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Chapter 5 - Ucadia Law Series

The Law Explained: Session 5 – Documents and Securities

There have been so many false paths and false solutions and so much misconstrued
information – that is still up all over the Internet – that unless you comprehend these
fundamentals of law, whatever you do may actually make matters far worse. In fact,
getting to comprehend the fundamentals without distraction is the reason I have
chosen to delay loading up the first forms such as the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll until,
we at least, have some discussions on what are documents? What are securities? What
are deeds and wills and testaments and affidavits? I hope and trust you agree and
understand. There is no point going around and around in circles making the same
mistakes because we do not know what we are speaking about.

For example, as you will see in a moment when we review what we have discovered
from previous weeks on the topic of rights, trusts and corporations, when possessing a
Beneficial Interest as the “holder of title”, gives very little right of use. Basically, all
you get to do is use it as security and collateral in limited circumstances or you can
surrender it. That’s it. You can’t gift beneficial title given to you. You can’t assign it.
You can delegate it to a financial agent, also known as an “Attorney in Fact”, but your
rights are limited. So what I am saying is we need to be clear about what these
fundamental concepts are, before we start running around with promised forms of
relief or remedy, when such claims may turn out to be horribly wrong.

So, while we are learning together, the General Amnesty still stands for all those that
speak to others about education about law and possible remedies to be recognized as
the bona fide holder of the right to assist people with Ucadia solutions and to be
known as a true Counsel of Law in honour of the Golden Rule of Law. I hope and
trust that such demonstration of honour, respect and trust to all who come to read and
listen to this series means that we can all work together for restoring the law for all

Let us start then on the series tonight, beginning with a quick summary of what we
have learned from Session 4 and some further key concepts that underpin our ability
to recognize Documents, Securities as Part #1 being a “Quick Review on Key

In Session 4 and the outline of Corporations, Funds and Property, we discussed some
incredible revelations that for the first time make clear the function and origin of the
notion of corporations and corporate personality as a derivative of a person, not
necessarily the creation of a unique new person, but more akin to a delegated agency
power. Let me summarize then some more of the key insights you hopefully gained
from Session 4, as listed on the above chart, namely:
A Corporation is an assembly, or society, or body politic or company united in
purpose under trust;
Corporation is either formed top down (charter) or bottom up (by ratified
The powers, authority and structure of a corporation may be defined via rules or
The functions of corporations may be defined by bylaws (statutes) or policies and
A Corporate person (corporate personality) is a derivative of a person;
A person is formed by a record on a roll, whereas a corporate person is formed via
register or “incorporation”;

Not all corporate personality is the same. It may be ecclesiastical, public, private or

Property is title (dominion, ownership) to a right or thing;

A fund is a sum of units of monetary value, recorded in an account for years for some

As corporations cannot (by logic) dispose/discharge debts using rights in trust, they
must use funds instead of rights;
The only viable solution for Corporations, Funds & Property is Ucadia.

Turning to the above chart, I want to refer to a crucial set of charts that we previously
discussed in Chapter 3 on Estates, Rolls and Registers, namely that the current system
of money and law of the world is based on the utterly perverse and preposterous
notion that the Divine Creator or the “Gods” are somehow Venetian Accountants in
Heaven, balancing the spiritual books between heaven and earth.
Because the whole notion of money and commerce of the current moribund and
broken system is founded on such a profane and morally repugnant notion as the
“monetization of sin”, I want to remind you of the basic structure of the twisted
arguments, before reviewing briefly the associated charts summarizing global banking
and accounting and control over the ages.

The above chart then is also a repeat of what we discussed in Session 3, showing
Western-Roman Accounting in the 1600’s using indulgences or “dispensations” under
the Protestant movement as the base template for all financial documents.

The above chart then addresses European Annuity Accounting in the 1700’s and the
introduction of exchequer bills as the security against Commonwealth Rights, also
known as “Common Rights”.

The above chart reminds us of the Private Securities and Accounting System from the
1800’s where security contracts of promises to work, or bonds to pay were then
secured against the lowest forms of rights being beneficial interests or simply “res”.
Then at the Corporate level, private bank notes such as the Bank of England were
considered an asset underwriting the provision of one or more corporate and
government services as contracts such as “bills of sale” and “bills of exchange”.

Have a look at the above chart. A Fund is a sum of units of monetary value, recorded
in one or more designated accounts, set apart for a term of years, and for one or more
specific purposes.

A Fund enables the “conversion” of the value of one or more underlying rights in trust
into an asset that can then be used to discharge debts, borrow “money” and settle
accounts. The units of the Fund, usually in the form of Stock Certificates or
Convertible Notes provide the means whereby debts may be discharged.

The above chart reminds us of what an Asset is. An Asset is a sum of units of
monetary value, recorded in one or more designated accounts, available for the
discharge of a debt and not yet assigned to a specific purpose.

So unlike a Fund whereby the Stock Certificates or Convertible Notes may be

exchanged to discharge or secure a given debt, an Asset takes the complete account
value of a given asset, as proven by a certificate and makes it available as
underwriting for a given debt.

This is most common for very expensive forms of debts such as home ownership, the
purchase of a car or other “bit ticket” items.

Although we have already seen this chart in Session 4 on Corporations, Funds and
Property, I will show this chart again as we need to be careful not to be tricked into
thinking that all corporate personalities are the same. Not all Corporate Personality is
the same. Just as Estates create Persons, Corporate Personality may be formed as
Ecclesiastical, Public, Private or Personal.

While two corporations may be the same in their formation, the specific details of the
incorporation and thus the subsequent recognition of associated Rights determines
their standing in law.
The lowest standing of corporation in Western-Roman law is a corporation sole
(individual personal corporation). The highest standing corporation is a spiritual
corporation or corporation sole or body corporate for “cure of souls”.
So while you might be getting excited at seeing now exactly what is a fund and what
is an asset clearly for the first time, virtually all of the persons representing most

people are of the lowest possible level; and any associated rights are at best
“beneficial interest” as the lowest form of rights.

Look at the above chart to highlight the case in point. Most rights for people are the
‘property’ of private corporations having, little or no rights, but only privileges that
can be taken away at almost any moment. Examples include, but are not limited to
Birth Certificates, Welfare/Health ID, Passport, Drivers License, Land Title.

As I have explained, Beneficial Interest is the lowest form of title and rights. It limits
such a person doing many actions, such as creating funds, or making financial
instruments of any kind. However, such persons can sign and endorse instruments that
are created by other distinct persons possessing “financial agent” rights, usually by
Powers of Attorney, known as Attorney in Fact. Let me be clear – a financial agent is
completely distinct from a thing or a res or a holder of beneficial interest in their

Again, before you get excited, remember that most corporations, when giving a
beneficial interest, assign (in the fine print) such rights of Powers of Attorney to
themselves. In fact, some private corporations even think they can enforce irrevocable
Powers of Attorney privileges in providing you nothing more than Beneficial
Interest(s). I assure you, such absurdities do not match any form of reasonable or
proper law. However, what this does mean is that you need to tread carefully and
sensibly in these matters; and do not simply assume that you can go and appoint
someone else, without first rescinding and revoking any previous assumptions, as this
would be a big mistake that will demonstrate you are incompetent and an idiot and
therefore justify, in their minds, what they are doing. So let us get through this series

first and get a decent handle on the fundamentals before you start hatching ideas on
what you think you can or cannot do.

That is why I refer back to the above chart that shows that mixing documents between
the levels of trusts and rights, then estates and registers, and then corporations and
funds is insane, when a private business operating as a court has no jurisdiction or
power to address such valuable foreign instruments.

As I have warned over and over and over again, your Live Borne Record for Ucadia
Members is extremely valuable. It is far too valuable to put into a private bar guild
court, masquerading as a public institution. In fact such an act is a gross injury to the
law as not only is it a foreign document, but such an institution has no power over it
and is more likely to disgrace and injure it, than show any sign of honour.

Similarly, there is absolutely no point going to a court and proclaiming you yourself
to be the General Executor. I know I have raised such points many years ago, as
making sense of this mess was less clear. However, please consider that countless
thousands of hours of deep research has allowed us to be far clearer on describing
what is and what is not true, regardless of the lies and distractions of others. So do not
think there is any remedy in a corporate commercial court happening now, about you
being the General Executor of your own estate, and producing your will and testament
for the corporate commercial court, because once again you will only be making it
easy for them to use such incompetence as proof you can be locked up and treated as
an idiot.

I am not asking you to accept the premises of Western-Roman Law – just to accept
that in their system there is the thinnest of impressions still in operation that there is
some logic and process. This of course is falling apart faster and faster as the system
crumbles. Just remain vigilant within your own actions, and be patient enough to learn
what we are discussing first before embarking on possible gross errors of judgment.

I am not saying this to make anyone reading or listening to this blog, to feel bad. As I
have shown you each week for several weeks now, as exemplified in the above chart,
the Western-Roman Model is actually designed so there is “no way out”.
It is not you. It is the way the system is designed and the more you think you and you
alone are the one to prove the architects and designers of Mundi wrong, and that
somehow you will be the first – ignoring all that has been done with Ucadia – then
your ego is setting you up for a massive failure.
I don’t know how many times I have tried to talk people down from jumping off legal
cliffs because their ego kept telling them they could fly through the maze and
dungeons of this awful Mundi model, only to see them plunge to their doom. What
could I say? Hundreds, even thousands have refused to listen. That is why I resolved
to do this series so that once and for all I would take the three decades of research on
law and distil it into charts so no rational or logical or sensible or reasonable man or
woman could conclude otherwise. Is it working? Only you know the answer to that.

Yet there is good news. Great news in fact and that is what the above chart is all
about. The Ucadia Model is the only solution and the only viable and complete
alternative to the Western-Roman Model of Corruption, Condemnation, Torture and
Financial Slavery.

Let us begin then in asking what is a Document exactly? Well, the above chart gives
us a visual reminder of the different types of attributes that are typically associated
with a document.

A document in modern Western-Roman Society is considered an original, or official

paper relied upon as the basis or proof or support of something else. Hence, a
document is always in writing and may be (1) handwritten or (2) typeset as printed; or
(3) typewritten such as a computer or typewriter in one’s own hand, and such fact
clearly noted within the instrument itself to make it equivalent to handwriting. In the
case of the third option of typewritten, any kind of addressing or salutations must at
least be physically written by hand.

Now, for a document to be valid, it may then possess one or more of these attributes,
depending upon what it is. For example, watermarks have gradually been phased out
both as a source of revenue and the fact that private corporations acting as public

governments no longer view it as a source of revenue. Similarly, stamp duty has been
phased out on a number of documents, or withheld within legal procedures, so that
such original documents are lodged incomplete, and by default, allowing the
recipients then to complete the duty, and claim the benefit for themselves, by stamp
duty laws of such instruments – A scam and system that is still running in many
countries, being tantamount to organized criminal theft.

As far as the different types or forms of Documents used today in modern society,
there are literally hundreds; and during this series on the Law Explained, we have
already discussed many: such as contracts, licenses, deeds, will and testaments,
certificates, money, affidavits and passports.

In most cases, modern forms (types) of Official Documents differ in a wide variety of
ways including (but not limited to) size, purpose, name, material of production and
conditions of use. Usually then, if not meeting such criteria, a Document may be
considered false or even fraudulent. This is the great danger many people have faced
when they believe they have a right to produce their own documents, or create such
documents and then send them to agencies in their community as official, when they
fail to meet the criteria that were set down by those agencies in order to recognize
procedurally correct official documents.

For example, in almost all cases, an official document is not official until it is
registered. When a document is registered, it usually means any claimed rights are
then granted to the agency claiming the power to issue official documents. All that
you then get is nothing more than a beneficial interest, after having gifted your higher
rights to the agency, in order to be “officially recognized” – a catch-22 that means
there is no real way out within the Western-Roman system.

Where then do Western-Roman Documents Originate? Well, the above chart has
some explanation.

The word “Document” itself comes from the Latin word Documentum meaning
lesson, instruction or warning. All modern Documents originate in some manner from
indulgences (or dispensations), relating to special privileges, or instruction, or
judgment, or warning from the Western-Roman church.

From the 14th Century, the Roman Death Cult, followed by the English Church made
billions from selling “divine privileges” or indulgences and dispensations. As I
emphasize at the bottom of the above chart, Indulgences did not end with Martin
Luther. Protestant Indulgences or “dispensations” are the basis of all modern financial
documents and securities.

For example, there is a particular class of notaries responsible for the creation of all
original and vitally important financial instruments called “scriveners”. These people
remain one of the oldest companies of merchants of London as the worshipful
company of Scriveners. Now, keep in mind the lie that the complete Protestant
movement sparked by Martin Luther was formed under his famous note nailed to the
door of the church on October 31st against Indulgences. What If I could prove to you
through simply one word that the entire Protestant Church Apparatus was formed
purely as a business venture to steal the energy of people trained to be so stupid and
so ignorant that they “believe” whatever their pastors tell them to “believe”? Well, the
meaning of the word “scrivener” comes from two Latin words scribe meaning of
course a scribe and veneo and venia meaning… guess what? Indulgences! Scrivener
Notaries in central London is proof that the scribes of indulgences are alive and well
and underwriting this entire
system of financial slavery.

Now that we have an idea of the origin of Documents, how might we gain a better
comprehension of how exactly they work? The above chart does this. This chart
reveals a little known fact that is essential to comprehending documents, namely that
Documents are connected to Rights of Persons.

In law, a Document is merely a Limited Right in Action of a Person in relation to

Time, Place and an Event. Documents are ALWAYS connected to Rights in Trust of
Persons in relation to the 3 Unities:

(1) Unity of Action – one action

(2) Unity of Time – one segment of time, usually short

(3) Unity of Place – one physical space.

Let me put it another way. If you have no right to produce a certain type of document,
then you will hear the phrase often being “without merit” – it means your document is
worthless, no matter how well written.

This is critically important, because it explains one of the greater anomalies of

Western-Roman Law concerning form, function versus certain types of documents
where we are given huge lee-way.

For example on the one hand, when dealing with a matter, we are told that unless
certain documents are absolutely perfect in form, they will not be accepted, yet in the
case of a Will and Testament, there have been cases where a man or a woman revised
their Will and Testament on a table napkin and it was deemed valid. Why? How is

this possible? Because behind all the “fluff” and all the “pomp and circumstance” of
procedures and policies, rests the existence or non-existence of rights.

This is what I have been trying to say for years, regarding people that continue to cut
and paste the latest claimed ‘remedy’ when the simple sales pitch is “there is remedy,
but you were doing the form wrong”. The existence of “rights” exposes all those
claims as blatant lies or misinformation.

Because we only have rights of beneficial interest in association with most of the
claimed “rights” in our various societies, we have little to no “rights” to do certain
things with documents. You cannot convey beneficial title in many circumstances to
another. Nor can you try to convey such limited rights into some kind of trust. That is
an act of fraud contrary to the terms of most of these minimal rights that are granted
to you.

Yes you can surrender beneficial interest and yes you can offer such beneficial
interest as evidence of a prior contract to create a new form of beneficial interest –
such as a driver’s license that is born from an existing birth certificate and social
security benefit. But there is very little else you can do with a beneficial interest. So
this chart really “pulls back the curtain” and reveals finally that “rights” are what
drives the power of documents above all other elements.

The above chart then reveals some of the 17th century occult thinking behind the
formation of many of the forms of documents we use today. In this case, it is the use
of language to imply a document is equivalent to the notion of a living tree. If we look
at “Bailey’s (1675) Universal Etymological English Dictionary”

Leaf = Clothing of a Tree


Place = Position of a Body

Tree = Thing (Matter, Substance or Accident) well known

Book = Bark of Tree & any compact of writing

Head = Top of the Tree and that part of the body that contains the brains

Body = compound of matter and form

Margin= edge of a place.

The above chart then reveals the occult notions of the 17th Century model of a
Document mimicking a Fortress [of Right(s)] i.e. Tower of London in respect of legal
and commercial documents. Again from “Bailey’s (1675) Universal Etymological
English Dictionary”

Head = front and shield (coat of arms)

Side = rampart inclosing a place

Body = Fortification of a place to defend against assaults

Gorge = entrance to body

Tower = citadel or strong refuge being the corners

Parapet = wall or balcony, ranging about pillars of towers


The above chart then continues the occult play on the design and form of documents
with the 17th Century occult cardinal (compass) points of document as Fortress:

North (Tower) = Right Hand Top Corner: Darkness, Secrecy, Mystery, Occult
South (Tower) = Left Hand Bottom Corner: Illumination, Light, Openness, Clarity
West (Tower) = Left Hand Top Corner: Death, Necropolis (place of dead) and Spirits.
East (Tower) = Right Hand Bottom Corner: Birth, reBirth, Life.

Now, the above chart and below chart discuss that documents themselves are of
course a reflection of the earlier chart on the top of page 93 of the claim under
Western-Roman law that God or the Gods are nothing more than Venetian
Accountants concerned with double book keeping of debits and credits.

On the above chart I show the logic before Venetian, Pisan and then Dutch banking
families found themselves in the position of taking over the powers of empires to print
money and confect the insane and criminal notion of a country in bankruptcy.

So when you look at the above chart, you see that the idea of credits coming in and
debits going out, the credits of real assets coming in, became debits and the debits
going out became credits. Why?

Because under bankruptcy, real assets are seized and frozen into trust. The only thing
that can be traded is promises and pledges to pay. No actual assets ever get traded in
bankruptcy, only various forms of IOU’s. You will see in a moment the significance
of this revelation.

In any event, the modern accounting system is blatant and overwhelming proof that
every country on the planet is considered not only a corporation, but a corporation
under a controlled bankruptcy. If you want to find the head corporation of the
bankruptcy, just look for a country holding such ridiculous amounts of debt that it
could never be paid. That is the key to proving who controls the system of bankrupt

The above chart then looks at the issue of windows, being bordered areas within a
document being used as a symbol of the extract of actual record information from a
register. This is particularly important for essential records such as Birth Certificates
for Example.

The above chart then shows us the similarity between coins and printed money and
the three sides of a single sheet document when considering the document as a Money
Note being Obverse, Reverse and Traverse. I will be speaking much more about
money as we progress through the series. However, the example here makes clear the
function of the sides.

The above chart then explains some of the terms associated with multi-sheet
documents such as verso and recto. We will return to this when we speak in more
detail about registers and rolls in managing your affairs a little later in the series on
practical remedies.

The above chart then recalls the traditional use of colours and in distinguishing the
nature of different documents. The use of coloured paper has all but ended in most
jurisdictions, both in terms of the advent of computers and the fact that it is no longer

recognized or known even among the “best and brightest” legal minds within the
present system.

The above chart then observes the different position of signatures on a document and
its significance in past years. Again the position of signatures has also ceased to be as
important or effective as in the past.

So before we finish up with our discussion on Documents, I have included the above
chart to remind you that if you have redeemed your member number and 28 days have
passed, then you already known in accessing your Live Borne Record that the highest
form of Documents are Divine Documents such as your Live Borne Record, while the
lowest form of documents are Inferior Documents of the current Western-Roman

A Security is a Tradable “Debt Based” Financial Asset. We see the examples then of
the different types of tradable securities on the above chart namely stock certificates,
bank notes, bond certificates, insurance bonds, futures contracts and options contracts.

A registered Contractual Obligation of current/future debt with penalties and remedy

All “debt” securities traded within the confines of global bankruptcy networks are
debt securities of registered contracts of current/possible or future debts with
associated penalties, performance and remedy. Once registered, the Beneficial Interest
is normally tradable.

A Real Asset is a sum of units of monetary value, recorded in one or more designated
accounts, available for the discharge of a debt and not yet assigned to a specific

purpose, derived from one or more rights. A security is derived from a current or
future debt.

The only viable solution for Documents and Securities is Ucadia.

So there is the summary of Session 5. A detailed analysis and explanation in relation

to Documents and Securities. As with the previous sessions, I hope you find session 5
to be both useful and interesting.


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