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responsibility of EH/FS practitioner

- QC - holding temp, cooking temp, raw material

- investigate cases of outbreak
- investigate complaints (labelling,
- advise manufacturer on how to implement good hygiene practices
- investigate food for import/export whether they comply with the food laws and
- advise manufacturer for imp/exp

factors for foodborne illness (relate to the fund of FS)

- inadequate cooking temperature
- unsafe sources
- improper holding temperature
- use of contaminated eq
- poor personal hygiene

microbes - microscopic organism, cant be seen with naked eye

exist in unicellular, multi, and cell clusters
can be found in env (soil, water), human, raw material
some are beneficial and essential (e.g. decomposers in carbon cycle/nitrogen cycle)
some spoil the food
some are pathogenic

Main concern FS
- bacteria
- virus
- mold, yeast

pathogen - small no of mo can cause disease

spoilage mo: affect smell, taste, texture

food infection: ingest food with live bacteria, bacteria grown in the GI tract
food intoxication: ingest food with toxins (e.g. botulism)

foodborne illness includes allergy (food carries allergens)

bacteria: single celled mo, cannot be seen with naked eye (so it is grown in the
lab in a medium agar)
- multiply by binary fission
(see fx of structure)

1. gram stain
2. growth temp
a. hyperthermophile (can withstand extreme conditions
b. thermophile (canning industry - can produce gas and can jadi bengkak) - cause by
inadequate cooling, inappropriate storage temp (cause release of spores)
c. mesophile - common pathogenic mo
d. psychotrophs - grow at temp below 20, can survive at 0, prefer mesophilic temp
(20-45) - grow at a faster rate
e. psychrophile - survive at extreme cold temp (lower than -15)

bacterial growth factors

1. food
2. oxygen
3. acidity (bacteria cannot grown in acidic cond - inhibit growth)
4. time*
5. temp* (danger zone: 5-63 - multiply faster)
6. moisture

*easy to control

generation time: about 10 minutes

how to monitor time - monitor and record temp; dont keep food more than 4 hrs; mark
time ctrl begins and time limit expire

TDZ (temp danger zone)

legal requirement for stprage temp - 63
minimum cooking temp - 75

- food vehicle* : food that contain causative agent

sign and symptoms: start within 6-24 hrs, lasts for 4-7 days

cont can occur from farm to table

e.g. pesticides in growing raw materials

foodborne disease differs from foodborne poisoning

toxins: substances produced by bacteria as a waste, doesnt cause changes in food

appearance (only spoilage mo can)

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