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NLW Ckk 51A1L



Lva|uat|ng the transparency of grassroots |obby|ng advert|sements by
New ork 5tate's most powerfu| |nterest groups

1199/SLlu & Cn?PA PealLhcare LducaLlon ro[ecL
Alllance for a PealLhler new ?ork
Alllance for CuallLv LducaLlon
Amerlcan 8everaae AssoclaLlon
1he 8uslness Councll of new ?ork SLaLe
Clvll Servlce Lmplovees AssoclaLlon
CommlLLee Lo Save new ?ork
LducaLlon 8eform now
new ?orkers for llscal lalrness
new ?ork SLaLe unlLed 1eachers (n?Su1)
ubllc Lmplovees lederaLlon
SLrona Lconomv for All CoallLlon
unlLed lederaLlon of 1eachers
unlLed unlverslLv rofesslons
unshackle upsLaLe

lor more lnformaLlon, please conLacL 8rlan aul
8esearch & ollcv CoordlnaLor aL Common Cause/n?
212-691-6421 x206 or bpaulcommoncause.ora

(lor deLalls on each oraanlzaLlon, lLs adverLlsemenLs, and lLs arade, please conLlnue readlna Lhe reporL below)

UNI1LD UNIVLk5I1 kCIL55ICN5: 90/100 = A-

1nL 8U5INL55 CCUNCIL CI NLW Ckk 51A1L: 90/100 = A-


U8LIC LMLCLL5 ILDLkA1ICN: 80/100 = 8-

NLW Ckk 51A1L UNI1LD 1LACnLk5 (N5U1): 75/100 = C

1199/5LIU & GNnA nLAL1nCAkL LDUCA1ICN kCILC1: 70/100 = C-

UNI1LD ILDLkA1ICN CI 1LACnLk5: 70/100 = C-


ALLIANCL ICk A nLAL1nILk NLW Ckk: 50/100 = I

LDUCA1ICN kLICkM NCW: 50/100 = I

NLW CkkLk5 ICk II5CAL IAIkNL55: 50/100 = I


UN5nACkLL U51A1L: 45/100 = I

CCMMI11LL 1C 5AVL NLW Ckk: 40/100 = I



1he followlna reporL card ls a supplemenL Lo Common Cause/n?'s new research publlcaLlon, lll1lNC
1n vll. whlch descrlbes Lhe arowlna volume and slanlflcance of pollLlcal advocacv adverLlslna ln new
?ork SLaLe.
SLaLewlde spendlna on pollLlcal advocacv adverLlslna has exploded ln recenL vears as lnLeresL aroups
have waaed mulLl-mllllon dollar campalans Lo lnfluence sLaLe lealslaLlon, budaeL cuLs, and Lax pollcv.
8ecause new ?ork lacks clear reaulaLlons on dlsclosures for pollLlcal adverLlslna occurrlna ouLslde of
elecLlon season, levels of dlsclosure and Lransparencv varv wldelv.
1he lnLeresL aroups behlnd Lhese campalans have lncreaslnalv used Lhlrd-parLv coallLlons such as 1he
CommlLLee Lo Save new ?ork," new ?orkers for llscal lalrness," and unshackle upsLaLe," Lo broadcasL
Lhelr messaaes. uslna a Lhlrd-parLv coallLlon allows lnLeresL aroups Lo avold dlscloslna Lhe names of Lhe
oraanlzaLlons, buslnesses, and/or lndlvlduals LhaL are beneflLlna from Lhe adverLlsemenL.
1he lnLeresL aroups lncluded ln Lhls reporL card were ldenLlfled Lhrouah research of newspaper/bloa
coveraae of new ?ork SLaLe pollLlcs and Lhe annual reporLs on new ?ork SLaLe lobbvlna lssued bv Lhe
Commlsslon on ubllc lnLearlLv. AdverLlslna spendlna flaures were drawn from deLalled revlew of Lhe
lLemlzed expendlLures for each oraanlzaLlon as llsLed on bl-annual and bl-monLhlv lobbvlna reporLs flled
wlLh Lhe Commlsslon on ubllc lnLearlLv. 1he lnLeresL aroups lncluded ln Lhls reporL card are noL
lnLended Lo represenL a full llsL of everv oraanlzaLlon LhaL has enaaaed ln pollLlcal advocacv adverLlslna
ln new ?ork SLaLe, buL were selecLed as a sample of Lhe Lrends revealed bv Lhls analvsls.
1hls reporL card hlahllahLs Lhe wlde ranae of dlsclosure and Lransparencv ln new ?ork pollLlcal advocacv
adverLlslna bv evaluaLlna and aradlna each lnLeresL aroup on a scale of 0-100 based on Lhe followlna
- Are the funders of the advert|sement c|ear|y |dent|f|ed and not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd
party name?
o Up to 30 po|nts
- At the end of ad, |s the d|sc|osure of the organ|zat|on's name at |east equa||y prom|nent to
any other organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed/announced?
o Up to 25 po|nts
- Is the organ|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s)?: 20/25
o Up to 25 po|nts
- Does the advert|sement d|sp|ay/announce the fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of an
o Up to 10 po|nts
- Does the advert|sement d|sc|ose the organ|zat|on's name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of
the advert|sement?
o Up to 10 po|nts
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 90/100 = A-

- unlon of SLaLe unlverslLv of new ?ork (Sun?) faculLv
and sLaff.
- AfflllaLed wlLh new ?ork SLaLe unlLed 1eachers

2011 campa|gn aga|nst cuts to 5UN/CUN - beg|nn|ng of ad:

2011 campa|gn aga|nst cuts to 5UN/CUN - conc|us|on of ad:


ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 608,339
2006 $ 469,129
2007 $ 439,246
2008 $ 736,224
2009 $ 896,338
2010 $ 383,000
Ian-Apr 2011 $ 617,143
UNI1LD UNIVLk5I1 kCIL55ICN5 (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 90/100 = A-

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 30/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 20/25
o AlLhouah uNl1u uNlvk5l1) lkOl55lON5. lnllll n. 5Ml1n. lk5luN1" ls
clearlv dlsplaved, CO 1O 5Av5uN).OkC ls more promlnenL.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 20/25
o unlLed unlverslLv rofesslons ls larae and clear aL Lhe homepaae aL
o AL Lhe Save Sunv" campalan slLe (hLLp://www.savesunv.ora/)
5Av 5uN). 1nlNk AnAu. lNv51 lN nlCnk u ls aL Lhe Lop banner wlLh lAlu
lOk 8) uNl1u uNlvk5l1) lkOl55lON5 ln verv small fonL aL Lhe boLLom.
- D|sp|ays fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 10/10
o unlLed unlverslLv rofesslons ls Lhe onlv oraanlzaLlon ln Lhls sLudv LhaL dlscloses aL
Lhe bealnnlna of Lhe adverLlsemenL ln addlLlon Lo Lhe requlred dlsclosure aL Lhe end.

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 90/100 = A-

- lounded ln 1980, Lhe laraesL sLaLewlde buslness
lobbv ln new ?ork, composed of Lhousands of
corporaLlons, small buslnesses, local chambers of
commerce, and Lrade oraanlzaLlons.
- SLaLed mlsslon ls Lo serve as an advocaLe for
emplovers ln Lhe sLaLe pollLlcal and pollcv-maklna
arena, worklna for a healLhler buslness cllmaLe,
economlc arowLh, and [obs."

May 2011 - kad|o ad |n support of statew|de property tax cap
Conc|udes w|th "4 M5546 lkOM 1n 8u5lN55 cOuNclL Ol Nw YOkk 5141,
wOkklN6 1O ck41 cONOMlc 6kOw1n, 6OOu lO85, 4Nu 51kON6 cOMMuNl1l5"


Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 30/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
o Clear dlsclosure LhaL ads are sponsored bv 1he 8uslness Councll of new ?ork SLaLe"
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 25/25
o 1he 8uslness Councll" wlLh an n? SLaLe loao ls clearlv dlsplaved aL Lhe Lop banner.
o lull alphabeLlzed llsL of members avallable bv cllcklna on Members & Membershlp"
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 9,000
2008 $ 36,773
2009 $ 2,400
2010 $ 0
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 9,000
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 85/100 = 8

- new ?ork SLaLe's laraesL sLaLe emplovee unlon.
- 8epresenLs 66,000 + new ?ork SLaLe and local
aovernmenL emplovees
- AfflllaLed wlLh AlSCML - Lhe Amerlcan lederaLlon
of SLaLe, CounLv, and Munlclpal Lmplovees
- CfLen collaboraLes on campalans wlLh ubllc
Lmplovees lederaLlon.

2009 ad w|th ub||c Lmp|oyees Iederat|on aga|nst Gov. aterson's cuts


5pr|ng 2010 ad "New ork's Lead|ng Un|on"

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 138,933
2006 $ 323,900
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 314,709
2009 $ 723,741
2010 $ 272,389
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 0
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 85/100 = 8

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 30/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
o Clear dlsclosure LhaL ads are sponsored bv and ln supporL of CSLA" and Ll
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 25/25
o c5A. Nw )Okk5 lAulNC uNlON promlnenL aL Lop banner of homepaae
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 5/10
o Acronvm CSLA" ls dlsplaved lnsLead of Clvll Servlce Lmplovees AssoclaLlon" buL
Lhe oraanlzaLlon's presldenL and Lhe facL LhaL CSLA" ls a unlon ls clearlv dlsclosed.
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

NLW Ckk 51A1L UNI1LD 1LACnLk5 (N5U1)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 75/100 = C

- new ?ork's sLaLewlde Leachers unlon wlLh over
600,000 members.
- new ?ork ClLv's unlLed lederaLlon of 1eachers and
Lhe unlLed unlverslLv rofesslons unlon of Sun? and
Cun? faculLv and sLaff are afflllaLes.
- Cver $17.3 mllllon ln LoLal lobbvlna expendlLures
slnce 2003, one of Albanv's blaaesL spenders.
- Ma[or lncrease ln adverLlslna slnce 2008

2008 ad campa|gn aga|nst the property tax cap


2011 ad |n support of the m||||ona|re's tax and aga|nst educat|on cuts

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 132,876
2006 $ 338,919
2007 $ 233,092
2008 $ 1,131,336
2009 $ 1,791,223
2010 $ 3,189,926
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 1,217,397
NLW Ckk 51A1L UNI1LD 1LACnLk5 (N5U1) (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 75/100 = C

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name : 30/30
o lAlu lOk 8) Nw )Okk 51A1 uNl1u 1Acnk5 ls clearlv dlsplaved aL Lhe end
of each adverLlsemenL.
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 10/25
o "Advanclna Lxcellence. n?Su1: A unlon of rofesslonals" appears aL Lhe Lop banner. 1he
facL LhaL n?Su1 sLands for new ?ork SLaLe unlLed 1eachers," a Leachers unlon wlLh
600,000 members, ls onlv revealed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe paae ln small fonL.
o ln lebruarv 2011, n?Su1 launched a campalan webslLe called 8ad Cap ClLv news"

(hLLp://badcapclLvnews.ora/) Lo hlahllahL Lhe poLenLlal neaaLlve consequences of a
properLv Lax cap. 1here ls no dlsclosure on Lhls webslLe LhaL Lhe slLe ls pald for bv
- D|sp|ays fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
o CraanlzaLlonal loao, whlch ls an acronvm, ls dlsplaved alonaslde a clear dlsclosure aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe ads.
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

1he new ?ork 1lmes reporLed Lhe connecLlon beLween n?Su1 and Lhe 8ad Cap ClLv news" slLe aL
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 80/100 = 8-

- new ?ork's second laraesL sLaLe emplovee unlon
- 8epresenLs 36,000 + sLaLe emplovees ln mosLlv
whlLe collar Lechnlcal [obs.
- CfLen collaboraLes on campalans wlLh Clvll Servlce
Lmplovees unlon.

2008 ad aga|nst serv|ce cuts.


Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party coa||t|on name: 30/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
o Clear dlsclosure LhaL ads sponsored bv and ln supporL of ll
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 25/25
o Nw )Okk 51A1 lu8llc MllO)5 lukA1lON ls larae and clear aL Lhe Lop
banner (hLLp://www.pef.ora/home)
- D|sp|ays fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 0/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

Ll reporLs lLemlzed expendlLures onlv on lLs bl-annual lobbvlna reporLs, whlch wlll noL be avallable unLll !ulv 2011.
ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 1,142,300
2006 $ 777,327
2007 $ 128,693
2008 $ 93,112
2009 $ 430,270
2010 $ 724,707
Ian-Apr 2011 n/A

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 70/100 = C-

- lounded ln 1999, a lobbvlna parLnershlp of Lhe
1199/SLlu healLhcare workers unlon and Lhe sLaLe
oraanlzaLlon of hosplLal owners, Lhe CreaLer new
?ork PosplLal AssoclaLlon.
- Cne of Lhe mosL powerful and well-flnanced lobbvlna
oraanlzaLlons ln new ?ork SLaLe, lL has spenL over
$36 mllllon on lobbvlna slnce 2003-more Lhan Lhe
Lhree ma[or Leachers' unlons comblned (n?Su1, ul1,
& uu).

2007 ad campa|gn aga|nst Governor 5p|tzer's cuts (no d|sc|osure of 1199 5LIU or GNnA)


2009 ad campa|gns aga|nst Governor aterson's hea|thcare budget cuts (|mproved d|sc|osure)

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 2,846,433
2006 $ 2,926,399
2007 $ 9,219,323
2008 $ 1,183,362
2009 $ 2,818,939
2010 $ 3,204,228
Ian-Apr 2011 $ 0
1199/5LIU & GNnA nLAL1nCAkL LDUCA1ICN kCILC1 (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 70/100 = C-

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 25/30
o lor 2007 and earller, dlsclosures aL Lhe end of Lhe ads are lAlu lOk 8) 1n
nAl1ncAk uucA1lON lkOIc1. wlLh no dlsclosure of 1199/SLlu or Cn?PA as
funders, buL Lhls has slnce been correcLed.
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of the organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any
other organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
o lAlu lOk 8) 1199 5lu & CN)nA nAl1ncAk uucA1lON lkOIc1 ls clear and
Lhe onlv oraanlzaLlonal name dlsplaved aL Lhe concluslon of ads.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 20/25
o AL oraanlzaLlon homepaae, Lop banner reads healLhcare educaLlon pro[ecL"
wlLhouL llsLlna 1199 SLlu & Cn?PA, whlch are aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe homepaae ln
much smaller fonL (hLLp://www.healLhcareeducaLlonpro[ecL.ora/)
- D|sp|ays fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 0/10
o SLlu" and Cn?PA" mav be confuslna Lo Lhe averaae vlewer, spelllna ouL Lhe full
name of Lhe oraanlzaLlons would help lmprove Lransparencv.
- D|sc|oses at both the beg|nn|ng and conc|us|on of the ad: 0/10
o ulscloses onlv aL Lhe end of adverLlsemenLs.

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 70/100 = C-

- new ?ork ClLv Leachers' unlon wlLh over 200,000
members, afflllaLe of n?Su1.
- ul1 does noL dlrecLlv reporL lLs adverLlslna
expendlLures on sLaLe lobbvlna dlsclosures.
- Lnaaaed ln an adverLlslna war wlLh Mavor
8loombera and LducaLlon 8eform now ln 2010-
2011 over Lhe lssue of lasL ln, flrsL ouL" Leacher

2010 - 2011 ads on the |ssue of "|ast |n, f|rst out" and educat|on budget cuts


ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 n/A
2006 n/A
2007 n/A
2008 n/A
2009 n/A
2010 n/A
Ian- Apr 2011 n/A
UNI1LD ILDLkA1ICN CI 1LACnLk5 (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 70/100 = C-

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on

- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 30/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 15/25
o Some of ul1's recenL ads dlsplav Lhe campalan webslLe roLecLlnaCurklds.ora"
more promlnenLlv Lhan Lhe unlon name.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 15/25
o unlLed lederaLlon of 1eachers: A unlon of rofesslonals" ls clearlv dlsplaved aL Lhe
Lop of Lhe home webslLe (hLLp://www.ufL.ora/).
o AL Lhe home paae for Lhe "roLecLlna Cur klds" campalan, ul1 ls noL menLloned aL
all, lL ls onlv revealed LhaL Lhev are Lhe sponsor lf Lhe Who We Are" or Whv lL
MaLLers" Labs are cllcked.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 60/100 = I

- new coallLlon of unlons and proaresslve aroups
formed ln 2011.
- Members lnclude n?Su1, 1199 SLlu, Alllance for
CuallLv LducaLlon, Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork, and
new ?ork CommunlLles for Chanae amona oLhers.

2011 - kad|o ads target spec|f|c 5tate 5enators on the extens|on of the m||||ona|re's tax
Ads conc|ude w|th "P4lu lOk 8Y 1n 51kON6 cONOMY lOk 4LL cO4Ll1lON"

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on

- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 25/25
o WebslLe (hLLp://sLronaforall.ora/) clearlv dlsplavs coallLlon name aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
banner wlLh a bold Lab for 1he CoallLlon" aL Lhe upper rlahL, leadlna Lo a llsL of
sponsors wlLh descrlpLlons for each oraanlzaLlon.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 0
2009 $ 0
2010 $ 0
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 392,606
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 50/100 = I

- CollaboraLlon beLween 1199/SLlu and Cn?PA ln
supporL of Covernor aLerson's soda Lax proposal.
- Craanlzed as parL of a deal wlLh Covernor aLerson
LhaL revenues from Lhe soda Lax would be used Lo
offseL healLh care cuLs.
- Ad campalan ln !anuarv-lebruarv 2010, no oLher
spendlna slnce.

2010 - Ad |n support of Governor aterson's soda tax proposa|


Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
o no dlsclosure LhaL Lhese ads were pald for bv 1199 SLlu and Cn?PA
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 15/25
o PealLhlern?now.ora," Lhe CommlLLee's upbeaL buL amblauous webslLe address, ls
more promlnenL Lhan lAlu lOk 8) AlllANc lOk A nAl1nlk Nw )Okk.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 25/25
o WebslLe ls no lonaer avallable buL an lmaae of Lhe paae can be vlewed aL
CoallLlon name was clearlv dlsplaved aL Lhe Lop, wlLh dlsclosure of 1199 SLlu and
Cn?PA's sponsorshlp on Lhe boLLom.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10
ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 0
2009 $ 0
2010 $2,893,984
Ian-Apr 2011 $ 0
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 50/100 = I

- A 301(c)3/(c)4 non-proflL advocacv oraanlzaLlon
LhaL supporLs Lhe charLer schools, school cholce,
LesLlna, and accounLablllLv" model of school
- 8oard ls chalred bv !oel kleln, Mavor 8loombera's
former n?C Schools Chancellor.
- Ma[or adverLlslna campalan ln 2010 and 2011 ln
supporL of chanalna Lhe lasL ln, flrsL ouL" Leacher
senlorlLv pollcv.

2010 - Ads aga|nst the "|ast |n, f|rst out" teacher sen|or|ty



LducaLlon 8eform now reporLs lLemlzed expendlLures onlv on lLs bl-annual lobbvlna reporLs, whlch wlll noL be avallable unLll
!ulv 2011.
ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 30,000
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 0
2009 $ 0
2010 $ 3,982,699
Ian- Apr 2011 n/A

LDUCA1ICN kLICkM NCW (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 50/100 = I

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 15/30
o 1hese adverLlsemenLs obscure Lhe facL LhaL LducaLlon 8eform now ls funded bv
charLer schools and Lhose wlLh a vesLed lnLeresL ln Lhelr arowLh.
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of the organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any
other organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 15/25
o ln some of Lhe ads, keepCreaL1eachers.ora," a separaLe campalan webslLe, ls more
promlnenL Lhan lAlu lOk 8) uucA1lON klOkM NOw
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 10/25
o AL oraanlzaLlon homepaae (hLLp://www.edreformnow.ora/), LducaLlon 8eform
now" loao ls clearlv dlsplaved. LlsL of board members ls avallable Lhrouah Lhe
AbouL us" Lab buL oLher ma[or funders are noL llsLed. AL Lhe keep CreaL 1eachers"
campalan slLe, LducaLlon 8eform now" ls aL Lhe verv boLLom of Lhe paae ln flne
- D|sp|ays fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses at both the beg|nn|ng and conc|us|on of the ad: 0/10
o ulscloses onlv aL Lhe end of adverLlsemenLs.

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 50/100 = I

- CoallLlon of labor unlons and proaresslve aroups
wlLh ma[or fundlna from n?Su1, Ll, and CSLA.
- Pas been adverLlslna ln supporL of proaresslve
LaxaLlon slnce 2003.

2008 - kad|o ad |n support of the m||||ona|re's tax,
Conc|udes w|th "P4lu lOk 8Y Nw YOkkk5 lOk ll5c4L l4lkN55"

2011 - kad|o ad |n support of the m||||ona|re's tax
Conc|udes w|th "4 M5546 lkOM NwYOkkk5 lOk ll5c4L l4lkN55"

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on

- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
o Clear dlsclosure LhaL ads are sponsored bv new ?orkers for llscal lalrness"
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 15/25
o WebslLe (hLLp://www.abeLLercholcefornv.ora/) currenLlv has Crowlna 1oaeLher n?:
A 8eLLer Cholce for new ?ork" as Lhe Lop banner, wlLh new ?orkers lor llscal
lalrness" loao and lnfo onlv aL Lhe boLLom.
o lull llsL of sLeerlna commlLLee members" and aroups slaned onLo campalan"
avallable bv cllcklna on supporLers" Lab of Lop banner.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 366,471
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 313,713
2009 $ 188,968
2010 $ 800,044
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 98,073
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 45/100 = I
- naLlonwlde Lrade oraanlzaLlon for Lhe non-
alcohollc beveraae lndusLrv, founded ln 1918 as
1he Amerlcan 8oLLlers of CarbonaLed 8everaaes."
- SpenL almosL $13 mllllon on an adverLlslna
campalan deslaned bv Coddard Claussen (flrm
famous for 1990's anLl-healLh care reform Parrv
and Loulse" ads) aaalnsL Covernor aLerson's
proposed soda Lax.
- Craanlzed and adverLlsed Lhrouah a aroup called
new ?orkers AaalnsL unfalr 1axes"

2010 - Ad aga|nst Governor aterson's proposed soda tax

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 15/30
o Amerlcan 8everaae AssoclaLlon dlscloses on Lhe ads buL also uses Lhe new ?orkers
AaalnsL unfalr 1axes" name.
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 10/25
o Nw )Okkk5 ACAlN51 uNlAlk 1Ak5" ls much more promlnenL Lhan lAlu lOk
8) 1n AMklcAN 8vkAC A55OclA1lON.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 10/25
o WebslLe (hLLp:// for new ?orkers AaalnsL unfalr 1axes
dlsplavs Lhe name clearlv and has a full llsL of sponsors buL does noL reveal LhaL
Amerlcan 8everaae AssoclaLlon ls pavlna for Lhe campalan.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10
ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 0
2009 $373,174
2010 $12,336,119
Ian-Apr 2011 $ 0
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 45/100 = I

- Campalan Lo lmprove Lhe buslness cllmaLe
Lhrouah reducLlons ln Laxes and reaulaLlons.
- Sponsored bv upsLaLe buslness oraanlzaLlons
lncludlna Lhe 8uffalo-nlaaara arLnershlp and
8ochesLer 8uslness Alllance.
- Soclal medla, local arassrooLs adverLlslna (e.a.
blllboards), and radlo ads.

* Lxpenses reporLed Lhrouah 8uffalo-nlaaara
arLnershlp's flllnas unLll 2009, when Lhe
campalan realsLered lndependenLlv

2009-2011 - on||ne advert|sements and ou1ube v|deos use the fo||ow|ng |ogos to d|sc|ose


2009 - kad|o ad aga|nst N 5tate budget tax |ncreases
Conc|udes w|th "ll6n1 84ck 41 uN5n4ckLuP5141.cOM"

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng*
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 21,719
2007 $ 193,748
2008 $ 107,000
2009 $ 19,460
2010 $ 86,739
Ian-Apr 2011 $ 1,920
UN5nACkLL U51A1L (cont|nued)
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 45/100 = I

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on

- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 20/25
o Ads dlsclose wlLh some varlaLlon of vlslL" - whlch makes lL
unclear LhaL unshackle upsLaLe" ls Lhe name of a coallLlon LhaL ls pavlna for Lhe
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 15/25
o WebslLe (hLLp:// clearlv dlsplavs coallLlon name aL Lhe
Lop of Lhe banner wlLh a Lab for parLners" leadlna Lo a full llsL of funders.
o 8uL vlslLors are areeLed aL Lhe homepaae bv a descrlpLlon of Lhe aroup as a
blparLlsan coallLlon of over 80 buslness and Lrade oraanlzaLlons" when ln facL Lhe
campalan ls almosL compleLelv comprlsed of buslness lobbles and chambers of
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 40/100 = I

- CoallLlon of ma[or buslness lobbles and
corporaLlons lncludlna Lhe 8uslness Councll of n?
SLaLe, arLnershlp for n?C, and 8eal LsLaLe 8oard
of new ?ork, and 1lshman-Spever roperLles.
- Craanlzed aL Covernor Andrew Cuomo's uralna Lo
help counLer Lhe lnfluence of n? SLaLe unlons.
- new ?ork's blaaesL adverLlslna spender ln !an-leb

2011 - Mu|t|p|e ads |n support of Governor Cuomo's budget proposa|s
(ba|ance the budget w|thout extend|ng the m||||ona|re's tax or any other new taxes)


Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on
- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 15/25
o LeLsllxAlbanv.ora," Lhe CommlLLee's upbeaL buL amblauous webslLe address, ls
more promlnenL Lhan lAlu lOk 8) 1n cOMMl11 1O 5Av Nw )Okk. lNc.
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 15/25
o WebslLe (hLLp://www.leLsflxalbanv.ora/home) clearlv dlsplavs coallLlon name aL Lhe
Lop wlLh Lab for board members" and parLner oraanlzaLlons" leadlna Lo llsLs of
o 8uL Lhe A8Cu1 uS" Lab sLaLes We are clLlzens and Laxpavers who care deeplv
abouL Lhe fuLure of new ?ork SLaLe as a areaL place Lo llve, work and do buslness,"
wlLhouL explalnlna LhaL Lhe campalan ls oraanlzed and sponsored bv Lhe laraesL
buslness lobbles ln Lhe sLaLe.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10
ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 0
2008 $ 0
2009 $ 0
2010 $ 0
Ian-Apr 2011 $3,427,348
ADVLk1I5ING DI5CLC5UkL GkADL: 35/100 = I

- lounded ln 2000, ACL ls a coallLlon of 230
oraanlzaLlons ln supporL of publlc educaLlon
- 8ecelves ma[or fundlna from n?Su1
- MosLlv enaaaed ln arassrooLs advocacv and base
bulldlna raLher Lhan adverLlslna
- CollaboraLed wlLh Worklna lamllles arLv ln 2008
Lo alr adverLlsemenLs aaalnsL Cov. aLerson's Lax
cap proposal.

2008 - Ad aga|nst Gov. aterson's property tax proposa|
V|deo no |onger ava||ab|e on the |nternet but scr|pt of the ad ava||ab|e at

vetvooe ootees ptopettv toxes ote o ptoblem.
8ot Covetoot uovlJ lotetsoo's tox cop olmmlck ls tbe wtooo ooswet.
1bev ttleJ tbls scbeme lo collfotolo. llllools ooJ Mossocbosetts. 1be cooseooeoces wete
Jevostotloo. Jocotloo cots. OvetctowJeJ closstooms. 1eocbets flteJ. lotetsoo's ploo woo't
eveo cot ptopettv toxes.
1ell uovlJ lotetsoo bottloo scbools ls tbe wtooo ooswet.
(Oo scteeo. 1ell Covetoot lotetsoo. uoo't nott Oot 5cbool klJs. 888-202-7277.
lolJ fot bv wotkloo lomllles lottv ooJ Alllooce fot Ooolltv Jocotloo)

Grad|ng Lxp|anat|on

- Iunders are not h|dden beh|nd a th|rd party name: 0/30
- At end of ad, d|sc|osure of organ|zat|on's name |s at |east equa||y prom|nent to any other
organ|zat|ona| names or webs|te addresses d|sp|ayed or announced: 25/25
- Crgan|zat|on's fu|| name, and partners/funders (|f a th|rd-party organ|zat|on) are c|ear|y
ava||ab|e on organ|zat|on's webs|te(s): 0/25
o WebslLe (hLLp://www.aqenv.ora/) does noL provlde access Lo a llsL of Lhe 230
parLner oraanlzaLlons or Lo a llsL of funders.
- D|sp|ays/announces fu|| organ|zat|on name |nstead of acronym: 10/10
- D|sc|oses organ|zat|on name at both the beg|nn|ng and end of the ad: 0/10

ear Advert|s|ng 5pend|ng
2005 $ 0
2006 $ 0
2007 $ 0
2008 $730,000
2009 $ 0
2010 $ 0
Ian- Apr 2011 $ 0

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