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Reflection MCT observation ( English Lesson – Nouns)

The noun’s lesson was for the grade one that I presented at Narges School, I presented to them
after many observing to my MST in the English lessons and how she was presented to the classes
and how I could learn from them because it is one of the important lessons for the students to
make sure they know the difference between nouns, verbs and adjective. after observing my
MST I chose this topic to be my firs MCT observation in a class The English language to study
the nouns, after that I do my lesson plan for this lesson and wrote what I will present in a detailed
and studied way in order to follow it in a correct way and the class conforms to the plan.

After I finished the class, it was for me a class in which I implemented my goals, the most
important of which was to convey the idea of the lesson in the correct and clear way to the
students, and the activities worked in a way that was useful to the students, and this shows me
that I chose the write activities. Making the lesson contain facts and examples from reality is
considered, in my view, as a successful teacher because the student links reality with the lesson,
so he can clearly comprehend the ideaThe meaning that I can understand from the students’
attitude towards the lesson and the activities presented to them is that it went on the right path
and it was a successful class.

After I presented this class, I noticed that I would focus on dividing the time, because I took a
long time in introduction time , and dividing the time for the rest of the class was not going in the
right way, even though the students finished the activities and there was enough time, but in the
future I will focus on this. If I present the same lesson in the future, I would like to improve the
way of explanation more in communicating the idea to students in a more creative way

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