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In the modern world today, we are living in the influence of technology.

We can’t do things
without checking our phones, playing music, or even just turning on the television. As we get
an access into the digital networks or cyberspace, we become a full- fledged member of the
online community. Thus, this will let us to discover everything about the various events
happening around the globe.

When I search the web and read the top 10 ways to be a better cyber citizen, I find out how
important to be knowledgeable with the technology that surrounds us. It is not just about
uploading or sending everything online or with unknown people, but rather thinking of the
possible risks that may happen. Well, at this time, there are myriad of intruders that are
spreading in the internet and waiting for an opportunity where they can scam or hack people.
So, how can we avoid this to happen? Of course, we must consider personal security to protect
our digital identity. We should know how to use antivirus and antispyware to prevent malwares
and other form of deceit. With this, we can better secure our files and other sensitive

As a digital literate student, we should also teach our parents and friends on how to secure a
strong password. They are also in danger since that they are involve with the online world
community. That’s why it is important to remind them that passwords should never be family
names, numbers, birthday and address that could easily be predicted or guess. But if something
really happens, we must report the cybercrime before it gets worsts and destroys one’s
reputation as well as dignity.

On the other hand, students who are searching for an academic information must also be
cautious with the sites they are accessing or entering. There are cases that it asks for personal
details involving school, family and other useful things which are entirely bogus. For instance,
how can we know that it is a trusted website? With this, we must simply look if it is certified as
an Internet Trusted Organization to make sure that all the contents are accurate and credible.

Furthermore, as a digital user we must watch our actions like comments or reactions with
other people. A simple word could be hurtful for some who has sensitive feelings and partial
understanding. They might get stressed of it and this may lead to a serious break down and
depression. So, before it’s too late we must think before we click. Ask ourselves if this is worthy
enough to be uploaded in facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram, and other social media apps.
When it is not, it’s better to keep it in within ourselves.
Moreover, for those people who make business online, proper knowledge and understanding
is also a must. Like for example, a home or small business Wi- Fi network. The single most
important thing to do is to implement the authentication capabilities built into Access Point and
Wi- Fi adapters. This will somehow increase the security and may avoid theft or other various
form of risks. In addition, built in apps could also be integrated to further strengthen the cyber
protection. Although we cannot really control what waits outside, the important thing is we are
prepared for it.

Therefore, as a whole, being better citizen online is essential for people especially to the
students. We are in the process of development and the things that we can do to be safe is to
raise our awareness, be a disciplined kind of person, and act accordingly with our
responsibilities. There are lots of scammers, hackers, and intruders waiting for an opportunity
where they can finally deceive or take away sensitive information from us. But if we are a
digital literate person, surely, we can stop or control this unwholesome situation. That’s why
knowing these 10 ways to be a better cyber citizen is a big help in our life as a human living in
this world called virtual.

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