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The ecological significance of secondary seed

dispersal by carnivores
€ AL
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M9 Canada
Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843 USA

Citation: H€am€al€ainen, A., K. Broadley, A. Droghini, J. A. Haines, C. T. Lamb, S. Boutin, and S. Gilbert. 2017. The
ecological significance of secondary seed dispersal by carnivores. Ecosphere 8(2):e01685. 10.1002/ecs2.1685

Abstract. Animals play an important role in the seed dispersal of many plants. It is increasingly recog-
nized, however, that the actions of a single disperser rarely determine a seed’s fate and final location;
rather, multiple abiotic or animal dispersal vectors are involved. Some carnivores act as secondary dis-
persers by preying on primary seed dispersers or seed predators, inadvertently consuming seeds contained
in their prey’s digestive tracts and later depositing viable seeds, a process known as diploendozoochory.
Carnivores occupy an array of ecological niches and thus range broadly on the landscape. Consequently,
secondary seed dispersal by carnivores could have important consequences for plant dispersal outcomes,
with implications for ecosystem functioning under a changing climate and across disturbed landscapes
where dispersal may be otherwise limited. For example, trophic downgrading through the loss of carni-
vores may reduce or eliminate diploendozoochory and thus compromise population connectivity for lower
trophic levels. We review the literature on diploendozoochory and conclude that the ecological impact of a
secondary vs. primary seed disperser depends on the relative dispersal distances, germination success, and
the proportion of seeds exposed to secondary dispersal by carnivores. None of the studies up to present
day have been able to rigorously assess the ecological significance of this process. We provide a framework
of the components that determine the significance of diploendozoochory across systems and identify the
components that must be addressed in future studies attempting to assess the ecological importance of

Key words: climate change; diplochory; diploendozoochory; fragmentation; indirect dispersal; invasive species;
polychory; predator; secondary dispersal; seed dispersal; seed dispersal effectiveness; seed predation.

Received 19 December 2016; accepted 22 December 2016. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters.
Copyright: © 2017 H€am€al€ainen et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION resources, reduce density-dependent seedling

mortality, and may have better chances of encoun-
Owing to their sessile adult lives, plants have tering suitable microhabitats for recruitment
evolved numerous ways to ensure offspring dis- (Howe and Smallwood 1982). In addition to dis-
perse away from the immediate vicinity of the persal by abiotic means such as wind and water,
parent plant, typically via the movement of seeds. seed dispersal by animals (zoochory) is a common
This movement is beneficial because seedlings dispersal mechanism that allows seeds to be
that take root further away from their parent plant deposited some distance away from the parent
avoid competing with related individuals for plant through animal vectors. While plants with

❖ 1 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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high rates of seed predation have evolved adapta- been made to sufficiently establish the importance
tions that minimize seed losses by animals (Hulme of the mechanism. A synthesis of the topic is there-
and Benkman 2002), plants that rely on zoochory fore needed to enable broader predictions on the
often produce seeds encased in fleshy fruits to prevalence and ecological role of diploendozoo-
promote consumption by dispersers (endozoo- chory to help direct future research into the
chory; Schaefer and Ruxton 2011). Estimates of phenomenon.
the number of plants dispersed by animals vary Presumably, the effects of secondary dispersal
widely, but endozoochory is estimated to be the depend strongly on the characteristics of the ani-
primary dispersal mechanism in up to 94% of mal vectors and plants involved, as well as the
woody plants, depending on the region (Jordano habitats they occupy. Therefore, we identified
2000, Buitron-Jurado and Ramırez 2014). Further- characteristics of the dispersal process that are
more, many plants that do not seem to have adap- likely to influence plant fitness via germination
tations for endozoochory can, nevertheless, be or recruitment success and access to suitable
dispersed by animals in addition to dispersal by habitat. Using this information, we devised a
other means such as wind, water, or gravity (Pake- framework to assess the importance of diploen-
man et al. 2002, Orłowski et al. 2016). dozoochory in plant dispersal success under
Despite such adaptations, there is increasing different conditions. Using this framework, we
evidence that the final fate of seeds is not necessar- identified potential ecological consequences of
ily determined by the animals that remove them secondary dispersal for ecosystem functioning.
from the parent plant. Instead, multiple dispersal We then reviewed the existing literature on the
vectors may be involved in taking seeds to their role of carnivores in multi-stage seed dispersal
final destination or destruction (Ozinga et al. to assess the evidence in support of the identi-
2004, Vander Wall and Longland 2004); at the fied mechanisms and their implications for plant
community level, plants were estimated to have dispersal.
on average 2.15 dispersal vectors per species
among Dutch ecosystems (Ozinga et al. 2004). WHAT MAKES DIPLOENDOZOOCHORY AN
There has been increasing interest in diplochory ECOLOGICALLY SIGNIFICANT SEED DISPERSAL
(two-phase dispersal, also known as “secondary MECHANISM?
dispersal” or “indirect dispersal”) involving a sec-
ond dispersal phase by ants, dung beetles, or scat- The overall impact of the dispersal mechanism
ter-hoarding rodents that physically carry the on plant fitness is composed of the quantity of
seeds to a new location (Vander Wall and Long- seeds processed by each dispersal vector, the via-
land 2004), but relatively little attention has been bility of the seeds after handling and consump-
paid to “diploendozoochory,” that is, seed disper- tion by each disperser, and the likelihood that
sal that involves the ingestion of the seed by two the dispersed seeds will germinate and mature
or more separate species of animals in sequence. into reproductive adult plants where they are
Typically, this occurs when a carnivorous predator deposited (seed dispersal effectiveness frame-
(hereafter referred to as carnivores) consumes a work; Schupp and Jordano 2010). In general, a
primary disperser or a seed predator, along with prerequisite for successful endozoochory is that
seeds in its prey’s digestive tract, and subsequently the digestive process of the animal vector does
deposits the seeds in feces or in regurgitated pel- not damage the seed; thus, seeds should be swal-
lets (Dean and Milton 1988, Nogales et al. 2007, lowed whole. Furthermore, the viable seed must
2012). Diploendozoochory was first documented be deposited by the final disperser at a site that
by Darwin (1859), and opportunistic observations meets the minimum requirements for successful
have since then been infrequently reported. germination: Deposition in a cave or a building
Although diploendozoochory has recently been (Dean and Milton 1988), a highway or the ocean,
approached more rigorously using experiments will usually impede seed germination.
(Nogales 1999, Nogales et al. 2007, Padilla and For a carnivore to improve seed dispersal out-
Nogales 2009, Padilla et al. 2012), the broader eco- comes, the seed dispersal effectiveness of diploen-
logical significance of this phenomenon remains dozoochory must naturally be higher than that of
largely unknown as few attempts have thus far dispersal by a single vector (Schupp and Jordano

❖ 2 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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2010). The types of plants and the primary and dispersers may thus deposit seeds in maladaptive
secondary dispersers involved all influence dis- locations or out of their climate zone, but the
persal effectiveness and the ecological significance plant could, nevertheless, benefit from the long-
of the secondary dispersal phase, as detailed in distance dispersal if novel, suitable patches are
the framework in Table 1. The involvement of a even occasionally reached and colonized via this
carnivore in the second phase of the seed disper- process (Nathan et al. 2008, Caughlin and Fergu-
sal process can influence plant fitness in three son 2013).
ways: by transporting seeds, by altering the via-
bility of transported seeds, and by changing the Effects on germination success
quantity of seeds that are dispersed. Germination success may be altered via the
treatment of a seed in a carnivore’s digestive tract
Long-distance dispersal and can be differentially affected by various sec-
Long-distance dispersal in plants, although ondary dispersers (Table 1). Improvement in ger-
rare (Cain et al. 2000, Nathan et al. 2008), mination success follows if the seeds benefit from
increases the rate of spread and colonization of a double digestion due to a longer gut retention
new areas (Higgins and Richardson 1999, Lesser time (e.g., thick-coated seeds; Nogales et al. 2015)
and Jackson 2013), with effects on plant popula- or, possibly, if carnivore feces is richer in nutrients
tion dynamics (Cain et al. 2000, Nathan et al. or includes a lower number of competing seeds
2008, Caughlin and Ferguson 2013). As carni- than that of the primary disperser. Negative effects
vores tend to range much farther than frugivores on germination can result from damage to thin-
or herbivores (Carbone et al. 2005), the dispersal coated seeds due to coarse materials ingested
distance and deposition site (i.e., location at alongside seeds (Traveset et al. 2007). For example,
which the seed ends up after being processed by germination success was improved by a secondary
a disperser, typically within feces or within dispersal phase by shrikes, but reduced by kestrels
regurgitated pellets) may differ dramatically for (Nogales et al. 2002), and gray herons caused a
seeds deposited by primary vs. secondary dis- complete loss of seed viability (Rodrıguez et al.
persers (Dean and Milton 1988, Nogales et al. 2007, Tables 2 and 3). Variability in carnivore
2007, 2012). Secondary dispersal can thus con- effects on germination success may be related to
tribute significantly to plant dispersal range and species-specific gut enzymatic activity and other
population dynamics, especially when the pri- foods ingested with the seeds (Rodrıguez et al.
mary disperser has a relatively small home range 2007, Traveset et al. 2007). Damage to seeds might
size, is movement-restricted, or a habitat special- also be influenced by the evolutionary past of
ist (Higgins and Richardson 1999, Nogales et al. coexistence of the plant and the secondary disper-
2012). For example, after consuming a prey item sal, and the potential for adaptation by the plant
with a very small home range (such as a small to minimize such losses. Plant germination or
rodent), a raptor pellet may take up to 22 h to recruitment is likely also impaired by a deposition
form. During a migration, a bird can cover in unsuitable microhabitats (e.g., on a road, in
480 km in that time (Balgooyen and Moe 1973); poor soil, or in dense vegetation), or at a site that
this distance could be even longer as some seeds elevates the risk of post-dispersal seed predation.
can germinate after a retention time of up to 62 h These determinants of dispersal effectiveness are
in birds of prey (Darwin 1859). not unique to carnivore-mediated dispersal, but
Secondary dispersal by far-ranging carnivores their importance in diploendozoochory remains to
can thus enable colonization of newly suitable be studied.
habitats under climate change or remote areas
such as islands (Nogales et al. 2012), or may Interruption of seed predation
locally influence the number of seeds entering the Carnivores can also indirectly improve seed
seed pool. An increase in dispersal distance may, viability by interrupting seed predation (Sarasola
however, reduce the dispersal success of rare, or et al. 2016). Granivorous birds, for example, con-
habitat-specialist species (Herrmann et al. 2016), sume large quantities of seeds that are not imme-
unless the dispersers have similar, specialized diately destroyed but rather move to the gizzard
habitat requirements as the plant. Secondary intact, and are only later broken down and

❖ 3 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Table 1. Mechanisms by which a plant’s dispersal success is influenced by a predator as a secondary disperser.

Effect of How is dispersal outcome altered?

diploendozoochory Under which conditions is
on plant dispersal the outcome expected to
success Deposition site Germination success have ecological relevance?

Seed dispersal 1. Longer dispersal distance 1. Seeds benefits from a double 1. Habitat becomes avai-
success improved provides access to newly digestive process (thick seed lable for colonization
available habitat suitable for coat) within the secon-
colonization or increases the 2. Fecal (or regurgitate) nutri- dary disperser’s range
speed of spread ent content is higher or more via fragmentation or
2. Distance from parent can suited to the seed’s needs changing landscapes
reduce kin competition, than that of primary dis- 2. The dispersed plant is
post-dispersal seed preda- perser a pioneer species that
tion, and disease mortality 3. Predation of the primary requires newly dis-
3. Travel between fragments consumer saves the seed turbed habitats for
improves plant resilience by from destruction (seed pre- establishment
maintaining gene flow dation) and thus increases 3. The plant is adapted
between populations its viability to the alternative
4. Better or more varied posi- habitats made avail-
tions on the landscape are able by the secondary
reached because the preda- disperser and pro-
tor reaches a wider range of duces seeds that sur-
suitable sites vive or benefit from
two-phase digestion
4. The predator inter-
cepts a significant
proportion of seed
predation or seeds
transported by an
ineffective primary

Seed dispersal 1. The predator tends to use 1. Seed is damaged by double 1. Predation on primary
success lowered habitat that is unsuitable for digestion (thin seed coat) dispersers signifi-
the plant and that is not or mechanical damage by cantly reduces the
used by the primary dis- other, simultaneously inges- proportion of viable
perser, or deposits seeds in ted food items seeds entering the
poor locations (e.g., dense 2. Seeds from multiple prey seed pool due to
vegetation with high compe- items may increase the num- reduced germination
tition, or a site with high risk ber of seeds in a deposit, success or unsuitable
of seed predation or post- leading to increased compe- deposition sites by
germination consumption) tition or reduced viability the secondary dis-
2. Longer dispersal distances due to release of allelochem- perser
take the seed of a specialized icals from certain seeds that 2. A significant propor-
or rare plant outside of the prevent germination of other tion of seeds of rare
species’ potential range and seeds (Traveset et al. 2007) or specialized plant
thus reduce the plant’s effec- 3. Nutrient content is lower or species are removed
tive population size less well suited to the seed’s from their suitable
needs in the feces or regurgi- habitats by a sec-
tate of the secondary than of ondary disperser
the primary disperser

No significant effect 1. The secondary disperser 1. Processing of the seed by the

on dispersal uses similar habitats and secondary disperser does
success does not range significantly not change the germination
wider than the plant’s pri- success of the seeds, relative
mary dispersers to effects of the primary dis-
2. The plant is common and perser
widespread with sufficient 2. The proportion of a plant’s
population overlap that it seeds transported by a sec-
does not suffer from reduced ondary disperser is very
gene flow small compared to other
means of dispersal

❖ 4 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Table 2. A review of the literature on diploendozoochory. See Table 3 for further detail.

Type of
References Plant species being dispersed Primary consumer disperser † Secondary disperser

Balgooyen and Moe Calamagrostis Canadensis ? NA American kestrels (Falco

(1973) sparverius)
Darwin (1859) Oat, wheat, millet, canary, Pigeons; speculated: P/NA Hawks, owls, fishing-
hemp, clover, beet freshwater fish, other eagles, storks, pelicans
prey species
Dean and Milton Various, most unidentified Various granivorous birds P Elanus caeruleus, Falco
(1988) and mammals biarmicus, Tyto alba;
inferences for other
Grant et al. (1975) Chamaesyce amplexicaulis Finches (Geospiza) P Unidentified owl
Green et al. (2008) Poaceae sp., Lemna disperma, Unidentified small fish NA Australian Pelican
Myriophyllum crispatum, (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Nitella sp., Typha
dominguensis, Typha orientalis
Kurek and Holeksa Secale cereale, Avena sativa Speculated: granivorous P Foxes (Vulpes vulpes),
(2015) birds martens (Martes sp.)
opez-Darias and 39 (buzzard) and 62 (kestrel) European Rabbits NA Common Buzzards (Buteo
Nogales (2016) species of mainly weeds, (Oryctolagus cuniculus), buteo), Eurasian Kestrels
few fleshy-fruited plants Barbary Ground (Falco tinnunculus)
Squirrels (Atlantoxerus
getulus), house mice
(Mus domesticus), lizards
(Gallotia atlantica),
unidentified birds
Nogales et al. (1996) Plocama pendula; Rubia fruticose Lizards (Gallotia galloti) D Cats (Felis catus)
Nogales et al. (1998) Lycium intricatum Lizards (Gallotia atlantica) D Shrikes (Lanius excubitor)
Nogales (1999) Lycium intricatum Lizards (Gallotia atlantica) D Shrikes (Lanius excubitor)
Nogales et al. (2002) Lycium intricatum Lizards (Gallotia atlantica) D Shrikes (Lanius excubitor);
kestrels (Falco
Nogales et al. (2007) Lycium intricatum, Rubia Lizards (Gallotia atlantica) D Shrikes (Lanius
fruticosa, Asparagus nesiotes meridionalis); kestrels
(Falco tinnunculus)
Nogales et al. (2015) Plocama pendula, Rubia Lizards (Gallotia atlantica) D Cats (Felis catus)
fruticosa, Juniperus turbinata,
Opuntia dilleniid
Padilla and Nogales Rubia fruticose Lizards (Gallotia galloti) D Eurasian kestrels (Falco
(2009) tinnunculus)
Padilla et al. (2012) 78 species (26 sp. in shrike Lizards (Gallotia spp.) D Southern grey shrikes
pellets, 76 sp. in kestrel (Lanius meridionalis),
pellets) Eurasian kestrels (Falco
Pearson and Ortega Centaurea maculosa Deer mice (Peromyscus D Great Homed Owls (Bubo
(2001) maniculatus) virginianus)
Rodrıguez et al. at least 12 taxa Speculated: lizards D Grey herons (Ardea cinerea)
Sarasola et al. (2016) Chenopodium album; Panicum Eared doves (Zenaida P Cougars (Puma concolor)
bergii; Sorgum bicolor auriculata)
Twigg et al. (2009) speculated: Trifolium sp., European rabbits D Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
Romulea rosea, Poaceae, (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Hypochaeri ssp., Erodium
† Primary consumer is D = a seed disperser, P = a seed predator, NA = role in seed dispersal uncertain.

digested. Some such seeds survive the digestive destruction and subsequently deposited by the
process and remain viable (van der Pijl 1982, carnivore. The effect of secondary consumption
Orłowski et al. 2016), but consumption of seed by the carnivore depends on the number of seeds
predators by carnivores can improve seed disper- rescued relative to the number of seeds that
sal as a larger proportion of seeds are saved from would normally enter the seed bank without

❖ 5 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Table 3. Evidence of diploendozoochory (DZ) and its ecological significance. For further detail on the study
systems, see Table 2.

Type of Evidence Ecological Relative effect of

References study †, ‡ of DZ ‡ significance of DZ § secondary dispersal ‡, ¶

Balgooyen and Moe O; Eg Viable seeds in R2 LDD; SP- Not quantified

Darwin (1859) O; Ef; Eg Viable seeds in F2 & R2 LDD; SP- Not quantified
(F2, R2)
Dean and Milton O; R; Eg Viable seeds F2 & R2 ADS; SP- Not quantified
(1988) (F2, R2)
Grant et al. (1975) O; E# Seeds in R2 LDD; SP- Seeds only found in 2 samples; most
seeds tested do not float and have
no other mechanism to move
between islands
Green et al. (2008) O; Eg (F2) Viable seeds in F2 LDD; CFH 4 times more diaspores in pelican
feces than in samples collected
from other waterbirds (primary
Kurek and Holeksa O; Eg (F2) Seeds in R2, some co- SP- Not quantified, but only 1.1% of
(2015) occurring with samples contained seeds and GR of
feathers, few seeds seeds was very low
opez-Darias and O; Eg (R2) Co-occurring viable LDD Not quantified; low GR (overall 5%,
Nogales (2016) seeds and animal range: 0-34.7%)
remains in R2
Nogales et al. (1996) O; R Co-occurring seeds and LDD Low damage to seeds; 18.9 (Plocama
animal matter in F2 pendula) and 4.8 (Rubia fruticosa)
seeds/ lizard dropping, only 0.2
and 0.01 in cats; 66.5% and 80.5%
of F1 have seeds, only 7.5 and 3.5%
of F2; number of seeds passing
through cats is low; possible seed
dehydration due to slow F2
Nogales et al. (1998) O, Eg Viable seeds in R2 LDD; ADS; GR+ Higher GR from R2 (64.3%) than
(Pre, F1, R2) from F1 (49.5%) or Pre seeds
Nogales (1999) O; Eg (Pre, Co-occurring viable LDD; ADS; GR+ Higher GR from R2 (64.3%) than
F1, R2) seeds and lizard from F1 (49.5%) or Pre seeds
remains in R2 (54.3%); other effects not quantified
Nogales et al. (2002) O; Eg (Pre, Co-occurring viable LDD; GR- GR reduced by a third in kestrel R2
F1, R2) seeds and lizard relative to F1 and by 25% relative
remains in R2 to Pre seeds; GR slightly higher in
shrike R2 relative to F1 and similar
to Pre seeds.
Nogales et al. (2007) O; Eg (Pre, Co-occurring seeds and LDD; ADS; GR- 99% seeds undamaged by ingestion,
F1, R2) animal matter in R2 similar GR for Pre and Lanius R2
seeds; 28.2-95.1% reduction in GR
in Falco R2, significant differences
in microhabitat and dispersal
distance relative to primary
Nogales et al. (2015) Ef; Eg (Pre, Experimental GR-; SD- Seed thickness reduced (sometimes
F1, F2) comparably to primary disperser
effect), lower GR, disruption of
native seed dispersal by an
invasive predator
Padilla and Nogales O; Ef; Eg Study of kestrel feeding LDD; ADS; GR- G1 discarded by carnivore (89% of
(2009) (Pre, F1, behavior; seeds and seeds) have the same GR as Pre
G1, R2) lizard remains in R2 seeds; seeds in F1 have
significantly lower GR

❖ 6 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Table 3. Continued.

Type of Evidence Ecological Relative effect of

References study †, ‡ of DZ ‡ significance of DZ § secondary dispersal ‡, ¶

Padilla et al. (2012) O; Eg (Pre, Co-occurring viable LDD; ADS; GR+ Shrikes improve GR of Rubia fruticosa
F1, R2) seeds and lizard (95% in shrike R2 compared to
remains in R2 80.5% in Pre and 83.0% in lizard
F1); no effect on germination of
most plant species
Pearson and Ortega O; Eg (R2) Co-occurring seeds and IS+ Not quantified but very low GR
(2001) animal matter in (<1%) from R2
feces, one seed viable
Rodrıguez et al. O; Eg (R2) Co-occurring seeds and GR-; IS- Complete disruption of germination;
(2007) animal matter in R2 number of seeds in pellets
considered small
Sarasola et al. (2016) O; Eg Co-occurring seeds and LDD; SP-; IS+ GR similar to seeds in dove
(G, F2) animal matter in F2 gizzards, estimated that
cougars could disseminate up to
5000 seeds/ km2/ year
Twigg et al. (2009) O; Eg Viable seeds in F2, LDD; IS+ Not quantified
(F1, F2) some co-occurring
with fur
† Type of study: O = observation, R = review, Ef = feeding experiment, Eg = germination experiment;
‡ The different dispersal stages: “Pre” = diaspores or seeds collected pre-dispersal from the plant or from the ground below
the plant; “F1” = seeds recovered from feces of primary disperser, “G1” = seeds recovered from the gizzard or intestine of pri-
mary disperser; “F2” seeds recovered from feces of secondary disperser; “R2” = seeds recovered from regurgitate/pellets of sec-
ondary disperser.
§ Ecological significance of diploendozoochory (LDD = Long Distance Dispersal; ADS = Alternative deposition sites;
CFH = Continuity in fragmented habitat; SP = Seed predation; SD = Seed dispersal; GR = Germination rate; IS = Spreading of
invasive plant species; “ ” = reduction in SP, SD, GR or IS; “+” = improvement in SP, SD, GR or IS).
¶ GR = Germination rate.
# Flotation experiment.

carnivore involvement (Fig. 1). Dean and Milton lower for carnivore-dispersed seeds than for
(1988) extrapolated that a single raptor might seeds dispersed by the primary mechanism,
disperse thousands of seeds annually, based given that near-complete seed destruction would
on the prey intake rate and the number of be expected from the seed predator. Similarly,
seeds in the guts of each prey item. Sarasola et al. positive effects are expected if a carnivore inter-
(2016) estimated that cougars could disseminate cepts an ineffective disperser that has a negative
5000 seeds/km2 annually by intercepting seed or negligible effect on seed germination success,
predation by their main granivorous prey, eared and treatment by the carnivore improves germi-
doves. These numbers are only relevant, however, nation success. On the contrary, if a carnivore
in the context of the total number of seeds pro- intercepts dispersal by an effective primary seed
duced by plants in the area, and their fates without disperser, and/or causes a decline in germination
carnivores (Fig. 1; Appendix S1). These proportions success, the dispersal success declines (Fig. 1,
were not estimated in the above two studies and Table 1).
have yet to be assessed in any study of diploendo-
zoochory (see calculations for a potential scenario IMPLICATIONS OF SECONDARY SEED DISPERSAL
in the Appendix S1). A step in this direction was BY CARNIVORES
taken by Culot et al. (2015), who attempted to
quantify the relative importance of secondary dis- Human effects: loss of habitat and species
persal at the microscale by dung beetles, and a sim- Diploendozoochory may influence plant
ilar approach might also prove useful for the study adaptability to human-altered landscapes and
of the phases of diploendozoochory. resilience in the face of changing community
Where the carnivore intercepts seed predation, structures through increased seed dispersal dis-
positive effects would, nevertheless, be expected tance, reaching of alternative habitats, or seed
even if overall germination success were slightly germination success. Long-distance dispersal is

❖ 7 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Fig. 1. Possible seed fates in systems with diploendozoochory. (A) A plant that relies on animal vectors for dis-
persal (e.g., fruit-bearing plants) produces a set of seeds. These may remain unconsumed (and therefore less likely
to germinate) or be consumed by the primary seed disperser. Seeds deposited by this seed disperser will germinate/
mature at some rate to produce new plants. Some primary seed dispersers will be consumed by the secondary seed
disperser (carnivore). Seeds that enter this fate are deposited by the secondary seed disperser and germinate/mature
at some rate into new plants. (B) A plant with no obvious adaptations for zoochory produces a set of seeds. Seeds
that are not consumed spread via the primary dispersal mechanism (e.g., wind) and germinate/mature at some rate
to produce new plants. Some seeds are consumed by a seed predator and destroyed with little chance of germina-
tion. Through predation of the seed predator, the secondary disperser diverts some seeds from this fate and instead
deposits them. These seeds germinate/mature at some rate into new plants. Illustrations by Kate Broadley.

of increasing importance for ecosystem resilience flow among populations (Bacles et al. 2006).
in the face of environmental changes such as Escalating habitat loss, fragmentation, and local
habitat fragmentation and climate change by extinctions due to human actions can disrupt dis-
facilitating rapid dispersal among disconnected persal pathways via declines in the abundance,
areas (Nathan et al. 2008) and by boosting gene species richness, and shifting ranges of primary

❖ 8 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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dispersers (Michalski and Peres 2005, Farwig and carnivores might thus have an impact on the
Berens 2012, Beaune et al. 2013, Caplat et al. efficacy of diploendozoochory, although further
2016) and carnivores that act as secondary dis- research is needed to confirm the role of top car-
persers (Crooks and Soule 1999). The importance nivores in seed dispersal.
of carnivores as dispersal agents might increase Carnivores could also play a role in stabilizing
in fragmented habitats because they may facili- changes in community structure via their prey
tate plant species’ gene flow between fragments selection. A study conducted in the Democratic
due to their larger ranges and often broader Republic of Congo found that all seed dispersers
habitat use (Carlo and Morales 2016), although in the system were hunted by humans, whereas
the relative importance of the carnivore depends very few seed predators experienced hunting
on species-specific responses to fragmentation pressure (Beaune et al. 2013). Such bias in har-
(Crooks 2002). Some carnivores could even be vest may result in reduced zoochory and thus
creating seed corridors between habitat frag- potentially disrupt ecosystem function by alter-
ments when they defecate more often on linear ing plant communities. Likewise, a study in Bra-
features such as trails (Su arez-Esteban et al. zil found frugivores to be the most integral
2013). Seed dispersal by carnivores thus has the group for ecological network structure, yet also
potential to influence the magnitude of detrimen- the most threatened by extinction (Vidal et al.
tal effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on 2014). Processes such as these can alter the rela-
plant communities. tive abundance of functional groups (e.g., higher
Secondary dispersal by carnivores has the losses of seed dispersers vs. seed predators) and
potential to effectively increase the potential speed density-dependent prey selection by carnivores
of plant movements (see Naoe et al. 2016) and col- could buffer the impact on plant dispersal by tar-
onization of vacant habitat. This may become an geting the more abundant seed predators over
increasingly important process at the leading edge mutualistic seed dispersers. Further research is
of a shifting range due to climate change. The needed to assess the effects of carnivores on the
potential involvement of carnivores in seed dis- resilience of plant communities.
persal processes could shift the predicted out- The structure and function of ecosystems can
comes of distribution models (Thuiller 2004) and be influenced by top-down influences such as
conservation plans due to their specific role in trophic cascades (Schmitz et al. 2004), and the
intercepting seed predation and dispersal, as well involvement of carnivores in shaping the distri-
as in transporting seeds to novel locations (see bution and abundance of plants through
also Higgins and Richardson 1999, Caplat et al. diploendozoochory provides additional insights
2016, Estrada et al. 2016). As seed dispersal is a into complex community-level interactions and
key mechanism determining whether plants will ecosystem functioning. Carnivores can also have
be able to shift their ranges to match changing cli- indirect effects on seed dispersal when seed dis-
mate conditions (Higgins and Richardson 1999, persal behavior of the primary disperser (or seed
Chen et al. 2011, Corlett and Westcott 2013), a predator) is altered by carnivore presence (Sun-
thorough understanding of dispersal mechanisms yer et al. 2013, Steele et al. 2015).
is required to predict plant responses to climate
change (Cain et al. 2000, Naoe et al. 2016). Invasive plants
The structure of carnivore communities may Carnivores could facilitate invasions by allow-
play a role in determining the utility of sec- ing invasive plants to disperse over a greater dis-
ondary seed dispersal. With the exception of the tance than they would reach by other means, or
cougar (Puma concolor), all documented cases of by transporting them to a novel location. It has
diploendozoochory to date (Table 2) involved a been shown that long-distance dispersal can lead
mesocarnivore. Mesocarnivore release has been to faster rates of spread (Higgins and Richardson
well documented where top carnivores have 1996, 1999). A decreased time to germination
been removed from the landscape by human resulting from a double digestive process may
interventions (Prugh et al. 2009). Globally, a loss also promote rapid regeneration of invasive
in North America (Ripple et al. 2014) and recolo- plants, which also tend to have adaptations that
nization in Europe (Chapron et al. 2014) of top increase their rate of reproduction (Rejmanek and

❖ 9 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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Richardson 1996, Kolar and Lodge 2001). In at LITERATURE REVIEW

least two cases studied so far, invasive or pioneer
plants’ viable seeds were indirectly dispersed by To assess the evidence from empirical research
carnivores that consumed seed predators (Pearson on the significance of diploendozoochory on plant
and Ortega 2001, Sarasola et al. 2016, see also dispersal and broader ecological and conservation
Twigg et al. 2009). implications, we conducted a literature review to
identify studies that have observed or empirically
Potential for plant adaptation to diplochory tested aspects of diploendozoochory. The search
Dean and Milton (1988) suggested that some was done in Google Scholar in June 2016 using
plants may be selected to promote, or at least not the search terms diploendozoochory; diplochory;
prevent, seed predation when secondary disper- polychory; double endozoochory; secondary seed
sal by raptors functions as an effective dispersal dispersal; indirect seed dispersal; indirect disper-
mechanism. They proposed that this may explain sal; two-phase dispersal; two-stage dispersal; and
why many seeds consumed by granivorous birds multi-phase dispersal. From these articles and
show no obvious adaptations to alternative references therein, we identified sources that
means of dispersal. For instance, thick seed coats empirically addressed secondary seed dispersal
might develop to facilitate long-distance disper- by carnivores. For those studies, we identified the
sal via a long retention time in a far-ranging ani- plant, primary seed consumer, and carnivore
mal vector, such as in migrating raptors. This involved. We also recorded any attempts to quan-
hypothesis might be tested by comparing seed tify the relative significance of the second, carni-
coat thickness or other relevant adaptations on vore-facilitated dispersal stage for the plant’s
island populations, where thicker coats would be dispersal success. For each study, we collected
expected on the islands due to increased disper- information on the effects of diploendozoochory
sal requirements from the mainland. Indeed, on seed viability or germination success, dispersal
some evidence suggests that island populations over long distances or to novel environments, and
have more thick-coated seeds relative to main- whether the primary seed consumer was likely to
land (van der Pijl 1982, Vargas et al. 2015). be a mutualistic seed disperser or a seed predator,
Nathan et al. (2008) suggested that not only seed where these details were reported. We then
morphology but also fruiting phenology might inferred any likely broader implications of each
evolve to match migration schedules of potential study from these variables as well as other charac-
dispersers. Plants are most likely to develop teristics of the plants, dispersers, and the ecosys-
adaptations to certain dispersal pathways when tems involved.
the dispersal vectors and dispersion pathways
are quite fixed; that is, certain primary and sec- Evidence of secondary seed dispersal by
ondary dispersers handle the majority of the carnivores
plant’s seeds. If multiple vectors with different All but one of the 19 studies that reported
retention times or habitat selection are involved, diploendozoochory (Table 2) inferred the mecha-
a range of seed types might be expected to nism from the discovery of seeds in the feces or
evolve (van der Pijl 1982, Cheptou et al. 2008, regurgitates of carnivores that were assumed to
Nathan et al. 2008). Disruption of dispersal path- not purposely consume seeds (Table 3). The one
ways due to extinctions may have negative exception took a purely experimental approach
implications for such potentially evolved traits under laboratory conditions (Nogales et al. 2015).
(Vander Wall and Longland 2004). If the costs of The co-occurrence of seeds and remains of poten-
diplochory (Cheptou et al. 2008, Nathan et al. tial primary seed consumers in the secondary dis-
2008) are high, owing, for example, to poor seed perser’s excrements (11 studies) was generally
deposition sites or dispersal out of suitable habi- accepted as evidence of diploendozoochory
tat zone, counter-selection might be expected. (Table 3). The primary consumer of seeds was
Modeling exercises on the potential for plant with certainty a seed predator (granivorous birds)
adaptations to diplochory as well as empirical in four studies, and 10 studies involved a primary
data on recruitment rates are needed to clarify seed disperser (lizards, a mouse, and a rabbit).
the adaptive potential of plants to diplochory. The remaining studies were not able to identify

❖ 10 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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the primary disperser with certainty, or it was disperser used alternative habitats or deposited
unclear whether the primary seed consumer was a seeds in novel locations in six studies (Table 3).
seed predator or a mutualistic disperser (Table 2). Secondary dispersal by a carnivore also con-
Studies of diploendozoochory thus far (Table 2) tributed to the spreading of an invasive or alien
represent a limited range of taxonomic groups. plant species in three studies and disrupted their
The number of plant species that disperse seeds spread in one study. Diploendozoochory resulted
via diploendozoochory is unknown, as many in the disruption of seed predation in six studies
studies identified only some of the species present and the maintenance of connectivity between habi-
among the discovered seeds (range of identified tat patches in one study. The disruption of the nat-
plant species: 0–78 species or 12 taxa; Table 2). ural dispersal by an invasive secondary disperser
Several weeds, grains, and fleshy-fruited plants was found in one study (Table 3). Overall, diploen-
were among the identified plant species. Of pri- dozoochory thus influenced seed dispersal efficacy
mary seed consumers, only doves, finches, a rab- or potentially the broader plant distribution or
bit, three rodent, and two lizard species have been communities, but the study designs and the
studied in a natural setting (see also experiments emerging patterns are currently too diverse to per-
with dead fish by Darwin 1859); in terms of sec- mit definitive conclusions about the exact signifi-
ondary dispersal, two feline, one canine, and one cance of the phenomenon across systems.
mustelid, as well as several raptors (11 avian spe-
cies identified, but exact number of species is FUTURE DIRECTIONS
unknown due to unspecified species in Darwin
(1859) and Grant et al. (1975)), have been studied. While the circumstantial evidence and the pro-
jected potential frequency of secondary dispersal
Potential significance of diploendozoochory events suggest that diploendozoochory is not
Overall, there is evidence from the majority of uncommon, systematic research into diploendo-
these studies that secondary seed dispersal by zoochory is needed to better understand the phe-
predators can have an influence on the compo- nomenon and its overall ecological significance.
nents that influence seed dispersal efficiency: Ger- While carnivores may have a significant influence
mination success, dispersal distance or the types on seed dispersal patterns under the conditions
of habitats reached, and the ecological implica- we have described in Table 1, evidence should be
tions of these studies varied broadly. Carnivores carefully weighed before assuming diploendozoo-
improved seed germination success relative to chory is relevant ecologically or otherwise (e.g.,
seeds unprocessed by a secondary disperser in suggested ecosystem services, Sarasola et al. 2016,
eight studies and reduced germination success in see also Appendix S1). Continuing developments
three studies, while two studies observed no in methodology, such as the use of DNA barcod-
change in germination success (Table 3). None of ing, molecular “log books,” stable isotopes, and
the studies directly tested the germination of radio-active tags along with a mechanistic vector-
seeds consumed by the primary consumer which centered approach to study seed dispersal (Bullock
was subsequently consumed by the carnivore, et al. 2006, Nathan et al. 2008, Fordham et al.
although an attempt at testing this was made by 2014, Gonzalez-varo et al. 2014, Culot et al. 2015,
Nogales et al. (2015). Seven studies compared ger- Herrmann et al. 2016, Naoe et al. 2016), make
mination rates between seeds that were not con- aspects of the phenomenon more readily testable.
sumed by any animal, seeds that passed through Future studies should explicitly address the poten-
a primary disperser (or were contained in their tial mechanisms and implications of the phe-
intestines, Twigg et al. 2009, or gizzards, Sarasola nomenon among systems. In the face of the
et al. 2016), and seeds that passed through a sec- changing landscapes, it would be especially
ondary disperser (Table 3). None of the studies important to look for further evidence of the influ-
followed germinated seeds through to maturity to ence of diploendozoochory on metapopulation
assess recruitment rates. dynamics in fragmented environments, on the role
Long-distance dispersal was inferred as the of carnivores in disrupting or facilitating the
most significant ecological consequence of diploen- spread of rare or invasive species and recolonizing
dozoochory in 14 studies, and the secondary degraded habitats.

❖ 11 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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To rigorously assess the significance of diplo- potential secondary (as well as primary) dis-
chory, the relative proportions of seeds with vari- persers of up to 46 plant genera, although the
ous fates must be determined (Culot et al. 2015, effects on seed viability is unknown and the exis-
Fig. 1; Appendix S1). For a controlled experimen- tence and frequency of diplochory remains to be
tal approach, known quantities of seeds from confirmed (Platt et al. 2013). Diploendozoochory
known plants would need to be fed to primary may also occur in systems where invertebrates
consumers (dispersers and seed predators), and a and fish function as primary dispersers (Darwin
proportion of these consumers then exposed to 1859, van der Pijl 1982, Pollux 2011). These ani-
predation by secondary dispersers. The droppings mals are often eaten whole and consumed in
and pellets of each disperser, as well as the intact, large quantities by birds and mammals, some-
unconsumed seeds, would then be collected and times followed by long-distance movements by
the viability of seeds therein assessed via germina- the secondary disperser (Green and Figuerola
tion experiments (preferably on actual site of 2005). Some taxa, such as omnivorous primates,
deposition). Furthermore, recruitment of the seed- may include species that serve as both a primary
lings should be monitored because the survival of and a secondary disperser by consuming small
the seedlings to maturity and their subsequent prey items, such as insects along with fruit (e.g.,
reproduction are relevant for assessing the evolu- mouse lemurs; Dammhahn and Kappeler 2008)
tionary significance of the different dispersal syn- and falling prey to raptors, snakes, and mam-
dromes (Schupp and Jordano 2010). malian carnivores (Rasoloarison et al. 1995).
Effects of diploendozoochory on seed fates can
be most readily quantified when a single animal CONCLUSIONS
species is responsible for the majority of primary
dispersal or seed removal of a given plant species, Several authors have suggested that polychory
and a single carnivore is responsible for the major- is likely a much more common phenomenon
ity of the mortality of the primary vector. In such than has been previously assumed (Ozinga et al.
systems, the effect of the carnivore is also likely 2004, Vander Wall and Longland 2004) and can
the highest, and plant adaptations to diploendo- be more beneficial for the dispersing plant than
zoochory might therefore be expected to evolve. single-phase dispersal (Vander Wall and Long-
Relatively simple systems with limited species land 2004). While these studies have largely con-
interactions would thus likely prove most fruitful centrated on abiotic vectors and short-distance,
for the study of the phenomenon (such as the rap- second-phase dispersal by invertebrates and
tors, lizards, and Lycium fruit studied in an island scatter-hoarding rodents, the impact of carni-
ecosystem; Nogales 1999) as seed fates of com- vores may be similarly important, particularly in
plete seed cohorts could potentially be followed discontinuous habitats. Secondary dispersal by
throughout the dispersal pathway. Invertebrate carnivores is by no means exclusive of the types
primary dispersers with reasonably small-ranged of diplochory defined by Vander Wall and Long-
carnivores, such as insectivorous reptiles, might land (2004); rather, it is very likely that further
also prove useful because of their relatively short seed transport by ants, dung beetles, or scatter-
dispersal distances. However, multiple taxa hoarding rodents often occurs after seeds are
should eventually be studied to determine how deposited by the secondary disperser.
widespread the phenomenon really is and its Our framework provides guidelines for future
potential management and conservation conse- research, with predictions that should aid in tar-
quences (Levey et al. 2002). geting systems that are likely to be most affected
Although recent studies of two-phase dispersal by carnivore involvement in seed dispersal. In
have focused on raptors and mammalian carni- addition to disrupting heavy seed predation pres-
vores as well as their prey (typically small mam- sure, carnivores that intercept large proportions of
mals, birds, and reptiles), numerous other taxa a plant population’s seeds and significantly alter
disperse seeds and eat seed dispersers or seed the germination or recruitment success of seeds
predators, suggesting multiple pathways of two- relative to the primary disperser will most likely
phase dispersal have yet to be identified. For be an important ecological force for the plant
example, crocodilians are thought to serve as species and, possibly, the community structure.

❖ 12 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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❖ 16 February 2017 ❖ Volume 8(2) ❖ Article e01685

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