock the secrets of its most profound (envi-
human use of the earth and has shown a contin- ronmental) question, it had lapsed into an em-
ual tendency to degenerate into parochial eclcc- barrassed silence just as the relation between
ticism.” society and nature came into a state of contra-
diction and crisis during the late 1960s and the
1970s. What should have been geography’s fin-
Regional Geography and Spatial Geometry est hour was, instead, the moment of its most
dismal failure-the discipline played a minor
Loosed from the disciplining effect of a clear role in the environmental debate of the 1970s.
social function, with environmental determinism
critiqued but not effectively replaced, geography
drifted during t h e 193Os, 1940s, a n d 1950s A Social Science of Environmental Relations
through a regionalist version of what often re-
mained a hidden determinist agenda. The con- But theoretical consciousness follows a com-
tinued influence of ”classical geography” was plicated path. Dead ends can be transformed
revealed, for instance, in the layout of geogra- into new beginnings o r new versions of paths
phy textbooks that “begin with such things as neglected in the original stampede to emulate
solid geology and climate and progress through biology. What distinguishes humans from ani-
vegetation and soils to settlement, agriculture, mals? The level of consciousness that enables
industry and transport-a perfectly logical se- humans to understand, control, even destroy na-
quence of exposition in ‘classical terms,’ but ture. What distinguishes the peculiarly human
less so if the ‘classical’ view is abandoned” independence of nature? The forces and intri-
Social Origins of Determinism 329

cately social relations of production interposed important ideologue of the unrestricted develop-
between individuals and t h e natural world. A n d ment of competitive capitalism (Harvey 1974a).
S. Spencer’s main ideological function, the right-
finally, h o w are t h e s e two kinds of human dis-
wing-anarchist “attempt t o strengthen laissez
tinctiveness co n n ecte d ? In acting o n t h e e a r t h faire with the imperatives of biology” has been so
during t h e production of their lives, h u m a n s not thoroughly discussed by Hofstadter (1955,40-4 I )
only transform external nature but also find a n d that it will be assumed in what follows. allowing
develop their own inner nature. T h e experience a focus on the environment-society relation in
Spencer‘s thought. For a survey of the works of
of nature becomes internal consciousness during other writers in the Spencerian vein see Harris
the social reproduction of h u m a n existence. Elu- (1968, ch. 5 ) . On the history of the organismic
cidating this process would make possible a sci- analogy see Coker (1910).
e nc e of human-environment relations capable of 6. However, even Spencer, on the radical, anti-
religious, materialist edge of bourgeois scientism,
accurately guiding political practice. was not able to transcend that ultimate mysticism.
the attribution of origin to an unknowable force.
Hence in F i r s t Principles (1864b), which
attempted no less than a synthesis of biosocial
Acknowledgments evolution with the physics of the conservation of
energy. Spencer was forced to appeal to the
Much of the research and writing for this article was mysterious principle of the “persistence of
carried out during my sabbatical leave in 1983-84. Reg force,” b y which he implied “the persistence of
Golledge provided an amenable environment at the some cause which transcends our knowledge and
University of California, Santa Barbara in the fall of conception.”
1983, and Mansell Prothero helped in a similar way at 7. In Princ,iples of’ P.syc/iology (1883) Spencer
the University of Liverpool in spring, 1984. An earlier divided psychology into an objective type, which
draft was improved considerably by comments from dealt with the relations between the nervo-mus-
Gerry Kearns and Phil O’Keefe. The critical remarks cular apparatus and environment, and a sub,iec-
of David Harvey were particularly significant at a cru- tive type, dealing with sensations, ideas. etc.,
cial stage in the evolution of the article. My thanks to which were the direct and indirect concomitants
all for their help. of this visible adjustment of inner to outer rela-
tions. Notice that the organismic analogy is rup-
tured at the point of “indirect adjustment,” that
Spencer was forced to concede that conscious-
Notes ness was a subject matter radically distinct from
biology, and that he therefore found subjective
1. The idea of acquired (“learned”) characteristics psychology to be a separate study.
was found particularly applicable to the process 8. Spencer, however, drew important political con-
of human cultural evolution as the nearest biolog- clusions from the individual consciousness of the
ical analogy-what is learned in one generation human units of society. As there was no “social
is inherited by the next via teaching and writing sensorium,” the welfare of the social aggregate
(Gould 1983, 70-71). The idea of direct acquisi- was not an end to be sought. Rather the society
tion of character from the environment also had exists for the benefit of its individual members.
a strong appeal to geographers. And finally the not its members for the benefit of society. Hence
concepts of design and purpose embedded in a right-wing anarchism.
Lamarckism made it an apposite source of social 9. Or. as elsewhere (Spencer 18641, evolution could
legitimation (Livingstone 1984). only end in the establishment of the greatest per-
2. Even the partial abandonment of religion occa- fection and the most complete happiness.
sioned great difficulty and much anxiety. On Dar- 0. Ratzel was a member of a group of scientists led
win’s personal struggle to abandon the religious by Haeckel producing a flood of lectures. articles,
idea of the harmony of nature between reading and books that made Darwinism extremely
Malthus in 1838 and changing his thinking in the influential as a popular philosophy in a rapidly
mid 1850s, see Ospovat (1981). industrializing Germany (Kell 1981).
3. This lesson was not lost on the Social Darwinists. 1. Ratzel’s more general anthropogeographic ideas
T. H . Huxley (in Kropotkin n . d . , 3 3 2 ) thus are examined via Semple‘s reinterpretation in the
describes life among primitive humans as “a con- following section of the paper. But see also Rat-
tinual free fight . . . the Hobbesian war of each zel (1896).
against all was the normal state of existence.” 12. Ratzel‘s argument lapses into mysticism at exactly
Even the achievement of civilization has hardly the points crucial to the legitimation of German
modified “the deep-seated organic impulses nationalism and expansionism: the “spiritual“
which impel the natural man to follow his non- bond between society and a part of nature and
moral course.” the “cohesion between state and soil” as the
4 . Re-application because Darwin used Malthus’s power behind spatial growth. See also the discus-
principle of human population growth a s the sion of Ratzel’s “panpsychic philosophy” in
dynamic behind the struggle for existence and nat- Hunter (1983).
ural selection. Note also that Malthus was an 13. It would be a mistake to attribute organicist and
330 Peet

racist e x c e s s solely t o o n e deviant ( G e r m a n ) divine the exact mix of divinity and naturalism.
school of geography. As late a s 193 1, the influen- One does, however, find in Semple the belief that
tial British geographer Mackinder could still find Nature knows better than humans. Thus in a lau-
a publisher for his declaration that “in the English datory account of Japanese imperialism, in which
Plain we have a typical natural region. . . . Within its colonial methods are described as “animated
this natural region we have the English blood, one by an intelligent and beneficent spirit to protect
fluid, the same down the centuries, on loan for Japan’s new subjects and to develop the resources
the moment in the 40 million bodies of the present of the newly acquired lands,“ we also read that
generation. John Bull in his insularity is the exem- ”Japan‘s policy makes no allowance for certain
plar of the myriad separate bloods and saps. each natural forces which see further into the future of
the fluid essence of a local variety of species of national development than the most intelligent
aniinal and plant” (Mackinder 1931. 326). Governments” (Semple 1913. 255). Note also that
14. Semple was merely the most effective of a group based on a word count analysis, Hawley (1968)
of environmental determinists prominent in U .S. argues that nature increasingly assumed an active
geography at the turn of the century. The other role in Semple’s writings after 191 I .
prominent determinist, William Morris Davis, 19. Febvre (1925. 236-37, 367) argued that the fash-
found that “a relation between a n element of inor- ioning of humankind by natural conditions should
ganic control and one of org;inic response” stated be treated as humans making themselves through
in terms of “causal or explanatory relationship“ labor. O r more generally. the human being wa\
was the “most definite. if not the only. unifying “endowed with an activity of its own capable of
principle that 1 can find in geography” (Davis creating and producing ne” effects. in which case
1954, 8). there is an end of determination in the true sense
IS. Furthermore. Semple investigated this relation of the word.” i.e.. ”there are no necessitie.;. but
with a methodology and even analytic categories everywhere possibilities.”
remarkably similar to Spencer’s-hence her 20. In Wittfogel’s (1929) important reformulation of
internal forces of ritce and external forces of hab- M a r x , t h e objective structure of nature deter-
itat and Spencer’s intrinsic and extrinsic factors. mines the direction taken by productive activity
Seniple’s indirect effects of environment and by providing natural materials and. more impor-
Spencer’s secondary factors of superorganic evo- tantly. natural forces of production. Because dif-
lution. and so on. The similarities were obviously ferent social organisms find different means in
due not only to Ratzel’s absorption of Social Dar- their environments, their modes of pi-oduction are
winist ideas (and hence their transmission to Sem- different-i.e., environmental variations w r e an
ple) but also t o the direct influence of Semple’s origin of multilinear social development. Thi\
education in sociology, economics, and history eventually led Wittfogel (1957) to hi5 q u a 5 i -
(Bronson 1973) in a U.S. social science permeated Mar xis t concept ion of ’ ‘ o r ie n t al despot i s m ‘ ’
by Spencerian thought (Hofstadter 1955; Bannis- founded. like Marx’s Asiatic mode of production.
ter 1979). However, see also Hunter (1983, ch. 5) on the environmentally conditioned need for irri-
who argues that it was Semple rather than Ratzel gation and thuh the early development of the dea-
who was influenced by Spencer. potic state in hydraulic social organizations.
16. Thus Ward (1893. 243) argued that t h e existing 21. An environmentalist geopolitics remained power-
(Spencerian) social science erred in “practically ful, however. both in society and the discipline of
ignoring the existence of a rational faculty in man. geogr-aphy. where imperialist and expansionary
which. while it does not render his actions any movements had been most frustrated-Germany
less subject to natural laws, so enormously coni- (Dorpalen 1942) and Japan (Takeuchi 1980).
plicates them that they can no longer be brought 1 2 . It is symptomatic of t h e enduring influence o f
within the simple formulas that suffice in the cal- Spencer that Sauer adopted what Duncan (1980)
culus of mere animal motives.” With this it can refers to a s a “superorganic theory of culture”
be seen that the contradictions inherent in Spen- derived from Ki-oeber. who in turn had borrowed
cer’s dichotomy between objective and subjective it from Spencer as his alternative to an environ-
psychology (Note 7) were beginning to mature. mental determinism itself profoundly influenced
17. The branch of sociology in which the biological by Spencer! The tendency was to de-ernpha,ize
analogy was maintained the longest, the Chicago Spencer’s ”original factors’’ ( t h e influence of
School ( M a t h e w s 1977). has had the greatest environment on racial qualities) and emphasirt.
effect on (urban) geography. his secondary (”superorganic“) factors a s time
18. As Smith (1984, 11) points out. Nature came to be went o n . Semple herself was involved in thi\
not just God’s text but God himself in the “Chris- change of emphasis in post-Spencerian thought.
tianized naturalism” of the nineteenth century.
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based on this philosophical foundation. It seems
to me. however, that as the century progressed, References
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