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STT Contents Instructions

1 Presentation purpose Students make presentations to earn points directly added
to the midterm exam or attendance.
2 Request group formation Depending on the number of students and the lecturer’s
requirement, each group has 6-10 members.
3 How to choose a topic? - The presentation topic can be any topic related to money
and finance and related to the course contents.
- Topic MUST be specific about an event, a country, or an
organization (see presentation topics below).
- DO NOT choose general or macro topics such as:
"Overview of Vietnam's inflation situation" or "Current
situation of lending activities at commercial banks" ...
unless your group is really confident to do well, not
4 How to present? - Appreciate the CREATIVITY of students: acting,
making video clips, organizing contests such as Go
Finance / Who is a Millionaire, MC, newsletter, quiz ...
- MUST have PowerPoint slides.
5 Presentation duration 20 mins presentation + 10 minutes answering audiences’
6 How to get good grade? - All groups COMPETE with one another to get the
highest score from 0-3.
- Judge panel consists of the lecturer and representatives
of the remaining groups.
- Audience who asks 3 questions for 3 groups will also
receive their individual point (maximum 1 point).
7 What you SHOULD - Presentation must contain useful information from
DO? reputable sources.
- Speak in a way that makes your friend understand.
- Fun is good but not too fun, don’t waste class time.
8 What you SHOULD - DO NOT hold paper to read while presenting, so that no
NOT DO? one understands, no one will listen.
- DO NOT be too ridiculous on stage. Your presentation
must contain some knowledge / information.
- DO NOT set up tables and chairs on the podium and then
sit down to play the expert / CEO ... If you want to play
this role, you stand and talk :)

Course content:
Chapter 1: Course Overview Chapter 5: Commercial Bank
Chapter 2: Overview about Money & Finance Chapter 6: Central Bank
Chapter 3: Financial System & Financial Market Chapter 7: Money Supply
Chapter 4: Interest Rates Chapter 8: Monetary Policy Instruments

No. Topics
Should cryptocurrencies in general be regulated? Will this regulation beneficial
or harmful to the economy and to cryptocurrency users? Without regulating the
issuance and trading of cryptocurrencies, what will happen to the government,
1 Chapter 1,2
the economy, and to the users of cryptocurrencies? Select any country in the
world to provide examples of issuing and managing cryptocurrencies in that
country. What is the lesson learnt for Vietnam?
Should cryptocurrencies be accepted as money in circulation? If so, should
cryptocurrencies be accepted for payment of all goods? Why? Select any country
2 in the world to provide examples of using cryptocurrencies in that country. Chapter 1,2
Should Vietnam issue cryptocurrency? If yes, when and why? If not issuing
cryptocurrency, why?
Describe ways that the Chinese or Indian government uses to promote non-cash
payments in the past 5 years. What are the habits of Chinese or Indian consumers?
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-cash payments? What are the Chapter 1,2
similarities and differences between Vietnam and China or India in non-cash
payment? Should Vietnam learn from China or India at any point?
What is blockchain? What does blockchain do? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of blockchain technology? Provide specific examples of Chapter
blockchain applications in any country in the world (your choice). What about 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
the application of blockchain in Vietnam?
What is peer-to-peer lending? What is the technology used in P2P lending
platform? Why was this financial service born? What are the advantages and Chapter
disadvantages of peer-to-peer lending in Vietnam? Should we regulate this type 3,4,5,7
of service?
What is retirement saving? What are the available ways to save? What is the
difference between investment and saving? What are the ways to save in
6 Vietnam? Take examples of the services and providers for savings in Vietnam. Chapter 3,4,5
What are the advantages and disadvantages of saving? Should someone save from
the age of 20s or not? Do we need a pension or not?
What sectors of the economy should be invested during the economic crisis? Why
investing in that area, not others? Illustrate the expected income expressed in
7 Chapter 3,4,5
terms of % or interest rates of the various forms of investment in the current
period. Choose a country of your choice as a context for a specific presentation.
Who is Vingroup? What industries and areas do Vingroup operate? Which of
8 Chapter 3,4
their field is the most successful? What are the ways that Vingroup has used to
raise capital and what are the results? Were they successful? Give examples of
Vingroup’s specific financing activities. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of raising large capital (at the same time)?
What is state divestment? Please choose a specific state-owned enterprise in
9 Vietnam to present the divestment method as well as the pros and cons of state Chapter 3,4,7
divestment. Is Vietnam divesting capital properly?
What is black credit? Give example of 01 type of black credit and analyze how it
works. Is black credit good or bad? Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Chapter
black credit? Does the economy need black credit or not? What is the measure to 3,4,5,7
combat the negativity in black credit activities?
What is the 2007 financial crisis in the US? How did that happen (briefly)? What
11 are the causes and harms of the financial crisis to the US economy and to
Vietnam? Is the world going to face another economic crisis soon, why?
Should there be interest rate liberalization or not, ie. financial institutions set their
own interest rates for customers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
interest rate liberalization? Analyze and comment on Fintech companies (eg peer-
12 Chapter 5,7
to-peer lending) that are gradually following the trend of interest liberalization.
Why can they do that? Should financial institutions be allowed to determine their
interest rate or not?
Learn, list and analyze the causes of a number of frauds that occurred in
commercial banks in Vietnam in the last 5 years. What are the harms of bank
13 frauds to consumers and overall economy? Should we continue using banking Chapter 5,7
services? As an intelligent consumer, what will you do to avoid risks when using
financial services such as deposits and loans?
Learn, list and analyze the causes of Vietnamese banks almost going bankrupt in
recent years. What is the harm of the above event? What is the solution of the
14 State Bank of Vietnam and the competent authority for bankrupt banks? Should Chapter 5,7
banks be allowed to go bankrupt or not? Will banks still play an important role
in Vietnam's economy today? Why?
What is remarkable about Vietnam's state budget in 2017 and 2018 (how much
are revenue and expenditure, what are the main categories of revenues and
expenditures, and what are the highlight events related to state budget that
15 Chapter 6,7,8
happened in these 2 years)? Is the state budget always positive? Provide evidence
of some countries’ state budgets to compare with Vietnam. If the state budget is
in deficit, what is the indirect impact of this on your family life and yourself?
Please briefly describe what happed and reasons why Argentina has fallen into a
state of continuous loan default over the years? Analyze period from 2000 to
16 present. What is the impact of this event on the economy and the people of Chapter 6,7,8
Argentina? Why is insolvency still going on and what are the specific reasonable
remedies to save Argentina?
Please briefly describe the developments and causes of hyperinflation
17 Chapter 6,7,8
phenomenon in the country of Zimbabwe. What is the impact of this event on the
economy and the people of Zimbabwe? Why is hyperinflation still going on and
what are reasonable and concrete remedy for Zimbabwe? Can Vietnam have
hyperinflation? Why?
Please briefly describe the evolution and causes of hyperinflation phenomenon in
the country of Venezuela. What is the impact of this event on the economy and
18 the people of Venezuela? Why is hyperinflation still going on and what are the Chapter 6,7,8
specific and reasonable remedy for Venezuela? Can Vietnam have
hyperinflation? Why?
Please briefly describe the timelines and the reasons why the Greek nation
defaulted? When a country goes bankrupt, what does it mean? Who will pay the
19 Chapter 1,2
debt? Greece's roadmap to repay debt like? Is the country doing well or not
making its commitments? What is the lesson?
As a student, What investment channels can your group recommend for young
people, especially students? Please state the benefits - limitations of those
20 investment channels? Please specify the amount of investment as well as the Chapter 1,2
expected profit from that investment? In general, let's play as a financial advisor
to give the most specific and complete advice for the whole class.

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