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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

My Daily Routine
Writing Practice 1
 Listen to your teacher and complete the paragraph.

Some of my friends think I have a boring daily routine, but I like it. I
usually _______ _______at about 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning,
_______ my alarm clock _______ me up. _______, I brush my teeth,
and shave, and _______ my _______. Then I _______ _______
and go downstairs to _______ _______ with my family. I always
have coffee, cereal, and _______ _______ fruit. That’s me _______
_______ _______ with my wife. I _______ a bus to work _______ I
_______ _______ to drive, and I _______ arrive at my office
_______ 8:00. I’m _______ _______ for work. Five o’clock is my
_______ _______ _______ the day _______ I finish work and
_______ _______ and see my wife and _______ _______ again.
We _______ _______ _______ in our dining room _______
_______ 6:00, and _______ _______ I _______ _______ with my
wife and kids _______ home. We _______ _______ watching our
_______ TV programs _______, but _______ or _______ times a
week I _______ _______ in the evening, _______ _______
_______ stay _______ and _______. This _______ very _______!
_______, at about 9:30, I _______ _______ _______, read
_______ _______ _______, and then _______ _______. Sure,
some _______ think _______ _______ _______ is _______
_______ boring – but _______ _______ and holidays _______
_______ _______ fly _______ _______ _______!
Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©
N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

My Daily Routine
Writing Practice 2
 Don’t look at the paragraph. In your own words, write what you can remember about
the man’s daily routine. Use the back of this paper if you need more space.






















Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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