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The samyojana are a list of ten factors that bind people to the endless round
of birth and death. They are:

Sakkāya–diṭṭhi: the belief that there is an entity of self or individuality

in the five khandhas.

Vicikicchā: doubt of a sceptical nature based on delusion.

Sīlabbata–parāmāsa: usually translated as “attachment to rules and

rituals”. But many who practise the way of Buddhism are not satisfied
with this and feel that it concerns morality more than rules
and rituals.

Kāma-rāga: sensuous craving. Although this is a correct translation,

amongst those who practise, the main emphasis is on sexual craving
and all that proliferates from it.

Vyāpāda: Ill will, malevolence.

Rūpa-rāga: the desire for the exalted states of the rūpa realms.

Arūpa-rāga: the desire for the exalted states of the arūpa realms.

Māna: conceit.

Uddhacca: restlessness.

Avijjā: blind unknowing.

These ten factors are overcome progressively by the attainment of the four
paths, thus:

the Sotāpanna has overcome the first three.

The Sakadāgāmī has also reduced the fourth and fifth.

The Anāgāmī has overcome the first five factors.

The Arahant has overcome all ten factors.

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