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Graphic type donations:

Donation price Graphics Level-3 month Permanent

0 Very Low/30 Very Low/30
15 Low/60 Low/30
30 Medium/60 Low/30
60 High/60 Low/60
120 Ultra/60 Low/60

Gives 90 days of graphics that will level up as hit upper donation limits
Taken daily, clicking pause graphics will pause it for the next day and so on.
To unpause it will start next day and continue.
Graphics Level Cost/Month
Low/60 7.50
Medium/60 15
High/60 30
Ultra/60 60
Civilian packs:

Price Pack
0.01 Classics Pack:

Each craft will contain enough classic spacesuits for a max crew, e.g. space shuttle has
10 spacesuits but only a starting crew of 4.
Each craft will only contain enough crew to make it fully operational.

The classic ships while having a large capacity for payload are very fragile and all have
very slow jump drives. This makes them excellent for bringing payloads to and from your
planet’s surface but terrible at any greater distance, like to asteroids or planets. Very
good for early game planet to space transport. Useful mainly as antiques/aesthetic

All craft have premium insurance-

Insurance covers materials, crew etc. (like basic)
50% construction and modification time reduction if built at premium construction
facilities away from home system
A fixed Daily allocation of fuel, ammo, lutre, etc. for 90 days.

Space shuttle


Venture Star

Buran SuperHeavy

0.10 Diligent pack (name change later)

4 ships of a base class.-Medium Ship

Player can choose what job each ship does before they are first jumped into command.
However they can easily be modified afterwards by the player. 4 specific mods:
Transport, Mining, Salvage, Sensor/exploration

The ship class, originally designed as a gunship, provides a fast, stealthy and offensive
based design that is flexible and capable. Each ship is designed for a crew of 2 and as
such provides space and amenities for them. The pilot controls the movement of the ship
and frontal mounted gimbal turret. The co-pilot controls the ship systems and the 360
turret. The 360 turret can be automated or fixed to the firing area of the frontal gimbal.
Good cargo capacity for its size. Main jump drive has 10s jump time, backup has 2min
jump time. Stealth plating provides low level stealth but can be replaced with standard
plating for no stealth but better armour and protection. This will however impact speed
and manoeuvrability as stealth plating is lighter. Non-armour plating can also be put on
for max speed.

Base type – 10s jump drive, 2 crew, 1 hidden/Stealth top mounted 360 turret, 1 gimbal
90 turret below front. Stealth plating provides low level stealth however is weaker than
standard plating.

Transport type – 10T capacity, designed for goods, capacity is 5T less than competitor.
Troop Transport type – 10T capacity, hooks for vehicles, seats for 20-40+equipment

1 4 ships-Corvettes

Heavy Salvage corvette with giant bladed claw to rip apart wrecks.

Heavy Mining corvette

Light Transport corvette

Light sensor/recognisance corvette

10 4 ships-Frigates

Heavy Salvage frigate

Heavy Mining frigate

Heavy Transport frigate

New Space Light Science frigate with stealth capacity like uss normandy

100 4 ships-3 Cruiser class and 1 light carrier

Light Mining/Salvage carrier

Heavy mining cruiser

Heavy Transport cruiser

SpaceX Heavy exploration and science cruiser

Military packs:


Bottom 5% - Pocket

30% Light
30% Medium

30% Heavy

Top 5% - Super


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