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Talento, Ashlee A.

GAS 11

Organization and Management

Module 4: Forms and Economic Roles of Business Organizations

1. Cooperative
2. Hybrid business

3. Corporation

4. Business

5. Sole Proprietorship

6. Service Business

7. Partnership




Activity #1 – Picture Identification as to What Type of Business

1. Manufacturing business
2. Services Business

3. Hybrid Business

4. Service Business

5. Merchandising business

6. Service Business

7. Manufacturing business

Activity #2 – Business Ownership Identification

1. Cooperative
2. Sole Proprietorship
3. Corporation

4. Partnership
5. Corporation

Practice Task 1

1. Business

2. Hybrid business

3. Merchandising business

4. Service Business

5. Cooperative

6. Sole Proprietorship

7. Partnership

Practice Task 2

1. Manufacturing

2. Cooperative

3. Hybrid

4. Partnership

5. Merchandising

6. Corporation

7. Service

Post Test

1. A
2. A

3. D
4. B

5. C

6. D
7. A

8. C

9. A


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