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Question set 1:

Where was this text published? (in a peer- reviewed academic journal or a
non-academic source?)
The reading “A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on
Teaching and Learning” must have been published in an academic and peer-
reviewed source because it has an abstract that can help the readers catch the
main ideas of the impacts, challenges, and opportunities of the Covid-19
pandemic in such a long academic article easily. It has quite many technical
terms and is long but a logical and coherent combination of simple, compound,
and complex sentences and reasonable and well-developed paragraphs with
clear main ideas and sufficient supporting evidence such as complex statistical
analysis and reasonable quotations from published sources. The article has also
been enclosed with a quite long list of references which are from diverse but
reliable, updated, and peer-reviewed sources of the Covid-19 pandemic and E-
When was this text published? Is the text up-to-date or outdated?
The text is up-to-date because it was published online on 19 January 2021.

Question set 2:
Who is the author of the reading text? What are his/her credentials,
profession and educational background?
The author of the reading text is Sumitra Pokhrel and Roshan Chhetri.
Sumitra Pokhrel’s educational background is in Phuentsholing Higher
Secondary School, Ministry of Education, Phuentsholing, Bhutan. Roshan
Chhetri’s background is in the Department of Electrical Engineering, College of
Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Phuentsholing, Bhutan.
The authors are experts in research in areas related to learning. They all have
great expertise in learning and problems that affect learning.
Is the text biased or objective? (Does it present one-sided arguments or a
balanced view?)
The reading “A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on
Teaching and Learning” is quite objective because the author has given an
objective view of the covid pandemic. The author points out the strong negative
impacts of the covid pandemic on the education sector. They pose challenges
for both students and teachers when learning is delayed for long periods of time.
However, the author also mentioned that the Covid-19 pandemic has paved the
way for E-education, applying the internet to teaching.

Question 3:
Who was the text written for? (general audience or academic audience?)
The text was written for the academic audience because it has a technical,
specialized vocabulary that is only for those who specialize in this field.
Why did the author write the text? (to contribute knowledge about the
topic, to convince/ entertain/ warn the audience, to give advice, advertise a
product/service, or report information?)
The author wrote this text to make a contribution to their field and to add to the
bank of knowledge available on how the Covid 19 affected teaching and

Question 4:
Does the author present or imply his/her opinion about the topic in the
text? What is his or her opinion?

Does the text present a convincing argument or reliable information about

its topic? (Briefly explain why it)
The text does present a compelling argument and reliable information about its
topic because the author conducted all of the information from trustworthy
sources which the person and organization have specialized in the economic
field. Not only that, the information is still relevant because almost all of the
research dates are in the range 2020, so it can not be outdated information.

Question 5:
Has the author done empirical research about the topic? (YES or NO?)
No, the authors have not done empirical research about the topic. The authors
use information from available reliable sources.
Do the author use such types of evidence as anecdotes, visual items,
statistics, quotations to support his/her points? Is the evidence convincing
and effectively used?
If there is no evidence, how are the author’s points supported?
The authors use statistics to support their points. For example: “The COVID-19
pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human
history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries.”,
“Closures of schools, institutions and other learning spaces have impacted
more than 94% of the world’s student population. This has brought far-
reaching changes in all aspects of our lives.”, “More than 170,000 children in
Bhutan from classes PP–XII are, today, affected by the school closure.”, “As of
July 2020, 98.6% of learners worldwide were affected by the pandemic,
representing 1.725 billion children and youth, from pre-primary to higher
education, in 200 countries (United Nations, 2020).”
The pieces of evidence are convincing and effectively used because they are
taken from academic and reliable research.

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