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Kate Topete

Introduction to Special Education 203

Disability Research Paper

Tues. May 03, 2022

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The concept of Schizophrenia was first formulated by Swiss Psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler,

in 1908 (McNally 13). Bleuler presented many odd and interesting cases with patients stating

they were not human but were a shark with “individuals who claimed that their bowels had been

torn out, who had been threatened by Judas Iscariot, who masturbated openly, and who claimed

that their bath water had been poisoned” (McNally 13). This was just one of the many doctors

who inhaled this information and conducted research in hopes to determine a diagnosis and

treatment plan for patients who presented these odd behaviors. Later in 2004, with the

accumulation of years’ work in research, “the American Psychiatric Association (APA), would

produce its version of Schizophrenia in its latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (DSM)” (McNally 13). This book, that currently houses multiple editions, is

referenced as the Bible for diagnosis. This book can spell out exactly what determines a person

to be under a diagnosis, the treatment for it, and much more.

There are varies forms of Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders but

“Schizophrenia is a disorder of unknown aetiology” (Maj 1). It is a disorder defined by

abnormalities in the following domains: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking

(speech), grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including catatonia), and negative

symptoms (American Psychiatric Association 1). Schizophrenia lasts for at least 6 months, and

one must have at least one month of the symptoms above to be qualified under this diagnosis

(American Psychiatric Association 1). Just because someone displays a form of one of the active

symptoms does not mean that they are Schizophrenic. “Schizophrenic patients are typically

unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, and other

features of their environment” (Langwith 16). If this goes on without being treated, the
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individual can become withdrawn with society and inattentive to own personal safety or hygiene

(Langwith 16). Schizophrenia can be divided in three phases; phase one occurs with the patient

experiencing a loss from reality which should lead to a form of treatment (Langwith 16). Phase

one is usually the phase in which the patient acts erratic and displays abnormal behaviors.

Depending on the situation the patient can undergo symptoms that can get better with time or

worsen (Langwith 16). The last phase involves recovery with a form of treatment where the

patient is on antipsychotic medication and undergoing other forms of treatment such as therapy

(Langwith 16).

In the 1900s, the most common treatment for those diagnosed with Schizophrenia was a

provided intervention because the believe that one was crazy was the idea back then and

providing immediate effectiveness medicine, meaning it’s a cure to solve a cold that goes away

in a few days only to realize the patient is still acting bizarre even after they are “cured” (Kurtz

1). Another term that was included in the treatment process for Schizophrenia was the

tranquilizing chair. “The chair was hypothesized to slow down fluid movement in the vasculature

of hyperactive patients. The apparatus included a headpiece stuffed with linen, leather straps to

restrain the patient, and a pail for body waste” (Kurtz 5). “Over the past 30 years there has been

an explosion in the number of studies investigating the neural correlates of Schizophrenia”

(Kurtz 1). “Technological innovation has clearly been the driver of new insights into the

neurobiology of Schizophrenia” (Kurtz 2). Not only are we looking at a person’s brain and

examining it and comparing it to a healthy person but now there are treatments in which one

investigates “key substances in bodily fluids, such as blood plasma or cerebrospinal fluid” (Kurtz

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Treatments for Schizophrenia are aimed to help the person better cope or reduce the

symptoms (Williams 168). This can help the persons quality of life, ability to function, and

support recovery goals (Williams 168). Forms of talk therapy are provided in treatment to help

the patient recover and return to stability. This also help with any suicide prevention and family

cooperation and assistance. Along with therapy, antipsychotic medication is provided for

treatment which have many side effects that can affect the patient’s psychical appearance,

lifestyle, and mental health (Williams 170). One of the most common, comprehensive, and

effective medications is known as Clozapine but again many side effects follow suit (Tsuang 87).

There are many side effects that follow suit from these medications which can reflect as positive

or negative depending on the induvial so it is important to remember that just because one

medication works for an individual, that does not mean it will work for another. Continuation of

medication and therapy is the key to recovery for Schizophrenia and should be included in all

treatment plans.

“It can be overwhelming to deal with the schizophrenia, either personally or as someone

who cares for or about an affected individual” (Tsuang 119). One effective strategy is to prevent

miscommunication for the family meaning being open minded when trying to understand why

the patient acts the way they do and to not take their actions for misinterpretations. “The family

has an important role to play in reminding patients to take medicine regularly or to visit the

doctor for injections” (Tsuang 120). A way to avoid relapse when a patient is still undergoing

treatments is by having the family prevent stressful situations which includes family involvement

and input into the patient's treatment process (Tsuang 119). One might need to take legal action

and award a psychiatric hospital the rights of the patient to undergo treatment as well (Tsuang
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121). The family may consider getting into family therapy to keep a neutral and respectful

communication for all parties involved.

Unfortunately, there has yet to be a root cause that identifies why those who have

Schizophrenia get it (Williams 167). This disorder pays no attention to discrimination; it can

target all ethnic and cultural groups (Williams 167). There are a few risk factors that can

influence the disorder. Those factors include the following: genetics, brain structure, brain

function, environmental factors, and social factors (Williams 167). A person with Schizophrenia

may have an increased risk of other mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance-

use disorders (Williams 168). Abusive of marijuana and nicotine are found to be one of the most

common substance abusers (Williams 168).

“Schizophrenia ranks among the top 10 causes of disability in developed countries

worldwide” (Kahn and Fawcett 385). At any given time, about 51 million people worldwide are

suffering from Schizophrenia (Kahn and Fawcett 385). According to the NIMH, those over the

age of 18, the rate at which those individuals are affected by Schizophrenia is estimated to 1.1

percent (Kahn and Fawcett 385). The likely hood that one can be affected by the disorder in their

early 20s seems to be very promising. “According to data from the Department of Health and

Human Services, approximately 200,000 individuals with Schizophrenia or manic- depressive

illness are homeless, constituting one-third of the approximately 600,000 homeless population”

(Kahn and Fawcett 386). In addition, to the constant fight with having this disorder, suicide is the

leading cause of death for those with Schizophrenia (Kahn and Fawcett 386).

I have always referenced Schizophrenia as a person who appears “crazy” because of the

abnormal behaviors they expressed. For example, someone who is Schizophrenic has delusions,

hallucinations, and/or disorganized speech. I did not know that these were simply just symptoms
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of the person’s disorder. If I would have known that I think I would have not labelled it as

“crazy” just like many others did in the past and still do today. After researching this topic for

some time, I now have a better understanding of what Schizophrenia is and how people who

have this mental disorder react to it. I have never known anyone who had Schizophrenia

personally. The disorder seems to be a challenging one and because of this I could never image

what it would be like to live with it. The effects that it can have on a family I would never wish

on anyone. I really hope that one day we can find a cure for this mental disorder because there is

no true cure to it right now. To have to constantly be fighting this disorder seems tiresome and I

can empathize with those who have it. I only hope that with this new knowledge I have accrued,

as a future teacher, one day I can help a student feel not so helpless because of their unfair

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Work Cited

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders :

DSM-5. 5th ed., American Psychiatric Association, 2013.

Kahn, Ada P., and Jan Fawcett. The Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Facts on File, Inc, 2008.



Kurtz, Matthew M. Schizophrenia and Its Treatment : Where Is the Progress? 2015.

Langwith, et al. Schizophrenia. Greenhaven Press, 2010.

Maj, et al. Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2003.

McNally, Kieran. A Critical History of Schizophrenia. 1st ed. 2016.. ed., 2016.

Tsuang, Ming T., et al. Schizophrenia. Fourth ed., 2019.

Williams, et al. Mental Health Disorders Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information

about Healthy Brain Functioning and Mental Illnesses, Including Depression, Bipolar

Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive

Disorder, Psychotic and Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, Impulse Control

Disorders, and More; along with Information about Medications and Treatments, Mental

Health Concerns in Specific Groups, Such as Children, Adolescents, Older Adults,

Minority Populations, and People in Poverty, a Glossary of Related Terms, and

Directories of Resources for Additional Help and Information. Seventh ed., 2019. 2022. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 3 May 2022].

Topete 8 2022. [online] Available at: <>

[Accessed 3 May 2022].

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