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4 pages centrales de quiz pour progresser en anglais PRATIC’ABLE | Le vocabulaire de l'industrie du cinéma / Quiz de révisions grammaticales et les Steinert N°8e2 / Anglais La presse internationale en pour progresser en anglais eae PUAN a ee a ON Gah ey GAMES D&D HEALTHY PANDEMIC PASTIME ‘THE GUARDIAN ‘SCIENCE ry RIVER THAMES | WITH LIFE THEINDEPENDENT o Spécial Enseignants DECOUVREZ LA PLATEFORME NUMERIQUE \OCABLE ! = = F _ a ie | \= (Cc) ne Paty Lh See (Neo ea Mette hig @ 01 44 37 97 97 — & sommaire 1N®B62 /Du60u9janvier2072 JEANNE BARRETT Charles, Diana et la famille royale... Lareine Elizabeth Iaaujurdnu 95 ansetrégne depuis prs de 70 ane Elea apport une certaine Stabile en Grande- Bretagne et dans les pays du emmonwath ti plopar iret pour on faut bien str comprendte que feat esprit un Sujet de Sa Majsté nest pas le méme que cell dtu ctoyen de nimport quelle repubque. Cla peut dailleurs expiguer, entre autres, e Breit Cert stabil tant apprécige pendant son long ‘Bgne cotraste 4 present aver Finercitude qu fntoure sa succession. En effet, le 30 novembre dernier la Barbade celebrstlaruptore esesliens Sec la eine etl fat de devenrofficellement tne républiqu. La presence du prince Charles AI cdtdmonie allt bien aude. de févidente irone Son dscours, qui évoquat a honte lige 3 Thistire de teslavage, etait non seulement un moment histriqee, as 6galement tun avant fot de e 4 quol Ton pourra sattende lors EEviendra i AToccasion del sortie en France e 19 janvier Sur Amazon Fite de Spee lm de Pablo {Stain consacre an mal ene de Diana face 33 poids des conventions de a fame royale, un Bute article aborde lo personnalit tle destin de cele qui fut surnomnmee « la princese di peuple» lea marqué les esprts par sa beaut Ennatycainsi quess gentilescecteadispriton trapaue e prematorée 3 provoque on ceil calle dune smpleurhitoque menagant ‘tr onent donnéla monatchiel-meive Goa enre dombrelisera-telle planers le eg Se Chane? nouvelles pour la planes ya quelques andes Ie'Tamise le flewve gut traverse Landes, it Cansidece comme Uobgruement >> ‘icky deicat/calldemande/toapologise présente des excuses /huge consdérale/ wealth richess(s)/toreap récolte,engranger/ trade toattend assist /House of Lords Chambre des Lords (Chambvehaute du Parlement btaneique)/ enslaved eu onesciavage/ statement cécaration IN ‘face 2B 4 royenB2-1/ #4 ele CED @Q retrowerpluscinfosdanslanewsletter Vocable Pretreatment fetter prcrrapeceere pate tether nee eet item eerecraenteereenn nia reenter ween Peas pyre a etree errant ater Cer Pum re tern Cee ee te eco pore ne reece ‘Barbados! population is r e « Famous Barbadlansinclude: musicart Predominantly of African descent. Rihanna, Grandmaster Flash, The curtency’s the Barbadian dollar 3 Rayvon- cricketer Clyde Walcott (880 (1926-2006) - novelist Geors: «© The offical languages ae English anc ‘Lamiming ~ poet and academic BajanCreole, Edward Kamau Brathwaite Mottley. (9930-2020) ‘descent ones) currency monnale /elcketerjovew de chet /mavelist romance re) / academic niersitare \VOcABLEDu62u en Politique EAE ROVAUME-UNI ) 2*%* B2-Cl “Prince Charles being here, saying ‘we've hada very dark past, ut Barbados has a very bright future’ is the start of a grown-up conversation which is being led by a future king. “Te enabled us to acknowledge, at the very highest level, the dark and tragic past from which the nation was born. But, yester day marked the rebirth of a new nation. The subject of slavery was not just tricky for the royal family, he said, “it’s tricky for the UK. And that's why him coming out and saying what is, actually, the blinding obvious, moves the debate to say we urgently need an adult conversation about these uncomfort able truths, and on how the past still influ ences the present in systemic inequalities that were predicated on exploitation, 1 heard Barbadians say: ‘You hear this ‘white man, you hear this future king, telling some truths?” While some in the UK may not like Charles's words, Woolley said, “if you're black, and many others, they will say it is the right thing to do at the right time” toenablepermetie/ rebirth renalsance ‘tocome, came, come outs areunedéclaration publique / actually en fat / lining avevslant flagrant / truth ic, alte to preleate enor su Fightbon ‘SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE Brave ‘Brave' se traduit par le mot anglals ‘brave! uniquement au sens de courageux. Itwas.a very brave statement (5 4) ‘était une déclaration courageuse He was a brave soldier c'était un soldat courageux *Comparez They are good/decent people ce sont de braves gens He's anice guy Ilest bien brave ‘My good woman ma brave dame VoCABLEDusa19janse2022 Prince Charles (R} speaks wth Lord Wooley, Principal of Homerton College (L).SP4) Dr Halima Begum, the CEO of the Run: nymede Trust, said: “For Prince Charles to speak so frankly about slavery is actually historic” With the Queen, reportedly, having. offered an understanding of Black Lives ‘Matter, “taken together, that is the royal family giving a national lead ‘on both current and histori- cal aspects of the interna- tional dialogue on racial equality, and Britain's place in the world.” She had no doubt, she said, that the deci sion “emanated” from the Queen ‘With the prince one step removed constitutionally from his mother, "Charles ccan say what she can',” said Joe Little, the ‘managing editor of Majesty magazine. “Clearly itis a contentious issue, one that (CEO = Chief Executive Officer (oésdente) rectce générale reportedly tapréscetanes Sources / Black Lives Matter a veces Nis compte slogan et maurerent dénoncart les \olencespolcresencontre des Afro-Americans / lead drectonntative exerole/eurrentactue, ‘onestep removed ci une gératon en dessous/ ‘managing editor édacteur en chet /eontentious calicat nines suet &conttovese/Issue question/ couldn'tbe avoided under the circumstances, so it had to be addressed. But, obviously, ad dressing itleads to other things, such as calls {for apologies and reparation,” he said. The Queen has faced several calls to apologise for her forbears, while Jamaica has recently said it will demand compen: sation, possibly seeking bil- lions of pounds in repara: tions. “How far back do your apologies need to go, how many forbears must you apologise for?” said Little. “and what do you do about parts of the national collec tion acquired through slav ery, or as a consequence of slavery? So itis difficult to find the right balance.” He said it was difficult to recall a speech in which the Queen has addressed the issue of slavery so directly: "T would be amazed if she ever went near it” twavoldévter/toaddress abort /tolead, led, ledto conde about toface (deo) erefaced/forbearancdtre/to demand exe lion ilar balanee cutie torecal se rapceles se sovveni/amazed stinétat/ ever unjou/ tog, went, gone near sth se rapprocher de aah ic degre gach) ‘face 2B 4 royenB2-1/ #4 ele CED | Monarchie Dom sur... | Prince Charles Depuis quelques semaines Prince Charles, héritier du tréne britannique remplace la reine Elizabeth Il pour de nombreuses cérémonies. Derriére limage de'éternel prétendant au tréne, on leconnait peu. Voici un apercu de son parcours. Heito the British throne, Charles, Prince of Wales, isthe eldest son of (Queen Elzabeth I. Heis also Dukeof CComwall, Duke of Rothesay, Ear of Carrick, Baron cof Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great ‘Steward of Scotland, Since the death of his father, Prince Philip, n Apri he has inherited the tile of Duke of Edinburgh. Hes the oldest and longest serving her apparent inhiston. helrapparent sitio pxésortit daupin/ Wales (Ge) Gales earl conte /lordsegreu/ reat ‘Steward Grand steward (fonction honotfiqueet hérétate éossisecorespondantacelle de sand-sénéchal ou intendant) /Satland Ecosse /to Inert hier do / to serve eter ses fonction. ry CCharles was born in 1948 (age 73 years) in Buckingham Palace. He was the irstheir apparent to attend school rather than have a private tutor. Gordonstoun School in Scotland was his fathers previous schol and his choice fr Charles, who allegedly hhad quite ahard time there as the regime was severe and challenging. Afterwards he made history again by going straight to Tinty College, Cambridge instead of following the tradition of going into the armed forces: he was the ist her ‘apparent to go to university twattendaler/privatetutorcprcepteu/ allegedly ttendurent (cara /tohaveahard time waver unepéradecificle/challengngsiicle afterwards parasite /tomake,made,made history enter cars istote/straightrecterent. Charles martied Lady Diana Spencer in 198} at St. Paul's Cathedral, a televised ceremony watched by an estimated 750 millon people. They had Prince \Willam in 1982 and Prince Henry, known as Harry, in?984; by 992 they were officially separated, with an announcement by the then Prime minister, John Maar in Parliament. They were officially divorced in1996, estimated eovion then. detpoqve. Cates’ second marriage, in 2005, was tohis longtime gintriend, Camila Parker-Bowlesinascreet civil ceternony in Windsor Guldhall, roughly 35 years afterthey fist met. His son Prince Wiliam, was the best man, Since Diana stil the Princess of Wales, Camilla was given the title, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Comwall longtime dlongue date/toyjous/roughly apprenimatvement ev pres/tomeet, met, met serencontrer/ Best man tion Her Royal Highness Son tes Royale Hisinterests are many, but most particulary, he used to love playing polo, is passionate about architecture, organic food and even alternative medicine, He established the Prince's Trust and about 16 others, all known as The Prince's Charities. ince 1990, he has his own organic foad brand, Duchy Originals, ‘which sells more than 200 sustainably produced products, and which was sold to Waitrose Grocery chain in 2010. used tosertmarquera distinction entrelepasséet leprésent,&rdiquer qulne act passeriest ols actual /organiebo/ trust fondation/ charity orgarisatoncatatve brand marqve/ sustainably Selentes princnes du développement rable grocery chain chine de supermarchés VOcABLED:6.au9 jer 2022" 9 (on Personnalité EAE ROYAUME-UNI | 2% B2-Cl SEAN O'GRADY POP CULTURE AND THE LEGACY OF PRINCESS DIANA Difficle d'incarner une icéne de a cutture populaire. C'est pourtant le défi que reléve Kristen Stewart dans Spencer, le film de Pablo Larrain sur a princesse de Galles. Alors que Diana est décédéeil ya prés de 25 ans, elle reste une figure marquante de la famille royale. Comment 'ombre de celle quia tant marqué les espritsrisque-t-elle de planer au-dessus durégne de Charles ? sshe prepares to take on the role for ‘which he has waited solong, it must be very odd for Prince Charles to still have to deal with the attention lavished on his, wife. His late, first, wife, that is, who still sells papers, shifts magazines, gets the clicks and draws in the viewers almost as mag: netically as she did when she was alive Hence the new movie Spencer, starring Kristen Stewart asthe people's princess, and totake, took, takenon endosset asumer/ odd ctrange.ciiews/todeal deat, dealt with ra, afronter/tlavish aosguer/late detunte)/to shiftc vende écouter / to draw, drew, drawnin atter/viewer léspectateu hence iod/tostar avo danse Sle principal ‘SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE “must™ supposition ou obligation ? It must be very odd for Prince Charles (61) [supposition] Prince Charies must by now be resigned to the fact ($10) [supposition] He must /has to respect royal ‘protocol [obligation] He must/has to carry out royal duties [obligation] 10+ vocaste Dus.aui9janier20 ‘which has already created a bit ofa stir. Sti ring it upis of course precisely what Di liked to do in the years after her estrangement from the heir to the throne. In those days sheld deliberately turn up to some do in a dramatically cut dress just to overshadow some tedious speech he was giving on the other side of town. Now, posthumous itera tions of her personality by a succession of ‘young actors - Naomi Watts (Diana), Emma Corin, Elizabeth Debicki (The Crown) - try to catch her spirit and continue to entrance fresh generations. Gen, for example, born in the very year, 1997, in which she died. People, in other words, in the prime of their adulthood, who have no contemporaneous memory, of the late princess of Wales, and who only have the archive footage and the semi-fictional versions of events in series such as The Crown to grasp at. They are still being re tocreatea stir aresensation/ estrangement séparation/ herhertier/ totum upse resent, 11 / do éception, soirée / dramatically ce manire spectaculite/toovershadaw fred ove eclipse / tedious ennuyeux speech cscous/ side (te. bovt/tocatch, caught, caught aise, canter / toentrance ascrer/freshroveau veryic.éme inthe prime of theiradutthood lanslaforce de ge / Wales (ce) Gales /footage Images to graspsaisi.comprendre/ cruited, these fresh votaries at the shrine of Diana, Queen of Hearts. Indeed, Diana has been haunting them ever since she died in that car crash in Paris. The daysimmediately after her death marked the ‘worst crisis the House of Windsor had been through since the abdication crisis of 1936. ‘The population divided firmly into pro Charles and pro-Diana camps. It was a kind of early, prototype intergenerational culture war of values and attitudes of a kind that ‘we're nowadays all too familiar with. Harry and Meghan have inherited the kind of compassionate, dare one say "woke" values votary file, dévotictadorateut/ shrine sanctuie Indeed enffet/tohaunthanter/togo, went, gone through averse: coma subi kind gene, sorte / nowadays de nos ours, ‘avjourshul to Inert neste (do) / to dare csr ic, dare one say oseralt-oncire / woke fait d'etre cConscentdesinusticesraciales et pret autter contre/ sacle 2.81/48 0 Del ee stile @ retrouvezplusctnfosdanslanewsletter that Diana embodied, and they are trolling Charles with them. ‘Thecultof Diana seems stronger than ever, even though its saintly figurehead died al: ‘masta quarter of a century ago. She has the benefit that age shall not weary her. Her golden reputation never had the chance to suffer from the inevitable mistakes she would have made Alot of the enduring attraction is radi ated by those doe-like eyes, which Stewart spends a significant amount of Pablo Lar rain’s Spencer trying to emulate, From the first images of the then Lady Diana Spen- cer’s peering out from underneath her fringe, that semi-shy, sideways look just ‘commands attention and sympathy. toembody ncarer/totrollprovoque figurehead gure de prove /toweary fatigue User ehanee ocason. ‘enduring pecs ert /doe-tke debiche/ amount uatitic. une gande parted fim/to emulate its /then cee /topeeroutreaate ‘reversanc)/finge rane/ sideways decate The qualities that made her hunted then make her still wanted, if not worshipped, today - style class, kindness, an instinct for fashion, Maybe that helps her be such a gay icon and a queer hero now. She was woke, a3 weld call it now, in all sorts of others ways, and modernising, very much the spiritual ancestor of Meghan. Diana was ahead of her time in adopting the cause of mental health, when itwas even ‘more stigmatised than it is now, just as Wil liam and Harry were to later. We now know more about why: Diana understood what ‘mental anguish and a ery for help was. The same bravery goes for her missions to get id ‘tohunt cl, pouchassr (par lespaparaza)/to ‘worship acule/ kindness genlesegénérosté/ fashion mode / queer personne dont frientationou identi senelle ne corespondpas auxmodeles dominants headin avance(suson ter) / heath santé 1 anguish argoisse anxeté/ ery appel/ bravery bravoue, courage /to get, got gotrid of liminer/ of the land mines in Africa, still maiming kids years after various civil wars had ended. You can exaggerate the power of Diana in death, but Prince Charles must by now be resigned to the fact that he and Camnilla will never be able to emerge from her shadow, and not even when he is king. Even if the British public may have softened over time, pop culture is making sure that Diana’s legacy lives on. Things actually haven't moved on that much since the early years of Charles and Diana's marriage, when he went on a walka bout on their first joint trip to Australia. ‘Adoring crowds lined the street, but poor old Charles overheard a couple of fans voice their disappointment that “she” had been allocated the other side of the road to them, and "we've ‘only got him’. Much of the public haven't really shifted their view of the heir to the throne since then. But back to the present: When Charles becomes King, will Camilla be Queen? Atti tudes have softened somewhat from the venom felt towards the now Duchess of Cornwall, but the idea of Queen Camilla still horrifies, and the wider cult of Diana shows zo sign of fading away, such is her enduring afterlife in popular culture. ‘Thus, the new king and his consort will find, funnily enough, that there are three peoplein their marriage, sotospeak, and that ‘only one of them has the star quality. As Charles Spencer put so prophetically itt the Abbey: “the unique, the complex, the extraor inary and irreplaceable Diana, whose beau: ty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds” {and ere terrestre / toma muti ‘tosoften sadouci semadére, actually en fit enréaité/ walkabout bande foule/toveiceexorime/ disappointment on/ toallocate assigneatibuer i. slacer/ ‘oshift changer view oir, dee somewhat queauepeu/venom ven ‘animosit/ wide épandu/tofadeaway disparate thus ais /toextinguish tend: ic, quitter/ mind esr pensée VocABLEDus.aii9janier20226 1 Psychologie | * A2-B1 NIVEAUX BASIQUE ET AVANCE DU SUPPLEMENT SONORE Notre entretien avec le Maitre du Donjon Jay Davis, du Michigan, nous éclaire sur la Terre du Milieu, ses Donjons et Dragons ! Vous aurez aussi droit a quelques petites informations compigmentaires sur notre suppiément du niveau basique! (CDavailoou téléchargement MP3 (surabonnement) ‘ANDY HAZEL "A SAFE HAVEN': HOW DUNGEONS & DRAGONS IS SLAYING SOCIAL ANXIETY ‘Quand la fiction devient réalité...Le confinement a-t-ilattisé votre peur d'aller la rencontrede autre ? Dans ce cas, lejeude réle ‘ur table Dungeons and Dragons est fait pour vous. || aurait en effet pour vertu de vous alder a vous dépasser et a créer des liens. ‘Au fil des parties, les joueurs apprennent.a surmonter les échecs et a prendre confiance en eux, tout ens'amusant. 12+ VocABLEDUS21¥jrver222 ‘face 2B 4 royenB2-1/ #4 ele CED Q smdtorezvotreprononciationenécoutant tous es articles ule supplément audiodelecture anxiety for many people. But what if, when ‘you met up with others, you don't have to be ‘yourself? If decision-making is done through a character you create and consequences determined by the roll of dice? 2. Since its inception in the mid.1970s, the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons & Drag- ‘ons (D&D) has brought together a far more diverse array of players than its stereotypes suggest. Earlier ths year, the game's publisher, ‘Wizardsof the Coast released a report showing that, ofits estimated 50 milion players, 54% ‘were younger than 30 and 4o% identified as female. What it didnt reveal was the rise in Visibility of queer and neurodiverse players 3. Toplay.astoryteller ~ known in the game as the Dungeon Master, or DM - takes a group of players through an adventure etn an imaginary world, Itis thei roe to bring that world to life around the players, describe or enact the characters or creatures they ‘meet, and to roll the dice that decide the ‘outcomes of the party's decisions.Gamescan involve more than a dozen players, but most feature fourto six players who gather around a table with books, dice, pencil and paper. Some may join via Zoom; sometimes minia tures, figurines and maps can be used to i: Iustrate the adventure. THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL 4. For people such as Shadia Hancock, the founder of advocacy group Autism Actually and Dungeon Master to a group of young neurodiverse players, the therapeutic potential of the game has always been clear. "totic etre leve/assoupl/throughautravers/ moyen, ricea/eharacterpersonnage /dice (in) 0819. 2. Inception création. ancement/Inthe id= u mil (des années.) / tabletop (su) table/tobring, brought, brought together reuni.ssemble i, fare ove ensemble far. tien array vers, venta (ig) / publisher écitew (i dejeud) /to release publ. rene public/reportic, tude veer arg) homosexual 3.tobe set ici se dérouertobring, brought, brought tolife donner ve, renreréel/toenact Iover ero de, interpréter/ outcome conséquence réperussion /tolnvalve impiquer:c,compter/ dozen dovzaine/ to feature ic compter/to gather serassemblerreunir/tojoin eject, patticior. 4. suchas tel(es) que / founder fondateur/ advocacy group scune de defense. 5. “Its about creating a sense of community.” Hancocksays."l workout the players’ expecta: tions at the beginning of a game. Some get really into creating their characters, some are ‘more interested in finding items and exploring the world, others are really interested in how the characters met. We all have a mutual ove cof gaming but we all want something different from the session.” 6. Some characteristics expressed by some of Hancock’ players social anxiety, increased empathy, difficulty adapting to change, fel- ing overwhelmed in noisy environments ~ have become familiarto many Australiansin the wake of lockdowns. Studies cited by the Australian Institate of Health and Welfare found reported levels of social anxiety in- cteased over the past two years amongall age groups, with young neurodiverse Australians even more likely to have experienced adecline in wellbeing, +7. "Whil other people are excited about going cut, Im filled with dread.” Hancock tells me. “With Covid, we autistic communities) had all these sudden changes, often with shortntice, and there was this need to constantly adapt to new rules. Not knowing what is coming up is really anxity-inducing, During the pandemic, thatbecame a shared experience” OVERCOMING FEAR AND FAILURE 8. “Before starting, the players might be more ‘withdrawn and not used to larger social situa tions,’ says Hancock. "Butonce they create their character and get used tothe structure of the game, they become more outgoing. It fosters friendships that, in unstructured settings, ‘wouldnt flow as well. Having that acivity- 5. sense of community sentiment dappartenance/ ‘to work out ci determines, dente / expectation _attente/ to get, got, gotintosimolquerdans/ item objet. Increased 2cru exacerbé/ overwhelmed dépassé, rd familar cornu Inthe wakeof dens lesilage de. suited /lockdown confinement /tofind, ‘ound, found ci. veer/overciaucoursde/ ‘among parm: dans/ age group vanche cage to belikelytobtre susceptible risqede to ‘experience connate essentiic sour de. ‘Tdreadhantse /[at]short notice sansnotfcaton préalable au deri moment/rule gle, mesure /*0 ‘come, came, come upsuvenicariver/anslety- inducing anxioaéne. 8. withdrawn renfermé,itovert /outgoing cextravet sable /t fester favor /setting ‘cate, contest envronnement/to flaw cule (de soure)/ based format anda collaborative approach gives. players support to try new things” 9. Overcoming fear of failure is one of the {game's most notable therapeutic aspects. ‘Throughout the game, the player or DM will rolla die to decide the outcome ofa decision Will you notice the secret door in the castle wall? Can you determine the history of an ancient book? re youabletocharma unicorn? ‘While failure isnot avoided, itis potentially instructive and, often, an excuse for humour and the release of tension. 10. "Ithink the game is really powerful” says Crawford. “It allows players to be daring in ‘ways that are hard in our daly lives, knowing that if things do go spectacularly wrong, well beable to laugh about it” 1‘As D&D has grown thecreatorshave realised this gameisforeverybody" says Hamon. “Theres [ots and lots of folks who are playing, and we ‘want everybody tofeel that they'te welcome and ‘cometothe table. get questions like: Whatisit like now that D&D is more diverse” Butitalways hhas been. You might not necessarily have seen itbecause the people who were making things dldatalways think: Hey, ther’ this whole wide ‘word of folks outthere’” © support soutien ic éassrance, confiance, 8, to overcome, overcame, overcome uronter ace / fear peur /fallure éhec/ throughout tout aulong de/ tonotice ermarquer / while bien qe, mms (aus. pendant que) / toavold vty, échapper/releaserelichement sation 10.toallow sb topermetire cnde/tobe daring oser/ way fagon/ spectacularly ic. s/t go, ‘went, gone wrongimaltoumet. 1. to grow, grew, grown cl deveni popula folks sens/ [to] come tothe table parce joue/to ee, saw, Seenicconstater/ whale enter out / wide aste.divers/outthere ic qu exstet. VocABLEDU6ajande2022 «13 Société | Modesdevie 2 B2-C1 EET enon rirzsivons PUPPY HEIST Gare aux voleurs de chiots ! Depuis le début de la pandémie, la demande de chiots.a fortement ‘augmenté, probablement pour rompre la solitude des confinements ‘successifs. Ce phénoménen’a pas échappé a certains délinquants qui ont sutirer parti de cette nouvelle tendance: le vol et la revente de chiens explosent depuis plusieurs mois ! La vigilance est de mise pour les propriétaires. loved chocolate-brown dachshund, Luca, was | supply-chain de chsinectapprovisonnement/ Issue probleme tobe onsb'smindétre resent’ \esoitde aan beloved bien-aimé chocolate ‘brown couleur run chocolat / dachshund teckel / Upper West Side quartisrésidentelsfouest de ‘New York/Intaly au cepa ‘SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE We VoCABLED, 6avjrver202 2. The details ofthe heist, first reported by a Tcal news blog called the Upper West Side Rag, suggest the motive was money, which ‘would involve some calculus on the 2's part. Since the pandemic began, an imbalance of supply and demand has been bedevilling markets from Houndsditch (in England) t0 Dogtown (in Missouri) 3. The pooch pilfery occurred when de Grazia's partner, ‘whom she refused to name for reasons that will become apparent, tied Luca up out side a grocery store on Broad: way, a wide Parisian-style boulevard that is one of the City's busiest thoroughfares. Spotting an ‘opportunity (after all, dognapping is the ultimate crime of opportunity), the thief bd 2.helst (arg am) vl /toreport cou fg) /rag chitforcio.torchon, canard (fet fam pour désner Unjoural)/tolnvolve moter /ealeulusaicul/ thief cir / Imbalance déséqullbe/ supply ofte/ tobedevitperiuibe, 3. pooch-pitfery ol dechien (pooch toutou/ pltfery vol) / tote up attaches grocery store ice (US) Supermarchs/ busy animé. frequent thoroughfare avenue ate /tespot dct repre: dognapping = dog + kidnapping eieverentdechien ultimate keuaeal/ ery eure DOU Era Uy year-on-year CT) nabbed the pet and promptly began hunting for a buyer. 4 His first try, a shopkeeper a few doors down, was a bust. The canny clerk deduced that a random guy whose entire inventory consisted of a single, scared-looking dachshund was probably up to no good, and called de Gra zia, who contacted the police. ‘The thief had moved on swiftly. New York officers located Luca four days later inthe Bronx, with new own: fers who bought her for about $300 and fed her jam donuts. 5. This chain of events surprised de Grazia, especially because Luca was already seven, and her breed tends tolive only 12 t014 years. "My first supposition was that the person ‘tonabsemparerde chine /pet anima decompagrie /ghunt fr chaser recherche 4. shopkeeper commercant bust fsco/eanny ai intlignt/elerkempoy®/randomic sortie rullepart/seared-looking au a'r efayt/tobe ‘yp tonogood éparer unmauvaiscoup/tomove ‘on oursuie,continue/ swiftly rapidement / owner proprétae, matte /Jam cofture 5. breed ace. espéce/totendto avoir tenance a (énéralement)/ ‘face 2B 4 royenB2-1/ #4 ele CED whoid taken the dog was somebody who thought the dog was treated badly because she was left outside, the sort of egotistical person who thought she bea better owner” said de Grazia, on the phone from Tuscany (Ucould hear Luca barking in the back ground). 66. The thief didn't seem to be part of one of the “puppy stealing mafias” that sprang up earlier in the pandemic. “He would steal anything he could ~ nappies, bottle of soda, ‘a small dog..real dognappers are after pup: pies,’ said de Grazia, who picked up infor ‘mation about the crook from court filings and the local rumour mill. ll of which may be true ~ but hey, $300 for a seven-year-old dog that de Grazia originally bought for about $1500 from a “renowned breeder” is pretty respectable. 17. This story briefly went viral, and de Grazia told me she got emails from all over ‘Tuscany Toscane /tabark above background aie plan ford (sonore) ©. puppy tit /tospring, sprang, sprungup fare sonappattion/ nappy couche (ob) topickup se ‘rocwer/eroak esr, ou / eure) tbunal fling depot, déclaration (uorés instances juiiques) ‘rumour mill machine umevrs (it outin)/ renowned rcouté/ breeder teveur/ pretty assez “Tbrieftyrapderent / Q retrowvezpluscinfosdanslanewsletter Vocable the world and “scores of letters from little kids", Some congratulated her on Luca's recovery; others were “nasty” and advised her to “dump the guy” who dared to leave her wiener dog unat- tended. (True fact: the sau- sages were named after the dog, not the other way around; the meat treats ‘were first called “dachshund sausages") 8. It wasn’t until a couple of months after Luca was safe- ly home that dognapping stories flooded the media, instigated by the (= theft in Los Angeles of Lady Gaga's two French bulldogs (a breed worth up to $10,000 apiece) and the shooting of her dog walker in the chest. (Hie recovered, and Koji and Gustav were dropped off atthe police station after Gaga offered a $500,000 re- ward) Buttressing these stories atthe time ‘were statistics from outfits like Doglost, a British canine lost-and-found agency, which reported a 170% year-on-year in. crease in thefts. PUPPIES SHORTAGE ‘9, The trend made sense. Wild demand for pandemic puppies during lockdown had led toa shortage of dogs so extreme that shelters had as many as 50 owners vying fora single Pup. Combine that with pandemic-related conditions such as high unemployment and reduced foot traffic and you have a perfect, storm for dognapping, scores of unernutitude ce to congratulate élcter ‘recovery rcuperation/mastyméchant /toadvise Conseler/to dump plaque argues / todare ose se ‘equora/ unattended san: °urvellance/ treat fans, mets to flood onde envai/ to instigate nite, lancer/ tobe worth alo /toshoot, shot, shot ter sur/chest poitine/ to dropoff. depose / reward recompense /tobuttressétayesrenforcer/ outfit ‘organisation /lostand-found des obs towne i, derecherche de chiens garés/ year-on-year une année sur taute/ theft ol ‘trend tendance/ wild, demande) masive/ lockdown confinement /tolead, led led tocorduite ‘entanes/ shortage pénute/ shelter ab Structuefacuei/t le valser/ pupchiat/foot ‘traffic fouledespiétons/stormtempite 10. There's anecdotal evidence that the mutt market is now softening. Several pet-store owners told me that almost eve ryone who thought about getting a dog during lockdown has done it. And as of fices reopen, "some people are rethink: ing those pandemic puppies,” says ‘Mark Drendel of Canine Styles, a boutique in Manhattan where a cable-knit cashmere dog: Sweater costs $200. Neverthe- less, it'snotime to be careless with Fido ~ pandemic or not. “You wouldn’t leave your child out side tied up," said Drendel, “why would you leave your dog outside tied up?” © 10. evidence reve /mutt fam.) cabot /tosoften lcvalonts/ofie bureau /eable-knit 3 trsaces (10 rit kit, rt cote) / sweater pul-over/ nevertheless néanmoins careless neat. reals Vous tes ETUDIANT.E ‘en Marketing, Communication, Ventes. ‘Vousadorezlesmédias, lestangueset interational.. OT as Auseinduservicepubltédenotremagazne, ‘ous paticperez la commeralzation én hose Voeabl. Vous ver = mats les utils bureavtiques (Wierd Excel) voi unbon niveau Cangas (crt pate) © @re autonome, organist dotée d'un ‘excellent sens relationnel g jours 4 3 semaines| ets Adressez votre CV Cae ey ary VOCABLEDu62uI9 sever 2022 1S A museum in Washington DC, funded by the craft shop chain, Hobby Lobby, and dedicated to collecting ancient bible related artefacts, is suing Dirk Obbink, lec turer at the University of Oxford, famous for his work with papyrus, saying that 32 items it bought from him were stolen from the Egypt Exploration Society, which identified some as having come from its collection at Oxford. Hobby Lobby president Steve Green stated that, between 2010 and 2013, the chain paid about $7 million to Obbink for seven batches of antiquities, including ancient papyri with New Testament writings. scholar universitaire spite /tosteal, stole, stolen oer, decber raft atsanat/ chain. chine de ‘magasns/tobe dedicated to tredeced artefact obet(dinteréthistoriue]/ tosvepouruivreen ustce/ lecturer meitredecontérences/temartce/ taste dare / batch, ersembie Time zones are often political, Russia has Tland China only one (a decision by Mao Zedong in 1949 to inst unity). Moving clocks an hour forwardin the summer was mainly established during WWI, as Germany, Britain and France determined that anextra hour of daylightin the evening would make a saving ‘on coal. When the EUran a poll its early 5m responses resulted in over 80% wanting time-altemating scrapped. Many scientist think that changing the clocks messes with our circacian thythms. It is also believed that car accidents increase and productivity ees down, The EU decided to stop the unpopular practice from 2021, but the pandemic put that ‘onhold indefinitely (ste ‘timezone uscauhovaie /toinsttc ise (nsentientce) /tomove forward avance:/ mainly principalement, esentellement /saving écoomies/eoal carbon /EU= Eurepean Union torun, ran, run Icimener/polisondage/tascrapabanconnes, spprimer/ tomess with interferer avec peturber/toput, put, put onholdsuspencenterromgre. 16 + VocABLED. 6a 9jaer2022 ry QD ae ‘Aset of fossil footprints in Tanzania, previously thought tohavebeen made bbyabear havenowbeen found tobe oneof the oldest examples of upright walking nearly humans, Theste where fiveconsecutive footprints knownas“The Laetoli Footprints” were scoveredin 1970, was datedin previous studles more than three millon years ago, Whieearler researc found that some ofthese fossl footprints were made bya human ancestorhominin species. walking upright on twolegs about 26 millon years ago, the other marksin ‘nearby sites felinto obscurity asa few resembled bear prints footprint empreite/set ensemble/ bear u's / upright en oositoncebout Ic. laverticale early premiers /to date str, remontera/earler edcident/hominin Hominin(psimate simiformedela fare des Horns) / species espéce/markice/ nearby Proce. voisn/abscurty cl, anonymat TheBiitsh Red Crosshas ‘opened new museurmin {London showcasingits ‘moe thani50 year history fromitsbeganings n1870 upto today. Thecallecton ofhistorcal and contemporary items tells thestores ofits work heloing 200 nneed Some of theseltems inciydealampbelevedtohavebeen sed by Forence Nightingale olpainting ofa hospital cca 91, Chang) aut by intereesin CChangjal1942.anda doll made by asunivorof ‘Bergen-Belsen concentration camp 942. to showcase présente, expose /ebrea aux alentoursde vers /qulltcoxtepointe/ interme (eter /jallprison doll poupée Cy IN I Hii bes > (OmshiecCesstaneent ABLE Vocabulaire expressions et astuces pour parler comme un anglais... ‘AUGUSTIN HABRAN Lindustrie du cinéma analiza actoractress actevractrce lighting director chet éclavasiste audience pubic longshot siandiensemble award récompense means movers boom operator perciste moviecamera caméra catering sercerestauraion move, firn Cinema,movietheaterciné-na premiere avant premire (ueu) producer producteurproductrce clapperboard clan rolectionistprojectonniste tlose-medium shot plan Brop accessore amercain feel bobre bance close-up grospian reviewwcrtiue citiue colorizecolorser screen eran credits generque screening pjetion crew squpe screenplay scenario ene crtave (née) serptwriter scenarste ayfornight ruitaméicaine Sequence séavence rector relsateunrealsatice set pateau director of photography shooting, shoot tournage Srecteuidrectree sla ce peas Breton soundueck bore otgnale ates aa special effects ofetsspuciaux ddd ravet(mavvais fim) Seeger editingtable table demoniage Star sar vecete editor monteu.monteuse Sean tivaee extra figura fiewante ein eae fone eee ‘stuntman, stuntwoman faffer éciorogiste ‘aseageutcaseaseuse rant subvention subtitles soustives ap machinstecaméra success succes. tiomphe Intem stegiare supportingactor secondsdle leadingrole premier ole Bien entendu, Holly woods 'énicentrede industiedu cinéma amésicain. ny trowe es studios od sont tours lesplus grandes productions. est ‘aussi Hollywood qua leulacélebrecérémonie des Oscars Lindustrie du cinéma american est argement ominée parla quétede recettesimportantes. uss. leproducteuroccupeun éleprépondérant ddanslaréalsation dun fim. Leréalsateurestbien souvent contraint de faire des concessions et derespectrcetainesexgences du producteur rméme eles vont paroi encontrede intentonartistque intial. (Quelques éférences pourla classification ds fims aux Etats-Unis: G (General Audiences): grand public (Parental Guidance) :contréleparentalrequs (MIS: pusde'5 ans ‘MAIS: puso ans accompagné dun adulte (Restricted) :interdt aux moins de 8 ans b Retrouvezcette fiche de vocabulaire ve surleCD lecture et son commentaire sur apartiebasique du (CD conversation. CD audio ou téléchargement MP3, Dea Saal ‘film by Ken Loach. Un fimde Ken Loach, ‘The filmwasshot on location. Le filma été tournéen extérieu, Millions of ticketshave been sold for thisfilm. Cefma ait des milions entrées, ‘That'sa wrap. Cestdanslaboite. Lights,camera, action! Moteur. action! ‘The film features several award-winning actors. Plusiurs acteursrécompensésjovent dans cefilm. 10/1: code pour exprimer aumoyen du talkie-walkesurle plateau de tournage que fon sounaiteallerauxtollettes, yous Associez chacun deces films américains au genre quilui correspond: Die Hard ‘romance 2-Mulholland Drive b-horror 3-Bridesmaids biopic 4-Scream d-fantasy '5-Etemal Sunshine ofthe Spotless Mind e- thriller 6 Hidden Figures faction 7-TheLordof the Rings s-comedy 8 An inconvenient Truth hh-documentary worpuaetesiey:2e:e2:y1:SNOUMOS VOCABLE D620 )aner202 «¥7 PRATICABLE / Grammaire JOAN GREENWOOD. Révisions Petite révision de début d’année basée sur les points de grammaire traités dans les numéros de Vocable depuis septembre 2021 (N° 854 a 861) Complétez avec used to (+ infinitif), used to (+gérondif) ou used (+substantif), usually, usual, ‘ouuseful et le verbe proposé entre parentheses. T. They have already annmnenonn all the supplies. (use) 2TH convene the same company but they haveboth left ‘now. (work) 3.Doctors and nurses are. inlonghours. (work) 4, YOU SOON neering on your Own. (get/ve) 5.We dot nnnnnnehilren under. (accept) 6.Youright this... (find) 7:Shallwe At the anne thme? (meet) sunyensn ote 090 zmpasnsta uy 9 90 -Agenss Bano posn 8» Suyson Fes aF'E YON PAS 72501SNOLLMOS 6 Les fauxamis. ‘Traduisez ces phrases en faisant attention aux motsengras. 1 était ts compréhensit. 2. est vraiment tres sympathique. 3.Elleest tres sensible. 4. Onpourait éventuellement se voir vended “ope ju0 wou sdeyed nO any aysastiansas'¢ Aan ares 2 BupuesiepUN ABN Se a 1SHOMLTIOS 8 Corrigez ces phrases. 1 She asked tohimto help. 2.He told ther toreect the of. 3.Hehadhissuitdry-clean, 41Uhave togot another key cut. ofa move ison one 7 aueer-Lip ssiypeyay ayo a4 235101 24a BOI paAE aus SNOUT. 6 Marquez les phrases de [A] 8 [E] selon les ‘catégories suivantes: TA] unconsel [8] ce qu'il faut faire oune pas faire [C] un reproche [D] une conséquence logique [E] une déduction | They shouldbe thereby now. Theyset offeaty enough. 1 2.You should feel better when you've finished the antibiotics. [ ] 3. Youshould't use that kind language. {] 4 Youshouidhave old the manager you were leaving eal [] 5. Youshould/ovght tosee adactor.[] ‘ys97 9 ae-a:snoumos 18 VOCABLE 6.1 9janir2022 Retrouvez Yves Cotten oe Mémes consignes que lexercice 4. [A] une habitude dans le passé [B] un souhait [C] une proposition [D] unconseil [E] une référence 1.Would you like me to help you? [1 2.Iwould seeadoctorifi wereyou. 3.1'drather you didnt tellanyone.[ ] 4.Lwould tke black coffee. [] S.1wouldstudy forhours.{ ] WS'Gr 3¢02 2:sNoUMOS. Formez des mots composés exprimant une activité en utilisant la forme “ing” des verbes proposés. toclean tosearch tomake tothreaten togive tite OU an supra. os -Auunyong ay Soueap-hp Buns BuyeUoX:SNOUMOS / Prononciation & Orthographe @ ssoxtez.n question tae" pour former des phrases interrogatives. 1. Youare coming, - 2. She has been invited, eo Complétez chaque phrase avec le verbe ‘to play’ correctement conjugué. tennis yesterday. 1st sports in my lifetime. 3, She isn'tcoming, 4, Theyhaven't been invited... 5. They love going to parties, 6. You forgot to invite John, rokaupp'9 fa 3200'5 Hou any SYSSNE ZNSE cROK 8. SNOUMOS _tennisall morning. tennis when they called. ~ already finished sm fr over three hours when they arrived, When they arrived. kd wag peu 9 Baked Pays pane poy sks sony Buys sag any ate? ale SNOUMOS, Soignez votre orthographe Q sientictters Dans chaque mot nous avons supprimé la lettre que 'on n’entend pas. Essayez delesremettrea leurplace. ehhhwwwwgggppu anser nome neumonia eirloom surgon ourly biscit rangler playrit poinant sord salm rest os weutod auaheaBuen "yrose firey wots wooyay euoUnauM auoL8soNsUe:SNOLIMOS © rendeztoreite Lisez\e texte ahaute voix et soulignezles accents toniques. Pour vous aider, nous|'avons fait sur les quatre premiers mots. Everyone knows the Eskimos have dozens, ifnot hundreds, of words for snow because of theirintimate knowledge oftheir environment. Except that everyone cannot “know” this, because knowledge requires a statement to be true. n fact, the Eskimo snow story Isa factoid, a word coined by Norman Mailer fora fun, roughly fact-shaped object that is ‘notin fact, a fact—in the same way a “spheroid” is not uitea sphere. buds nb 2 pos NaS 28) 18) 20 >agD pads AT Uy LEON pou'pr oe) ns mous oun PM uOUNS sO HpO}HDLY ADL, YOULE)BUOKNAS "yet ueuvesoua'Speyrouysieunul mus Spm spouy'suzop suns} sy avOG8N}:SNOUMOS. Retwuverbeaucoun plus eericesde irate Sormopopteceancitire Eircotesdnavesternenet! VoCABLEDUbauianier202 #19 PRATIC’ABLE / Vocabulaire Jeux de mots Liez les ‘phrasal verbs’ de la colonne A avec leur définition dans la colonne B. un 8D um 9 saa ¥0"eD Boe: SNOUMTOS eo Passez du premier mot au dernier mot en changeant une seule lettre ala fois. ‘WIND HIDE make oneselfnot visible — atthe top, not the bottom = location whathe/shedoeson a chair ‘groups of similar objects — perceives with theeyes ‘SEEK ‘tolook for 15 soe. 5 9p a / pun’ aUp B52 nN SHOMLTOS eee tagetet Anew year, new hopes une nouvelle année, de nouveaux espoirs If youare feeling blue sivous avez lecafard If youare sick and tired of the pandemic and the cold wet winter sivous enavezassez de fa pandémie et de hive froidet hummide If youare fed up to the back teeth sivousen avez vraiment marre Remember souvenez-vous Just look on the bright side of life regardezle bon cbté des choses Every cloud has asilver ining € quelque chose malheurest bon Happy New Year to youall!! Bonne année tous !! sur Rewer eauecuppus exerts de arene deropeprectan cite Eintlessnavestentemet! Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : A la boucherie 20 VOCABLE D6.a1janir2022 = People take to the mountains fora ski break A Kashmir resort is welcoming the highest number of skiers in decades as Indians, eager to get outdoors after lockdowns, flock there despite a simmer- ing separatist movement and a security clampdown. “I wanted to throw away my mask and wear my skis,” said Ms. Khan, an avid downhill skier. “There was only one place on my mind: Gulmarg” Gulmarg is one of Asia's largest and highest ski resorts, for skiers drawn to perfect powder, cheap hotels, breathtaking views and the feeling of an island of peace inside an of- ten restive territory. totake took, taken tole, chasse tourer vers /resotstaton (sports dive tobe eagertoasster’/ outdoors estéreur ara aekdown-oneert to flock tv onvren-mae/ simmerng\ter./ {tamedownrésesson/tothrow, threw, thrown away ee edéarassr ce/tadownhlskfare cus alan tobe drawn tote atrs sect par breathtaking oust restive caf. | f BApresidential | election “The termof the incumbent president of italy. Sexgio Mattarlia, expieson February 3rd and hehas repeatedly ruled outan extension, Theracetosucceed him snow dominating lian pubic life. Thought to be one of the possible contenders is 5 year-old Sivio Berlusconi ofthe partyForza tala Anotheriscurent Prime Minister, Maro Dragh, guarantor to Brussels. if ‘neatly voteisheldcurent pols suggest the ‘cutcome willbe a cclton dorinated by two partes, Brothes of tly with neo-fascistootsand the populstNorthem League, ‘term andat incumbent (set) sortant/torvleout excl ater (ig) / racecourse (larésidence)/ ‘ontendercaceal cure uarantor a / ‘earlyanicoé/tohold eld held, organse pol sondage 4 /euteometsve,éutat/otracne:creotsore. @ ™™" War relics and remains Formorethan7S yearsafte the Battle of Biakended, coletorsarstilfndingremnantscf the ight, and Us authorities arehaping to bring closure to families, ofsoldersstll missing “Peoplecallm=Dog Tagan’ said berth Wakum, “Tpresenvethe evidence of Fistoryandkeept fom pershing” Theislando Bak, was thescene of afrce World Warlbattleas Gen, Douglas Macarthur campaigned totakebackthe \westem Pacific from Japanese forces. There were ‘thousands f casualties onboth sides, Theremainsof ‘about 80 American soldiers who ced nthe iting ‘on Biakhaverneverbeen recovered, remains estes vestiges /ellectorcollectonne/ remnants ests cequ subsistece/tobring, ‘brought, brought closure. groposr un epilogue / missing dispar) /topreserveconsever/ evidence ree()/flerce roe violent /gen= General /*0 ‘campaignenescampagne sebatte/casualty Vctne/ torecaver ere Wi Miner and poet More than three decades after scribbling is fest poemasa teenagerinthe mountansof northern (China, Chen Nanxisvingaliterary dream Hehas published two cially acclaimed books of poetry ‘anda bookof essays ToLiveis to Shout atthe Sky. Heisaso the subject of adocumentarycalledboth “The Verse of Us and ron Moor Sil he often finds hisjoy tempered witha sense ofaienation.“Icait completelyleave behind myold fe Heused tobea minerin gold, tonand nc mines across China. HS poems speak ofthe oneness ofthe mines the ‘deaths offllow workers andthe dstancebetween mademlfeandhs work underground toscribblegrfones/crtcallyaclaimedsalvépara clque/ to shout hurr /Ion er/ tempered, ond, made sense sensaten emreson /used ‘tosarté marqueracistnctonentelepasséetepresnt, lodquercvne actonpasste est plus dactualté/ ‘crass. onpeupatouten/ loneliness sotue/ fellow workercolése/ underground sustere VocasLenu6jnde2022 «21 sy (Gepontbocmeanes) Economie EIS, ROYAUME-UNI | > B2-C1 Creare (EEE ew wooocock AUTHORS WARN OF INDUSTRY COLLAPSE WITH PROPOSED COPYRIGHT CHANGES Lacolére gronde dans le monde de 'édition britannique. Dans le cadre du Brexit, Downing Street envisage de mettre en place un régime qui permettrait aux ceuvres c'étre réimportées au Royaume-Uni sans avtorisation. De grands noms de lalittérature anglaise se mobilisent et demandent au gouvernement de conserver le systéme européen. estselling writers including Hilary Mantel and William Boyd have is: sued a stark warning that the UK book in dustry faces collapse if “disgraceful” post Brexit changes to copyright rules, being considered by the government, go ahead. tossve ance / stark sevire, séveux/ disgraceful onteux/ rule real /to consider envisager/ to go, went, goneahead avancer ic, etreadopte 22» VOCABLEDU Savjanver202 ‘The double Booker-winning Wolf Hall ‘author said proposals to tear up the Europe- ‘wide regime were “deeply concerning” and ‘would risk a flood of cheap imports, dam- age the livelihoods of up-and-coming tal ent, and cramp the innovation that drives oker or trae cr en1968 qui écompense de ition écis enanglas/ Wolf Hall (VE) Dans tmbre des Tudors /totear up rire en pices il suparimer,mettreun terme 3/ Europe Wide ercpéen / concerning préoccupant inquétant flood aux / cheap 2bas ix /todamage nice ‘livelihood rend / up-and-coming qu monte rometteur/toerampentraver/todrive, drove, ‘riven, fare tourer faremarchr. the 3.4bn UK publishing industry and provides stories and ideas for film and TV. [New figures from the Publishers’ Associa tion, seen by The Independent, suggest that asmuch as 64 per cent of revenue from books = some £2.2bn each year - is at risk if a sys tem of so-called “international exhaustion” is adopted, with authors and illustrators potentially losing income totalling 506m bn billion iliac /to provide our fr igure hire / so-called dénommeé appelé/ ‘exhaustion puiserent («i des rots) Income (sourcede)revenu/ ‘face 2B 4 royenB2-1/ #4 ele CED @ Taéchargeztappt vocable offerte &nosabonnés! annually and job losses running into the tens of thousands. 4, Any Human Heart author Boyd said that Boris Johnson ‘ofall people’ asa published author - should understand the danger. "The fact that the government of Great Britain ~ a nation whose artistic glory is its literature - ‘may seek to undermine the conventions that guard copyright is both utterly disgraceful and almost beyond credence, hesaid 5. "This attempt to deny, or subvert, or water down these hhard-fought-for rights of intel- lectual property must be ada- mantly opposed. It will bea MUL EWuiteg covert licence for piracy and theft Shameon ny pan aoa pbag who advocates the opposite” MAC CUT 6. Launching a consultation {nto the replacement of the copyright system used by the UK under the EU, business secretary Kyvasi Kwarteng said Brexit allowed the UK to devise a new regime as a “stand-alone sovereign nation’ ‘STOCK BOUGHT IN BULK 7. An international exhaustion scheme ~ similarto that operated by countries such as, ‘New Zealand - would allow the sale in Brit ish shops of identical books imported from ‘overseas, potentially cutting prices for con- sumers, said Mr Kwarteng's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (GEIS) ina paper settingout the four options com the table ‘torun,ran,runintoicl sechifiera 4. Any Human Heart (VF) Alvre overt /toseek, sought, sought cheer ()/to undermine mines, Soper / to guard préserver/ utterly absoluent/ beyond credence inconcevabe 5.attempt tentative / to subvert subvert bouleverser/to water down diver /to fight, ‘ought, fought forsebatte pour i hard-fought- fordutement acquis / adamantly atégoriquement / covert gui licence autoisaton/ theft vl / shame honte/ te advocate auton jx. 6.tolauneh ancer/ business secretary ecrétare tat auxAffaes /toallow permetie /todevise concevo laborer stand-alone autonome. independant. 7L.scheme ssiéme to operate fnctionner ic appliques overseas (ie }étranger/tocut,cut, ‘ut réduire/consumer consommateur /ta set, et, setout presenter Circ ns 8. At present, authors are able to sell territo rial rights for their works, allowing different publishers to make them available indifferent parts of the world at prices tailored to local markets. 9. Ditching the copyright protection that allows publishers to sell books exclusively in the UK would allow internet based retail: 18 to flood the market with stock bought in bulk from countries such as India, where a large Eng- lish-language readership buys books at a third of the price paid in Britain, ex- plained the chief executive of the Publishers’ Associa- tion, Stephen Lotinga. 1. Branding the proposals “deeply alarming’, he told ‘The Independent that they ‘would force many UK pub- lishers out of business and threaten the emergence of future Hilary Mantels and JK Rowiings as, cash-strapped companies lose the ability to takea risk on developing new talent. FEWER... ‘."This country is fortunate to have many of the world’s greatest literary talents producing books that entertain and inform readers across the globe,’ said Mr Lotinga. "These measures ‘would inevitably mean fewerbooks, produced by fewer authors, for fewer readers. 12. “The entire model rests on being able to invest in new voices. Inthe English-speaking market globally, we are largely competing with books from the US, and the British in- dustry punches well above our weight. We 8. works ceves/avallable accessible, disponible /totailor adapter 9.todlteh abandonne /retaler distribute, ‘vendeur /to flood ic, inonder, envi in buen {105 en grandes quaniies/ chief executive deecteu. 10. tobrand quaifer (de) /tothreaten menace, compromette/ cash-strapped en dificult financiée/ ability capaci, possibile. ‘Ta fortunate chanceux /toentertain vert. ‘2. torest on eposer sur, dépendre de / globally dans le monde /to compete been concurrence / ‘topunch above one's weight ctrirnpliqus dans tune actvté qu nécessitedavantage de pouvoir ou «argent concurrencer sans en avo laréelle ‘capaci joverdans la courdes srands/ are very concerned that this proposal would see the English-language business gravitate more towards the States, making it more difficult for writers from the UK to reach audiences.” PRECARIOUS LIFE 1. And he sad there would be knockon dam- age farbeyond the book market:“Film, theatre and TV are very reliant on the publishing industry forinvestmentin original creativity and storytelling. huge number of bestselling films come from books” 14, Ms Mantel said she was “deeply concerned” by the threat to the current copyright and intellectual property regime. 15. “Most writers live and earn precariously, even with the protections now in place” she said, ‘Their original creative work, however ‘humbly rewarded, underlies a major industry and feeds our cultura life asa nation. This is not the time to strip away protection to their livelihood’ @ toreach atteinde, toucher tig) / audience pubic: icklecteus, 13. knock-on damage réercussons. consequences / far beyond bien av-delace / theatre. cinéma / tobereliant on depencte de / huge tes rac. V4. current actu 15.toeam gagner (save) /torewar récompense/ toundertie, tay tain soutenit, re 8 la base de/ to feed, fed, fed nour, alimenter /t0 strip away suppime,mettrefna VOCABLEDU62uI5jnier022« 23 | Politique ETATS-UNIS / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE [i | > A2-B1 TES MCCLURE BIDEN'S NEW al Boots de cow-boy et cravate texane:sises goits vestimentaires sortent del'ordinaire, ‘Tom Udall entend bien faire meilleure impression que son prédécesseur au poste d'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Nouvelle-Zélande. 'ami de longue datede Joe Biden a donné, lors dessa premiare conf érence de presse, laliste des sujets surlesquels. ilsouhaite se concentrer durant son mandat. lad in the cowboy boots and tur

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