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Information Security Office

Mobile Security
Avoid Questionable Mobile Apps
It is important to make sure a mobile app is reliable before downloading it. Detecting malicious apps is not always
easy, but here are a few steps you should take before downloading an app.

Android users have the highest risk of downloading malicious apps. Researchers at Kaspersky found over 200,000
samples of mobile malware at the Google Play store and additional sources, in 2013. The malicious malware is
often used as a multiplier, sending text messages containing malicious links to the contacts saved on the phone, or
stealing other personal informational directly from the infected phone.

When the app Flappy Bird was removed by its owner, hackers used the app's popularity to their advantage by
creating similar looking apps. Nearly 80 percent of these spoofed apps contained malware.

We suggest sticking with just the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Most third party app stores are best
to avoid. Your phone manufacturer may also have their own app store, and some of these are good, but it is best
to be wary of them as well.

Steps you should take before downloading an app: 

Protecting Mobile Devices

With the growth in smartphone usage around the world, issues surrounding mobile security have grown as well. It
is more important than ever to arm your mobile devices with protective software. The largest target for attacks on
mobile devices is Google's Android operating system, due to the rapid expansion and market penetration of
Android smartphones.
Mobile Security Software

When considering mobile device security software it is vital to pay attention to what protection and features are

Some top rated mobile security software for 2019 include: 

For optimal protection the software should include: 

Secure Your Lock Screen

Smartphones contain a wealth of your personal information, ranging from personal messages and photos, to bank
information. In the event of your mobile device being lost or stolen, the first line of defense is locking it securely.
Smartphones offer several locking options including pins, passwords and biometric methods.

Pattern 


Passwords 

Face ID & Touch ID 

Importance of Mobile Security

As the number of mobile devices increases every year, the idea of mobile security becomes more important than
ever. Mobile security is the protection of portable devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets from
threats and vulnerabilities. People are now commonly using mobile devices for tasks that involve classified data
like credit card numbers, social security numbers, and important banking information. According to the Federal
Reserve, 39% of all mobile phone users are using online banking, up from 29% in 2012. This creates a larger
target for hackers and a larger collection of private data to be stolen.

Within these pages are some mobile security practices that you can use to increase your mobile protection from
online threats. It is not uncommon for a person to lose their mobile device or a scam application to steal
credentials, so follow these tips in order to keep for private data safe.

Logins: Pin or Password 

Mobile Security Applications 

Update the Software 

Backups 

"Hovering" Before You Click 

Connecting to an Unknown Network 

Shopping and Bank Transactions 

Apple and Android Pay 

Trusted Mobile Applications 

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