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G enerating A Plenty In

New Farming Ideas For India Dilip Rajeev
G enerating plenty in food is as easy as

identifying the needed farming practises, the

technology, and the education necessary.

What are the technology and practises that will enable a

great amount of produce at ease? By technology I mean
mechanized farming and ideas. GMO is evil, not food
and should be avoided.
Could townships that are oriented around technology
based farming could be built – with its own universities
and a life long learning and good joys and ease oriented
environment to attract the next generation

How can technology, a dose of AI, all be

used to improve ease of farming?
Is it possible to leverage desert lands? A vast
expanse of date farms in Rajasthan? With a bit of tech
can the earth be irrigated enough for date palms.

T he quality of Food

The Nature of food one eats directly translates to the joys one
experiences in the body. For one, it immediately influences the state of
the awareness. The accumulated energies of food influence the long
term joys of the Individual,

Intelligence, focus, discipline, clarity of thinking, lightness of spirit

overall well being and health are all related to the nature of food.

Ancient sciences tell us that one should to the greatest extend avoid
strong and pungent plants, and so on . Because such spices, chilly,
onions all strongly vibrate the field – and generate chaos in both the
mind and the body.

Good food is attributed a nature that nourishing, smooth, pleasing to the

heart, of granting strengths, by the Gita.
Food should not be either spices or medicinal herbs. What is of a whole
and nourishing nature is food. Milk, milk products are all good food, for

D iary farming can be improved far by studying

practises of large scale farming in other nations.

The good practises need to he studied in systematic details and


What kind of grass does the cattle eat?

Grass such as Alfalfa send their roots

deep into the earth and draw
nourishment from there to the surface.
Thus enriching the soil as well.

If the cattle are fed on such Grass, there

will be greater nourishment in the milk.
Food that is devoid of nourishment brings
down the health of the nation, adds to
expenses, destroys efficiency and stable
thinking of its people.

Meat is necessary food for humans, and

ordained so by the God, as per all ancient
texts. Manusmriti says a Good Spiritual
person ought eat beef. So do texts of yoga,
Ayurveda, and so on. Vivekananda and
Mahatma Gandhi have written eating beef
were a necessary requirement for the
Spiritual people as per ancient India.

Beef cattle
ki/Beef_cattle – which are very
different from what is described as any
sacred animal - the bulls can be harvested
for meat. If worried about cruelty, use
modern tech – the ending of life can be
done using Liquid nitrogen vapours
mixed with endorphins and it will be the
most pleasurable instant ever for the
animal. And no life dies – it is only the
form that needs to pass after serving its
purpose in the greater reality.

One cannot alter God’s ordering.

If the Humans are Spiritually Grounded,

the animal is blessed to have become food
says all ancient scriptures. Even Christian
apocrypha says it, “Blessed is the man
who eats the Lion, and Cursed the one
who is eaten by the Lion. “ – Jesus.

Why should Indians live on Buffalo meat?

Which scripture says it? The sin is to
insult own soul – because the dignity of
human is a Spark of God. Why

should proper beef cattle be

avoided in parts of India when
it is central to Aryan

卍 civilization?
Get rid of ugly bufallos and replace it
with proper beef cattle where beef is
harvested in India.

False vegetarianism is a weapon of the

enemy uses to weaken human energies.

I t is the through
the human
body that
the Gods
are served.
Make the
quality. If you are

resistant to that – what devillupment are

you working for ? Enemy of your own
endeavours? A devilluped nation with
low quality meat is an oxymoron.
Similarly, introduce more of less pungent
vegetables. Why should it be capsicum
and onions that humans in India eat for
vegetables? There are so many less
pungent more nourishing options. A lot of
traditions in India were directly opposed
to pungent vegetables such as Onions. A
bit is fine – no extremes needed – but the
majority of vegetable produce should be
highly nourishing, gentle ones.

Frequencies, Plant Growth and Enhancement (Energetically Programmed) -

Well.. Frequencies have an impact on the
growth of plants. Experiments can be
done along those lines, to demonstrate it
objectively. Nothing that deviates too far
from Nature ought be introduced. What about
playing classical western music, or subliminal Vedic chants in storage facilities where grains
harvested are stored, or where seeds to be planted gets stored? Agricultural research ought not be
dead western zombie kind – but wisdom traditions and the deeper truths of it.. all ought be boldly
These would definitely have a positive impact in improving the inner
brought to play.
nature of the food substance, when done in its measure. But this shouldn’t translate to setting
up blaring speakers and destroying human living environments. Subliminal Vedic sounds can be
played outside of the human audible perception. Ease of Humans, Sukham Sthiram, as Yogasutra
says is what is divine – not artificial things that deviate from the ease and silence Nature intended.

Explore the use of solar energy to make

farms self sustained in energy. Ideas can
be adopted nationwide. Rooftops of
homes, etc can be made with Nature
friendly, Solar energy generating material
-easing the load on the environment, and

achieving a pristine
Nature in
India for
production of Great
Explore the possibility of
using coal and deep earth
minerals to replenish the
soil. Over-refining of anything into
chemical constituents would possibly
make it not a fertilizer but just destructive
of the harmony of soil.

Introduce excellent culinary practises.

Less spicy food. Adopt good practises of
different nations, European, Arabian,
explore ancient Greek cuisine, ancient lost

Aryan 卍 Indian cuisine, As well.

The west will likely engineer a false food

shortage as part of their agenda. When
that happens cite food security to ban
export of fancy sea food and stuff to the

Then generate a“
campaign with blitz
and dazzle. People will then
want to not export food, and generate
better food for India itself.

If the best of food is exported for your

wanna be enemy – what do you think will
happen out of it?

If you export food – do so to nations such

as Russia – not nations that bomb
innocents such as UK, USA, and so on.
And export to a few Good nations in
need. Strategize well. Russia is an
excellent friend, and it is Virtue (Punya) to
serve a friend. All joys, merit, good
karma, arises from action of Punya. To
serve those who bomb kids
unapologetically is sin. And sin adds to
suffering. To export away the
nourishment of India, while even the
elderly starve in India, to such vain
sinners, is absolute disaster level evil

Soil and its nourishment are precious

resources. Nature replenishes it very
slowly. Artificial fertilizers do a poor job
at its replacement. So do not just export
away the produce of the land.
A nation is a like one whole
human body. If you wanted to
nourish your body – will you sell your
best food to an evil fool across the town,
who is bent on destroying your existence
at the first opportunity? Someone who
murdered 2 million including innocents of
an innocent nation? Dragged down
dozens of nations with lies? Someone who
uses innocent Ukraine in a proxy war, and
builds terrorist organizations there? And
all the while pretending to be a blemish
free hero?

Why serve the evil with the best of your

produce? Eat the produce

of your land yourself
– have dignity, and
be happy, and

nourish the
land and its
fields. They determine the

inner properties of the food produced by

that land. Monks produced high quality
wines. Only the owner of a Good Soul,
can make a good soup, pointed out
Beethoven in his writings. So let the
ideals as of Zen, and authentic Vedic
traditions, be established as I have
described in an earlier writing.

Instead of fearing over what will happen

if the west doesn’t export Ferrero Rochers,
build the talent in India of high quality
chocolate manufacture. How difficult
would it be out-do a degenerate west in
the manufacture of the world’s best
chocolates? The land of India produces
milk of far higher quality, and the same
for every other ingredient. If humans
cannot make it – get AI AND machines to
make it – what is it that you fear?

Let values determine food quality,

recipe, and ingredients. Now MBA
GREED determines the recipe. Sugar fills
everything. Fat gets removed from food.

With a bit of brahmacharya,

good fats are amongst the
best food{as pointed out in
ancient Indian writings} –
butter, cheese, cream, etc. It – Good Fats -
drastically drops the rate at which sugars
enter the blood stream – the Glycemic
Index of food – and is thus extremely
beneficial to health.

Olive oil is another high quality fat – are

there parts of India where it can be
farmed in large quality? There definitely
would be.
Maximize food production – along the
highways plant date palms if scorching
hot stretches of road, along with
flowering plants or if nothing else grows,
and its all absolute desert, plant flowering
cacti and food cacti.

Be free and creative in

finding solutions –

why hop around

stilted on one foot and half
an ankle on the treadmill
the west has setup to serve

its evil interests?

Are there plants that grow
wild and with no care
needed but is food?

Before human
farming and
food for all in
Plenty. Plants that
need very little water like
Moringa, introduce a ton of
those in villages with less
food resources. Educate the
villagers on the way to do
the farming themselves
using online information,
and just courier them the
seeds. No need to step out
of home to find a solution

To improve the aesthetics of

the land ship seeds of
flowers to the masses, and
urge them to throw around
the seeds as they walk
around in rainy season. The
German Philosopher
Goethe is said to have had
the habit of carrying the
seeds of flowering plants in
his coat pockets and
throwing them on earth as
he walked around .

The Solutions are simple. Its

Stiltedness, Foolishness,
and Greed that makes the
from the
market. The

savings in terms of the Nation’s health

expenditure will be huge – do not

hop around in your health practises in the direction the evil west points and mask
up your innocent people to “protect” their lung health, and so on. Are you fools or
pretending to be? Low oxygen damages brain cells permanently. Lungs need fresh
air to heal and even to stay healthy. Well.. any pandemic they engineer –
immediately recommend vitamin D 100,000 IU daily for a week at onset of a
symptom – its extremely efficient against all forms of viral infections.

Focus on improving the health of the masses – not drag it down through false
science such as “ ziiiimmmmbly stay in a mask – soon even common cold will
disappear from the nation.” Well.. let me ask you - if it would do nothing to
common cold – what will it do to a more virulent virus? Its all foolishness of the
absurdest order peddled as what not.

The vaccines were all to engineer the DNA, and other invisible tech. Masking
increases viral load inside lungs, and even microplastic in the masks end up in
lungs. It damages brain cells due to oxygen deprivation. Psychologically damages
people as well. And it is only a paraphernalia of their satanic rituals, indicating
servitude. If you had a normal cold and wore a mask around, your lungs will be
infected soon. Bacterial infections will occur if you wear the same mask around for 2
days, infections that can prove deadly in 2-4 days time. What happened to nations
that did not mask up everybody – so use logic, and be fearless, have research in
India itself. Its not like more the drama, more the torture, more imitating the west,
more the illogical and stressful stuff, the better the outcome.

The nations that took maximum rounds of vaccines went into a destroyed immunity
state. So don’t imitate everything peddled as “science.” “Science” once ran ads that
showed spraying DDT on kids as a good thing. There is even data indicating the
appearance and disappearance of polio is associated with toxic fertilizers.
A theory of origin of viruses say it might have to do with the species attempting to
re-engineer itself in response environment stress and toxicity. Species attempt
implies that the individual in itself needn’t have been exposed to the toxin. The virus
is a response generated by the species itself – for re-enginnering own DNA and
attempting to adapt to the new toxic environment. Viruses and exosomes have
similarities. And the phenomenon of polio virus might have had to do with the
species attempt to re-engineer itself and adapt to the new environment toxicity. So,
the use of highly artificial fertilizers, etc. ought be regulated and replaced with good
options. Same for insecticides – a bit of research will enable displacing toxic
insecticiseds. Here frequencies and other things as suggested elsewhere in this article
will allow one to go entirely organic in terms of avoiding pests. Same with filling up
the nation with 5G waves and things in hopes of a faster internet and more progress
– the big question is what is the data stream used for? What is on the internet?
Anything worthwhile? An environment filled with vibrations that can be
demonstrated as toxic in a lab environment will destroy the very possibility of joy.
So don’t run after everything that seems “ bleep bleep” tech. Stay apart from frantic
progress – soon better options would emerge. Nations that run in frenzy, run into
own disaster. Study where they failed, and go for better options. Develop and
research better options. Experiment on a network of fiberoptic cables and so on.
Which frequency spectrum is the least harmful to life etc. (There
are even other possible tech based on crystals and the zero-plane for communication
but its of a different future, and not in the domain of today’s science.) These are the
research and engineering a well educated talent in India should engage. Machinery,
AI, can all be used to ease farming – even in desert areas, support large farm lands
with ease, and so on.

Just to drive home the idea of the way the western establishment fools people: Did
they ever recommend good nutrition during the pandemic phase? Why were they
building evil quarantine centres world over? Dragging people forcefully there as we
saw in China? Necessary? Scientific? Beneficial? Remember some Scandinavian
nations didn’t even introduce social distancing. SO what science were different in
the two places? There is an evil species masquerading as human on earth with its
own exo-politic agenda and its domain of influence starts from the west. Why do
they keep on making you test for an invisible pandemic – well..only for fear and
control – 30 percent inaccuracy means testing never ends. Ventilators – another
drama -do nothing to fix damaged lungs -and are only a tool to animate muscles
that drive the lungs, if the muscles failed somehow . It had no role in any viral
pandemic damaging lung tissue as such. If the lung tissue cannot breathe – what will
a ventilator animating the muscles of the lungs (muscles which are anyway healthy),
do ?

Ventilators were used as a tool of murder to put the elderly in them and virtually
murder them in panic – a normal breathing person’s breathing rhythms altered is
panic and in the weak elderly is panic death. Masks being efficient in a normal
situation, like efficiency of ventilators, is another evil lie. In a majority of situations
now they are deadly and harmful. I point this out here to state the importance of
thinking for yourself and not obeying the evil west. WHO and everything are control
bodies for experimenting on and altering human DNA, through a forced
vaccination agenda and so on.
and with a
open to
brain for
Do not
insist on
on the
set up by
the evil
West to
serve its
Food is
and it
serve the
of the
first –
which is
ng Sea
T he best of Sea Food in Indian Oceans should

be eaten by Indians. There is no higher luxury than

good food. There is nothing you can get in return
by giving away the best food of your land to your

A number in the bank cannot buy food that is not

in the land and has been tricked away elsewhere
and eaten by enemies of the land.
Once you grow a bit of dignity
you will see the absurdity in the idea that the best
of oceanic food in India never sees India – but is
eaten by enemies of India.
What has that “ dollar” in return done to India?
What are you going to buy with it? Starve with
cheap food and a few others starve with cheap
food but in luxury cars?
That is what happens when people ignore
prosperity in front of them, blinded by greed.

I have never seen even oceanside towns in India

serve lobsters in their hotels. Ban the export of
those things – be it lobster or puffer fish . If Not,
greedy fools will continue to drain our oceans and
starve the populace of what is its rightful God-
Given Produce.
The remedy is to grow a bit of Dignity and

refuse to feed the enemy.

Have sea food exchange trade with Russia – a few
good nations. Food if exported should be replaced
with food of a similar nature and level of quality.
An analogy: If you have high quality food
growing in your home but are poor and your
family members are tired, weak, hungry, DNA
methylated from improper nourishment – will you
go sell lobsters growing in your home pond and
all the best food you have for money to the evil
fool bent on bombing all innocent nations that
begin to even grow? No – eat it yourself, study
good things, get wiser, build a well nourished and
able body, do greater things for the good of the
Serving the Nation is extremely important. Sva
Dharma. Arjuna cannot pack bags for another
nation or even to heaven and ignore own kingdom
and war. Before meditating for Pasupapthastra
Arjuna gets an offer to stay in Indraloka, Arjuna
turns it down saying it will be eternal infamy for
To sell up what is Dharmically of the Land, in
hopes of moneys is evil. How evil is to starve all
these people and malnourish them while the best
food from here goes elsewhere?

What goes out of India should be what is left

after India’s own good plenty

and Luxury. Luxury food of our
land is Luxury food for people of this Land. Does
the well off nations export the best of its food and
eat the not so good stuff? Wouldn’t it be demented
to do so ? IS that not what India is doing?

If the stream is turned inward into India, good

food will be less expensive for the masses, people’s
health improve, the more expensive stuff will find
its place in the expensive markets of India – and
thus generate profit as well for the businesses.
India is a huge unexplored market for India itself.
The resources here are untapped.

Education is fundamental for the advent of Good

farming. Is it possible to have Lobster farms –
what is the tech needed. What is the easiest way?
Can plug and play tech solutions be provided for
it? Have a streamlined education online.

Education as I have emphasized will be key for

this. If it is about a bunch of frantic fools vying for
IIT and then vying to get jobs to serve evil foreign
nations, again – the same kind of retard-ary as is
seen in the generation and export of agricultural
and dairy produce.

Make sure the education sector broadly builds the

interest in beautiful farming practices from an
early age in school. The broad and foundational
ideas can be presented in schools itself. And then
courses at the university level, are easy with the
advent of the Digital University. Again: For
Heaven’s sake: Ban glorifying the cheap IITs. IIT
things have the most demented and soulless
existence. Glorify Living a Good Life, with self
improvement and deeper study.

The banking and monetary sectors as I have

pointed out are designed to serve the evil

West. So do not try to maximize money. Try to
disassociate from it – the evil western banking
system - and maximize produce within the
country. Produce such as food can be maximized
in ways that needn’t even appear on paper such as
wild growing of food plants and so on.

Creativity, reason, boldly

pushing forward well reasoned plans,
leveraging the best of tech and practises
from across the world, focusing on Virtue,
Sva Dharma, spending time on arriving at
an easy plan – that is both great in
aspirations, and well thought out,

and a sense of
toward the
people of
own nation,
India, is the
easy path to
prosperity in this


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